Awakening skills (Tips). Awakening Classes in Black Desert Mobile Bdo awakening skills

Strengthening an archetype in any online game is a top priority. In Black Desert, weapon awakening helps a lot with this for each individual class. The player receives unusual abilities that are used in battle. This is why many gamers, after reaching a certain level, begin hunting for this ability.

Game description

In Black Desert, weapon awakening is considered just one of thousands of possible ways to improve a hero's combat power. The world of this Korean development is seamless and covers thousands of square kilometers.

The authors created the most realistic atmosphere in a fantasy setting with admixtures of medieval history. The player performs each action independently. A non-target style combat system, the absence of teleports - these elements make the atmosphere of the game world unique. The characters develop, participate in large-scale battles and simply exist among the living universe.

Methods of activating weapons

In Black Desert, weapon awakenings are similar for each class, but at the same time different. First, you should know that this gameplay element adds a second slot to the hero, which can be used at any second.

To begin the process, you must reach level 56 with any class. After this, you should turn to your eternal assistant - the Black Spirit. This mysterious character has evolved with the player for fifty levels in a row, and it is he who ensures the awakening of weapons in Black Desert. For each archetype they are called differently: “Goyen Mercenaries”, “Princess of the Land of the Dead”, “Chilling Force” and the like. The duration of the chain is the same for everyone. It is made up of seven main tasks and three additional ones. In the process, the hero activates the weapon and learns about all its qualities.

What does awakening give?

As mentioned earlier, weapon awakening occurs differently in Black Desert. A wizard, for example, activates two elemental spheres from an additional slot and uses them to deal huge damage with spells. Activating a second weapon does not replace the main one. The character just switches between two types at the right moment. Some classes use an additional gun to change the type of combat. The archer goes into close combat and fights there at the proper level, and the warrior suddenly switches from defense to an aggressive style of attack. Let's look at what exactly the characters get using a specific example.

In Black Desert, awakening a kunoichi weapon means for this archetype the acquisition of a chakram called Ha Reyun in an additional slot. This deadly circular blade of impressive size is used in close and medium-range combat and has an arsenal of skills that hit the target with enormous force. The kunoichi launches it into a circular flight or directs it between opponents. It is used, as a rule, against the numerical advantage of enemies, but can also be used to cause targeted damage. Tanchu is considered the most dangerous skill. This is a circular flight of chakram with a chance of immobilizing those it hits. When facing this enemy with an awakened weapon, you should choose a defensive stance, quickly get close, or deal ranged damage.

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Illusions in BDO- These are rank 9 horses that cannot be obtained through breeding.

There are 3 types of illusions:

  • Pegasi (Aduanites)- horses with wings that do not take damage when falling from above. They do not fly in the conventional sense of the word, but can hover when moving down a cliff at fairly high speeds.
  • Unicorns (dains)- friendly creatures that give players bonuses to attack power or evasion and heal them. Unicorns are useful in battle and travel. This is the only type of transport that is not slowed down by the desert.
  • Duma- these are fiery horses that are inferior to pegasi and unicorns in movement speed, but have powerful attacks and skills that scale with the character’s attack strength. Dumas are actively used in large-scale battles.


To get started, you will need a rank 8 and level 30 horse with the following abilities:

  • Pressure
  • Drift
  • Career
  • Jerk
  • Step aside
  • Speed: Dash
  • Speed: Step to the side

Such horses are usually called trotters. They can be identified by a gold icon in the information window.

Stable your trotter in the Stone Heath Pasture. First remove all equipment from him and clean out his inventory. After this, a new button, “Preparation”, will appear in the horse’s menu.

Click this button and open the preparation window. You can upgrade three different parameters: Skills, Grace and Strength. For each type of training you will need special materials. When spending one unit of material, the skill level increases by 1%. Each scale can be filled to a maximum of 100%. To awaken a horse, you need to gain a total of 200% experience.


  • 60% Skills + 100% Grace + 40% Strength = 200%
  • 0% Skill + 100% Grace + 100% Strength = 200%

If you score above 200%, you will increase the chances of a successful awakening, but this bonus is usually too small and we do not recommend spending resources on it.

Below is a list of materials required for different types of training.

Skills (upgrading this parameter increases the likelihood of awakening the pegasus):

  • Rainbow Berry – Exchange for Golden Seal - [Trade] x10
  • Stony Heath Food – Made through simple cooking from any farming by-products (Diseased plants, Bitten seeds, Unripe fruits, Mutated plants). Stone Heath food is the most accessible material. Level up your harvesting skill to Master 1, plant Magic Seeds and cultivate them to obtain by-products. If you don't know how to level up a skill, read our guide. Rainbow Berries can also be purchased for Peridot Petals x10, which can be obtained from the Karnak Spell Treasure.

Grace (upgrading this parameter increases the probability of awakening a unicorn):

  • Mark of the Wild Beast– Has a low chance of being obtained by butchering the carcasses of karks and whales. Mark of the Wild Beast can also be purchased with Peridot Petals x10, which can be obtained from the Arcane Treasure of Karnak.
  • Air algae– With a low chance of being obtained by fishing. Airweed can also be purchased for Peridot Petals x10, which are obtained from Karnak's Spell Treasure.

Strength (upgrading this parameter increases the likelihood of awakening doom):

  • Breath of the Forest – With a small chance it is obtained from monsters, it can also be made by mixing the energies of different elements (two any types of energy, 10 units each, for example, Earth Energy + Forest Energy, Water Energy + Wind Energy, etc.) Energy can be obtained as a reward for daily tasks ( video) or from monsters in Kamasylva (with a small chance).
  • Blue Hoof Root – Obtained from fishing with a low chance. You can also buy Blue Hoof Root for Peridot Leaves x7. Leaves are given as a reward for completing daily quests in Kamasylva. Details about daily tasks can be found.

One unit of materials can be obtained daily for the task in the Stone Heath Pasture. To complete the task you need to catch a wild horse.

Waking up the horse

After gaining 200% experience, you can try to awaken your steed.

To do this you will need one more item:

  • Moonlight Stone. Recipe:
    • Wind particle x25 (exchanged for Golden Seal - [Taming] or Racing Seal x2)
    • Piece of earth x25 (exchanged for Golden Seal - [Taming] x2 or Seal of Racing)

Earth and Wind Particles can also be obtained by completing daily quests for Peridot Leaves ( video) or buy directly for Peridot leaves (15 leaves per particle) in the Thicket of Ancient Sages.

If the awakening attempt is unsuccessful, the experience is reset to zero, and the horse must be trained again. With each subsequent attempt, the probability of successful awakening increases. When awakening, you can also use Crown Stones. In this case, the learning progress will be reset to 100% (and not to zero).

Upon successful awakening, the horse turns into a pegasus or unicorn (the type is determined randomly). The rank of the horse rises to 9, but the name remains the same. The horse's level is reset to 1. The horse receives new skills and characteristics. It must be remembered that rank 9 horses are not suitable for breeding. The probability of a successful awakening is 1%, meaning only the luckiest players own pegasi and unicorns.

Illusion skills in Black Desert

Illusions have access to the same skills as regular horses (with the exception of the Take Passenger skill), as well as some special skills. Skills are determined randomly when leveling up.

Item icon Name Effect Team Available for Probability of acquisition
Spirit of the TrotterAutomatically restores health and stamina while the horse is tetheredPassivePegasus, unicorn, doom100%
Double JumpWhile in the air, can jump again
(can also be used during a high jump)
[space] while jumpingPegasus, unicorn, doom100%
Speed: PressureMakes a second dash immediately after the first[Q] after the first Pressure (requires the Pressure skill)Pegasus, unicorn, doom20%
WingsUsed during a double jump for a smooth descent,
reduces fall damage by 100%
[E] during double jumpPegasus100%
Free flightAllows you to choose the direction of movement in the air[A] or [D] in flightPegasus10%
Natural unityReplenishes resources for allies (maximum 10 targets)
(300 units of health and 300 units of mana, rage, etc. every 3 sec. for 30 sec.)
Gift of the earthStrengthens allies (max 10 targets)
(+10 to attack power and +10 to evasion for 30 sec.)
Graceful StrikeLeaves behind a trail of fire that damages enemies[E]Doom100%
Gallop of darknessAdds a third dash to Speed: Dash[F] during Speed: DashDoom10%

Now you know how to awaken a trotter in Black Desert!

Weapons in Black Desert are an important, although not required, part of your equipment. Those who prefer a peaceful style of play can do without it altogether: the game allows you to engage in various crafts without using it.

Grinding in this MMORPG is the fastest, but not the only way to level up your character. This is also one of the most profitable ways to earn money. Therefore, if you want to quickly level up your character while earning silver, you will need a powerful weapon: more damage - faster death of mobs and leveling up.

Primary and secondary weapons in BDO

The main weapon allows you to use most of the skills from the character's arsenal, as well as various combinations. It is duplicated for some classes. BDO uses:

Sword – Warrior, Valkyrie;
Bow – Archer;
Talisman – Witch;
Ax – Barbarian;
Blade – Mystic, Ninja, Kunoichi;
Katana – Maeva, Master of the Sword;
Staff – Wizard, Sorceress;
Craig Messer - The Dark Knight;
Combat gloves - Striker.

Without the main weapon, the character will not be able to use any of the combat skills. Additional Weapon:

Shield – Warrior, Valkyrie;
Dagger – Archer, Sorceress, Wizard;
Amulet - Witch;
Lanyard - Barbarian, Dark Knight;
Keychain – Mystic;
Horn Bow - Maeva, Master of the Sword;
Kunai, Shuriken – Kunoichi, Ninja;
Bracelets – Striker.

All classes receive additional weapons that increase their parameters depending on their characteristics: increased attack, defense, etc. Some classes also use additional weapons in battle: for example, Kunoichi or Ninja throw shurikens and kunai, and a Wizard or Sorceress can stab a nearby enemy with a dagger.

Awakened weapons in Black Desert

At level 56, after completing a chain of quests, the character can use an awakened weapon. It does not replace the main one: both racks remain accessible. Enhancements provided by primary and secondary weapons, as well as inlay stones, also apply while using an awakened weapon. There are fewer awakened skills, however, their damage multiplier is higher, so most players, having reached level 56, use their main weapon in Black Desert less often. The style of play changes radically.

Awakened weapons by class:

Two-handed sword - Warrior;
Scythe - Witch;
Hand Cannon – Barbarian;
Elemental Blade – Archer;
Changbong - Mystic;
Spear – Valkyrie;
Glaive – Master of the Sword;
Serpent Spear - Maeve;
Asura Blades - Ninja;
Chakram - Kunoichi;
Spheres of Nature – Sorceress;
Elemental Spheres – Wizard;
Vediant - Dark Knight;
Combat Bracers – Striker.

The same weapons for different classes have the same damage and additional parameters. For example, any Kzarka weapon boosted to +19 has 114-118 damage, +3 attack speed, and increases all accuracy. The same is true for armor, so in PVP, different classes with the same equipment have an equal chance of winning.

Where to get weapons

In Black Desert there is a gradation of weapons by quality:

Gray – militia weapon, rusty additional weapon;
Green – named primary and secondary weapons (for example, Yuria, Krei or Roshar), purchased awakened weapons;
Blue – quest awakened weapon, signature weapon of sparks, seduction or destruction, Liberto’s main weapon;
Golden - the weapon of the limit, the main weapon of Kzarka, the additional weapon of Nuber and Kutum, the awakened weapon of Karanda.

Gray weapons are dropped from low-level mobs. It’s not worth considering seriously: it’s an intermediate option for use at the very start of the game until your character picks up something better. The same applies to weapons that can be obtained for completing some quests: Extra Steed, Bastio, additional weapons of dim enchantments.

Green weapons can be obtained as drops from mobs: only from some in the territory of Balenos and from absolutely everyone in other areas. Keep in mind that certain types of weapons can be obtained from certain types of monsters.

Also, almost all types of green quality weapons can be crafted in workshops:

Craft workshop - talismans, amulets, staves, lanyards, keychains, combat gloves, heavy bracelets;
Plotnitskaya – bows, horn bows, shields;
Armory - swords, axes, blades, katanas, Craig-messers, daggers, shurikens, kunai.

There is a chance of creating a primary and secondary weapon of blue or gold quality, which depends on the level and luck of the worker sent on the task.

Liberto weapons and awakened weapons of blue quality can be obtained by killing world bosses: Red Nose, Ancient One, Cowardly Bheg, Mud Monster, summoned daily and weekly and guild bosses. There is a chance to receive a top weapon when killing the corresponding boss.

You will receive blue awakened weapons for completing the awakening quest. The same green quality weapons are sold at the gunsmith in Altinova.

All of the above weapons can also be found at auction. Keep in mind that many people want to get top-end weapons in Black Desert, so they are not always available, and the prices are frankly outrageous.

Weapons in Black Desert: guide

The article talks about all the nuances of using weapons in Black Desert: tips on sharpening, Liberto and Yuria, which weapon to choose for PvP and PvE, and so on.

Weapons in Black Desert: Basics

Unlike armor, when choosing a weapon, each character class is tied to a specific type. You will not be able to equip your hero with weapons that are not related to his class.

  • Archers can take a bow and a knife.
  • Barbarians use an ax and brushes.
  • Warriors use a shield with a sword.
  • Sorcerers use bracelets and amulets.

As with armor, weapons do not have any level. However, the same type of weapon in Back Desert may have different attack rates, as well as certain bonuses.

Weapons can be bought from NPCs, obtained after killing mobs, crafted or exchanged for cooperation points. To strengthen weapons, inlay and sharpening stones are used.

Awakening Black Desert Weapons

One of the latest game mechanics to appear in Black Desert is weapon awakening. With its help, characters whose level has reached 56 can get their hands on a powerful tool for destroying opponents, which radically changes combat tactics.

As an example, let's take archers, who, after awakening their weapons, will be able to kill enemies not only from long distances, but also in close combat. At the same time, the warrior will be able to use a powerful offensive instead of deep defense.

How to awaken weapons in Black Desert?

In order for you to awaken the weapon and learn the skills associated with its use, you will have to reach level 56 and talk to the Black Spirit, taking on a chain of quests, which will be different for characters of one class or another.

You can see the full list below:

  • Barbarians – quest “Legacy of Ancestors”.
  • Warriors – quest “Goyen Mercenaries”.
  • Sorceresses – quest “Reluctant Witness”.
  • Wizards – quest “Dangerous Magic”.
  • Sorcerers – quest “Heiress Katriana”.
  • Kunoichi – quest “Awakening Kunoichi”.
  • Archers – quest “The Last Gift of the Departed Goddess.”
  • Sword Masters - quest “Forgotten Memories”.
  • Maeva – quest “Chilling Force”.
  • Mystics – quest “Princess of the Land of the Dead.”
  • Ninja – quest “Awakening of the Ninja”.
  • The Dark Knight – quest “Troubling Dreams”.

Awakening Weapons

All of the chains listed above consist of 10 quests, seven of which are main, and three are side. By completing all these tasks, heroes can receive awakened weapons, as well as learn several new skills.

Awakening Weapon Skills

Press the K key to open the menu with the skills of the awakened weapon by going to the corresponding tab.

It should be understood that the awakened weapon is used in parallel with the main one - it appears in an additional slot. In battle, press the C key to switch between your primary and awakened weapons.

What is the Liberto weapon in Black Desert?

This is the most expensive and most desirable Black Desert weapon that RuNet gamers want to get. The statement is relevant for characters of any class. Unless heroic warriors can do without it. There are pros and cons here, which we will discuss below.

You will also learn from our article how to obtain and sharpen such weapons in Black Desert for a minimum amount of money.

Pros of Liberto weapons

You can compare it with Yuria's weapon, which is characterized by a slightly lower base damage parameter. On the other hand, Yuria's damage will be even higher against other characters. While Liberto's weapon has two slots for inserting stones, Yuria has one.

The Liberto weapon, if you compare it with any other weapon in Black Desert, will allow you to reach the maximum level in two characteristics, while in all other cases, pumping is possible on the principle of 5 points for one stat and 2 points for another.

  • Liberto's bonus is 3 units to the critical chance.
  • By inlaying two stones into Liberto, you will increase your crit chance and attack speed by 2 points each.
  • Insert level 2 Amber into gloves to gain 2 more attack speed.
  • Finally, eating smoked fish will give you 1 more attack speed point for the next hour.

Also, many foreign publications claim that Liberto has much higher accuracy than Yuria. The parameter increases greatly when using sharpening, so you can compensate for low accuracy with additional. weapons.

Cons of Liberto

Such weapons in Black Desert cost a lot of money. The same goes for sharpening it. In addition, it is quite rare and appears at auction in small quantities - literally a few pieces in one day.

Liberto deals less base damage to other players compared to Yuria, so the latter will be more effective in PvP.

How to get Liberto?

It cannot be crafted. You can purchase weapons through the auction or after killing bosses, including Hex Marie. At the same time, the chance of Liberto dropping is minimal, and the scrolls used to summon the necessary bosses are no less rare.

The cost of Liberto at auction is in the millions of silver. For example, an ax was recently sold for 10 million silver.

Inexpensive sharpening Liberto for 15+

So, let's assume that you were able to buy Liberto. Now it's time to think about sharpening it. You can safely sharpen a weapon in Black Desert only up to +7, with a 100% chance of success. Each subsequent sharpening will reduce this percentage.

In addition, for each failure you will lose in weapon durability. To repair a Liberto, they usually buy exactly the same weapon, but this will require a huge amount of money and time.

There is a trick here that beginners may not know about - you can use “memory fragments”.


What are fragments of memories?

These items are still purchased at the same auction. The cost of one of them varies between 200-300 thousand silver. For one such fragment you can restore the weapon's durability by 1 unit.

Due to their high cost, scraps are important to use specifically for this weapon. For a basic one it’s too expensive.

Thus, if you fail to sharpen Liberto once, you will have to spend 1.5 million silver to restore it. Scraps, by the way, can be knocked out of bosses when using the “Summon Ancient Relic” scroll.

There is no need to try to purchase this weapon if you do not already have the funds to sharpen it to at least +13. It is best to use Yuria's weapon, sharpening it to +15. In this case, you will spend less money. On the other hand, farming money for sharpening using poorly sharpened Liberto weapons is a disastrous task.

To sharpen Liberto, you will need fails (unsuccessful attempts to sharpen) armor or other things. For example, to simplify and increase the chance of enchanting Liberto, you need to collect the following number of files for different levels:

  • For Liberto +8 you will need about six files.
  • For Liberto +9 – about 10 fails.
  • For Liberto +10-12 – from 10 to 16 fails.
  • For Liberto +13-14 – 16 fails each.

Why do Warrior class characters use Yuria weapons?

It's all about its higher damage when attacked by other players, which is important in PvP modes. At the same time, Liberto’s main advantage is associated with the “+3 to crit chance” bonus, but for a Warrior this parameter is not particularly important.

Which weapon should a beginner choose for PvP and PvE in Black Desert?

In Black Desert, weapons are selected separately for two different modes: in PvP we use one, and in PvE we use another. If you know the basics and are an experienced player, then you don’t need to read this section. For beginners - a must read!

Those weapons that provide additional damage to players must be used for PvP. As for killing mobs, in PvE we use the weapon whose base damage is the highest. It will not provide any bonuses to attacks against mobs, but you will understand its purpose if you see a large attack parameter and the presence of additional damage.

While you are leveling your character to level 50, using PvP weapons in Black Desert will be pointless, since PvE will have a higher attack. And this will allow you to kill mobs faster. Accordingly, you will level up faster.

One of the top PvP weapons is Yuria and Liberto. By the way, Liberto is an ideal option for both PvP and PvE. But, as stated above, finding it at auction is almost impossible. Yes, and it is expensive. In the realities of the game, it is best to try to find the Dzarko weapon.

Black Desert: awakening weapons of different classes

Strengthening an archetype in any online game is a top priority. In Black Desert, weapon awakening helps a lot with this for each individual class. The player receives unusual abilities that are used in battle. This is why many gamers, after reaching a certain level, begin hunting for this ability.

Game description

In Black Desert, weapon awakening is considered just one of thousands of possible ways to improve a hero's combat power. The world of this Korean development is seamless and covers thousands of square kilometers.

The authors created the most realistic atmosphere in a fantasy setting with admixtures of medieval history. The player performs each action independently. A combat system in the non-target style, the absence of teleports - these elements make the atmosphere of the game world unique. The characters develop, participate in large-scale battles and simply exist among the living universe.

Methods of activating weapons

In Black Desert, weapon awakenings are similar for each class, but at the same time different. First, you should know that this gameplay element adds a second slot to the hero, which can be used at any second.

To begin the process, you must reach level 56 with any class. After this, you should turn to your eternal assistant - the Black Spirit. This mysterious character has evolved with the player for fifty levels in a row, and it is he who ensures the awakening of weapons in Black Desert. For each archetype they are called differently: “Goyen Mercenaries”, “Princess of the Land of the Dead”, “Chilling Force” and the like. The duration of the chain is the same for everyone. It is made up of seven main tasks and three additional ones. In the process, the hero activates the weapon and learns about all its qualities.

What does awakening give?

As mentioned earlier, weapon awakening occurs differently in Black Desert. A wizard, for example, activates two elemental spheres from an additional slot and uses them to deal huge damage with spells. Activating a second weapon does not replace the main one. The character just switches between two types at the right moment. Some classes use an additional gun to change the type of combat. The archer goes into close combat and fights there at the proper level, and the warrior suddenly switches from defense to an aggressive style of attack. Let's look at what exactly the characters get using a specific example.

In Black Desert, awakening a kunoichi weapon means for this archetype the acquisition of a chakram called Ha Reyun in an additional slot. This deadly circular blade of impressive size is used in close and medium-range combat and has an arsenal of skills that hit the target with enormous force. The kunoichi launches it into a circular flight or directs it between opponents. It is used, as a rule, against the numerical advantage of enemies, but can also be used to cause targeted damage. Tanchu is considered the most dangerous skill. This is a circular flight of chakram with a chance of immobilizing those it hits. When facing this enemy with an awakened weapon, you should choose a defensive stance, quickly get close, or deal ranged damage.

Weapon Awakening - Black Desert Online in Russia

Awakening Weapons is a new addition to the Black Desert game mechanics, thanks to which, upon reaching level 56, your character will be able to arm himself with additional powerful weapons and completely change his battle tactics. For example, the Archer, after awakening the weapon, will be able to fight at close range as well as at long range, and the Warrior will be able to quickly move from deep defense to a stunning offensive.

How to get awakened weapons?

To get weapon awakening and learn the skills that belong to it, you need to:

  • Reach level 56
  • Open the Black Spirit menu and receive from her the awakening quest chain corresponding to your class:
  • Warrior - “Goyen Mercenaries”;
  • Barbarian - “The Legacy of the Ancestors”;
  • Sorceress - “Heiress Katriana”;
  • Archer - “The last gift of the departed goddess”;
  • Valkyrie - “Ensla’s student”;
  • Mystic - “Princess of the Land of the Dead”;
  • Master of the Sword - "Forgotten Memories";
  • Maeva - “Chilling force”;
  • Ninja - "Awakening of the Ninja";
  • Kunoichi - "Awakening of Kunoichi";
  • Sorceress - “Reluctant Witness”;
  • Wizard - "Dangerous Magic".

Each chain has 7 main and 3 additional quests. In the process of completing tasks, heroes will receive awakened weapons and all the skills necessary for them.

Awakening Weapon Skills

To view all the skills for awakened weapons, you need to enter the Skills Menu (key “K”) and go to the “Awakened Weapons” tab.

Fighting with basic and awakened weapons

Awakened weapons do not replace regular ones - they are installed not in the main slot, but in an additional equipment slot, so you can change them directly during battle using the “C” key.

Black Desert: how to craft an awakened dragon slayer weapon

A new golden awakened dragon slayer weapon has been added to the Russian version of Black Desert Online. The awakened dragon slayer weapon can only be obtained by creating it in the Weaponsmith Dvenkrun's Workshop in Dvenkrun house 5 and in terms of parameters it is very close to Karanda.
If you compare the dragon slayer’s weapon and Karanda’s weapon, you will notice that the maximum attack indicator for the weapon is the same, and the minimum for the crafted one is lower by 2. The effects after upgrading the weapon are the same, this is an increase in the entire attack, so there is no big difference in effectiveness between these two weapons. Additionally, Refined Dark Energy Remains, a new item that was added to BDO, can be used to restore the durability of crafted weapons other than Memory Fragments, making it not that difficult.

However, the drawback is that awakened dragon slayer weapons cannot be auctioned. While it's relatively easy to restore its durability, the cost of upgrading it (failures (bad luck) and black stones) is quite high, and you won't be able to get back the silver you put into the weapon later as it can't be sold.

In order to craft an awakened dragon slayer weapon, you will need:
Crystal Hesed x 16
Blueprint for making dragon slayer weapons x 20
Hygl's Awakened Weapon x1

Crystal Hesed can be done by collecting the remains of dark energy. You can make 1 Refined Dark Energy Remain from 25 Refined Dark Energy Remains and 1 Chesed Crystal from 11 Refined Dark Energy Remains. After all, you will need 4400 Dark Energy Remains to make the weapon.

Blueprint for making a dragon slayer weapon can be obtained as a reward for daily quests from the blacksmith Hygl from Dvenkrun. (available to characters from level 16).
You can complete the quest by bringing Hugl 1 beer, 5 dark beer and 1 first grade wine. Beer needed for the quest can be crafted or purchased at auction, and dark beer and first grade wine can be purchased from the tavern merchant for 1,000 silver and 100,000 silver.

Hygl's Awakening Weapon can be created in the Weaponsmith Dvenkrun's Workshop, house 5 level 2, but it is not easy to create, as it requires a lot of materials.

Materials for creation:
Rage Absorbing Skin x 100
Mysterious abrasive x 75
Abyssal Brass Ingot x 150
Blueprint for making a dragon slayer weapon x 1

Skin that absorbs rage
By simple alchemy, combine:
Copper Ingot x 4
Bronze Ingot x 4
Soft/Thick/Hard/Thin Leather x 2

A copper ingot can be crafted by heating 10 pieces of copper through the Crafting menu.
Bronze Ingot can be crafted by heating 5 pieces of copper + 5 pieces of tin through the Crafting menu.
Regarding leather, you can kill animals, and use a hide knife to collect the skins, and then process them into a suitable one (processing can be seen here).

Mysterious abrasive
The Mysterious Abrasive can be obtained by grinding 3 identical types of blood (tyrant, deity, jester, sinner, sage) and 1 metal solvent.
Solvent for metals can be made at the alchemy table according to the recipe: 1 liquid reagent + 4 rough stone + 3 piece of iron + 2 barbarian powder (other Alchemy recipes here).

Abyssal Brass Ingot
Abyssal Brass Ingot can be crafted by processing: 2 Brass Ingots, 10 Blackstone Powder, and 7 Barbarian Powder.
A brass ingot can be obtained by heating 5 pieces of copper + 5 pieces of zinc.

Weapons |

There are three types of weapons in Black Desert:
basic, additional and awakened.
There are also differences in quality: green, blue and gold.

*You can improve weapons from the black spirit using “Weapon Seals”.

It is optimal to immediately buy the “Limit Weapon Seal” worth 7.6 kk, with a 100% chance of enhancement, than to buy many (very many) level 3 weapon seals. 300 k each (the chance of improvement is very low).

You will receive the following effects: sparks- critical chance +1; defeat- attack speed +1; temptation- skill speed +1.

crit chance +1; skill speed +1.

This does not apply to Liberto or Kzarka/Nuber/Kutum weapons - they can only be of blue and gold quality, respectively.

Main Weapon:

comparison table of the main weapons of the limit, sharpened to V

Attack Slots

under the stones

Accuracy Add. effects
Kallis 109-127 1 170 add. damage to monsters +15,

When it rains, attack power does not decrease

Selas 106-114 1 170 Add. damage people +35, monsters +15,

attack speed +1, crit chance. hit +1

Elsie 106-114 1 200 Add. damage for all races +18, monsters +15,

attack speed +1, crit chance. hit +1

when attacking, there is a 5% chance to restore 5 HP

Ain 106-114 1 170 add. damage to Ainu + 35, extra. damage to monsters +15, attack speed +1, critical chance. hit +1
Krei 113-119 2 170 add. damage to monsters +15,

attack speed +1, crit chance. hit +1

The effect of a set with additional weapons:

accuracy +20

Yuria 112-121 1 170 Add. damage people +25, monsters +15,

attack speed +1, crit chance. hit +1

Asvol 112-120 1 200 add. damage to monsters +15,

attack speed +1, crit chance. hit +1

When it rains, attack power does not decrease

Pares 107-115 1 170 Add. damage for all races +25, monsters +15,

attack speed +1, crit chance. hit +1

Roshar 113-122 2 170 add. damage to monsters +15,

attack speed +1, crit chance. hit +1

set effect with additional weapons: ignore resistance to control effects +10%

Liberto 122-126 2 182 damage for all races +5, extra. damage to monsters +15. crit chance +3
Kzarka 122-126 2 200 damage for all races +20, extra. damage to monsters +15. attack speed +3
Sveta Ofina 126 -128 2 182 damage for all races +20, extra. damage to monsters +15. critical chance hit +2, attack speed +2
Black Star 2 attack speed +3

Additional Weapon:

Upgrading weapons to blue quality : sparks- additional damage when attacking in the back +1, temptation- additional damage to thrown targets +1, defeat- additional damage to prone targets +1;

Upgrade to gold (limit): add. damage from special attacks +10%.

comparison table of additional weapons sharpened to V

Attack Protection Accuracy Slots Add. effects
Krei 14-16 32 2 evasion 30, damage reduction 2

Add. damage to monsters +5.

in a set with basic weapon - accuracy +20

Axion 40 5 1 damage reduction 5.

Add. damage to monsters +5

Roshar 14-17 34 2 Evasion 30, damage reduction 4.

Add. damage to monsters +5.

in a set with basic weapons - ignore control resistance +10%

Pengochi 14-16 32 96 1 evasion 25, damage reduction 7. Extra. damage to monsters +5
teardrop-shaped 13 36 1 evasion 3, damage reduction 33.

Add. damage to monsters +5, HP +100

Kutuma 31-33 19 13 2 evasion 11, damage reduction 8

add. damage to monsters +62, ignore. control resistance +10%

Nubera 44-46 7 2 damage reduction 7, extra. damage to monsters +5. All resistance +10%

Improvements have been added to Nouber/Kutum's secondary weapons:

You can improve your weapon from the black spirit with the Processed Heart of Kamos. The ability to improve is not affected by the weapon's enhancement level; inlay stones are retained. A Processed Kamose Heart can be obtained by heating one Processed Energy and one Kamose Heart together.

  • Max. HP +150
  • Max. stamina: +100
  • Special Attack Evasion: +10%

After upgrading Nouver/Kutum's flaming weapons, they can no longer be registered at the Central Auction. However, you can extract crafting materials using the “Mirror of Balance” (10 million) and return the Processed Heart and Weapon. The Mirror of Balance can be purchased from the Hygol NPC in Dwencruna. Extraction can be done from the NPC in the forge of each village. Added an effect for extracting black stones from the heart of Kamos.

All additional weapons for each class have analogues, the only difference is in the names

*Axion Shield /to attack/= Steel dagger = amulet Juber = lanyard Oros = Keychain - berry = White horn bow = kunai Estik = shuriken Estik = Heavy bracelets = ancient sword Saeg
*Shield Drop-shaped /HP +100/= dagger Paring = amulet Rick = temdyak Teos = keychain - tassel = White war horn bow = kunai Tard = shuriken Tard = Steel bracelets = ancient sword Gown
*Shield of Pengochi /for accuracy/= Bronze dagger = Helric amulet = Thayer lanyard = keychain - puff = Black war horn bow = Kitar kunai = Kitar shuriken = Leather bracelets = ancient sword Bisang.

Awakened Weapon:

Each class has its own awakened weapon, green and blue can be upgraded to gold quality, this will add a little attack. The effects and attack of awakened weapons are the same for all classes, the only differences are in appearance and name.

weapon of the limit, sharpened to V

Hygl's Awakened Weapon and Dragonslayer's Awakened Weapon can be crafted at the Dwencrune Weapon Workshop in Dwencrune 5.

KR – Black Desert – Creating a new awakened weapon “Dragon Slayer”

​With the introduction of the new lands of Drieghan, players will have the opportunity to acquire a new type of awakened weapon - “Dragon Slayer”. We can say that this is an analogue of Karanda’s weapon, however, it cannot be sold, but it can be crafted and restored not only with scraps of memories, but also with Hasad Crystals (preliminary name). In terms of its characteristics, the Dragon Slayer is practically not inferior to Karanda, except that the lower attack threshold is 2 points less. Otherwise everything is identical.

​This type of weapon can be created in the capital of Drieghan, line 5.

To create a Dragon Slayer you will need:

  • Hasada crystal - 25 pcs.
  • Weapon drawing “Dragon Slayer” – 20 pcs.
  • Hugol's Awakened Weapon — 1 pc.

Hasad crystals are made:

  • Improved black energy fragments - 11 pcs.

  • Improved fragments, made from Black Energy Shards - 25 pcs.

In total, 6875 fragments of black energy will be needed to make the Dragon Slayer. You cannot buy energy shards at an auction, so you will have to mine them yourself.

It is worth noting that you can get fragments of black energy from monsters in all locations of the Black Desert, but still there will be an increased chance of loot from monsters in the Drieghan location.

Dragon Slayer Awakening Weapon Blueprint

This drawing is obtained through a quest that can be taken from the NPC Hugol in the capital of Drieghan. Hugol will ask you to bring him the following ingredients:

  • Dark beer - 5 pcs. (sold in taverns for 1000 silver)
  • Top quality wine - 1 pc. (sold in taverns for 100,000 silver)
  • Beer - 1 pc. (cook or buy at auction)

Hugol's Awakened Weapon

Created in the capital of Drieghan, line 2. Requires materials:

  • Adhesive skin of ferocious energy - 100 pcs. (simple alchemy)
    • Copper ingot - 4 pcs.
      • Piece of copper - 5 pcs.
    • Bronze ingot - 4 pcs.
      • Piece of tin - 5 pcs.
      • Piece of copper - 5 pcs.
    • Soft/hard/thin/thick leather - 2 pcs.
  • Mystical abrasive - 75 pcs. (grinding)
    • Blood of one type - 3 pcs.
    • Solvent for metals - 1 pc. (alchemical table)
      • Liquid reagent - 1 pc.
      • Rough stone - 4 pcs.
      • Piece of iron - 3 pcs.
      • Barbarian powder — 2 pcs.
  • Deep brass ingot - 150 pcs. (production)
    • Brass ingot - 2 pcs.
      • Piece of copper - 5 pcs.
      • Piece of zinc - 5 pcs.
    • Black stone powder - 10 pcs.
    • Barbarian powder - 7 pcs.
  • Weapon drawing “Dragon Slayer” - 1 pc.

Deep Brass Ingot

Glutinous skin of ferocious energy

Mystical abrasive

Since this class is unique and largely experimental, the passage of the awakening quest is a little different. The main difference is that this is the only way this class can obtain an awakened weapon. On the one hand, the developers have made life easier for beginners who don’t need to farm a lot to get powerful equipment with characteristics equal to Karanda’s awakened weapons for other classes. On the other hand, those players who expected to buy ready-made reinforced equipment at the auction are disappointed - these weapons cannot be put up for sale.

In fact, it’s not even a weapon, but a musical instrument, which is invisible when inactive, but in the corresponding slot looks like a glowing leaf. This thing is called “Salt”, and there are two types of it in the game:

Salt Gagne

A blue quality tool that cannot be enhanced. His Shai will be received at the very beginning of the awakening quest. The attack is increased, and this option can be used to familiarize yourself with the mechanics.

Salt Artini

Gold quality tool. At first it has a reduced attack, but it can be sharpened in exactly the same way as any Karanda weapon. It is no different in its main characteristics - the attack level is the same.

The quest to awaken Shai is different in that you don’t have to kill a single monster when completing it. However, you need to play musical instruments several times.

Depending on the skill used, Salt transforms into a lute, flute or drums. Each of them can be painted through the corresponding menu (J button), either using Meraby’s palette (temporary paints) or a jar of “eternal” paint.

Shai's Awakening Talents

The lute is used for skills that debuff and stun the enemy, the flute is used for healing and buffing allies, and the drums themselves can deal damage. When playing the flute and lute, Shai can walk. In this case, the use of the skill is not interrupted, but the effect of the buff ends. When playing the drums, you need to stand still, because when you start to move, the cast is interrupted. Almost all skills can be learned at level 58. There are few of them:

Even stronger!

Increases the attack of the character and allies by 30 points for 30 seconds.


The skill is activated automatically when the character is inactive. Shai tunes his lute, restoring 150 health points to himself and his teammates every 3 seconds.

cloud veil

Slows all enemies and reduces their defense by 10% for 20 sec.

Secret swamp

Reduces the chance to inflict a critical hit on all enemies by 50% for 20 seconds.

Sun, moon and stars

Increases the movement and attack speed of allies by 5% for 30 seconds.

Cry of Jubilation

Gives all raid members an additional 500 HP.

We are the main heroes here!

Accelerates the recovery of the Black Spirit's anger.

Summer rain

Increases the group's resistance to all effects by 20%.

The talents Forest Wave, Sun's Wrath and Underground Rumble use drums and deal damage in an area around the character. Although they are quite powerful, their disadvantage is that using the drum does not restore the character's mana. Therefore, using Salt alone will not work: you need to either restore MP using potions, or switch to the main combat stance and use the skills of Florang and Vitklar that allow you to do this.


Based on the set of tools, as well as the specifics of their use, it can be argued that the Black Desert developers ended up with an almost typical bard. But we should not forget that at the moment, even without additional boosts, Shai has the largest health reserve and carrying capacity compared to other classes, which makes her one of the most self-sufficient characters. Even if you have no desire to play as a support, Shai can be used as a craftsman, especially for collecting resources - with such a bag you can farm for a very long time without having to unload.

Despite his durability and effectiveness against high-level mobs, Shai performs best in a group. Even without causing damage, it will be useful with an abundance of buffs if used correctly. This is especially true in group spots - for example, in the Temple of Gyfiransia or the Forest of Mirumog.

With good equipment, Shai can act not only as a buffer, but also as a typical tank: even if the sagren mobs cause significant damage, the character will have time to heal, since the number of skills and health reserves allows. In general, taking into account the awakening, this is a very good class for a beginner who needs to easily earn starting capital for equipment for damage classes that are more effective in PVP.

Primary and secondary weapons are an important element of the unique atmosphere of the game world of Black Desert Online. All the characters in this game are divided into separate classes, which have a number of unique features. And this applies not only to the appearance or character of the hero, but also to the military weapons with which he can fight his opponents. For example, in the game there is a powerful Ronin, capable of crushing crowds of enemies with a huge sword. As a rule, it is chosen by players who like to fight a strong opponent in close combat. And for those who prefer to accurately hit targets from a long distance, the graceful Archer is perfect. She can shower monsters with a hail of deadly arrows and, if necessary, deftly avoid getting too close to the enemy. However, in this review we will not talk about the standard skills of game characters, but about the weapons that they receive after awakening. The fact is that this weapon significantly influences the chosen tactics of fighting and the playing style of each hero. That is why we decided to make a separate article devoted to this issue, which is of great importance for all players taking part in large-scale battles and single battles with the enemy.

Awakening weapons in Black Desert

Awakening weapons is only available to characters who have already reached the fifty-sixth level of development. After reaching this level, they need to go through a chain of tasks. All these tasks provide an opportunity to learn the history of the hero and his ancestors. Thanks to this, the player begins to better understand where the character got certain skills.

You can receive awakening tasks from the Black Spirit. We list all the tasks that will be required to awaken the characters:

  • The warrior must complete the Goyen Mercenaries quest chain to obtain the Greatsword.
  • The Barbarian needs to complete the "Ancestral Legacy" quest to pick up the Hand Cannon.
  • The sorceress receives the Scythe if she completes the “Heiress Katriana” quest chain.
  • The Archer is given the quest "The Last Gift of the Departed Goddess" and then receives the Elemental Blade.
  • Valkyrie completes the quest “Ensla’s Apprentice” in order to use the Spear in the future.
  • The mystic must complete the quest “Princess of the Land of the Dead” to receive Changbon.
  • Maeva completes the Chilling Power quest chain and receives the Serpent Lance.
  • Ninjas must complete Awakening of the Ninja to gain access to the Asura Blades.
  • The kunoichi completes the task "Awakening the Kunoichi" and receives the Chakram weapon.
  • The sorceress needs to complete the “Reluctant Witness” quest chain to receive Spheres of Nature.
  • The wizard gets the task “Dangerous Magic”, which allows him to take Elemental Orbs.
  • The Dark Knight must complete the Troubling Dreams quest to take Vediant.
  • The Striker will need to complete the mission “Memory Shards”, after which he will receive the Bracers.

As a reward for completing tasks, you are given an awakened weapon, and after special training, additional skills. All these skills can be seen in a special tab that opens after pressing the “K” key. Since they have a serious impact on combat tactics, Korean developers have introduced a special skill reset system. This means that each character is given the opportunity to remove some skill that, for some reason, will not be useful to him in the future. To do this, you can use “Scraps of Memories,” which are also called “In Search of the Meaning of Existence” or “Memory of the Ancients.” This item is sold in the game store for 500,000 silver. In addition, the character can receive it for killing a monster summoned using Summon Ancient Relic. During one such raid, the player can take about a hundred “Fragments of Memories”, which are necessary to change the specialization of combat skills.

It is worth noting separately that the main weapon does not disappear anywhere. If desired, the player can use the awakened weapon in parallel with the main one. Switching weapons in a combat situation can be done by pressing the “C” key. As a result, Ronin, whom we talked about at the very beginning of this review, can suddenly switch from defense to an aggressive attack style, and the Archer can easily move into close combat and defeat even the most powerful fighters. In addition, all weapon enhancement parameters obtained from the use of inlay stones are retained. But after awakening, many players very rarely return to their main weapon, since its characteristics are significantly inferior to the new weapon.