Shorthand - what is it? Basics and signs of shorthand. Online shorthand course Shorthand how to learn to write on your own

Shorthand(from the Greek στενός - narrow, cramped and γράφειν - to write) - a method of writing using special signs and a number of abbreviations, which makes it possible to quickly record oral speech. The speed of shorthand writing is 4-7 times faster than regular writing.

Since the choice of icons for shorthand is mostly arbitrary, combinations of various icons have resulted in countless shorthand systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Systems are divided, on the one hand, into italics And geometric; on the other hand, on morphological And phonetic. In cursive systems, characters are formed from elements of letters in ordinary writing. In geometric systems, the basis of signs are geometric elements (a point, a straight line, a circle and its parts) and all combinations of letters have the form of geometric figures. In morphological systems, morphemes are fixed, in phonetic systems - sounds. Both of them diversify the main symbols using different methods: the symbols differ in their height, in slope, in the place used, in thickening, etc. Nowadays, almost every specialty requires computer knowledge. And naturally, to work with a “smart machine” you need to be able to type at a good speed in order to complete the given amount of work on time.

Types of shorthand: due to the fact that the choice of symbols for shorthand is basically any, a huge number of shorthand systems have been formed from combinations of various symbols, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The latter systems are more suitable for writing and more attractive in style. Today's shorthand wants to unite all systems into one, in which brevity, consistency and ease of study would be combined in an expedient method; they are trying to argue for shorthand on more or less accurate statistical and experimental-physiological grounds instead of the former arbitrariness of every inventor. Since shorthand uses for its purposes the distinctive features of word production in a given language, when transferring a shorthand system from one language to another, more or less changes to the system are needed.

They will teach you to type and write quickly, while shortening the text without losing its meaning. With the acquisition of knowledge and practice in the field of shorthand, you will not only become a professional, but also shorthand courses will help you in the future. After you pass shorthand courses in Moscow “Leader”, You can easily get a job: secretary, journalist, economist, etc. Our courses are exactly what you were looking for.

Shorthand is a special high-speed way of recording oral information using special abbreviations and signs. Shorthand appeared quite a long time ago, and the management organization of labor is still unthinkable without the use of shorthand. Therefore, shorthand courses in Moscow are always in demand. Classes are held in modern classrooms equipped with all necessary equipment. Teachers of shorthand courses are practicing professionals with specialized education.

Every day the pace of life increases, a minute becomes more and more expensive, at the same time we lose a lot of time using slow traditional writing. It is impossible to imagine the learning process without paper and pen, and how much time does the writing process take in class! A good university summary is worth its weight in gold! At the same time, a draft of a report, course and diploma projects, notes from a doctor, lawyer, manager, writer, even a housewife who heard a new recipe on the radio - everything can be written down quickly, at the speed of thought, if you master the simplified writing method.

Some people think that this is a very labor-intensive science that requires great and lengthy efforts. In fact, you can learn cursive writing - shorthand - in a few months, because for this you do not need to memorize a lot of rules, the basis of mastery of shorthand is training and not only written ones. You can write mentally on the road, while watching news and other TV shows, during a conversation and before going to bed.

The basis of the proposed system - the alphabet - consists of elements of the corresponding Russian handwritten letters. Entire groups of combinations are associated with the alphabet, so the hand easily gets used to reproducing them. Shortening prefixes and endings also shortens the style. As a result, even long words are written in two or three movements.

A very important advantage of stenography is that you don’t need equipment, a power source, or special preparation for recording, just have a notepad and pen, and you will record any smart thoughts, quickly sketch out a plan of affairs for the coming day, month, year, in the evening, keeping up with your thoughts, write down experiences in a diary. And not everyone will be able to find out about your experiences by looking into it.

In general, the stenographer is always the center of attention; his incomprehensible writing evokes sincere surprise and respect, and it is prestigious for a manager to have such an assistant. It is sad to look at journalists or conference participants when they do not have time to write down even one word, while the entire phrase is spoken.

Nowadays, many people are fond of solving crossword puzzles and scanword puzzles, but reading transcripts sometimes creates riddles. The writer does not always keep up with the speech; sometimes he has to miss a word, or a short shorthand note turns out to be distorted. Then you have to tell fortunes about the meaning of what was written down, either to replace the missing word with a successful one in meaning, or to fantasize about the distorted one, what would it mean? Therefore, reading transcripts sometimes turns into a game - a riddle, which is comparable to overcoming a crossword puzzle, or an annoyance if it is an official transcript. This is rare for experienced stenographers.

Of the modern means of such information storage, for the reasons described above, perhaps only sound recording can compete with shorthand. However, a taped lecture, let's say, is not a note to prepare for an exam. To compile it, you need to listen to the entire recording again and make the same summary. By taking shorthand, the student processes the material already in the process of writing, skipping everything unnecessary, and from this note, without written transcript, you can prepare for the next lesson, and for the session, and for the state. exam. For the same reason, experienced stenographers do not like to work from audio recordings, using them as reference material.

During the learning process, it is necessary to keep in mind that the quality of transcripts depends on strict compliance with certain conditions:

It is not enough to know the rules of theory; writing skills are developed through regular training.

You need to study the theory sequentially, moving on to a new lesson only after thoroughly consolidating the previous one.

Shorthand words are short, so you need to pay special attention to your handwriting, writing slowly but accurately at first.

Reading skills develop during the learning process, so you need to re-read all your transcripts, at the same time correcting errors and inaccuracies.

Shorthand develops memory, attention, literacy, speech proficiency, learning shorthand - hard work and perseverance.

The self-instruction manual outlines the basics of a shorthand course, provides techniques for cursive writing, abbreviations of words and phrases, which allows you to learn to write at the speed of speech. Exercises for independent work are offered that will help you evaluate your progress throughout the entire shorthand course.
For anyone who wants to master shorthand.

Symbolization is a way of conditionally expressing individual characters through some changes in alphabetical styles. The chord method of forming a whole group of combinations significantly expands the range of connections and makes them easier to memorize.

Chord signs with P are formed by doubling one-dimensional signs: BR VR GR DV ZHR ZR KR MR PR FR HR CR CHR ShR.
Chord signs with L are doubled one-dimensional signs, but lowered by a measure: BL VL GL DL ZHL ZL KL ML PL FL HL CL CHL SHL.

Signs for consonants
Connection of signs
Merged signs
Expression A and Z
Starting and ending signs with A and Z
Expression I and Y
Starting and ending characters with I and Y
Linearity of writing
Expression O
Starting and ending characters with O
Vowels in a chord sign
Expression E, E, Yo
Beginning and ending characters with E, E, Yo
Expression U and Yu
Numbers and signs
Root signs
Two vowels
Two initial signs
Double root words
Signs of the theory
Reduction techniques
Abbreviations of words and phrases
Derivative abbreviations
Key to transcripts
Practical writing
Writing and shorthand
Professional shorthand
Shorthand notebook.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Self-instruction manual for shorthand, E.K. Gubskaya, 2001 -, fast and free download.

The following textbooks and books:

  • Spelling in tasks and answers, Spelling in prefixes, Spelling in suffixes, Spelling in endings, Mikhailova S.Yu., 2013

While still at school I heard about a way to quickly capture speech. My imagination immediately painted a picture of a diary full of A’s. The inspiration was so great that after classes I rushed headlong to the library. The manual for students and teachers promised a twofold acceleration by introducing abbreviations:

1) √ - source, root

2) ? - task, problem

3) ! - attention, caution

4) () - applause

5) (— to begin, to start

6)) - finish, finish

7) (:) - intention, point of view

8) ^ - aggression, conflict

9) ± - near, about, almost

10) ) - combine, in total

It seemed good for a start, but for a week the desired words from the teachers did not come. I had to prepare more thoroughly. Not understanding the complexity of higher mathematics, I memorized:

1) ∠ - angle

2) ∾ - similarity

3) ∴ - therefore

4) ∵ — because

5) ∃ - exists

6) ∈ — belongs

7) U - union

8) Π - product

9) ∀ - all, any, everyone

10) ≡ - identical, coincidence.

Cartography came to the rescue:

1) ○—mercury

2) ▲—oil

3) ◊ — marble

4) ☼ — diamonds

5) ■ — hard coal

and physics:

1) F - force

2) m - mass

3) E - energy

4) V - speed

5) ρ - density.

At some point, disappointment set in - you can, of course, learn:

1) x - a lot

2) = — level

3) / - negation

4) → — follows

5) ← - depends

6) ↔ - exchange, replacement

7) ↓ - falls, decreases

8) — grows, increases

9) ║—parallel

10) ┴ - perpendicular,

but some kind of magic, miracle, enchantment was missing. Out of inertia, I continued to collect in the hope of finding the Grail:

1) Ψ - soul

2) ∑ - sum

3) ∂ - which

4) ø - diameter

5) ∆ - difference

6) σ - deviation

7) t° - temperature

8) ∸ - crossing

9) ∩ — intersection

10) ∞ - infinity,

I came across a brand new cursive writing textbook with the smell of a printing house and half-cut sheets. He opened it carefully, like a treasure chest, forgetting about the thousandth edition. It seemed like the book was waiting for me. The screen-printed illustrations provided anticipation of success.

Long evenings were spent writing line scribbles. I felt like a first-grader who had returned to copybooks, but in the fifth grade I was already writing with all my might using the accelerated method. Thirty-five years of practice have led to a dead end - he can only read notes on his own. Recently I had to go back to basics.

Together with the group of the 9th intake, the Troubleshooter School re-invented associative images, which were drawn by Andrey Korolev, a 4th year student at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova, gold medalist of the International Mendeleev Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry:

1. A and Z connected with A l I Sky. The word contains both letters, and writing the first one from bottom to top with a right slant reinforces the mnemonic connection.

2. B designated B a butterfly, the left wing of which is drawn like a fish hook from the fishing line side.

3. B - thumb extending from IN Arezhki.

4. G - first bend G Adjuks are snakes of medium venomousness.

5. D - D a yoke, the sketch line of which starts from the beak and ends with a loop on the wing.

6. E, E, E - frontal spine E ascending.

7. F - foot AND a pattern drawn from top to bottom, ending with a tiny curl.

8. W - front left part of the rounded Z door opening counterclockwise.

9. And and Y - AND gla, which in the plural gets an “Y” at the end.

10. J - Y og, the right hand is raised to the middle of the distance between the shoulder and the head.

11. K - TO the hatch tends to fall, so it is drawn from top to bottom.

12. L - L A lamp circled along the left edge, starting from the full base to half the bulb.

13. M - ponytail M yshi, starting with a curl.

14. H - bottom line N wasp from left to right.

15. O - bow ABOUT chkov in the reading direction with a slight rise along the segment.

16. P - outlined handle P pistol, starting with the trigger down.

Let's stop here - you will have exactly a week to practice. In the second part of the material, we will continue our acquaintance with the alphabet and consider the writing of syllables.

You will need

  • - shorthand textbook or computer with Internet;
  • - school notebook with 2 lines;
  • - several ballpoint pens;
  • - stopwatch;
  • - player;
  • - recordings of speech and songs.


You can learn to take shorthand with a teacher or on your own. The advantage of the first method is that a good teacher will help you choose the optimal system and give you a hand. But teachers of this discipline are not so common now. If you can't find it, start studying on your own. Select. This can be either a printed publication or a website.

Make time to study. Get ready for the fact that you will have to study for about three hours every day for three to four months. Spend one hour on theory, two on exercises. Even if you can't find that much time every day, don't stop studying. On very busy days, practice for at least half an hour.

Learn shorthand and sign connections. Memorize them visually first. Then start writing. Do the exercises in the order of the textbook material. Don't be surprised that shorthand doesn't provide any speed benefits at first. On the contrary, at first you need to write very slowly and extremely carefully. Convey the outlines of characters and their size as accurately as possible. Otherwise, you may have difficulty deciphering the recording. Don't forget to read what you wrote.

Practice taking shorthand notes daily. Training must go in parallel. Be sure to read both from the textbook and what you yourself wrote. Note errors and correct them. Pay special attention to the outline of those characters that caused difficulties in reading.

Repeat the rules of the Russian language, especially paying attention to the composition of the word. In shorthand, the signs for prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings are different. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand which part of the word you are dealing with. Repeat also the formation of compound words.

Having learned to write evenly and clearly in a notebook for first-graders, move on to lined sheets. Try to accurately follow the style, inclination and size of the icons. Having mastered any element, begin to gradually introduce it into your notes. Write quickly but carefully.

Monitor yourself with a stopwatch. Once you're confident that you're already writing at 60 characters per minute, try writing down the lyrics to a song. First, choose one that is written at a medium or slow tempo. Gradually move on to faster pieces. If you don’t have time to remember the icon, don’t stop, but write down the right place in the way that is most convenient for you. Over time, you will stop thinking about what a particular symbol looks like. After writing down the words of the song, listen to it again and check what you got.