Presentation on the topic "Georgia". Presentation on the topic: "Georgia Republic of Georgia - State in Transcaucasia

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Georgia 4th grade School of Russia Presentation was the primary school teacher COU "Tarskaya Gymnasium №1 IMA Luppova "Akimova E.Yu. Tara Omsk Region 2012

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Georgia is a beautiful mountainous country, located in the Central and Western part of the Transcaucasus area of \u200b\u200bthe country - more than 69.7 thousand square meters. The CIA, according to the US CIA on July 1, 2012 - 4,570,934 people are the official language of Georgian.

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Georgia borders in the north with Russia, in the east and south-east by Sisterbayjan, in the south with Armenia and Turkey. Capital - Tbilisi. The largest cities are Kutaisi, Batumi, Rustavi. Main rivers - Kura, Rioni.

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Georgian's state symbols of Georgia since January 14, 2004, Georgian coat of arms were adopted on October 1, 2004. It is a red shield with an image on him by the patron of Georgia of St. George on the horse of the striking snake. The shield is crowned with a golden crown, shield holders, two gold lions, under the shield of the motto-tape with the inscription "Power in unity".

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The capital of Georgia - Tbilisi on archaeological data This territory was settled in another 4-5 millennium BC. The name received from warm sulfur sources (in Georgian tbili-warm) Panorama Tbilisi. The city will stretch almost 30 kilometers in the Valley of the Kura River.

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Tbilisi on the rocky bank of the Kura River rises the Temple of Metechs (13 V), next to which the monument to Vakhtang Gorgasalu is the legendary city in the city surrounded by the mountains, the city stretched out a rather narrow strip on both banks of the Kura River. Estimation of the centuries Tbilisi houses on the mountain slopes descended to the river or they were clogged on the stone karnis of her steep left shore.

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Official language - Georgian. Monetary unit - Lari. 20 lari. On a banknote in 20 Lari depicts an outstanding public figure in Georgia Ilya Chavchavadze. He was a writer, chairman of the "Society for Literacy among Georgians", published a newspaper.

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Natural conditions and classes of people Georgia is a beautiful mountainous country in Transcaucasia. The main Caucasian ridge stretches along its northern border - this is a relatively young mountains, and from time to time an earthquakes occur. Since there are high mountains in Georgia, and plains, not far from each other are eternal snow, Caucasian vertex glaciers and subtropical forests with evergreen trees, the temperature difference is also very large. The Black Sea coast is a wonderful place to relax and treat, there are many magnificent beaches. In solar Georgia, tea, persimmon, oranges, tangerines, lemons and grapes are grown, to which the famous Georgian wines and cognacs of high quality are produced from it. There are quite a few minerals in the country, there are coal deposits, copper, oil, arsenic. Many sources of healing mineral waters.

Georgia work in Ardosanidze Lana and Klochkova Alina))))

Flag of Ruiua Flag is a rectangular white-colored cloth with five red crosses, one central (Georgievsky) and four equilateral (bolnissine) crosses in four quadrants. One rectangular cross and in the corners of Georgia are depicted on the state flag of Georgia and in the corners of the four small cross on silver (white) background are a general Christian symbol that personifies Jesus Christ-Savior and four evangelists. Silver (white) Color in Heraldry indicates innocence, blameing, purity, wisdom, and red - courage, courage, justice and love.

Georgia's geographical position is a state located in anterior Asia and the Middle East, as well as, in the opinion of some sources, partially in Eastern Europe, in the western part of the Transcaucasia on the east coast of the Black Sea. Georgia borders with Armenia and Turkey in the south, Azerbaijan in the south-east and Russia in the East and the North.

The population assessment of the total population of Georgia according to the National Statistical Service as of January 1, 2013 is 4,483,800 people (excluding the population of Abkhazia and South Ossetia); According to the US CIA on July 1, 2012 - 4,570,934 people. According to the 2002 Georgian population census (4,369,579 inhabitants), the following national groups lived in the country:

The climate West of Georgia is under the influence of subtropical, and the East - under the influence of the Mediterranean climate. The big Caucasian ridge serves as a barrier for cold northern winds. Along the coast of the Black Sea, from Abkhazia to the Turkish border, as well as in the area known as the Colchis lowland, is dominated by a subtropical climate with high humidity and abundant precipitation (from 1000 to 2000 mm per year, and in the Black Sea port of Batumi, even 2500 mm per year) . In this region, several varieties of palm trees grow. In January-February, the average temperature is 5 ° C, and in July-August - +24 ° C.

The animal world of the Fauna of Georgia is 330 species of birds, more than 100 kinds of mammals and 160 species of fish. In order to preserve this biodiversity and natural complexes, the Tbilisi National Park was created on its territory, as well as 6 reserves and17 reserves. The richest is the animal world in the forests of Georgia. Examples: already, Caucasian viper, Medyanka

Economy in 2012, according to the World Bank, Georgia's GDP per capita (at purchasing power parity) amounted to $ 5,292 dollars. In 2007, according to the IMF, GDP growth rates amounted to 12.4%, in 2008 - 2.4%. External funding has played a significant role in ensuring the growth of the economy in recent years, as well as in the formation of state economic policies and the sectoral structure of the economy.

Sources of Wikipedia Yandex: Pictures Site: Mr. Rusi

The presentation was the primary classes teacher COU "Tarskaya Gymnasium №1 named after I.m. Luppova "

Akimova E.Yu. Tara Omsk Region 2012

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    • Georgia is a beautiful mountainous country, located in the central and western part of the Transcaucasus
    • The country area is more than 69.7 thousand square meters. km, according to the tombstone on July 1, 2012 - 4,570,934 people
    • Official language is Georgian.
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    • Georgia borders in the north with Russia, in the East and Southeast with Azerbaijan, in the south with Armenia and Turkey.
    • Capital - Tbilisi.
    • The largest cities are Kutaisi, Batumi, Rustavi.
    • Main rivers - Kura, Rioni.
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    State symbols of Georgia

    • Flag of Georgia
    • from January 14, 2004
    • Coat of arms of Georgia
    • Adopted October 1, 2004. It is a red shield with an image on him by the patron of Georgia of St. George on the horse of the striking snake. The shield is crowned with a golden crown, shield holders, two gold lions, under the shield of the motto-tape with the inscription "Power in unity".
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    President of Georgia

    • Mikhail Saakashvili elected in 2004 by universal voting
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    The capital of Georgia - Tbilisi

    • In archaeological data, this territory was settled in 4-5 millennia BC.
    • The name received from warm sulfur sources from warm (Georgian tbili-warm)
    • Panorama Tbilisi. The city will stretch almost 30 kilometers in the Valley of the Kura River.
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    • On the rocky bank of the Kura River, the Temple of Metechs (13 V), next to which a monument to Vakhtangagazalu is a legendary city equipment
    • Surrounded by three sides of the mountains, the city was stretched by a rather narrow strip on both shores of the Kura River. Estimation of the centuries Tbilisi houses on the mountain slopes descended to the river or they were clogged on the stone karnis of her steep left shore.
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    Official language - Georgian

    • Monetary unit - Lari.
    • On a banknote in 20 Lari depicts an outstanding public figure in Georgia Ilya Chavchavadze. He was a writer, chairman of the "Society for Literacy among Georgians", published a newspaper.
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    Natural conditions and occupations of people

    • Georgia is a beautiful mountainous country in the Transcaucasia. The main Caucasian ridge stretches along its northern border - this is a relatively young mountains, and from time to time an earthquakes occur.
    • Since there are high mountains in Georgia, and plains, not far from each other are eternal snow, Caucasian vertex glaciers and subtropical forests with evergreen trees, the temperature difference is also very large.
    • The Black Sea coast is a wonderful place to relax and treat, there are many magnificent beaches. In solar Georgia, tea, persimmon, oranges, tangerines, lemons and grapes are grown, to which the famous Georgian wines and cognacs of high quality are produced from it. There are quite a few minerals in the country, there are coal deposits, copper, oil, arsenic. Many sources of healing mineral waters.
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    Largest city: Tbilisi Independence date: April 9, 1991 (from the USSR) Official language: Georgian capital: Tbilisi Prime Minister: Zurab Noghaideli Speaker Parliament: Nino Burjanadze

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    Territory: 118th in the world Total: 69 700 km² Population: 114th In the world Total (2004): 4 677 401 Density: 67 people / km² GDP: 122th in the world Total (2005): $ 15.522 billion Per capita: 3038 $ Currency: Lari Internet domain: GE time zone: []

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    Georgia (cargo. საქართველო, Sakartvelo) - the state in the central and western part of the Transcaucasus on the southeast coast of the Black Sea, until 1991 - Georgian SSR, the Republic of the USSR. It borders with the Russian Federation in the north, Azerbaijan in the East, Armenia and Turkey in the south.

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    Natural and geographical features in the north Georgia has a total 723-kilometer border with the Russian Federation (from the west to the East - Krasnodar Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia - Alania, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan). The climate is transitional from subtropical to moderate. The nature of Georgia is extremely diverse due to its geographical position, complex relief and high-altitude zonality. The Caucasian region in which Georgia is located, refers to the moving alpine belief of the earth's crust, which causes its contrasting relief and a variety of landscapes with many different types of climate, hydrological regime, soil cover, vegetation and animal world. In addition, Georgia is at the junction of the wet Mediterranean, the arid-free Aral Caspian depression and the continental overall phasery, which also determines the variety of its natural conditions.

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    The sea Georgian coast of the Black Sea between the mouths of Psou and Choroch rivers, having a length of 308 km, is distinguished by weak slices. Describing a smooth arc, the shore is deprived of significant bays and peninsulas. In small coves there are ports Sukhumi, Batumi, Poti.

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    Mountains The northern part of the republic is occupied by the mining system of the Grand Caucasus (cargo. Caucasony) with heights up to 4500-5000 m above sea level. The highest point is Mount Schhara (5068 m). Just below Kazbek (5047 m). The Caucasus refers to young folded systems (i.e., tectonic processes are not completed here). Most of the coast of Georgia slowly falls. On average, the immersion of the sushi of the colchis lowland is about 13 cm in the century. There is a high seismicity of the territory (especially in the east, earthquake to 5-7 points). In the waterprooped part of the Central Caucasus there are famous passes - a crusade (2384 m), Mamison (2829 m), Roksky (2996 m). Total through the Caucasian ridge leads two roads - Transcaucasian and Military Georgian. The third way to Georgia from the north - along the coast of the Black Sea - after the Georgian-Abkhaz War is almost closed. For the alpine part, glaciers are characterized, in the West - karst phenomena, and in the east - young volcanic forms. In total, in Georgia over 600 glaciers with a total area of \u200b\u200b520 km2. The largest glaciers are located in Svanetia.

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    In the south of the country, the Middle Ranges of the Small Caucasus (heights up to 2850 m), between the large and small Caucasus - the colchidal lowland, having a triangle form with the base facing the Black Sea, and in the East - Iverei Wpadin, where the Kura River flows. Collid lowland is tilted to the west. In the seaside strip, it barely towers above sea level, and east gradually rises to 150 m until it rests into the granite ridge connecting the large and small Caucasus and being a watershed between the pools of the Black and Caspian seas. Kolkhida is described by Konstantino Powesta in his stories of the same name. It was here that according to legend, Argonauts were directed for the golden rune. In political geography, the Pankisky Gorge is known - the region on the border with Chechnya, where Chechens live, related to the Chechens of the North Caucasus. Here refugees were settled from Chechnya, who left her to the second Chechen campaign (1999-2000). In the extreme south of Georgia, South Georgian (Javakhetskoe) volcanic Highlands, for which lava plateau, volcanic chains and canyon-shaped river gorges are located. The highest characteristic point of Highlands - Mount Didi-Abuli, 3301 m. Main minerals - manganese ores (Chiatura), stone coal (Tuckuli), small oil reserves. One of the main natural wealth is numerous mineral and thermal sources. On the basis of mineral sources up to 50 resorts. The most popular Borjomi and Tskhaltubo.

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    The rivers and lakes of the Georgian River belong to the two pools - Black Sea (75% of the Stoke) and the Caspian. Almost the entire drain of the Caspian pool is made by the River Kura, on which the Mini-Prone reservoir is located. The Rivers of the Black Sea basin (Western Georgia) do not form a single system, falling into the sea on their own. The main one is Rioni, flowing on the lower segment on the colchis lowland. Inguri and others are also significant. Most of the rivers, originating in the mountains, has the maximum flow rate (flood) in spring, when melting snow. Rivers receiving food mainly from glaciers carry most of the water in the summer and have a sharply pronounced flow rate at this time with a maximum in the evening and at least before dawn. Possessing a rapid flow, the mountain rivers freeze rarely. They proceed in deep gorges, have a significant number of thresholds. In the limestone zone of the Greater Caucasus and volcanic rocks of the Javakhtsky highlands underground flow (underground aqueous streams) exceeds superficial. Georgia is rich in hydroenergoresurs. Many mountain rivers were built by Cascades HPP, reservoirs were built. The total length of irrigation systems exceeds 1000 km. Lakes in Georgia are a bit, mainly on Javakhtsky Highlands.

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    The plant world is very rich in the plant world. According to the calculations of botany, the number of types of flowering plants is over 4500 more than in the entire European part of the former USSR. The relative stability of the climate in the past contributed to the preservation of the ancient elements of flora, relict and endemic plants (Rhododendrons, Samshat, Lavirovna, Perma, etc.). Forests occupy over one third of the territory. Earlier, the forest was covered with all the colchidal lowland and most of the Iverai depression. Now the flat forests of Collichide and the Alazan Valley are almost everywhere are crowded with cultural plantings. Among the trees are the most common widespread (oak, ram, chestnut, beech) and coniferous (fir, spruce, pine). Extensive alpine meadows extending from the upper borderless to 2800-3500 m. The steppes are mainly ousted by cultural plantings. Among the specific landscape zones of Georgia, it is necessary to note the COLCHIDE WINDOW LEANS WITH ENZHNOGLE TRADES AND SUSTRIRTION, as well as forests from Pitsund Pine Pine in Adjara, Caucasian Pine in the Borjomsky Gorge, Eldar Pine in East Georgia. About 200 thousand hectares of Colchis lowland occupy the swamps.

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    Economy Georgia is a developing industrial-agricultural country. All types of mineral raw materials are mined with minerals: etc. Electricity energy is produced on thermal and hydroelectric power plants. Industry Leading Industry Industries: Metallurgy, Mining Industry. The chemical and oil-producing, forest, lightning (mainly textile) and the food industry are developed. Agriculture Main agricultural crops: grapes, grain, sugar, sunflower, potatoes, meat and dairy and meatshirt animal husbandry, poultry farming.

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    Presentation on the topic "Georgia" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you interest your classmates or audience. Use the player to view the contents, or if you want to download the report - click on the appropriate text below the player. The presentation contains 12 slides (s).

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    They say, while God allocated places for different peoples, Georgians have been drowned. God has already finished the distribution of land when Georgians came to him. The surprised Lord asked where they were until that time. "We uttered toast to your honor," Georgians replied. The plenty of the Lord said: - If so, then I will give you a great piece of land that has postponed for myself. So Georgians got Georgia.

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    Georgia (Sakartvelo) is located in the central and western part of the Transcaucasia, and in the West is washed by the Black Sea. The Square of Georgia is 69,700 km² in the north of Georgia there is a large Caucasian ridge. On the southern slope of the Big Caucasus Range there are Gagra, Bzybsky, Kodori, Swankian, Kharulsky, Lamis, Gudissky, Kartlistan and Kahetsky ridges.

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    The climate of Georgia is influenced by the subtropical climate from the West and the Mednesgeneous Climate from the East. The big Caucasian ridge serves as a barrier against the cold wind from the north. Along the Black Sea coast, from Abkhazia to the Turkish border, as well as in the area known as the Colchis lowland, is dominated by a subtropical climate with high humidity and abundant precipitation. In this region, several varieties of palm trees grow. In the middle of winter, the average temperature is 5 ° C, and in the summer - +22 ° C.

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    The modern Constitution of Georgia was adopted on August 24, 1995. The Constitution is based on the thousand-year statehood of Georgia and on the basic principles of the 1921 Constitution of Georgia. According to the Constitution, the President of Georgia is elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct election law with a secret ballot for a period of 5 years, one person is allowed to be elected to this post no more than two terms in a row.

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    The modern flag of Georgia is a rectangular white-colored cloth with five red crosses, one central Georgievsky and four equilateral Bolnis-Katshsky crosses in four quadrants. One rectangular cross and corners depicted on the state flag of Georgia and in the corners of four small cross on silver (white) background are a general Christian symbol that personifies Jesus Christ-Savior and four evangelists. Silver (white) Color in Heraldry indicates innocence, blameing, purity, wisdom, and red - courage, courage, justice and love.

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    The coat of arms of Georgia is a red shield with a picture of Saint George's Saint Georgia's silver figures on it on a horse affecting the snake. The shield is crowned with a gold crown, the shield holders are two gold lions, under the shield of the motto-tape with the inscription "Power in unity". The author of the arms - Mamuka Gongadze.

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    The total population of Georgia is 4,615,807. According to the census of the population in Georgia in 2002 (from 4,369,57,59 residents), the following national groups - Georgians (83.7%), Azerbaijanis (6.5%), Armenians (5.7 %), Russians (1.5%), Ossetians (0.9%), Kurds and Ezidoes (0.5%), Greeks (0.3%), Chechens and Kitnts (0.2%), Ukrainians (0 , 2%), Assyrians, Avars, Abkhaz and others.

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