Transport and logistics relations. History of logistics

Transport logistics acts as a necessary component of the entire theory and practice of commercial logistics, since logistics as a science deals with the management of all flow movements, and the management of material flow is impossible without its transportation.

Logistics operations along the route of material flow occur using various vehicles.

The costs of these operations are approximately half of the total logistics costs.

Taking into account this approach to transport as part of the supply chain, commerce logistics is considered in different aspects:

1) from the standpoint of the operational efficiency of individual modes of transport;

2) from the point of view of organizing transportation from the cargo producer to the recipient;

3) taking into account the interests of the client, not only the main transportation, but also processing and storage are important.

The quality of transportation is more reflected in the overall costs than their cost, so taking into account the above aspects contributes to the optimal choice of transport services.

Transport, being an important link in the logistics system, must be flexible enough to ensure the transportation process meets changing demand.

The transport itself is divided into:

1) public transport (covers the needs of the national economy in transporting goods and passengers);

2) non-public transport (transport of the enterprise itself and transport owned by non-transport companies).

The objectives of transport logistics are to provide participants in the transport process with technical compliance - this is the consistency of vehicle parameters, allowing them to work with both containers and packages; technological compliance, where technological compliance is the use of a unified technology of transportation and direct transshipment; coordination of economic interests and use of unified planning systems.

Creating transport corridors, choosing the type of transport, choosing the route and type of vehicle - all these tasks also relate to transport logistics.

2. Basic concepts of transportation and freight forwarding

The main function of transport logistics is to create a system for optimizing the transportation process, as well as transport and forwarding support.

Basic concepts of transportation and freight forwarding include:

1) activities for forecasting, organizing and implementing the delivery of products from the place of their manufacture to the final destination and additional transportation services;

2) preparation of necessary documents;

3) legal support (conclusion of contracts) for transportation;

4) payment for the transportation of goods;

5) carrying out and organizing loading and unloading operations;

6) packaging, packing, warehousing;

7) increasing the volume of small and reducing the volume of large shipments;

8) information support;

9) insurance services, financial and customs services.

Transport support is work associated with movement, movement of goods and passengers, provision of loading and unloading services and storage services.

Transportation technology consists of a sequence of technological operations during the transport process.

Forwarding support is part of the process of movement of goods from manufacturer to consumer and includes a number of additional works, without which the transportation process cannot be started and completed.

3. Types of cargo transportation

Information about the characteristic features of various types of transport is the basis for choosing the type of transport that is optimal for a particular transportation.

Based on the number of modes of transport involved in transportation, delivery systems are divided into single-mode and multi-mode.

Single-type transportation includes unimodal transportation, and multi-type transportation includes multimodal and intermodal transportation.

Unimodal transportation, unlike intermodal and multimodal transportation, is carried out using one type of transport. Multimodal transportation is carried out, as a rule, within the country, intermodal transportation is a system for delivering goods in international traffic.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of certain types of transport

All of the listed types of transportation have their differences, but at the same time they also have similarities; they have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological schemes.

Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of various types of transport.

Road transport is involved in the transportation of goods over a relatively short distance (within 200–300 km); the main advantage of this type of transport is good maneuverability, which allows cargo to be delivered “door to door”.

This type of transport allows us to ensure regular deliveries, as well as deliveries in small quantities. There are less stringent packaging requirements here.

It is necessary to note the speed of delivery of goods and passengers; in terms of its speed characteristics, it is second only to air.

The main disadvantages are:

1) high cost of transportation;

2) the likelihood of cargo theft and theft of the vehicle itself;

3) low load capacity;

4) poor condition of roads and their short length;

5) expensive maintenance, high cost of material and technical resources;

6) motor transport is environmentally unfavorable, which reduces the possibility of its use.

But, despite these shortcomings, road transport actively provides freight transportation for all services of the national economy.

Road transport carries out the majority of passenger movements over short distances, in suburban transport, as well as in intercity transport at a distance of up to 500 km.

Rail transport is well suited for transporting various consignments of goods in any weather. The organization of transportation by this type of transport is regular and carried out over long distances.

The key advantage is the relatively low cost and the availability of discounts.

Another positive aspect is the possibility of laying railway lines in almost any territory of the country and the high transport and throughput capacity of railways.

Rail transport is characterized by relatively high economic indicators and fairly advanced transportation technology.

For an objective assessment, it is necessary to list the shortcomings, these include: a limited number of carriers, the impossibility of delivery in the absence of railway tracks.

The use of railway transport is beneficial when transporting goods (coal, mineral fertilizers, metals, etc.) over long and medium distances, between enterprises that have railway tracks. In some cases, the use of rail transport is beneficial even with insignificant cargo turnover.

Maritime transport plays an important role in the development and strengthening of economic ties with foreign countries; it is the largest carrier in international transport.

Compared to other types of transport, maritime transport has a number of positive differences in providing mass intercontinental transport.

Sea routes do not require additional costs, so this transport does not require additional capital investments.

This transport is characterized by: low cost of transportation, unlimited capacity.

The disadvantages of sea transport include:

1) dependence on natural and navigation conditions;

2) the need to build a complex port facility;

3) low speed and strict packaging requirements.

Maritime transport is associated with overseas transportation and delivery of goods for import and export to countries with trade links.

Inland water transport is characterized by low freight tariffs and is an important link in the overall transport system in areas where there are rivers.

River transport is distinguished by large carrying capacity, low cost of transportation, and low capital investments.

The disadvantages are the limited use of rolling stock due to the seasonality of work, lengthening of cargo routes, and low transportation speeds. River transport is effective in areas where there are no other modes of transport.

Air Transport. The main advantage is speed. Air transport is also distinguished by the ability to reach remote areas and high safety of cargo.

Air transport is mainly engaged in passenger transportation; freight transportation carried out by it, in comparison with the volume of transportation carried out by other modes of transport, is light in weight.

Air transport is engaged in the delivery of goods to industrial centers and the delivery of vegetables, fruits and other perishable products, as well as mail and other valuable cargo, to the northern regions.

The high cost of transportation is the main disadvantage of this type of transport. Disadvantages include dependence on weather conditions.

Pipeline transport. Pipelines are divided into oil pipelines, product pipelines and gas pipelines. This type of transport provides low cost with high throughput and a high degree of cargo safety. The disadvantage of pipeline transport is the small amount of goods to be transported. Pipeline transport is involved in pumping oil and gas from fields and moving oil distillation products.

5. Transport documentation

The main documents regulating the rules of transportation are the Charter of the Russian Railways, inland water transport, road transport, and the Merchant Shipping Code.

The charters and the Code define the duties and rights, as well as the responsibilities of transport organizations and citizens using transport. They regulate the relationships of transport organizations among themselves and with consumers of products.

When transporting goods, a contract is concluded in the form of an agreement under which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods by his own means from the place of destination to the final destination within a specified time frame, and the sender undertakes to pay a set fee for transportation.

There are different contracts for different types of transport transportation.

The contract for cargo transportation by rail is a consignment note, which is drawn up by the sender of the cargo. Road manifest is a document that accompanies the cargo along the route.

Wagon sheet is a document drawn up for each loaded wagon.

In liner shipping, the contract is a bill of lading, which simultaneously serves as the carrier’s receipt of the cargo.

Bills of lading can be registered (drawn up for a specific recipient), order, or present (valid upon presentation).

In overseas navigation, with a non-linear form of shipping, the contract is formalized as a charter.

When transporting by sea, the primary document is the loading order.

In direct, water or mixed transport, a waybill is used instead of a loading order.

Consignment notes are issued for towing rafts and other floating objects and air transportation.

A standard contract has been established for motor transport organizations. When the vehicle goes on a trip, the truck driver is issued a waybill, which is the main document for recording the work; it is issued, as a rule, for one day and is returned at the end of the work.

The consignment note is the basis for settlements between the customer and the motor transport company.

List of documents required for the transportation of goods: waybill, invoices, power of attorney for transportation, specification, supplier invoice, power of attorney for transportation, summary statements.

6. Transport management

At the federal level, the central link in the state transport management system is the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

The creation of management structures and the distribution of functions and powers between them presupposes the existence of an organized system of state regulation of transport activities.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has its own central office and departments for modes of transport and road infrastructure. Departments of transport carry out a thorough analysis of the conditions and development trends of the sub-industry, in accordance with a unified state policy, they develop a policy for the development of transport in the region.

The central apparatus deals with strategic problems, development, preparation, coordination of draft laws and regulations, their implementation on the spot is carried out by independent centers of power in the form of local administrations. The emerging system of territorial transport management consists of transport administration bodies, non-administrative economic and financial units and coordination structures.

7. Routing of cargo flows

An important logistics method in determining the optimal route is total cost analysis.

The development of the optimal route is carried out by the freight forwarder of the cargo owner upon receipt of an order for the provision of transport services for the transportation of cargo that is new to him or a familiar cargo in a new direction.

At the end of the preliminary assessment, several competitive options are identified, each of which is further analyzed to select the final optimal option.

Not only the price of cargo transportation is taken into account, but also transportation time, the possibility of unforeseen expenses, delays in transit and the likelihood of cargo damage.

After determining the optimal route option, the forwarder selects transportation participants and concludes the necessary contracts.

8. Transport and logical chains, information support

The principles of logistics are most simply applied to the transportation of bulk cargo (coal, iron ore, petroleum products).

Transport and logistics chains are most effectively implemented in the field of cargo transportation. The development of competition between market participants for high-quality service at minimal cost, the development of unification processes between enterprises in various industries, the use of the latest information technologies that have great potential for positive management - all this contributes to the formation of new organizational forms of interaction between supply chains and networks.

Until recently, market orientation was considered the main factor for success, but for enterprises to be profitable, it is necessary to correctly select and combine resources.

It was the resource orientation that was formed in economically developed countries, which inevitably led to an understanding of the need for unified (integrated) logistics.

The characteristic features of integrated logistics have a direct impact on the efficiency and productivity of the transport system, as well as on the quality of its functioning.

The peculiarities lie in the accounting and use of resources that competitors do not have, in the ability of clients, by paying for additional services, to extract additional benefits for themselves, maintaining stability in the long term.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude: using the “value chain”, the logistics approach is focused on all participants in the commodity and logistics process. The value chain consists of four links: connections with suppliers, consumers, technological processes within the enterprise; logistics processes within the enterprise between its divisions; integrated communication between enterprises of the transport and logistics chain.

Enterprises in the transport and logistics chain strive to reduce costs by quickly turning over resources, reducing order fulfillment time, and coordinating transport work with a network of shippers and consignees.

An important strategic resource for transport logistics is logistics information.

Information support allows you to most effectively realize business goals; it is aimed at timely deliveries and preventing irrational losses of resources.

The use of electronics leads to a reduction in transportation costs due to the positive management of information flows, increasing their speed and coordination.

Depending on the source of obtaining information, external and internal information are distinguished within the information support of transport logistics.

Internal logistics information includes information about transport services, costs, tariffs, methods of transportation and delivery.

External – information about markets, competitors, customer needs, changes in transport legislation.

Transport and logistics enterprises united in a chain are interested in obtaining correct and timely data at all levels of management.

The information obtained is taken into account as a resource and an independent factor in transport and transportation activities.

The degree of satisfaction of consumer requests for transportation depends on the completeness and accuracy of information resources in transport logistics.

Dissatisfaction with information support indicates the lack of complete information about cargo, transportation conditions and transport processes, untimely receipt of information upon requests, differences in the levels of training of the workforce processing and using logistics information, the absence or underdevelopment of a communication network, and the lack of technologies for monitoring the properties of information resources.

Transport and logistics processes include searching, processing and distribution of information.

Time and quality are key factors in the transport logistics system.

Transport operations are subject to the requirement of logistics, delivery of safe cargo on time.

A logistics approach is necessary for enterprises providing transport services; The service sector must function in such a way as to fully satisfy the needs of the client.

To deliver cargo without delays with the least amount of resources, a unified technological process is developed and implemented, which takes into account the integration of production, transport and consumption. A unified technological process allows for smooth operation of all parts of the logistics system.

9. Delivery and distribution systems

A modern approach to transport as an integral part of a large system implies consideration of the entire transportation process from the initial to the final point (from the shipper to the consignee), including the processes of cargo handling, packaging and unpacking, storage and information support for cargo delivery.

The complexity of this process has led to the creation of special logistics centers.

These centers analyze data and develop proposals for improving cargo flows, distributing transportation across all modes of transport, packaging shipments, and the procedure for concluding contracts.

In logistics chains, during the delivery of goods, technological processes arise that have their own characteristics, depending on the characteristics of the cargo.

Delivery of goods is a set of activities carried out after receiving products for transportation and before receiving them by the consumer. They include the delivery of materials, their warehousing and storage, as well as packaging and transportation by any type of transport.

This also includes operations such as developing a traffic schedule and choosing a route. The goal of these activities is the reliable delivery of goods and eliminating the gap between production and consumer. Freight forwarding services are the main part of the process of moving cargo from the manufacturer to the consumer.

The main participants in the delivery system are forwarders, carriers, warehouses, etc.

When executing an order from a cargo manufacturer, the company acts as an organizer of the delivery process, selecting and coordinating the work of process participants, and at the same time bears responsibility to the cargo manufacturer and system participants. Product distribution involves the work of moving goods from producers to final or intermediate consumers.

The distribution system is based on:

1) consistency of individual industries and firms involved in the process of movement of products from manufacturer to consumer;

2) the totality of enterprises and organizations through which goods pass from the moment of its manufacture to the moment of its consumption;

3) coherence of activities of legal entities and individuals in promoting products as logistics providers between the manufacturer and consumer of the product.

The collection of distribution channels constitutes the distribution network.

With the development of the economy, the volume of foreign trade increases, and at the same time the volume of transportation of foreign trade goods and the number of passenger traffic increases.

In modern conditions, transport occupies a key position in integration processes. With the globalization of the economy and foreign trade exchange, new approaches to the development of transport and the search for cost-effective ways to develop the transportation of people and goods are required.

10. International road transport

International transportation of goods by road ensures economic ties between our country and the countries of Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

The structure of transportation is very diverse. They are divided into two main groups: transportation of foreign trade goods (machinery, machine tools, equipment, raw materials and resources) and transportation of non-trade goods (diplomatic cargo, movable property during relocation, exhibits, etc.).

International transportation, depending on the frequency of execution, can be regular or one-time.

International transportation is regulated by agreements on international road transport between the governments of our country and the contracting country.

Cargo transportation is carried out on the basis of permits issued for each flight and giving the right to carry out transportation there and back.

If the total weight of cargo and vehicles or their overall dimensions are not included in the norms established and in force in the territory of another country, and also if it is necessary to transport dangerous goods, then, in addition to regular permits, special ones are also required.

All vehicles and the drivers driving them are subject to customs control. Rolling stock carrying out international transportation must have national registration numbers and distinctive signs.

For international transport, heavy vehicles and van road trains are used. Movement is carried out through a through system. The car crew consists of two drivers.

The efficiency of international road transport is to ensure door-to-door delivery of cargo.

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Theoretical foundations of transport logistics

Basics of transport logistics

Transport logistics is the most important component of general logistics, responsible for organizing the movement by non-public transport (of a certain enterprise) of material flows or service flows (mainly, of course, these are all kinds of cargo, branded products of the enterprise) along a rationally developed route to a specific place of delivery in the shortest possible time deadlines. The distribution and cargo flow channel is determined in the distribution logistics department, and the transport tasks include:

· Selecting the type and type of vehicle;

· Selection of the optimal route for the movement of cargo traffic (selection of the most profitable option for cargo delivery and coordination of transport tariffs);

· Definition of the transport process (creation of a transport process that ensures cargo transportation over certain distances within given time frames);

· In conjunction with the production, distribution and warehouse departments, resolving issues related to sending and forwarding cargo, organizing loading and unloading operations, cargo processing and packaging, warehousing, cargo picking, monitoring the quantity and condition of cargo, insurance, security and customs clearance of cargo;

· Ensuring technological unity of transport processes.

That is, we can also say that transport logistics helps an enterprise to achieve economic, technical and technological connectivity. Technical connectivity implies the consistency of all parameters of an enterprise’s vehicles, technological connectivity means the use of one technology for transporting goods and the possibility of non-transshipment communication, and economic connectivity implies the use of a general methodology for market research and the construction of tariff systems in favor of one’s enterprise.

All of the listed tasks are solved together and are closely interconnected not only in their department, but also in other departments of the enterprise too.

The main function of transport logistics is the transportation of enterprise products through a specific system in the supply chain. This can be seen in problem #1.

Transport logistics also has its own specific goal in the enterprise’s operating system - this is to minimize transportation costs. It is known that any enterprise sets itself the goal of not only making as much profit as possible, but also reducing costs. Transport logistics plays a very significant role in achieving this goal, based on the following rules:

· the rule of absolutely full use of the carrying capacity of rolling stock during transportation;

· the rule of divisibility of the transported cargo consignment, order units, dispatch and warehousing;

· packaging/container typification rule;

· the rule of economy of scale and distance of transportation;

· the rule of segregation and rejection of unprofitable goods;

· the rule of delivering goods on time.

If you follow these rules and competently manage and organize the transportation of goods, then part of the production costs of the enterprise will definitely be minimized.

Transport logistics, in turn, is divided into two subtypes according to its purpose:

1. External transport logistics, which directly deals with the supply of enterprises and the sale of their products to customer firms or consumers;

2. Internal transport logistics, which is responsible for intra-production transportation (transportation of goods between production departments, for example, warehouses or workshops).

Having determined what transport logistics is as a department of an enterprise, it is necessary to study its components, that is, the subjects and objects of transport logistics.

Subjects of transport logistics are individuals or legal entities who organize and manage the transportation of goods.

Where: the shipper is the enterprise that handed over the cargo for transportation and is the sender; carrier is a specialized transport organization (or transport agency) that organizes the delivery of goods from the sender to the recipient (to the consumer); a forwarder is an operator (usually a representative of a carrier company) who determines the optimal route and generally coordinates transportation; consignee is an individual or legal entity to whom, at the direction of the consignor, the cargo must be delivered and released at the destination; auxiliary logistics partners are mainly insurance, security companies, banks, cargo terminals, etc.

Transport logistics objects include:

· Transported goods;

· Transport and transport services;

· Transportation process.

Transported goods. Their types and characteristics

Considering an external transport logistics system, the control object can be called a cargo flow - this is a certain amount of cargo transported in a given direction over a designated period of time.

According to the existing transport classification of cargo, all of them can be divided into 3 types:

1. Bulk - these are cargoes that represent a certain structural mass (bulk, bulk, liquid and timber);

2. General - these are piece goods, consisting of individual packaged and unpacked items (container, sack, box, package);

3. Specially sensitive - these are cargoes that have special physical and chemical properties and must be stored and transported in special transport or containers, subject to certain precautions (explosives, perishable food, garbage, livestock);

Also, all transported cargo can be divided from a technological point of view into the following types:

· by size (small, medium and large-sized cargo (approximately 2.5 - 3.8 m));

· by weight of one piece of cargo (piece cargo (up to 250 kg), increased weight (from 250 kg to 30 tons), heavy cargo (over 30 tons));

· according to the size of the shipment (small batches (weighing up to 5 tons), batches (weighing from 5 to 30 tons), large batches (weighing from 30 tons)).

Transport characteristics of cargo include the following elements:

· linear dimensions of the load (length, width, height, diameter of the load);

· weight (kilograms-tons or displacement for liquid cargo);

· volume of cargo or volume of 1st place occupied by this cargo.

For various types of transport and cargo, there are certain transport equipment used for transportation and temporary storage of transported cargo. These are, for example: covered cars, gondola cars, platforms, tanks; trucks and trailers; small-tonnage and large-tonnage containers; various pallets (pallets).

Transport and transport services.

The question of choosing the optimal vehicle for transporting enterprise cargo is very important and perhaps the most difficult. In fact, there are many different methods of delivering goods by all kinds of transport, but which one is the most effective to use is a very controversial issue. The problem of choosing a vehicle is solved in accordance with other logistics tasks of the enterprise, such as creating and maintaining an optimal level of inventory, choosing the type of packaging.

There are five main types of transport: rail, water (sea and river), road, air and pipeline.

The basis for choosing the type of transport that is optimal for a specific transportation is information about the characteristic features of various types of transport, which have both advantages and disadvantages that are significant from a logistics point of view (Table 1).

Table 1

Characteristics of modes of transport

Kind of transport




High carrying and throughput capacity; Independence from climatic conditions, time of year and day; High regularity of transportation; Relatively low tariffs; Significant discounts for transit shipments; High speed delivery of goods over long distances.

Limited number of carriers; Large capital investments in material and technical base; High material and energy consumption of transportation; Low accessibility to end points of sales (consumption); Insufficient cargo safety.

Possibility of intercontinental transportation; Low cost of long-distance transportation; High carrying and throughput capacity; Low capital intensity of transportation.

Limited transportation; Low delivery speed (long transit time); Dependence on geographical and weather conditions; The need to create a complex port infrastructure.

Inland water (river)

High transportation capabilities on deep-water rivers and reservoirs; Low cost of transportation; Low capital intensity.

Limited transportation; Low speed of cargo delivery; Dependence on the depths of rivers and reservoirs, navigation conditions; Seasonality; Insufficient reliability of transportation and safety of cargo


High availability; Possibility of door-to-door delivery of cargo; High maneuverability, flexibility, dynamism; High delivery speed; Possibility of using different routes and delivery schemes; High cargo safety; Possibility of sending cargo in small batches; Wide range of possibilities for choosing a suitable carrier.

Low performance; Dependence on weather and road conditions; Relatively high cost of transportation.


Highest speed of cargo delivery; High reliability; Highest cargo safety; The shortest transportation routes.

High cost of transportation; High capital, material and energy intensity of transportation; Dependence on weather conditions; Insufficient geographical accessibility.


Low cost; High performance; High cargo safety; Low capital intensity

Limited types of cargo (gas, oil products, etc.); Insufficient availability of small volumes of transported goods.

A comparative assessment of performance indicators for various modes of transport is given in Table 2

table 2

Comparison of different modes of transport










Cost of transportation


Transportation speed

Very high

Very high

Frequency of transportation

Sometimes limited




Limited to pagoda


Transportation range



Inside the water pool




Traffic volume



Need for a dedicated road network

Not required


Not required


Not required


The need for special terminals

Port facilities required

Station terminals required

Terminals required at the pier

Not required

Airports required

Pumping stations required

Table 3 shows the structure of fixed and variable costs for each mode of transport.

Table 3

Cost structure of various modes of transport

Kind of transport





High costs for rolling stock, terminals, rail tracks, etc.

Low level


Low costs (highways are supported by road funds)

Medium level (fuel, maintenance, etc.)

At the intermediate level (vessels and equipment)

Low level (one-time transportation of large tonnage is possible)


Low level (aircraft, missile defense, containers)

High level (fuel, wages, maintenance, etc.)


Highest level (ground, construction, pumping stations, monitoring and control system)

Lowest level (labor costs are extremely low)

The main indicators characterizing the place of individual types of transport in the Russian transport system are presented in Table 4.

Table 4

Main indicators characterizing the place of individual types of transport in the Russian transport system

Each of the above types of transport has its own material and technical base, documentation and technical and operational performance indicators.

Having decided on the choice of transport, you must not forget about transport services. It includes not only control over the procedure for servicing vehicles from a technical point of view, but also the process of providing customers or employees of an enterprise with transport services in accordance with established standards and requirements or a contract.

Often, all large enterprises have such a service as “official transport”. Most often, this is a bus, which at a certain time picks up employees at a designated place and takes them to the work enterprise, and at the end of the working day, on the contrary, takes them back. You can also call transport services - transport services. That is, every company that has a transport base at its disposal must not forget that the quality of transport services, the efficiency of transport services for servicing customers, shippers and consignees, transportation of goods and the provision of additional and related logistics services, directly affects the quality of the company’s work as a whole. and the same goes for her reputation. The more developed the transport service is, the more efficient the operation of the entire transport system, and, therefore, in relation to other logistics departments, the enterprise as a whole.

Creation and operation of the enterprise transport process

The organization of internal transport includes the selection of a transportation planning system, the implementation of appropriate preparatory work, the establishment of a certain procedure for the operation of vehicles and the performance of loading and unloading operations.

Currently, enterprises use two types of transportation planning systems: according to standard schedules And upon request. The first type is used for fairly powerful and stable cargo flows, the second - for occasional needs for vehicles. When transport operates according to standard schedules, rational routes are identified, standard vehicle movement schedules are developed, the procedure for performing loading and unloading operations, and the technical equipment of loading and unloading sites are determined.

The following types of routes are used for the transportation of goods: pendulum, fan, circular.

At pendulum route a vehicle transports goods between two specific points. At fan route- transportation of goods is carried out from several points to one or from one point to several. When sequentially servicing a vehicle during a cycle of several points of departure and receipt of cargo, it is used circular route. The choice of one route or another is justified by economic calculations.

Vehicle operating hours the procedure for performing loading and unloading operations is determined.

When developing a vehicle work schedule, it is necessary to implement preparatory work:

· procedure for providing containers;

· equipping cargo acceptance and dispatch points with mechanization;

· assigning routes of vehicles and drivers.

Transportation planning consists of three stages:

1. technical and economic planning;

2. scheduling;

3. dispatching.

Technical and economic planning consists in drawing up calendar annual or quarterly transportation plans. These plans include the production program (transportation plan), cargo turnover, volume of loading and unloading operations, the required number of vehicles and mechanisms, the number of transport workers and other data characterizing the operation of transport in the planned period.

Transportation schedules are compiled for shorter periods: shift, day, month. They cover loading and unloading operations, repairs of vehicles and communications. The main operational planning document is the vehicle schedule. logistics transport cargo

Operational management of the progress of transport work, control over compliance with vehicle traffic schedules and daily shift plans is carried out by the transport dispatch service. She also organizes the implementation of planned work. Operational records are maintained on the basis of daily reports on the work of transport units.

The process of planning the operation of vehicles is based on the calculated need for materials, which is further specified based on requests from workshops. Planning of internal cargo turnover of MRs at the request of production departments is carried out taking into account various types of cargo units (Table 5).

Planning of internal cargo turnover of MR based on requests from production departments begins with determining the total cargo turnover per shift:

Table 5

Classification of internal material flow according to accounting characteristics

Accounting characteristic



Motor transport

Load capacity, (qi), t.

Capacity (Vi), m 3

Nomenclature unit

Loading from one place (homogeneous)


Every shift

Loading from different places (composite)

Rational use of body volume

As needed

Machine kit

Parallel loading of two or more vehicles (combined)

Number of vehicle trips

Workshop order

Selective loading, according to the requirements of production departments (selective)

As workshop requests are received

All routes for delivery of materials (components) are selected based on requests from the i-th production unit, and the following condition must be met:

In this case, the vehicle performs a cyclic route for delivering goods. Knowing the total volume of cargo Qcm that needs to be delivered to all planned points (workshops) along the circular route, and the carrying capacity of a specific i-type of vehicle, we can calculate the required planned number of trips per shift () for this one type of vehicle:

In practice, this indicator is calculated based on the time of one trip of the i-th type of vehicle on the j-route

At the same time, when calculating the total number of trips, the weighted average time of trip (i) of the i-th type of vehicle is taken into account:

where n is the total number of routes on the plant territory;

Lj is the transportation distance along the j route, km.

Consequently, the number of vehicle flights () that are performed by one unit of the i-th type of transport per shift is determined by:

i is the average travel time of the i-th type of vehicle.

Then, the required total number of vehicles of the i-th type () allocated per shift will be equal to:

By changing the values ​​of the carrying capacity and the coefficient of utilization of the carrying capacity, you can quickly change one vehicle to another. In this case, the above formula will automatically recalculate the required number of vehicles for their different types.

In this case, the number of transport units required to replace the i-th type of vehicle with the d-th when their two types work together (can be determined:


Nmashi (Nmashd) - the number of vehicles of the i-th (d-th) type allocated by the auto shop per scheduled shift, units; l- actual reduction in the planned need for vehicles of the i-th type (based on the technical readiness of transport, etc.) per shift (l

The simultaneous operation of vehicles of 3 types () in the transport and warehouse model is determined by the expression

The calculation of the required number of vehicles can be seen in task No. 3.

In order for the transport logistics department to function properly, it is necessary, in addition to choosing a rational mode of transport, building an optimal route and ensuring a high level of transport services, it is necessary to create an entire transport process. The transport process consists of three components: loading, movement and unloading.

Let's start with the fact that before loading the cargo and sending it from the shipper to the customer company or consumer, it is necessary to establish, so to speak, external logistics connections. These include carrier companies, forwarders, insurance and security companies, cargo packaging companies, etc. Of course, if an enterprise has an entire transport department at its disposal, then it does not need to find carriers and forwarders. Transportation managers know what, when, where, to whom, and in what quantity to send, having the necessary transport, an established base of consignees, as well as working personnel responsible for loading or unloading the necessary cargo.

So, the consignee has been found, the transport is technically prepared for shipment, the person responsible for delivering the cargo is available, now it is necessary to load the cargo onto the vehicle. Loading includes delivering the vehicle to a specific place where it is sent to the consignee, organizing work on forming and sorting the cargo, and preparing documents accompanying the transportation. The most important document when transporting cargo, without which it is impossible to send a vehicle, is the consignment note, which indicates what cargo will be delivered, when, in what quantity, who will deliver it, who will have to accept it. In this document, the shipper writes off all financial responsibility for the transported cargo, and temporary responsibility for transportation now lies with the person who delivers this cargo.

Then comes the second stage of the transport process - movement. It is the main function of transport. When moving, the cargo carrier, not being the owner of this cargo, bears full responsibility for its safety to the place of unloading and is financially responsible for it. This stage requires careful and thorough study of the transportation route, and also requires extreme vigilance from the transportation contractors to reduce travel time and maximize the safety of the cargo during its delivery.

The final stage of the transport process is unloading. The cargo, through the vehicle and the carrier, is delivered to the consignee, the consignment note is given to the executive by the consignee upon acceptance of the cargo and, therefore, the consignee bears further responsibility for the safety of the cargo. Unloading work is carried out either by the personnel of the consignee enterprise or by the personnel of the shipper to reduce the time for loading and unloading operations and the total time of the production process. These operations are the most complex and labor-intensive, affecting the delay time of the vehicle, and, consequently, reducing its productivity.

In general, the transport process is a very complex job that requires a lot of responsibility. After all, the organization and implementation of the transport process is accompanied by a huge flow of information, contained in a multitude of documents accompanying the cargo and the vehicle - these are waybills for the vehicle indicating the route and cargo, a waybill, information on traffic organization, information in case of faulty and critical situations.

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You will learn what transport logistics is, what problems it solves, and how to choose the right transport and logistics company for beginning businessmen

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine! Eduard Stembolsky is in touch.

When doing business, organizing and transporting products is very important for expanding the geography of the company's activities. Many entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of transporting cargo.

In this article I will cover the main issues related to transport logistics, and also give specific recommendations for choosing a transport company.

Make yourself comfortable, we're starting!

1. Fundamentals of transport logistics - definitions, essence and goals

The modern transport services market is replete with a large number of offers. In the conditions of created competition, transport logistics companies are trying to offer the most favorable terms of cooperation for clients.

But how can a person who is not familiar with the organization of work of transport companies choose a reliable contractor? Who can provide maximum productivity at minimum costs? Let's try to figure it out. We already wrote about this in a previous article.

First, you should become a little more familiar with the basic terms. What is transport logistics?

In your own words, this concept can be explained as a mechanism for managing the transportation of goods. Transporting finished products or necessary components to support the production process is an integral factor in commercial success.

This is a system for organizing cargo delivery with minimal time costs and optimization of delivery costs.

Transport logistics happens internal And external. The first provides intra-production transportation, and the second provides supply to enterprises and sales of finished products.

For example

Businessman Andrey organized a small manufacturing company for the production of plastic products. At the initial stage, it was possible to sell products in one city using one company car.

However, with the increase in production and the emergence of partners in other cities, it became necessary to attract more cars to use. A transport logistics company helped him a lot with this.

The main goal of logistics is to maximize the use of the carrying capacity of rolling stock and organize regular deliveries without warehouses.

Transport logistics is closely related to, which was discussed in one of the previous articles.

Freight logistics involves the implementation of several different stages:

  • selection of the most suitable vehicle;
  • calculation of necessary expenses;
  • preparation of documentation;
  • loading of transported cargo;
  • transportation process;
  • unloading at the final destination.

If it is necessary to deliver products abroad, transport logistics must additionally take into account customs services. In this case, customs clearance is carried out. In this case, cargo clearance is carried out according to a special principle.

2. Transport logistics in Russia: problems and prospects

A very big problem in the development of transport logistics in our country is the lack of competent business projects that clearly define the functions of each of the company’s divisions.

The impossibility of a clear delineation of responsibilities leads to the fact that one employee performs various types of work without being a professional in the given industry. This point should be taken into account at the stage of training for this type of logistics.

Transport logistics in Russia is not developing very rapidly.

There are a number of reasons influencing this:

  • unstable economic situation;
  • low level of development of packaging production;
  • poor condition of the road surface;
  • low level of production and technical base.

So, friends, despite certain difficulties in the development of transport logistics at this stage, there is everything necessary for this direction to actively develop in the near future, and it is really developing!

An example is the friends and partners of the site - a transport company that provides transportation throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. The company also has . Its director, Yana Gulinchuk, not only runs her business professionally, but also develops comprehensively.

My friend and co-owner of the site Vitaly met Yana’s husband at one of the Business Youth training events. Since then, we have been communicating and becoming friends and are ready to vouch for the quality of services of this transport company.

3. What problems does transport logistics solve - 5 main tasks

The main tasks of transport logistics are to create transport chains through which cargo will be transported in the future.

It should also be noted the importance of analyzing final destinations, building the optimal delivery route and choosing a vehicle. During transportation, maximum control over the safety of the cargo must be ensured.

Task 1. Analysis of endpoints

At this stage, a preliminary route is plotted depending on the distance between points. In this case, the features of the selected section of the route are taken into account, on the basis of which the most suitable vehicle is selected.

In certain situations, it may be necessary to resort to using different types of transport in certain areas.

Task 2. Analysis of cargo properties

After a detailed analysis of the technical and operational characteristics of the transported cargo, a suitable transport is selected, and a convenient route is created.

Provided that if hazardous substances are being transported, then such a route should be laid away from densely populated areas and strategically important objects. Additionally, when performing such a flight, special permission may be required.

Task 3. Selecting suitable transport

The essence of transport logistics is to ensure timely delivery of cargo. Without choosing the most suitable transport, it is not possible to solve such a problem.

Transportation can be carried out by various types of vehicles.

The main pros and cons of transporting goods by various modes of transport are shown in the table below:

Comparison criteria Automobile transport Railway transport Sea transport Air Transport
1 Delivery speed Average ( ± ) Average ( ± ) Low (-)High (+)
2 Lifting capacity Max low (-)High (+)Max high (+)High (+)
3 Rates Low (+)Low (+)High (-)Max high (-)
4 Mobility High (+)Low (-)Low (-)High (+)
5 Safety of cargo during transportation Average ( ± ) High (+)High (+)Max high (+)

Task 4. Building an optimal route

Logistics of transport systems includes the construction of an optimal route for cargo delivery, along which transportation will be carried out in a short time. In this case, the required delivery speed, agreed upon with the customer at the preliminary stage of cooperation, must be taken into account.

The specifics of the transported cargo and the geographical location of all points along the route are also taken into account.

Several different delivery path options may be created before achieving a positive result. After weeding out unpromising routes, the optimal option remains, which includes the minimum time and cost indicators.

Depending on climatic and other external factors, some adjustments may be made to the route as work progresses.

Task 5. Control of cargo during transportation

To meet the established time frames, you should carefully monitor the movement of cargo and, if necessary, make some adjustments to the route.

Breakdown of transport, delays in loading and unloading operations - all this can lead to delays in delivery. You can monitor the movement of vehicles using modern navigation devices.

For example

The driver of the Fregat transport company punctured his rear wheel while performing a flight. Fixing the problem took him out of his original travel schedule.

The driver reported this problem to the company's in-house logistics specialist, who promptly adjusted the route. Ultimately, the delivery deadlines were not violated and the customer was very satisfied, agreeing to further cooperation.

4. How to choose the right transport company for cargo transportation - advice from an expert for beginners

Having understood what transport logistics is, you can move on to solving specific problems - choosing a company that can provide fast and high-quality transportation of goods.

It is very important to consider:

  1. Company experience. The age of a company involved in the transportation of goods is an indicator of its stability and indicates a well-functioning operating mechanism.
  2. Work technologies. Companies with extensive practical experience have already managed to establish certain technologies that allow them to achieve positive results. Close interaction with contractors at various stages of delivery allows us to resolve any issues that arise.
  3. Company personnel. All full-time employees must be one and have sufficient practical experience. This is the key to the professionalism of any company.
  4. Specialization of a logistics company. Small logistics companies in most cases turn out to be only intermediaries. Trusted companies that specialize in the delivery of groupage cargo cannot be small by definition. Such a service provider may be worth considering.
  5. Features of transportation of products produced by your company. When choosing, it is more advisable to give preference to the contractor who has been transporting similar products for a long time.

The team of the website is personally acquainted with the company’s management. So, friends, if you need to transfer cargo, feel free to contact the guys from GLP, our portal vouches 100% for their quality of work.

The company's long-term representation in the service market is a guarantee that the company solves its problems efficiently and withstands competition with other companies.

It is most advisable to use the services of a carrier that has been operating for more than five years. The easiest way to find such information is on thematic forums.

All logistics company personnel must quickly respond to emerging difficulties and various conflict situations. The qualifications and practical experience of full-time employees should not raise any doubts.

For example

There was a slight delay in delivery of the cargo due to customs procedures. A reliable service provider will provide compensation to the customer in such a situation.

Transport and logistics system – a set of objects and subjects of transport and logistics infrastructure, together with material, financial and information flows between them, performing the functions of transportation, storage, distribution of goods, as well as information and legal support of commodity flows.

Transport and logistics systems are characterized by the following operating goals :

Financial goals, which are expressed in the form of profit with profitability and liquidity;

Production and technical goals, which are expressed by overall productivity and the productivity of individual departments, minimizing individual periods of time in the production process;

Technical efficiency, i.e. technical parameters and resource intensity of production, etc.

Elements of the transport and logistics system there may be cargo owners, and various types of transport that ensure the process of cargo delivery. In this case, terminal systems become especially important.

The creation of transport and logistics systems involves the development of integration ties with potential partners, which may include competitors (various types of transport, forwarding structures, etc.).

To increase the sustainability of transport, it is currently necessary to solve problems of reducing costs, improving management of the transportation process, and justifying standards for labor, financial and material resources. Of particular importance in a competitive environment is the search for new forms of integration of transport, customs authorities, forwarders, cargo owners and other participants in the logistics chain of cargo delivery.

When creating new transport and logistics systems and modeling the process of their functioning, it is necessary to apply not a “reactive” approach to property management, but a “proactive” one. In this case, when managing infrastructure, the long-term perspective of the development of transport and logistics systems is taken into account, and not just a reaction to the current change in the situation in the transport market. The task of strategic planning also includes the determination of standards that ensure a reduction in operating costs during a period of decline in transportation and an increase in reliability during a period of increasing the size of processed cargo flows.

2. Types of transport, advantages and disadvantages..

By purpose they are allocated two main groups of transport :

1. Public transport- a branch of the national economy that satisfies the needs of all sectors of the national economy and the population in the transportation of goods and passengers. Public transport serves the sphere of circulation and the population. It is often called the main line (the main line is the main, main line in some system, in this case, in the communication route system). The concept of public transport covers railway transport, water transport (sea and river), road, air and pipeline transport).

2. Non-public transport -– intra-production transport, as well as vehicles of all types belonging to non-transport organizations.

The organization of the movement of goods by non-public transport is the subject of the study of production logistics. The problem of choosing distribution channels is solved in the field of distribution logistics.

So, there are the following main modes of transport :

Ø railway

Ø sea

Ø inland water 9 river)

Ø automotive

Ø air

Ø pipeline

Various modes of transport make up transport complex.

The transport complex of Russia is formed by legal entities and individuals registered on its territory - entrepreneurs who carry out transportation and forwarding activities on all types of transport, design, construction, repair and maintenance of railways, highways and structures on them, pipelines, work related to servicing navigable hydraulic structures, water and air routes, conducting scientific research and training, enterprises included in the transport system that manufacture vehicles, as well as organizations performing other work related to the transport process.

The Russian Transport Code is over 160 thousand km of main railways and access roads, 750 thousand km of paved roads, 1.0 million km of sea shipping lines, 101 thousand km of inland waterways, 800 thousand km of airlines. Through these communications, public transport alone transports about 4.7 million tons of cargo every day (as of 2004). More than 4 million people work in the TC, and the share of transport in the country’s gross domestic product is about 9%.

Thus, transport is a vital part of the infrastructure of the economy and the entire social and production potential of our country.

Railway transport . Provides economical transportation of large cargo, while offering a number of additional services, thanks to which it has an almost monopoly position in the transport market. And only the rapid development of road transport in the 70-90s. XX century led to a reduction in its relative share in total transport income and total freight turnover.

The importance of railways is still determined by their ability to transport large volumes of goods over long distances efficiently and relatively cheaply. Rail transportation has high fixed costs due to the high cost of rail tracks, rolling stock, marshalling yards and depots. At the same time, the variable part of costs on railways is small.

The main part of the freight turnover is provided by the railways with the export of mineral raw materials (coal, ore, etc.) from mining sources located far from waterways. At the same time, the ratio of fixed and variable costs in railway transport is such that long-distance transportation is still beneficial for it.

Relatively recently, there has been a tendency towards specialization of railway transportation, which is associated with the desire to improve the quality of the services they provide. This is how three-tier platforms for transporting cars, two-tier container platforms, articulated cars, and special-purpose trains appeared. A special-purpose train is a freight train, all of whose cars are designed to transport one type of product, for example, coal. Such trains are more economical and faster than traditional mixed trains, because they can bypass marshalling yards and go straight to their destination. Articulated cars have an extended chassis that can accommodate up to 10 containers in one flexible coupling, which reduces the load on the car and reduces the time required for transshipment. Double-deck container platforms, as the name suggests, can be loaded with containers on two floors, doubling the cargo capacity of the rolling stock. Such technical solutions help railways reduce the freight load of wagons, increase the carrying capacity of trains and facilitate loading and unloading processes.

Water transport . Here, a division into deep-sea (ocean, sea) shipping and inland (river) shipping is accepted. The main advantage of water transport is the ability to transport very large loads. In this case, two types of vessels are used: deep-sea (they need ports with deep-water areas) and diesel barges (they have greater flexibility). The main disadvantages of water transport are limited functionality and low speed. The reason is that railroads or trucks must be used to transport goods to and from ports unless both the origin and destination are located on the same waterway. Water transport, thus, characterized by a large carrying capacity and low variable costs, is beneficial to those shippers for whom low transport tariffs are important, and delivery speed is of secondary importance.

Typical cargoes transported on inland waterways include ore, minerals, cement, grain and some other agricultural products. Transport options are limited not only by its connection to navigable rivers and canals, but also by its dependence on capacity for loading, unloading and storage of such bulk cargo, as well as by growing competition from railways serving parallel roads.

In the future, the importance of water transport for logistics will not decrease, since slow river vessels can serve as a kind of mobile warehouses if properly integrated into the overall logistics system.

Automobile transport. The main reasons for the active use of vehicles in logistics systems are their inherent flexibility of delivery and high speed of intercity transportation. Road transport is distinguished from railways by relatively small investments in terminal equipment (loading and unloading facilities) and the use of public roads. However, in motor transport, the magnitude of variable costs (driver wages, costs of fuel, tires and repairs) per 1 km of travel is large, while fixed costs (overheads, depreciation of vehicles) are small. Therefore, unlike railway transport, it is best for transporting small quantities of goods over short distances. This determines the areas of use of vehicles - processing industry, trade, etc.

Despite certain problems in the motor transport industry (increasing costs for the replacement and maintenance of equipment, wages for drivers, loaders and repairmen), in the foreseeable future, road transport will retain a central position in meeting the transport needs of logistics.

Air Transport . Cargo aviation is the newest and least popular type of transport. Its main advantage is the speed of delivery, the main disadvantage is the high cost of transportation, which is sometimes offset by the speed of delivery, which makes it possible to abandon other elements of the structure of logistics costs associated with maintaining warehouses and inventories. Although air travel is not limited in distance, it still accounts for less than 1% of all intercity freight traffic (expressed in ton-miles). Air transport capabilities are constrained by the capacity and cargo capacity of aircraft, as well as their limited availability.

Traditionally, intercity freight transport has relied mostly on passing passenger flights, which was profitable and economical, but led to a loss of flexibility and delayed technical development. Chartering a jetliner is expensive and the demand for such services is sporadic, so the fleet of aircraft operating exclusively for cargo transport is very small.

Air transport has lower fixed costs compared to railways, water transport or pipelines. Fixed costs of air transport include the cost of purchasing aircraft and, if necessary, special cargo handling equipment and containers. Variable costs include kerosene, aircraft maintenance, and flight and ground personnel.

Because airports require very large open spaces, air transport is generally not integrated into a single system with other modes of transport, with the exception of road transport.

A wide variety of cargo is transported by air. The main feature of this type of transport is that it is used to deliver goods mainly in cases of emergency, and not on a regular basis. Thus, the main cargo transported by air is either high-value or perishable goods, when high transport costs are justified. Potential objects of air cargo transportation are also such traditional products for logistics operations as assembly parts and components, goods sold through mail catalogs.

Pipeline transport. Pipelines are an important part of the transportation system and are primarily designed to transport crude oil and liquid petroleum products, natural gas, liquid chemicals and aqueous dry bulk products (cement). This type of transport is unique: it operates around the clock, seven days a week, with breaks only for changing pumped products and maintenance.

Pipelines have the highest proportion of fixed costs and the lowest proportion of variable costs. The level of fixed costs is high, since the costs of laying pipelines, maintaining rights-of-way, building pumping stations and creating a pipeline management system are very high. But the fact that pipelines can operate with virtually no human intervention determines the low level of variable costs.

The obvious disadvantages of pipelines are the lack of flexibility and the limitation of their use to transport only liquid, gaseous and soluble substances or suspensions.

Speed ​​is determined by the time it takes to travel a certain distance. The fastest of all is air transport. Accessibility is the ability of transport to provide communication between any two geographical points. Road transport is the most accessible, since trucks can pick up cargo directly at the point of departure and deliver it directly to its destination. The reliability indicator reflects potential deviations from the expected or established delivery schedule. Because pipelines operate 24 hours a day and are immune to weather or overload, they are the most reliable form of transport. Loading capacity characterizes the ability to transport cargo of any weight and volume. On this basis, the highest rating belongs to water transport. Frequency is the number of transportations (transportations) in a traffic schedule. Since pipelines operate continuously, they take first place here too.

So, first of all, the logistics manager must decide whether to create his own fleet of vehicles or use hired transport (public or private). When choosing an alternative, they usually proceed from a certain system of criteria, which include:

· Costs of creating and operating your own fleet of vehicles

· Costs of paying for the services of transport, freight forwarding companies and other logistics intermediaries in transportation

Transport speed

· Quality of transportation (reliability of delivery, safety of cargo, etc.)

In most cases, manufacturing companies resort to the services of specialized transport companies.

Each type of transport has specific features from the point of view of logistics management, advantages and disadvantages that determine the possibilities of its use in the logistics system.

Table 1 Characteristics of modes of transport





High carrying and throughput capacity. Independence from climatic conditions, time of year and day.

High regularity of transportation. Relatively low tariffs; significant discounts for transit shipments. High speed delivery of goods over long distances.

Limited number of carriers. Large capital investments in the production and technical base. High material and energy consumption of transportation. Low accessibility to end points of sales (consumption).

Insufficient cargo safety.

Possibility of intercontinental transportation. Low cost of long-distance transportation. High carrying and throughput capacity. Low capital intensity of transportation.

Limited transportation.

Low delivery speed (long cargo transit time).

Dependence on geographical, navigation and weather conditions.

The need to create a complex port infrastructure.


High transportation capabilities on deep-water rivers and reservoirs.

Low cost of transportation. Low capital intensity.

Limited transportation. Low speed of cargo delivery.

Dependence on uneven depths of rivers and reservoirs, navigation conditions. Seasonality. Insufficient reliability of transportation and safety of cargo.


High availability.

Possibility of door-to-door delivery of cargo

High maneuverability, flexibility, dynamism. High delivery speed. Possibility of using different routes and delivery schemes.

High cargo safety. Possibility of sending cargo in small batches. Wide range of options for choosing the most suitable carrier.

Poor performance. Dependence on weather and road conditions. relatively high cost of transportation over long distances.

Insufficient environmental cleanliness.


The highest speed of cargo delivery. High reliability.

Highest cargo safety.

The shortest transportation routes.

High cost of transportation, the highest tariffs among other modes of transport. High capital, material and energy intensity of transportation. Dependence on weather conditions. Insufficient geographical accessibility.


Low cost. High performance (throughput). High cargo safety. Low capital intensity.

Limited types of cargo (gas, oil products, emulsions of raw materials). Insufficient availability of small volumes of transported goods.

3. Basic transport and logistics systems, analysis of types of transportation. An example of the application of a transport system.

General algorithm organization of transportation can be represented as a diagram:

§ Selecting the type of transport system.

§ Selecting a mode of transport.

§ Selection of main and auxiliary logistics intermediaries in transportation.

The main tasks of transport are:

1). Ensuring stable connections between individual industries and regions of the country,

2) timely and complete satisfaction of the transportation needs of the economy and population,

3) increasing the economic efficiency of its work.

It is impossible to solve these problems with the help of any one type of transport, therefore all types interact, complementing each other, forming a transport system.

Basic transport systems.

1. Unimodal(single-type) transportation

Carried out by one type of transport, for example, automobile. Unified freight and travel documents, one dispatch center. Typically used when the starting and final transportation points of a logistics chain are specified without intermediate warehousing and cargo handling operations. The criteria for choosing the type of transportation in such transportation are the type of cargo, volume of shipment, cargo delivery time, transportation costs. For example, for large-scale shipments and in the presence of access roads, it is more expedient to use rail transport; for small-scale shipments over short distances, it is more advisable to use road transport. Organization method: “door to door” of sender and recipient.

2. Amodal

It is characterized by the presence of one dispatch center, different vehicle routes, a single end-to-end freight rate, and single responsibility for cargo. It is usually carried out by two modes of transport, for example, railway-road, river-road, sea-railway, etc. in this case, the cargo is delivered by the first mode of transport to the so-called transshipment point or cargo terminal without storage or with short-term storage with subsequent transshipment to another kind of transport. A typical example of multimodal transportation is the service by motor transport companies of railway stations or a sea river port of a transport hub. Signs of amodal transportation are the presence of several transport documents and a consistent pattern of interaction between participants in the transport process. Organization method - a combination of the “MCI” and “Just in time” systems - a quick response method

3. Transmodal

This transportation differs from amodal transportation in the presence of more than two types of transport. , the presence of unified transport and travel documents for the transportation of goods. Its use is determined by the structure of logistics supply channels. When, for example, large quantities of GP are sent from the manufacturing plant to the wholesale base by rail (in order to minimize costs), and delivery from the wholesale base to retail points is carried out by road. Method of organization: “moving highway” – a continuous process of transportation.

4. Intermodal

This is the transportation of goods by several modes of transport, in which one of the carriers organizes the entire delivery from one point of departure through one or more destinations and, depending on the division of responsibility for transportation, various types of transport documents are issued. The method of organization is the “MRP” system – a push planned system.

5. Multimodal

Modification of the intermodal model. In this case, there is a person who organizes the transportation and is responsible for it along the entire route, regardless of the number of modes of transport involved when issuing a single transportation document.

Signs of intermodal and multimodal transportation:

o Availability of a delivery operator from the initial to the final point of the logistics chain

o Unified end-to-end freight system

o Single transport document

o Single responsibility for the cargo and execution of the contract of carriage.

The most progressive models of cargo transportation today, capable of increasing the competitiveness of transport services, are: a transmodal model, based on the technology of transportation by various modes of transport using a single transport document; an amodal model, which provides for the organization of certain routes, implemented by various modes of transport and controlled from one control center.

So, to the main criteria when choosing a transportation method and mode of transport include:

§ Minimum transportation costs

§ Specified transit time (cargo delivery)

§ Maximum reliability and safety

§ Minimum costs (damage) associated with inventories in transit

§ Capacity and availability of the mode of transport

4.Transport management

Transport management in the process of physical movement of goods on the way from producers to consumers through established logistics distribution channels consists of sequentially solving the following problems :

1. Selecting a mode of transport and determining places and methods of transshipment of goods from one type of transport to another.

2. Routing of this movement for modes of transport that are free to determine the route of movement (for example, for road transport as opposed to railway transport).

3. Control and management of traffic during the delivery of goods along the logistics chain.

The choice of mode of transport is often without alternative and is completely determined by the relative location of the manufacturer, consolidation and distribution centers, the number of intermediaries and the nature of their activities, the number and location of consumers and their behavior in the purchasing process.

If, for example, cargo can be delivered from one place to another by rail and road transport, it is necessary to make the right choice of transportation option.

When making such a choice, one should take into account the properties of the cargo being transported and the various modes of transport that were discussed and classified above, as well as the situation on the market of carrier companies. This also includes whether carriers have one or another transportation management strategy, their provision of additional services and the level of informatization and control of the entire transportation process.

In addition to those mentioned, the choice of a combination of modes of transport is influenced by :

The need to create transport corridors, i.e. such a part of the national or international transport system that provides significant volume and/or intensity, more or less constant transportation between individual regions;

The feasibility of creating transport chains, i.e. such transportation or its stages, when even when using different types of transport, the goods themselves remain unchanged, representing a cargo package or, more conveniently, a standardized container;

Possibility of technological linkage and joint planning of transportation with production and release of finished products and with the warehousing process;

Possibility in the case of intermodal transport of interconnection and joint planning of transportation processes for different modes of transport.

Under the influence of the KANBAN and just-in-time logistics concepts, users of transport services began to give preference to such criteria for assessing transport performance as compliance with time schedules for cargo delivery (depending on the duration of the planned delivery, the following deviations are considered acceptable: for eight-12 weeks - 25%; four to eight weeks - 10; less than four weeks - 1%), responsibility for meeting current transportation needs and the ability to track the movement of cargo.

According to sociological surveys, an increase in the importance of the above criteria was observed in 90% of companies that adopted the KANBAN and just-in-time logistics concepts. At the same time, half of these firms attach great importance to such factors as the proximity of terminals, tariffs, length of routes and the availability of specialized rolling stock

An important role in choosing a particular type of transport is played by transport tariffs .

By rail they are classified as follows:

General - for the bulk of cargo;

Exceptional - for specific cargo;

Preferential - for transportation for a specific purpose;

Local - within this road.

Payment for rail transportation depends on the type and scale of shipment, type of car, speed and distance of transportation. You should also consider whether the container or other packaging belongs to the sender or is the property of the railroad.

Tariffs applied in road transport, are classified as follows:

Piece work;

Based on autoton hours;


Per kilometer;

For moving rolling stock;


Payment for road transportation depends on the distance of transportation, the weight and volume of the cargo transported, the carrying capacity and type of vehicle used, its total mileage and time of use, as well as the area in which this transportation is carried out.

By river transport Tariffs are set independently by transport organizations conducting transportation along waterways - shipping companies.

By sea transport payment for transportation is made either according to the tariff (if the cargo is transported by the liner shipping system) or according to the freight rate (if the transportation is of a custom nature). The size of the freight rate is determined on a contractual basis based on conditions on the freight market.

Rates for air transportation are also determined by airlines independently. Payment may also in this case be determined by freight rates.

In world practice, including Russian , pricing for transport services for the transportation of goods is based, as a rule, on three basic principles:

1) setting a tariff based on the cost of cargo transportation and profit margins;

2) setting a tariff based on the cost of transported goods;

3) setting a tariff through the combined use of the first two principles.

In the latter case, the tariff is set within the tariff range calculated on the basis of cost (minimum value) or on the basis of the cost of transporting goods (maximum value). This approach is the most practical, is used more often than the first two and is based on the use of so-called “tariffs for any cargo” in logistics systems. Under these tariffs, transportation of a mixed consignment of cargo is paid at a single average rate, which makes it possible to avoid determining the classification tariff rate for each cargo. Thus, “tariffs for any cargo” are relatively independent of the cost of transportation and the cost of transported goods and are tied mainly to routes. The use of such tariffs simplifies the procedure for determining them, reduces transport costs, which makes it possible to reduce not only transport costs, but also overall logistics costs.

Freight routing problem becomes especially relevant in the context of multivariate distribution of such flows. This is typical for road transport, to a much lesser extent for air or sea transport, and to a very small extent for river and railway transport. Therefore, for this case, we will limit ourselves to considering the problem of choosing a route and intensity of transportation in relation to road transport. This limited consideration is common.

All road transport routes are divided into pendulum and ring.

Pendulum route- this is a route in which the car’s mileage between two end points is repeated many times. There are the following types of pendulum routes:

With reverse idle run;

With return partially loaded mileage;

With return fully loaded mileage.

Ring route- this is the mileage of a car along a closed circuit, on which there are several sequentially bypassed points. After completing the circular route, the car returns to its starting point. The following types of circular routes are distinguished:

Distribution, when products from one supplier are delivered to several consumers;

Prefabricated, when products from several suppliers are delivered to one consumer;

Collection and distribution, when products are obtained from several suppliers and delivered to several consumers.

To solve this problem, methods for constructing economic and mathematical models are used, among which linear programming methods are the most developed.

In its most general form, the transport problem within the framework of linear programming is formulated as follows: there are m suppliers (or local warehouses) with a certain limited supply of products, and n consumers of these products. The costs of transporting a unit of production from any supplier to any consumer are known. It is necessary to attach consumers to certain suppliers so that the total transport costs for the delivery of all products are minimal.

Minimization goals (the type of so-called objective function) in each specific case may be different. When routing road transport, depending on the goals set, the following tasks are solved using linear programming methods:

Determining the number of trips for a given time the car is in service, which ensures a minimum loss of working time;

Assigning consumers to suppliers of similar products, which ensures a minimum of idle runs;

Linking the driving of individual vehicles in order to ensure a minimum of idle runs;

Determining the sequence of detours when drawing up distribution and assembly routes, which ensures a minimum mileage during this detour;

Distribution of vehicles and mechanization for loading and unloading along work routes, which ensures maximum use of these vehicles and related mechanization.

The use of economic and mathematical models and computer methods of their analysis makes it possible to create rational transportation routes and schedules for delivering orders to consumers.

Practical management of the progress of properly organized transportation is carried out with the help of properly organized documentation and document flow, as well as informatization and computerization of all transport processes.

Along with the general current codes and charters regulating the relevant transport operations, a transportation contract is drawn up in each specific case. In this document, the carrier undertakes to transport the agreed cargo to a given point within the agreed time frame, and the sender undertakes to pay for the carrier’s work in the prescribed manner.

Different types of transport have their own terminology related to documenting transportation, and the loading documents compiled have their own characteristics. For railway transport, the primary document that has the force of a contract is the consignment note drawn up by the sender. The required set of accompanying documentation, in addition to the consignment note, includes a road manifest, a travel document counterfoil and a cargo acceptance receipt.

In the consignment note, the sender indicates the station and destination road, the name of the sender and recipient, postal addresses, the number of loading spaces, the type of packaging, the weight of the cargo, information about the car and its loading rate.

The same data is entered into the other three mentioned documents.

The consignment note is stamped with the date of acceptance of the cargo, and the sender is given a completed receipt. The waybill and waybill are sent along with the cargo. The recipient accepts the cargo according to the consignment note and signs for its receipt in the road manifest. The main document for recording the work of the railway is the stub of the road manifest, which remains with the sender.

When sending cargo by road, the main document is a standard transportation contract, and for settlements between the customer and the motor transport organization, a consignment note must be drawn up. When the car is released onto the line, the driver is given a waybill, which must be returned to him upon completion of work.

When sending cargo by sea in the case of using a vessel that makes regular voyages, the contract for transportation is a document called a bill of lading, which in content is a kind of invoice. The bill of lading travels with the cargo; the recipient accepts the cargo using it and signs for receipt thereof. A bill of lading can be personal, i.e. drawn up in the name of a specific recipient, order, i.e. surety, and presentable, i.e. valid upon presentation.

If the vessel used makes a non-scheduled voyage under charter conditions, the contract of maritime carriage drawn up is called a charter party. A bill of lading must also be drawn up in this case, but serves only as a waybill, according to which the recipient accepts the cargo and signs for its receipt.

In the case of transportation of goods in direct water transport (i.e., according to the “sea-river” principle) or in mixed railway-water transport, this accompanying document is called a “waybill”. If interport transportation is carried out, that is, sea transportation in its pure form, then the primary document for transferring cargo to the ship is the so-called loading order.

When transporting goods by inland river transport, the main document is the navigation agreements concluded by the shipping company with the shipper. These contracts are seasonal in nature and are usually concluded before the start of navigation. The document that accompanies the cargo throughout its transportation, and in this case, is the invoice. Waybills for the transportation of goods by river transport are carried out in several versions: for dry cargo ships, universal containers, towing, for petroleum products and intermodal transport.

Finally, cargo transportation by air is also carried out in accordance with a properly issued consignment note.

Correct and prompt resolution of issues related to the progress of transportation, which is an integral part of the entire production and sales process, should be based on the following factors:

Increasing the technical level of transportation associated with large-scale informatization based on the use of computer technology,

Organizational and methodological measures based on the concept of logistics, which considers the movement of material flow as a single whole.

It must be borne in mind that in fact both of these factors are interconnected. Increasing levels of informatization make it technically possible to consider the entire material flow from producer to consumer as a single whole. On the other hand, an integrated approach to material flow requires the collection and processing of information about all the details of its actual movement, including the progress of implementation in all aspects of various agreements on transportation

Currently, in connection with the development of logistics functions based on high informatization of the transport process, the possibility of mixed container rail-road-water transportation has arisen.

Trucking companies specializing in interregional transportation of large quantities of cargo use their own high-speed heavy-duty vehicles with trailers, as well as powerful tractors with heavy-duty semi-trailers. To fully utilize the carrying capacity of such high-performance equipment, carrier companies consolidate transported goods at the initial points of transportation, and at the final point they disaggregate them and deliver them in small batches to recipients.

Due to the development of international and intercontinental markets, transportation by sea is becoming increasingly important.

To connect various types of transport, a developed network of port facilities, loading and unloading terminals, warehouse facilities, access roads, sorting facilities, shunting facilities and loading and unloading mechanisms and devices is being created

Therefore, along with the management of commercial transportation operations (preparation and acceptance of cargo, paperwork, collection of payment and various fees, sealing, registration of redirection, delivery to recipients), the technological process of transportation is managed.

This technological process is carried out by the personnel and equipment of the relevant links in the transport chain, and cannot under any circumstances be disrupted. In addition, each type of transport has different types of freight communications, shipments and speeds of cargo transportation.

Rational and correct implementation of the transport and logistics system can provide significant economic benefits.

For example, Severstal OJSC (Vologda region), in order to reduce transport costs in the face of rising transportation tariffs, created a transport logistics center in the structure of the commercial directorate of a metallurgical company in 2002
According to the commercial director, the structure of the organized transport logistics center (CTL) made it possible to solve the problem of reducing costs in several ways. Such schemes, for example, included the organization of closed circular routes, which the company had already successfully tested, in particular, in the transportation of raw materials. The organization of "loops" and the use of other optimal transportation schemes with a reduction in the empty run of cars allowed the company to obtain an economic effect of $2.6 million in 2003.
According to A. Belyaev, another task of the Central Transport Line was the use of a universal rolling stock of cars, the widespread use of all types of transportation, and the creation of an optimal portfolio of used own and borrowed vehicles. Currently, Severstal has initiated a top-level project “Creation of a universal rolling stock of cars to ensure the shipment of finished products and raw materials, reducing logistics costs” in order to create a material and technical base for the implementation of this task. In particular, the project provides for the expansion and creation of a fleet of universal cars, which would allow rolling metal and raw materials to be included in circular transportation using our own vehicles.
The company intends to achieve the greatest efficiency from the project during the non-navigation period, with the reorientation of exports to rail transportation. Over the past winter, according to A. Belyaev, due to the existing universal rolling stock, it became possible to use a scheme for delivering rolled metal to export clients not through St. Petersburg, but through the Far Eastern ports: Severstal transports metal there in its own gondola cars, and delivers raw materials back from Kuzbass, which is cheaper than transporting rolled metal by water. The economic effect amounted to about 3 million dollars. According to A. Belyaev, “in navigation 2006, the volume of metal transshipment through our own port amounted to 1.62 million tons of metal, while the savings when transporting rolled metal by water transport amounted to about 7.3 million. dollars. In 2007, the company will not reduce the volume of transport of rolled metal by water for export and the domestic market, and the transport logistics center is preparing another project for the development of the port in the field of transshipment of both rolled metal and raw materials."

5.Use of new concepts in logistics

The development of logistics has had a significant impact on transport policy and structural changes in the nature of the activities of enterprises in these industries.

The transition from strict government control to deregulation of transport began in the late 70s. The most noticeable changes in this area have occurred in the United States.

In order to achieve synchronization of the work of transport and production, the “kanban” and “just in time” (“just in time”) systems are widely used in the economic activities of companies. Their essence as applied to transport is as follows: if in the main production it is used “strictly according to schedule” without information about the content of significant volumes of reserves of necessary materials, raw materials, semi-finished products and components, then in purchasing and sales logistics transportation is carried out respectively at short intervals ( "Kanban" system) and at a strictly defined time ("just-in-time" system).

Using this technology, the supply of cargo and tonnage to clients, in necessary cases, is carried out with an accuracy of minutes. In this case, for example, a car from the main conveyor of a car assembly plant does not go to a warehouse, but into a carriage, and at the same time a special loading device controlled by a computer ensures that the next carriage is placed under the next batch of cars.

This technology allows you to do without cumbersome and expensive warehouse facilities and accelerate capital turnover. As a result, inventory standards are sharply reduced. For example, in Japan they constitute 2 and 5 daily requirements, and at the Nissan automobile assembly plant the stock of components is designed for only 2 hours of operation of the main conveyor

Timely satisfaction of the needs of industries that require guarantees of cargo delivery by a certain date is also achieved by organizing the movement of freight trains on the railway network according to a strict schedule.

Under the influence of “kanban” and “just in time” logistics systems, users of transport services began to give preference to such criteria as compliance with time schedules for cargo delivery; depending on the duration of the planned delivery, the following deviations are considered acceptable

for 8-12 weeks – 25%

4-8 weeks – 10%

less than 4 weeks -1%

Thus, it can be argued that from the 70-80s. an organic combination of transport with service production begins, turning it into a link in a unified system “production-transport-distribution”

Deregulation mainly affected autonomous transport as it is the most suitable for transporting goods in small quantities, capable of reducing inventories of material resources and increasing the speed of their turnover.

As for rail transport, it is still subject to a number of legal and administrative requirements from the state. Rail transport remains less favorable compared to road transport for use under the just-in-time system. But such qualitative characteristics as the regularity and speed of trains in direct traffic can be very useful.

The use of inland water transport in the logistics chain is largely limited by the seasonality of its operation in a number of countries. However, inland waterways can be used as an alternative mode of transport compared to road transport, which is subject to restrictions such as prohibition of work on weekends, road taxes, etc.

Finally, the introduction of the logistics concept into the practice of world economic relations makes it possible to increase the volume of goods transported by sea and especially by air in intercontinental communications.

6.Prospects for transport logistics

Automation of information flows accompanying cargo flows is one of the most essential technical components of logistics. Modern trends in information flow management consist of replacing paper shipping documents with electronics.

With undocumented technology, traditional methods of performing cargo and commercial operations at stations of departure, arrival and along the route have become an anachronism - they are a barrier to the creation of fundamentally new technologies for the transportation process.

Attempts are being made to simplify transportation documents for freight tariffs, and a system of mutual payments for transportation between senders, recipients and transport organizations. But, in fact, the outdated technology of commercial work is superimposed on modern technical means of automation.

Naturally, when developing a new technology, it is necessary to focus not only on existing technical automation equipment, but also take into account further prospects for their development. The technical basis for creating advanced technologies and building a transport logistics system is:

* multiprocessor computers, mini- and macrocomputers of the fifth generation;

* channels of connection;

* equipping officials of cargo stations with personal computers.

* In addition to the use of a progressive technical base, when creating a fundamentally new technology, it is necessary to implement a set of the following organizational and technological measures:

¨ to develop a unified coding system for all types of transport for cargo, shippers and consignees, wagons and other vehicles, as well as railway stations, ports, and bus stations. All types of information on cargo units, including shipping and railway markings, must be applied in a manner convenient for automatic reading by modern pattern recognition devices;

¨ build data banks from regulatory, reference and operational information in the aircraft station, computer information center and main computer center, which contain all the information necessary to solve the problems of automating cargo and commercial operations of tracking and searching for cargo within the boundaries of the station, roads and railway network. The main goal of developing a promising, fundamentally new technology is to fully automate the processes of receiving, searching and accounting for cargo, tracking their movement at all stages of the transportation process, including the phases of servicing the material flows of a cargo station, practically without paper documents. As a result of the abolition of work on preparing transportation documents and office reports, the procedure for receiving and issuing cargo is significantly simplified, many operations are eliminated, including the preparation of a set of transportation documents and carriage space; endorsement in the consignment note in the form of permission on the transportation document; registration of a consignment note after acceptance of goods for transportation by the delivery person; filling out the cargo acceptance book for departure; maintaining records of supply and cleaning of wagons and numberless accounting; preparation of financial reports; registration of arriving cargo at the station technology center and goods office; preparation of operational reports on loading and unloading of cargo; drawing up ten-day applications and ten-day orders for cargo loading tasks; preparation of banking and financial documents for centralized payments for transportation; maintaining an archive of a cargo station, etc.

The main principle of documentless technology for cargo and commercial work during the transportation process is that from the moment the goods arrive on the railway until the moment of delivery, all the necessary information is in the computer memory.

The process of moving goods by rail is modeled by the movement of data through memory arrays at departure and destination stations, marshalling stations in the information computing center and the main computer center of the Ministry of Railways, i.e., a global dynamic model of the movement of material flow is built.

A hypothetical undocumented technology for servicing material flows and accompanying information flows is carried out as follows.

An application for cargo transportation in the form of a request is transmitted by the sender via communication channels of the station's CC. When a transportation visa is received, information about the cargo is recorded in the computer memory. The movement of information as the material flow at the freight station is serviced can be carried out according to the “shift register” principle.

The cargo is delivered to the transport and warehouse complex. After it is received and placed in the storage area, information about the cargo is again transmitted by the operator to the station’s CC, compared with the records and, if they match, entered into the next memory array - “Waiting for loading”. From this moment on, electronic material accounting of accepted cargo begins. The signal about a change in the state of the cargo is transmitted to the computer in the form of a code. Additional information when accepting cargo is automatically read from the markings applied to the cargo in the form of a bar code.

All loading, unloading and warehouse operations are performed automatically at the transport and warehouse complex (TSC). The linear bar code allows for automatic addressing of cargo by sections and cells of the storage area.

At the moment loading begins, a signal is received in the computer and information about the cargo is transferred from the “Waiting for Loading” memory array to the “Loading” array. Upon loading completion signal, data is transferred from the “Loading” array to the “Waiting for harvesting” array. The automatic device reads the code number of the car and the information is transmitted to the computer via a video terminal simultaneously with the signal about the completion of loading. It complements information previously recorded in memory. If small shipments are loaded into the wagon, then the information contains a list of all cargo located in the wagon and is a non-documentary analogue of the wagon space.

Upon a signal about the completion of car cleaning received from the driver of the shunting locomotive, information about the car and cargo is transferred from the “Waiting for cleaning” array to the “Waiting for formation” array. Here the signal represents the car number.

As a result of the entire procedure described, the material accounting of goods at the TSC is completed. When performing an operation using the direct option, cargo is addressed directly from cars to cars along the shortest route in accordance with a program that is processed by a computer. After completing the formation of the train, a signal is sent to the computer from the shunting locomotive crew, which transmits information about the cargo to the next memory array “Waiting for departure”. After the departure of the train containing the wagon with the accepted cargo, the paperless accounting of the accepted shipment is completed at the station's CC. Information about it is erased in the computer's RAM, but its content is transferred to long-term storage media that are stored in the station's archive.

If the cargo is accepted at a station where there is no computer center, then all information about the sequential stages of cargo processing is transmitted through an intelligent terminal to the collective computer center of the cargo station support. The moments of acceptance and departure of cargo at the loading station and basic data on shipment are also transmitted to the information and processing center of the departure road and the main computer center. Here a generalized information model is formed that characterizes the condition of the cargo at individual stages of the transportation process.

To implement the principles of documentless technology, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

ü Reconstruct existing legal norms related to the abolition of transportation and other documents that currently have important legal significance.

ü Carry out ergonomic and psychological studies of the activities of officials who were traditionally associated with documenting transportation and will work in conditions of full automation and constant dialogue with a computer.

ü Develop a rational, noise-resistant unified coding system for wagons, cargo, consignees, shippers, production facilities - elements of the transport network - taking into account the minimum redundancy of this system.

ü Build a structure of machine-readable code applied to cargo and wagons for automatic reading of information.

At the company logistics level, transportation management consists of several stages:
  • choice of transportation method;
  • choice of mode of transport;
  • choice of vehicle;
  • selection of carrier and logistics partners for transportation;
  • optimization of transport process parameters;
  • coordination and planning of transportation operations together with other logistics functions - inventory management, warehousing.

Let's look at each stage of transportation management.

Methods of transporting goods

There are the following main methods of transportation (transportation):

  • unimodal (single-type) transportation - carried out by one type of transport, for example by road;
  • mixed transportation of goods (mixed separate transportation) - usually carried out by two modes of transport, for example, railway - road, river - road, sea - rail;
  • combined transport - differs from mixed transport by using two modes of transport. According to UNCTAD rules, combined transport of goods is the transportation of goods in the same container or vehicle sequentially by different modes of transport using a through document, such as a bill of lading; * intermodal transportation - transportation of goods by several modes of transport, with one of the carriers organizing the entire transportation from the point of departure to the point of destination through all intermediate points. Depending on how responsibility for transportation is divided, different types of transportation documents are issued;
  • multimodal transportation - the operator organizing the transportation takes responsibility for the entire transportation. at the same time, he issues a multimodal transportation document;
  • segmented transportation - the carrier organizing the transportation takes responsibility only for its part. He may issue a bill of lading for intermodal or combined transport;

Choosing a mode of transport and its features

Transportation can be carried out by the following modes of transport: railway, road, air, sea, inland waterway (river) and pipeline. In the process of planning and organizing transportation, specific features, advantages and disadvantages that determine the possibility of its use in the product distribution system must be taken into account (Fig. 1). The choice of a specific vehicle is carried out within a certain type of transport. For example, if when building a distribution transportation system you decided on road transport, then you need to answer the following questions:

  • What carrying capacity does a car need?
  • How big a car is needed?
  • What type of cargo does a car need to transport?
  • For what type of communications will the vehicle be used (urban, suburban, intercity or international)?
  • What design features does a vehicle need (for example, side or rear or vertical loading, length, width and height of the body)?

Those. the choice of vehicle is carried out taking into account the requirements for transportation of a specific type of distributed product.