Training to read the Koran. Secrets of self-study of Arabic

Studying Sur from the Quran - an indispensable condition for a person starting to perform Namaz. Moreover, it is important to pronounce Suras as clearly and right. But how to do it, if a person does not own Arabic? In this case, special videos created by professionals will learn to learn.

On our site you can listen, watch and read all the suses from the Quran. You can download a sacred book, you can read it online. It should be noted that a series of Ayatov and Sur are particularly interested in brothers to explore. For example, Al-Kursy.

Many of the presented Sur are suras for namaz. For the convenience of beginners, we attach the following materials to each sura:

  • transcription;
  • semantic translation;
  • description.

If you think that the article lacks some kind of sura or ayata, report this in the comments.



One of the key Sur Koran, which you need to know every Muslim. To explore, you can use all the techniques: reading, video, audio and so on.


  1. Ḳul-a'uuzu-Brabbin-Naaas
  2. malinkin-Naaas
  3. ilyaihin-Naaas.
  4. minn-Sharryl-Vavawaasil-Hannaas
  5. allasia-yuvasvisu-Fii-Ṣyudurin-Naahas
  6. minal-Jean-Nati-Wan Naahas

Semantic translation of Surya An-us (people) into Russian:

  1. Say: "I resort to the defense of the Lord people,
  2. King people
  3. God of people
  4. from the evil of the tempter of the disappearing when the remembrance of Allah,
  5. which teaches in the chest of people
  6. from jinn and people

Description of Surya An-us

Suras from the Quran are sent to this mankind. From Arabic, the word "en-us" translates as "people." The Almighty sent Suru in Mecca, it contains 6 ayats. The Lord appeals to the Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah) demanding always to resort to his help, look only for Allah protection from evil. Under the "evil" implies not so much sorrow, which accompany the earthly path of people, how many imperceptible evil, which we do ourselves, going on our own passions, desires, whim. The Almighty calls this evil "evil Shaitan": human passions are a Jeans-a tempter who is constantly trying to knock down a man from the righteous road. Shaitan disappears only at the mention of Allah: Therefore, it is so important to read regularly.

It must be remembered that the Shaitan uses for the deception of people those vices that are hidden in them themselves, to which they often seek throughout the soul. Only the appeal to the Almighty can save a person from evil living in himself.

Video to memorize Sury An-us

Sura al-Falac

When it comes to short Suras from the Quran, I immediately remember very often readable Sura "al-Falac", incredibly powerful both in the sense and in an ethical sense. Translated from the Arab Al-Falak means "dawn", which is already talking about very much.

Surya al-Falac transcription:

  1. Ḳul-a'uzu Brabbil-Falaḳ
  2. minn-Sharry-Maaa-Halyaḳ
  3. va-Minn-Sharry-G̣aasiḳyn-Flying Vaḳa
  4. va-Minn-Sharrin-Naffaasatifil
  5. va-Minn-Sharry-Ḥaasidin-Iza-Ḥhasad

Semantic translation of Sury Al-Falac (dawn):

  1. Say: "I resort to the protection of the Lord Dawn
  2. from the evil what he created
  3. from evil gloom when he comes
  4. from the evil of the sorcerer, which blowed on the nodes,
  5. from evil evorter when he envies. "

You can watch a video that will help to learn Sura, understand how to pronounce it correctly.

Description Sury Al-Falac

Suru "Dawn" Allah sent a prophet in Mecca. Prayer contains 5 ayata. Most High, turning to his prophet (peace to him), demands from him and all his followers, always seek salvation and protection from the Lord. A person will find salvation from all the creations capable of making evil from Allah. "Evil Mraka" is an important epithet, which means that concern, fear and loneliness, which are experienced at night: such a state is familiar to everyone. Sura "Dawn", in schu Allah, protects a person from the science of Shaitanov, seeking to sow hatred between people, to break the relatives and friendly connections, to impose envy in their souls. Prayer, in schA Allah will save from the wicker who lost the grace of Allah because of his spiritual weakness, and now seeks to imagine in the bunch of sin and other people.

Video to memorize Sury Al Faik

Watch the video with transcription and the correct pronunciation with Mishari Rashid for learning to read 113 Sura Al Falak.

Sura Al-Ihlas

Very short, simple for memorization, but, at the same time, an extremely effective and useful sura. To listen to Al-Ihlas in Arabic, you can use video or mp3. The word "al-iahlas" translated from Arabic means "sincerity". Sura - sincere recognition in love and devotion to Allah.

Transcription (phonetic sound of Sura in Russian):


  1. Kul Hu Allahu Ahad.
  2. Allah S-Samad.
  3. Lyam Yyalid Vaj Yulad
  4. Valya Yiakullyah Cufuan Akhad.

Semantic transformation into Russian:

  1. Say: "He is Allah one,
  2. Allah self-sufficient.
  3. He did not give birth and was not born,
  4. and there is no one equal to Him. "

Description of al-Ihlas Sura

Suru "sincerity" Allah sent the prophet in Mecca. Al-Ihlas contains 4 ayata. Muhammad told his disciples that somehow, since he was asked him about his attitude towards the Most High. The answer was Sura Al-Ihlas, which contains a statement that Allah is self-sufficient, that he is one and only in his perfection that he was always, and there is no equal to him for strength.

With demand to tell them about His God, the Gentiles who professed polybim are treated to the Prophet (peace). Literal translation of the question they used: "What is your Lord made from?". For paganism, the material understanding of God was common: they created idols from wood and metal, worshiped animals and plants. Muhammad's response (Sallalylah 'Aleihi Ua Sallaum) so shook the pagans that they abandoned the old faith and recognized Allah.

Many Hadiths indicate the advantages of Al-Ihlas. Within one article, it is impossible to name all the advantages of Sura, so many of them. We only give the most important:

In one Hadith, it was said that Muhammad (Sallalylah 'Aleihi Ua Salimam) turned to people with the following question: "Does each of you are not able to read a third of the Quran over the night?". The townspeople were amazed and asked as such possible. The Prophet replied: "Read the Sura Al-Ihlas! It equals the third of the Quran. " This Hadith says that in Sura "sincerity" is concentrated so much wisdom as not to find in any other text. But not one meditation person is 100% sure that this is how the word in the word said that the Prophet said so, peace, even if it is Hadith (the word "Hadith" from the Arabic language translates "story") good in meaning, because if he (peace He) so did not say, then it will bring and lie to the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah).

It is important to know: all these Hadiths may not be reliable. Hadiths necessarily need to look at their correspondence with the Koran. If the Hadith is contrary to the Qur'an, then he must be discarded, even if he somehow managed to shove into collections of reliable Hadiths.

Another Hadith retells to us the words of the Prophet: "If the believer every day is fifty times it is, then on the day of the resurrection over his grave, the voice will be heard over:" Stand up, about praising Allah, enter the paradise! ". In addition, the Messenger said: "If a person read a hundred times the Sura" al-Ihlas ", then the Almighty Allah will forgive him the sins of four types: the sin of bloodshed, the sin of the complaint and the accumulation, the sin of debauchery and sin Use alcohol. " Sura's pronouncement is the work that a person commits for the sake of Allah. If this work is performed with diligence, the Most High will definitely rewards the prayer.

The Hadiths repeatedly indicate a reward that the "sincerity" sura is obtained. Remuneration is proportional to the number of prayer readings spent on this time. In one of the most famous Hadiths, the words of the Messenger, demonstrating all the incredible importance of Al-Ihlas, are given: "If anyone read the Sura" al-Ihlas "once, then the grace of the Most High will be autonomed. Who will read it twice, then under the Senya grace, he himself and his whole family will be. If someone read it three times, then the grace of more thanks will receive himself, his family and his neighbors. Even who will read it twelve times, Allah grants twelve palaces in paradise. Who will read it twenty times, that [in the day day] will go with the prophets together like this (uttering these words, the Prophet joined and raised up the middle and index fingers) to the one who read it a hundred times, the Most High forgive all his pregnursions of twenty-five In addition to the sin of bloodshed and sin of non-return of debt. Who will read it two hundred times, the sins of fifty years will be forgiven. Even who will read this Sura of Four hundred times, will get a remuneration, equal to the award of the four hundred chashids, who shed blood and whose horses were injured in battles. Who will read the Sura "al-Ihlas" a thousand times, he would not die without seeing his place in paradise, or until he shows him. "

Another Hadith contains a kind of recommendation for people going to the path or already on the road. Travelers are indicated eleven times to read Al-Ihlas, grabbing both hands for the door shoals of their house. If you do this, then a person will be protected on the way from the Shaitans, their negative impact and attempts to instill fear and the insecurity of the traveler. In addition, the pronunciation of Sura "sincerity" is a guarantee of a safe return on the expensive heart of the place.

It is important to know: no surah in itself can help a person who can help a person can only Allah and believers relieves him! And many Hadiths seem to contradict the Koran - the direct speech of Allah himself!

There is another option to read the al-Ihlas sura - in conjunction with Al-us and Al-Falac. Each prayer is pronounced three times. Reading the three of these Sur is protection against evil forces. As the prayer is pronouncing, it is necessary to blow the person we want to protect. Sura is especially useful for children. If the baby cries, shouts, sucks with legs, there are signs of the evil eye, - Be sure to try Al-Mylas, Al-U us and Al-Falc. The effect will be stronger if you read the suras before bedtime.

Sura Aliah: video for memorization

Koran. Sura 112. Al-Ihlas (cleansing faith, sincerity).

Sura Yasin

The greatest Sura is Korana - Yasin. This sacred text should be leracing Muslims. To simplify the memorization, you can use audio recordings or video. Sura is large enough, it contains 83 ayata.

Semantic translation:

  1. Ya. Syn.
  2. I swear to the wise quran!
  3. Truly, you are one of the messengers
  4. on the straight path.
  5. He sent a powerful, merciful,
  6. so that you warned people whose fathers no one warned, because of which they remained careless ignorant.
  7. Regarding most of them the word came true, and they would not believe.
  8. Truly, we put on their necks of the shackles to the chin itself, and their heads are damped.
  9. We set the barrier to them and the barrier behind them and covered them with a covering, and they do not see.
  10. They don't care, you warned them or warned them. They do not believe.
  11. You can warn only the one who followed the reminder and frightened mercifully, without seeing him to sort. Let's give him message about forgiveness and generous award.
  12. Truly, we revive the dead and write down what they did, and what they left behind. Every thing we counted in a clear guide (stored talked).
  13. As a parable, bring them the serenities of the village, to which the envoys were.
  14. When we sent two messengers to them, they found them with liars, and then we reinforced them third. They said: "Truly, we are sent to you."
  15. They said: "You are the same people as we. The merciful did not leave anything, and you just lie. "
  16. They said: "Our Lord knows that we are really sent to you.
  17. We are only entrusted with a clear revelation transfer. "
  18. They said: "Truly, we saw a bad omen in you. If you do not stop, then we will definitely beat you with stones and you will touch you the painful sufferings from us. "
  19. They said: "Your bad omen will turn against you. Are you warned if you consider it a bad omen? Oh no! You are people who have swallowed the boundaries of the pervolored! "
  20. A man came from the outskirts of the city and said: "Oh my people! Follow the messengers.
  21. Follow those who do not ask you for awards and follows directly.
  22. And why should I not worship the one who created me and to whom will you be returned?
  23. Do I really worship other gods besides him? After all, if merciful wishes to hurt me, their intercession will not help me, and they will not save me.
  24. That's then I will be in obvious delusion.
  25. Truly, I believed in your Lord. Listen to me. "
  26. He was said: "Enter paradise!" He said: "Oh, if my people knew,
  27. for what my Lord forgave me (or that my Lord forgave me) And that he made me one of the revered! "
  28. After him, we did not send any troops from the sky to His people and were not going to send.
  29. There was only one voice, and they roamed.
  30. About grief slaves! Not a single messenger came to them, over which they would not be mock.
  31. Do they not see how many generations we killed before them and that they would not return to them?
  32. Truly, they all will be collected from us.
  33. The sign for them is the dead ground, which we revived and removed the grain from it, which they feed.
  34. We created gardens from palm trees and grapes on it and forced the sources in them,
  35. so that they fell their fruit and what they have created with their own hands (or so that they fell the fruits that they did not create their own hands). Will they not be grateful?
  36. Prech is the one who created couples to grow, their themselves and what they do not know.
  37. The sign for them is the night that we separate by day, and now they are immersed in darkness.
  38. The sun sails to its location. This is the preset of a powerful, knowledgeable.
  39. We predetermined for the position of the position until it again becomes similar to the old palm branch.
  40. The sun does not appreciate the moon, and the night is not ahead of the day. Everyone floats in orbit.
  41. The sign for them is that we suffered their offspring in a crowded ark.
  42. We created for them by his likeness what they sit down.
  43. If we wish, they sweep them, and then no one will save them, and they themselves will not be saved,
  44. if only we do not have mercy and do not allow them to use the benefits to a certain time.
  45. When they say: "Fear what is before you, and that after you, so that you are pardon," they do not answer.
  46. Whatever sign from the signs of their Lord was to them, they certainly turn away from him.
  47. When they say: "Consider from what Allah got you," the unbelievers say believers: "Do we really feed the one who would feed Allah if I wanted? Truly, you are only in obvious misconception. "
  48. They say: "When will this promise come true if you tell the truth?"
  49. They have nothing to expect, besides alone only, which will amaze them when they are rebuilding.
  50. They will not be able to leave the testament, nor back to their families.
  51. True in the horn, and here they rush to their Lord from the graves.
  52. They will say: "About the grief to us! Who raised us from the place where we slept? " This is what graciously promised, and the envoys said the truth. "
  53. There will be only one voice, and they all will be collected from us.
  54. Today, not a single soul will be caused by any injustice, and you will only be given for what you have committed.
  55. Truly, the inhabitants of Paradise today will be engaged in pleasure.
  56. They and their spouses will lie in the shadows on the lips, leaning against.
  57. There are fruits for them and everything they will require.
  58. The merciful Lord welcomes them in the word: "Peace!"
  59. Separate today, about sinners!
  60. Didn't I bequeathed you, about the sons of Adam, do not worship Satan, who is your obvious enemy,
  61. and to worship me? It is a direct path.
  62. He has already misleading many of you. Do you really do not understand?
  63. Here is Geenna, who was promised to you.
  64. Light in it today for the fact that you have not believed. "
  65. Today we seal their mouth. Their hands will talk to us, and their legs will indicate that they acquired.
  66. If we wish, then by their vision, and then they will rush to the way. But how will they see?
  67. If we wish, they will disfigure them in their places, and then they will not be able to move forward or return.
  68. To the one we give a long life, we give the opposite appearance. Are they not meaning?
  69. We did not teach him (Muhammad) of poetry, and does not like it. This is nothing more than a reminder and a clear quaran,
  70. so that he warned those who are alive, and to come true the word regarding unbelievers.
  71. Are they not seeing that of what our hands did (we ourselves), we created a cattle for them, and what do they own them?
  72. We made it subject to them. On one of them, they are riding, and others eat.
  73. They bring them benefit and drink. Will they not be grateful?
  74. But they worship instead of Allah to other gods in the hope that they will have help.
  75. They can not help them, although they are for them the finished army (pagans are ready to fight for their idols, or idols will be in the last life of a ready-made tag against pagans).
  76. Let their speeches do not press you. We know what they hide, and what they find.
  77. Does a person do not see that we made it from a drop? And so it is openly reverent!
  78. He brought us a parable and forgot about his creation. He said: "Who will revive the bones that they have elapsed?"
  79. Say: "The one who created them will be revived for the first time. He knows about every creation. "
  80. He created for you fire from a green tree, and now you incite fire from it.
  81. Is the one who created heaven and land is not able to create like it? Of course, because he is a creator who knows.
  82. When he wishes something, it is worth it to say: "Be!" - How it comes true.
  83. Prechisto, in whose hand the power over anything! You will be returned to him.

Suru Yasin Allah sent Muhammad (peace to him) in Mecca. In this text, the Most High informed the Prophet (Sallalylah 'Aleihi Ua Sallam) that he is the Messenger of the Lord, and his task since the revelation becomes enlightened, training the admonition of the people who labby in the Puchin of Multimit. In Sure, it is also said about those who dare to disobey the instructions of Allah, who refuses to accept the Messenger - these unfortunate is waiting for the harsh punishment and universal censure.

Sura Yasin: video with transcription for memorizing

The greatest Ayat in Islam. Each believer needs to carefully memorize it and pronounce in accordance with the instructions of the prophet.

Transcription in Russian:

  • Allahu Lyaya Ilyajee Illya Huval-Khayul-Kaiyuum, Lyaya Ta - Huzuha Sinatow-Valyaa Navmal, Lyakhumafis-Samaavata Vamaaifi ARD, Maine Liazia
  • yashfya'u 'Induha Illya Biya, Ya'lyam Maa Baine Aydichim Va Maa Hallfachum Vaia Yuhiitune bi Sheiim-min' Ilmihi Illya Baa Sha'a
  • vasi's Kurizyuhu of Camaavati Val-Ard, Vaia Yayuduha Hifzuhamaaa Va Huval-'Aliyul-'AZim.

Semantic translation:

"Allah (God, Lord) ... There is no God, besides him, forever living, existing. He will not be comprehended not a dream nor a denm. He belongs to everything in heaven and on earth. Who will stand before him, otherwise, like him, he was led by what was, and what will happen. No one is able to comprehend and the particles from his knowledge, except for his will. Heaven and the Earth is a volume of courses (great throne), and does not bother his concern about them [all that is in our galactic system]. He is the Almighty [in all the characteristics above all and all], the great [His greatness has no boundaries]! " (See, Sv.Kran, Sura "Al-Bakara", Ayat 255 (2: 255)).

Al-Kursy Ayat is part of Sura Al-bakara (translated from Arabic - cow). In the account in Sura Ayat 255th. It should be immediately said that many prominent theologians believe that Al-Cryry is a separate surah, and not Ayat. Be that as it may, but the messenger stated that Ayat is key in the Quran, it contains the most important statement allocating Islam among other religions - dogmat about monotheism. In addition, there are evidence of the magnitude and limitless essence of the Lord in Ayat. In this sacred text, Allah named "" ISMU "AZAM "- this name is considered the most worthy name of God.

Training video for the proper pronunciation of Ayat Al Kursy

It is important to know: I should not read the Quran loudly on the sneaking, and even more so compete in this - atoms while listening to such melodies in the trance and you will not understand the most important thing - the meaning that Allah has conveyed to Humanity to comply with the Koran and thinking over Himat.

Sura al-bakhar

- The second and most voluminous in the Quran. The sacred text contains 286 ayata, which reveal the essence of religion itself. Sura contains the teachings of Allah, the instruction of Lord Muslims, a description of how they should behave in various situations. In general, it can be said that the Sura "al-bakara" is the text that regulates the entire life of a believer person. The document says practically about everything: about revenge, about the distribution of the inheritance between the relatives of the deceased, the use of alcoholic beverages, about the game of cards and bones. Much attention is paid to issues of marriage and divorce, trading side of life, relations with debtors.

From Arabic Al-Bakara translates as a "cow". This name is associated with the parable, which is given in Sura. In the parable, it is told about the Israeli cow and Musa, peace to him. In addition, the text contains many stories about the life of the prophet and its followers. In Al-bakara, it is directly said that the Koran is a guide in the life of Muslim, which is given to him by Most High. In addition, in Sura, there is a mention of believers who received favor from Allah, as well as those who warm up the Most High disobedience and a tendency to disbelief.

Recall the words of the Great Prophet (and bless him Allah and welcomes): "Do not turn your homes in the grave. Shaitan runs from the house where Sura Al Bakara is read. " This is an exceptionally high assessment of the Sura "Cow" allows you to consider it the most important in the Quran. The great importance of Sura emphasizes the other Hadith: "Read the Quran, because on the day of the resurrection he will come and will interfere with his. Read the two blooming suras - Sura "al-bakhar" and "Ali Imran", because on the day of the resurrection they will be, as if two clouds or two flocks of birds, lined up, and will be buried for their own. Read the Sura Al-Bakara, because in it - grace and abundance, and without it - sadness and annoyance, and the sorcerers can not cope with it. "

In SURA Al-Bakara, the main points are considered the last 2nd Ayata:

  • 285. The Messenger and believers believed that he was sent to him from the Lord. They all believed in Allah, his angels, his Scriptures and his envoy. They say: "We do not distinguish between his envoys." They say: "We listen and obey! We ask your forgiveness, our Lord, and you have to arrive. "
  • 286. Allah does not impose on a person over its capabilities. He will get what he acquired, and against him will be what he acquired. Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forgot or mistaken. Our Lord! Do not assign the burden on us that you laid on our predecessors. Our Lord! Do not burden us that we are not under power. Be indulgent to us! Forgive us and nice! You are our patron. Help me to win over unbelievers.

In addition, al-Kursi is contained in Sura, which we have given above. The great meaning and the incredible importance of Al-Kursi was repeatedly emphasized by the leading theologians in the famous Hadiths. Messenger of Allah, peace to him, calls on Muslims to read these ayats, teach them, teach them members of their families, wives and children. After all, the last two Ayat Al-Bakara and Al-Kursi are the direct appeal to the Almighty.

Video: Reader Koran Mishari Rashid reads Sura al-bakara

Listen to Sura Al Bakar on video. Chetch Mishari Rashid. The video displays the semantic translation of the text.

Sura al-Fatiha

Sura al-Fatiha, transcription

Al-Fatih transcription.

Bisimyl-Lyayahi Rhrahmani RRAHIM.

  1. Al-Hamdu Lil-Lyayah Rabbil-'Aalimine.
  2. Ar-Rahmaani RRAHIM.
  3. Mialyliki Yaumid Diein.
  4. Jiyayayaka Nasta'in Wayayyaka Nasta'in.
  5. Iddina Svharmatal-Mustache.
  6. Sawyatol-Lyazine An'amta 'Alyaikhim, Gairil-Magdubby' Alyaikhim Va Lyad-Moodlyin. Amine

The semantic translation of Sury Al Fatiha in Russian:

  • 1: 1 in the name of Allah, gracious, merciful!
  • 1: 2 praise Allah, Lord of Worlds,
  • 1: 3 gracious, merciful,
  • 1: 4 Lord of the Day of Radiation!
  • 1: 5 You worship you alone and you are one pray for help.
  • 1: 6 lead us directly
  • 1: 7 by those whom you have enforced, not those who fell anger, and not lost.

Interesting facts about Sura Al-Fatiha

Undoubtedly, Sura Al-Fatiha is the greatest Surahi Koran. This is confirmed by the epithets that it is customary to denote this unique text: "opening a book", "Mother of the Quran", etc. The Messenger (may Allah bless him and welcomes!) Repeatedly pointed to the most important and value of this sura. For example, the Prophet said the following: "Who did not read the opening book (that is, the Sura" al-Fatiha "), he did not commit a prayer." In addition, it also owns such words: "Who makes a prayer, without reading the opening book in it, it is not full, not full, not complete, not finished." In this Hadith, special attention is drawn to a triple repeat word "not full". The Prophet designed a phrase in such a way as to increase the impact on the listener, emphasize that without reading al-Fatiha, the prayer may not reach the Most High.

Each Muslim should know that the Al-Fatiha Sura is an indispensable element of Namaz. The text perfectly deserves the honor to be in front of any suice of the Quran. Al-Fatiha is the most readable surah in the Islamic world, Ayati from it is pronounced constantly in each of the Rakates.

One of the Hadith argues that the Almighty will reward the reading Sura Al-Fatiha to the same extent as the person who read 2/3 of the Quran. Another Hadith leads the words of the Prophet (may Allah bless it and welcomes!): "I got 4 things from special treasures' Arsha (throne), of which no one ever received anything. This is the Sura "Fatiha", "Ayatul Kursy", the last Ayati Sura "Bakara" and Sura "Kausar". The tremendous meaning of the al-Fatiha sera emphasizes the following Hadith: "Four times I had to grieve, cry and tear my hair: the first thing when he was cursed, the second, when he was driven from heaven to Earth, the third, when the Prophet (Salalylah ' Aleihi UA Salimam) received a prophecy, the fourth, when the Sura "Fatiha" persisted. "

"Muslim Sharif" contains one very demonitive Hadith, in which the words of the Great Prophet (may Allah bless it and present ":" Today, one of the doors of Heaven, which previously never opened, was opened. And one Angel came out of her, which was never before I descended. And the angel said: "Get the good news of two nouras, who never before you were given to anyone. One - Sura" Fatiha ", and the second is the end of Sura," Bakara (last three years). "

What makes attention in this Hadith in the first place? Of course, the fact that Suras "Fatiha" and "Bakara" are named in it "Noours." Translated from Arabic this word means "light". On the Judgment Day, when Allah will judge people for their earthly path, read Suras will become light, which will pay attention to the attitude of the Most High and will allow him to separate the righteous from sinners.

Al-Fatiha is "ISS A'ZAM", that is, the text to be read at any situation. Even in ancient times, doctors noticed that the surais written in the bottom of porcelain utensils makes water exclusively healing. The patient needs to be watering for 40 days. A month later, he will feel relieved if God gave. To improve the condition for dental, headaches, threads in the stomach, suver must be read exactly 7 times.

Training video from Mishari Rashid: Reading Sura Al-Fatiha

Watch the video from Mishari Rashid to memorize Sury Al Fatiha with the right pronunciation.

Peace to you, mercy and blessing of the Most High Allah

And remind, for the reminder benefits believers. (Koran, 51:55)

In the Quran and Sunna, there are quite a few texts that encourage the memorization of the Quran by heart, explains the superiority of the experts of the Scriptures of Allah over the rest of believers, indicate the advantages of the student Koran and the trainees of others. Allah Almighty facilitates the memorization of his Scripture for those who sincerely seek this for his satisfaction and in the hope of getting his award: " We facilitated the Quran to remember. But is there any memories?"(Sura 54" al-Kamamar \u003d Moon ", Ayat 17).

Following the instructions of the Koran and Sunna, the associates of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah, memorized the Quran by heart and fell respectfully to the connoisseurs of the Quran. Many associates, their followers and Islamic scientists have dedicated their lives to the study and dissemination of the book of Allah. They passed the traditions of reading the Koran from the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah, cared for the preservation of the chain of transmitters, ascending to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah, taught Muslims to read the Quran Rules ( tajvid). Thanks to the help of the Most High Allah, and then the efforts of the Imams of the Muslim Umma, the reading of the Quran and the training turned into a continuous tradition, which will continue until the last Scripture disappears on earth shortly before the Day.

In special literature, various methods of memorizing the Quran, taking into account psychological, physiological, social and other factors. The purpose of this article is not to consider these factors, but to facilitate Russian-speaking Muslims to memorize the Quran at home. In addition, it will be discussed precisely about the process of memorizing the Quran, and not about teaching Tajvid's subtleties, since the work of speech bodies for each person is individual and requires the correction of an experienced teacher who is an expert on the rules of reading the Quran.

For the right organization of the process of memorizing the Quran, which requires perseverance, patience and constancy, Islamic scientists have developed a memory development system based on Muslim tradition and the centuries-old experience of the connoisseurs of the Quran. As you know, the associates of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah, memorized five or ten Ayatov and did not proceed to memorize the following ayata, until they had acquired knowledge gained. Fixing the learned agents in memory can be summarized as follows:
1 - frequent repetition of Ayatov
2 - reading by heart
3 - understanding the semantic values \u200b\u200bof the Ayatov
4 - familiarization with the interpretation of Ayatov (Tafsir)
5 - Performance of the prescriptions contained in

In accordance with this methodology and, taking into account the resources available for Russian-speaking Muslims, it is advisable to propose the following process of memorizing and repetition of the Quran:

1. Arabic alphabet.

Almighty Allah repeatedly indicates in the Quran that he was not sent on the "clear Arabic language." Therefore, any believer who wants to learn the Qur'an must know the Arabic alphabet and be able to read in Arabic. As noted by specialists, a person who has average training abilities can learn the letters of the Arab alphabet in one week, and learn to read in one month.
At home I recommend learn to the Arab alphabet for Ilnur Sarbulatov, which are called "Arabic alphabet with" zero "

I want to emphasize that many Russian-speaking Muslims make a gross mistake, memorizing the Quran on transcription (Arabic words are written by Cyrillic or Latin). It is unacceptable because the reading on transcription violates the pronunciation of the Quran and changes the meaning of his Ayatov. For example, in Arabic there is a solid consonant sound [K] and a soft consonant sound [K]. The Arab word "Calb" when writing with a solid consonant sound [to] means "heart", and with a soft consonant sound [K] - "Dog". Now imagine a person who reads the Ayata, in which these words are mentioned, on transcription, pronouncing the word "dog" instead of the word "heart" and vice versa! Therefore, I urge all the units to make efforts and learn to read in Arabic, especially since you will feel the special sweetness of faith, when you teach the Ayat directly from the Quran.

2. Usage Ayatov Koran

The main method of memorizing the Quran is a frequent repetition of his ayatov. There are different ways of memorizing, which depend on the individual characteristics of the person. Some believers are taught at one by one, others are reading five ayata at once, and then repeat them, others read a whole page first, and then repeat it. It is necessary to choose the way that is the easiest to humans.
I recommend learning the Ayat in the following sequence:
1. Select the Sura that you want to learn. As a rule, it is better to start learning from short seur at the end of the Quran.
2. Carefully listen to the reading of the selected ayata.
For this purpose, I recommend listening to the recording "Sheikh Ceran Ceran" of our time, Mahmouda Khalil Al-Husari, yes, hurts his Allah, reading the simplicity, clarity of diction and the correctness of pronunciation. Moreover, there is a special recording of the Koran, which is a teaching aid for those who began to memorize the book of Allah.
3. Read the translation of the memorable ayata.
I recommend the semantic translation made by our respected brother Elmir Kuliev.
4. Familiarize yourself with the interpretation of memorable Ayatov.
I recommend the three-volume taffsire "relief from generous and gracious" Abdurrahman Az-Saadi.
5. After you learned part of the Ayatov or the entire Sura, go back to the record of Mahmoud Khalil Al-Husari.

In a pause between Ayatami or inside Ayat, try to read the learned fragment of the Quran.
For example, 112 Sura "al-Ihlas \u003d Cleansing faith."
You: Bismi Llylah R-Rakhmani Rhaim (pause in record)
al-Husari.: Bismi Llya R-Rakhmani Rhaim
You: Kul Huva-Llakh Akhad (pause in record)
al-Husari.: Kul Huva-Llakh Akhad
You: Allahu Smamad (pause in record)
al-Husari.: Allahu Smamad
You: Lyam Jalid Waam Yullad (pause in record)
al-Husari.: Lyam Jalid Waam Yullad
You: Waam Yakul-Lyau Cufuan Ahad (pause in record)
al-Husari.: Waam Yakul-Lyahu Coonan Ahad

This method is very useful and effective to strengthen the memorization of the Quran ( hIFZ). At the initial stage, it is recommended to memorize three or four short ayata daily, and then connect everything learned together, repeating the learned fragment repeating. It is important to finally consolidate the learned ayata and do not start exploring the new fragment until the previous one is learned. Over time, it is recommended to increase the amount of text memorable until it reaches the maximum number of rows that the student is able to remember at a time.

3. Repetition of the Koran Ayata in Namazakh.

It is necessary to precipitate and regularly repeat the learned Ayata Koran. In addition to the daily reading of the Quran (this will be discussed further) in an effective way to read the learned Ayatov and Sur in Namazakh.
An outstanding scientist and an expert of Hadith Abu Al-Hasan As-Cindy in his comments to the collection "Sunan An-Nasai" writes: "Sometimes Imam should read [in Namazakh] what he read the prophet, peace and blessing of the Almighty Allah, in order to get grace ( barack) From his, peace and blessing of the Almighty Allah, reading and revive him Sunnu ... "(Volume 2, p. 170).

In this regard, it will be advisable to draw the attention of the respected reader to those Ayat and Sura, which the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah, read in daily five-time Namazakh, in order to follow his example (taken from the book):

I. Dawn Namaz ( fakhr.)

Two Rakata Sunny before the mandatory dawn prayer:

1 Rakat - Al-Bakar (№2), Ayat 136
2 Rakat - Al Imran (No. 3), Ayat 64 or Al Imran (No. 3), Ayat 52

1 Rakat- Al-Kafirun (№109)
2 Rakat - Al-Ihlas (№112)

Two rockets of mandatory dawn prayer ( fard.):

Long dissected suras ( tival Al-Mufassal) 1:
1. Al-Vakia (No. 56) and similar suras in both rockets
2. "AT-TUR" (№52) and similar suras
3. "CAF" (No. 50) and similar suras in the first rocket
Short dissected suras:
4. "AT-Takvir" (№81)
5. "Az-Slazal" (№99) in both rockets
One day I read on the way:
6. In the 1st Rakate- "Al-Falac" (No. 113), in the 2nd Rakate - "An-us" (№114)
Sometimes you read more than 60 ayata (in one or both rockets):
7. "AR-RUM" (№30)
eight." Ya Sin "(№36)
9. Al-Muminun (№23)
10. "AS-Saffat" (№37)
On Fridays read (sometimes):
11. In the 1st Rakate - "AS-Saddi" (№32), in the 2nd Rakate- "Al-Insan" (No. 76)

II. Human Namaz ( zuhr)

The first and second rockets of mandatory midday prayer:

1. About 30 Ayatov equal along the length of Sura "AS-Saddi" (№32)
2. Al-Boudezh (№85), "At-Tarik" (№86) and similar suras
3. " Al-Leyl "(№92) and similar suras
4. "Al-Inshikhak" (№84) and similar suras
5. In the 1st Rakate - "Al-Agla" (№87), in the 2nd Rakate - Al-Gasya (№88)

The third and fourth rockets of mandatory midday prayer:

1. About 15 Ayatov equal along the length of Sura "AS-Saddi" (№32)
2. "Al-Fatiha" (№1)

III. Binding Namaz ( 'SR)

The first and second rockets of mandatory forever prayer:

About 15 Ayatov equal along the length of Sura "AS-Saddi" (№32)

The third and fourth rockets of mandatory forever prayer:

1. About 7-8 Ayatov equal along the length of Sura "AS-Saddi" (№32)
2. "Al-Fatiha" (№1)

IV. Namaz ( magrib)

The first and second rockets of mandatory sunset prayer:

1. Short dissected suras
2. Once he read in the way "AT-TIN" (№95) in the 2nd Rakat
3. Middle and long dissected suras
4. "Muhammad" (№47)
5. "AT-TUR" (№52)
6. " Al-Mursala "(№77)
7. Al-Aguf (No. 7) in both rockets
8. Al-Anfal (№8) in both rockets

Two Rakata Sunny after the obligatory sunset prayer:

1 Rakat- Al-Kafirun (№109)
2 Rakat - Al-Ihlas (№112)

V. Night Namaz ( 'Isha)

The first and second rockets of mandatory night prayer:

Middle dissected suras:
1. Ash-Shams (№91) and similar suras
2. Al-Inshikhak (№84)
3. Al-Avla (№87)
4. Al-Alyak (№96)
5. Al-Leyl (№92)
6. Once he read on the way "AT-TIN" (№95) in the 1st Rakat

Reading similar in the meaning of Sur in one rocket:
1. "Ar-Rahman" (No. 55) and "An-Nadzhm" (No. 53)
2. Al-Kamamar (No. 54) and Al-Hakka (№69)
3. "AT-TUR" (№52) and "AZ-Earray" (№51)
4. "Al-Vakia" (No. 56) and Al-Calam (№68)
5. Al-Maarge (No. 70) and "An-Naziiol" (№79)
6. Al-Mutaffipin (№83) and "Abas" (№80)
7. Al-Muddassier (№74) and Al-Mozmammil (№73)
8. Al-Insan (No. 76) and Al-Kiama (№75)
9. "An-Naba" (№78) and Al-Mursalad (№77)
10. "Hell Duhan" (№44) and "AT-Takvir" (№81)

4. Daily repetition of Ayatov Koran

In one of the reliable Hadiths it is reported that the Koran leaves the hearts of those who do not pay for due attention to him faster than the camel characterize from their way. Therefore, it is important to distinguish the time for the daily repetition of the learned Ayatahs of the Quran.
One of the methods of repetition of the Quran is contained in the Hadith, which led Abu Daud, Ahmad, At-Takhavi and other Hadith experts.
Since the views of the Muchaddis regarding the accuracy of this Hadith died due to one transmitter (allocated in italics), I will give the entire chain of his transmitters.

1) Fahd - Jusuf Ibn Buchulu - Suleiman Ibn Hayan - Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman Ibn Yajl Ibn Kab Baifi - Usman Ibn Abdullah Ibn Aus Ibn Huzaifa - his grandfather Aus Ibn Huzaif
("Sharh Mushkil Al-Asar" (№1371, 1373) at-Tahavi).
2) Abu Khalid Al-Akhmar (i.e. Suleiman Ibn Hayan -prim. D.Kh.) - - Usman Ibn Abdullah Ibn AUS - His grandfather Aus Ibn Huseif ("Musdan" (№539) Ibn Abu Shaba)
3) Abdurrahman Ibn Mahdi - Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman at-Taifi - Usman Ibn Abdullah Ibn Aus As-Sakafi - His grandfather Aus Ibn Huzaif ("Musdan" (№16166, 19021) Imam Ahmada).
4) Abu Bakr Ibn Abu Sheiba - Abu Khalid Al-Akhmar (i.e. Suleiman Ibn Hayan -prim. D.Kh.) - Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman Ibn Yajl At-Taifi - Usman Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ause - his grandfather Aus Ibn Huzaif ("Sunan" (№ 1345) Ibn Maji)
5) Musaddad - Curran Ibn Tammam - (through another chain Abdullah Ibn Said - Abu Khalid -) - Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman Ibn Yahal - Usman Ibn Abdullah Ibn AUS - His grandfather Aus Ibn Huzaif
("Sunan" (No. 1393) Abu Dauda).

In the Hadith, it is reported that when Aous Ibn Huzaifa, and he will be pleased with Allah, arrived at the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah, as part of the delegation of the Sakif tribe, he led to them conversations after night prayer (' isha). One day the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah, lingered and came later than usual, because due to certain circumstances he could not read the part of the Quran, which he read daily. Therefore, he did not want to leave this reading and lingered. Further, the Ibn Huzeifa AUS said: "I asked the associates of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah, about how they share (reading Sur) of the Koran in parts. They replied: "Three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen and part of Mufassale" entirely ".

As noted by Sheikh Albani: "Isanan of this hadis is weak because of Ibn Yajli, he also at AT-Taifi, who was called the weak storyteller Az-Zarabai and [Ibn Hajar] al-Askalani ... I (i.e. albani ) I also consider this Hadith weak. All his storytellers are reliable, except Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman Ibn Yajl At-Taifi. He is a weak narrator because of the (bad) memory, which the leading signs of the Hadiths indicated. Ibn Abu Hatim handed out from his father (2/2/97): "Hadith's weak transmitter," An-Nasai said: "Not very strong (transmitter), recorded his own Hadith." Ibn Main broke up in his opinion about him. He described it with such words: "suitable", "suitable with stretch", "weak". As for al-Bukhari, he called him a very weak narrator, as follows from his words: "It has doubts." Some signs of the Hadith believed him reliable. However, their opinion on the reliability of this transmitter does not have weight, since it contradicts the classification of the aforementioned imams, especially if we consider that in the science of Hadiths there is a rule: in case of disagreements about the reliability of the storytellor ( jarh.) Suggested priority before confirming ( tag). Therefore, Az-Zarabi placed the name of this narrator in his collection of "Hadith's weak transmitters." ("Daif Abu Daud", No. 246).

Taking into account the opinion of those connoisseurs of the Hadiths, who considered this Hadith weak because of the unreliable teller in him, we nevertheless, nothing could prevent adoption, which in his collection Abu Jafar At-Tahavi, from the words of the sign of the Khadisov Suleiman Ibn Heyan 2, since he stands in the chain of transmitters after Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman Ibn Yajli At-Taifi.

So, bringing the aforementioned Hadith, Abu Jafar At-Takhavi said: "Abu Khalid, i.e. Suleiman Ibn Heyan, [said:] "We looked at it (i.e., in a scroll of the Quran - approx. D.Kh.), and [divided the reading of the Koran to pieces as follows:] Three Suras at the beginning of the Quran -" Al- Bakara "(№2)," al-immun "(№3) and" AN-NIS "(№4), [then] five (Sur) -" al-Maida "(№5)," al-Anyam " (No. 6), Al-Aguf (No. 7), Al-Anfal (No. 8) and "Baraa" (No. 9), [then] Seven (Sur) - "Yunus" (№10), " Hood "(№11)," Jusuf "(№12)," AR-Rad "(№13)," ibrahim "(№14)," al-hijr "(№15) and" en-nahl "(№ 16), [then] nine (Sur) - "Banu Israil" (№17), Al-Kahof (№18), "Maryam" (№19), "Ta Ha" (No. 20), "Al- Anbita "(№21)," al-haj "(№22)," Al-Muminun "(№23)," An-Nur "(№24) and" al-Fourcan "(№25), [then] Eleven (Sur) - Suras starting with letters "that. Syn. [MIM] "(№№ 26-28)," al-Ankabut "(№29)," AR-RUM "(№30)," Lucman "(№31)," AS-Saddi "(№32), "Al-Ahzab" (№33), "Saba" (№34), "Fatyr" (No. 35) and "Ya Sin" (№36), [then] Thirteen (Sur) - "AS-Saffat" (No. 37), "Garden" (№38), "Az-Zimar" (№39), Sura, starting with letters "Ha. Mime. [Ain. Syn. Kaf] "(Nos. 40-46)," Muhammad "(№47)," al-Fata "(№48) and" al-ouzurat "(№49), [and then all suras from] part" Mufassal " (Nos. 50-114). ("Sharh Mushkil Al-Asar" (№1373) at-Tahavi, "Tafsir" Ibn Kasira to Sura "Kaf").

Thus, the reading cycle of the Koran according to this classification is divided into seven days:

1 day - Al-Fatiha (№1), "al-bakara" (№2), "al-immun" (№3) and "en-nis" (№4)
2 day - Al-Maida (No. 5), Al-Anyam (No. 6), Al-Aguf (No. 7), Al-Anfal (No. 8) and "Baraa" (№9)
3 day - "Yunus" (№10), "Hood" (№11), "Jusuf" (№12), "Ar-Rad" (№13), "ibrahim" (№14), "al-hijr" (№15) and "An-Nahl" (№16)
4 day - "Banu Israil" (№17), "al-kahf" (№18), "Maryam" (№19), "Ta Ha" (№20), "al-Anbiya" (№21), " Al-Hajj "(№22)," Al-Muminun "(№23)," An-Nur "(No. 24) and Al-Fourkan (№25)
Day 5 - Suras starting with letters "Ta. Syn. [MIM] "(№№ 26-28)," al-Ankabut "(№29)," AR-RUM "(№30)," Lucman "(№31)," AS-Saddi "(№32), Al-Ahzab (№33), "Saba" (№34), "Fatyr" (№35) and "Ya Sin" (№36)
6 day - "AS-Saffat" (№37), "Garden" (№38), "Az-Zimar" (№39), Sura, starting with letters "Ha. Mime. [Ain. Syn. Kaf] "(№№№ 40-46)," Muhammad "(№47)," Al-Fata "(№48) and" Al-Khujrat "(№49)
7 day - all suices from the part of Mufassal (№№ 50-114).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the study of the Koran is a special way of life achieved by following to the Kranic Commandments, compliance with Muslim morality, constant spiritual self-improvement and regular repetition of learned SUR. In the Hadiths of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah, explains that the connoisseurs of the Quran are "people of Allah and its special slaves." And in Ayatu Koran, who is known as "Ayat Readers", it is said that the reading Quran and those who comply with his commandments will receive their award in full and additive to the addition: "Truly, those who read the Scripture of Allah, make Namaz and spend out of what we They endowed them, secretly and openly, hope for a deal that will not be unsuccessful, so that he rewarded them in full and even added from his mercy. Truly, he is forgiving, grateful "(Sura 35" Fatyr \u003d Creator ", Ayata 29-30).

1 Mufassal - the common name of all Sur Koran, starting with the 50th Surya "Kaf" and to the end of the Quran

The two most common classifications of SUR from the Al-Mufassal section:

Long Dissected Suras (Tival Al-Mufassal) - Suras from Kaf (No. 50) to Al-Hadid (№57)
Average dissected sura (Ausate al-Mufassal) - Sura from Al-Hadid (№57) to "AT-Takvir" (№81)
Short dissected Suras (Kysar al-Mufassal) - Sura from "AT-Takvir" (№81) to the end

Long Dissected Suras (Tival Al-Mufassal) - Sura from "Kaf" (No. 50) to "An-Naba" (№78)
Average Dissected Suras (Ausate Al-Mufassal) - Sura from "An-Naba" (№78) to "Hell Spirit" (№93)
Short dissected suras (Kysar al-Mufassal) - Sura "hell-spirit" (№93) to the end

2 Abu Khalid Al-Akhmar Suleiman Ibn Heyan Al-Azdi Al-Kufi was Imam, Hafiz Koran and the sign of the Hadiths. He was born in Gurdjan in 114 Hijra. He who passed the Hadith from Hisham Ibn Ureva, Lias Ibn Abu Salima, Abu Malika al-Ashjay and other scientists, and from Hadith Imama Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Abu Bakr Ibn Abu Sheiba, Ishak Ibn Rahaveih and other connoisseurs of religion. All the signs of the Khadisov characterized him as a truthful and reliable narrator. He died in 189 Hijra. He was one of the experts of the Hadiths. He avoided Kalam, disputes and judgments on the basis of personal opinion (Reii). (For more details, see his biography to "AS-Sikat" (6/395), "Tahzib al-Kamal" (3 / 271-272), "Tabakat Ulama al-Hadith" 1/398-399).

Koran - The word (speech) of Allah, his superiority over the words (speech) of creations is similar to the superiority of Allah over his creations, and the reading of the Quran is one of the best practices for a person.
In the study of the Quran and teaching him other many advantages:
Remuneration for reading the Quran: The Prophet ﷺ said: "To the one who reads one letter from the book of Allah, the commission of one good cause will be recorded, and the award for the performance of good things is increasing tenfold" (AT-Tirmizi).

In another Hadith, they say: once the messenger of Allah ﷺ asked his associates: - "Who wants to go to Boutheh or Alik (settlements located near Medina. - Approx. Auth.) And, without quarreling with anyone, without sinning, return with two big camels? " The associates answered: "Oh, Messenger, we all want it!" Then the Prophet said: "Why then don't you go to the mosque and do not learn two ayata there from the book of Allah or do not read it? It is better for him a camel. If you read three ayata, then they are better than three camels, four to four, no matter how much you read the ayata - they are all better camels "(Abu Dwood, Muslim).

Remuneration for tuition Koran: Prophet ﷺ said: "The best of you is the one who studied the Quran and taught him others" (Al-Bukhari).
The advantages of studying the Quran, memorizing him by heart and read it in all the rules: the Prophet ﷺ said: "Who reads the Quran, knowing him by heart, that with noble, submissive envoys (angels), and who reads the Quran with difficulty and at the same time applies great efforts ( Wanting to read it right), it expects a double award "(al-Bukhari and Muslim).

How to start to memorize the sura of the Quran?

1. Sincere intention. Make sure you do the intention only for the sake of Allah, his contentment to be rewarded by His grace. No need to rub or learn the Quran Point.

2. You need to learn how to read the Holy Quran with the right pronunciation, as well as in accordance with the rules of Tajvid. If a person can be fluently and at the same time read one page correctly (it is understood that if the page is complicated, it can read it in 1.5 minutes, and if it is light-in-1 minute), he confidently start the HIFZ (to memorize the Quran). But, if the student does not read the Quran run, he is undesirable to immediately begin to hifuse because he can face great difficulties. In many cases, such students do not finish to the end, except for those who have a very big desire to learn.

3. Constancy. The more often you will learn Ayat, the easier it will be the memorization process. It is very important not to miss a single day. There is no weekend in worship. At least, if you do not have time, learn 3-5 lines per day. If you are consistent, Insha Allah, you can become Hafiz in 5 - 6 years.

4. Atmosphere. Let's get in a quiet place to concentrate only on the Quran and so that you are not distracted by foreign thoughts. Turn off distracting items (for example, mobile phones, TV, etc.)

5. remember the ayata with meaning: read the translation before you start learning Ayat, understand the meaning of the written.

6. Before learning, it is useful to listen to the Ayat that you want to learn. This will help you overcome problems with pronunciation and improve your memorization quality.

7. Read in Daily Namaz what you learned. If you forgot some piece, you immediately correct your mistake, looking in the Quran, and will never make this error again.

8. Have a good teacher (friend, family member), which has knowledge of Sur. The most serious problem in this great case is the lack of desire for the student. In this case, the end result will depend on the teacher's experience. It is very important to have an experienced mentor, so start your training with teacher's searches. Let him check your learned Ayati every day. Or check each other with a person who also teaches Quran.

9. Take the Sura loud. Reading out loud helps not just to pronounce, but also listen to yourself.

10. DUA. Ask Allah to make it easier for you to memorize the Quran.

Of course, everyone wants to be a strong hafiz. To achieve your goal, it is necessary to follow some rules.

Considering the possibilities of its memory, everyone should pick up the appropriate procedure for managing, for example:
Read page from beginning to end in a row and thus memorize.
To learn one Ayat, then the second, connect them together, then the third and so on.
Teach the words, that is, to learn one word, then the second, connecting them until you reach the Ayat completely.
Divide the page into three or four parts, learn them separately and then connect.
Learn page from the end, that is, first to memorize the lowest ayat, then the next and connect the ayata gradually until you reach the top.
Memorize writing.
Mark, listening, that is, to choose one reader and, repeating it with a record, try to memorize. Basically, the visually impaired methods are resorted to this method.

As for making a page reading from beginning to end, a page when memorizing this way should read a hundred, one hundred and fifty or more times. In general, it will be better if the Hafiz teacher will select the method of cooking lessons for the student himself. In general, only under the tight control of the teacher, the student quickly reaches the target target. The secret of a firmly learned page is an indifferent repetition - the more you read the page when memorizing, the stronger you will know it.

If you, having learned the page or at least a full-time, you can read it by heart without knocking out or read slowly, uttering every letter, then you know that you read it well, you can continue to memorize it further and do not worry - such a hifz will not be easily forgotten.

You should not worry if you have a weak memory, because in educational institutions for the preparation of Hafiz from the nine out of ten students, the memory is below average. And also do not worry about the fact that you cannot immediately read by heart just a learned page, because many needed to go over one night or even two days before the learned Sura will fix it, and this is normal. In most students, the memory is revealed only to memorizing the ¼ of the Quran, and some it does not open up to the moment the half of the Quran is scored.

So do not worry a friend - you will be able to become a hafiz! Ask about this almighty Allah and are expressing sincerity. Amen!!!

The value of the Koran in the life of Muslim is difficult to overestimate. The text of this sacred book is an unreserved word of Allah in form and content. It is around the Qur'an that the whole life of the believer is built. This is a unique Scripture facing all mankind. The path of spiritual liberation and moral cleansing in it is so perfect that the Quran did not lose its relevance to this day and will not lose to the end of the world. Reading this sacred book is one of the most decent and favorite types of worship of Allah. Therefore, each Muslim should strive to study and memorize the Quran.

1. Sincerity in the intention

The purpose of learning and memorizing should be the desire to gain the content of Allah, otherwise our aspirations will not be authorized by the grace of God, which means there will be no help from the Almighty on this path.

2. Manifestation of ethics (Adaba) to the Qur'an

It is very important to comply with ethical standards (Adabs) when dealing with the Scripture. Here are some of them: do not turn to the back; touch only in a state of ritual ablution and read it only in this state; Before reading, the mouth cavity should be clean from the meal particles, it is recommended to clean the teeth by Sivak; The reading is recommended to be in the best form, in good clean clothing; When reading, sit straight, without relying; sit in a purest place by contacting the kibla face; do not overclock the moistened with my fingers; It is necessary to post all other books above, put another book on it is not allowed; Start reading is recommended from pronouncement: "Auzubillya Mina-Shkitani-Raradhah" ("I am resorting to the help of Allah against the goat Cursed Shaitan!"), and then "Bisimillary-Rhrahni-Ryrahim" ("by the name of Allah, merciful in this world to everyone And on the light - only to those who believed "); The reading should be so concentrated, as if he was quiet, talking with Allah, being confident that he was in front of him and reads his word; read calmly, not in a hurry, even if it is not impaired; Do not interrupt reading for conversations, except for extreme need; If there is a pause when reading, then before rejecting reading, you should pronounce "Mina-Raradhai Mina-Raradhai Mina-Raradhah" ausu, clean my teeth and delicate; Read better, watching text with eyes: It is valued more expensive than reading by heart, for allah and eyes are being present here; It is not approved to read in a state of dorms, since the likelihood of error assumptions, etc. is great.

3. Adhere to the plan to memorize the Quran

The training plan should be drawn up, to decide in advance with the number of Ayatov memorable per day, and further adhere to this plan, whatever difficulties do not occur.

4. Constancy in the study of the Quran

The main thing in learning to comply with constancy. Do not miss a single day! Missed day will drop you back and you will regret it. As often as possible, repeat memorable ayata, because the repetition is the basis of the exercise.

5. Concentration to memorize the Quran

Try to achieve anything to distract you from the reading and memorization process. If possible, find a quiet place to completely concentrate on study.

6. Reading the Quran out loud

Read the Ayata aloud so that you yourself hear your reading. This will help to fix the read.

7. Hearing Ayat Quran before memorizing

Before learning to memorize Ayata, try to listen to the Teacher's mouth either in the record. This will contribute to the best memorization and pronunciation of this Ayat.

8. To know the meaning of the memorable Ayatov Koran

Before memorizing the next Ayat, try to explore his general meaning. Explosion with understanding written more efficient cloth.


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The Koran is the holy creation of Muslim religion, the main monument of society, the basis of which is ideological and religious thoughts. Having learned correctly reading the Quran, you will parallel to master Arabic.

There are several rules in order to read it:

  1. Possess the Arab Alphabet "Alif Va Ba";
  2. Practice in the letter;
  3. Examine Tajvid - grammar;
  4. Try to read and practice regularly.

The key to success will be the ability to write correctly. After you will master the letter, you can safely move on to the practice of reading and grammar.

You will need:

Overcome alphabet

Arabic alphabet - the first thing you have to. It consists of 28 letters, 2 of which are vowels: "Alif" and "her." Writing many letters depends on their placement: the beginning, middle or end of the word.

The main difference from the Russian language is that words in Arabic are read right to left. When writing, you need to adhere to the same principle.

You must learn and remember how to correctly read the letters and pronounce them. The easiest way will be used by the translator, since you can visually study the letter and hear its pronunciation. Video tutorials will also be able to help you independently master the tongue. At the same time on the Internet you can find their large amount and choose at your discretion.

Tutorial can be purchased in the bookstore and in this case it will be an application to the book, which will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the language. If you like the book, select the appropriate one to you.

It is advisable to purchase additional audio files that will help hear the correct pronunciation.

When learning a language, use the same view of the Quran, it will help develop visual and auditory memory.

Stress and pause in words

When studying Arabic, do not forget to watch where the strokes set.

A small complexity will be the fact that the language has not one emphasis, but several: the main and secondary.

The main stress contributes to an increase in voice intonation, secondary take effects. Pay attention to the reading rhythm, which is built on a series of shock and unstressed syllables.

Use the rules for combining words, examine the pause rules in detail. Since incorrectly read text may result in loss of meaning or changed it. After studying the types of pauses, read the text in the presence of a person who knows the Quran. He will explain what mistakes you admit and how to avoid them.

Volume of text

Put certain tasks for each day that you will perform. Decide how much information you can handle daily. After that, carefully reread the specified volume several times, try to remember and try to repeat yourself during the day.

Before noting the text excerpt, do not start learning the next one.

Start from the first Sura Al-Fatiha. Each Ayat Sura read 20 times. For example, Sura Al-Fatiha consists of seven ayata, everyone needs to repeat 20 times, after which all verses also need to read 20 times.

In order to start learning the next sura, it is necessary to repeat the previous same number of times.

Letter and grammar

The main task is to write as much as possible more often. The letter must be brought to automatism. The difficulty may be what to write should also be left left, to this you need to get used to it. Distribute tasks for a month and you will master the right writing.