Problems of implementing the personnel development strategy. Analysis and development of a personnel development strategy in an organization using the example of Adomal LLC

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature
  • Applications


The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the personnel development strategy is one of the most important components of the overall increase in production efficiency. It is possible to achieve high results only when employees have knowledge, skills and determination. An effective personnel development strategy ensures the achievement of the main strategic goal - increasing profitability and increasing the competitiveness of the company.

The fact that Russia entered the global economic system has opened up new horizons and opportunities for Russian entrepreneurs. However, fierce competition has appeared in the market, and modern companies must be ahead of the competition in order to succeed and not lose their position. It should be noted that both the internal conditions of the organization’s functioning change, for example, strategies, organizational culture, the emergence of jobs and new specialties, and external conditions (taxation system, economic policy, competitors). Thus, personnel must be carefully prepared for the constantly changing external and internal environment. Moreover, the personnel management system is constantly undergoing changes, and continuous personnel development is becoming one of the key elements of the personnel management process.

With a systematic approach to training and development of human resources, the organization receives great benefits. The fact that human capital is the most important organizational resource has been supported by many researchers in their works. However, many organizations still neglect human capital, despite the fact that people are the instruments for achieving organizational goals. This is especially noticeable in an era of economic crisis, when a large number of employers pay insufficient attention to employee training and development in order to cut costs.

An analysis of the degree of scientific development of the problem showed that the topic of personnel development research is of interest to many scientists today. Scientific works and publications of such authors as A.Ya. are devoted to the theoretical foundations of the issues under consideration. Kibanov, V.A. Karavaev, S.V. Kupriyanchuk, G.A. Bulatova, A.O. Samoilenko, T.M. Fedorenko and others. Further research on this topic will allow us to deepen theoretical research on the possibility of developing an effective personnel development strategy at enterprises in our country.

The purpose of this work is to analyze and develop a strategy for personnel development in an organization using the example of Adomal LLC.

Based on the goal, the objectives of this work are:

analyze the theoretical aspects of the personnel development strategy;

give a general description of the enterprise;

analyze the practical state of personnel development management at Adomal LLC;

develop recommendations for developing a personnel development strategy for the enterprise.

The object of the study is the personnel of Adomal LLC.

The subject of the study is a set of measures to develop a personnel development strategy at the enterprise in question.

Methods used during the research: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic, generalization of material, study of documents, observation, comparison, calculation of coefficients and others.

The information base of the work consists of the works of domestic authors devoted to the problems of management, training and personnel development, data from periodicals, scientific reports, personal observations and conclusions obtained during the research at the enterprise.

The practical significance of this study lies in the possibility of applying the results of work in the field of human resources management to solve problems of personnel development.

The structure of the course work is presented by introduction, main part, conclusion, bibliography and appendix. The theoretical chapter of the main part outlines the theoretical aspects of the personnel development strategy in the organization: the essence of the personnel development strategy in the organization is revealed, its role in the management process of the organization is shown; modern development methods are described. In the analytical chapter the state is assessed and problems related to the topic of the work are analyzed. Also, ways to develop a personnel development strategy at Adomal LLC have been identified.

1. Theoretical aspects of personnel development strategy

1.1 The essence and significance of the personnel development strategy

According to E.V. Kupriyanchuk, “a personnel development strategy is a generalized model of actions aimed at developing the skills of personnel and the level of efficiency of their work, which is necessary for an enterprise to achieve its business goals in order to increase competitiveness. This approach affects the following areas of employee management: staff numbers, personnel competencies , level of labor productivity, composition and level of compensation.

Drawing up a company's personnel development strategy is the task of management. The development and implementation of the main types of personnel development strategies will help unite the team and improve the quality of work of the entire company.

As a rule, the need to develop a personnel development strategy arises in the following situations:

when there are major changes in business strategy, when significant changes are planned in production or in working with clients.

in the presence of problems such as a high level of staff turnover or the lack of a clear structure for attracting newcomers with the necessary competencies.

during a major merger or acquisition, when transactions are impossible without a clear strategy consistent with business objectives.

when a company strives to take a leading position in the market.

If a manager wants to get positive results from personnel development, he should clearly define what parameters need to be included in development technologies and what qualities of employees should be developed.

At the same time, it is recommended to pay attention to such traits of employees as curiosity, discipline, desire to acquire new knowledge, and learning ability. These qualities are extremely important for the development of the company as a whole. It is also worthwhile, when developing a personnel development strategy, to pay attention to the teamwork of employees - after all, the overall result often depends on the effectiveness of each participant.

In various organizations, personnel development is carried out by people with varying degrees of involvement in personnel management processes. However, in all large companies, the HR department performs the personnel development function. Each scientist defines the employee development process in his own way. According to A.Ya. Kibanov, “development is an organized activity aimed at improving the competence of employees. These competencies include knowledge, skills and behavior and are of great importance for the success of the organization. The goal of development is to improve the skills of employees and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice.

V.A. Karavaev believes that “personnel development is a fundamental requirement for the existence of an organization. Individual development theories play a key role in organizational development because each employee has different problems and makes different mistakes. Thus, the development process must be built taking into account individual requirements. .A. Karavaev distinguishes two levels of development: operational and conceptual levels. The operational level of personnel development is aimed at solving the current problems of the organization. Conceptual development is aimed at ensuring that the employee learns to think and work productively. It is effective organizational development that combines the two above levels.

HE. Valkovich, K.Yu. Bulaev and A.E. Sirchenko believe that “development is associated with the acquisition of new knowledge that influences the behavior of workers. According to them, investments in human resources are necessary to develop and maintain the intellectual capital of the organization. This also increases the stock of knowledge and skills.

Human resource development is one of the most important components of the overall increase in production efficiency. An organization can achieve high results only when people have knowledge, skills and determination. Education and training of human resources must be continuous and provide the necessary professional development.

It can be argued that the prerequisites for the development of human resources are determined by the existing operating conditions of enterprises, the main ones being:

the complexity of human resource management problems in modern dynamic market conditions;

inaccuracy in legislation on payment, taxation and social protection of personnel;

the need for market entities to have highly qualified workers on staff to fulfill the strategic objectives of the enterprise, along with the need to employ the required number of workers in connection with the requirements of cost savings and minimizing losses on taxation of the use of labor.

At the present stage of development of the labor market and society, the quality of human capital is the main value and advantage in competition. An enterprise must promote the development of employees on the basis that personnel development ensures the development of the enterprise. The ability of an enterprise to learn and develop faster than its competitors is the source of its social and strategic economic advantages.

Human resource development is a multifaceted and complex concept covering a wide range of interrelated psychological, educational, social and economic problems.

Personnel development includes the following:

development, maintenance and improvement of team spirit;

personnel assessment system;

internship programs, retraining and rotation of personnel;

creation of a personnel reserve;

learning on the job;

professional trainings of various directions and types.

Thanks to development, employees are more confident in themselves and their abilities. If the gap between the required abilities and the actual capabilities of the employee is huge, employees are demotivated. It is also believed that development forms in employees a system of values ​​and attitudes that correspond to today's realities and help support the organizational strategy of the enterprise.

There are three factors that support the importance of the role of people development.

1. Development is a means of achieving the strategic goals of the organization.

2. Development is a means of increasing the value of human resources in a company.

3. Development is a means of quality preparation of resources when carrying out changes in organizations.

It should be said that personnel development is inextricably linked with the current HR processes in the organization, since only well-trained employees can perform their work correctly and effectively.

Thus, human resource development management is a critical tool through which management has the opportunity to increase the potential of human resources and influence the formation of organizational culture. Training and career management of human resources is a critical means of achieving an organization's strategic goals.

According to the most popular point of view, the learning process consists of three stages: analysis of the need for training, organization of training and evaluation of training results. During the training needs analysis stage, managers or experts should evaluate how employees perform at the organizational, group, and individual levels. Then you should find the main shortcomings and areas of improvement, then you need to specify the goals and objectives of the training, describe the standards, select training methods, develop criteria for assessing effectiveness and select participants for training. Teaching methods will be discussed below.

1.2 Directions for the development of human resources of the enterprise

Human resource development is an important condition for the success of any organization. This is especially true at the present stage, when the acceleration of scientific and technological progress leads to rapid changes in the requirements for professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Development management has become one of the core functions of human resource management. It is possible to achieve high results in an organization only when the people who work there have knowledge, skills, and the appropriate mood.

In order to develop in employees the qualities necessary for management, a lot of work is required, and since each employee initially has individual qualities, the work will also be varied. To effectively implement the development strategy, management must follow two rules:

1. The goals and objectives of this work must be communicated to employees in a timely manner - this will allow them to be involved in the process of completing the assigned tasks.

development personnel strategy human resource

2. The general management of the company must ensure the timely receipt of resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy, as well as record the achievement of each previously set goal.

When implementing a personnel development strategy, a number of issues are resolved:

priority is established among administrative tasks, such as the allocation of resources or the creation of information systems;

the correspondence between the chosen personnel development strategy and intra-organizational processes is determined;

there is a choice of management style for the company and its departments in particular, which is appropriate to the strategy.

The importance of development and advanced training of employees is so important that enterprises do not always solve them on their own. Sometimes they are forced to turn to recruitment agencies or consulting firms.

By using a system of continuous training, an enterprise can ensure the most complete compliance of the structure of employees with the structure of jobs, taking into account the full range of requirements for employees.

In any case, improving the development of human resources of an organization should represent a well-functioning system aimed at the professional development and career growth of company employees. Only in this case will it help resolve existing issues and become mutually effective for the employer and staff.

A systematic approach to improving the development of human resources at the level of specific enterprises is as follows:

interaction of all departments of the human resource management system in order to achieve a synergistic effect;

improving the organizational structure of the human resource management service based on management standards;

development of a functional-targeted model of personnel management with the development of a set of tasks for employees of the personnel management service in accordance with their functional responsibilities (in particular, the personnel training and promotion group organizes training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, develops business career projects, concludes agreements for internships and internships at the enterprise;

improving planning, forecasting and marketing of human resources, recruitment and personnel accounting;

creating conditions for personnel development (training, advanced training, career planning);

ensuring the social development of the workforce, proper working conditions, social psychological climate in the team;

ensuring proper information support of the human resource management system;

taking into account the interaction of supply and demand in the labor market when attracting personnel.

In order for staff to develop, they need to be constantly trained. In modern practice of personnel training, the most common active learning methods are: training, programmed, computer-based training, educational group discussions, case-study, business and role-playing games.

Main aspects of human resource development:

personnel analysis and planning;

selection and hiring of personnel, personnel assessment;

organization of training and advanced training of personnel;

certification and rotation of personnel;

organization of labor relations at the enterprise;

social development and social partnership, creation of working conditions.

In order to achieve maximum efficiency in improving the development of human resources, one should not limit oneself to the use of its individual aspects, but it is necessary to use them in a systematic combination and in interaction. This will allow enterprises to achieve high quality human capital and, as a result, will ensure a high level of profitability and competitiveness of business entities both in the domestic and global markets.

1.3 Personnel development methods

Personnel development can be carried out through various methods, such as coaching, mentoring, collaboration and participation from subordinates. Development methods are standard, but different authors offer their own classifications of methods. Having analyzed both foreign and Russian sources, it was revealed that all development methods are divided into three large groups: traditional methods, active development methods and workplace development. Let us consider the features of the above methods in more detail, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

1) Traditional development methods include seminars, lectures, and educational videos.

Lectures. In this method of staff development, the teacher orally conveys information to a group of people. The disadvantage of this method is one-way communication, and the degree of assimilation of the material depends on the characteristics of the material being absorbed, on the personal characteristics of the lecturer and on his ability to correctly teach the material, as well as on the listeners and their attention. It should be noted that lectures are one of the most common teaching methods, since in one lecture the material can be presented to a large number of people.

Seminars. Seminars are usually held after lectures and their purpose is to better understand the topic being studied through additional questions and practical tasks. The seminars feature two-way communication, which is a plus, since students actively participate in the work.

Educational films. This method is relatively new for business development in Russia. Training videos describe various problematic situations at enterprises; at the end, a brief theoretical summary of what was seen is given. Also, at the end of the films, various questions and cases on the topic may be asked. The advantage of videos is their connection with practice; however, while watching films, participants remain passive, sometimes unconcentrated.

2) Methods of active development. These methods are increasingly used nowadays, as it is easier for employees to perceive new material, students use accumulated experience, learn new knowledge and approaches, and more clearly distinguish between effective and ineffective behavior. There are three types of activities: physical, communicative and cognitive, each of which helps students better understand the topic being studied. There are eight most common types of active development. Let's take a closer look at them.

Trainings. The trainings pay special attention to the practical development of acquired skills. Training also includes business games. Introductory trainings have become widespread so that newcomers can better understand the organization, and trainings for sales staff are also held quite often so that employees are always aware of the latest changes. It should be noted that trainings can be external and internal. External trainings are carried out when the organization does not have its own specialists; internal trainings are carried out by company employees, usually highly specialized specialists who can pass on knowledge to young employees. It is important that training aimed at developing competencies is effective only when employees already have experience in a particular job, as well as the fact that the acquired knowledge will be used in practice in the future. In this way, the employee will increase his competencies and also organize the acquired knowledge.

Group discussions. Group discussions are used in small groups and allow the most effective use of the participants' experience. Students themselves develop the most effective solutions to problems. To stimulate the group, the leader can introduce certain frameworks, for example, propose certain algorithms, introduce rules, set time, etc. At the end, a summary should be made so that the listeners understand the whole picture of what is happening.

Behavioral modeling. This method teaches specific attitudes and skills through specific actions, such as presenting a specific behavior or providing feedback. The greater the motivation of students, the higher the effectiveness of this type of training.

Case-study. This development method began to be used in the USA in the 20s of the 20th century, and nowadays analysis of practical situations is becoming one of the most popular teaching methods both in companies and in educational institutions. The purpose of this method is to teach students to analyze and structure the information received, evaluate and try to solve identified problems. The distinctive feature of case-study is that upon completion there is no right or wrong decision, any decision can be considered on an equal footing. However, discussions must evaluate the pros and cons of proposed solutions.

Basket method. This development method simulates situations that often occur in the work of managers, for example, analyzing a large number of documents, making urgent decisions, a large number of things to do at one time, etc. As a result, the student will learn to quickly make decisions, classify important facts according to their significance and urgency.

3) Professional development methods include on-the-job training, mentoring, internships and job rotations.

On-the-job training. This method is most popular because through on-the-job training, employees develop a more accurate understanding of their job, how to use the equipment, and the requirements of their positions. Some organizations use separate rooms for employee training, however, the effectiveness of such training is lower, since there are no distractions such as noise, the presence of other employees, and the equipment may not be up to date. Mostly on-the-job training is provided to new employees.

Mentoring. Currently, there is increasing attention to the development of mentoring. The advantage of mentoring is an individual approach to subordinates, since usually one mentor has 1-3 subordinates. This method is used mainly for new employees who do not yet fully understand the features of their position. Typically, a mentor is assigned to a new employee for a period of one month to one year. The mentor is usually an employee of the same position or slightly higher, he gives the students tasks, monitors their implementation and gives feedback. However, mentoring has disadvantages. For example, mentoring is often carried out just for show, mentors are not motivated or are too passionate about mentoring that they forget about their direct responsibilities, and there is a lack of proper documentation.

Internship. Many large companies practice a development method such as internships before hiring employees. Basically, it is preferable for university students and graduates who have not yet decided what they want to do, and during internships they can work in different departments of the company and observe not only how more experienced employees work, but also various organizational business processes. Upon completion of the internship, the employee can be hired or promoted if the internship was completed by an employee of the organization.

Work rotation. This development method involves moving an employee from one area of ​​work to another within the organization. Thus, the employee learns about work in other departments. The time spent working at another place can range from a month to a year. Personnel rotation is mainly used in large international companies. For example, in Japanese companies, employees move from one position to another throughout their working life. So, a technician can work on different machines in different departments of the organization. As a result, employees understand the full scope of the organization’s work, and it is easier for them to make decisions, since they know what the threat is to employees from other departments. Personnel rotation solves a number of important problems, for example, it ensures a better understanding of the company structure by employees, stimulates the development of new knowledge and skills, increases the value of human resources, and provides a comprehensive assessment of the employee.

Methods of employee development also include personal development and coaching. There are many types of training for the personal development of employees. For example, if a manager sees in a subordinate the potential for management and expanding the area of ​​responsibility, then it is necessary to develop his management skills and conduct training for the employee’s personal growth. These types of trainings require an individual approach and take more time, however, results will appear. During this period, the coaching process is very important. A coach is a person who accompanies and sets the direction for an employee’s personal development.

It is not always possible to assess the effectiveness of development, however, the problem of determining the effectiveness of investment in development is one of the most pressing and complex today. The point of staff appraisal is to understand how the organization benefits from staff development and whether a particular form of development is better than others.

Thus, in any case, the organization’s personnel development strategy should represent a well-functioning system aimed at qualitatively increasing the knowledge and professional development of the company’s employees. Only in this case will it help resolve existing issues and become mutually effective for the employer and staff.

2. Analysis and development of a personnel development strategy at Adomal LLC

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

Limited Liability Company (abbreviated as LLC) "Adomal" was formed and registered in accordance with current Russian legislation.

Legal address: Krasnoyarsk, Semafornaya, 219.

Main activities of the enterprise:

construction, repair, commissioning, design work, industrial and private construction;

installation of antennas and other equipment;

household services, including public utilities services;

general construction of buildings (new work, reconstruction, renovation).

The organizational management structure of Adomal LLC is presented in Figure 1. The organizational management structure corresponds to the linear-functional type.

Figure 1 - Organizational management structure of Adomal LLC

This management structure allows for rapid implementation of management decisions, increases the efficiency of functional departments, and allows for quick maneuvering of resources.

The economic indicators of the activities of Adomal LLC are calculated based on data from Appendix A-B and are presented in Table 1

Table 1

Economic indicators of the activities of Adomal LLC

Indicator name


Growth rate %

Growth rate %

Revenue, thousand rubles

Cost d, thousand rubles.

Costs per 1 rub. sales of services, rub.

Profit, thousand rubles

Profitability of services, %

Cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

Capital productivity, rub.

Equity return

The data presented in the table indicates that the volume of revenue by the end of the period under review decreased by 12,300 thousand rubles. or 7% and amounted to 171,200 thousand rubles. This fact became possible due to the influence of external factors. The main factor was the reduction in the number of incoming orders.

Along with changes in revenue from the sale of services, the cost of sales also changed, which affected the profit of Adomal LLC, which decreased every year.

Assessing the economic performance of the enterprise in question, it can be noted that in 2014, for every ruble of fixed assets there were 10 kopecks. profit, which is 25 kopecks. below the level of 2013, and in 2015 the organization even received a loss of 2 kopecks. from every ruble spent on the organization’s fixed assets.

Figure 2 - Change in the number of personnel of Adomal LLC

Based on the data presented, it can be seen that in 2014 there was a general increase in the number of personnel by 12 people. and amounted to 190 people. In 2015, the situation began to stabilize with the number of personnel, which decreased by 5 people or 2.6% and amounted to 185 people.

In particular, from the table presented one can see that the number of administrative and managerial personnel increased by the end of the reporting period by 13 people or 24.1%. The number of employees classified as working personnel, on the contrary, tended to decrease in 2015 by 8 people or 9.4%, which amounted to 77 employees by the end of the period.

Let's carry out a PEST analysis of external factors (see Table 3).

Table 3

PEST analysis

Policy-legal factors

Economic factors

Labor legislation;

tax system;

government influence in the industry;

political stability

Inflation rate;

unemployment rate;

level of competition in the industry

availability of state support for enterprises

Socio-cultural factors

Technological factors

Demographic changes;

changes in lifestyle - for example, changes in family structure, attitude towards work and free time;

the level of education.

New production technologies (modernization);

automation of technical quality control means;

increasing automation of personnel processes.

Using criteria for evaluating activities on the part of interested groups, we will analyze the external reaction to the organization. (see Table 4).

Table 4

Criteria of the yutseyunka of the zayuinteyureyusoyuvayun groups

Zayuinteyureyuyuyuyuyu group

Kriteyurii oyutseyunki


Together with their unique properties and valuable, accessible service, seyurvis.

1) The services are available to a wide range of consumers;

2) possesses high-quality performances.

Prayuviteyulnye oyurgayuns

With the execution of the zayukoyunoyuv, they will pay for the nayuloyugoyuv, poyuddeyurzhkayu prayuviteyulstvennyh proyugrayumm.

1) By enterprise they act in the existing world and engage in their activity;

2) I will marry my Jew and I will swim with my Jew.

Trade unions

Uroyuveyun zayuyuboyut yayuty yut, stayubilnost zayuyanyuyu, working conditions.

1) Our enterprise is based in the south, projufejussiya and jujusyuyuyu ryuyut;

2) they have a stable level of love and love.

Credit lawyers

Nayudeyuzhnost vypolneyuniya koyuntrayuktoyuv conditions

1) By its judging by the credit obligations of the enterprise.


With all my might and my Jewishness I have smothered myself with it.

1) There is a sophisticated order fulfillment system;

2) good connections with foreign installers of high-tech equipment.


The speed of pro-Union development of our own markets of foreign investments, competitively advantageous

1) Legal unionization is a competitive market in its field


I contribute to the development of my mutual love and will pay my full attention to my legal integrity, the union of my beloved ones.

1) The legalization of the existing environment is included in the development of mutual relations;

External factors that have a direct impact are favorable government policies, economic stability, the unemployment rate, a favorable demographic situation, competitors, new production technologies, automation of technical quality control tools, etc.

Based on these factors, it is necessary to conduct an EFAS analysis (summary of analysis of external strategic factors) (see Table 5).

Table 5

EFAS analysis

External strategic factors

Weighted score


Economic stability

Unemployment rate

Favorable state policy

New production technologies

Favorable demographic situation

The amount of money in circulation

Inflation rate

Increased competition

Labor market situation

Decrease in the activity of consumers of the enterprise’s products

In this case, a score of 3.28 indicates that the reaction of the enterprise’s personnel policy to the strategic factors of the external environment is at an average level.

Thus, we can conclude that the main negative factors are: the situation on the labor market; rising inflation in Russia and the unstable situation in the Russian economy, which does not attract foreign investors; increased competition; decrease in enterprise profits; decrease in the activity of consumers of the enterprise's products.

2.2 Analysis of indicators characterizing personnel development management in an organization

The enterprise has requirements for hiring personnel, according to which the enterprise management strives to recruit experienced workers with at least 3 years of experience in their specialty. This provision allows us to minimize both financial and time costs for training new employees. However, more than one enterprise cannot do without training, since in modern conditions more and more new requirements are being put forward for the professionalism of workers and all new equipment is being put into operation.

Training at Adomal LLC includes:

training of new employees upon entry to work. This training is carried out in the form of instruction by one of the experienced members of the enterprise or the head of the department and is aimed at studying job responsibilities, revealing the internal work schedule, becoming familiar with working conditions and equipment, etc.;

current periodic (planned) training of personnel, allowing to consolidate professional knowledge and master new skills;

advanced training is associated with the need to master skills of working on new equipment, etc.;

training for those who were unable to successfully pass the certification.

The personnel development methods used at the enterprise are listed in Table 6.

Table 6

Methods of personnel development in the workplace

Development method

Characteristic features of the method

1. Concentrated experience gain

Systematic planning of development in the workplace, the basis of planning is an individual professional development plan, which sets out the goals

2. Production instruction

Information, introduction to the specialty, adaptation, familiarization of the student with his new working environment

3. Change of workplace

Gaining knowledge and gaining experience as a result of a systematic change of workplace (change of departments). As a result, over a certain period of time, an idea of ​​the versatility of the activity is created.

4. Using workers as trainee assistants

Training and familiarization of the employee with problems of a higher and qualitatively different order of tasks while simultaneously taking on a certain share of responsibility

These methods are used because they allow knowledge to be conveyed in a visual way, their results are quite easy to control, and it is also possible to take into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

The development and training of personnel at the enterprise is carried out in their free time, in connection with which the managers of the HR department draw up a plan, on the basis of which a schedule is developed. The developed in-house training plan is created specifically for each specific department and is focused on personnel development, including advanced training, retraining or preparing them for changes in the organization. Also, this option allows the employee to get involved in work immediately on the spot, in the process and ensures interconnection with practice.

To assess the effectiveness of development, standard certification sheets are used, which include an assessment on a five-point scale of both the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that the employee should have mastered during the training process.

Thus, as part of the implementation of personnel development, it was necessary in the reporting period to improve the qualifications and undergo retraining of a number of employees of Adomal LLC, the data for which is presented in Table 7.

Table 7

Personnel training at Adomal LLC in 2013-2015.


2013, people

2014, people

2015, people

Abs. (persons)

Relates. off %

Planned number of trained personnel

Actual number of trained personnel, including:

Improved qualifications

Passed the prof. training and retraining, including



Number of people who completed training. %

Based on the data presented in Table 7, it can be argued that the management of Adomal LLC annually planned to increase the number of trained personnel as part of advanced training. However, the number of actually trained workers turned out to be much smaller than planned.

Thus, the actual number of personnel in 2013-2015. decreased by a total of 7 people, which amounted to 15 people by the end of the reporting period, who were fully trained through advanced training. A significantly smaller number of employees of Adomal LLC have undergone training and retraining as a form of education.

It should also be noted that the number of those trained in 2014 decreased by 24.7%, and in 2015 by 8.1%, amounting to 48.6% and 40.5%, respectively. These changes negatively reflect the management of personnel development and require adjustments to the implementation of this process. The basis of the training conducted at the enterprise is often the certification, which is aimed at determining the degree of workload of workers and their use in their specialty, the degree of their qualifications, suitability for the workplace or position, identifying directions for improving the program and the development methods used. During the annual performance assessment (certification), not only strengths, but also weaknesses in the work of a particular person can be discovered. For example, low scores among employees of a certain professional group in the “professional knowledge” column indicate that a need for training has been identified for this category of employees. Let's consider the data on personnel certification at the enterprise in question (see Table 8).

The data in Table 8 indicates that at the enterprise during the period under review, personnel certification was carried out after the expiration of the probationary period of personnel upon hiring, as well as during personnel rotation.

Table 8

Assessment of the personnel certification of Adomal LLC in 2013 - 2015.



Growth rate, %

Certification after the probationary period, total, persons.

Of those who successfully passed the certification

Certification during personnel rotation, total, people:

Of these: - certification was carried out, incl.

number of personnel who have successfully passed certification

Certification was not carried out

It should also be concluded that the total number of personnel who passed certification by the end of the period under review is decreasing. In 2015, only 4 people underwent certification procedures, which is several times lower than the level of the previous year. This circumstance was due to the reluctance of the enterprise management to spend funds, as well as a relatively high degree of staff turnover, and therefore, the number of employees planned for certification at Adomal LLC decreased.

It should also be noted that a drawback in the organization of certification procedures in the implementation of development management was the lack in a number of cases of certification of employees when rotating personnel from one department to another or from one position to another.

As a continuation of assessing the effectiveness of personnel certification as part of the implementation of personnel training management at Adomal LLC, it is necessary to consider the methods that were used when conducting certification of the organization’s employees (see Table 9).

Table 9

Methods for personnel certification of Adomal LLC in 2013-2015.


Change, people

Relates. off, %

Certification by ranking method, total, people, of which:

Successfully passed certification

Unsuccessfully passed the certification

Certification using the rating scale method, total, people:

Of these: - those who have successfully passed certification

Unsuccessfully passed the certification

Total number of certified personnel, people.

The data presented in Table 9 indicate that at the enterprise in question, only 2 methods were actively used as personnel certification methods - the ranking method and the rating scale method, which is currently clearly insufficient.

Professional development of personnel should be based on the commitment and continuity of training and advanced training, relevance for the production of ongoing training areas, a planned approach and taking into account the results. The main goal is to ensure that professional training meets the requirements of jobs (positions), increasing professional competencies to a level that promotes increased labor productivity, bringing higher profits.

Advanced training should ensure continuity of training with the subsequent use of knowledge and skills acquired by specialists during their internship in new positions, during personnel rotation. Planning work with young specialists, a reserve of personnel for higher positions, further development of personnel and their social and professional growth should be carried out in close connection with the results of training and advanced training, certification and remuneration.

At Adomal LLC, for vertical movement, they form a personnel reserve of managers. The main stages of formation: drawing up a forecast of changes in the composition of managers, selecting candidates for the reserve based on certification results, and making a decision on inclusion in the reserve.

At an enterprise, it is impossible to ensure vertical growth for all personnel; therefore, there is the possibility of horizontal movement.

In horizontal development, the main basis for advancement is the exchange of knowledge and practical experience between staff.

An indicator of the effectiveness of management of career and professional development of personnel is the promotion coefficient. Figure 3 shows the performance indicators of career management for Adomal LLC personnel.

Figure 3 - Career management performance indicators

According to Figure 3, the promotion rate decreased from 2.2% to 1.1%. This is due to the lack of interest and activity of the HR manager in managing the business career of staff. At the same time, it is clear that vacated key positions are increasingly being occupied by employees hired from outside. And the number of key positions filled by in-house personnel is declining.

Thus, the existing employee development management system has a number of shortcomings and is not effective enough, which is confirmed by the data of the analysis.

2.3 Development of a personnel development strategy at the enterprise in question

To increase the efficiency of personnel development, it is advisable to implement a strategy containing a number of measures to solve previously identified problems in this area at the enterprise in question (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Recommended elements of the personnel development strategy of Adomal LLC

It is advisable to carry out internal corporate training at Adomal LLC in the form of seminars and trainings. There are two options for conducting these trainings.

Firstly, trainings are conducted on the basis of cases, the topics of which are taken from “other people’s” examples. At the same time, listeners are invited to solve “other people’s” problems that have already been “solved” many times with a known, usually standard, solution;

secondly, the topics of training are strictly determined by the problems of a given enterprise. The training seminar is given a specific task - for example, to develop an effective marketing strategy taking into account the specific characteristics of the enterprise.

It is also important that the specialists participating in the training develop teamwork skills. Essentially, team building occurs during the training.

It is also advisable to conduct short-term training programs and advanced training with the involvement of specialists from outside. Such forms of training include seminars, conferences and trainings that last from one day to three months, but not more than one hundred academic hours. The organization of this training includes the following stages:

1. The HR department analyzes the needs of the enterprise and requests from department heads, and then draws up a training plan.

2. When the HR department receives an application, a study of the educational services market begins, based on the results of which a provider of educational services is determined. The department makes its choice based on the combination of price and quality of services.

3. When a provider is selected, the HR department enters into an agreement with it for employee training within the time frame specified in the drawn up plan.

4. The HR department identifies the employees who need to undergo training, after which the selected employees are notified.

5. If it is decided to conduct training for the organization’s employees on its territory, the HR department submits an application to the administrative and economic department for organizing a lecture/seminar. For training purposes, it is necessary to allocate premises, provide food and prepare equipment.

6. Before training, employees are tested to test their knowledge and skills.

7. Within a week after the training, the HR department organizes a survey of participants in the educational program about how satisfied they were with the quality of the services provided.

8. If employee training is short-term, it can be carried out not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. If an employee spends working time on training, it is paid in full. The best option is that training is organized both during work and free time. For example, on Friday and Saturday.

9. When an employee completes a training, seminar or participates in a conference, he prepares a message for interested parties who were not present at the training on the topic covered.

10. If an internal seminar is planned, then the entire organization is carried out by specialists from the HR department.

11. The employee must make copies of materials issued for training at trainings and seminars and give them to the HR department.

12. In some cases, the organization enters into an apprenticeship agreement with an employee. The contract stipulates the period that the employee is obliged to work after completing training, as well as the amount of compensation if he quits during the specified period.

The personnel development strategy should be based on assessing the competencies of the company’s employees and comparing the competencies of its own personnel with the requirements of their position. A promising path for personnel development is the automation of employee assessment and certification and the implementation of a comparison of employee competencies with the job profile in the use of information technology to evaluate employees in order to subsequently develop the most appropriate development strategy. This will make it possible to obtain advantages in the formation of a system of internal personnel training based on the use of information technology in the process of personnel assessment.

The results of the automated assessment for several periods allow us to analyze the structure and dynamics of personnel development, so it is necessary to add the ability to transfer data to the business process “Analysis of the structure and dynamics of personnel development,” which will describe work with all the company’s personnel, including the personnel reserve: formation, structure, development planning and analysis of the implementation of development plans.

At Adomal LLC, the promotion rate of personnel at the enterprise is decreasing every year, and the number of vacated key positions filled from outside is growing. This is due to the fact that the company’s specialists do not have the required professional knowledge and experience to occupy the position. It is necessary to improve the knowledge and skills of specialists in all areas of the enterprise, namely, to more often send personnel for training, retraining and advanced training.

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Today, organizations view the development of their personnel as a process of systematically improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees through their professional training. The results of personnel development are one of the most important factors in ensuring the growth of the organization’s efficiency in a strategic perspective. The development of an organization’s personnel is a kind of generalization and expansion of the concept of professional training, in which the learning process itself is usually defined as “any activity deliberately carried out to improve the abilities of personnel required to perform work at the present time, or to develop the potential of employees necessary to perform work in future."

The goal of strategically oriented development of the organization’s personnel is increasing the overall competitive potential and improving the quality of personnel work through the development of new knowledge, equipment and technology, management methods, taking into account the interests of the future development of the organization. At the same time, it is necessary that this advance takes into account new requirements and needs of production, as well as harmonizes the personal inclinations of workers and maintains their attractiveness to employers.

Analysis of modern approaches to the problem of personnel development in an organization gives grounds to understand organization's personnel development strategy a set of actions and a sequence of decisions made that allows one to evaluate, analyze and develop the necessary system of influences on personnel to ensure that they achieve the required total competitive potential in order to implement the chosen development strategy of the organization. At the same time, strategically oriented development of the organization’s personnel should be aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • timely adaptation and adjustment of personnel to new (changing) working conditions;
  • deepening and improving the knowledge, abilities, skills and behavioral characteristics of personnel necessary for the successful operation of the organization and the development of its competitive advantages;
  • meeting the needs of staff related to self-realization and self-development, including maintaining employees’ desire to improve their level of qualifications;
  • maintaining and promoting the expansion of individual and/or group strategically oriented personnel qualifications;
  • creating a personnel reserve and ensuring that additional personnel needs are covered.

Unique professional personnel is one of the competitive advantages of any organization seeking to strengthen its position in the market. The current changes in corporate governance, driven by the globalization of markets and structural changes in industry, shifts in workplace architecture and workforce demographics, the focus on high returns for owners, and rapid continuous organizational and technological change, have a significant impact not only on the business as a whole , but also the practice of personnel work in organizations. The changes are complex in nature, affecting the external and internal spheres of its activities, the collective and personal interests of employees and, as a result, are an important reason for the need to develop the organization’s personnel. Characteristics of the main objective factors determining the need for strategically oriented development of the organization’s personnel are presented in Table. 19.

Table 19

Factors of the objective need for strategically oriented development of the organization’s personnel

Factor influence

Environmental factors

Scientific and technical


NTP creates conditions for eliminating or changing certain types of work within 3-5 years. Changes occur, in particular, in technology, in technology, in the desires of customers, in the system of social norms and values. Therefore, the necessary qualifications cannot be guaranteed by basic education. In parallel, there is a process of rapid “aging” of workers’ professional knowledge and, as a result, their qualifications are decreasing. This situation can be corrected by improving the qualifications and retraining of the organization’s personnel, or by inviting qualified specialists from outside

The situation on the labor market and the professional structure of the population

The shortage of highly qualified specialists often requires an organization to form its own system of advanced training (for example, the creation of a Personnel Retraining Center)

Socio-political conditions

Personnel development serves as the basis for the professional advancement of employees and thereby softens the boundaries between social strata in society. One cannot ignore such an important modern trend as globalization, which in practice leads to the internationalization of business and the rapid growth of the number of multinational corporations in international markets. Internationalization of business places special demands on personnel development: global thinking, knowledge of different cultures and foreign languages, the ability to think strategically, etc.

Continuation of the table. 19

Factor influence

Dynamics of the external environment

The external environment is turning into a market without borders with a high level of competition between organizations. Organizations operating in dynamic markets are characterized by the desire to achieve competitive advantage through innovation. These changes require constant adaptation and updating of staff knowledge. Organizations with modern CPD systems and programs are leading the way in this competitive environment by continually adapting and changing existing skills to help employees cope with changing tasks and demands.

Internal environmental factors

Maintaining the competitiveness of the organization

The competitive advantages of an organization largely depend on the speed of development of innovations, the innovation process, the main participants of which are professionally competent, trained employees

Formation of a new



Special advanced training programs will help staff to actively engage in work life and overcome communication barriers, since the consequences of changes are tangible directly at individual workplaces and the ongoing changes require flexibility from staff. The necessary desire and ability to adapt and improve communication capabilities can be developed during appropriate training activities

Reviewing the organization's strategy

Refusal from the mass use of highly specialized workers and priority to qualified general workers. The use of non-structural coordination mechanisms, especially through professional development and training programs, helps to reduce the demand for structural coordination mechanisms, i.e. on organizational regulation

Factor influence

Specific features of the organization’s products, their changes

The product itself, especially the intensity of its maintenance and after-sales services, has a significant impact on professional development. After-sales and technical maintenance of the product requires specific personnel qualifications. Changes in the characteristics of products cause the emergence of new specialties and the modernization of old ones

Ensuring stability of the organization and personnel

For an organization, it is often more effective and economical to increase the productivity of an existing employee on the basis of his continuous training than to search, attract and hire new employees

Objective factors of the external environment that cause the need for personnel development are so-called macro-reasons that manifest themselves in almost every modern organization. Their influence on the process of personnel development is expressed in the fact that a modern organization is obliged to take an active position in the market, search for new personnel and at the same time adapt its own human resources to increased requirements through training mechanisms and dynamic organizational restructuring. In this regard, a strategic approach to the problem of developing an organization’s personnel is extremely important, since it ensures not only the development of individual employees of the organization, but also an increase in the competence of the personnel of the entire organization.

Increasing competence is the main task of developing new skills, practical knowledge and organizational abilities among the organization’s personnel, which are a reliable basis for obtaining additional competitive advantages. In this case, we are talking about a set of key skills and knowledge that are formed in various departments of the organization and together form unique organizational qualities inherent only to a particular organization. Key skills and knowledge are formed as a result of the joint efforts of various working groups, functional departments and services. The formation of key skills includes: non-traditional methods of personnel management, taking into account the range of tasks being solved, qualitatively new approaches to coordinating the work of working groups and organizational units throughout the value creation cycle, etc. Most often, new skills are developed gradually, as past experience is accumulated and generalized and new knowledge is acquired.

For skills and knowledge to become a lasting competitive advantage, more attention and effort must be devoted to their development than competitors do. At the same time, the base of new skills and knowledge must be sufficiently extensive and flexible, which implies a quick response to future events. Key skills should be constantly expanded and deepened to take into account changes occurring in the internal and external environment of the organization. The attention of the organization's management to the formation of strategically oriented key skills and the need for staff to acquire new knowledge is the key to successful strategically oriented development of the organization's personnel.

We should not forget about personal factors, which can manifest themselves differently in each organization and are associated, as a rule, with the growth of objective requirements for personnel qualifications, job enrichment, professional advancement of employees, their personal needs for self-realization, etc.

Human resource management (HR) is one of the main activities that has a significant impact on the competitiveness and efficiency of any organization.

The market economy dictates the need to change personnel policies. To obtain the greatest profit, an important component when working with personnel is to determine the correct personnel management strategy, based on a combination of the goals of a particular employee and the strategic plans of the company as a whole.

Goals and objectives

Human resource management strategy means the creation of a responsible, professional, competitive team capable of fulfilling the company’s long-term plans and fully realizing its strategic goals.

The strategy includes a set of means and methods for managing the company's employees, is used over a certain period of time and is aimed at implementing personnel policy.

To provide the correct guidance in choosing strategic HR management decisions, you need to answer the following questions. Firstly, at what rate should personnel develop in order to fulfill the overall development strategy of the company? And secondly, what steps need to be taken to ensure that the team is able to fulfill the new tasks?

Interrelation of strategies

Human resource management strategy may depend on the main strategy of the organization, as well as be an element of it. In any case, it is completely business-oriented, and the type of strategic goals of personnel management depends on the type of corporate strategy of the company. Let's consider the most significant types of personnel management strategies.


Its main task is the rapid implementation of planned plans, even if they are not sufficiently developed. There is a high level of financial risk, projects are developed with a minimum number of steps.

In this case, the organization’s personnel management strategy is to select proactive and creative employees with innovative data. Team members must be mobile and quickly adapt to new operating conditions, at the same time they are ready to take risks and take responsibility, and are able to bring all started projects to their logical conclusion.

At the same time, it is advisable that the composition of leading specialists does not undergo significant changes. Material incentives are provided on a commercial basis, focusing on the needs of the employee. Performance assessment is carried out individually, without strict measures, taking into account the employee’s contribution.

Dynamic growth

This company strategy is based on a systematic comparison of current tasks and long-term plans in order to form a reliable basis for future activities. The degree of risk with this form of management is not as high as in the previous case. The main tasks and methods of implementing the HR strategy are recorded to exercise control and conduct detailed analysis used to adjust the company's business plans.

The personnel management strategy involves the selection and staffing of the most flexible employees who quickly adapt to changes and at the same time know how to take risks. They must interact with the rest of the team and be able to identify problems in the organization’s business.

The staff must be clearly recorded in the organizational structure. Fair remuneration for work is provided. At the same time, the performance assessment is based on pre-agreed clear criteria. The strategy provides for various options for career advancement.


The main emphasis of the company is to preserve accumulated profits and maintain them at a sufficient level. Therefore, most often there is no provision for staff expansion, and the financial costs of hiring employees are minimal.

This strategy is followed by companies with a developed management structure, which have developed and operate a system of regulatory documents.

In this case, the staff management strategy is focused on increasing the effectiveness of personnel, their competence while maintaining the number of personnel, as well as obtaining maximum effect with a minimum level of risk. Very strict employee selection criteria are used. The amount of remuneration depends on merit, as well as on intra-organizational incentive criteria.


Due to the expected drop in performance, practically no attention is paid to the activities of employees; no one is trying to save the organization. It is planned to reduce personnel, sell assets and mitigate possible losses.

The personnel management strategy is aimed at meeting the need for specialists for a short period of time, with a narrow range of activities and is based on production needs. Payment, as a rule, does not provide any incentives; the criteria are based on management assessments.


The main task is to save the enterprise, survive in the near future and prepare the basis for future stable activities. With this form, the company’s costs are reduced, including financing staffing.

The personnel policy is aimed at carefully selecting candidates and retaining flexible employees who are ready to change, focused on long-term prospects and global challenges. Personnel are required to have diverse knowledge and skills. Payment is based on the results obtained. Personnel promotions are possible.

Stages of strategic management

Strategic personnel management includes several stages: analysis, selection of a specific direction, and implementation of intended goals.


The stage is characterized by the establishment of strategic factors and their assessment. The direction of analysis includes not only the internal environment of the company, external circumstances are also considered.

External environment - the macro environment and environment of the company with which interaction is carried out. The macro environment includes legal, political, social, economic, scientific, technical, environmental factors, as well as international circumstances. The immediate environment consists of market infrastructure, personnel policies of competing firms, the labor market, household supplies and other components.

When considering the internal environment, data on the management methods and models used, the financial condition of the organization, prospects for improving technological processes, staff capabilities, theoretical knowledge and professional competence of employees, their effectiveness and workload, applied social protection measures, the quality of the personnel management system and the production process are taken into account.

Based on the results of the analysis, the strengths and vulnerable areas of the enterprise’s work in the field of personnel management are established, and threats to the external environment that must be avoided are identified.

It is important to establish what strengths and weaknesses specific areas of personnel management have, as well as the system as a whole. For this purpose, common options in strategic management are used: matrices of opportunities, threats, and a method for compiling an environmental profile (SWOT).

Self-assessment of the organization, based on identifying weak and strong areas, allows you to compare personnel work with the main competing companies and take these results into account when drawing up a further action plan.

An experienced HR worker must assess all the strengths and weaknesses, identify potential and threats, compare connections and highlight combinations that in any case should be taken into account when developing a personnel management strategy.

Choosing a direction

After careful collection and analysis of information, a personnel management strategy is formed, after studying which the best model is selected. To successfully implement the assigned tasks, the main goals and mission of the company are formulated.


The implementation process begins immediately after the strategy is fully and clearly defined. It is executed through medium- and short-term plans, which are reflected in various programs and procedures for the company's current activities.

Documentation of the personnel management strategy is reflected in the strategic plan, which takes into account a specific list of activities and tasks, deadlines and responsible executors within the framework of each specific topic, and the amount of resources, including information, material and financial.

Strategy Basics

When preparing a human resource management strategy, it must be remembered that human resources must be considered at the core of improving management practices and programs.

In this case, different methods of its formation can be used: top-down (management - general long-term development policy - strategy and plan of a certain structural unit of the company), or bottom-up (divisions - plan and growth prospects - merger into a single company plan).

Current issues of HR management strategy are:

Depending on the situation, the HR strategy may include only some of the issues, and their combination will differ, since it is determined by the plans and objectives of the company.

Business strategy determines market and financial priorities, as well as the direction of the company's development. Personnel development strategy is what kind of personnel the company needs and what level of performance is necessary to achieve business goals.

Development strategy as it is

A personnel development strategy is a special set of priority areas for investing in human capital. It can use the following indicators:

·Staff size
·Competencies that need to be developed
Labor productivity level
·Types of activities that need to be outsourced or, conversely, performed within the company
· Composition and level of compensation

The personnel development strategy is the task of the company's top officials. Please note that it does not include processes such as determining the optimal number of personnel and salary levels (task of the financial department), as well as drawing up rules and principles for personnel work and monitoring their implementation (task of the HR department). Companies without a clear strategy risk pursuing programs that are inconsistent with overall business goals. For example, one large Western company in the field of production and sale of consumer goods launched an advanced personnel management system that was not linked to business strategy or even current performance indicators. Familiarization with this system took a lot of effort and time from employees, but the company did not receive any return from its implementation. As a result, instead of getting ahead of its competitors, the organization fell quite far behind them. Conversely, a people development strategy can unite a company, provide a return on investment in people and improve business performance. For example, she helped one of the largest Western insurance companies unify the work of different divisions. During the implementation of the personnel development strategy, the divisions identified common priorities and understood the need to train personnel according to a unified scheme.

When to start developing a strategy?

The need to create or improve a personnel development strategy usually arises in the cases described below.

A. Significant changes in business strategy. If significant changes are planned in the production process, customer policy or sales, it may turn out that the level of personnel development does not correspond to the new tasks. In this case, a carefully thought-out personnel strategy will provide an opportunity to attract new resources necessary to achieve your goals.

B. Major merger or acquisition. M&A transactions require complex decisions involving large numbers of employees. They are also impossible without a clear strategy aligned with business objectives.

C. The presence of significant problems in the field of personnel management. Sometimes there are no major changes in a business, but problems such as high staff turnover, poor recruitment of people with the right skills, or very low productivity put business success at risk.

D. The need to achieve a leading position in the market. When the strategy is aimed at taking a leading position in the market or attracting the best employees, a personnel development strategy is simply indispensable.

A personnel development strategy is not necessary in the following cases.

A. The desire to copy successful business models. By definition, a personnel development strategy is not an imitation of the successful experience of other companies. It must be related to the business requirements and goals of each specific organization.

B. Conflict of priorities. Sometimes companies face conflicting priorities. If top managers are unable to commit to all of them simultaneously, the people development strategy will not be effective. One large corporation attempted to implement a people development strategy during a major reorganization. Top management failed to concentrate on two tasks at the same time. In such conditions, creating a personnel development strategy was pointless - no one knew what the main goal would ultimately be.

C. Problems in the HR department. A personnel development strategy cannot be seen as a solution to the problems of a dysfunctional HR department. If his staff is too large, employees work slowly or do not understand the essence of what is happening in the company, then tactical measures are usually sufficient.

Implementation of the strategy

Figure 1 shows that a successful people development strategy is based on four cornerstone principles.

Rice. 1. Four principles of a successful personnel development strategy

Principle No. 1. Connection between business strategy and personnel development strategy

The first step involves reviewing each point and direction in the business strategy, as well as determining the requirements for personnel and the extent of their participation in the implementation of the strategy. Personnel participation can be both direct (for example, moving a company division to another country means relocating some employees, recruiting personnel in a new region and, possibly, reducing part of the staff at the old place) and indirect (changing the brand of some products may not lead to significant staff involvement in this process).

For example, Nationwide revised its business planning strategy several years ago. The personnel development strategy is now being modified along with the business strategy. The business strategy outlines the main guidelines for personnel development, and the personnel development strategy regulates which employees participate in the implementation of the company’s plans.

Principle No. 2. Managing the talent pool

This step involves comparing the existing talent pool with the talent pool required to implement the business strategy. Instead of reacting to trends in the labor market (such as labor shortages or surpluses), the company plans what personnel (by type and number) are needed to implement the business strategy. At this stage, general trends in the company’s personnel structure are also examined, including indicators such as turnover, recruiting activity, the number of employees of retirement age, and so on. All this data is subsequently used to improve the system of selection, training, distribution of functions between employees and departments - that is, creating a balanced “pool” of labor.

This is not the same as conventional succession planning, which involves targeting each promising employee individually. Analysis of a balanced “pool” of talent allows us to identify key types of employees whose presence in an organization is necessary for its further development. After this, it is determined which talent development programs should be expanded and which, on the contrary, reduced. Avon was implementing a business plan under the leadership of a new CEO. The company has developed a framework linking it to its workforce development plan. The design of the people development plan was mainly focused on the talent pool, in particular on developing the leadership skills of employees. The initial assumption was that the new business plan would allow us to see gaps in development programs for promising talent. Gaps were identified and filled systematically, region by region. The first success came from the European division of Avon, after which the further implementation of the plan was adjusted in accordance with successful experience. Along with this, Avon introduced a system of key performance indicators (KeyPerformanceIndicators, KPI) to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the personnel development plan.

Principle No. 3. The company's image as an employer

Companies drawing up a personnel development strategy must answer the question of their own positioning in the eyes of staff and applicants. This will help them attract, retain and motivate the right employees. Creating a distinctive image of a company as an employer should not be confused with building a competitive compensation policy (bringing salaries and bonuses in line with the market average) - these are two different processes, although many companies often replace the first with the second. A personnel development strategy helps a company understand how it differs from other market players and identify its competitive advantages.

Rice. 2. Components of the company’s image as an employer

Companies that occupy the top positions in the ratings of the most attractive employers usually have all the above components well developed. Sometimes special attention is paid to one or three components when attracting personnel.

For example, the positive image of Duke University for applicants is explained, among other things, by its health insurance policy - if employees fall ill, they are placed in one of three hospitals at the university. Creating an image of a socially oriented organization was one of the first actions of the new management team.

Principle No. 4: Prioritizing investments in personnel

At this stage, business strategy, analysis of the talent pool and building the company's image as an employer come together. Next, areas for investing in personnel are selected. For example, one company decided to greatly reduce investments in training programs when it turned out that the level of knowledge and skills of the staff was almost completely consistent with the required level. The freed up funds were used to increase bonuses and benefits in order to retain the employees the company needed. The success of implementing a personnel development strategy, like any global transformation, depends on how well it is worked out from a tactical point of view. The main work on implementing the strategy is carried out by specialized cross-functional teams, and an organizing committee consisting of top managers evaluates the effectiveness and timeliness of completing assigned tasks. HR managers can also be involved in this process, but the development and implementation of the strategy must still be led by the company's top officials.

Based on materials from www. sibcon. com

  • Education, Development, Trainings


1 -1

Personnel policy primarily involves the formation of a personnel management strategy. With the help of a personnel management strategy, the company creates a competitive labor potential that allows the organization to develop and achieve its goals both in the short and long term.

Free catalog of policies and procedures and material in HR strategy

How is an organization's HR strategy developed?

Development is carried out in 4 stages.

  1. Diagnostics are being carried out.
  2. Various situations typical for the activities of this enterprise are simulated.
  3. A general management strategy is being developed.
  4. The strategy is detailed in personnel processes, policies, and procedures.

At the diagnostic stage, all factors that have or may have an impact on the activity and development of the enterprise are determined. It is difficult to cover each of them, so the most significant ones are selected. They are strategic and related to the internal and external environment of the enterprise.

Based on the selected strategic factors, specialists carry out the following work.

  • Possible threats from the external environment are analyzed.
  • Various aspects of the organization, its strengths and weaknesses are studied.
  • Options are being developed that address the perceived problems.

All this becomes the basis for the formation of different options for personnel management strategies, among which the most effective is selected. Strategic planning experts together with the company’s top management and HR Director:

  • formulate goals and objectives that can be achieved using the selected personnel strategy;
  • evaluate its strengths and weaknesses;
  • develop a phased implementation plan;
  • develop basic indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the personnel strategy.

Factors influencing the development of HR strategy

The development of a personnel management strategy is influenced by:

  • development prospects
  • market position
  • field of activity
  • leader's personality
  • enterprise size
  • availability and qualifications of management specialists;
  • personnel, their quantity and quality
  • organizational structure
  • history of the enterprise
  • legislative field.

This is an incomplete list of factors that influence the process of implementing management strategies. It is also important to consider the following points.

  1. Are there mechanisms that allow the implementation of management strategies?
  2. Is it possible to receive “feedback” from both the internal and external environment.
  3. Is there interaction between strategic, operational and tactical powers, the nature of the division between them.

In addition, the quality of key aspects of the management system is taken into account: operational and tactical decisions, organizational structures, the financial condition of the organization itself and already implemented personnel management methods.

Methods for developing a personnel management strategy

Almost all methods in developing a personnel management strategy come down to a combination of:

  • theoretical analysis
  • intuition, experience and knowledge of best practices by strategic planning experts.

It is impossible to perfectly calculate or think through a general plan according to which techniques and methods of influencing human capital will be introduced. Even the most ideal strategy does not remain unchanged and requires adjustments due to changes in external and internal conditions.

Most often, traditional methods are used to develop a plan:

  • SWOT Analysis by Kennoth Andrews;
  • five forces of competition, typical strategies according to Porter;
  • core competencies of Gary Hamel and Coimbatore Prahalad.

SWOT analysis has become a truism for many managers for a comprehensive assessment of an enterprise. It allows you to:

  • identify the company’s opportunities and existing threats
  • develop and implement a SWOT analysis matrix
  • select the most effective methods of personnel management
  • determine ways to implement management methods
  • build a management strategy taking into account the resources necessary for implementation that are available.

The Five Forces Model allows you to:

  • determine which aspects of the company are strong and which are weak
  • find those areas where strategic changes promise to produce better results.

This model requires the following:

  1. Find an advantageous position that will best protect the company from the five forces of competition.
  2. Predict the possible potential of the enterprise personnel.
  3. Develop a strategy that will allow you to achieve the best results.

Core competencies mean the company’s ability to do something unique that will allow it to occupy a leading position compared to its competitors. This concept formed the basis of the strategy development method, which involves the following procedures.

  1. Determining what unique properties the team has, as well as the product or service being produced.
  2. Personnel assessment from the perspective of collective skills and competencies.
  3. Focus on core competencies.

The end point of this method is to develop a leadership strategy that is most suitable in the given conditions and context.

Design principles

In order for the process of developing a personnel management strategy at an enterprise to produce a quality product, it must adhere to the following principles:

  • focus on long-term prospects
  • connection with the overall strategy of the company and other areas of the company’s activities
  • systems approach
  • subsequence
  • justification of the strategy from the financial side
  • respect for the rule of law
  • the ability to change under the influence of external and internal factors.

The personnel management system at the enterprise is developed for a long period. Forcing events or chasing quick results can have a positive effect in the short term, but can cause negative consequences in the medium and long term. Mistakes in the field of personnel management are very costly for an enterprise.

For example, a quick, unprepared transition to a strict HR management strategy can come back to haunt the company. The restrictions and harsh punishments introduced may immediately lead to a sharp increase in productivity, but in the future they become the main reason for the outflow of valuable workers and a sharp decline in the quality and volume of production.

The development of a personnel management strategy should not be carried out in isolation from other areas of the company. To increase the efficiency of an enterprise, the organization’s personnel management system must take into account the enterprise’s long-term development plans, its marketing strategy, and financial capabilities.

All changes introduced in the issue must be within the limits permitted by law. Actions against employees that are contrary to labor law are unacceptable.

Any introductions and innovations must be justified from a financial point of view. The enterprise is aimed at making a profit, and if the costs of implementing any strategy require enormous funds, “eating up” all the profit or even exceeding it, there will be no point in its implementation. Each personnel innovation must ultimately increase the company's revenues and be financially justified.

External and internal factors, numbers and data taken to develop a personnel management strategy may change over time. This requires the implemented system to be flexible, able to change quickly and adapt to new conditions.

Examples of developing a HR strategy

The main thing that needs to be highlighted in the process of creating a system is its individuality for each enterprise. It is not at all necessary that it cover all the constituent elements of the company's activities. Only individual elements may be in the field of view of experts. It all depends on what goals and strategy the organization itself and the personnel management system have.

Example #1

Development of a personnel management strategy includes:

  • hiring highly qualified engineers
  • instructing them to engage in research and development work.

To implement this personnel management policy in a company, it will not be enough to find and attract suitable employees. It is necessary to effectively use human resources and create conditions that prevent the outflow of engineers from the enterprise, prevent staff turnover, and create motivation for long-term cooperation.

In this regard, a development system and strategy was developed, providing for the following.

  1. Setting a set of tasks for engineers that matches their potential and requires them to take initiative in decision making.
  2. Providing specialists with the opportunity to improve their professionalism.
  3. A set of attractive incentives aimed at maximizing the retention of engineers in the workplace of the enterprise.

In this case, experts and personnel department employees simultaneously combined several components.

  1. Search and attraction of engineers.
  2. Distribution of tasks among staff.
  3. Encouragement and development of employees, ensuring appropriate working conditions.

To achieve this task, a combination of human resources management tools was created that met the requirements of the chosen organization strategy.

Example No. 2

Often, in order to increase profits, company management sets the task of improving the qualifications of its personnel. It may be necessary to master new areas of activity, as a result of which employees must master new professions. To achieve this task, a personnel management strategy is being developed that takes into account the interaction of the following components:

  • personnel policy for recruitment, selection and training of personnel
  • personnel administration;
  • organization of production activities;
  • advanced training of employees, personnel development;
  • incentive measures.

Personnel (employment) policy includes:

  • attracting personnel to the enterprise, taking into account their professionalism and qualifications;
  • encouraging employees to enter into long-term employment contracts (partially changing the labor market).

Employee administration (human resource management) implies:

  • involve personnel (human resources) in solving current tasks and problems;
  • receiving feedback from company employees.

The organization of production activities means:

  • constant change of tasks, as a result of which employees expand the range of their skills;
  • distribution of tasks among personnel so that their implementation contributes to increased professionalism and qualifications.
  • development of a personnel rotation system and career growth program.

In addition, the introduction of bonuses and incentives for successful professional development supplemented the overall remuneration and were stimulating and motivational factors.

Example No. 3

The company's management decided to produce products at low prices. At the same time, production volumes are planned to increase significantly. According to top managers, this will reduce production costs. In this regard, a new key point has appeared in the HR strategy - increasing labor productivity by 15%. To achieve this, the following steps were envisaged:

  1. Increasing requirements for applicants when hiring them, the testing system is becoming more complex, and the most qualified and motivated are identified.
  2. Increasing communication among enterprise personnel to increase productivity.
  3. Improving motivation, remuneration and incentives that take into account the increased intensity of work and high performance indicators of each individual employee.

Developing a new HR strategy allowed a tech company to successfully increase productivity and reduce product prices.

Implementation of HR strategy

After developing a strategy, it can be recorded in a document (Roadmap). Typically, a Roadmap or Detailed Project Plan displays the following points:

  1. Specific actions to be performed within the new system.
  2. The time frame within which these activities must be completed.
  3. Officials responsible for execution depending on the management structure.
  4. Volumes of financial, material and information resources.

As planned activities are completed, department heads submit reports on the basis of which progress in the implementation of the introduced personnel management system is monitored.