The capital where and intend to do. "Yekaterinburg is most suitable for a new capital

History does not tolerate the subjunctive inclination? Still how tolerate. Especially with us - in Russia. We list the cities that could be the capital of our homeland (and even tasted informal capital status). If it were not for the circumstances ...

Velikiy Novgorod

Of course, this is the first thing that comes to mind. The richest Russian city-state until the XVI century, the location of Rüric. It was here "said Rus, Chok, Slovenia, Curivichi and the whole:" Our Land is great and is abundant, but there is no order in it. Come pronomize and own us ". Actually, this would be more than enough for the claim to the All-Russian capital status. However, the Veliky Novgorod had other plans: the city was bought in his own self-sufficiency and independence and had any geopolitical games aimed at dominance on the territory of the former Kievan Rus. As a result, John III came in 1478 and closed the "feudal republic." From this point on, the city's dive began: from the subject of world politics, Veliky Novgorod turned into a regional center and a museum city, where there is something to show foreigners.

By age, this city could well argue with Novgorod the Great. Here, too, Rurik rules, the inhabitants of the city actively participated in the campaign of Oleg on the Tsargrad, and it was here that the seed of the future of Moscow Rus was sown. For a long time, Rostov was the main city in Northeast Rus and the largest spiritual center. However, he did not stand the head of Moscow and the Danilovic dynasty. At first, Rostov at the beginning of the XIV century was divided into two parts: to Borisoglebskaya and Sretenskaya (which was under the Moscow Protectorate). From the Moscow part, all the disloyal elite was expelled. The author of "Life is Sergius Radonezhsky", which, by the way, was a leaving from the Rostov boyars, she crushes: "Alas Rostov and his princes, they took power, the prince, estate and glory." And already John III in 1474 finally bought the second, Borisoglebsk, half of the city. And Rostov unhindered began its descent to the state of a quiet provincial town.


Founded at the end of the X century on the site of the small village of Tribe, Vladimir, after a century, he received the status of a capital city of Northeast Rus. Thanks to the prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who in 1157 he moved here the capital of the "whole Suzdal land." But the Mongol-Tatar invasion undermined the promising development of Vladimir. Despite the conditional status of the capital, the city quickly lost its championship. The last prince, the printed directly in Vladimir, was Alexander Nevsky.

At the dawn of Russian statehood, Suzdal was a very influential city. Despite the adoption of Orthodoxy, he remained one of the centers of paganism until the XII century. It was here that the famous Magi uprising was broke out in 1024. There was a little over 100 years; Magi cooled a little and spread over the nearest chassis, and Yuri Dolgoruky made Suzdal the center of northeastern land. But not for long. And already in 1392, the Great Moscow Principality, absorbing this city, finally buried the "metropolitan" ambitions of Suzdal. But in the XVI century, the city became one of the spiritual centers of the country. But also not for long. At first, Suzdal was completed with the status of a spent county town, well, and already in our era, the burden of "Historic Disneyland" took on.

About the metropolitan status is the city (today, in fact, the village) dream of many lovers of antiquity. However, with a complaint about Ladoga, he was parted before the baptism of Rus. This city was founded by Varyagami. It was from here that the Norman colonization of the future territory of Russia began. According to one of the versions, it was here (and not in Novgorod) to edit Rurik. In those times, Ladoga was a city-port city where merchant caravans were gathered, the wholesale trade of fur, jewelry, weapons and slaves. Actually, that's all claims to the capital status. Already in the X century, Ladoga fell into a complete dependence on Veliky Novgorod, and in 1703 the "Old Capital of Northern Russia" lost the status of the city.

Alexandrovskaya Sloboda

This little town breathed in the capital's life under Ivan Grozny, who made him the center of his Okrichnina. For more than a year and a half years, life was played here: the most influential states of that time were made in Sloboda, the embassies of the most influential states of that time were opened, negotiations were held at the highest level. The best icon painters and architects worked in Alexander Sloboda; The first conservatory was founded in Russia, where, by decree of the king, the best musicians and singers were delivered from the whole country. Here, the first provincial sector in the country was opened and in 1576 he saw the light printed by Andronik ignorant "Psalrtyyr Slobodskaya". It is in Sloboda that traces of the legendary library of Grozny are lost.

But one day everything ended in time. In 1581, the king went to Moscow and never returned. And the city fell asleep for several centuries.

Grad Kitete.

According to legend, the city was founded by Prince Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich on the shores of Lake Svetloyar. The city stood 75 years before the invasion of Khan Batya. When the troops of Batya approached him, then, on the moles of the inhabitants, the television disappeared. According to one version, disappeared under the water of the lake, on the other - simply became invisible. In Russian tradition, it was believed that the city would again become visible only with the second coming of Christ. True, there are legends that the city can now see (and even live there!) True righteous. For them, she is already the capital ...

Head of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development Yuri Lozvnovhe offered to the President of Russia to postpone the capital for the Urals. This is no longer the first such proposal to "mention" the capital of the country in recent years. According to the expert, the metropolitan region "has absorbed the almost fifth of the entire Russian population." National development is also focused on 15-25 megapoliswhich lives "more than half" of all citizens. On the occasion of consideration, once again, the issue of transferring the capital of Russia is remembered how this issue was suitable in different years.

St. Petersburg

The most frequent candidate to regain the title of the capital of the country. The city on the Neva was originally built as the capital of the Russian Empire and everything is majestically in it: from buildings to fountains and squares. The formal decree, according to which the capital was St. Petersburg, was not. The transfer of the capital in 1710 began, when the highest officials began to move to St. Petersburg, and for them and senators. In 1712, the royal court settled in St. Petersburg. Despite the converse transfer of the capital in 1728, after transferring it in 1730 to Petersburg, he remained the capital until 1918. Note that talking about the Petersburg again became the official capital, began to rise after the election by the president Vladimir Putin.

The first who began to talk about the transfer of part of the metropolitan functions in St. Petersburg was the speaker of the State Duma Gennady Seleznev. In his opinion, in Moscow there is not enough premises for the fruitful activities of the people's election, and the mayor of Yuri Luzhkov does not want to distinguish areas for the construction of a modern parliamentary complex. In St. Petersburg, the legislators would be able to quickly accommodate in the "native fenats" - the Tauride Palace, in which the first Russian Duma meets. In 2000, the then ambassador to Belarus appeared to this issue Pavel Borodin.

In January 2002, another attempt was made to raise the topic - Chairman of the Council of Federation Sergey Mironov said that in the near future will contribute to the State Duma the draft law on the transfer of the city's functions. The project was prepared by Mironov and St. Petersburg governor Vladimir Yakovlev. In February 2003 - the third approach. Valentina Matvienko, then the Deputy Prime Minister, announced that he advocated the transmission of St. Petersburg part of the metropolitan functions. However, before concrete proposals, it did not reach the case.


The capital of Siberia is another discussed version of the capital of the country. For her transfer to Siberia performed Sergey Shoigu The governor of the Moscow region and the businessman Oleg Deripaska, whose main production assets are located behind the Urals.

"In general, in a good way, many people talk about it. I'm probably one of them. I believe that the capital must be transferred away, to Siberia. I think so," said Sergey Shoigu then.

In addition, in different years, Vladimir Zhirinovsky was offered to Novosibirsk, Eduard Limonov And other public figures.

Then the experts agreed that the strengths of this idea are that the neighboring regions would receive impetus to development, there will be some updating of power structures in the process of moving. Potential minuses were also quite a lot. First of all, these are the cost of moving, which will cost hundreds of billions of rubles. In addition, in the process of moving, the authorities will be difficult. Muscovites also worry the prospects for their city, which is now sharpened for the metropolitan functions and will not be able to exist without them.

By the way, Novosibirsk is the third largest city in the country. It is curious that in the peak of conversations and rumors on this topic, the then governor of the Novosibirsk region, Vasily Yurchenko, called inappropriate transfer of the capital of Russia for the Urals and, in particular, in Novosibirsk - in his opinion, this idea is a non-solvable project.


The ideal "first city" of Russia could be Magadan, considers the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. A few years ago, he stated that the transfer of the capital from Moscow to the Far East will strengthen Russia's influence on Japan, China, Korea, Indonesia and Australia. At the same time, Zhirinovsky admitted that he was not at all frightened by the potential distance of the new capital from Europe. According to him, Europe will become old and already by the middle of the 21st century will become the "museum", so it's not worth worrying about this. At the same time, the majority of those who destroy the transfer of the capital doubts that the idea will be supported by Moscow officials. In addition, such a large-scale project will require tremendous costs.


After speech Vladimir Putinin 2014, the Tenth Forum "Seliger" appeared the topic of the possible move to the entire political elite of the country in Krasnoyarsk. The presidential statement caused a rapid discussion among deputies. Later, it was later suitable several times, but in this case everything remained at the level of proposals, even if the country was tested by the president. However, Krasnoyarsk has everything to become one of the centers of the country in the coming years. By the level of the economy, this city is one of the leaders of Siberia, and in 2019 there will be a winter universiade, which will help attract additional investments to the city.


Last year, on the day of the anniversary of the referendum on the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Political Infrastructure Analysis Evgeny Tunic offered to transfer the capital to Sevastopol. He sent the corresponding appeal to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. However, it is unlikely that such a decision is reasonable, given the attitude towards the status of the peninsula in the West.


Another option that appears as possible candidates. That's the other day, a member of the Supreme Council "United Russia" Dmitry Orlov I called Ekaterinburg the optimal option for the transfer of the capital from Moscow. According to Orlova, Moscow is far from the Geographical Center of Russia, and its development leads to the hypertrophy of the Moscow agglomeration. By the way, the capital of the Urals is the fourth city of the country and one of the fastest growing and modern.

Transferring the capital of Russia from Moscow to another city is a question not at all economic, as many mistakenly think. Economy here is the tenth business. But there are political, demographic and cultural reasons why you need to immediately transfer the capital somewhere for the Urals.

In general, the capital is the concept of multifaceted. First, and the main, the capital is the country's political center. The federal officials hang out in it, it takes fateful solutions for the country. If the country develops, moves forward, then this makes the capital by the Cultural Center. The artist may be for power or against power - but any real artist is not sensible to power. And politics and culture determine demographics - smart, ambitious people who feel the pulse of history and want to sit in it, go to the capital. In fact, it is going to the elite of the country. At the same time, the capital should not be an economic center - moreover, the role of the Economic Center for the capital is harmful. When wealth accumulates next to the authority, it inevitably begins to corrupt power.

This is, of course, an ideal oil painting. In reality, the capital of Russia is its economic center. Power and wealth are woven together. Businessmen feed officials, they are fat and breed, their relatives themselves become businessmen and attract all new flows of goods to the city. This is a vicious closed circle characteristic of third-world countries. As a result, the capital turns into a spruit drinking juices from the rest of the country. It is already not the best in her, and most of them will be good to walk well and rejuvenate (I do not want to offend anyone, but I think that the indigenous Muscovites will agree with me). If such a capital is a cultural center, then only because of the overall decline of culture in the country. The development of the regions is braked, because all the juices from the regions drinks the capital. But the capital itself is unable to develop because of the rampant corruption and the influx of the excess population.

The only way out is to transfer the capital to another city. In the history of Russia, it has already happened more than once that our country fell into a decline, even rushed into parts, and then reborn again and began to develop - but already with a new center. Novgorod, Kiev, Vladimir, Moscow, Petersburg, again Moscow, ...? Each new capital determines the new vector of development: the main direction of foreign policy and the main direction of "internal colonization", the concentration of forces and means, exploration of resources and new industries. People accumulate in the capital, wealth comes after people, wealth corrupts power, the government is degraded and ... it all starts on a new one.

Where to transfer the capital? It depends very much from many factors. On the one hand, it is cheaper to make the capital where infrastructure has already been developed. On the other hand, the transfer of the capital himself stimulates the development of infrastructure. On the one hand, it is safer to place the capital in the depths of the country, away from the flown rockets. On the other hand, to keep the territory disputing from Russia, it is better to transfer a closer hail closer to these territories. On the one hand, for the convenience of control, it is better to put the capital where the climate is softer. On the other hand, the harsh climate will score loans and hedonists and will attract those in the capital of those for whom the main thing is.

Some suggestions on the transfer of the capital. Yuri Krupnov - Far East. Eduard Limonov - South Siberia. Mikhail Dlyagin - Krasnoyarsk Territory (Yeniseisk). Sergey Pererestiegin - Multi-cage.

In conclusion, about the connection of the transfer of the capital with the construction of the cities of the future, Futouropolis. If we build somewhere on the outskirts of the city of the future somewhere on the outskirts, and the capital itself will remain the city of the past, then the whole country will remain in the past. If the capital of Russia is Futouropolis, then all Russia will become the country of the future. That is why it is important to build the capital from scratch or on the basis of a small settlement.

Survey of the week: Russia needs a "new" capital in the east?

This week, Sergei Shoigu said that a large financial and industrial center, a kind of new eastern capital of the country, should be created in the Urals. Does this project need? Is it possible in this way to solve the problem of the population and development of Siberian territories? And can such a project be advisable in the conditions of a difficult economic and foreign policy situation? "Business Online" is responsible for Maxim Kalashnikov, Vladislav Zhukovsky, Fatih Sibagatullin, Edward Limonov, Marat Galeev, etc.

Photo: Kirill Callinikov, RIA Novosti

"We can not leave the Far East, will pick it up if he is inconsolable"

Maxim Kalashnikov - Writer, futurologist:

- What is called, not passed 20 years. The fact that the country needs a large center and the creation of a new capital in the Far East or to Siberia, we wrote with Yuri Litznov in 2002-2003. It really is so, it is actually needed. And it can be done only as part of the course of the country's industrialization, I believe the course for protectionism. Because Moscow, everything is not pulling his role. She plays a clearly pronounced role of the swamps, where everything goes out, we need to "spend" the country. There is so all permeated with corruption, this clanness is that nothing cannot be done. If we start the policy of new industrialization, if we do not spend money on nonsense, on the same senseless war in Syria, if we begin to engage in our own affairs (Novorossia is ours, it is not even discussed), they will fully draw the creation of a new industrial, innovation center. Finance is attached to this.

I believe that you need to think about Novosibirsk, for example. This is a huge promising territory, our land. And there should now be the capital. Especially it should be in the middle so that there is no such difference between Vladivostok or Kalinigrad. This project can only be part of the general policy of new industrialization, which, repeat, is impossible without protectionism. That's how the Trump does. When the industry develops everywhere, where, in fact, we live.

Pavel Klachkov - Political analyst (Krasnoyarsk):

- I think now it is most appropriate, especially in the context of transformation of the current geopolitical situation, when we really feel that partners from the West do not understand us, and the Western orientation, which inherited us from the 90s, shows more and more His flaw. Now a balanced policy, taking into account the fact that our Minister of Defense offers, more than ever. Perhaps today is one of the most effective ways to solve, including problems that arise due to the disprecage of the territorial development of our large country. Need some balance, you need another center that will provide us with stability, stability as a single organism.

Is it possible to solve the problem of population and industrial development of Siberian territories using a similar project? Of course, the world experience, and just common sense, and a scientific approach, because people stretch where there is some movement - social, economic, finance movement. In the event of a decent organization of this center, this will certainly help solve the demographic problem and increase the sustainability of our political, economic system.

Alexey Mazur - Political analyst (Novosibirsk):

- I agree with Sergey Kuzhugetovich, because we have a huge geographical disproportion. Roughly speaking, about 80 percent of the export potential of Russia, the fact that the Russian Federation earns is mined behind the Urals. At the same time, about 20 percent of the population lives behind the Urals. And the life level of Siberia residents are lower than in other regions. There is also a geographical problem. That is, to drive from Siberia to any place where heat and the sea are five times more expensive than from Moscow, for example. For many it is simply not available. And if you do nothing, then all the money will be rude to Moscow, in the European capital of the world level, so to speak, with the corresponding level of living. At the same time, Siberia degrades, the people leave here, and, of course, strategically can lead to very sad consequences, because empty lands with fossils will be mastered by someone else. Actually, we already see how the Chinese are mastering the Siberian forest, ore, deposits in Transbaikalia, and not only there. And if you do not change this policy, then long-term consequences can be very sad. Unfortunately, our state is able to think only by large objects, they say, let's do a new center, although, of course, it would be more reasonable to develop a regional oriental policy, in a different way. But at least so.

Shamil Ageev - Chairman of the Board of the Russian Federation TPP:

- I think that at one time it was not entirely correct when the development of Skolkovo was going at the moment when academic cities could be developed in Novosibirsk and so on. This topic was discussed while Yevgeny Primakov during the meeting of the Mercury Club, 8 years ago. And I think that now you need to fulfill those decisions that are adopted by the President and the Government on the development of the Far East. And the creation of such new cities you are talking about, will not give anything. It is necessary to move industrial production to the Far East, create jobs there, conditions for attracting investors. Maybe the city of some kind of creating, if it attracts more attention, improve infrastructure. We are in Russia suffering from the fact that we have a very weak infrastructure. And all China is covered with a network of high-speed railways. If such a point of view in the ideas of Shoigu is, it must be maintained from the point of view of infrastructure development. There will be an infrastructure - everything else will tighten there, because it cannot be left to the Far East, it will be taken if it is inconsolable.

"Already, probably, about 100 years old how it is to transfer the capital to the Lake Baikal district"

Vladislav Zhukovsky - Economist:

- I understand that the appetites of various kinds of Kremlin towers grow and representatives of large oligarchic clans do not lose hope to snatch some pieces of themselves. And since these clans somehow have to be constantly feeding so that they do not arrange a palace coup and confusion, they are given to cutting money allocated for the winter Olympiad in Sochi, someone is enriched at the World Cup, someone - on Construction of the bridge, roads, someone - on defense regulations, in general, who is where. It is clear that if we can save and earn and earn money with you, for example, with the help of raising the retirement age, increasing VAT, excise taxes on fuel, increasing the "communal", the introduction of "Plato" and carrying out other antisocial measures, then in relation to representatives of the major oligarchic Capital Such a number will not pass. In such a situation, of course, the security forces also want to live well, eat tasty - and why don't we arrange such another PR, not to realize any crazy idea? For example, to organize all-Russian all-Russian, then all-plate, and then the intergalactic chess tournament for the purpose of money laundering. Quite a wonderful initiative.

It should be understood that it is impossible to build some kind of financial and industrial cluster in one place so that something somehow revive and derive from the crisis. When all the financial and economic, budgetary, tax, customs, tariff, pricing policy is aimed at suppressing growth points, the destruction of small and medium-sized businesses, to destroy the commodity economy, for the marginalization of the population, the trillion or two in some territory cannot be buried. If the population is poor, poor, if there is no structural policy on the territorial distribution, if there are no necessary tax incentives, and so on, it is meaningless in Yekaterinburg or in Tomsk, in Tyumen, in Birobijan to try to create, I do not know, a silicone valley or something else. So the problem is not solved. From my point of view, this PR is in its pure form, the desire to remind itself and create a kind of positive information agenda against the background of frank failures or this is a frank lobbying of security forces to allocate some superpasher and natural resources.

Eduard Limonov - Writer, Politician:

"It seems to me that Shoigu did not fully think over everything when he separates some new financial capital from the old capital. When two capitals can always be some separatism, the threat of separation. And then no transport problem and infrastructure problem cannot be solved. This is a half-sighted measure, akin to the one that was applied in the case of a new Moscow, which unsuccessfully began and fails.

I agree that we have been reimpted in Moscow a long time ago. Moscow, after all, until now, the capital of the medieval Moscow principality, which was placed in the territory of Northern Europe. And already, probably, 100 years old as it's time to transfer the capital to the Lake Baikal area. I spoke about it countless times, if I'm not mistaken - since 1994. It is not necessary to share anything, Idiot is clear that the capital should be alone. I remember that the deputy from the Novosibirsk region was then offered to transfer the capital to Novosibirsk. But this is a nonsense of a dog, because the city should be completely new, in a new place, with a new architecture. You can compare it with anything, with the city of Brazilia in Brazil, but it is better not to compare, but to do what is needed. In the meantime, Moscow geographically remains the capital of the medieval principality, as well as our Kremlin, for no purpose, except for Ponte, not serving.

Fatih Sibagatullin - Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

"I think that harm will not be if such a center will create for the Urals, let them open. After all, Lomonosov said that Russia's wealth will increase by Siberia. There we have about 27 million people live, and such a large territory. As for such programs, they have already been created, but did not come true. Here they gave hectares of land in the Far East, but what to do with it? In order to just get there, you need 15 thousand rubles, for accommodation thousand 10 per month to pay. Where does such funds take a guy from the yezhagan district, for example, if you want to go? Now we need not a center, but a program where everything is painted in detail.

Marat Galeev - Deputy State Council of the Republic of Tajikistan:

- Similar thoughts speak not the first time. In different centuries, the existence of the Russian state, such ideas came to the head, but it seems to me that this proposal is not entirely adequate for the current state of the country and the economy. Artificially, something to create, especially in the form of a financial center ... Now the logistics all is built differently, everyone is built in a different communication, and this should grow naturally. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of the East should go through the development of the productive forces, which never managed to do. And so just start creating is a costly way. Not profitable, but spent.

"To understand the concern of Shoigu can, they want to strengthen the Russian world"

Robert Nigmatullin - Scientific Head of the Institute of Oceanology. Shirshova RAS, Academician RAS:

- According to the same words, Shoigu will not say anything, but the fact that Siberia and the Far East need to develop is without a doubt. Because now while things go so that we will lose the Far East in a few decades, since there is no one there, there are no people. But this is a consequence of the lack of development of the Far East and Siberia, a consequence of an erroneous economic strategy, which in our country the government is held by the president. With the current strategy, nothing will be - it is only some words that were in the past two decades. A global strategy is approximately 25 percent of investments, and we have 17 percent of our GDP to invest, that is, we need to raise an investment potential about 10 percent. But this does not work, we will invest there, the other leg will observe - this is the whole point.

Our economic ship needs to be changed, and the course is associated with improved remuneration, the development of oligarchic flows that we leave abroad for super enlightenment. This money must be turned over and go to the development of productive forces. We, for example, now suffer from the research fleet, while at the same time a large amount of yachts is at billionaires. We solve all economic problems at the expense of the poor class: I have to raise my retirement - let's at the expense of it, but we do not want to start with the rich funds that are translated abroad are used to the palaces. These are all words, 20 years old are all saying that Siberia must be developed, the Far East, but besides beautiful gestures, conferences ... Okay, at least a bridge built a Russian ...

Rkail Zaydulla - Dramaturgome:

- Their concern can be understood, because the territory is huge, and there are few people, there is a quiet occupation by the Chinese. But where do they want to create such a center? Novosibirsk - Isn't the capital of the region? Or Krasnoyarsk, for example? Unclear. They have already tried some projects to carry out - such as they gave the earth to hectare ... There are not so many wishing to move from the central regions of Russia. Well, who will move there?! Now it is not Stalin's times, people cannot be derained and relocated. I do not believe that now you can create some centers and move people there. You can understand concern about Shoigu, they want to strengthen the Russian world, stop the Chinese expansion, but that the project will now come into life, I do not believe.

Mikhail Skoblionok - Entrepreneur, President of the Jewish National and Cultural Autonomy of RT:

- Such centers must be in every major city, I do not believe that the Ural Center needs to be created or the Volga region ... In the capital of each republic, the region should be a center that will follow the economic development of its region, financing projects. And so, just create ... Yes, create what you want, you need to create it all worked. Here we created Innopolis: no matter how they talk about him, so that neither chat, you need to go there and see, it works or not. There have been huge money in medical equipment, made a huge body, and he does not work. Well, who will go there to be treated? What grandma 40 kilometers there and 40 kilometers will go back? But we all are done for showing, not for people.

Damir Ishakov - Doctor of Historical Sciences.

It is difficult to count how many times the deputies, oligarchs, scientists, cultural figures or ordinary citizens proposed to take away the capital status from Moscow. In recent years, the primacy among cities - along with overpopulation, traffic jams and other problems - many newsmakers dreamed out loud to the east aloud. The most fresher statement has done on a page on Facebook Member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party, director of the Agency of Political and Economic Communications Dmitry Orlov - he suggested transferring the capital to Yekaterinburg, who considers the "optimal option."

And now the statement of Orlova is seriously discussed in the media, politicians and experts argue about it. With a feeling of undisguised envy, the editorial office of the NGS. Thenity decided to recall that in addition to Yekaterinburg there are other, more suitable for the transfer of the city's capital. For example, Novosibirsk. Judge for yourself.

1. Capital ambitions do not give us peace since the beginning of the 20th century

The status of the capital of the Russian Empire, Novonikolaevsk, did not have time to think about the status of the capital, but it was already able to declare himself in 1907. The appropriate document, the act of transferring then the New Year of the Altai District, the imperial officials signed on December 9 in the building on Obskaya Street, 4 - from this point on Novonikolaevsk, became an independent city, and later the capital of the region.

2. Novosibirsk has already experienced the metropolitan gloss

It was the first to feel like the capital of Novosibirsk for the first time in 1942, when during the war in the city, not only plants from the European part of Russia, but also theatrical teams, the exposition and stack of the Tretyakov Gallery were postponed.

3. The Vice-President of the Russian Federation acted for the Novosibirsk capital

The ideologue of the transfer of part of the metropolitan authority in Novosibirsk in 1991 was the Vice-President of the Russian Federation Alexander Rutskaya. In 2012, he told the NGS correspondent. In 1991 he offered to transfer the government to Novosibirsk, leaving the Presidential Administration in Moscow: "The Government of the Russian Federation should sit in Novosibirsk. If you look at the prospect of our country's development, it was necessary to make 20 years ago. Investments would not go to China, but to Russia. " According to Ruutsky, all the Novosibirsk, with whom he met during reciprocal business trips, was shown and "applauded standing", having heard the idea of \u200b\u200btransferring the capital Novosibirsk. But the plans were prevented by Gennady Burbulis and Egor Gaidar, who were opponents of this idea in Moscow.

4. The oligarchs dreamed of transferring the capital to Siberia

The head of Rusal Oligarch Oleg Deripaska has repeatedly expressed in favor of transferring the capital from Moscow, for example, in Novosibirsk. He spoke about it in 2008 and 2009. "To deal with corruption, you need to transfer the capital to Ekaterinburg or Novosibirsk. Peter I was forced to flee from Moscow, because bureaucratic expenses even in his era were burden for development, "he said in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais.

5. Novosibirsk supported neighbors from the Far East

In 2010, the information agency of the Far East "Vostok-Media" conducted a survey on the topic "Where should the capital of the state be located in which 2079 inhabitants of the region took part. Novosibirsk was supported by 34% of them, in second place was Moscow (21%), on the third - St. Petersburg (10%). The editor-in-chief of RIA "Vostok-Media" Nikolai Kutensky then supported the choice of readers: "Such a choice only confirms that sensible people live in the Far East." However, at the same time, he confessed that there are no special love for the inhabitants of the Far East to Novosibirsk, and the entire wine is just geographical criteria and the location of the city.

6. Intelligents wanted to see the scientific center in the role of the capital

Novosibirsk won the ranking of alternative capitals in 2012, he got every fourth voice, taken into account in a survey conducted on the RBC.Rating portal. The rating consisted of 15 alternative capitals, Novosibirsk got 24.03% of the votes, while he significantly broke away from its competitors: in second place was Yekaterinburg (17.5% of the votes), on the third - Vladivostok (about 10%). At the same time, St. Petersburg turned out to be even lower from 9.09% of the votes. Scientific director of "Social Information Agency St. Petersburg" Roman Mogilevsky suggested then that the case is not at all in Novosibirsk. "There is a factor of a special critical thinking audience of the RBC portal. These are educated people who have become hostages of their own image of Novosibirsk. Your city in a generally accepted representation is a large scientific, educational center with a highly developed innovative industry, a quiet political harbor, a spacious, developed, tolerant city. With that, in the audience, RBC has businessmen, answering the question, they took into account that the risk of losing a business in Novosibirsk is lower than in Moscow or St. Petersburg, "said sociologist.

7. The idea was supported and influential Siberians

To talk about the transfer of the capital from Moscow to Siberia again after the statement by Sergei Shoigu that the capital of Russia should be located in Siberia. His replica was happy to support Vladimir Gorodetsky, who then held the post of mayor of Novosibirsk. "I think when great politicians will consider where the capital to be, Novosibirsk has the right to claim this mission," he said. Gorodetsky became the author of a local meme about the "metropolitan gloss", which was supposed to appear in Novosibirsk after another snow cleaning.

8. Deputies from the LDPR tried to make Novosibirsk in the city of federal significance

The corresponding draft of the federal constitutional law in the State Duma introduced a deputy from the LDPR Dmitry Savelyev. He offered to form a new subject in the Russian Federation - the city of federal significance Novosibirsk, and placed in it two ministries - the Ministry of Regional Development and Minvostok Development. "Now everything is tight in one capital - Moscow. Behind the Moscow Ring Road, by and large, life as it may not. So, at least, bitterly jokes the residents of the province. As a result, Russia is placed in the province, the so-called Zamokadier, "Dmitry Savelyev explained his initiative.

9. In 2015, a convicted deputy of the State Duma spoke in favor of the Siberian capital, right from the colony

The appropriate bill of the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Konstantin Shirshov, condemned for 5 years for an attempt to sell the mandate, wrote in the colony "Sailor Silence", reported Gazeta.Ru. He was not deprived of deputy status, so he could make any suggestions. The bill he called the "testament from the sailor", the deputy suggested transferring the capital to Novosibirsk to "create a more sustainable structure of a territorial-political device with a center in Western Siberia". It was necessary to transfer the capital due to the high prices for housing, problems with infrastructure, corruption, social mobility and justice, he wrote. The entire arguments in favor of Novosibirsk took 17 pages. Among them were often a mentioned statement that "today Novosibirsk is the fastest growing city in the world, included in connection with this in the Guinness Book of Records.

10. In the end, Novosibirsk supported Buryatia

Last winter, a member of the Council of the Federation from Buryatia Arnold Toulohonov spoke for the transfer of the capital, saying that Moscow is out of herself, which reported the Baikal Daily portal. To the question of a journalist about Tom, so where to postpone the capital of Russia, the senator replied that there was no difference. "Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk. No difference. It can be any city. In Moscow, this is impossible. Moscow itself is sicking herself, "Baikal Daily quoted Tulokhonov. He also stated that the capital should be located in a more convenient place. "Need to" make "the capital from Moscow: it must be in the middle, to be convenient not to officials, but the population. Today, 75% of all transportation is carried out through Moscow. And to get to the cheat from Yakutsk, you have to go through Moscow, "Tulokhonova" InformPolis Online "quoted.