He died on December 1. The day of a person's death is not accidental, like his birthday.

The day of death is considered the first day, that is, the day on which a person died, and will be considered the day of his memory in a year, and in 10, and in 20 years. On this day, the church must be visited in order to pray for the deceased, and after the end of the service, ask the priest to serve a panikhida.

First of all, you need to pray for the deceased, and only then celebrate a memorial meal, which is not so important, although it is not superfluous.

One should always pray for the departed, but especially on the days of their remembrance. According to the church tradition, the days of memory of the departed - the birthday and the day of death are usually celebrated annually. On the day of remembrance, it is imperative to pray at the Divine Liturgy for the repose of the deceased, serve a panikhida for him, and then you can celebrate a memorial meal.

When to celebrate the anniversary of death?

It is better to celebrate the anniversary of death in due time, however, in the life of each person there may be many reasons why you have to postpone the date of the memorial day. In such cases, it is possible to postpone the memorial day, but it is imperative to honor the day of death by visiting the temple, serve a requiem and celebrate the smallest memorial meal in the home circle of the closest people.

On the days of major church holidays, it is not customary to commemorate the dead, since nothing sorrowful should distract from such holidays. Therefore, the day of remembrance is usually transferred to another close day after the holiday. And if the years fall on Easter, then they are spent after the end of Bright Week.

In a number of tragic cases, the day of death has to be set conditionally, which greatly worries those close to the deceased. However, the church advises not to give too much of great importance Yes, there. There is nothing terrible in establishing a conditional starting point, because, for example, the exact date of death of many saints is unknown, and how many are missing who have not been found.

According to Christian beliefs, the duty of the living is to pray for the deceased (and this must be done not only on memorial days, but also on ordinary days), for the forgiveness of his sins are also called upon to ask for the funeral church services, and then it becomes possible to change his afterlife fate by forgiving even grievous sins.

On the anniversary of death, people close to the deceased pray for him, thus expressing the belief that the day of death is not the day of destruction, but the new birth of the deceased for eternal life, the day of the transition of the immortal human soul into completely different conditions, where there are no earthly sorrows, diseases and adversity.

And yet, the days of remembrance should be met and seen off, only in a state of good spirits, not to hold a grudge against anyone, and even more so against a deceased person. On memorial days, it is also customary to distribute alms to people in need, to commemorate the dead at a meal, and also to donate to monasteries so that they pray there for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

Biography and episodes of life Sergey Kirov... When born and died Kirov, memorable places and dates important events his life. Politician quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Sergei Kirov:

born March 27, 1886, died December 1, 1934


"Parting! Sorrowful word!
A silent dark body.
From the heights of Leningrad severely
The cold sky looked up.
And silently, without thunder and singing,
All three fighting generations
On that day in an endless crowd
Gone, parting with you. "
Nikolay Zabolotsky, from the poem "Farewell" in memory of Kirov


Now, after the passage of years, it is difficult to judge how correct the views of Sergei Kirov were, but one thing is certain - he was a talented revolutionary who sincerely believed in the correctness of his political position. The biography of Sergei Kirov is the story of the life of a man who grew from a child living in an orphanage to an important statesman who became a close friend of Joseph Stalin himself. Kirov's life was cut short by a brutal murder, the motives and reasons for which, as well as the real customers, are still unknown.

Sergey Kirov was born in the city of Urzhum, Vyatka province and was left without parents in early childhood. When Seryozha was seven years old, his grandmother, who was unable to feed her three grandchildren, sent the boy to an orphanage. After the orphanage and school, Kirov entered the school, where he studied well, for which he was sent to the Kazan Mechanical and Technical School. While still in Urzhum, he met political exiles who influenced the views of the young man. He began reading illegal literature, talking to exiles, establishing contacts with revolutionary students and looking for like-minded people. So it is not surprising that in 1905 he was among those who went on an armed demonstration in Tomsk - in response to the January events in St. Petersburg. Then his revolutionary activity began - a new, complex and bright page in the biography of Kirov.

Years of arrests, exile, escapes, accusations followed, and at the same time Kirov's revolutionary preparations continued. In 1917, Kirov took part in the revolution, and soon Kirov's career as a party worker began: chairman of the revolutionary committee in Astrakhan, a member of the Caucasian Bureau, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, first secretary of the Leningrad provincial committee, etc. Kirov moved to St. Petersburg and settled in a fashionable house on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt together with his second wife, Maria Lvovna Markus. Stalin greatly appreciated Kirov - when Kirov was accused of collaborating with the "left-bourgeois press", it was thanks to the support of Joseph Vissarionovich that Kirov was acquitted.

Kirov was killed on December 1, 1934, right in one of the corridors of Smolny, where he worked, by a certain Leonid Nikolaev. Kirov's death was caused by three fatal shots to the head. During the investigation into the circumstances of Kirov's death, Stalin was ruthless - almost the entire family of Kirov's killer was repressed, the closest family members were shot. It was not possible to determine the true motives of Nikolaev - perhaps there were conspirators behind him, or maybe this unbalanced man was simply obsessed with jealousy because of rumors about Kirov's romance with the murderer's wife. One way or another, this crime led to a number of arrests, deaths and reprisals.

Kirov's funeral took place five days after his death. Kirov's grave, or rather, an urn with his cremated ashes, is located in the Kremlin wall.

Life line

March 27, 1886 Date of birth of Sergei Mironovich Kirov.
1901 g. Arrival in Kazan, study at the Kazan Mechanical and Technical School.
1904 g. Graduation from college, work as a draftsman in the city government of Tomsk, study at preparatory courses Tomsk Institute of Technology, joining the RSDLP.
1905 g. First participation in a demonstration, arrest, election as a member of the Tomsk committee of the RSDLP.
1906 g. Arrest for a year and a half.
1908 g. Revolutionary activity.
1909 g. Arrival in Vladikavkaz, work in the cadet newspaper "Terek".
11 August 1911 Arrest of Kirov in the case of an underground printing house, transfer to Tomsk.
March 16, 1912 The acquittal.
April 1912 Return to Vladikavkaz.
1918 g. Member of the Tver Regional Council.
February 25, 1919 Chairman of the provisional revolutionary committee in Astrakhan.
April 28, 1920 Member of the Caucasian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b).
1921 g. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, the birth of the daughter of Yevgenia Kostrikova from her first marriage, the death of her first wife.
1923 g. Member of the Central Committee of the RCP (b).
1926 g. First Secretary of the Leningrad Provincial Committee.
1929 g. The accusation of Kirov in collaboration with the "left-bourgeois press", justification.
1934 g. Kirov was awarded the Order of Lenin for his services in the restoration of the oil industry.
December 1, 1934 Date of death of Kirov.
December 6, 1934 Funeral of Sergei Kirov.

Memorable places

1. Museum-house of Kirov in Urzhum, where he was born.
2. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (formerly Tomsk technological Institute), where Kirov studied at the preparatory courses.
3. Smolny Institute, where Kirov was killed.
4. House of Kirov in St. Petersburg, where today the museum-apartment of Kirov is located.
5. Museum-apartment of Kirov in Vladivostok.
6. Kirov Museum in Novosibirsk.
7. The necropolis at the Kremlin wall, where Kirov is buried.

Episodes of life

Sergei Kirov had a daughter from his first wife, who died shortly after the birth of the girl. It's amazing how Evgenia, the daughter of Sergei Mironovich, repeated the fate of her father. Mom passed away, and her father was so busy with party affairs that he sent the girl to an orphanage, where she grew up. After Kirov's death, his second wife, who was also seriously ill and had no children of her own, did not want to take Zhenya with her. During the Great Patriotic War this girl, who did not know her father, became the only female commander of a tank company.

Stalin and Kirov were connected by warm relations, there is still no evidence that Stalin was somehow involved in the murder of Kirov - despite such assurances from Nikita Khrushchev. Stalin's wife recalled how, after Kirov's funeral, Stalin sadly said: "I thought that Kirich would bury me, but it turned out the other way around."


“Many centuries ago, the great mathematician dreamed of finding a fulcrum in order to rely on it to turn Earth... Centuries have passed, and this support has not only been found, it has been created by our hands. Not many years will pass when we, relying on the gains of socialism in our Soviet country, will turn both earthly hemispheres on the path of communism. "

A documentary from the cycle “ Soviet biographies»About Sergei Kirov


“Sergei Mironovich Kirov was a wonderful tribune. I listened to him only twice and was amazed at how he combines the fervor of speech with logic and evidence. "
Mikhail Smirtyukov, Soviet statesman

“For all Leningraders, Sergei Mironovich Kirov was an unusually bright person who enjoyed great love and respect. His death was a great blow to all of us as the death of a close and dear person. "
Alexander Dembo, professor, doctor of medical sciences

“We say goodbye to Comrade Kirov, our comrade-in-arms, comrade, friend, whose image will always live in our memory. Our hearts, the hearts of all the fighters of the proletarian revolution bleed in these days of parting with our dear, dear Mironych. "
Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet statesman

“Our dear comrade Kirov was a cheerful person, an optimist, if we cry, then we will offend the memory of our dear friend. IN hard work We will be happy to continue our common cause. This will be the best memory for dear comrade Kirov. Dear Comrade Kirov, without fear, without hesitation, he went to fight, he was confident in our victory. Shake our grief, confirm his confidence in this victory. "
From the speech of Joseph Stalin at the funeral of Kirov

Would you like to know how long you will live and when you will die? It must be admitted that not everyone has a desire to know the date of death. Many are afraid to know their future. On the one hand, this is reasonable - why burden yourself with unnecessary information? But on the other hand, knowing your date of death, you will be mentally prepared for what awaits you. We suggest you find out the date of death for free using numerological calculation.

Calculating the date of death by date of birth

Take a piece of paper and write your date of birth on it. Then add up all the numbers that make it up. The resulting number will help you calculate the date of death. The calculation result must be unambiguous (that is, a number from 1 to 9 should be obtained). If you get a two-digit number, then you need to add up its composite digits.

Let's give an example: 01/13/1969 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2. The number 2 is the key to the date of death in the given example of the date of birth.

When you calculate your number, then you will only have to decipher the resulting value. So what do the numbers mean in the numerology of death?

The meaning of numbers in the numerology of death

1 - You will die at a ripe old age between the ages of 80 and 95. Your death will be easy and quick, as you will live a happy and vibrant life.

2 - Chances are high that death will overtake you as a result of an accident. Be careful, as this number in the numerology of death predicts danger through no fault of yours. Dangerous years in your life when you might die: 7, 19, 29, 45, 67.

3 - You will live to old age, but in old age you will be overcome by diseases that will hasten your death. Dangerous years of life: 44 and 73.

4 - You are a long-liver. According to the numerology of numbers, death will overtake you at the age of 100. Moreover, in old age you will feel very good.

5 - Death is on your heels, but you are lucky! Fate seems to constantly take you aside from accidents, accidents and dangers. You are very lucky and have the opportunity to live a long and happy life if you do not harm the people around you. Dangerous years of life: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62, 76.

6 - You depend on your karma. It is very difficult to find out the cause and date of death by this numerological birth number. You should first find out your karmic debt, and based on this, make assumptions regarding your date of death. Dangerous years of life: 13, 22, 47, 68.

7 - You have a strong guardian angel. However, even he sometimes cannot keep up with you. Be careful around fire and water. It is highly likely that the force of the natural elements will take your life. Dangerous years of life: 24, 36, 61.

8 - You are playing with death. It is dangerous for you to take risks. Be more restrained and prudent, then you will live a long time. The age to which you will live is 65-70 years.

9 - Your life can end at a fairly young age. According to numerological calculations, people with this number of deaths rarely live to be 50 years old. You should be more careful about your health. Alcohol and tobacco are categorically contraindicated for you. Dangerous years of life: 16, 23, 38, 47.

Do not be alarmed if during the calculation you received something unpleasant. Remember that your life is in your hands. Every minute you make a choice, make decisions, take actions, which shapes your future. Take responsibility for your life into your own hands and then you will live as long as you want. Be happy and don't forget to press and

23.03.2014 15:26

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Here you can remember those who died in 2018. The causes and versions of death are indicated. For individual people, a detailed report on the last day of life with dates and place of death, photo and video materials is provided. The list is growing ...

As you know, Wikipedia has a more detailed extended list of deceased people by day. We publish a more concise list of media persons known to the Russian reader.

List of those who died in 2018:

Lyudmila Alekseeva

Lyudmila Alekseeva
July 20, 1927 - December 8, 2018

On December 8, in the fifteenth city hospital in Moscow, a public figure, human rights activist Lyudmila Alekseeva died. She was 91. Heart failure was named as the cause of death.

The farewell ceremony at the Moscow House of Journalists was attended by President Putin.

The body of Lyudmila Mikhailovna was cremated, after which the ashes were transported to the United States for burial in a family grave.

George Bush

George Herbert Walker Bush
June 12, 1924 - November 30, 2018

Of those who died in 2018, the 41st President of the United States was also George W. Bush. He died in a Texas hospital on November 30, 2018 at the age of 94.

Evgeny Osin

Evgeny Osin
October 4, 1964 - November 17, 2018

On November 17, 2018, the most popular pop singer in the 90s, Evgeny Viktorovich Osin, passed away.

As you know, Eugene until the end of his days struggled with alcohol addiction and the numerous consequences of this addiction.

The singer was experiencing serious health problems. He died in his apartment from cardiac arrest.

The farewell ceremony took place on 20 November in the ritual hall of the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Nikolay Karachentsov

Nikolay Karachentsov
October 27, 1944 - October 26, 2018

On October 26, 2018, not having lived one day before his seventy-fourth birthday, Nikolai Karachentsov died.

Since 2005, Nikolai Petrovich has experienced serious health problems after a car accident. The actor was in a coma for 26 days, underwent craniotomy and a long rehabilitation. In 2017, Karachentsov again had a car accident, this time without consequences. However, in September 2017, doctors diagnosed him with an inoperable stage of lung cancer. In early October 2018, Nikolai Petrovich was hospitalized at the Moscow Oncology Center. The day before his birthday, he died of kidney failure.

The funeral ceremony took place on October 29 in Lenkom, where the performance "Juno and Avos" was performed in the evening of the same day. Nikolai Karachentsov was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Montserrat Caballe

Montserrat Caballe
April 12, 1933 - October 6, 2018

World famous opera singer Montserrat Caballe died on October 6 in Barcelona. She was 85 years old. The cause of death is not officially named at the request of the singer's family members.

Montserrat Caballe was buried in a family grave in the Spanish cemetery "Sant'Andreu"

Roman Kartsev

Roman Kartsev
May 20, 1939 - October 2, 2018

The 79-year-old People's Artist of Russia Roman Andreevich Kartsev spent the last three months of his life in a medical center, unsuccessfully trying to get rid of heart failure. The cause of death, according to official figures, is cardiac arrest.

The farewell ceremony for the actor was held on October 4 at the Moscow Central House of Writers. Buried Roman Kartsev at the Troekurovsky cemetery

Charles Aznavour

Charles Aznavour
May 22, 1924 - October 1, 2018

On October 1, the best pop performer of the twentieth century (according to CNN and Time magazine) died, the personification of the French song - the Armenian Shahnur Aznavuryan, known throughout the world as Charles Aznavour

Charles Aznavour died at the age of 94 in the city of Mouriès. The funeral took place at the Paris Home of the Invalids. They were visited by the President of France and Armenia.

Aznavour is buried in the suburbs of Paris in the family crypt.

Joseph Kobzon

Joseph Kobzon
September 11, 1937 - August 30, 2018

Joseph Davydovich fought for a long time with an oncological disease - prostate cancer. Kobzon spent the whole of August in intensive care, the last two weeks of his life, the condition of the 80-year-old singer began to deteriorate sharply. Two days before his death, Joseph Kobzon fell into a coma, from which he never came out ...

According to his last will, the singer will be buried at the Central Vostryakovsky cemetery, next to his mother.

Edward Uspensky

Edward Uspensky
December 22, 1937 - August 14, 2018

As a result of a serious, prolonged illness, on August 14, 2018, a wonderful children's writer, author of "Cheburashka" and "Prostokvashino", Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky, died.

It is known that Uspensky has been treated for a malignant oncological neoplasm since 2011, having experienced several relapses. Eduard Nikolaevich was 80 years old. The farewell ceremony took place in the Great Hall of the Central House of Writers.

Uspensky was buried at the Troyekurovsky cemetery in the capital. The grave is located next to the writer Vladimir Voinovich.

Dmitry Brusnikin

Dmitry Brusnikin
November 17, 1957 - August 9, 2018

On August 9, at the age of sixty, an actor and director, Honored Artist and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor Dmitry Brusnikin passed away.

Dmitry Vladimirovich, having weak heart, could not leave work. Heart failure is the official cause of death. The farewell ceremony with Dmitry Brusnikin was held on August 13 at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. He was buried at the Troyekurovsky cemetery in the capital.

Andrey Dementyev

Andrey Dementyev
July 16, 1928 - June 26, 2018

On June 26, 2018, at the age of 90 in the First City Hospital of Moscow, a remarkable person died - the poet and TV presenter Andrei Dmitrievich Dementyev. The cause of Andrei Dmitrievich's death was a complication after an illness.

Andrey Dementyev is widely known as a songwriter. Songs based on his poems are in the repertoire of Anna German, Valentina Tolkunova, Muslim Magomayev, Sofia Rotaru.

The farewell ceremony took place in Moscow, in the P.I.Tchaikovsky Hall. At the end of the farewell ceremony, a Christian funeral service took place in the church on Bolshaya Ordynka. Andrei Dmitrievich was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery.

Stanislav Govorukhin

Stanislav Govorukhin
March 29, 1936 - June 14, 2018

On June 14, 2018, the outstanding director, People's Artist of Russia Stanislav Sergeevich Govorukhin passed away. He died at the Barvikha sanatorium at 10:37 from a long illness.

The farewell ceremony was held on June 16 at the Transfiguration Church of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Stanislav Govorukhin was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow, next to Tabakov and Bronev.

Igor Lyakh

Igor Lyakh
August 16, 1962 - June 8, 2018

At the age of 56, on the night of June 8, Honored Artist of Russia Igor Vladimirovich Lyakh, who played Lyonka in the film "Love and Doves", passed away. The cause of death in the media is called cardiac arrest.

Kira Muratova

Kira Muratova
November 5, 1934 - June 6, 2018

At the age of 84, Kira Georgievna Muratova, a famous film director, who starred such stars as Ruslanova, Litvinova, Makovetsky, Demidova, died

The cause of Kira Georgievna's death was a prolonged illness. They buried her at the Tairovsky cemetery in Odessa. According to the last will of the deceased, there were no funeral ceremonies.

Leonid Nevedomsky

Leonid Nevedomsky
October 13, 1939 - June 3, 2018

On June 3, 2018, 78-year-old People's Artist of Russia Leonid Nevedomsky passed away. Leonid Vitalievich served for more than half a century at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Tovstonogov, on the stage of which he played more than 40 roles. In addition to the theater, the artist has performed over 100 roles in film and television. The domestic viewer will immediately remember the film about the gypsy Bodulai in which Leonid Nevedomsky played together with Mihai Volontir and Klara Luchko.

Leonid Vitalievich died after a long illness. He was buried in St. Petersburg at Literatorskie mostki Volkovsky cemetery.

Nina Mikhailovna Doroshina

Nina Doroshina
03/01/1934 — 21/04/2018

On April 21, 2018, People's Artist of the RSFSR Nina Doroshina, who played Nadezhda in the film "Love and Doves", died. Nina Mikhailovna was 83 years old. On April 21, neighbors called an ambulance, hearing screams in the artist's apartment. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save Nina Mikhailovna. The cause of death was tentatively named as a heart attack. It is known that three days before her death, Doroshina refused to be hospitalized in the clinic.

Nina Doroshina was buried at the Pyatnitskoye cemetery in Moscow.


08/09/1989 — 20/04/2018

On April 20, Swedish DJ Tim Bergling, known under the pseudonym Avici, passed away. Tim is known for his hits “My Feelings for You”, “Seek Bromance”, “Blessed” and “Levels”, as well as the scandal with the English singer Leona Lewis, who used part of Tim's track without permission, and had to list Avici as a co-writer ... For a long time in the media, the cause of Tim Bergling's death was called chronic pancreatitis.However, after the announcement of the official police report, it turned out that the cause of death of the artist was suicide. Tim was 28 years old.

Angelica Volchkova

Angelica Volchkova
10/09/1970 — 08/04/2018

Among those who died in 2018 was the Honored Artist of Russia Anzhelika Gennadievna Volchkova. She died on April 8, Easter night. Angelica was the leading artist of the theater "School of Modern Play", starred in serials, she was only 47 years old. Farewell to Angelica took place in the theater "School of Modern Play", the artist was buried in her native Penza. The cause of death of Angelica Gennadievna was a long illness, which she asked not to discuss.

Oleg Andreevich Anofriev

Oleg Andreevich Anofriev

On March 28, 2018, as a result of a long illness, Oleg Anofriev, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Russia, passed away. The Russian audience will immediately remember the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians", "How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song", where Oleg Andreevich voiced all the characters.

Oleg Anofriev was buried at the Aksin cemetery in the Moscow region.

Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi

Sergey Mavrodi
11/08/1955 - 26/03/2018

On the night of March 25-26, 2018, Sergei Mavrodi was hospitalized at City Hospital No. 67 in Moscow with heart complaints. An ambulance took Sergei Panteleevich in a semi-conscious state from a bus stop on the street. Polikarpov. In spite of medical assistance at 6:40 am Mavrodi died of a heart attack. Sergei Panteleevich was 63 years old.

On March 31, at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow, Mavrodi was buried in a closed coffin, as his brother forbade him to be buried in the family plot of the Khovansky cemetery next to his father and mother.

Yuri G. Shatalov

Yuri Shatalov
03/06/1945 — 20/03/2018

On March 20, 2018, the legendary hockey player, honored master of sports, world and European champion, multiple winner of the USSR Cup, winner of the European Champions Cup, participant of the USSR-Canada super series in 1974, Yuri Shatalov, passed away. Yuri Grigorievich was 72 years old. According to the telegram channel Mash, Shatalov committed suicide after a long illness.

Stephen William Hawking

Stephen Hawking
08/01/1942 - 14/03/2018

British physicist Stephen Hawking died in the early morning hours of March 14, 2018 at his home in Cambridge. After diagnosing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in 1960, doctors gave Stephen Hawking no more than 2 years of life, but it turned out that he was one of those who died in 2018.

Davide Astori

Davide Astori
January 7, 1987 - March 4, 2018

On March 4, 2018, at the age of 32, Italian footballer Davide Astori died in a dream. Representatives of the Fiorentina, where Astori was the captain, state that the cause of death was "a sudden illness." As a result of the autopsy, a more specific diagnosis was made - a violation of the rhythms of the heart, known in medicine as bradyarrhythmia.

It is known that death overtook Astori right on the eve of the game with the Italian "Udinese" in a hotel room in the city of Udine.

The death of the young and talented Astori shocked all fans and colleagues in sports so much that it was decided to withdraw game number “13” from the circulation of the teams “Cagliari” and “Fiorentina”.

Lyudmila Petrovna Senchina

Lyudmila Senchina
13/12/1950 — 25/01/2018

People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Senchina died on January 25, 2018 from pancreatic cancer. For ten days before her death, the singer did not regain consciousness. The farewell ceremony took place on January 28 at the Musical Comedy Theater in St. Petersburg. Lyudmila Senchina was buried at the Smolensk Orthodox cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Lyudmila Petrovna was buried according to the Orthodox rite in the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Condolences to the singer's family and friends were expressed, among others, by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko.

Victor Ivanovich Anpilov

Victor Anpilov
02/10/1945 - 15/01/2018

On January 13, 2018, Viktor Ivanovich received a massive stroke, was hospitalized at the Sklifosovsky Institute, where he died without regaining consciousness two days later.

Viktor Anpilov was 72 years old. On January 20, a civil funeral service of farewell took place in the ritual hall of the Troekurovsky cemetery, where Viktor Ivanovich was subsequently buried. Condolences to relatives of Anpilov expressed the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin

Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin
15/06/1936 - 10/01/2018

On January 10, 2018, the Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin passed away. Mikhail Mikhailovich died at the age of 82 in Odintsovo, in a military hospital, where he was treated for coronary heart disease and hypertension.

Six months before his death, the artist suffered an acute myocardial infarction. Derzhavin was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.

The farewell ceremony was held at the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire, a Christian funeral service was held at the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on the Sands. Condolences to relatives of Mikhail Mikhailovich were expressed, among others, by President Putin

John Young

John Young
24/09/1930 - 5/01/2018

On January 5, 2018, at the age of 87, John Young, an American astronaut, died. John Young is famous for the fact that he repeatedly flew to the moon, in 1972 he visited its surface, where he moved in a special lunar car, and is also known for the curious incident when he carried on board spaceship corned beef sandwich. John Young served at NASA for 42 years.

The last time he flew into space was in 1983, and had, in total, more than 15 thousand flight hours on various aircraft.

Alexander Vedernikov

Alexander Vedernikov
December 23, 1927 - January 9, 2018

At the age of 91, the famous bass of the Bolshoi Theater, People's Artist of the USSR Alexander Filippovich Vedernikov left us. A Christian funeral service was held on January 12 in the Temple of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Nadezhdla, Love and Sophia. Alexander Filippovich was buried at the Miusskoye cemetery in Moscow.