As in English orienteering in the city. Description of the city in English

We all love to travel. We like visiting new countries and cities, we try to see as many sights as possible, we are attracted by architectural monuments. But sometimes a person can get lost while in an unfamiliar city. It's good if you have a map of the city you visit with you. But sometimes you can find your way only by asking the residents of this city where you need to go. It is in this situation that you need to know the description of the city in English, or, to be more precise, the name of institutions and buildings, transport and pretexts for navigating the terrain. Another situation is also possible. You host a foreigner (or work as a guide), and you need to show the person the city, telling about significant places. You can't do without a description of the city in English!

The city and its parts

The word "city" can be translated as a town and a city but the latter is more common. A town Is a small town, while a city- big and lively. Each city is divided into districts ( districts), and each city has a suburb ( a suburb) and neighborhood ( neighborhoods). The person may also find themselves in a village(village).

As a rule, there are streets in every city ( streets), area ( squares), parks ( parks) and squares ( public gardens). And in the suburbs or the surrounding area, you can see the field ( a field), the river ( a river) or channel ( a canal).

  • Wondering how America's cities get their nicknames? Then the article "" will suit your taste.

Adjectives to describe the city

The most important thing in describing a city is what impression it makes on the people who visit it. And here the following adjectives come to your aid, which you can use in English:

  • ancient- ancient;
  • historic- historical;
  • attractive- attractive;
  • lovely- cute;
  • bustling- noisy, fussy;
  • contemporary- modern;
  • lively- lively;
  • picturesque- picturesque;
  • charming- charming;
  • touristic- tourist;
  • dull- dull;
  • boring- boring.

Transport in the city

When traveling around the city, you will use public transport ( public transport). It is worth learning how the train is called ( a train), railway station ( a railway station), tram ( a tram), trolleybus ( a trolley bus), bus ( a bus), underground ( a tube / subway) and the steamer ( a steamer).

  • A convenient phrasebook on this topic is presented in the article "City Transport"
  • A detailed description public transport you will find in the article ""

Places to visit

Attractions ( sights) there is a mass in each city. When in another city, you probably want to visit the theater ( a theater), Museum ( a museum), cinema ( a cinema) or gallery ( an art gallery). You can enjoy music in the concert hall ( a concert hall) or in the opera ( an opera house). Lovers of architecture can be advised to visit the church ( a church), the cathedral ( a cathedral) or lock ( a castle).

  • Choose your favorite entertainment with our article "".

Children and students study at school ( a school), college ( a college), university ( a university), and books are taken from the library ( a library). The names of all these institutions will help you find any attraction or place of your choice to visit.

You can eat in the cafe ( a café) or restaurant ( a restaurant). Shopping enthusiasts will be attracted by huge shopping malls ( shopping malls). Regular stores and supermarkets are named accordingly. shops and supermarkets (department stores). And also every tourist should know how the bank is called in English ( a bank), pharmacy ( a drugstore), hospital ( a hospital), police station ( a police station), post office ( a post office).

  • In case of an emergency, you may need phrases from our article "". We hope that the words from the article will not be useful to you, but absolutely everyone needs to know them.

How to indicate direction in English

Now let's imagine that we need to tell or understand how to get to a museum. You can politely ask a passerby using the following sentence:

Could you please tell me where the (place) is? - Could you please tell me where (something) is?

We, of course, will use the names of objects in English in speech, as well as prepositions of a place, which will help to draw up a competent route. Therefore, be sure to take the time to memorize them.

Pretext Translation
on on
at at
in v
on the right on right
on the left left
at the corner on the corner
near, next to near, near
in front of against
between between
across across
along along
above above
below below
opposite to against
behind per

Also, be sure to watch the video. There is a teacher Jon explains how to indicate direction correctly in English.


The purpose of the lesson:

  • To generalize students' knowledge of orientation in the surrounding space.
  • To consolidate lexical and grammatical material by topic.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Check the ability to conduct an etiquette dialogue.
  • Check the ability to navigate according to the plan.
  • Test the ability to extract information from the text.
  • Check the ability to use transport and purchase a ticket.

During the classes

Organization of the beginning of the lesson

I. Good morning, children! The topic for our lesson is the orientation in the city. I want you to be active at our lesson. Look at the pictures and match them and the instruction. (Pupils are given directional diagrams or they are displayed on a computer screen where they must correctly place the combination of words.) Appendix No. 1

a) 1. turn left 2. turn right 3. go past the ... 4. go down the street 5. go up the street

b) 1. go in front of the pond 2. walk through the forest 3. go behind the pond 4. go over the bridge 6. go across the river. 7. go under the bridge 8. go down the stairs 9. go up and down the hill.

II. You have made this task very well. What kind of transport do you know? (The teacher shows pictures of vehicles, or they are displayed on the computer screen, and the children call them.) Appendix No. 2

T .: What kind of transport is it?
T .: How do you get to Moscow?
T .: How do you get to school?
T .: How do you get to your Granny?
P .: It is a bus, train, tram, underground, plane, boat, on foot
P .: I go by car
P .: I go on foot.
P .: I go to my Granny by bus and by train.

III. Read the text and answer the question. How do people get to your work?

My name is Alice. I live in Paris. I don’t like underground. I go to school by bicycle in summer and by bus in winter. I have a friend. His name is John. He likes to go to school on foot. My granny lives in the country and my father go to her by car or by train. My brother studies at the university and he go there by underground or bicycle. My mother works in London and he go by plane or by train to his work.

--- by bus, by bicycle
--- on foot
---- by car, by train
---- by underground, by bicycle
---- by plane, by train

IV.Use this words and write a dialogueand play it... (Students receive flashcards with words and, in pairs, make up a dialogue and play it)

How do you get to ...
How much is it to ...
buy a tickets
check the tickets
go by bus

How do you get to school?
- I go to school by bus.
- How much is it to school?
- It's expensive. It's 10 roubles.
- Where do you buy tickets?
- I buy tickets by conductors on the bus.
- Let’s go to bus stop.

V. Listen to the text and find the right way to the house. ( Appendix No. 3)

(Pupils are given diagrams and, listening to the text, they lay the necessary path with a pen.)

You should first go across the road. Then go through the entrance. Turn left. Then go in front of the pond, not behind it. Turn right. Go through the forest. Then go under the bridge and in front of the hill. Go in front of the playground. Then go up the stairs and down stairs. Turn left and go straight to the house.

Vi. Game situations.(All the material of the lesson is used as a result of checking the assimilation of knowledge.)

T .: Use this scheme and ask questions each other! (Appendix No. 4 )

P .: How do you get from school to the library?
Can you tell me where the park is?
Excuse me, how do I get from the park to the museum?

T .: Imagine! You arrived in London and you have a London map. Find the places on the map. Ask polite. You are on the Bayswater Road. (Appendix No. 5 )

Big Ben, the Trafalgar Square, the Natural History Museum, Buckingham Palace, the Globe, the Tower of London, Westminster Bridge, Westminster Abbey, Mame. Tussaud ”s, Planetarium, Piccadilly, Houses of Parliament, Royal Albert Hall.

For example: How do I get to ...
Can you tell me where Big Ben is?
Excuse me, how do I get to ...

Vii. Finish.

T .: The lesson is over. You have worked very well. Now I am sure you won’t lose in the foreign city or town. You have got good marks. Good byе.

Cities are growing rapidly. Scientists describe urbanization problems in their works, discuss them at conferences, try to prevent negative consequences, but people are increasingly leaving villages and urban-type settlements, moving to megacities. Today the following cities are considered the most populated: Tokyo, Delhi, Seoul, New York, Jakarta, Shanghai. These cities are already like states with their own districts. It is rather difficult for a tourist who enters a city with such a population for the first time to navigate the terrain. - orient oneself , therefore…

Today we will help you figure out how to navigate the city in English

In our hometown, we use such Internet resources as, google maps, map.meta, and the like. Going to the site, you can use the route planning option from point A to point B at showing the address where you are in this moment and the address you want to find. In addition to plotting a car route, some services also offer route guidance, along which you can follow public transport or on foot. A useful suggestion of such sites is the indication of the travel time. It is shown under the condition of average traffic congestion.

Car owners have excellent assistants in the form of a device that receives a signal from global positioning systems, determining the current location of this device. In the common people - GPS navigator ... They have both pros and cons. It all depends on the manufacturer and assembly company.

As for the pedestrian, here we have other possibilities. We can use the map, try to navigate the addresses, ask for help or hints from passers-by. It all depends on where you need to go, but in any case, before traveling abroad, you should prepare, be it a tourist trip or a business trip.

First of all, we will purchase a card: I need a map of the city. Have you got a map of the city?

We will find addresses on the map, you need to be able to understand them:

  • Saint Ann s Street - St. Anna street
  • King s Scholars Passage - Passage of the Royal Scholars
  • Howick Place Howik Street (also used as a square)
  • Buckingham Palace Road - Buckingham Palace road
  • Victoria Square - squareVictoria
  • Redfield Lane - Redfield road (mostly narrow road)
  • Pacific Coast Highway - Pacific Highway (Pacific Coast Highway)

Remember the following abbreviations:

  • Street"St",
  • Avenue (Avenue) - "Ave”,
  • Lane - « Ln»,
  • Road - « Rd»,
  • Turnpike(main highway) - "Tpke" and etc.
  • The same applies to the apartment, Apartment - "Apt"

Example address: We read m NS him like :

Lucy korderLucy Corder,

334 Westminster Avenue APT B3334 – this is the house number, Westminster Avenue, apartment B3

Brooklyn, NY, 11230Brooklyn, New York, zip

You can also see how write the address correctly in English, in our other article.

Shall we continue? First you need to determine where you are at the moment -take one ’ s bearings, look around - look about . If your ability to navigate doesn't let you down sence of locality, then with the help of the map you will be able to follow in the right direction -correct direction .

  • If you want to ask how best to get to Kiev, use the phrase: Can you tell me the way to Kyiv?
  • You can ask where Saksaganskogo Street is located using the phrase: Excuse me, c an you tell me where Saksaganskogo street is?
  • You can find out how you can get to the Zolotye Vorota metro stop by asking the question: Excuse me, how can I get to Zolotie vorota metro station?
  • Without frills, you can ask where the metro station is (any), you can ask: Where is the metro station?
  • You can ask a passer-by how far the metro station is by asking: Where is the nearest metro station?
  • If you want to ask for directions to the Opera restaurant, you'd better use the expression: Can you tell me the way to the Opera restaurant?
  • To clarify whether you are following your path to Shevchenko Boulevard correctly, use the phrase: Am I on the right way to Shevchenko boulevard?
  • You can find out the location of the Museum of Russian Art by asking the question: Do you know where the museum of English art is?
  • If you want to ask which direction you should take to get to the city center, you should use the phrase: What direction should I take to get to city center?
  • To clarify where the nearest supermarket is located, you can ask the question: Where is the nearest shopping center?
  • To find out where this road leads, you can ask the question: Where does this road lead?

In case you come to an unfamiliar city and get lost, do not hesitate to ask for help from passers-by. It is advisable to contact people who are waiting at a public transport stop or who look 40 or more years old. As practice shows, young girls or boys can not navigate well in the city, they themselves can be tourists or students from other cities. You should not check the road from suspicious passers-by, because having learned that you are a tourist and even lost, they can take advantage of your position (rob, lead to a deserted place and cause harm).
If an unpleasant story nevertheless happened to you, you need to contact the police, and to find out its location, you need to use the phrase: What is the best way to get to the Police office?

The main directions of movement were and will be "straight" - straight, "back" - back, "To the left" - left, "To the right" - right, "forward" - forward, "against" - opposite, "on the corner" - at the corner of.

Native English School wishes you to travel around different countries, gain new, vivid impressions, learn new languages ​​and get pleasant emotions. And let the words I have lost my way refer only to physical activity. See you at school, dear students! =)


Listen, repeat and memorize.

Listen, repeat, remember.


be (where?)

Where is… located?

Where is…?

Tell me, please, where… is located?

Please tell me where is ...?

Can you, please, tell me where ... is located?

Can you tell me where is ...?

... is located on Lesnaya street, on Kutuzovsky prospect

... is located on Lesnaya Street, on Kutuzovsky Prospect

near, near by, next to

far / near

on the left / on the right

left / right

to the left / to the right

left right



bus stop,

tram stop, trolleybus stop

tram, trolleybus

Metro station

taxi stand

go, go

to go by bus

by tram

by trolley

by car

Where are you going?

Where do you go?

Where are you going?


to make a transfer

make / make a transplant

to exit, to get out

go out / go out

Are you getting out?

(at the next stop)?

Are you going out now?

Yes, I'm getting out.

Yes, I'm going out.

No, I'm not getting out.

No, I'm not going out.

How can I get to ...?

How to get to…?

How to get to…?

Tell me, please, how to get to…?

Please tell me how to get to ...? / How to get to…?

Can you, please, tell me how to get to ...?

Can you tell me how to get to ...? / How to get to…?

Sorry, I do not know.

Sorry, I do not know.

you need to go ...

you have to go ... you have to go ...

you can go ... you can go ...

How many stops (stations)

How many stops (stations) do you need

are needed to get to ...?

go to ...?

an airport



a restaurant




exhibit, exhibition


Grammar commentary

1. Verb to go has the meaning of "go, walk" and "go, ride", that is, it can denote movement both on foot and by transport, while the verb to walk("Walk, walk") means only walking.

For example:

Go! Go!

Don’t run, walk!

Don't run, but go!

Where are you going?

Where are you going are you going? Where are you going are you going?

2. The meaning of Russian dialects here and get out usually conveyed in English by a combination of words here("here and there("There") with the verb to be: adverb here matches the combination Here is ... (Here are ...), and the adverb get out matches the combination There is ... (There are ...).

For example:

Here is your book.

Here is your book.

There is John.


Here are your glasses.

Here are you.

There are his brothers.

There are his brothers.

However, sometimes the adverb here is translated into English by the combination not with here and with there, like in this mini-dialogue from this tutorial:

- No, it's not far. There it is.

- No, not far. There she is.


Listen and read aloud the dialogues below.

Listen to and read aloud the dialogues below.

- Tell me, please, where is the Kremlin located?

- Tell me, please, where is the Kremlin?

- The Kremlin is located in the center of Moscow.

- The Kremlin is located in the center of Moscow.

- Thanks.

- Excuse me, can you, please, tell me where the hotel “Marriott” is located?

- Excuse me, can you tell me where the Marriott Hotel is?

- The hotel “Marriott” is located on Tverskaya street.

- The Marriott Hotel is located on Tverskaya Street.

- Thanks.

- Excuse me, do you know where the store “Biblio-Globus” is located?

- Excuse me, do you know where the Biblio-Globus store is?

- “Biblio-Globus” is located on Miasnitskaya street.

- "Biblio-Globus" is located on Myasnitskaya Street.

- And how do you get to Miasnitskaya street?

- How to get to Myasnitskaya Street?

- You need to go by metro to station “Lubianka”.

- You need to take the metro to the Lubyanka station.

- Tell me, please, how do you get to MSU?

- Please tell me how to get to Moscow State University?

- You need to go by metro to the station “University”, and then it’s a 10-minute walk.

- You need to take the metro to the Universitet station, and then walk for 10 minutes.

- Tell me, please, how do you get to the “Et Cetera” Theater?

- Please tell me how to get to the theater "Et Cetera"?

- On the trolleybus.

- By trolleybus.

- And where is the trolleybus stop? Is it far?

- Where is the trolleybus stop? Far?

- No, it's not far. There it is.

- No, not far. There she is.

- Do you know where the metro is?

- Do you know where the metro is?

- Go straight ahead, then to the left.

- Go straight, then left.

- It is far?

- No, it's close. About 100 meters.

- No, it's close, 100 meters.

- Do you know how to get to the British Embassy?

- Do you know how to get to the British Embassy?

- You can get there by foot. It's near. Go straight, and then to the right.

- You can walk. It's nearby. Go straight, then right.

- Tell me, please, how do you get to the hotel “National”?

- Tell me how to get to the National Hotel?

- You need to go by metro to station “Komsomolskaya” and then make a transfer and go to station “Okhotny riad”. There, you will exit. The hotel “National” is opposite the metro.

- You need to take the metro to the Komsomolskaya station, then change trains and get to the Okhotny Ryad metro station. There you get out. Hotel National opposite the metro.

- Sasha, do you know where the store “Global USA” is located?

- Sasha, do you know where the Global USA store is?

- Yes. It's on Leningradsky prospect.

- I know. On Leningradsky Prospekt.

- And how do you get to Leningradsky prospect?

- How to get to Leningradsky Prospekt?

- You need to go by metro to station “Sokol” and then it’s 5 minutes on foot. Or, you can go 4 stops on the trolleybus.

- You need to go to the Sokol metro station, and then you need to walk to the store for about 5 minutes. Or you can take a trolleybus 4 stops.

- Sveta, where do you live?

- Sveta, where do you live?

- I live on Lesnaya street.

- I live on Lesnaya Street.

- And the metro is nearby?

- Is there a metro nearby?

- Yes, metro “Belorusskaya” is nearby.

- Yes, near the Belorusskaya metro station.

- Is it a major street?

- Is this a big street?

- Yes, it's a major street.

- Yes, it's a big street.

- Can you get to Lesnaya street only by metro?

- Can you only get to Lesnaya Street by metro?

- No, you can take the trolleybus number 12.

- No, you can take trolleybus number 12.

- Excuse me, do you know how to get to the American Embassy?

- Sorry, do you know how to get to the American Embassy?

- I’m sorry, I don’t know.

- Sorry, I do not know.

- Kim, do you know where the restaurant “Savoy” is located?

- Kim, do you know where the Savoy restaurant is?

- I’m sorry, I don’t know.

- I'm sorry, I do not know.

- Are you getting out now?

- Are you leaving now?

- Yes, I'm getting out.

- Yes, I'm leaving.

- Excuse me, are you getting out now?

- Excuse me, are you leaving now?

- No, I’m not getting out.

- No, I'm not going out.

- Can you tell me what metro station this is?

- Tell me, what metro station is it?

- It’s “Kievskaya”.

- This is Kievskaya.

- And how do you get to “Baumanskaya”?

- And how to get to "Baumanskaya"?

- You need to go to station “Kurskaya” and there make a transfer, and then go to station “Baumanskaya”.

- You need to go to the Kurskaya station, make a change there, and then go to the Baumanskaya station.

- Thanks.

- Lena, how long does it take you to get to work?

- Lena, how many minutes do you drive to work?

- It takes 30 minutes.

- I drive 30 minutes before work.

- And where do you work?

- Where do you work?

- I work on Kutuzovsky prospect, and live on the Garden Ring road.

- I work on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, but I live on the Garden Ring.

- Do you go by metro?

- Are you taking the subway?

- Yes, by metro, and then a short walk.

- Yes, by metro and walking a little more.

- Tell me, please, how do you get to the movie theater “Leningrad”?

- Tell me how to get to the Leningrad cinema?

- You need to go straight, then left, then right.

- You need to go straight, then left, then right.

- It is far?

- Yes. It's better to go by trolleybus 3 stops.

- Yes, far away. It is better to take the trolleybus 3 stops.

- Penny, have you been to the Bolshoi Theater?

- Penny, have you been to the Bolshoi?

- Yes. And you?

- Was. And you?

- I haven’t, but I know that the Bolshoi Theater is located in central Moscow.

- I have not been, but I know that the Bolshoi Theater is located in the center of Moscow.

- It's located in Theater Square. The Maly Theater and the Russian Youth Academic Theater are also located there.

- It is located on Teatralnaya Square. There is also the Maly Theater and the Russian Academic Youth Theater.

- And how do you get to Theater Square?

- How to get to Teatralnaya Square?

- You need to go to station “Teatralnaya”. The theater is opposite the metro.

- You need to go to the Teatralnaya metro station. Theater opposite the metro.

- Tom, is Chicago your native city?

- Tom, is Chicago your hometown?

- No, my native city is Boston. But I am now studying and living in Moscow.

- No, my hometown is Boston. But now I live and study in Moscow.

- Do you live in a dormitory?

- You live in a dormitory?

- And where is it located?

- Where is it?

- The dormitory is located on Lomonosovsky prospect.

- The hostel is located on Lomonosovsky prospect.

- Do you get to the dorm by metro?

- Are you taking the subway to the hostel?

- Yes, it's better to go by metro to station “University”, but you can also go by trolleybus.

- Yes, it is better to take the metro to the Universitet station, but you can also take a trolleybus.

- How long does it take you to get to the university?

- How many minutes do you drive to the university?

- About 15–20 minutes.

- 15–20 minutes.

- Let’s get acquainted. My name is Steve. I am American.

- Let's get acquainted. My name is Steve. I am American.

- My name is Dasha. I am Russian.

- And my name is Dasha. I am Russian.

- Dasha, do you work or study?

- Dasha, do you work or study?

- I study at the university.

- I study at University.

- What university?

- What university?

- The medical university. And you?

- In medical. And you?

- I work at an American firm. I am a lawyer. And where is your university located?

- I work for an American firm. I'm a lawyer. Where is your university located?

- It is on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street. And the dormitory is nearby. You can walk to the university. And where do you live?

- On Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street. And the hostel is nearby. The university can be reached on foot. And where do you live?

- I live on Ostoghenka street. I get to work by car.

- I live on Ostozhenka Street. I go by car to work.



1) Complete the sentences.

I live on ____________________.

Red Square is located ____________________.

The metro ____________________.

The bus stop ____________________.

The American Embassy ____________________.

You need to go ____________________.

Tell me please, how do you get ____________________?

Do you know where ____________________?

Do you know how to get ____________________?

2) Replace the dots with the words you want from Lesson 8.

… To the New Arbat?… To station “Arbatskaya”?… Is located on Tverskaya street. The hotel “Cosmos”… on Prospect Mira… is opposite the metro… a major street?… Trolleybus number 12… how to get to the American Embassy?… On Leningradskiy prospect and… on the Garden Ring road. -… by metro? - Yes, by metro and… It is better to go… You need to go straight, then…, then… -… far? - No, ...

3) Translate into English.

a) My name is Marina. I am a secretary, I work for a firm. I live on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Near the metro station "Kutuzovskaya". And our company is located on the Garden Ring. Near the metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya". I take the subway to work. First, to the Kievskaya metro station, there I make a change and go to the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station. Then I walk a little.

b) My name is Andrey. I am a student, I study at Moscow State University. Now I live in Moscow, in a hostel. The hostel is located on Vernadsky Avenue. The university can be reached by metro - one station - or by trolleybus, several stops. And walk 10-15 minutes. And this is my friend Andrew. He is American. Now he is also studying at Moscow State University. He lives on Lomonosovsky Prospekt. During the day we study, and in the evening we go to the cinema, to cafes, to restaurants.

4) Take a map of Moscow and ask each other where theaters, museums, etc. are located, and how to get there (Take a map of Moscow (or your city) and ask each other where theaters, museums, etc. are located and how you can get there or get there).

5) Ask your partner where he (she) lives, how he (she) gets to the institute or to work.

a) where he (she) lives;

b) how he (she) gets to the place of study or work).

1. Fill in the answers.

1) - How long does it take you to get to work? _________________________

2) - Excuse me, do you know where the metro is? _________________________

3) - How can I get to Red Square? _________________________

4) - Are you getting out now? _________________________

5) - Is it far? _________________________

6) - How do you get to the hotel “Cosmos”? _________________________

7) - Can you get to Mokhovaya street only by metro? _________________________

8) - How do you get to the movie theater “Oktyabr”? _________________________

9) - Where your embassy is located? _________________________

10) - Do you get to the dorm by metro? _________________________

2. Fill in the questions.

1) ____________________ - Go straight ahead, then to the left.

2) ____________________ - No, it’s not far.

3) ____________________ - I live on Chasovaya street.

4) ____________________ - You need to go by tram 3 stops.

5) ____________________ - No, I’m not getting out.

6) ____________________ - You need to go by metro to station “Mayakovskaya”.

7) ____________________ - About 5-10 minutes.

8) ____________________ - I’m sorry, I don’t know.

9) ____________________ - The hotel “Marriott” is located on Tverskaya street.

10) __________________ - Yes, it's better to go by metro, but you can also go by trolleybus.

3. Make up dialogues similar to those of Lesson 8 (Make up dialogues similar to those of Lesson 8).

How often in your life have you had to get lost on the streets of an unfamiliar city abroad? Or, perhaps, you were asked in English how to get to such and such an address, but you did not know what to answer? Let's fix this unacceptable mistake once and for all and learn how to correctly ask the direction of movement on, as well as learn how to prompt other people in a difficult situation.

Probably everyone who has ever traveled tried to ask for directions in English. However, not everyone knows how to ask the way to be understood by foreigners as much as possible. In addition, when we are suddenly asked in English how to get somewhere, it is also not always possible to remember the right words. However, it's all about a few phrases that just need to be remembered.

The picture shows the main directions of movement with translation:

Go straight on until you come to a crossroads. - Go straight to the crossroads.

Turn left into Gordon Street. - Turn left onto Gordon Street.

Take the next left. - The next turn is to the left.

Take the second road on the left . - Turn left on the second road (second lane).

Turn right at the traffic lights. - Turn right at the traffic lights.

It’s opposite the church. - It's opposite the church.

It's next to the bank. - It's next to the bank.

It’s between the school and the shop. - This is between the school and the store.

It's at the end of the road. - It's at the end of the road.

It's on the corner of Market Street and Baker Street. - It's at the corner of Market Street and Baker Street.

It's just behind this building. - It's behind this building.

It's in front of the school. - It's in front of the school.

It's just around the corner. - It's around the corner.

It's on the left / right. - It's (is) left / right.

It's around the corner.- It's around the corner.

It is better if you take a taxi. - Better to take a taxi.

It's 500 meters from here. - It's 500 meters from here.

Bank Street is parallel with this street. - Bank Street is parallel to this street.

Penny Street is perpendicular to this street. - Penny Street is perpendicular to this street.

It's four blocks down the street on this side of the road. - It's four blocks down this side of the street.

Turn right at the roundabout. - Turn right at the roundabout.

Asking for directions: useful expressions

Use these blank phrases to ask directions in an unfamiliar place:

I'm trying to get to the museum. - I'm trying to get to the museum (I need to find my way to the museum).

Do you know where the post office is? - Do you know where the post office is?

What's the best way to get to the train station? - What is the best way to get to the railway station?

Can you give me directions to the nearest bus stop? - Can you indicate the direction to the nearest bus stop?

How do I get to the train station? - How to get to the train station?

Where can I find the nearest bakery? - Where can I find the nearest bakery?

How can I get to the bank? - How to get to the bank?

Where is the hospital? - Where is the hospital?

Remember to be polite:

Exuse me, how can I go to the library? - Excuse me how to get to the library?

Exuse me, is there a supermarket near here? - Excuse me, is there a supermarket somewhere nearby?

Pardon me, I'm lost, how do I get to the library? - Sorry, I'm lost, how can I get to the library?

Could you, please, tell me how to get to the computer store? - Could you tell me how to get to the computer store?

Dialogue on the topic

If the presented material seems insufficient to you, I propose to proceed to the dialogue on the topic of orientation in English. Here you will find many additional phrases on how to ask for directions or help someone by showing the direction of travel.

Insert the following words instead of spaces in sentences: east, bank, school, roundabout, third, church

The dialogue is quite interesting and simple, so try to translate it yourself. Moreover, you got enough tips in this lesson, so you can use them when translating.

Lenny: Excuse me, I'm trying to find a pub called the Cock & Bull. Could you point me in the right direction?

George: Ah ... the Cock & Bull. I know it well. Excellent pub.

Lenny: Oh, great. I’m new to the city and I’m supposed to meet a friend there, but I haven’t got a clue where I am.

George: Right. Go straight ahead. Then, take the (1) _______ road on your left. That’s Queen Street. Follow it until you pass a (2) ________, and then… No, hang on. That’s not right.

Lenny: Oh, I can ask someone else if you’re not sure.

George: No, no. I know London like the back of my hand ... OK. Ignore everything I just said. From here, you want to get onto Charles Street, which is parallel to this street. Then walk (3) _____________ about 500 meters until you see an old (4) _______. Turn right at the church and ... Wait a minute ...

Lenny: I've got a map here ...

George: I don’t need a map. I’ve lived here all my life. And the Cock & Bull isn’t far. Excellent pub, by the way. They do a fantastic steak and kidney pie ... Or was it steak and mushroom? Anyway. Go about four hundred meters that way and when you get to a (5) ____________, hang a left. Walk for another two minutes and you’ll see a (5) _________ on the opposite side of the road. The pub is just next to the bank. You can't miss it.

Lenny: Great! Thank you!

George: No, hold on ... That’s where the pub used to be. It moved 15 years ago.

Lenny: Maybe I should ask someone else.

George: No, no, I’m your man. I practically live at the Bear & Bull.

Lenny: You mean the Cock & Bull.

George: No, the Bear & Bull.

Lenny: I'm trying to get to the Cock & Bull.

George: The Cock & Bull? No idea! Never heard of it! Goodbye!

It is in such a funny form that dialogues can take place in our life. Anyway, this dialogue showed us how to show directions in English in real life, as well as how to ask the way from passers-by. As you can see, passers-by cannot always help, so you need to be more patient and not despair.