PhD in Political Science reduction. PhD in Agricultural Sciences

"PhD" - academic degree. It has existed in Russia and the CIS countries since the days of the Soviet Union - since 1934. This is an intermediate step on the scientific path from master to doctor of science and is awarded to the applicant who:

  • has higher education;
  • passed all candidate exams;
  • made a number of researches on the subject;
  • presented and proved the novelty and practical value of scientific ideas;
  • passed the procedure in accordance with the requirements established by law.

The Russian academic degree "PhD" is an analogue of the Western PhD (read as pi-h-di). PhD - Doctor of Philosophy. However, in essence, it is not identical to a degree in Russia. The latter implies an even higher level of results.

The degree "candidate of science" is differentiated depending on the specialty in which the applicant can defend his work. In Russia, there are 23 branches of awarding such titles. For example: candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, candidate of philological sciences. But there are a lot of specialties. One can be a candidate of legal, veterinary, biological, military, geological and mineralogical, geographical, historical, pedagogical, political, medical, psychological, sociological, technical, pharmaceutical, philosophical, agricultural, chemical, economic sciences. In addition, there is such a title as a candidate of architecture, art criticism, cultural studies.

The degree "PhD" should not be confused with the Western interpretation mentioned above - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Walking along the scientific path, the applicant must understand the goal for which he is ready to go through many difficult stages to obtain the PhD degree. It should be understood that this title is not a guarantee of great material wealth in the future. At least the return will not be fast. Initially, this is an increase of about 10-15% of the salary. It is appropriate and really significant in the future at the university, participation in the competition for the scientific titles of associate professor or professor, work at the department.

Writing a dissertation is a complex, painstaking, multi-stage process. First of all, it is necessary to create a new, original intellectual product - the result of scientific activity. The next step is to organize the process of protection. It usually involves a lot of people: a supervisor, opponents, experts, reviewers, editors, consultants, etc. It is important to note that having made the decision to engage in science, one must be prepared to some extent for material investments. In no case is it about buying and not independently performing specific stages of work.

However, often real large-scale studies that would bring real benefits and have practical significance require certain resources. For example, conducting experiments, experiments, by its very methodology, can be costly.

It's no secret that the organizational issues associated with the measures of the defense itself, especially in the final period, may also require some financial investments. However, everything here is very individual, depending on the established traditions of the university, the council, and the circumstances.

Doctor of Biological Sciences - Dr. Biol. Sciences
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Dr. Veterinarian. Sciences
doctor of military sciences - doctor of military. Sciences
Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Dr. Geogr. Sciences
doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences - doctor of geol.-mineral. Sciences
doctor of art history - doctor of art history
Doctor of Historical Sciences - Dr. ist. Sciences
Doctor of Cultural Studies - Doctor of Cultural Studies
Doctor of Medical Sciences - Dr. med. Sciences
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Dr. Ped. Sciences
Doctor of Political Science - Dr. Polit. Sciences
Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Dr. of Psychology. Sciences
doctor of agricultural sciences - doctor of agricultural sciences Sciences
doctor of sociological sciences - doctor of sociology. Sciences
doctor of technical sciences - doctor of techn. Sciences
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Dr. Pharmacist. Sciences
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Dr. Phys.-Math. Sciences
Doctor of Philology - Dr. Philol. Sciences
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy. Sciences
Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Dr. of Chem. Sciences
doctor of economic sciences - doctor of economics. Sciences
doctor of juridical sciences - dr. jurid. Sciences
Candidate of Biological Sciences - Cand. biol. Sciences
candidate of veterinary sciences - cand. veterinarian. Sciences
candidate of military sciences - cand. military Sciences
candidate of geographical sciences - cand. geogr. Sciences
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Ph.D. geol.-mineral. Sciences
candidate of art history - cand. art history
Candidate of Historical Sciences - Ph.D. ist. Sciences
Candidate of cultural studies - Ph.D. cultural studies
Candidate of Medical Sciences - Cand. honey. Sciences
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Cand. ped. Sciences
Candidate of Political Science - Ph.D. polit. Sciences
Candidate of Psychological Sciences - Ph.D. psychol. Sciences
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Cand. s.-x. Sciences
candidate of sociological sciences - cand. sociological Sciences
candidate of technical sciences - cand. tech. Sciences
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Cand. pharmacist. Sciences
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences
candidate of philological sciences - cand. philol. Sciences
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences - Cand. philosophy Sciences
Candidate of Chemical Sciences - Cand. chem. Sciences
candidate of economic sciences - cand. economy Sciences
candidate of legal sciences - cand. legal Sciences

There are also shorter, informal abbreviations for academic degrees:

Doctor of Architectural Sciences - Doctor of Architectural Sciences;

Candidate of Architectural Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biological Sciences;

Candidate of Biological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;

candidate of veterinary sciences - Ph.D.

doctor of military sciences - doctor of military sciences;

candidate of military sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Doctor of Geographical Sciences;

Candidate of Geographical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Doctor of Geology and Mathematics;

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Ph.D.

doctor of art history - doctor of arts;

Candidate of Art History - Ph.D.

Doctor of Historical Sciences - Doctor of Historical Sciences;

Candidate of Historical Sciences - Ph.D.

doctor of medical sciences - doctor of medical sciences;

Candidate of Medical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences;

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Ph.D.

doctor of political sciences - d.pol.n.;

candidate of political sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Doctor of Psychology;

Candidate of Psychological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences;

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Sociological Sciences - Doctor of Social Sciences;

candidate of sociological sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Technical Sciences - Doctor of Technical Sciences;

candidate of technical sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Doctor of Pharmacy;

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Philology - Doctor of Philology;

candidate of philological sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy;

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Doctor of Chemistry;

Candidate of Chemical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Economic Sciences - Doctor of Economics;

Candidate of Economic Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law;

candidate of legal sciences - Ph.D.

PhD - who is it? A scientist or just an ordinary university teacher? Today this category attracts attention. First, it is prestigious to be them. Secondly, it is not easy to become one. Third, it's very interesting. What and how to do to become one.

About the etymology of the word

Candidate in literal translation from Latin means a person who applies for any position or responsible post. As a matter of fact, a candidate of sciences is also in some way a contender. He declares himself by writing a scientific work and publicly defending it in an appropriate institution.

The scientific degree of a candidate of sciences characterizes its owner from the standpoint of his qualifications. It is a confirmation of the status and certain achievements in any branch of science.

A bit about the history of the origin of the degree

Its source is the German system, which was used both in the territory of pre-revolutionary Russia and in the Soviet Union.

In Russian universities, a degree was begun to be awarded in 1819 on the basis of a unified system of approved rules. In the period up to 1917, there were two degrees: master (licentiate) and doctor of science. In those days, it was called "dignity."

From 1934 to the present day, academic degrees have been awarded in Russia and in a number of post-socialist countries.

Formal aspects

Here it should be said that obtaining such a degree as a candidate of sciences is a rather complicated process both in terms of completing a thesis, defending it, and in terms of the correct design of the study, the defense and confirmation procedures.

According to the norm of the law regulating this area, the candidate of sciences is the so-called first academic degree. What does it mean? Considering that today there are two degrees: a candidate and a doctor, this is the first step that allows you to get a scientific qualification and continue working in this area.

According to the norms of Russian legislation, the degree is awarded by a collegial body - the dissertation council. However, this is not enough. It is necessary that it be approved by the relevant state body - HAC (Higher Attestation Commission).

After that, the former graduate student receives a confirmation, and a little later a PhD diploma.

What does a degree

The opportunities that the PhD degree opens up after defending and receiving the corresponding document are mainly related to the field of science and education:

  • he can teach at the university. To be precise, the degree gives the right to lecture students;
  • after working for some time, you can get the appropriate academic title - associate professor, which can only be awarded to candidates;
  • if there is a desire to continue scientific activity, then you can enter a doctoral program and conduct further research.

You also need to know the rights of a PhD.

  1. The opportunity to take part in the competition as an applicant for the position of associate professor or head of the laboratory. If it is carried out at a research institute, then - a senior researcher.
  2. A document confirming the degree of a candidate is a fairly good reason that allows its owner not only to work on a doctoral dissertation, but also to submit it for defense. Here you should remember about the correspondence of specialties. A doctoral thesis can be defended on the basis of a Ph.D. if it is in the same branch of science.
  3. The PhD diploma entitles its holder to receive the corresponding Ph.D. degree, which is used in a number of European countries and the United States.

Obtaining an academic title

In addition to the academic degree, Russia uses another criterion for differentiating workers in the scientific and educational fields. This is the title of Candidate of Sciences - Associate Professor, which, unfortunately, is not automatically awarded. The norms of the regulation governing the conferment of academic titles establish a number of requirements.

  1. The degree of candidate of sciences and the term of work in the position of associate professor for at least 2 years. In this case, the load should be no less than a quarter (0.25) of the rate.
  2. There should be publications: educational or methodical manuals, other scientific works. It also takes into account the professional level, which is assessed by the commission that attended the open session.
  3. The experience of scientific or teaching work must be at least five years. Three years it is necessary to carry out pedagogical activity on the relevant subject of the specialty.
  4. The total number of publications must be at least 20, including patents. Over the past three years, an applicant for the position of associate professor must publish at least two textbooks and three works in the specialty indicated in the dissertation.

In addition to meeting the above requirements, the future associate professor must submit a number of documents to the academic council of the university:

  • statement;
  • characteristic signed by the head of the department;
  • a list of their scientific works, certified by signatures and seals;
  • an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department at which the recommendation was made;
  • copies of diplomas of education, candidate of sciences;
  • extracts from the work book, certificates of work experience, personal sheet with a photograph.

There may also be other documents that the Secretary of the Academic Council may require.

How to become a PhD?

This process is quite complicated and requires considerable efforts and costs from the applicant.

  1. First of all, you need to decide for yourself in which area you plan to work. At the same time, research should be carried out in the field corresponding to basic education. Otherwise, if the work was done in a related or related field, an additional specialty exam may be required.
  2. Search for a supervisor. It should be noted that this is in some way a guarantee of successful protection. The leader must have a PhD or PhD degree. Here it is desirable to find out whether he had graduate students and whether they defended themselves.
  3. Postgraduate admission. This step may be absent if the work is carried out on the basis of the competition at any department or institute.
  4. Writing a dissertation is a creative process. It may take a long time. Postgraduate studies last 3-4 years, but, unfortunately, the period of study in it may not coincide with work on a dissertation. Therefore, sometimes its writing is delayed.
  5. At the end of graduate school, candidate exams are taken. Some of them can be passed earlier, for example, the candidate minimum in philosophy and a foreign language. The last exams in the specialty.
  6. At the end of the creative search, the work, previously checked by the supervisor, is submitted for consideration by experts who are appointed by the dissertation council.
  7. After correcting errors and responding to comments, you can begin to prepare for the defense. An abstract is written, opponents are selected, as well as specialists who can give feedback on the dissertation.
  8. The defense takes place in the dissertation council. He, after listening to the report of the graduate student, answers to questions and comments of opponents, makes his verdict on awarding the degree of candidate of any science in the relevant specialty (there are 23 of them).
  9. A notification comes from the VAK that the work has been reviewed and a decision has been made to approve it.

Word " chair", often used in Russian translations to mean "department", has no such meaning, but means a managerial ("head") or professorial position at the university.

Here is the Macmillan dictionary definition: "CHAIR - the position or job of being a professor in a university - He held the Chair of Botany at Cambridge for 30 years" - Which can be translated: "He was the chief botanist at Cambridge for 30 years ").

Another example where it says that "chair" is a title ("title"): "University Research Chairs: The University of Waterloo owes much of its reputation and stature to the quality of its professors and their scholarly accomplishments. University of Waterloo recognizes exceptional achievement and pre-eminence in a particular field of knowledge through the designation "University Research Chair" - a title which may be held for up to seven years, with the possibility of a re-nomination. title will receive either a teaching reduction of one course per year or an annual stipend of $10,000, which will be allocated to the Department/School if teaching reduction is chosen. other major research chair is awarded."

The following example shows that the position of "Department Chair" roughly corresponds to the position of the head of the department: "What a Department Chair Can-and Can" t-Do: The responsibilities and limits of power for heads of college departments vary greatly. Every department at a college has one: a chair who, typically, is a faculty member in that department, assigned by the dean to manage the department."

The duties of the "Department Chair" (head of department) are described on the website of the University of Wisconsin: "Department Chair Role and Responsibilities: The chair is responsible for facilitating the operation of a department, the fundamental academic unit within the university. Description of the chair" s roles and responsibilities must be understood in the overall context of responsibility and accountability. ... The chair facilitates the management of the department. To carry out this responsibility, the chair oversees, directly or indirectly, the daily progress towards achieving teaching, research, and service goals as set out in the department's plan. With the Chair's leadership and facilitation, faculty members provide students the educational opportunity necessary to be prepared for meaningful personal and professional lives. To this end, the chair plays an important role in providing the dean/provost, through the budget and planning process, with class schedules, program plans and estimates of resources needed to carry out department functions."

Thus, all the above examples prove that "chair" in the context of higher education refers to the position or title of a person and cannot be translated into Russian as a "department".

Official abbreviations of academic degrees (according to the materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)

Academic degree


without a degree

(nothing written)

doctor of architectural sciences

Dr. of Architecture

Doctor of Biological Sciences

Dr. Biol. Sciences

doctor of veterinary sciences

dr veterinarian. Sciences

doctor of military sciences

dr. Sciences

doctor of geographical sciences

Dr. Geogr. Sciences

doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences

Dr. geol.-mineral. Sciences

doctor of art history

Doctor of Arts

Doctor of Historical Sciences

doctor of history Sciences

Doctor of Cultural Studies

Doctor of Cultural Studies

Doctor of Medical Sciences

dr med. Sciences

doctor of pedagogical sciences

dr. ped. Sciences

Doctor of Political Science

dr. polit. Sciences

Doctor of Psychology

Dr. Psychol. Sciences

doctor of agricultural sciences

Dr. S.-H. Sciences

doctor of sociological sciences

Dr. Sociology Sciences

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Dr. tech. Sciences

Doctor of Pharmacy

dr. pharmacist. Sciences

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Phys.-Math. Sciences

Doctor of Philology

dr. philol. Sciences

doctor of philosophical science

Dr. Philosophy Sciences

Doctor of Chemical Sciences

dr. chem. Sciences

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Doctor of Economics Sciences

Doctor of Law

Dr. jurid. Sciences

PhD in Architecture

cand. architecture

candidate of biological sciences

cand. biol. Sciences

candidate of veterinary sciences

cand. veterinarian. Sciences

candidate of military sciences

cand. military Sciences

candidate of geographical sciences

cand. geogr. Sciences

candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences

cand. geol.-mineral. Sciences

Ph.D. in History of Arts

cand. art criticism

Candidate of Historical Sciences

cand. history Sciences

PhD in Cultural Studies

cand. cultural studies

Candidate of Medical Sciences

cand. honey. Sciences

candidate of pedagogical sciences

cand. ped. Sciences

candidate of political sciences

cand. polit. Sciences

candidate of psychological sciences

cand. psychol. Sciences

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

cand. s.-x. Sciences

candidate of sociological sciences

cand. sociological Sciences

candidate of technical sciences

cand. tech. Sciences

candidate of pharmaceutical sciences

cand. pharmacist. Sciences

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

cand. Phys.-Math. Sciences

Candidate of Philology

cand. philol. Sciences

PhD in Philosophy

cand. philosophy Sciences

PhD in Chemistry

cand. chem. Sciences

PhD in Economics

cand. economy Sciences

PhD in Law

cand. legal Sciences

Official abbreviations of academic titles (according to the materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)

Academic title


without a degree

(nothing written)


corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

corresponding member RAS

corresponding member of RAMS

corresponding member RAMS

corresponding member of the RAAS

corresponding member RAAS

corresponding member of RAO

corresponding member RAO

academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

acad. RAS

academician of RAMS

acad. RAMS

Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

acad. RAAS

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education