Anya Ranetka biography personal life. Gossip column

Anya’s departure from the Ranetki group, with which part of her life and career was connected, was accompanied by a loud scandal. She had not liked the atmosphere that reigned within the team for a long time, the behavior of the participants and the mood with which Rudneva left Ranetki had been with her for a long time.

She stood at the very origins of the group, wrote songs for it and sang them herself, becoming one of the most popular performers among youth audiences. After leaving Ranetki, the main thing in the artist’s life became husband of Anya Rudneva actor Pavel Serdyuk, familiar to television viewers for his role as Denis Shatalin in the TV series “My Fair Nanny.”

In the photo - Anya Rudneva with her husband

At the time of leaving the group, she was pregnant, so she was more concerned about the health of her unborn daughter than sorting out relationships in the team. As soon as Pasha found out that his girlfriend was expecting a child, he immediately proposed to her, and it all looked very romantic - right during the concert, he went up on stage with a bouquet in his hands and asked Anna to become his wife. Then they played a modest wedding, to which the former “Ranetka” did not invite any of her former friends in the group.

Anya met Pavel two years earlier, and when they got married, they decided to create a real reality show based on their family life, which was broadcast on one of the Internet portals.

Anya Rudneva’s husband, despite his youth, adequately endured all the whims of his pregnant wife, although she, as he admitted, sometimes simply infuriated him. Anya says that she is very grateful to Pavel that he silently endured all her antics, and this helped her understand how reliable a person he is. Rudneva says that her husband’s paternal instinct woke up very early - even earlier than her maternal instinct. Anya Rudneva’s husband easily dealt with the baby, could feed her, change her clothes, take her for a walk, and did all this with pleasure. The daughter is very similar to her father and even her character is just as calm and smiling.

The young Russian singer Anya Rudneva (now Serdyuk - the girl took her husband’s surname), who became famous thanks to the youth series “Ranetki”, and then as part of the group of the same name, threw a real scandal about her return to the team. The girl claims that her former colleagues behave inappropriately, that she no longer even feels respect for them, and does not even think about any return, because after everything she has learned about them, the star only wants to know her husband and future baby.

Since August 2005, when the Ranetki group was formed, Anya has become one of the most popular pop singers beloved by schoolgirls. But among the many concerts and constant tours with the group, she did not forget about her personal life - in 2008, Rudneva met Pavel Serdyuk, who became famous thanks to the series “My Fair Nanny.” Two years later, the actor proposed to the girl, to which she agreed. The young people prepared for the wedding no less effectively - they made a real reality show out of their lives, which was broadcast by one of the Internet portals.

In order to raise ratings, the bride and groom were not even embarrassed to have sex publicly, despite the fairly young age of the audience. On January 12, 2012, the wedding took place, and soon it became known that Anya was pregnant with her first child. The future 22-year-old mother posted pictures of her rounded belly on Twitter to please her fans. Rudneva has already forgotten about her work, because she left the group back in November, but other members of Ranetki are spreading rumors about her return to the stage in order to gather full houses during her performances.

It is not surprising that the singer was outraged by such actions and even wrote an obscene message on her blog: “I’m in oh...e. They've eaten too many mushrooms and are delirious. They say that I will return somewhere. Oh well! And I’m sitting in St. Petersburg, I’m fine, and I’m not going to return ANYWHERE. And I won’t even say hello. I won't stoop to your level. With people like you, it's better to be on different levels. It's a shame it took a long time to figure this out. Lately even respect has been disappearing.”

In turn, the artist’s former producer Sergei Milnichenko (who was recently given a daughter, Rasskaz, by another member of the group, Natasha) does not understand the indignation of his once ward, assuring that she is obliged to work for him for another two years. In addition, he is perplexed by the rumors that have reached him that Rudneva left Ranetki because of money and blames everything on the girl’s new entourage, which is pitting her against him and her former colleagues.

“We worked together for seven years. Everything was OK. And suddenly Anya struck a pose. If she had complaints about money, she could talk to me, but Anya did not express any complaints to me and, without explanation, announced that she was leaving. This is called: gave birth, taught, raised, but overlooked. It seems that some jackals who are now next to Anya got hooked on her ears and spun all sorts of nasty things about me and the group: “You were deceived. You've been underestimated." And a person begins to have an inadequate perception of the world. Look who was at Anya's wedding! She had never been comfortable with these people before, and she didn’t invite anyone from Ranetki. What complaints does she have against girls? Or do they owe her money too?” - portal quotes the producer.

Once upon a time the girls were friends

Now Anya is completely occupied with her family and husband

Now the girl is expecting a child and has absolutely no intention of sharing the duties of a mother with her former colleagues

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Biography, life story of Anna Olegovna Rudneva

Rudneva Anna Olegovna is a Russian singer and actress.


Anna Rudneva, or as she was called Anechka-Ranetka, was born in Moscow on January 11, 1990 in the family of Svetlana Alekseevna and Oleg Vladimirovich. Anya learned from an early age what a family model should be. And even if it sounds a little anecdotal, this is exactly how it was with the Rudnevs - dad works (Oleg Vladimirovich developed his own business), mom is beautiful.

Parents noticed early on that their daughter was unusually musical. To encourage creativity in their child, Svetlana and Oleg decided to enroll Anya in a music school. The couple's instinct did not let them down - it was the right decision.

Anna Rudneva played rhythm guitar in the group. She played her instrument perfectly, and this is no coincidence, because Anya graduated from music school in the classical guitar class. By the way, in childhood, before making her choice, Anya tried many instruments, including the violin, until she settled on the guitar.

In addition, Anna was the author of song lyrics. She dedicated one of them – “Angels” – to her beloved Kostya. Love generally works miracles and pushes a person to creativity. Here's how, for example, she spoke about her friend: “Our Anya fell in love, lost her mind, and began writing such mind-blowing songs. He comes running to the base and says: “Okay girls, I have a new song.” “So, what’s the chorus,” he says, “Yeah, I see!”, I’m already standing behind the synthesizer, with the bass, sitting and singing the notes. This is how our day begins..."


The group “” first loudly announced itself by performing in 2006 at the largest festivals: “Megahouse-2006” and “Emmaus-2006”. A year later - performance at Emmaus 2007. By that time, the girls had established excellent relationships with many famous groups: “”, “GDR”, “”, etc. And with the punk group “” and the rock group “Ranetki” they recorded backing vocals.

The film is not only and not so much about the creation of a girl musical group. Its plot is much broader. This is the life story of five girls, their first love, disappointments, dramas. The heroine of Anya Rudneva, Anya Prokopyeva, is a lonely girl who is not noticed by the boys. Relationships in the class are not going well. It’s even worse at home, where parents constantly quarrel with each other...

It was not easy for the girls who were not used to filming. Anya Rudneva once admitted: “It’s difficult to get used to the working pace of the film crew. The shift starts at 9 am. Make-up, costume, and then into the frame. I try to learn the text of the script in the evening. The director warned that he would be strict and demanding with us on set. And it is right. My friends and acquaintances, when they found out that I was now acting in films, supported me. My mother is especially worried: I have to be natural in the film.”.

Despite their lack of film experience, the girls really came across as natural in the frame. This ensured their success. As soon as it appeared on screens (in March 2008), the series immediately won the hearts of millions of viewers, raising enormous interest in “.”

Over time, "" became a fairly popular group. They were admired and respected. The group gained many fans. All this imposed a huge responsibility. Therefore, the girls approached work on their new album (in parallel with filming in the series) with all seriousness. Their songs, one might say, have “grown up”, and this cannot but please us.

In 2008, "" were invited to Holland for the Eurosonic festival. In the entire history of this legendary festival, this was only the second time a Russian group was invited. Before "" Leningrad received this honor. The girls received a very warm welcome, and good press after the concert.

After school, the Ranetki girls studied in the same group at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and Arts (MGUKI) at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Activities, specializing in Producing and Staging Show Programs.

As for Anya herself, at that time she was engaged in cross-country skiing and loved heavy music, in particular rock. Anna has always been a sociable and affectionate girl.

Free swimming

At the end of November 2011, Anna Rudneva left the Ranetki group, having recorded 4 successful albums with it. Anna took up a solo career. The first concert of the independent artist took place in April 2013 at the capital's Face club.

In 2014, Rudneva launched the musical project “Anya Rudneva & Youngs”.

Personal life

In 2008, Anya Rudneva met an actor known to a wide audience for his role as Denis in the comedy series “My Fair Nanny.” In 2011, the couple announced their intention to get married, and at the beginning of 2012, the lovers implemented their plan. On May 17, 2012, a charming little Sonechka appeared in the family. The young parents were in seventh heaven, but having a child together did not protect Anya from problems in the relationship. Soon the couple realized that they did not want to save their marriage, that they had made a mistake and no longer wanted to live together. February 18, 2015 divorce between Rudneva and

Anna Rudneva is a former member of the popular youth group. Later, the girl took up a solo career, became a jewelry designer and founded her own recording studio. Today Anna and the Ranetki team resumed their work.

Former rhythm guitarist of the previously popular girl group “Ranetki” Anna Rudneva was born in the capital in January 1990. The baby's father is a successful entrepreneur. The greatest influence on Anya was her beloved grandmother. She was the first to recognize the future singer in her granddaughter and insisted that the parents take their daughter to music school.

However, Anna Rudneva rejected the chosen instruments - violin and piano. They seemed foreign to her. Most of all the girl liked the guitar. Therefore, Anya was transferred to a class where children were taught to play the classical guitar. Rudneva learned to sing in the choir. But she didn’t really like it there, and choral singing became a thing of the past.

But the relationship with the guitar was excellent. Anna Rudneva fell in love with this instrument so much that she has a collection of guitars in her house. One of the most beloved exhibits is an exact copy of the instrument played by the guitarist of the legendary band.

Films and songs

The future star heard from a music school teacher that girls of Anya’s age were being recruited into the new group. The girl was “fired up” with the desire to try her hand in this capacity. She had long dreamed of performing on stage with her favorite guitar.

A 15-year-old guitarist came to the casting and sang several songs of her own composition, accompanied by a guitar. Producer Sergei Milnichenko immediately appreciated the girl’s talent and accepted her into the team.

Anna Rudneva, group "Ranetki"

Thus began the musical biography of Anna Rudneva as part of the Ranetki group. In addition to Anya, the team included, and. Later she joined.

The girl began to literally disappear during rehearsals. She devoted all her strength to her new job, which was not very welcomed by her parents. But Anya did not accept any objections or complaints in this regard: creativity came to the fore. Rudneva barely managed to avoid expulsion from school. But the director, having learned that the lagging student was not just skipping classes, but working hard from morning to night, changed his anger to mercy.

The popularity of "Ranetok" grew rapidly. From the summer of 2005 to the winter of 2011, Rudneva played rhythm guitar in her band, was a soloist, and the author of many songs and even music for them. The girl is the author of the popular compositions “Angels”, “Moon” and “Champions of Love”.

Later, Anna Rudneva received a higher education, which made her parents incredibly happy. The soloist and guitarist of “Ranetki” became a student at the Moscow State University of Culture, where she studied together with the rest of the “Ranetki” at the faculty of “producing and staging show programs”.

In 2006, “Ranetki” appeared on the television project “Kitchen” on the TVC channel. This was a wonderful start for the further “promotion” of the group. The girls were invited to various rock festivals, such as Megahouse 2006 and Emmaus 2006.

The following year they gave a concert as part of the Emmaus festival. In the same breakthrough year for the group, 2007, even more fans learned about Anna Rudneva and the artist’s colleagues. After all, the compositions “She’s Alone,” “Ranetki” and “Boy Cadets” were performed on the screen in the new popular TV series. These songs became instant hits. In addition, the group has already released one album, which received platinum status. The girls successfully toured the country. The group's concerts were sold out.

And when the broadcast of the series “Kadetstvo” ended, the general director of the STS channel, Vyacheslav Murugov, invited the girls to star in a new project where they themselves would be the main characters. Even the names of the band members were preserved. Thus began the cinematic biography of Anna Rudneva. The vocalist and guitarist turned into the heroine of the series named Anna Prokopyeva. According to the film, Anya was a lonely teenager who was not understood either at home or at school. Of course, in life Rudnev is the complete opposite of her on-screen heroine.

In 2008, the girl met an actor known to most viewers for his role as the son of businessman Maxim Shatalin, Denis, in the sitcom. Pavel didn’t know the work of “Ranetok”, but Anya’s face seemed familiar to him. He remembered seeing the girl on the show and immediately thought: "What a beautiful girl!". I thought about it and forgot.

The romantic relationship between Rudneva and Serdyuk developed rapidly. But then Anna and Pavel began to quarrel and move away from each other. And although at that time the young man had already made an official proposal to his beloved, the marriage was delayed and the relationship reached a dead end. At one time, the couple even thought about children, but problems also arose with pregnancy.

And when Anya was about to leave Pasha, she found out that she was expecting a child. The anticipation of the baby's arrival brought the couple together. In the 6th month of Anya’s pregnancy, they played the wedding that Rudneva dreamed of.

The husband immediately refused to attend his wife’s birth. But when his daughter Sonechka was born, incredible paternal feelings awoke in Pavel. Anna could easily go to rehearsal or other matters, leaving Sonya with her caring dad.

Serdyuk greatly supported his wife when she started having problems at Ranetki. The producer hoped that Rudneva would return to the team after giving birth, but she refused. Anna realized that she would no longer have her former popularity and needed to move forward. As the singer said in one interview, unpleasant articles by the artist’s former colleagues appeared in the press, which talked about Rudneva’s problems in relationships, prolonged depression and even treatment, which was allegedly paid for by the group.

Anna Rudneva claims that after the birth of a girl, she, on the contrary, felt a surge of strength and incredible energy. She wanted to create, which is what she did as soon as the baby was 2 months old.

Unfortunately for fans of the singer and actor, the relationship between Anna Rudneva and Pavel Serdyuk began to crack in 2013. They separated and officially divorced in 2015. In April 2015, Rudneva married for the second time. The girl’s husband was Dmitry Belin. In August the couple has Timofey. Rudneva and Belin are not only spouses - they are united by a common business project: the couple opened a recording studio, and with it a school where they teach those who want to play the guitar and vocals.

In her youth, the girl preferred sneakers and ripped jeans. While her peers dreamed of being like the models, Anya was a fan of the image. As Anna grew older, she never fell in love with feminine clothing.

Rudneva is a very creative person. In addition to music, the girl enjoys skiing, drawing, and knitting.

The work and life of Anya “Ranetka” is followed by thousands of fans online “ Instagram" The girl shares personal photos, behind-the-scenes and videos with subscribers. The artist also started a channel on YouTube, where fans can get the latest news about the star.

Anna Rudneva now

Five years after the collapse of the Ranetki group, all the girls got together and recorded a video for fans, in which they answered questions and talked about their lives. The artists also hinted that they were thinking about a reunion. So far, only two former participants have agreed to keep their word.

At the end of 2017, Anna Rudneva and Natalya Milnichenko presented a new product called “We Lost Time” to the audience. It is worth noting that in 2009, Natasha Shchelkova married the group’s producer Sergei Milnichenko and took her husband’s last name.

The audience was delighted with the joint composition of the girls. Fans flooded the singers with positive and approving comments. Rudneva later admitted that it was exciting to present a new song after a long break.

Before the release of the composition, the two performers recorded a video message in which they announced their triumphant return. The girls also shared that they hope other participants will join. They contacted their former colleagues and are now waiting for a solution from them.

On Instagram, Anna and Natalya created a group account where fans can follow developments.


  • 2006 - “Ranetki”
  • 2009 – “Our time has come”
  • 2010 - “I will never forget”
  • 2011 - “Bring back rock and roll!!!”
  • 2012 – “Magnit”


  1. 2006-2011 – “Happy Together”
  2. 2008-2010 – “Ranetki”
  3. 2010 – “Once upon a time in Baben-Baben”
  4. 2010 – “Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom”

Former lead singer of the Ranetki group, 25-year-old Anna Rudneva, became a mother for the second time. She had a son. The happy parents named the newborn baby Timofey. The singer announced an important event in her life on her Instagram page.

“Well, the day has come. On August 17 at 2.20 our son Timofey Dmitrievich Belin was born. Our king of beasts is fine, I’m still recovering from the second most difficult night of my life,” Anya wrote and published a joint photo with the baby.

Rudneva was looking forward to giving birth. On social networks she complained that the baby did not want to be born. It was hard for the expectant mother because she was “tired of the size of the hippopotamus.” But Anya was able to properly prepare for the birth of the baby: the singer bought things, a crib and a stroller.

“With Sonya, I didn’t buy anything or prepare anything in advance,” recalls Anya. “And, you know, my superstition gave bad results, because after discharge I didn’t like half of the things and every little thing my family bought. Everything was bought when the baby and I were lying in the maternity hospital. Now I’ve decided to prepare everything in advance.”

// Photo: VKontakte by Anna Rudneva

Timofey became Anna's second child. She also has a daughter, Sofia, who was born in a marriage with actor Pavel Serdyuk, known for the TV series “My Fair Nanny.” Timofey's father was 23-year-old musician Dmitry Belin.

Anna Rudneva met Pavel Serdyuk in 2008, they started dating. In April 2011, during a concert of the Ranetki group, a young man went on stage and publicly proposed marriage to Anya. The girl agreed. The couple got married on January 21, 2012, and on May 17 of the same year their daughter was born. However, after some time, a rift occurred between the spouses; they stopped living together, but continued to raise the baby together: Sophia regularly went to visit her dad.

The couple divorced in December 2014, and Anya received a document confirming the divorce only in February 2015. “Finally, after two years of living on opposite sides, I have an official document,” the singer commented on receiving the paper.

// Photo: VKontakte by Anna Rudneva

Anya met Dmitry Belin a long time ago - he helped her record vocals. “We worked together for about two years, I liked Dima,” she told StarHit. – Our previous marriages were unsuccessful, but the main thing is that we found each other and are happy! On April 30th of this year we got married and celebrated with those closest to us at our parents’ country house. The dress was made to order for me, since I was quite advanced in pregnancy.”

The family business helps the couple earn a living: she and her husband are co-owners of a recording studio and media school Studio180, where they give guitar and vocal lessons. In addition, Anna is trying herself as a jewelry designer under the byAnnRudneva brand.