Presentation "gender of nouns". Presentation on the Russian language "Gender of nouns" Presentation category of gender of nouns

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Project activity “The Path to Literacy” Russian Federation Municipal educational institution MBOU Secondary School No. 71 Voronezh Our motto on the path to literacy: “Who owns the information, owns the world” Subject: Russian language Participants: students of grade 4 “B” Project leader: Rozhmanova V.P. 2014-2015 academic year year

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QUESTIONS GUIDING THE PROJECT Fundamental question: Which of the categories: gender or number is a constant feature? Study questions: What is the basis for the distribution of nouns by gender? Why are there three genders in the Russian language? How did the neuter gender appear? What is the basic meaning of number forms in nouns? What additional meanings can there be for number forms? What causes nouns to have a plural or singular form? Problematic questions: Why is it important to be able to determine the gender of nouns? How to determine the gender and number of nouns? How to determine the gender of indeclinable nouns? Research methods: Experimental method (the way of scientists) Observation Analysis and synthesis of information

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The fundamental question is “Which category: gender or number is a constant feature?” Group "Search Engines" Study questions What is the basis for the distribution of nouns by gender? Why are there three genders in Russian?

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Why does a noun need a gender? (grammatical tale) - Why do you need a noun? - they once asked Rod - Is there at least one noun without Rod? - he answered. – Without me, a noun will not be able to designate an object, and if it is deprived of Gender, then the noun turns into an adverb: it was a run, but it became a run. And always, as soon as a new object is identified or created, it is denoted by a noun in one of the gender forms: Cheburashka, toy, product, gift... Conclusion: in the gender form we denote a noun. In Russian, the category of gender of a noun consists of three forms. The noun does not change by gender.

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The masculine gender, of course, is MINE: My garden, my brother, my chair. Feminine, I remember, What I will say about is MINE: My river, my cloud and my notebook. Neuter gender – IT, MY: My window, my village. Study question Why is it important to be able to determine the gender of nouns? GENDER OF NOUNS

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WAYS OF DETERMINING THE GENDER OF NOUNS 1. By the meaning of the word (regardless of endings) 2. By ending INFORMATION PRODUCT “Relationship of gender and endings” (table) Masculine gender names of male people and animals Petya - male tiger Feminine gender names of female people and animals Mary - female lioness Feminine gender (SHE, MY, OUR) -a, - I, - country, earth, life Masculine gender (HE, MY, OUR) -a, - I am home, uncle, grandfather Middle gender (IT, MINE, OUR) - oh, village, field

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How the neuter gender appeared 1. Scientists suggest that at first only animate nouns differed as masculine and feminine words: they had different endings (feminine - -a, -ya; masculine - zero ending), they behaved differently in speeches - a beautiful girl came, a little boy fell. But later, inanimate nouns began to be referred to as masculine and feminine words. 2. How did the neuter gender appear? There is a hypothesis that the neuter (no) gender includes those words that, during the development of the language, did not manage to become words of the masculine and feminine gender. But in the French language they did, and therefore there are only two genders in this language - masculine and feminine. ANALYSIS OF LINGUISTIC TEXT

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Neuter gender - 10 words for me: name, time, tribe, stirrup, flame, udder, banner, seed, crown, burden. Masculine gender: bread, house, house A knot for memory Borrowed words retain the gender that they had in a foreign language. piano kangaroo M.R. coffee coat chassis S.R. domino shawl – J.R.

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The fish is “stuffed” with the names of various fish breeds. Determine the gender of nouns. Funny fish Ide Tench Perch Crucian carp Herring Ram Trout Mullet Sterlet HE SHE

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Determine the gender of nouns TASK BANK (intellectual training) beans coffee wormwood towel sheet potatoes shampoo royal parcel surname horse highway flame shell callus tunnel vermicelli cocoa azure path F M F SR F M M M F F F F SR M F M F SR F M

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Horizontal: 3. Rest time for schoolchildren and students. 6. Outdoor children's game. 7. Meat, fish, vegetables or fruits that have been specially processed and sealed in jars for storage. Vertically: 1. Soup with cabbage and other vegetables. 2. Day and night together. 4. Clothing that covers the lower part of the body. 5. Pieces of wood prepared for lighting a stove or fire. Crossword puzzle “Nouns that do not have a gender” CAN NICULES OF CONSERVY VY HIGH KI S U T K I SCH I B R Y K I D R O V A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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This one got into the mud and is glad that his shirt is dirty. They say about this guy: He is bad, a slob. (V. Mayakovsky) General nouns The old woman sits under the window, Where the world stands, scolds her husband: “You are a fool, a straight simpleton! You begged for a hut, you simpleton!” This girl is just a slob. Result of the study: About 200 words are made up of general nouns that denote profession, title, social status, occupation: lawyer, hairdresser, salesman, geologist...

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A brawler, an instigator of quarrels and fights A slacker, staring around with boredom One who loves sweets A lazy person, a slacker, a lover of sleep A rude, ill-mannered person An insatiable, gluttonous person One who likes to talk nonsense, trifles A very absent-minded, inattentive person An awkward, clumsy person A harmless person , a quiet person An incomprehensible, poorly thinking person QUIZ Choose a common noun bully onlooker has a sweet tooth couch potato ignorant glutton idle talkative slob quiet dumbass bully

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* Nouns do not change by gender. * Gender is determined by the initial form of the noun. * To prevent errors in agreeing nouns with adjectives, gender should be determined correctly. * For help in case of difficulty, consult dictionaries and reference books. Genus category – permanent characteristics. Interesting facts German language - 3 genders; English – none; French language – 2 genders. Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Tatar, Yakut, Azerbaijani, Kazakh have no gender differences... Summary of information

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Study Questions * What is the basic meaning of number forms in nouns? * What additional meanings can there be? * What causes the absence of a plural or singular form in nouns? “Singular” - from the Old Slavonic EDIN - “ONE”; STUDYING THE SOURCE Research of the category of number Group "Search engines" "Plural" - from set

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GENDER CATEGORY of a noun and ways of expressing it PLAN 1. Gender category as one of the main grammatical categories of a noun. 2. Gender of inanimate nouns. 3. Gender of animate nouns. 4. General nouns. 5. Gender of indeclinable nouns Objectives of the lesson: 1) Expand students’ knowledge about the category of gender of a noun; 2) Learn to correctly use nouns in speech, taking into account their gender. 3) Increase the level of students’ speech culture. Problem: For what purpose do you think a noun is endowed with gender? TASK: Make up phrases. good news Thank you unexpected advice a long-awaited gift a pleasant welcome a warm compliment

We increase speech culture (learning to write a letter - the epistolary genre) TEXT 1. Analyze an excerpt from M. Gorky’s letter (Name the words that help the writer express his admission of guilt?: “I am extremely embarrassed in front of you, dear professor. With my sincere apologies, I kindly ask You have to believe that all this happened not through the fault of the editors... Once again, honorable Yuri Viktorovich, please accept my apologies... I wish you all the best." A. Peshkov Gratitude - impeccable, immeasurable, endless, large, eternal, enthusiastic, deep, warm, sincere , sincere, unforgettable, huge, heartfelt, touching.

Conclusions on this problem: The category of gender indicates the ability of a noun to enter into combinations with other dependent words: – gender endings help to combine a noun with adjectives, participles, and past tense verbs; – the meaning of gender allows you to combine collective numerals with only masculine nouns (two men, three students); – the meaning of the gender sometimes influences the content of individual spelling rules – the spelling of suffixes – ETs–, –ITs–: brotherETs (m.r.), puddle (zh.r.), dressITse – gunEtso (sr.r.). – spelling of endings in words KNIFE (knife) – KNIFE (leg), but ASHES (sr.)

Basic summary of the case Inanimate nouns (grammatical features) Animated nouns (lexico-grammatical features Masculine gender Neuter gender Feminine gender Masculine gender Feminine gender Neuter gender I.p zero ending -o, -e -a, -я “ь” Gender male Gender female child R.p -a, -i -y, -i Wed: insect, person (person), creature M.r: -IN-; -ISCH-, -ISHK-; journeyman path; Wed: -I (10) animal, mammal, monster...

Nouns with meanings of both genders. Words denoting the names of some females and males require special treatment: marten, squirrel, ant, dolphin, leopard. Despite this, the gender meaning of these nouns is fixed: – marten, squirrel (f.r.); ant, dolphin, leopard (m.r.). Masculine nouns include nouns denoting professions: sculptor, judge, director, secretary, surgeon...

General nouns are names of persons by nationality (Komi, Mansi...); surnames starting with -О, -ИХ, -ИХ: Chernykh, Shevchenko, Milykh... nouns capable of having two gender meanings: rogue, bully, scoundrel, ignoramus... In this case, the adjective, when combined with the indicated nouns, acquires the ending of the gender about whom we're talking: He's such a bully. She's so ugly. The gender of the abbreviation is determined by the reference word: UN – organization (zh.r.); CIS - commonwealth (s.r.); Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ministry (s.r.)

Gender of borrowed nouns denoting male persons (maestro, bourgeois...); names of animals (chimpanzees, flamingos); names of winds (tornado, sirocco); names of languages ​​(Hindi, Swahili); individual nouns: coffee, penalty, ecu (an old coin) and sr.r; Feminine nouns include: nouns denoting female persons (Frau, Miss, Madame); name of the Tsetse fly, salami (sausage), avenue (street), bere (a type of pear), kohlrabi (cabbage). Neuter nouns include: inanimate nouns (coat, popsicle, cocoa, taxi...)

DECISION - CONCLUSION When determining the gender of a noun, the category of animation should be taken into account. Adjectives, when combined with nouns such as surgeon, operator, acquire a masculine ending, and the proper noun agrees with the verb: Experienced surgeon Zbrueva successfully performed the operation. When combined with common nouns, adjectives acquire an ending taking into account the lexical meaning of the word. When determining the gender of a noun, sometimes you need to take into account its stylistic coloring. In case of difficulty, you should use an explanatory dictionary.

MATERIAL FOR INDEPENDENT WORK TASK 1: Determine the gender of the following nouns. Cockatoo, hummingbird, contralto, boa, kangaroo, skittles, canary. TASK 2: Write the ending. The bracelet watch was lying () on the windowsill. Ivanova is a good(ish) announcer. The boy is an orphan. Old() the kangaroo crossed() the shallow stream and went out() to the place where his flock was located. A small(ish) chimpanzee was walking around the zoo. The chairman of the meeting, trade unionist Kazakova, announced the agenda. Assessor Fedorova also took part in the trial. TEST OPTION Option 1 – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Option 2 – 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 Option 3 – 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9

5th grade. Russian language
Lesson topic: Gender of nouns.
Municipal budgetary educational institution Sadovskaya secondary school branch of the village of Lozovoye, village of Lozovoye, Tambov district, Amur region
Compiled by teacher of Russian language and literature Nina Vasilievna Efimova

Checking homework. Explain spellings. Work in groups.

Let us repeat the definition of the gender of nouns.

Write down the nouns by gender
Pencil, clothing, pen, cookies, plate, sky, machine, key, egg, entrance, wheel, pine, window, carrot, notebook, man, quality, house, shampoo, cabbage, ice cream
Determining the gender of nouns
Neuter gender

Test yourself
Neuter gender
Pencil, key, machine, man, entrance, house, shampoo
Clothes, pen, plate, pine, carrot, notebook, cabbage
Cookies, quality, sky, wheel, egg, window, ice cream

Solve the “equations” by choosing feminine nouns of the same root instead of X
Pianist - pianist = soloist - x__________ Greek - Greek woman = Turk - x________________ Merchant - merchant's wife = swimmer - x_____________ Artist - artist = machinist - x_________
swimmer - talking.
Identify the suffix that forms a new word.

They quickly stood up, smiled, and stretched higher. Well, straighten your shoulders, raise them, lower them. Turn right, left, touch your hands with your knees. They sat down and stood up. They sat down and stood up. And they ran on the spot.
Physical education minute

Determine the gender of these nouns? He or she? Mine or mine?
These words are called generic words, and they only become masculine or feminine in context.

Common nouns
Misha is a big slob. Masha is a big slob.
In one case, the speaker addresses a girl, in the other, a boy.

Feminine Masculine Neuter
callus veil shoe tulle swan shampoo cocoa jam
Two French words: cocoa and coffee - are used as words of two genders: aromatic cocoa - neuter; tart coffee is masculine. In modern Russian, the word coffee is masculine, but “it is also acceptable to use this word in the neuter gender: condensed coffee with milk.”
Is it always easy to determine the genus?

Royal, - I, m.r. Concert grand piano. Shampoo, - I, m.r. Good shampoo. Corn, - and, f.r. Painful callus Banderol, - and, f.r. Large parcel.

a) genius, clever, capricious, roar b) slob, klutz, bore, mischief c) boring, beautiful, well done, greedy d) crybaby, ugly, crooked, orphan
Which lines contain words of more than just general gender?

The gender of a noun (except for its case ending) is indicated by: forms of the adjective: large table, red pen, wide window; verb forms: the boy was reading a book; the girl studied the language.
How do we determine and express the gender of a noun?

It is difficult to determine the gender of many words. These include nouns: masculine: roofing felt, tulle, boot, report card, curtain, commentary, correction, vegetable, shoulder strap, rail, piano, sanatorium, dispensary, hall, slang; feminine: parcel, sideburn, shoe, slipper, sheet, callus, clearing, price; neuter: towel, jam, stuffed animal, tentacle.
Remember these words! Using them in any other way is a gross violation of the norm!

Masculine Feminine
Bull Bull
Baran Baranka
Elephant Elephant
Wolf Wolf
Chair Chair
The gender and gender of animals comes down to replacing an existing masculine noun with a feminine noun of a different root: bull - cow.
Correct the mistakes. Pick a pair

Put “+” in the margins of your notebook, if you answer “YES”, if “NO”, then “–”. Can you accurately find a noun in the text? Can you determine the gender of nouns? Do you agree that there are only two kinds of nouns in the Russian language? Can you use clue words when determining gender? Can you determine the gender of plural nouns?
Evaluate your work in class.

Paragraph-94, exercise No. 505.

Literature. Russian language 5th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. Authors and compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2009. Tables and handouts on the Russian language for grade 5. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2008. Russian language 5th grade. Lesson plans based on the textbook by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova and others. Author – compiler I.V. Karaseva. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. Russian language. Task cards. 5th grade. Larionova L.G.