Generalized abstract nature of the presentation. Generalized abstract character

The originality of the scientific style and its speech structure is revealed mainly in syntax and at the super-phrase level (i.e. in connections, relationships of sentences within the text and its components - paragraph and super-phrase unity, or a complex syntactic whole). It is in the functioning of syntactic units and in the organization of interphrase connections and relationships in the text that such basic features of the scientific style as the generalized abstract nature of the presentation and its emphasized logic reveal themselves most fully.

Simple sentence. Among simple sentences, common ones predominate (90%) *, as a rule, with a very ramified system of minor members of the sentence, with homogeneous members of the sentence (often with whole series of homogeneous members); In the structure of simple sentences, semi-predicative formations are active (participial and adverbial phrases, and therefore isolations), as well as introductory words, introductory and inserted constructions. For example: The Greco-Roman tradition, thanks to the development of book printing and the division of literature into scientific and artistic (which is associated with the development of printing), consistently created rational rhetoric and poetics as the doctrine of style and the embodiment of thought in words(from the book by Yu. Rozhdestvensky “The Theory of Rhetoric”).

* Cm.: Kozhina M.N. About the speech systematicity of the scientific style in comparison with some others. Perm, 1972. P. 323.

Special calculations have shown that the average number of words in one sentence of a general scientific text is 24.88, but most sentences contain 17 words* (to be precise, word forms, i.e., prepositional-nominal combinations).

* See: Functional style of general scientific language and methods of its research / Ed. O.S. Akhmanova and M.M. Glushko. M., 1974. P. 22.

In the sphere of a simple sentence, indefinitely personal, impersonal, as well as generalized personal sentences are active.

Definitely personal sentences, naturally, are not relevant here, since the scientific style tends to an impersonal manner of presentation, to the actual elimination of the subject of speech as an active figure (the 1st and 2nd person forms are possible in polemical texts. However, in written texts of a polemical nature These forms are extremely rare; they are more natural in oral – academic – speech). As for the "author's We", then it has a generalized character. This confirms its synonymy with the impersonal sentence: So, we came to the conclusion... And So, we can conclude...

Most often in the scientific style, indefinite-personal sentences with a predicate verb expressed in the 3rd person plural form are used. Such a predicate denotes (“timeless”) generally accepted phenomena, facts, patterns: Distinguish three types of yarn; Compound place into the flask.

Generalized personal sentences with a verbal predicate in the 1st person present and future plural are also active: Let's give function definition; We will produce summation of all terms; Let's take it this function to the class of differentiable functions.

Among impersonal sentences, three types are more common:

a) with modal words expressing possibility, impossibility, necessity, + infinitive (Need to find the curve; It is forbidden derive the formula);

b) in the predicate – an impersonal verb or an impersonal form of a finite verb (Required determine the current strength when connecting sources in series);

c) predicative adverbs (Any proper rational fraction easily express through simple fractions). Impersonal sentences that express the state of nature and man are not presented (It's freezing; It's drizzling; I feel sick).

In the scientific style, passive constructions clearly prevail over active ones. This can be explained by the desire for objectivity and generalization of presentation without indicating the subject of the action. Verb constructions presented (Installation produced for the first time; Ongoing additional hiring of workers); participial constructions (Dot deleted from the plane; Force attached to the body at a certain angle to the horizontal);

Regarding constructions with verbal nouns (Study of the phenomena of changing time scales in a gravitational field), then their activity in the scientific style is explained primarily by its nominal character (as well as the official business style), which is manifested in the functioning of verbal formations in scientific texts, along with the predominance of nouns over verbs, as well as the auxiliary function of verbs in a sentence.

Difficult sentence. In the scientific style, there is a clear predominance of complex sentences over complex sentences. This is explained by the fact that the former express causal, conditional, investigative, temporary relationships (which, of course, is very important for scientific presentation).

At the same time, in the scientific style, multicomponent syntactic structures are cultivated, in which, along with the subordinating connection, the coordinating connection is also presented, for example:

Thus, it was found that the phenomenon of desynchronization is observed upon stimulation of those estero- and interoceptive fields in which there are endings of somatic or cerebrospinal fibers going to the central nervous system without interruption, while the phenomena of synchronization are caused predominantly from those interoceptive fields (gastric mucosa ), in which, according to our data, there are endings of only or predominantly sympathetic afferent fibers, going to the central nervous system most often with a synoptic break (one or more) in the autonomic ganglia.

Such complex formations are usually distinguished by clear grammatical and semantic connections and orderly internal organization. The above illustration is quite typical in its syntactic structure: to the main clause it was found There are two “chains” of subordinate clauses, the construction of which is characterized by parallelism.

Multicomponent constructions are often complicated by participle and participial phrases (judging by special studies, usually their number does not exceed two or three, but there are sentences with a much larger number of clauses - from 8 to 12), inserted constructions.

Collocations. In the syntax of the phrase, substantive noun phrases are brought to the fore. Widespread genitive adjective (labor productivity, soil erosion, angle of attack), as well as (mainly in terminology) combinations like noun + adjective (agriculture, economic geography, stressed consonant, culture shock...). This selectivity is due to the tendency of the scientific style towards nomination as a means of logicalizing reality, accurate information about reality (and science is concerned with obtaining objective information about the patterns and exact facts of natural, social and spiritual life), towards differentiation of nominations (in accordance with the tendency of scientific analysis to detail , differentiation of concepts).

In the scientific style, the highest percentage of uses of the genitive case is up to 46% (in the language of fiction - up to 22%). Accordingly, phrases with genitive adjectives are also very active.

Word combinations operating in a scientific style are very diverse in their structural structure. Multicomponent phrases attract attention, since they arose and arise as a result of the differentiation of concepts inherent in scientific analysis: primary winding of the transformer; alternating transmission system; spaceship launch reusable ; frequency-modulated audio carrier.

Superphrasal level. The specificity of a scientific text is that its content finds expression and becomes accessible to the reader thanks to strict logic, coherence and consistency of presentation.

As already noted, the logic of presentation in a scientific style is manifested to a great extent in the fact that complex sentences dominate here, the connections between parts are expressed incomparably more clearly, more varied, more differentiated than in complex sentences. To characterize the coherence of scientific speech, the overall high percentage of complex sentences (50.3%)* is indicative, as well as the fact that a simple sentence is complicated by phrases containing subordinate connections**.

* Cm.: Kozhina M.N. About the speech systematicity of the scientific style in comparison with some others. Perm, 1972. P. 325.

** Cm.: Lariokhina N.M. Questions of the syntax of the scientific style of speech (analysis of some structures of a simple sentence). M., 1979. P. 27.

The syntax of the scientific style is characterized by the richness of speech and text with a variety of means of expressing emphasized logic. The subject of special concern of the author of a scientific text is the identification and delimitation of the main thing in the content of the text from the secondary, the main, basic concepts from derivatives, clarity in the delimitation of theses. In this regard, an important role in the presentation is given to such formulations, presentation techniques, and speech patterns as a direct indication that the discussion of this issue or thesis is over and we're moving on to the next question, the thesis that this concept is fundamental, basic, etc. Introductory words like firstly, secondly, on the one hand, on the other hand, so, thus, therefore, introductory structures: as already noted, as established in the previous paragraph etc., various kinds of figures of speech and phrases activate the reader’s attention, help him systematize the material being presented, and follow the author’s presentation. For these purposes, the question-and-answer form, rhetorical question, “lecture We".

As an example, let us give an excerpt from the book by K.A. Timiryazev “Plant Life”:

So far we have considered leaf activity... Based The basic law of chemistry is that matter is neither created nor destroyed, we tried our best find the sources of this substance and the transformations that it... experiences.

But the plant body represents to us not only matter... hence, a reserve of heat has accumulated in the birch... The question arises: where did this warmth, this strength come from? For to find out we have to look to familiar chemical phenomena...

Semantic connections between sentences in the text are “provided” by a variety of syntactic ways of organizing presentation. One of these methods is repetition.

Repetition is presented in texts of different functional varieties of literary language. Thus, within the framework of the language of fiction, repetition is the most important factor in organizing a poetic text with lyrical content. See, for example, the beginning and final stanza of V. Bryusov’s poem “Heaps of Brought Snow...”:

The organizing role of repetition in the composition of lyric poems is determined by the specifics of this genre. In a scientific style, as in a formal business style, repetition acts as an important means of communication between sentences, which ensures the accuracy and logical validity of information.

Repetition as a way of organizing presentation is as follows:

Repetition of the same word (usually a noun) - so-called lexical repetition (The interaction of two atoms can only occur when collision these atoms. Collision must occur with sufficient kinetic energy);

Using a synonym of a word, generally a synonymous replacement of words, in a subsequent sentence - synonymous repetition (Potassium cyanide solution has an alkaline reaction and smells strongly of hydrocyanic acid. Similar properties possesses sodium cyanide);

Replacing part of the previous sentence with pronouns this, all of them, all of this– pronominal repetition (When an element is in a free state - it forms a simple substance, then the movement of electrons around all atoms of this substance occurs in the same way. This true for all simple substances, regardless of their structures).

Along with ensuring the coherence of the text and the connection between sentences, repetition participates in the logical development of the presentation. For example: Every organism represents a set of ordering of interacting structures that form a single whole, i.e. is system. Alive organisms have signs, which most people lack nonliving systems. However, among these signs there is not one that is unique to the living. Possible way to describe life- this is to list the main properties living organisms. (Here, words with the same root also act as a kind of repetition.)

The scientific style of speech belongs to the book styles of the Russian literary language, which have general operating conditions and similar linguistic features, including:

Preliminary consideration of the statement,

Monologue nature of speech,

Strict selection of linguistic means, desire for standardized speech.

This functional-style variety of the literary language serves various branches of science (exact, natural, humanities, etc.), the field of technology and production and is implemented in monographs, scientific articles, dissertations, abstracts, theses, scientific reports, lectures, educational and scientific-technical literature, reports on scientific topics, etc.

The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the progress of scientific knowledge in various areas of life and activity of nature and man. Initially, scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narration (emotional perception of phenomena in the scientific works of Pythagoras, Plato and Lucretius). The creation of stable scientific terminology in the Greek language, which spread its influence throughout the entire cultural world, led to the separation of the scientific style from the artistic (Alexandrian period). In Russia, the scientific style of speech began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century in connection with the creation of Russian scientific terminology by authors of scientific books and translators. A significant role in the formation and improvement of the scientific style belonged to M.V. Lomonosov and his students (second half of the 18th century), the scientific style finally emerged only towards the end of the 19th century.

Functions scientific style of speech:

a) epistemic − reflection of reality and storage of knowledge;

b) cognitive − obtaining new knowledge;

c) communicative − transfer of special information.

Zadachi scientific style of speech:

Explain the causes of phenomena

Report, describe the essential features, properties of the subject of scientific knowledge.

Varieties (substyles) scientific style of speech:

a) actually scientific,

b) scientific and technical (production and technical),

c) scientific and informative,

d) scientific reference,

d) educational and scientific,

e) popular science.

Basic form of implementation scientific style is written language , although with the increasing role of science in society, the expansion of scientific contacts, and the development of mass media, the role of the oral form of communication is increasing. In this regard, modern scientific style has different types of texts:



Research Article,











Educational and scientific speech is implemented in the following genres:


Answer (oral answer, answer-analysis, answer-generalization, answer-grouping),


Language example,

Explanation (explanation-explanation, explanation-interpretation).

Implemented in various genres and forms of presentation, the scientific style is characterized by a number of common extra- and intralinguistic features that allow us to speak of a single functional style, which is subject to intra-style differentiation. Since the main communicative task of communication in the scientific field is the expression of scientific concepts and conclusions, thinking in this field of activity is generalized, abstracted (abstracted from private, unimportant features), and logical in nature. This is the reason for such specific features scientific style, How abstraction, generality, emphasized logic of presentation .

These extralinguistic features combine into a system all the linguistic means that form the scientific style and determine secondary , more private, style features : semantic accuracy (unambiguous expression of thoughts), informative richness, objectivity of presentation, ugliness, hidden emotionality.

The dominant factor in the organization of linguistic means and scientific style is their generalized abstract nature at the lexical and grammatical levels of the language system. Generalization and abstraction give scientific speech a single functional and stylistic coloring.

General extra-linguistic properties of the scientific style of speech, its style features, conditioned by abstractness (conceptuality) and strict logic of thinking, are.

General characteristics of the scientific style of speech

Scientific style refers to the bookish styles of a literary language, “which are characterized by a number of general conditions of functioning and linguistic features: preliminary consideration of the statement, its monologue character, inclination towards standardized speech” [Rosenthal, 2004, p. 21].
The specificity of scientific speech is largely related to extralinguistic factors. The purpose of scientific works is to present research material and familiarize readers with scientific information, which predetermines the monological nature of the language of this functional-style variety of book speech. The scientific style has three main functions: communicative, epistemic and cognitive, which allows you to reflect reality, preserve and transmit received information, and acquire new knowledge.
The sphere of scientific communication “is distinguished by the fact that it pursues the goals of the most accurate, logical, unambiguous expression of thought” [Kozhina, 1983, p. 164]. Since thinking is generalized, the linguistic embodiment of the dynamics of thinking is expressed using scientific concepts, judgments and conclusions arranged in a strict logical sequence. This determines such features of the scientific style as abstraction, generalization, and logical presentation. These extralinguistic features systematize all linguistic means that form the scientific style and determine secondary, particular, stylistic features. According to M.N. Kozhina, typical for scientific speech are “semantic precision (unambiguousness), ugliness, hidden emotionality, objectivity of presentation, some dryness and severity, which do not, however, exclude a kind of expressiveness” [Kozhina, 1983, p. 165]. Particular expressiveness and emotionality depend on the genre and theme, the form and situation of communication, as well as the author’s individuality. The expressiveness of scientific speech, according to M.N. Kozhina, “is achieved primarily by the accuracy of the use of words and the logic of presentation (the so-called intellectual expressiveness),” for which intensifying and restrictive particles, pronouns, quantitative adverbs, emotionally expressive adjectives, superlatives (a simple form of the superlative adjective), etc. are used. [Kozhina, 1983, p. 172]. Figurative means in scientific speech are of a general linguistic nature and denote not individual, but general properties of an object.
Written speech- the main form of implementation of the scientific style, although with the expansion of scientific contacts and the development of mass media in society, the importance of the oral form of communication increases. However, it should be taken into account that different forms of presentation are united by common extralinguistic and intralinguistic features and are a single functional style.
A scientific text is characterized by semantic completeness, integrity and coherence. An important feature of the language of written scientific speech is the formal-logical way of presenting the material. Logicity is understood as the presence of semantic connections between parts of a coursework or dissertation, the sequence of presentation, i.e., the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular, the absence of internal contradictions in the text. The logical consequence of the presented scientific material is the conclusions.
The main means of expressing logical connections are special functional-syntactic means of communication. The most common and typical type of connection between sentences in scientific speech is the repetition of nouns, often in combination with demonstrative pronouns this, that, such.
The clear logical structure of scientific speech determines the widespread use of adjectives and participles, adverbs, adverbial expressions, as well as other parts of speech and combinations of words in the connecting function: named, indicated, therefore, therefore, first, then, subsequently, in conclusion, finally, in addition , while, nevertheless, etc.
In scientific texts that present conclusions or generalizations, introductory words indicating the following are common:
. sequence of thought development (first of all, firstly, secondly, etc.);
. contradictory relationships (however, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, etc.);
. cause-and-effect relationships or conclusion (therefore, so, thus, means, finally, etc.);
. source of the message (for example, according to scientist A.A. Ivanov).
The monologue nature of presentation in written scientific speech presupposes impersonal reasoning (the use of third person singular verbs), since attention is focused on the content and logical sequence of the message, and not on the subject. In a scientific monologue, the use of the first person singular form of the personal pronoun “I” is limited, which is not a consequence of etiquette, but a manifestation of an abstract and generalized stylistic feature of scientific speech, reflecting the form of thinking. The second person singular and plural forms are practically not used, as they are the most specific, usually indicating the author of the speech and the addressee. Scientific speech is usually addressed not to a specific interlocutor or reader, but to an indefinitely wide circle of people. However, in discussion articles and in that part of the text where polemics are contained, the so-called intellectual expressiveness of scientific speech is allowed, the degree of which depends on the author’s individuality.
Thus, the author’s “I” seems to recede into the background. In this case, it becomes a rule that the author of a scientific work speaks about himself in the plural and uses “we” instead of “I,” believing that the expression of authorship as a formal collective gives greater objectivism to the presentation. Indeed, expressing authorship through “we” allows you to reflect your view of the problem as the opinion of a certain scientific school or scientific direction. This is understandable, since modern science is characterized by an integrated approach to solving problems, which is best conveyed by the pronoun “we” and its derivatives (for example, in our opinion).
The strict selection of linguistic means of a scientific text is determined by the style-forming features of the scientific style, among which the following are distinguished: generalized abstract nature of presentation, emphasized logic, semantic accuracy, informative richness, objectivity of presentation, ugliness.
A significant part of the lexical means of scientific speech consists of words of general scientific use, abstract vocabulary and terms. Accuracy in scientific presentation presupposes unambiguous understanding, therefore, in scientific texts the use of ambiguous vocabulary and words with a figurative meaning is not allowed. Terminological vocabulary is the most essential feature of the language of science. According to the dictionary entry, “term (Latin terminus - limit, boundary, boundary sign) is a word or phrase that precisely designates any concept used in science, technology, or art. Unlike common words, which are often polysemantic, terms are, as a rule, unambiguous, and they are not characterized by expression” [Rosenthal, 1976, p. 486]. The term not only denotes a particular concept, but is also necessarily based on the definition (definition) of the concept. For example:
Lexicology is a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of the vocabulary of a language (Linguistics).
Phraseological combinations of scientific style are also characterized by specific features. Here we use general literary, inter-style stable phrases that act in a nominative function, for example, a voiceless consonant. Unlike other types of phrases, terminological combinations lose their figurative and metaphorical expression and do not have synonyms. The phraseology of the scientific style can also include various kinds of speech cliches: represent, includes, consists of..., is used in (for)..., consists of..., relates to..., etc.
Quite typical for the language of science is the refusal of figurative expressions, a certain dryness and severity of presentation. However, the degree of manifestation of these traits may vary depending on the topic, genre, and communication situation. For example, “the appearance of expressive elements in scientific speech can be caused by the polemical content of the text,” or “philological research is more inclined towards emotional speech than research in the field of exact sciences” [Golub, 2002, p. 39].
Words and stable phrases with a colloquial connotation, words of limited use (archaisms, jargons, dialectisms, etc.) are not commonly used in the scientific style.
The morphological features of scientific speech significantly influence the linguistic stylistic design of the text. The desire for generalization and abstraction at the morphological level is manifested both in the choice of morphological categories and forms, and in the features of their functioning. The scientific style is characterized by a clear predominance of the name over the verb, the use of a large number of nouns with an abstract meaning and verbal nouns in -nie, -ie, -ost, -tion, -fication, etc. with the meaning of a sign of action, state, change. Most nouns are used only in the singular form: the singular number of a noun in the plural serves to designate a whole class of objects, indicating their characteristic features or collective meaning.
Among case forms, the first place in terms of frequency of use is occupied by the forms of the genitive case, which act as a definition: the norm of literary language, means of artistic expression, philological translation of a poetic text. After the genitive case, in terms of frequency of use, there are forms of the nominative and accusative cases; As part of passive constructions, forms of the instrumental case are common: introduced by A.P. Kvyatkovsky, established by N.M. Shansky.
Relative adjectives are widely represented because they, unlike qualitative ones, are able to express the characteristics of concepts with extreme precision. If it is necessary to use qualitative adjectives, preference is given to analytical forms of comparative and superlative degrees, formed by combining the original form of the adjective with the adverbs more, less, most, least. The synthetic form of the superlative degree of the adjective with the suffixes -eysh-, -aysh-, due to its emotionally expressive connotation, is atypical for scientific speech.
A feature of the scientific style is the use of short adjectives that express not a temporary, but a permanent attribute of objects and phenomena. The vast majority of verbs are used in the present tense. They appear in an abstract temporal meaning (present timeless): Methodology B.A. Goncharova is based on...; The concept of a linguistic naive picture of the world represents... and others. The abstraction of meaning extends to the forms of verbs of the future and past tense, acquiring timeless meaning: Let us highlight the nominations...; The study established...etc.
Of the aspectual forms of verbs, the imperfective forms are the most frequent in scientific speech as they are comparatively more abstractly generalized in meaning. Submitted by M.N. Kozhina, in scientific speech they make up about 80% [Kozhina, 1983, p. 169].
Perfective verbs are often used in the form of the future tense, synonymous with the present timeless, the aspectual meaning of such verbs is weakened, as a result of which the perfective form in most cases can be replaced by an imperfect one: let’s conduct (an experiment) - conduct, compare (results) - compare, consider (changes in legislation) - we are considering.
The indicative mood of the verb is often used, the subjunctive mood is rarely used, and the imperative mood is almost never used.
The desire for abstraction and generalization determines the tendency of the verb to desemantize. Firstly, the scientific style is characterized by verbs of abstract semantics, therefore reflexive verbs and passive constructions are widely used: to have, to change, to observe, to manifest, to end, to be discovered, to exist. Secondly, many verbs in the scientific style act as connectives: to be, to become, to appear, to serve, to possess, to be called, to be considered, to be concluded, to differ. Thirdly, a number of verbs perform the function of components of verb-nominal phrases (verbonominants), in which the main semantic load is carried by nouns: to find application, to carry out transfer, to influence, etc.
In the scientific style, conjunctions, prepositions and prepositional combinations are active, in the role of which full-valued words, primarily nouns, can act: with the help, with the help, in accordance, as, as a result, for the reason, on the basis, in relation, etc.
Emotional and subjective-modal particles and interjections are not used in scientific speech.
The syntax of scientific speech is determined by a strict logical sequence and a desire for information richness, which leads to the predominance of simple common and complex conjunctive sentences.
Among simple one-part sentences, the most common are indefinite personal ones with a direct object at the beginning of the sentence, synonymous with passive constructions; generalized personal sentences with the main member expressed by a verb in the form of the first person plural of the present or future tense in a timeless meaning; impersonal sentences of various types (with the exception of those that express the state of man and nature). The use of nominative sentences in scientific texts is quite limited. They are usually used in headings, wording of plan points, and in the names of tables.
Of the two-part sentences, the most frequent are sentences with a compound nominal predicate, which is closely related to the morphological features of the scientific style noted above. Moreover, in such a predicate in the present tense the use of the copula is characteristic: “Language is the most important means of human communication.”
In scientific speech, individual sentences and parts of a complex syntactic whole are very closely related to each other. Therefore, a scientific text that requires complex argumentation and identification of cause-and-effect relationships is characterized by complex sentences of various types with clear syntactic connections. The predominance of allied sentences over non-union sentences is explained by the fact that the connection between the parts of a complex sentence with the help of unions is expressed more accurately and unambiguously. In scientific texts, complex sentences with causal, temporal, conditional, consequential, and other subordinate clauses are more common, rather than complex sentences. The reason is that subordinate constructions, expressing causal, temporary, conditional, investigative, etc. relationships, are more closely related to each other. Hence the variety of compound subordinating conjunctions: due to the fact that, meanwhile, since, instead of, in view of the fact that, because, due to the fact that, after, while, etc. Among complex sentences, the most common are sentences with attributive and explanatory subordinate clauses, in which the main information is contained in the subordinate clause.
Sentences are often complicated by participial and adverbial phrases, inserted constructions, clarifying members, and isolated phrases.
This is, in general terms, the characteristics of the scientific style.

Scientific style is a functional and stylistic variety of literary language, which serves various branches of science (exact sciences, natural sciences, humanities, etc.), the field of technology and production, and is implemented in genres monograph, scientific article, dissertation, abstract, theses, scientific report, lecture, communication on scientific topics, reviews, as well as in educational and scientific-technical literature etc. The most important task of the scientific style of speech is to explain the causes of phenomena, to report, to describe the essential features and properties of the subject of scientific knowledge.

The scientific style belongs to the number of book styles of the Russian literary language, which have general operating conditions and similar linguistic features, including: preliminary consideration of the statement, the monological nature of speech, strict selection of linguistic means, and the desire to normalize speech. The main form of implementation of the scientific style is written speech, although with the increasing role of science in various fields of activity, the expansion of scientific contacts, and the development of mass media, the role of oral communication using the scientific style also increases.

The main communicative task of communication in the scientific field is the expression of scientific concepts and conclusions. Thinking in this area of ​​activity is generalized, abstract, and logical. This determines such specific features of the scientific style as abstraction, generality, emphasized logic of presentation, and secondary, more specific, stylistic features: semantic accuracy(unambiguous expression of thoughts), information richness, objectivity of presentation, lack of imagery andemotionality. The generality and abstractness of the language of scientific prose are dictated by the specifics of scientific thinking. Science treats concepts and expresses abstract thought, so its language is devoid of concreteness. In this respect, it is contrasted with the language of fiction.

Lexical means of scientific style

The main feature of the organization of linguistic means and scientific style is their generalized abstract character at the lexical and grammatical levels of the language system, which gives scientific speech a unified functional and stylistic coloring. The vocabulary of scientific speech consists of three main layers: common words, general scientific words and terms.

TO common vocabulary These are common language words that are most often found in scientific texts. For example: The equipment operates at both high and low temperatures. Despite the fact that there is not a single special word in the sentence, it is obvious that in a scientific text such commonly used words form the basis of the presentation. Depending on the composition of the readership, the share of commonly used vocabulary changes: it decreases in works intended for specialists, and increases in genres addressed to a general audience. Common words in the scientific style are used in their nominative meaning, which makes it possible to objectively indicate the essence of a concept or phenomenon. However, in a specific scientific text they can change their semantics. For example, the word suppose in mathematical texts means “to count, to assume”: Assume that these triangles are congruent. Polysemantic common words in scientific texts are assigned a special meaning. Thus, the noun ending, which has two meanings (1. Completion, bringing something to an end. 2. The final part of something), is used in linguistics as unambiguous: " grammatically changing part of a word; flexion".

General scientific vocabulary– the second significant layer of scientific speech. This is already part of the language of science, that is, the language of describing scientific objects and phenomena. Using general scientific words, phenomena and processes in various fields of science and technology are described. These words are assigned to certain concepts, but are not terms, although they are terminological in nature, for example: operation, task, phenomenon, process, absorb, abstract, acceleration, value, function, value, element, result, consequence, analysis, synthesis, system, based, universal and etc.

The scientific style is characterized by widespread use abstract vocabulary, prevailing over the specific one: evaporation, freezing, pressure, thinking, reflection, radiation, weightlessness, acidity, changeability etc. In abstract and generalized meanings, not only words with abstract semantics are used, but also words that denote specific objects outside the scientific style. Yes, in a sentence Oak, spruce and birch grow in our area the words oak, spruce, birch do not denote individual, specific objects (a specific tree), but a class of homogeneous objects, a tree species, i.e. they express a general concept. The generalized abstract nature of speech is also emphasized by the use of special words like usually, usually, always, constantly, systematically, regularly, every, any, every.

Since the field of science and technology requires the most accurate definition of concepts and phenomena of reality, reflecting the accuracy and objectivity of scientific truths and judgments, a specific feature of the vocabulary of the scientific style is the use of terms.

Term (from Latin terminus “border, limit”) is a word or phrase that is the name of a special concept of any sphere of production, science or art. Each branch of science has its own terminology, combined into one terminology system (medical, mathematical, physical, philosophical, linguistic, literary terminology, etc.). Within this system, the term tends to be unambiguous, does not express expression and is stylistically neutral. Examples of terms: atrophy, numerical methods of algebra, range, zenith, laser, prism, radar, symptom, sphere, phase, low temperatures, cermets. The lexical meaning of the term corresponds to the concept developed in this field of science. Terms that are part of several terminological systems are used in a specific text in one meaning, characteristic of a particular terminological system.
For example: Reaction [French] reaction, German Reaction< лат. re против + ctio действие]
1. Biol. The answer (of an organism, its part) to something. external irritation.
2. Phys. and Chem. Physico-chemical interaction between substances.

The scientific style, the features of which are the subject of research for linguists, is a set of specific speech techniques used primarily in the scientific, scientific, technical, and popular science spheres to express and formalize ideas, hypotheses, and achievements that are diverse in content and purpose.

General characteristics of scientific text

A scientific text is a summary, result or report of research activity, which is created for a circle of people who have the appropriate qualifications to perceive and evaluate it. In order to make it as informative as possible, the author must resort to the use of formalized language, special tools and methods of presenting the material. Most often, a scientific text is a work published or intended for publication. Scientific texts also include specially prepared materials for oral presentation, for example, a report at a conference or an academic lecture.

Characteristic features of the scientific style are neutrality of tone, an objective approach and information content, structured text, the presence of terminology and specific language means accepted among scientists for a logical, adequate presentation of the material.

Varieties of scientific style

The prevalence of the written form of existence of works of scientific style determines the validity, balance, and clarity of their content and design.

The division of scientific texts into types and types is explained, firstly, by the difference in objects described by numerous disciplines, the content of the research activities of scientists, and the expectations of the potential audience. There is a basic specification of scientific literature, which divides texts into scientific-technical, scientific-humanitarian, scientific-natural. We can also distinguish more specific sublanguages ​​that exist within each of the sciences - algebra, botany, political science, etc.

M. P. Senkevich structured the types of scientific style according to the degree of “scientificness” of the final work and identified the following types:

1. The scientific style itself (otherwise known as academic) is characteristic of serious works intended for a narrow circle of specialists and containing the author’s research concept - monographs, articles, scientific reports.

2. The presentation or synthesis of scientific heritage contains secondary information materials (abstracts, annotations) - they are created in a scientific-informational or scientific-abstract style.

4. Scientific reference literature (reference books, collections, dictionaries, catalogues) aims to provide extremely concise, accurate information, without details, to present the reader only with facts.

5. Educational and scientific literature has a special scope; it sets out the fundamentals of science and adds a didactic component, providing illustrative elements and materials for repetition (educational publications for various educational institutions).

6. Popular science publications present biographies of outstanding people, stories of the origin of various phenomena, chronicles of events and discoveries and are accessible to a wide range of interested persons, thanks to illustrations, examples, and explanations.

Properties of scientific text

A text created in a scientific style is a standardized closed system.

The main features of the scientific style are compliance with the regulatory requirements of the literary language, the use of standard phrases and expressions, the use of the capabilities of a “graphic” language of symbols and formulas, the use of references and notes. For example, the following clichés are generally accepted in the scientific community: we will talk about the problem..., it should be noted that... the data obtained during the study led to the following conclusions..., let's move on to the analysis... etc.

To convey scientific information, elements of an “artificial” language - graphic - are widely used: 1) graphs, diagrams, blocks, drawings, drawings; 2) formulas and symbols; 3) special terms and lexical features of the scientific style - for example, names of physical quantities, mathematical symbols, etc.

So, the scientific style, the features of which are characterized by compliance, serves as accuracy, clarity and conciseness in expressing the thoughts of the study. A scientific statement is characterized by a monologue form, the logic of the narrative is revealed sequentially, the conclusions are drawn up as complete and meaningful phrases.

The semantic structure of a scientific text

Every text of a scientific style has its own logic of construction, a certain finished form that corresponds to the laws of structuring. As a rule, the researcher adheres to the following scheme:

  • introduction to the essence of the problem, justification of its relevance and novelty;
  • identifying the subject of research (in some cases, the object);
  • setting a goal, solving certain tasks in the process of achieving it;
  • a review of scientific sources that in any way affect the subject of research, a description of the theoretical and methodological basis for the work; justification of terminology;
  • theoretical and practical significance of a scientific work;
  • the content of the scientific work itself;
  • description of the experiment, if any;
  • research results, structured conclusions based on its results.

Language features: vocabulary

Abstract tone and generality form the lexical features of the scientific style:

1. The use of words in their specific meanings, the predominance of words with abstract meanings ( volume, permeability, resistance, conflict, stagnation, word formation, bibliography etc.).

2. Words from everyday use acquire a terminological or generalized meaning in the context of a scientific work. This applies, for example, to technical terms: coupling, reel, tube and etc.

3. The main semantic load in a scientific text is carried by terms, but their share is not the same in different types of works. Terms introduce certain concepts into circulation, the correct and logical definition of which is a necessary condition for a professionally written text ( ethnogenesis, genome, sinusoid).

4. Works of scientific style are characterized by abbreviations and compound words: publishing house, GOST, Gosplan, million, research institute.

The linguistic features of the scientific style, in particular in the field of vocabulary, have a functional orientation: the generalized abstract nature of the presentation of the material, the objectivity of the author’s views and conclusions, the accuracy of the information presented.

Language features: morphology

Morphological features of the scientific style:

1. At the grammatical level, with the help of certain word forms and the construction of phrases and sentences, the abstractness of a scientific text is created: It is noted that..., it appears that... etc.

2. Verbs in the context of a scientific text acquire a timeless, generalized meaning. Moreover, predominantly the forms of present and past tense are used. Their alternation does not add either “picturesqueness” or dynamics to the narrative; on the contrary, they indicate the regularity of the phenomenon being described: the author notes, indicates...; goal achievement is facilitated by problem solving etc.

3. The predominant (approximately 80%) also attach a generalized meaning to the scientific text. Perfective verbs are used in stable phrases: let's consider...; Let's show with examples etc. Indefinitely personal and impersonal forms with a connotation of obligation or necessity are also used: characteristics refer to ...; you need to be able to...; don't forget about...

4. Reflexive verbs are used in the passive meaning: required to prove...; explained in detail...; issues are being considered etc. Such verb forms allow us to focus on the description of the process, structure, mechanism. The short passive participles have the same meaning: o the definition is given...; the norm can be understood etc.

5. In scientific speech, short adjectives are also used, for example: attitude is characteristic.

6. A typical feature of scientific speech is the pronoun We, used instead I. This technique forms such features as authorial modesty, objectivity, generalization: During the study, we came to the conclusion...(instead of: I came to a conclusion…).

Language features: syntax

The linguistic features of the scientific style in terms of syntax reveal the connection of speech with the specific thinking of the scientist: the constructions used in the texts are neutral and commonly used. The most typical method is syntactic compression, when the volume of text is compressed while increasing its information content and semantic content. This is realized using a special construction of phrases and sentences.

Syntactic features of the scientific style:

1. Use of attributive phrases “noun + noun in the genitive case”: metabolism, currency liquidity, dismantling device etc.

2. Definitions expressed by an adjective are used in the meaning of the term: unconditioned reflex, firm sign, historical excursion and etc.

3. The scientific style (definitions, reasoning, conclusions) is characterized by a compound nominal predicate with a noun, usually with an omitted linking verb: Perception is a basic cognitive process...; Deviations from normative implementations of language are one of the most striking features of children's speech. Another common “predicate formula” is a compound nominal predicate with a short participle: can be used.

4. Adverbs in the role of circumstance serve to characterize the quality or property of the phenomenon under study: significantly, interestingly, convincingly, in a new way; all these and other events are well described in historical literature….

5. The syntactic structures of sentences express conceptual content, therefore the standard for a writing scientist is a complete sentence of a narrative type with a conjunction between its parts, with lexical content neutral in terms of style and normative word order: It must be said that animal psychologists have long, persistently and unsuccessfully tried to teach the most developed anthropoids (chimpanzees) sound language. Among complex sentences, structures with one subordinate clause dominate: Between the intellect and language there is an intermediate primary communicative system, which is called the functional basis of speech.

6. The role of interrogative sentences is to draw attention to the material being presented, to express assumptions and hypotheses: Maybe the monkey is capable of sign language?

7. To carry out a detached, deliberately impersonal presentation of information, impersonal proposals of various types are widely used: Genres of equal status include friendly communication (heart-to-heart talk, chat, etc.)... This emphasizes the desire to be an objective researcher speaking on behalf of the general scientific community.

8. In order to formalize cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, complex sentences with coordinating and subordinating conjunctions are used in scientific speech. Complex conjunctions and allied words are often encountered: in view of the fact that, despite the fact that, due to the fact that, because, meanwhile, while, whereas etc. Complex sentences with determinatives, causes, conditions, time, consequences are widespread.

Means of communication in scientific text

The scientific style, the features of which lies in its specific use, is based not only on the normative basis of the language, but also on the laws of logic.

Thus, in order to logically express his thoughts, the researcher must use the morphological features of the scientific style and syntactic possibilities to connect the individual parts of his statement. This purpose is served by various syntactic constructions, complex sentences of various types with “clip words”, clarifying, participial, participial phrases, enumerations, etc.

Here are the main ones:

  • comparison of any phenomena ( like..., so...);
  • the use of connecting sentences containing additional information about what was said in the main part;
  • participial phrases also contain additional scientific information;
  • introductory words and phrases serve to connect semantic parts both within one sentence and between paragraphs;
  • “clip words” (for example, thus, therefore, meanwhile, in conclusion, in other words, as we see) serve to establish a logical connection between different parts of the text;
  • homogeneous members of a sentence are necessary to list logically similar concepts;
  • frequent use of clichéd structures, logic and conciseness of the syntactic structure.

So, the scientific style, the features of the means of communication of which we have examined, is a fairly stable system that is difficult to change. Despite the extensive system of opportunities for scientific creativity, regulated norms help a scientific text “keep in shape.”

Language and style of popular science text

The presentation of material in popular science literature is close to neutral, general literature, since the reader is offered only specially selected facts, interesting aspects, and fragments of historical reconstructions. The form of presentation of this kind of data should be accessible to non-specialists; therefore, the selection of material, the system of evidence and examples, the manner of presentation of information, as well as the language and style of works related to popular science literature are somewhat different from the scientific text itself.

You can visualize the features of the popular science style in comparison with the scientific style using the table:

The popular science style uses many means that belong to the national language, but features of originality are given to it by the functional features of the use of these means, the specific organization of the text of such a scientific work

So, the features of the scientific style are specific lexical and grammatical means, syntactic formulas, thanks to which the text becomes “dry” and precise, understandable for a narrow circle of specialists. The popular science style is designed to make a story about a scientific phenomenon accessible to a wider range of readers or listeners (“simply about complex things”), so it is close in impact to works of artistic and journalistic style.