Territory of China. What are the largest countries in the world in terms of area and population? How many times is Canada larger than the Middle Kingdom?

The ten largest countries in the world can be identified in several categories.

  • Typically, such states are those that are located in the largest areas. With this classification, of course, the Russian Federation will take first place.
  • You can also determine the largest countries in the world by population. In this case, the title of the largest state will go to China, because this country is home to 1.2 billion people.
  • Sometimes the largest states are considered most economically developed countries who jointly pursue their policies are the so-called “G8 Countries” - England, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan and Russia, and, of course, the United States of America - the state with the highest economic indicators in the world.

the site decided to compile its own rating and determine the largest countries by area. The top ten list includes countries from different continents. Five countries are located on the American continent, four states are in Eurasia, and one is in Africa. The most common language of communication in some of these states is English. It is used in the United States, Canada, Australia and India. In our country and Kazakhstan they use Russian.

1 place. Russian Federation, area - 17,126,122 km²

In terms of territory, our country loses only to the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. The area of ​​Russia, including Crimea, is 17,126,122 km². Thus, Russia occupies approximately 11.41% of the total land area of ​​the earth, and about 12.5% ​​of the planet's lands inhabited by people.

2nd place. Canada, area - 9,984,670 km²

Canada ranks next. This country is located on approximately 40% of the territory of the entire continent of North America and occupies 9,984,670 km². 9,093,507 km² - land area, which is 6.1% of the land area of ​​our entire planet. In other words, Canada is almost 1.7 times smaller than Russia. By the way, it is on the territory of this country that the northernmost point in the world where people still live is located - this is the Canadian Armed Forces Alert station, which is located only 834 km from the North Pole.

3rd place. China, area - 9,596,960 km²

China is located on an area of ​​9,596,960 km², of which 9,326,410 km² is land (6.26% of the Earth's total land area). The People's Republic of China is also the largest country in the world in terms of population. In 2009, about 1 billion 339 million people officially lived in it. Sometimes the third largest country in the world is called the United States of America.

4th place. United States of America, area - 9,518,900 km²

In Russian sources, it is customary to place the United States in fourth place in the list of largest countries and consider its area to be 9,518,900 km². However, there are materials in English (for example, CIA The World Factbook), in which the area of ​​America is approximately equal to 9,826,630 km², where 9,161,923 km² is land area (6.15% of the planet's land area), which places it in third place according to the size of the territory. In addition, America is the third most populous country in the world.

5th place. Brazil, area - 8,511,965 km²

It is the most populous and largest state on the South American continent, occupying almost half of its area. Brazil is located on 8,511,965 km², 8,456,510 land areas, which is equal to 5.67% of the planet's total land area. Brazil is also one of the most populous countries in the world, with approximately 198.7 million inhabitants in 2009.

6th place. Australia, area - 7,686,850 km²

Sixth place in our ranking is occupied by Australia, the only state in the world that occupies an entire continent. Australia is located on 7,686,850 km², of which 7,617,930 km² is land, which is about 5.1% of the planet's total land area.

7th place. India, area - 3,287,590 km²

India is in seventh place in the ranking of the largest countries, occupying an area of ​​3,287,590 km², including 2,973,190 km² of land. In other words, its share is 2% of the entire landmass of the Earth. In addition, India is the second most populous country after China, its population is 1166.1 million people.

8th place. Argentina, area - 2,776,890 km²

After Brazil, Argentina ranks second in terms of territory and population on the South American continent. Its area is 2,776,890 km², 2,736,690 km² of land is on land, which is 1.8% of the entire land surface of the planet. The population of the Argentine state in 2009 was 40.9 million people.

9th place. Kazakhstan, area - 2,717,300 km²

Kazakhstan occupies 2,717,300 km², of which 2,669,800 km² is land, which corresponds to 1.8% of the planet’s land areas. A huge part of the territory of Kazakhstan - 58% - is deserts and semi-deserts.

10th place. Algeria, area - 2,381,740 km²

Algeria, with its 2,381,740 km², is the largest country in North Africa. Most of the country's territory lies in the Sahara Desert (80% of the total area).

P.S. 15th place. Sudan, area - 1,886,068 km²

In the northeast of the African continent there is another large state of this continent - Sudan. It covers an area of ​​1,886,068 km². In addition, this state is the fifth largest in Africa in terms of population.

You may ask, why include 15th place in the TOP 10? The fact is that not so long ago it was Sudan that occupied tenth place in the ranking of the largest countries in the world by area, but now it is only 15th.

01/16/2016 at 17:17 · Pavlofox · 84 290

Top 10 largest countries by territory in the world

On our entire planet there are about 200 countries and territories, which are located on 148,940,000 square meters. km of land. Some of the states occupy a small area (Monaco 2 sq. km), while others extend over several million square kilometers. It is noteworthy that the largest states occupied about 50% of the land.

10. Algeria | 2,382,740 sq. km.

(ADR) ranks tenth among the largest countries in the world and is the largest state on the African continent. The capital of the state bears the name of the country - Algeria. The area of ​​the state is 2,381,740 sq. km. It is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and most of the territory is occupied by the largest desert in the world, the Sahara.

9. Kazakhstan | 2,724,902 sq. km.

It ranks ninth in the ranking of countries with the largest territory. Its area is 2,724,902 sq. km. This is the largest state without access to the world's oceans. The country owns part of the Caspian Sea and the inland Aral Sea. Kazakhstan has land borders with four Asian countries and Russia. The border area with Russia is one of the longest in the world. Most of the territory is occupied by deserts and steppes. The population of the country as of 2016 is 17,651,852 people. The capital is the city of Astana - one of the most populated in Kazakhstan.

8. Argentina | 2,780,400 sq. km.

(2,780,400 sq. km.) is the eighth largest country in the world by territory and the second largest in South America. The capital of the state, Buenos Aires is the largest city in Argentina. The territory of the country stretches from north to south. This causes a variety of natural and climatic zones. The Andes mountain system stretches along the western border, and the eastern part is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The north of the country has a subtropical climate, while the south has cold deserts with harsh weather conditions. Argentina was given its name in the 16th century by the Spaniards, who assumed that its depths contained large amounts of silver (argentum - translated as silver). The colonists were wrong; there was very little silver.

7. India | 3,287,590 sq. km.

Located on an area of ​​3,287,590 sq. km. She comes in second place by population(1,283,455,000 people), giving way to China and seventh place among the largest countries in the world. Its shores are washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. The country got its name from the Indus River, on the banks of which the first settlements appeared. Before British colonization, India was the richest country. It was there that Columbus sought to go in search of wealth, but ended up in America. The official capital of the country is New Delhi.

6. Australia | 7,686,859 sq.km.

(Union of Australia) is located on the continent of the same name and occupies its entire territory. The state also occupies the island of Tasmania and other islands of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The total area covered by Australia is 7,686,850 sq. km. The capital of the state is the city of Canberra - the largest in Australia. Most of the country's water bodies are salty. The largest salt lake is Eyre. The continent is washed by the Indian Ocean, as well as the seas of the Pacific Ocean.

5. Brazil | 8,514,877 sq. km.

- the largest state on the continent of South America, it ranks fifth in terms of territory in the world. On an area of ​​8,514,877 sq. km. 203,262,267 citizens live. The capital bears the name of the country - Brazil (Brasilia) and is one of the largest cities in the state. Brazil borders all the countries of South America and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern side.

4. USA | 9,519,431 sq. km.

USA(USA) is one of the largest countries located on the North American continent. Its total area is 9,519,431 sq. km. The United States ranks fourth in terms of territory and third in population in the world. The number of living citizens is 321,267,000 people. The capital of the state is Washington. The country is divided into 50 states, as well as Colombia, the federal district. The USA borders Canada, Mexico and Russia. The territory is washed by three oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic.

3. China | 9,598,962 sq. km.

(People's Republic of China) tops the top three with the largest territory. This is not only a country with one of the largest areas, but also with a huge population, the number of which ranks first in the world. On an area of ​​9,598,962 sq. km. 1,374,642,000 people live. China is located on the Eurasian continent and borders 14 countries. The part of the mainland where China is located is washed by the Pacific Ocean and seas. The capital of the state is Beijing. The state includes 31 territorial entities: 22 provinces, 4 centrally subordinate cities (“mainland China”) and 5 autonomous regions.

2. Canada | 9,984,670 sq. km.

With an area of ​​9,984,670 sq. km. ranks second in the ranking largest countries in the world across the territory. It is located on the mainland of North America, and is washed by three oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. Canada borders the USA, Denmark and France. The state includes 13 territorial entities, of which 10 are called provinces, and 3 are called territories. The country's population is 34,737,000 people. The capital of Canada is Ottawa - one of the largest cities in the country. Conventionally, the state is divided into four parts: the Canadian Cordillera, the elevated plain of the Canadian Shield, the Appalachians and the Great Plains. Canada is called the land of lakes, the most popular of which are Superior, whose area measures 83,270 square meters (the largest freshwater lake in the world), and Medvezhye, which is one of the TOP 10 largest lakes in the world.

1. Russia | 17,125,407 sq. km.

(Russian Federation) occupies a leading position among the largest countries in terms of area. The Russian Federation is located on an area of ​​17,125,407 sq. km on the largest continent of Eurasia and occupies a third of it. Despite its vast territory, Russia ranks only ninth in terms of population density, the number of which is 146,267,288. The capital of the state is the city of Moscow - this is the most populated part of the country. The Russian Federation includes 46 regions, 22 republics and 17 subjects called territories, federal cities and autonomous okrugs. The country borders on 17 countries by land and 2 by sea (USA and Japan). There are more than a hundred rivers in Russia, the length of which exceeds 10 kilometers - these are the Amur, Don, Volga and others. In addition to rivers, the country is home to more than 2 million fresh and salt water bodies. One of the most famous, Fr. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. The highest point of the state is Mount Elbrus, whose height is about 5.5 km.

How many people live in one square kilometer of China? India? and got the best answer

Answer from Kisa[guru]
China has the largest population in the world. According to the end of 2005, China has a population of 1 billion 307 million 560 thousand people (not taking into account the population of the Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Island). The population in China accounts for one fifth of the world's population. China is also the country with the highest population density (average population density of 134 people per sq. km.) China has a very uneven population distribution. The majority of the population lives in the eastern part of the country. The coastal areas are especially densely populated, with about 400 people per square meter. km. In the central part of the country, the population density is 200 people per square meter. km. The western highland part is characterized by low density, for every sq. km. no more than 10 people.
The population density in India is 260 people per 1 km2.
India is the most populous country in the world after China, now its population is about 850 million. India's annual population growth rate is 1.8%, which is significantly higher than in many regions of the developing world. Every year, about 24 million children are born and approximately 8.5 million people die - resulting in an increase of 15.5 million, which is equal to the population of Australia. It is assumed that if India's population continues to grow at the same rate, then by the end of this century its population will exceed the billion mark. A large number of jobs were created in the country, but it was not enough to cover the unemployed and those who joined the ranks of the working population. According to various estimates, the total number of fully or partially unemployed people, especially in rural areas, amounts to tens of millions of people.
The country is pursuing a demographic policy aimed at reducing the birth rate. The average life expectancy now reaches approximately 55 years. The vast majority of Indians are rural residents. There are more men than women in India. This is explained by the increased mortality among women associated with early marriages and multiple childbirths. The average age of marriage for men is about 22 years and for women 15-17 years.
The number of literate people in India is small, especially among women, somewhere around 38% of the population; literate people are people who understand printed text and can consciously write several sentences. Almost one-third of India's population is engaged in economically productive activities, engaged in productive and mental work.

Answer from 2002220222 [guru]
Some data is provided here, but for India it is clearly outdated. Its population already exceeded 1 billion people 5 years ago. Now there are 1100 million. Area 3288 thousand sq. km. Density 334.5 people per sq. km.
In China 1300 million. Area 9597 thousand square meters. km. Density 135 people per square kilometer.
If you look at density, these are not the most densely populated countries. For example, in Bangladesh the density is over 1,400 people per square kilometer.

The history of the state goes back thousands of years. It was thanks to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire that the world became acquainted with gunpowder, a compass and other things without which modern life is unimaginable. The size increased with each conquest, because you need to place a huge number of inhabitants where the leader is. What is the extent of China's territory, how much is it in competing countries, read the article.

Current data for 2019

According to current statistics, China's scale is 9,598,077 km², with Hong Kong and Taiwan increasing to 9,634,057 square km. In percentage terms, this is equal to approximately 7 percent of the landmass of the entire planet. If you look at the league table, you will notice some inconsistencies. According to some, China ranks third, according to others – fourth.

The country stretches from the Pamir mountain system, near Wuqia County in the west, to the junction of the Heilongjiang and Ussuri river systems (the difference in degree ratio is 62⁰ in eastern longitude). In the north, the extreme point is the fairway of the first river, where Cape Tsengmuanyp is located on the border with Russia, in the south - the extreme cliff on the Nanshaqundao group of islands (the latitude length is 49 degrees). On land, the border runs along a length of 22 thousand units, and along the coast - 18 thousand km. If you capture marine inclusions, then it lengthens to 32 thousand. It borders with the countries of Southeast Asia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India and many others.

There is also plenty of water area. On the eastern and southern sides, the shores are washed by the Bohai, Yellow, East China, and South China seas. They are connected by a common system to the Pacific and Indian oceans, adding another 4.8 million km² to the land area.

The difference between the Middle Kingdom and Russia

Comparing China with Russia in terms of area is not a completely correct idea. What reasons:

  • There is too much difference in size. In scale terms, the area of ​​the former is seven million square kilometers smaller;
  • rating. Russia ranks first, China is no higher than third;
  • more land and sea neighbors, of which the largest territory fits;
  • Russia is located in two continental zones, China in one.

For reference: the total size of the territory of Russia is 17,125,191 square units (including Crimea). Of these, almost 4 million ended up in Europe, surpassing in area all neighboring countries, as well as abroad. In Asia - 13 million. It borders with Scandinavian, East Asian countries and most of the CIS. Located on the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. From the eastern part it is washed by Okhotsk, Japanese, from the northern - Kara, East Siberian, Barents, Chukotka, Bely; from the west - the Baltic, from the southwest - the Azov and Black Seas. The length of the border is 60,932 kilometers. The maritime territory extends over 38,800 km.

“An ambiguous situation arises with 17 hectares of Russian territory, in the Altai Republic. Despite the peace agreement, the Chinese government considers this land to belong to their state and calls on the population to return it."

Which country is bigger - USA or China?

  1. The CIA believes that both in terms of the sheer size of the mainland (without disputed territories) and in terms of area including all islands and maritime space, the United States ranks second after Russia (9,826,675 square km). China and Canada lag behind the country. However, the data is currently out of date due to new research and the fact that the area is included in boundary waters.
  2. Britannica, an encyclopedic reference work, gives a figure of 9,526,468 kilometers squared. Here only the land area with islands is taken into account. Without them, it decreases to 9,519,431 km². So, the country is losing ground, China is in the top three, but the difference is only 80 thousand km².

Data: by area the country is the fourth in the world and the second in North America. It borders with Canada in the north and southeast (from Alaska) and Mexico in the south. The country is surrounded by oceans such as the Pacific (Bering Sea), Arctic (Beaufort Sea) and Atlantic. The length of the border line is 12,217 km.

How many times is Canada larger than the Middle Kingdom?

Unlike the USA, everything is simpler with Canada - it does not have a significant difference in data, and there are no disputed territories. To do this, you need to compare how many times the areas differ:

  • area of ​​countries: Canada - 9,984,670 km, China - 9,598,962 km²;
  • the difference between them is 385,708 sq/km;
  • the state in North America occupies a leading position in size, surpassing its neighbors. The Asian country is only the second on its continent;
  • in the world, Canada is second only to Russia (2nd place), China is last in the top three.

“In the early 90s of the twentieth century, information appeared in world reference books that Canada is the largest state in the world. However, when the separation of territories in Russia ended and new indicators began to be calculated, we had to return to second place.”

A little about the country: the country of the maple leaf is located on a vast taiga territory; the island part is dominated by tundra and arctic deserts. The land border is the United States (from the south and north-west), the sea border is Denmark (Greenland) and France (the islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon). It borders the same three oceans as the United States, but is supplemented by the Beauford and Labrador Seas. Extreme geographical points of the state: from the north - 83 degrees north latitude, from the south - 41⁰ north latitude; from the west - 141⁰ west longitude, from the east - 52 degrees west longitude. The length of the border line is 8893 km. The size of the sea area is 243 thousand kilometers.

Comparison of India and China

While the countries are worthy competitors in terms of population, India is significantly inferior to China in terms of area. The following numbers need to be compared:

  • territory sizes: 9,598,962 versus 3,287,263 sq/km. (three times less than the area of ​​the Middle Kingdom);
  • India ranks third on the Asian continent, China second;
  • in the world ranking - seventh versus third;
  • the difference between the republics is 6,311,699 square kilometers.

“Kashmir is still a disputed state, fought over by India, China and Pakistan. The conflict has been going on since 1947 and continues to this day.”

Information about the country: India is located on Hindustan - a peninsula resembling a triangle. It has a natural border with the Himalayan mountains. Neighboring countries: Bhutan, China, Nepal, Afghanistan (from the north); Bangladesh, Myanmar (south), Pakistan (west). It has maritime restrictions with Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia and Thailand. It is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, the Arabian and Laccadive Seas. 14 thousand length units of the border zone surrounded.

Let's sum it up

Regulating conflicts over area with some states does not lead to the desired results. Despite this, the Celestial Empire can boast of its area, its large population, and powerful production. If power increases, then territorial disputes will be resolved much faster, without wars and bloodshed.

Our planet is rich in a variety of ethnic groups, languages, cultures. There are much fewer countries in the world, but their number is quite large. This article will provide a list of countries in the world by population and territorial area. There is no need to list all the countries in the world, so only the top 10 countries according to these indicators will be listed here.

by population

The top ten countries by the number of people living in them include:

  • China (PRC). As of 2017, this country has a population of about 1 billion 385 million people. For a long time, this country has occupied the top position in terms of population.
  • India. The country has already reached 1 billion 345 million inhabitants, which is only slightly less than in China. Considering that population growth in India is much higher than in China, within a few years India will take a leading place in the world.
  • USA. Today, about 326 million people live in this country. it is much higher than in Europe, but not as high as in third world countries. The increase is due not only to the high birth rate, but also to the large influx of immigrants.
  • Indonesia (264 million people). This Asian country today ranks 4th in terms of population. In addition, the population growth here is quite high, as in all of Southeast Asia.
  • Pakistan, home to about 208 million people, is a very poor country, but its population growth is very high due to its high birth rate.
  • Brazil, with a population of 207 million, recently occupied 5th place, but not so long ago Pakistan overtook it. Moreover, in Brazil itself the population growth rate is also quite high.
  • Nigeria (192 million inhabitants). Another country where the population growth rate is incredibly high, so in the next few years, this country will probably also displace Brazil on this list.
  • Bangladesh (160 million) is the poorest country in the list of countries in the world, but this does not prevent the country's population from growing at an unprecedented pace.
  • Russia today has about 146 million inhabitants. For a long time, the Russian Federation experienced negative population growth, but not so long ago this figure began to increase slightly.
  • Mezquica (130 million people). This country only recently entered the list of countries in the world with the largest population, overtaking Japan. This is due to high population growth in Mexico and low population growth in Japan.

List of countries in the world by area

Unlike the above list, changes in this one have not occurred for a long time.

There is no need to compile a list of countries in the world alphabetically and present it in this article, so the top 10 countries by territory will be presented here:

  1. Russia (17.1 million sq. km). From the very moment of its formation, the Russian Federation began to occupy first place in the world in terms of area.
  2. Canada (9.98 million sq. km). Although the area of ​​this state is the second in the list of countries in the world, in comparison with Russia, it is almost half the size.
  3. China with an area of ​​9.6 million square meters. km is today in 3rd position on this list.
  4. The USA has an area of ​​about 9.52 million square meters. km, which is almost the same as that of China.
  5. Brazil, in fifth place, has an area of ​​approximately 8.5 million square meters. km.
  6. Australia (7.7) occupies an entire continent and is one of the largest countries in the world.
  7. India (3.3). In comparison with all the above countries, India seems very small.
  8. Argentina with an area of ​​2.78 million square meters. km is the second in Latin America.
  9. Kazakhstan (2.72) has the longest land border with Russia.
  10. Algeria (2.4) is the largest country on the African continent.

Many people are interested in how many countries there are in the world. The list of all sovereign states for 2017 is about 230 states. Besides them, there are self-proclaimed, semi-sovereign countries, etc.

A list of countries in the world in alphabetical order is not of particular interest, since it does not provide any specific information about the country itself. If you compare the above countries of the world in the lists (photo below), you can understand a lot about them. For example, their dense population, territorial wealth and natural potential.


The diversity of countries, peoples, natural conditions, languages ​​and cultures make our planet very interesting.

It is thanks to this diversity that people are interested in traveling and learning new things.

Therefore, despite repeated attempts to create a single language for everyone, it has still not been possible to implement it.