Personal pilot Hitler Baur. Biography

Johann (Hans) Peter Baur was born in Ampfing, Bavaria. He received secondary education in one of Munich Gymnasium (Erasmus-Grasser-Gymnasium). In 1915, he enters Volunteer to the Imperial Air Force of Germany. In the battles of the First World War, he knocks down nine enemy aircraft.

After the signing of Germany of the Versailles world in 1919, he enters into one of the volunteer semi-axis corps under the command of F. K. von EPPA. Next, in the period from 1921 to 1923, Hans Baur works by the pilot first at Bayrische Luftllloyd, and then at Junkers Luftverkehr. In May 1926, he becomes one of the six first pilots of Lufthansa. Then he becomes a member of the NSDAP.

In 1932, on the recommendation of Henry Himmler and Rudolph Gess Hans Baur becomes a personal pilot of the Fuhrer. In 1934, he also heads a government squadron, which submitted directly to the leadership of NSDAP and the Imperial Government.

The pilot accompanied Hitler in all trips, thanks to which he used it. In April-May, 1945, during the battle in Berlin, Hans Baur was constantly in the furer bunker under the Imperial Office. After Hitler's suicide, he tried to break through to the West, but on May 2, he was captured by Soviet troops and was taken to Moscow.

For the next five years, he was kept in a Butyrsa prison. Then, on May 31, 1950, the military tribunal forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow District sentenced him to 25 years of conclusion in the camps. However, he never left all the time, on October 8, 1955, he was transferred to the FRG authorities among unmanned criminals.

In 1971, he wrote memoirs "with the authorities between heaven and land" (Mit M M? Chtigen Zwischen Himmel Und Erde). Gansa Baur died in 1993.

My staff service did not assume any contacts with airplanes, but only allowed them to admire them from the outside, so I asked the commander of the squadron of permission to work near the aircraft in the evenings: I firmly decided to become a pilot as soon as possible. The commander has a similar desire caused a smile, but he allowed me to wash the engines, after I finish all the cases at the headquarters. It was not exactly what I wanted, but at least now I was in direct contact with the mechanics and aircraft. Nevertheless, the course of events can never be predicted in advance just as the course of the test flight.

From time to time, directives came from the recruitment department, which said that volunteers can be directed to flight positions. As I served at the headquarters, these directives first got into my hands, so I wrote reports and asked the commander to send me to the flight service. Our commander in the rank of captain, who sympathized with me, said: "Cute Hans, you have too little growth, and in addition, you are still too young. Surely they will send you back after the interview. However, to show you my location, I will send You B. reception Commission In the farther. There they will decide whether they will be able to find use. "

That's how I got into the farther. There I saw high muscular men who also wanted to become pilots, some of them were awarded high military awards, whereas I was an inconspicuous short and a simple soldier. Rivalry with them caused some fears. Exams were extremely strict. From one hundred and thirty-five people who arrived on them, only thirty five remained. All others were sent back. I have not received any information about whether I was adopted or not. When I returned to the headquarters, the captain expressed some skepticism about this: "You see, a nice Hans, they sent you back. So they did not find use for you." Thinking a little, I replied: "Most of them have been said that they have problems with the heart or any other disadvantages. They did not particularly encouraged me, but sent to a part with the prescription to return in four weeks." Four weeks later, to my greatest joy, I suddenly came from Szyssheima: "The mechanic (so my position was still called at the time) Hans Bouri must immediately arrive at Milbertshofen near Szyssheim." My captain at first lost the gift of speech, and then congratulated me with such an unexpected success.

Finally away from the ground

Since I have long been fond of technology and had golden hands, I could easily cope with those difficulties with which future pilots faced at a technical school. When I was transferred to flight school in Gersthofen, six cadets were attached to one instructor. For three days I have already performed eighteen training flights. It seemed my mentor was very pleased with my successes. He told me: "If you wish and feel confident enough, you can make your nineteenth flight yourself." Usually, the cadet was supposed to perform from thirty-five to forty training flights before it was allowed to be admitted to independent flights. I was the first to have been allowed to do this before.

Before I went to my first single flight, I talked with one of the most adult cadets, which was going to hand over my third exam, and he explained to me how to make a corkscrew. The instructor did not tell us anything about it, because we did not study any pilot figures, except to take off and landing. There was an official ban on the takeoff of other aircraft during each single flight. Everyone was waiting for the pilot, who had to make three successful landings.

Finally single flight

I was completely calm when I sat down in my plane. It was an old "Albatross" with a motor capacity of 100 horsepower. These aircraft were relatively good. They developed speed up to 110 kilometers per hour. I turned on the engine at full power and scored 800 meters high. I have never risen in your life so high. During training flights, we rose only at a height from 100 to 200 meters. When I reached 800 meters, then dropped the speed and did everything exactly as the cadet was taught me. I turned the helm left and also slightly moved the lever, the height steering wheel. I dispersed the motor to the power of 800 revolutions per minute, sending the car smoothly down. When the plane went down under the steep corner, I pulled a little over the height handle again. Then I started spinning in a corkscrew. The aircraft entered it smoothly, and I safely dropped about 150 meters, that is, to the height, which usually performed training flights. Thus, I completed the tasks set and went to land. It was perfectly perfect, but when I twisted the plane to the site, I saw my angry instructor, who ran into my side and screamed: "Did you go crazy about? What are you just thinking? Who taught you to make a corkscrew? I had to Close your ears, but come here, a flush. Let me shake your hand. Be Moger and do not make more such forts. You are still too young for this. " He simultaneously tweaked and congratulated me and was more excited than I myself. I thanked him and climbed into the plane. I performed the second and third flights on the usual height. So I spoke from under the wing of my instructor and became one step closer to the surrender of the three necessary exams. It was necessary to make hundreds of ups in order to achieve the necessary flight qualifications. When I was preparing to take my second exam, cadets, who started training with me in the same group, just prepared for their first independent flights.

I understood what aviation was, very good, and my instructor always noted my craftsmanship. Withstand the third exam, I naturally wanted to return to the front. As I expected to return to my part, which was at that time in France, I sent a letter there. I asked me to be detained here for a while, until the appropriate orders come. To fulfill my request turned out to be easy, because at the school of aviation adjustments of artillery fire, located in graphenvere, had one vacant position, which was released after the destruction of the pilot in the aviation catastrophe. Usually, only experienced pilots who had combat experience were used for such tasks, because during the adjustment used real grenades, on the ruptures of which artillery observers and evaluated distance to the target. My flight instructor had no objections to my companion to grapheneur, as I was his best cadet.

For six weeks I was engaged in adjusting the air of artillery fire, and gradually I began to try to try the idea that my former division commander does not burn a special desire to see me again. So I turned to the commander of the air base with a request to send me to the front at the first opportunity.

Finally again on the front

Nevertheless, two days later the paper came about the translation of me in the old part. That evening a usual farewell dinner took place, and the next day my comrades accompanied me for the train. I got my documents in Scyssheim and went in the western direction, to the place where my squadron was supposed to be located. For nine days, I chase in France from one checkpoint to another, since my squadron was constantly moving from one place to another. When I eventually found my part and arrived at her location deadly, my comrades were joyfully welcomed me. When I saw a squadron commander, his eyes were rounded, because he believed that I was no longer alive. He could not believe that I was again with them, and I met me with the words: "We received news from the recruitment department, that you died in an aviation catastrophe and burned down with the plane and that it is impossible to find it impossible."

But how could you argue? The thing is that three people were studied at the flight school named Hans Baur. One of us made a flight across the country in my own city. Probably, he wanted to demonstrate his flight skills before relatives, but right over his hometown lost control over the aircraft control, and he crashed into the ground and caught fire. In Susyssheim decided that this was exactly I died in a catastrophe, and sent a notice about this commander of my squadron. He was happy and the droopman, that I returned alive and unsolved.

The flight crews, with whom I met, consisted of some exceptions, from the natives of various regions of Germany. They reacted to me with some alertness, mainly because the senior mechanics and their assistants were quite favor of me. Unfortunately, our flight training has suspended, because immediately before the offensive, we were prohibited from bringing aircraft from hangars for considerations of secrecy. Meanwhile, a storm happened in four days, which prevented the enemy to fly over our positions. Finally came the long-awaited moment. The aircraft was removed from the hangar and received permission to depart. I had to fly on the DFW plane towards the front line. After a short inspection, I climbed into the cab. Throwing a quick look at the control knob and the dashboard, I launched the engine for full speed.

Bauri was born in Ampfing, Bavaria (Ampfing, Bavaria); Gymnasium he visited in Munich (Munich). In 1915 he was called to the army; For a while he passed artillery courses, after which he moved to the Air Force - there was previously the experience gained earlier, he used to avoid meetings with enemy artillery. Baur several times left the air fighting with the winner and earned the iron cross of the 1st grade for his courage.

After the end of the war, Germany was forced to dissolve the Air Force; Hans found a place in the service of military couriers. In 1926, Hans Baur became one of the first six pilots of German Airlines "Deutsche Luft Hansa". In the ranks of NSDAP, Hans entered in 1926.

Adolf Hitler was the first politically as actively used for the movement of air transport; He considered planes a much more efficient way of movement than railways. Bauru was first challenged on his plane of the future Fuhrera in 1932. The first Personal Plane Hitler got in February 1933, already into bench chancellor of Germany. At about the same time, Baur became a "airmill" - he had a conquer to conquer the anniversary millionth kilometer on the "Luft Hansa" flights. His experience, outstanding abilities - During the war, Baur somehow managed to launch the stunned engine in the fallen plane - and the courage seemed to Hitler a kind of sign over; In February 1933, Adolf Hitler personally appointed Baura his pilot. Hans also became the head of the personal squadron of Hitler.

In 1934, Hitler reorganized the government; Baur received the position of head of the freshly created government squadron (Regierungsstaffel). In this capacity, Hans was responsible for the selection of aircraft and pilots for the Fuhrer and his closest subordinates. A total of 8 aircraft were running, each of which could carry 17 passengers.

After Hitler became a Führer, Baura influence only increased; It is known that Hitler greatly relied on the opinion of his pilot in matters technical Equipment Air Force. Führer gave Bauru permission to gain in a squadron of experienced pilots from Luft Hansa; Of course, the pilots had to undergo additional training - the war was not far off.

January 31, 1944 Baur became the brigadefuer of the SS; On February 24, 1945 he was raised to the group. The last days of the war Hans spent with Hitler in his bunker. It is known that he even developed a shoot plan for the Fuhrera; Hitler, however, leave Berlin flatly refused. On April 28, 1945, Adolf Hitler offered his pilot to be evacuated - while this possibility was still; Baur, however, remained with the Führer to his suicide on April 30th. By that time, the paths outlined in advance to run had no longer anywhere; I had to develop a new plan - however, it was not fully implemented. During an attempt to leave the past country, Baur was wounded and got into the hospital; in his hospital and found soviet troops.

Hitler's personal pilot was a prisoner extremely valuable; Many even believed that Hans could know something about location Amber Room. Hans was sent to the USSR, where he spent 10 years; In 1955, Baura was released to France - where local authorities have deprived of his freedom for another two years.

Best days

Turning into Barbie
Visputated: 2908.

Hans Baur (Hans. Johann "Hans" Peter Baur; June 19, 1897, Ampfing, Bavaria - February 17, 1993, Hershing-ammersee) - Personal pilot Adolf Hitler, Lieutenant-General Aviation.

Johann (Hans) Peter Bair was born in Ampfing, Bavaria. He received secondary education in one of Munich Gymnasium (Erasmus-Grasser-Gymnasium). In 1915, he enters Volunteer to the Imperial Air Force of Germany. In the battles of the First World War, he knocks down nine enemy aircraft.

After the signing of Germany of the Versailles world in 1919, he enters into one of the volunteer semi-axis corps under the command of F. K. von EPPA. Next, in the period from 1921 to 1923, Hans Baur works by the pilot first at Bayrische Luftllloyd, and then at Junkers Luftverkehr. In May 1926, he becomes one of the six first pilots of Lufthansa. Then he becomes a member of the NSDAP.

In 1932, on the recommendation of Henry Himmler and Rudolf Gess Hans Baur becomes a personal pilot of the Fuhrer. In 1934, he also heads a government squadron, which submitted directly to the leadership of NSDAP and the Imperial Government.

The pilot accompanied Hitler in all trips, thanks to which he used it. In April-May, 1945, during the battle in Berlin, Hans Baur was constantly in the furer bunker under the Imperial Office. After Hitler's suicide, he tried to break through to the West, but on May 2, he was captured by Soviet troops and was taken to Moscow.

For the next five years, he was kept in a Butyrsa prison. Then, on May 31, 1950, the military tribunal forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow District sentenced him to 25 years of conclusion in the camps. However, he never left all the time, on October 8, 1955, he was transferred to the FRG authorities among unmanned criminals.

In 1971, he wrote memoirs "with the authorities between heaven and earth" (Mit Mächtigen Zwischen Himmel Und Erde). Gansa Baur died in 1993.

SS Group, pilot, head of the ReichsRegierung squadron and a personal pilot Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler).

Bauri was born in Ampfing, Bavaria (Ampfing, Bavaria); Gymnasium he visited in Munich (Munich). In 1915 he was called to the army; For a while he passed artillery courses, after which he moved to the Air Force - there was previously the experience gained earlier, he used to avoid meetings with enemy artillery. Baur several times left the air fighting with the winner and earned the iron cross of the 1st grade for his courage.

After the end of the war, Germany was forced to dissolve the Air Force; Hans found a place in the service of military couriers. In 1926, Hans Baur became one of the first six pilots of German Airlines "Deutsche Luft Hansa". In the ranks of NSDAP, Hans entered in 1926.

Adolf Hitler was the first politically as actively used for the movement of air transport; He considered planes a much more efficient way of movement than railways. Bauru was first challenged on his plane of the future Fuhrera in 1932. The first Personal Plane Hitler got in February 1933, already into bench chancellor of Germany. At about the same time, Baur became a "airmill" - he had a conquer to conquer the anniversary millionth kilometer on the "Luft Hansa" flights. His experience, outstanding abilities - During the war, Baur somehow managed to launch the stunned engine in the fallen plane - and the courage seemed to Hitler a kind of sign over; In February 1933, Adolf Hitler personally appointed Baura his pilot. Hans also became the head of the personal squadron of Hitler.

In 1934, Hitler reorganized the government; Baur received the position of head of the freshly created government squadron (Regierungsstaffel). In this capacity, Hans was responsible for the selection of aircraft and pilots for the Fuhrer and his closest subordinates. A total of 8 aircraft were running, each of which could carry 17 passengers.

After Hitler became a Führer, Baura influence only increased; It is known that Hitler greatly relied on the opinion of his pilot in the technical equipment of the Air Force. Führer gave Bauru permission to gain in a squadron of experienced pilots from Luft Hansa; Of course, the pilots had to undergo additional training - the war was not far off.

January 31, 1944 Baur became the brigadefuer of the SS; On February 24, 1945 he was raised to the group. The last days of the war Hans spent with Hitler in his bunker. It is known that he even developed a shoot plan for the Fuhrera; Hitler, however, leave Berlin flatly refused. On April 28, 1945, Adolf Hitler offered his pilot to be evacuated - while this possibility was still; Baur, however, remained with the Führer to his suicide on April 30th. By that time, the paths outlined in advance to run had no longer anywhere; I had to develop a new plan - however, it was not fully implemented. During an attempt to leave the past country, Baur was wounded and got into the hospital; In the hospital, they found Soviet troops.

Hitler's personal pilot was a prisoner extremely valuable; Many even believed that Hans could know something about the location of the amber room. Hans was sent to the USSR, where he spent 10 years; In 1955, Baura was released to France - where local authorities have deprived of his freedom for another two years.

Boret died in 1993 in Heersching am Ammersee, Bavaria (Herrsching Am Ammersee, Bavaria), from old age.