From Ezop to Krylov. From Ezop to Krylova Children's drawings to fox fox and grapes

Fox and grapes. Hungry Kuma Lisa climbed into the garden; In it grapes brushes moved. In the nail polish eyes and teeth flared; And the brushes are juicy, like yahonts, burn; Only then the trouble, they hang highly: I will go and how it will go to them, even though he sees the eye, but tooth Nemet. Through the hour the hour, I went and says with the annoyance: "Well! In the view, it is good, and there is no green - the berries there is no mature: immediately set up."

Picture 25 from the presentation "Biography of Krylov" To the literature lessons on the topic "Wings"

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"Wings of the Crow and Fox" - not benefit. It was like that. Not previous -. Charm, conquer anything. Hoc praise, hypocrisy. It was hard to breathe. Stupid, trusting. Lafonten France XVII century. Greece VI century BC e. Broadcasting (head) -. Home among birds. "Crow and Fox" I.A. Wings. Flattery. Literary reading lesson.

Ivan Krylov - independently examines literature, mathematics, french and Italian. 1811 Dragonfly and ant. November 21, 1844 March 1841 Ivan Krylov is retired. Krylov reads fables at the meeting "Conversations of Russian Lovers". Ivan Andreevich Krylov dies. The wings were handed the Order of St. 1823 in Krylov two hemorrhages in the brain.

"Creativity of Krylov" is the first stage in the work of Krylov. Nowadays, the Baszy Krylov has gained a new life. The second stage in the works of Krylov. Appendix Theme Bass. In the creative path of Krylov, two qualitatively different are distinguished. Creative path I.A. Krylova. What did sheep say? All in the musicians are not good. " Word about the wings.

"Dragonfly and ant" - the subject - literary reading. Immortal Creation of Krylov We love all stronger (M. Isakovsky) every year (M. Isakovsky). Determine the reading task. November 9 (21 N.S.) 1844 At the age of 75, the wings died. Dragonfly and ant. In mild grass with us. Underline the intonation ironic attitude towards the heroes of the Basni. Author's media product - Presentation 13 Slides (Wednesday POWER POINT, WORD) Media product.

"Biography of Krylov" - what perch! What a sock! Fox and grapes. Nine books with 200 Baszni Krylov were inherited by readers. Then the writer travels in Russia, Ukraine, without stopping his work. After the search, the edition had to stop. A Crow and a fox. Biography of the writer. Well, what kind of neck, what kind of eyes!

"Life and Creativity of Krylov" - what bass do you know? Creativity I.A. Krylova in each country has its own basinisses. What the Basney teach: why Basny I. A. Krylov are relevant and in our time? - Flying - I keep a gentleness-delicacy -thenevicality - Ovedely -flowing. In Russia, the best is considered to be I.A. Krylov. "Dragonfly and ant" "Crow and Fox" "Quartet" Martyc and glasses. "

Total in the subject of 30 presentations

Fox and grapes drawing

Fable fox and grapes read text

Hungry Kuma Lisa climbed into the garden;
In it grapes brushes moved.
In the nail polish eyes and teeth flared;
And the brushes are juicy, like yahonts, burn;
Only that trouble, they hang high:
Roll and how it will go to them,
Though sees the eye,
Yes, tooth nemet.

Through the hour of hour a whole,
I went and says with annoyance: "Well!
In appearance, he is good
Yes green - berries no mature:
Immediately set up. "

Fox and grapes - Moral Basni Ivan Krylova

The code has not succeeded in achieving the goal, begin to germinate it. Very often in their failures, people are ready to blame anyone besides himself.

Moral words, the main thought and meaning of the Basni Krylov

You need to be able to take responsibility for what is happening in your life.

Analysis of fasteners Fox and grapes, Basni heroes

About Basne

Wonderful satirist, historian, Knikolyuba Ivan Andreevich Krylov created the Basinny "Voron and Grapes" during the dawn of his biographical and creative maturity. This interesting and instructive fastener can be found and read in one of the nine fasteners of the famous Basinist, who each other appeared in his life.

As a basis for its poetic fables of the wings, she took the prosaic history of the ancient Greek poet Ezopa about the greenery and a disadvantage, which sees the bunch of grapes in the garden and tries to bother to them and eat. But, alas, there is nothing in a hurried fox. The Russian Basinople diversified the Esopovian instructive story with a slender syllable, acute humor, conciseness and the accuracy of the language.

lesson Basny

"Fox and grapes", like all the Basinie Krylov, teaches a lesson. The lesson of power, endurance, overcoming the laziness and desire for the goal. The main heroine of the Fox is devoid of these qualities. It will leave before difficulty, justifying its inconsistency and weakness by external reasons and circumstances. Himself, "red and good" she does not judge - the grapes are to blame: they say, he only at first glance is not bad, and in fact, immature, green. There is a special breed of people who are easier to blame in their troubles of others and their very life than try to correct the situation with perseverance, patience, hard work and desire. Our "Fox" is a brilliant example of such a nichkone rock.

Basnie "Fox and grapes" is easy to read and memorize. It does not have heavy syntactic structures that would be incomprehensible. Initially, the bass was intended for a wide range of readers and therefore her style is simple, easy and at the same time unique. The wings compares the juicy brushes with yahont, the eyes of the fox "broke out", and so expressions about the eye, the tooth and the oskomine became masterpieces in the phraseological world. And the wings-humor is a yapkin and remember. Okay, the eyes would be blocked, but here's the teeth ... everything becomes clear that the fox is hungry and dares from anticipation of tasty meals. The phrase "brushes is growing" is also curious. This means that grapes ripe, blushed. And here the antithesis - the berries is not mature. The fox is still as confirming the "young lady". The outdated word is not spoiled by the Bass, but makes it more popular.

Interestingly, the wings shows short-term efforts of the fox: after an hour of useless efforts, her patience is bursting, and we see the evil, annoyed unfortunate. Bass, of course, artistically and ideologically perfect. This is an example of talent, mind and love for the reader.

main characters

  • Fox
  • grapes - unattainable goal

Winged expressions that went from fable fox and grapes

Phrase "though sees an eye, yes tooth neutset" became a proverb

Listen to the basin of Ivan Krylova Fox and grapes

Reads Darius Love on Channel Kittakin

Publications of the section Literature

From Ezop to Krylov

In begot what plots and motifs are uniting the Basni Ezopa, Lafontaina and Ivan Krylov and how they are transformed on the way from ancient Greece through France to Russia.

How many times the world was told ...

Illustration to the basin of Ezopa "Fox and grapes"

Illustration to the Basna of Krylova "Fox and Grapes"

As Herodotus wrote, Esop was a slave who received freedom. Covering the vices of his Lord, he could not directly call them in the fables, therefore endowed their features of animals. With a figurative thinking, a sharp eye and no less acute language, Ezop created a fiction world, in which the wolves argue, foxes are summarized by philosophical explanations under their failures, and ants voiced by Moral. The authorship of Ezopa preserved a collection of 426 Basen in prose, which was studied in ancient schools, and the plots of its relevant, at all times the stories retells many Basinisians late eras. For example, Jean de Lafonten and Ivan Wings.

"The hungry fox passed into the garden and saw a juicy bunch of grapes on a high branch.
"This is not necessary for this!" She exclaimed, she fused and jumped once, the other, the third ... But everything is useless - it's not to get to the grapes.
"Oh, so I knew that he was still green!" "Fox snorted himself in an excuse and hung away."

Esop, "Fox and Grapes"

Lis-Gasconets, and perhaps Lis-Normands
Dying with hunger, suddenly saw over a gazebo
Grapes, such a common mature,
In ruddy skin!
Our courtesy would be glad to enjoy it,
Yes could not reach him
And said: "He is green -
Let them feed all the ramp! "
Well, isn't it better than celebrating to complain?

Jean de Lafonten, "Fox and Grapes"

Hungry Kuma Lisa climbed into the garden;
In it grapes brushes moved.
In the nail polish eyes and teeth flared;
And the brushes are juicy, like yahonts, burn;
Only that trouble, they hang high:
Roll and how it will go to them,
Though sees the eye,
Yes, tooth nemet.
Breaking through the hour of hour
I went and says with annoyance: "Well, well!
In appearance, he is good
Yes green - berries no mature:
Immediately OKOMIUM NIBE. "

Ivan Krylov, "Fox and Grapes"

If you believe that Ezop said ...

Jean de Lafontane allocated a new literary genre - Bass, - he borrowed from the antique authors, including Ezopa. In 1668, he released the Basni Ezopa, washed in verses of Mr. De Lafontiton. " In the bass, Lafontaine did not have an elevated morality: witty stories approved the need for a wise and imperturbative attitude to life. The favorite of the courtesy, who fell into disfavor to Louis XIV, he wrote Basni in favor of the patronage, the Duchess of Buyonskaya, and called his works of the "excellent stall comedy set on the world scene."

Carried ant dried for his threshold of grain,
Which he is in the winter stock since summer.
Hungry cicada came close
And asked not to die, stern.
"But what did you do, say, in the summer?"
"I, not lynching, all summer fears."
Fucking ant and bread hid:
"You sang in summer, so in the winter dances in Stuzh."
(Take care of more important about its benefits,
What the hell and femors to settle the soul.)

Esop, "Ant and Tsicada"

Tsicada sang in the summer
But summer flew away.
Borea Borea - poor
I had to be very hard here.
It remained without a piece:
Neither flies nor a worm.
She went with her husband's neighbor.
The neighbor, by the way, was the name of Moma ant.
And complaints about cicada asked to borrow
At least a bit of edible, even a crumb to live
Until solar and warm days when she,
Of course, I will pay my neighbor in full.
Before August, she was going to return the interest to her.
But the debt does not like Mamas ant love.
And this disadvantage, often in humans,
It was not one of the nice milf ant.
The staff of the poor staged interrogation:
- What did you do in the summer? Answer to a question.
- I sang in the afternoon and at night and did not want to sleep.
- Did you sing? Very cute. Now learn to dance.

Jean de Lafontiton, "Cicada and Ant"

Pumping dragonfly
Summer red lost;
Lookane did not have time
How winter rolls in the eye.
Dailed pure field;
There are no days of those bright more
How under each shelter she
Was ready and a table and a house.
Everything went: with winter cold
Need, hunger comes;
Dragonfly does not sing:
And to whom will go to the mind
On the stomach sing hungry!
Evil longing dedict
She crawls to ant:
"Do not leave me, cum sweet!
Give me to get together with force
And to the worldwide days
Proactors and heating! " -
"Kumushka, I'm strange it:
Did you work in the summer? "
Tells her ant.
"Before that, Blowjob was?
In soft mouisa we have
Songs, harefaction every hour,
So what turned head. " -
"And so you ..." - "I am without a soul
Summer whole sang. " -
"Have you sang everything? this business:
So look, babies!

Ivan Wings, "Dragonfly and Ant"

To make in short words of me ...

Jean-Batist Udri. Wolf and lamb. 1740s.

Alphonse Toad. Illustration to the Basna "Wolf and Lamb"

Illustration to the Basna "Wolf and Lamb"

"This is true of your genus, finally found it", "said Ivan Kryonov, the famous Basinople of his time Ivan Dmitriev said, after reading the first two translations of Lafontaine, made by the poet. The wings were a wizard of a simple and accurate language, was inclined to pessimism and irony - which was always reflected in his works. He carefully worked on the texts of the Basen, striving for the conciseness and sharpness of the narrative, and many wovel "wit" still remain cruise phrases.

Ivan Krylov became the classic of Russian literature during his lifetime, having glorifying not only Lafontaine transferences, but also his own original topical fables, which the poet responded to a variety of events in the country.

At the stream of a lamb with a wolf met,
Scorn with thirst. By the passage above - the wolf,
Lamb below. Torment low greed
The robber is looking for an occasion to a collision.
"Why, -on says, - water mud
Drink me spoil? " Kudrzesty in trepidation:
"Can I call such a complaint?
After all, water flows to me in the river. "
The wolf says powerless before the truth:
"But you scolded me, that six months."
And the one: "I was also not in the world." -
"So, it means that this father scolded me," -
And so cutting, it is unpaid it.
About people say here that
Innocence oppression, invented the reasons.

Esop, "Wolf and a lamb"

The progress of the strongest is always the best:
We will show it immediately:
Lamb quenched thirst
In the stream of pure wave;
There is a wolf on an empty stomach, looking for adventure,
Hunger him in these places invested.
"Where are you from such a brave to torment the water?"
- says this beast, full of rage
"You will be punished for your bravery."
- Sira, the lamb is responsible, let your majesty be angry;
But let him look,
But let him look,
That I'm quenching thirst
In stream
Twenty steps lower than your majesty;
And therefore in no way
I can't stir up your water.
- You mumble her, said the cruel beast,
- And I know that you have gone about me last year.
- How could I, because I was not born then?
- said Yagnenok, - I still drink Mother's milk.
- If not you, then your brother.
- I do not have a brother.
- So someone from yours.
You do not touch me at all
You, your shepherds and your dogs.
I was so told: I need to take revenge.

After that, deep into the forests
The wolf takes it, and then eats
Without any ceremonies.

Jean de Lafonten, "Wolf and a lamb"

Strong always powerless to blame:
In history, we are in the history of the example of examples,
But we do not write stories;
But about how in the bass they say.
A lamb on a hot day went to the creek drunk;
And it's necessary to happen,
That near those places hungry spit wolf.
A lamb sees, he seeks to prey;
But, the case to give although the legal appearance and sense,
Screams: "How dare you, the pinch, an unclean figure
Here clean torture drink
With sand and with sludge?
For keenness of this
I have a head with you. " -
"When the light wolf will allow
I dare I convey that below in the stream
From the lightness of his steps I am a hundred pugh;
And it will be angry in vain.
I can not torment him in any way. " -
"So I lngu!

Waste! Slaughter of such keenness in the light!
Yes, I remember that you are still in the requested summer
I somehow gasped here:
I'm this, buddy, did not forget! " -
"Homes, I also have no one year old," -
The lamb says. "So it was your brother." -
"There are no brothers." - "TAK is Kum Ile Svat
And, in a word, someone from your own family.
You yourself, your dogs and your shepherds,
You all want me want
And, if you can, then I always lose
But I am with you for their sins. " -
"Oh, I'm guilty?" - "Silence! I'm tired of listening,
Leisure I disassemble your guilt, puppy!
You are to blame for what I want to eat. " -
He said in the dark forest of the lamb.

Ivan Krylov, "Wolf and Lamb"

? T.s will find out in this bascle of the Willow story told by Ezopom?
Re-read the fables of Ezopa, and then the fan of Krylov. What fastener you are more interesting to read: written by prose or verses? Which of the fable helps you better imagine grape brushes? And the appearance of the fox and its behavior? Where are the expressive speech of the fox?

The same story is told in the bass. In the basin of Ezopa, the narrative is very short, only the statement of the facts: we learn that the fox saw the "grape vine with hanging clusters," "I wanted to get to them, but I could not." From the text of Krylov, you can imagine how mature and juicy was grapes ("Vintage brushes", "juicy brushes, like yahonts burn"). The wings describes the fox reaction to ripe grapes ("the grooves of the eye and teeth flared up") and how she tries to get grapes ("illegally and how she won't go to them", "breaking through the hour's hour") and her disappointment ("went And he says with annoyance ... "). In the Basna, Ezopa Lisitsa speaks about berries that could not get it: "They are still green." In the Krylov Fox Basna talks about grapes more and expressive: "Well, well! In appearance, he is good, yes green - there is no mature berry. " She even describes the taste sensations from sour, immature grapes ("immediately mischievous"), as if persuading himself to give up attempts to try it.

? Find the proverb in the text of the Basni Krylov.
Can she serve morality? Return to Basna Ezopa "Fox and Grapes". Does Moral Basni Ezopa apply to the Basna I. Krylov?

In the text of Basni Krylov there is a proverb: "Sees an eye, yes tooth neuts." The meaning of this proverb is that sometimes a person falls into such a situation when the goal is close, but it cannot achieve it for various reasons.
Moral Basni Ezopa in meaning, of course, applies to the Basna of Krylov. But you can draw attention to the tone, which are told both fables. Esop, telling about the fox, is extremely serious and makes a very serious moral conclusion from his Basni. The wings tells the same story witty and jokingly, calls the fox to Kuma, then a naughty, creates an atmosphere of live speaking speech, putting in the mouth of a whole everyday reasoning. Therefore, such a serious morality, as in the basin of Ezop, is not at all corresponding to the tone of the narrative of the Krylov.

? Is it possible to consider a still history of the story about the fox and grapes?

Of course, the story about fox and grapes can be considered a stray story.

? Consider the illustration of Valentine Serov to this bass.

What details say that the fox is in the garden near human housing? Cide the Figurine and Fox Fork. How can I understand that grapes hanging very high? Does the pose of the Liser understand that she is trying to get to the grapes from different sides?

The artist's finest lines outlines the contour of the house, and also, apparently, the wheelbarrow and some kind of tools for working in the garden: the atmosphere of the intimacy of human housing is created and, it means dangers for the fox. The body of the fox is curved: it is not just standing on the hind legs, she slightly leaned back and at the same time pulled out and slightly tilted a muzzle to see the hanging high grapes. One front paw of a fox is resting in the trunk of a tree, and the other - dogs lowered. The expressions of the face are not visible, only a slightly guessed annoying Grimask, but the pose is so expressive that we understand: the fox is disappointed, now it will go down to the front paws and run to the forest.

? And you understood (a) that laughter happens different? What laugh expect to cause you the authors of the Basen?

Today is tireless evahist. sent me a curious link:\u003d0
This is a small album "Here again window ..." User nadin-Br. on Yandex-pictures. Dedicated to the album of platbands and modern house threads of the Belarusian town of Dobrush. It is worth seeing all, and here I only place one photo:

The platband is very young, the year of manufacture is indicated on it itself - 1982.
I am pleased to notify that there are zoomorphic motives, I was a lot that our favorite Dragon Drains turned into this platband in quite naturally depicted foxes. Lonyry are very good!
But where are they so carefully watching? Ba-ah! Why on grapes! In fact, the traditional form of "ears" of this platband ends with clusters of grapes. So in the classic formats of the platband, an illustration was created to Basna I.A. Krylova (and to him - Ezopa) "Fox and grapes".

Fox and grapes
Hungry Kuma Lisa climbed into the garden,
In it grapes brushes moved.
In the nail polish eyes and teeth flared;
And juicy brushes like yahonts are lit;
Only that trouble, they hang high:
Roll and how it will go to them,
Though sees the eye,
Yes, tooth nemet.
Breaking through the hour of hour
I went and says with the annoyance: "Well, well!
In appearance, he is good
Yes green - berries no mature:
Immediately set up. "

Thank you, nadin-Br. !