Why did Stepka decide to take a break. The great travelers Zoshchenko: analysis, heroes, essay

Year of first publication: 1940

Genre: story

Main characters: Stepan, Lyolya, Mink and the dog Tuzik

To understand the main idea of ​​this funny story about youthful maximalism will help summary story "Great Travelers" for reader's diary.


Styopka shares information that the Earth is round with Lyolya and her brother Minka, but they do not believe him. The guys are going to travel around the world. According to Stepan's theory, having rounded the Earth, they should return to the village.

Early in the morning, the children get ready for the road with everything they think is necessary and take the dog with them. It turned out to be a lot of things, it was not easy for the guys to carry the bag. Minka fell into the ditch and broke all the glass in the equipment. But the bag has become lighter.

With the onset of darkness, friends stop and fall asleep without even starting a fire. Stepan goes to sleep with his head towards the abandoned village, and with his feet in the direction of the further path, so as not to get lost.

In the morning, Lyolya and Minka conspire and, while Styopka is asleep, turn him with his feet back. Children safely get home, and Stepka is confident that they have circled the Earth in a circle.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Any business conceived must be supported by knowledge.

This work combines several genres. In the novel we will see a fascinating travel narrative, a pamphlet, it also contains dystopia, fantasy and a little riot. This novel can be called prophetic, since those who read it at any time will clearly see in it the specificity of the addressee of Swift's satire. The author amazes with his imagination, which will surprise anyone.

The main character- an ordinary doctor who gets into an incredible adventure beyond his desire. He only decided to go by ship from England, but soon he accidentally finds himself in the most unimaginable countries, in which, according to their wont, a completely ordinary life proceeds.

Lemuel was the middle son of his family. There were five of them in the family. He lived in Nottinghamshire, and having matured a little, he went to study at Cambridge college. After college, he studied with the surgeon Bats, and after that he independently studied medical practice. After graduating, he went to work on the ship as a doctor-surgeon.

Three years later, having traveled a lot, he decides to marry and marries Mary Burton, who is the daughter of a stocking merchant. For the next two years, he and his wife live in London, but after the unexpected death of his teacher, he has to return to the post of surgeon on the ship.

Here he is again on the ship and does not bode well, but soon a strong storm rises, their ship crashes, the team dies, and he miraculously floats to the shore and turns off for a long time.

When the hero regains consciousness, he realizes that he is tied with a huge number of ropes, and that many small creatures make him bondage, who are exactly like people, only of a very miniature size.

All these small ropes turn out to be not so strong and Gulliver, straining a little, frees one hand, but small people shoot at him with arrows-needles. He calms down and decides to lie down a little longer and, after waiting for darkness, free himself.

Having erected a large staircase, apparently their ruler Gurgo climbs up to it. He speaks a lot, but it is not possible to understand him, since the language is unfamiliar to Gulliver. Lemuel explains to the little men that he is very hungry and is being fed.

The officials decide to take Gulliver to the capital and try to explain it to him, but he asks them to release him. They refuse him. Gulliver's wounds are treated with some incomprehensible herbs and they give him a drink, adding a lot of sleeping pills. Gulliver falls asleep. The hero is taken to the capital.

The hero wakes up in an abandoned temple, chained to one of his legs.The hero rises and looks around the neighborhood. He sees a beautiful city and well-tended fields. He relieves his needs, and soon he is visited by the king, measuring no more than a fingernail, and explains that he will try to take good care of him.

The hero has been on this island for two weeks already, a special mattress and bed linen are being sewn for him. The state has no idea what to do with this huge man, because he eats a lot and soon they will go hungry.

It takes about three weeks and he masters their language a little. Gulliver wants to ask the ruler for release. Officials conduct a search and take away his saber, pistol, and bullets with gunpowder. Gulliver manages to hide a few things.

The giant begins to like the emperor and the little men and they dance especially for him, perform all sorts of tricks, and also return his hat, which he lost on the shore.

The only one who does not like Gulliver is Admiral Skairesh Bolgolam, he, by order of the king, writes an agreement in which the conditions of Gulliver's freedom are discussed. Gulliver is given a tour of Lilliput, as well as its capital. He is shown the palace. The secretary tells about the political situation in their country, as well as about the hostility of the parties and the possibility of an attack from another empire of Blefuski, which is located on another island.

Gulliver assists in the fight against Blefusk by tying the anchors of their ships and bringing them to the capital. The rulers of Lilliput really want to capture the enemy, but Gulliver is against this, and refuses to do the service.

Once a fire broke out in Lilliput and Gulliver, to help the citizens, urinates on him. The emperor is outraged.

The hero decides to write in his notebook everything that he sees in this strange country. He describes short inhabitants, small animals and miniature plants, he also writes that people are buried here upside down and how they punish false informers. If in this country someone forgets to thank a resident, he can go to jail. Their children are not raised by their parents, but women and men live separately. Gulliver spends almost a year in this place. By this time, he has a chair with a table and completely new clothes.

The emperor becomes jealous and explains to Gulliver that he is too expensive for their treasury. Soon an indictment comes from Bolgolam, who accuses him of urinating on the palace, and also refused to conquer another state.Gulliver gets scared and runs away from the midgets.

Soon he gets to the sea and finds a boat there, and with the permission of Emperor Blefuscu, he sails into the distance. Soon he is picked up by English merchants and brought to the Downs. For a couple of months he is with his family, but then he has to go back to work.

In June he leaves England on a ship, but in April he again gets into a storm, after which very little remains on the ship. drinking water... Together with the disembarked, he ends up on the island, where he notices the giants, who at that moment are already running after their comrades. The hero realizes that he is in a field with planted barley, but this plant is very large. It is found by a peasant and given to the owner of the field. The hero meets the owners and soon he dines with them.

The hero wakes up from the sight of overly large rats who want to eat them. The farmer's wife takes him out into the garden so that the hero can relieve himself. The owner's daughter makes a crib for Gulliver, makes him new clothes and calls him Grildrick. Soon, at the instruction of a neighbor, the hero begins to perform for the public, and after several weeks they go on a tour with demonstration performances. About ten weeks pass and they manage to visit many cities and villages.

Gulliver loses weight and becomes sickly in appearance and the owner sells him to the royal. Gulliver and the queen talk about life on the farm, and after that the woman introduces him to her husband, who gives it to the scientists.

They build a house and sew clothes for the hero. He often dines with the king and queen. The queen's servant dwarf is very jealous of Gulliver.

Gulliver and the queen go across the country, but the annoying dwarf is constantly trying to get rid of the hero. The Queen wants to entertain Gulliver, so she asks to make him a boat and give him a basin of water so that he can swim. For the comb, Gulliver takes the king's hair. Gulliver talks about England and its customs, and the king strongly criticizes the rule of the country.

Three years pass. One fine day, the queen and her retinue decide to walk along the beach, but the eagle kidnaps the hero and he finds himself in the sea, where he is again picked up by an English ship and brought to Downs.

Sometime in early August, Gulliver leaves England on a ship. The villains soon attack. The hero asks the villains for mercy and one of the Japanese shows it. The entire ship is captured and captured. Gulliver is loaded into a canoe and thrown out in the middle of the ocean, but he is back on the island.

The island turned out to be flying. The citizens of this island call themselves Laputians and they are very strange looking. They feed him, teach him the language and sew new clothes again. Soon, the flying island arrives at the central city of the Logado kingdom. After some time, the hero realizes that Laputians love mathematics and music, and their greatest fear is cosmic cataclysms. Since Laputian men are very brooding, their wives love to cheat on them.

After some time, the hero learns that the island flies from the fact that there is a magnet located in the central part of Laputa. If the subjects revolt, their king covers the sun or lowers the island to this city. The king and his family never leave Laputa.

Once the hero decided to go down to Balnibarbi, this is a small continent. He stops with a dignitary who bears the name of Munody. In this state, people are poorly dressed, the fields are empty, but the peasants still try to cultivate them. The dignitary says that once they were trained in a completely unique tillage, so something stopped growing on it. Munody was not interested in this then, so his fields are bearing fruit.

Soon, the hero finds himself in the Searchlight Academy. There, scientists are engaged in strange studies: getting sunlight from cucumbers, food from waste, trying to extract gunpowder from ice, and start building a house from above. The scientists also told him a lot, but he found it ridiculous. They also had proposals for new laws, such as changing the back of the brain or taking taxes on human vices or virtues.

The hero leaves for Maldonado to leave Luggnagg. While waiting for the ship, he visits the island of Glubbdobdrib, which is inhabited by wizards. The main inhabitant of this island manages to summon spirits, among them were Hannibal, Caesar, Brutt, Alexander the Great and the inhabitants of Pompeii, he also talks with Aristotle, Descartes and Homer, with various kings, and ordinary, unremarkable people. But soon he returned to Maldonado and after a couple of weeks sailed to Luggnagg. Soon he was arrested there. In the city of Traldregdab, Gulliver has the opportunity to meet with the king, where he gets acquainted with a strange custom, it is necessary to lick the throne room. It has been three months since he has been in Luggnagg. Residents here are courteous and good-natured, he learns that some residents are born immortal. Gulliver dreams of what he could do if he was immortal, but people say that they only suffer from immortality. After Luggnagg, the hero comes to Japan, and then to Amsterdam. In April, he hits the Downs.

After such strange, long and difficult travels, Gulliver is given the position of captain of the ship. He accidentally recruits robbers, who will soon capture him and put him on a nearby island. There, monkeys attack Gulliver, and a very strange-looking horse saves him. The horse comes to his horse and they discuss something, periodically feeling Gulliver.

Horses bring the hero home, where he meets monkeys that look like people, but they are pets. He is offered rotten meat, but he refuses and shows that milk is more suitable for him. Horses also start to dine. This lunch is made up of oatmeal.

Gulliver is slowly mastering this language and soon tells one of the horses the story of his appearance.

Somehow he is caught naked by the servant of the horse, with whom he lives, but he promises to keep the secret that the man is very similar to a monkey.

Gulliver talks about England, English horses, medicine and alcohol. The horse decided that the inhabitants of England did not use reason at all for its intended purpose, but only to increase vices.

In Guignnmas, family marriages are concluded for the birth of children, always of two different sexes.

Since the great apes are difficult to train, they decide to exterminate them, but soon they come to the decision to sterilize all the exu, and to send Gulliver out of the country, since he looks like exu. Two months later, Gulliver sailed away.

From the trip, he loses his mind a little, as he believes that they want to send him to live with ex, although he has been on a Portuguese ship for a long time, but soon he receives medical treatment and he is sent to England.

In December he comes home and decides to write a story about his adventures.

A short retelling of "Gulliver's Travels" in an abridged form was prepared by Oleg Nikov for the reader's diary.

Kir Bulychev, "Alice's Journey"

Genre: fantastic fairy tale

The main characters of the story "Alice's Journey" and their characteristics

  1. Alisa Selezneva. She graduated from the second grade. She is a smart and kind girl, decisive and quick-witted. Never backs down and always finds a way out of any situation
  2. Professor Seleznev, Alice's dad, is just a biologist who is most interested in a different life
  3. Green, a mechanic, a great pessimist.
  4. Poloskov Gennady, captain, decisive and at the same time gentle and kind
  5. Veselchak U, the fattest pirate in the world. Outwardly harmless, but cunning and cruel.
  6. Rats. The most brutal insect pirate
  7. First captain, Vsevolod. Worked on Venus, rushed to help friends
  8. Second captain. Martian. He was in captivity for four years.
  9. Third captain. Flexian. Died in captivity
  10. Verkhovtsev. Doctor and director of the museum. A very decent person.
  11. Talker. The bird is smart, but does not always say everything that is needed.
The shortest content of the story "Alice's Journey" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Alice, together with her dad, goes on the Pegasus ship in search of rare animals
  2. "Pegasus" visits the planet of captains, but Doctor Verkhovtsev behaves strangely and mysteriously.
  3. Travelers find the last Blabberyap, who is on the hunt
  4. The Talker guides the travelers into the Medusa system, but they save the robots along the way.
  5. On the third planet of the system, travelers are trapped by pirates, but find a second captain.
  6. Alice and the first captain free the prisoners and go to Earth together.
The main idea of ​​the story "Alice's Journey"
There are so many secrets and mysteries in the world, so wonderful and beautiful that a person must forget about wars, selfishness and indifference, about money in order to become a part of this beautiful and perfect universe.

What the story "Alice's Journey" teaches
This tale teaches honesty and kindness. Teaches you to be brave, resourceful, responsive. teaches to help other people and animals. Teaches you to love nature. Teaches friendship and loyalty. Teaches mutual assistance. teaches that in the future humanity will forget what money and wars are.

Review of the story "Alice's Journey"
This is a wonderful and very interesting story about the girl Alice. I really like the heroine of this story, because she is smart and beautiful, she is brave and decisive. she knows how to find a way out in any situation and is never discouraged. And also because Alice believes in miracles that do happen.
In this story there are exotic animals, there is a detective secret, there are space pirates and there is a true friendship. The story keeps the reader in suspense from the first to the last minutes.

Proverbs to the story "Alice's Journey"
It's good that ends well.
Do not dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it.
The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

Read a summary, a short retelling of the story "Alice's Journey" by chapters
Chapter 1. The criminal Alice.
Alice walks sad and dad asks her what is the matter. Alice asks her dad for a gold nugget. It turns out that she and the guys from the class decided to catch a giant pike with a golden spoon and took a nugget from the school museum. But the pike bit off the spoon.
And now Alice urgently needs to return the nugget to the museum before she was kicked out of school.
Dad says that he does not have a nugget, and when Alice leaves, he calls a friend and asks to get a nugget.
At this time, Alice's friends and acquaintances come in turn, and everyone brings gold, coins and even diamonds.
Finally, Alice returns, who also took out the nugget.
Chapter 2. Forty-three hares
Seleznyov is loading Pegasus, whose crew consists of four people - his, Poloskov. Green and Alice.
There are many boxes and gifts to be loaded, which the earthlings give to their relatives and friends. At the end, grandma comes and wants to send a huge cake.
Finally, all the cargo was distributed, there was a reserve of 200 kilograms and the Pegasus was trying to take off.
The astronauts decide to throw some of the cargo out of the holds, but Alice is against it. Suddenly Seleznyov learns that Pegasus has received a complaint that he is trying to take the children to the moon.
It turned out that Alice hid her entire 3A class in the holds of the ship.
Seleznev and Zeleny have unloaded 43 hares.
Alice was upset that her class would not make it to the match of the century, and 3B would, because she was flying on a cargo barge in sacks of potatoes
Chapter 3. Have you heard of the three captains?
On the moon, Alice ran to a football match, and Professor Seleznev met his friend, Gromozeka from the planet Chumaroz, at a restaurant. Learning that Seleznev is looking for rare animals, Gromozeka advises him to visit the planet of captains, where they are going to create a museum of three captains.
He reminds Seleznev of the exploits of the captains and says that currently the First Captain is working on Venus, which is being dragged closer to Earth, the Second has died, and the Third has not yet returned from a neighboring galaxy.
Alice comes and announces the victory of the earthlings. Gromozeka rejoices at the girl and picks her up. Green rushes to save Alice and is suspended from the chandelier.
Chapter 4. The tadpoles are gone
"Pegasus" flies to the scouts of Little Arthur and the scouts arrange a solemn meeting for the travelers. And when they learn about the search for animals, they give Seleznev two tadpoles, meter-long reptiles, which must be kept in the pool.
By morning, the tadpoles had doubled, and by the evening of the next day they had grown to three and a half meters.
The next morning, Seleznev cautiously approached the pool, but the pool turns out to be empty. Only the old discarded bodies of tadpoles floated in the water.
The cosmonauts began to search the ship, but the hatched tadpoles were not found. Finally, Alice took pity on the adults and offered to find the tadpoles.
She led everyone to the pool and showed three small frogs, which had become huge tadpoles.
Chapter 5. Advice of Doctor Verkhovtsev
"Pegasus" flew to the planet of captains and the expedition was cordially greeted by Doctor Verkhovtsev, the curator of the museum. He showed the astronauts a statue of captains - an Earthman, a Martian and a Fixian. A bird sits on the shoulder of one of the captains.
Seleznev tells Verkhovtsev that they are looking for rare animals and would like to get acquainted with the captains' diaries. And Alice directly says that she would like to catch the bird that is shown on the captain's shoulder.
Verkhovtseff is frightened and crawls under the sofa for a hat. From there he says that there are no diaries and that he cannot help. Then Verkhovtsev remembers about different planets and their inhabitants and finally talks about the Empty Planet with its mysterious life and talks about Skliss.
Chapter 6. Bushes
V last moment Verkhovtsev recalls the bushes and tells the astronauts an interesting story. How the Third Astronaut got lost in the sands of a distant planet and went to strange sounds. It turned out that the bushes, a local form of life, were singing. The bushes showed the captain the water and saved his life.
The expedition went to the eighth satellite of Aldebaran.
They quickly found the bushes and took three plants with them.
Already in flight Zeleny heard singing - it was the bushes singing. And then the bushes appeared in the doorway and went to the frightened people. Professor Seleznyov armed himself with a mop and tried to drive the bushes back into the hold.
Zeleny ran for the flamethrower, and Alice asked her dad to hold back the bushes a little.
When the bushes pulled the mop out of Seleznev's hands, Alice returned and immediately dived into the bushes. The bushes instantly calmed down, and Seleznyov saw that Alice was just watering them.
The bushes were just thirsty, and they sang whenever they were thirsty.
Chapter 7. The riddle of the empty planet
"Pegasus" flies to the Empty Planet and cannot find it at the specified coordinates. Therefore, the astronauts contact another ship, and the woman astronaut informs them that they are flying correctly, and Doctor Verkhovtsev is a wonderful old man. She also says that there are many fish on the Empty Planet, but no animals, and that she is looking for a living nebula.
"Pegasus" landed on the Empty Planet and Zeleny immediately set off to fish. He quickly caught a whole bucket.
The next morning, Seleznev saw that the skies of the planet were teeming with birds. Zeleny went fishing, but there was not a single living creature in the sea. At that time, a strong wind rose and the birds also disappeared. But small animals like hares jumped on the grass. Then it turned out that the steppe is simply teeming with animals.
It started to rain soon. Seleznyov and Alice went to the steppe to catch animals, but the bioseeker showed that there were no animals around.
The astronauts were at a loss, but Alice solved the planet's riddle. She ran with a bucket to the lake, scooped up water and brought a fish in the bucket. It turned out that when it rains, the inhabitants of the planet turn into fish, when the sun shines - into birds, and when the wind blows - into animals.
Chapter 8. What the ushans have told
Pegasus arrives on the planet Blook, where the bazaar is held. On the planet lived long-eared eels - intelligent creatures who had three large ears. The long-eared guards told the astronauts a sad story.
It turned out that recently a man began to sell white worms, which all animal owners were happy to buy. But it turned out that the worms reproduce with great speed and soon most of the planet was buried under a layer of worms. The problem was solved by the merchant Krabakas, who let gobirds go at the worms and ate all the worms.
Therefore, now all ships from Earth were strictly inspected, because the merchant with worms was an earthling. The guards showed the photos to the cosmonauts and they recognized Doctor Verkhovtsev.
And then the ushans remembered that they had exterminated all the talkers.

Chapter 9. We need a Blabberyap
Seleznev and Alisa are looking for a present for people and notice the silhouette of Doctor Verkhovtsev in the windows of the third floor. They hurry to get up, but find an empty room. And a fat smiling man in a black suit appears and informs them that the guest has left.
The bazaar on the planet was striking in size and abundance of different life forms. Sometimes it was difficult to know who was selling whom. So, Professor Seleznev was mistaken and asked how much the bird costs, when it turned out that it was the bird that was selling the globular.
Alice became interested in invisible fish in the aquarium, but Seleznev does not believe that there is anything there. He sticks his hand into the aquarium and chatters in the air. The merchant bursts into tears, because the professor scared away all his airy invisible fish, ruined him. Alice reproaches her father for callousness. At parting, the merchant gives Alice an invisibility hat.
At this time, a strange creature with thin legs, constantly changing color, rushes under the feet of travelers. This is an indicator that changes colors depending on emotions.
He is caught by a two-headed snake, which is outraged that Seleznyov is selling his own daughter, then outraged that Alice is trading with her father, and finally gives the indicator to Alice.
Alice sees a canary in a cage carried by long-eared ears. But the long-eared people say that they wanted to buy a talker, but only there are no more of them left. Someone killed all the talkers and Alice says they need a talker.
Chapter 10. We bought the Blabberyap
Nobody can sell talkers to cosmonauts. Krabakas says that these birds do not just talk, they can fly between the stars. Behind the boxes hides a long-eared bat, which brought the talker to the market. Alice recognizes the bird that sat on the captain's shoulder.
Ushan says that someone is pursuing him and seeks to steal the talker or even kill him. He points to Doctor Verkhovtsev.
Seleznev and Alisa buy Govorun and carry him across the square. Everyone around is surprised, and the talker in Russian says phrases that he heard from the Captains.
An old acquaintance fat man comes out to meet Seleznev and demands to sell or give the talker. Seleznyov already wants to contact the police, but the fat man is hiding.
Then Doctor Verkhovtsev appears to Seleznev and puts his hand in his pocket. He is armed.
Seleznev calls for help from Poloskov. At this time, numerous stamp collectors are shown and Verkhovtsev retreats.
Chapter 11. Course towards the Medusa system
On the ship, the cosmonauts decide that the talker is the same one that the Captains had. A fat man comes and gives them a diamond turtle, telling them that his name is Veselchak U.
The Blabberyap suggests heading for the Medusa system.
Seleznev decides to fly to the Medusa system, but first fly to Sheshineru and look at the sliss. At this time, the turtle tries to escape, and the astronauts lock it in a safe.
Chapter 12 - such a sad invention
"Pegasus" arrives at the planet Sheshiner and in the refrigerator Seleznyov finds a green man eating pineapple. Next, the second, then the third green man appears and everyone takes pineapples. Seleznyov calls Poloskov, but the refrigerator is already empty and the pineapples are gone.
Alice asks to forgive the little green men, in whom she recognizes the inhabitants of the planet.
"Pegasus" sits on the planet and is greeted by a crowd with banners, everyone greets Alice.
An elderly green man said that once upon a time pills were invented on the planet, which made it possible to travel in time. This led to disaster. Everyone began to return to the past in order to experience pleasant moments, and no one was interested in the present.
The little man disappeared and returned with a pineapple that he had taken from the Pegasus refrigerator yesterday. He said that everyone on the planet thanks Alice for interceding for them yesterday.
Then Seleznev asked about the Skliss, but the little man said that they would give them up anyway and disappeared.
Seleznyov saw a cow that took off and flew to the other side of the street. He asked the green boy whose skliss it was. The boy replied that there was nobody, and Seleznyov took the skliss on the Pegasus.
Chapter 13. Paralyzed robots
On the way to the Medusa system, Pegasus receives a distress signal from the planet Shelezyaka, inhabited by robots. The traveler sits down and finds one barely alive robot. The robot says that there is an epidemic on the planet.
Zeleny began to dig into the robot, but found nothing, so he decided to change his lubricant. The robot, having learned that the expedition is looking for animals, offers them robot animals, but Seleznev believes that he does not need such animals.
After changing the lubricant, the robot wakes up. Green says that bacteria have settled in the grease, which turns it into rust.
The robot recognizes the talker and greets him. It turns out that the wounded talker received help on the planet - robots replaced his wing with a prosthesis.
And then a man in a hat flew in and swore terribly when he learned that the robots had helped the talker. And then he was seen at the lubricant tank. It was again Doctor Verkhovtsev.
At parting, the robot presented the travelers with several small robotic animals, which immediately began to chase the diamond turtle down the corridor.
Chapter 14. Chasing Lady Winter
Pegasus lands on the deserted second planet of the Medusa system and Blabberyap warns to beware of mirages.
Then Seleznyov sees two men and one woman on the field. Alice immediately recognizes them - they are Porthos, D "Artagnan and Lady Winter. It was about them that she read in the evening.
Travelers understand that these are mirages. They see birch trees, grass, then themselves, Doctor Verkhovtsev, who turns out to be familiar with Veselchak, and finally Kapitanov.
Professor Seleznev takes pebbles from the surface and brings them to Pegasus. He introduces the crew to the inhabitants of the planet who can create mirages. A mirage of the Second Captain appears in the cabin, and the Blabberyap says that it is necessary to look for him on the third planet.
Chapter 15. Croc bird chick
On the third planet there were many forests and various animals, huge birds were flying in the sky. Poloskov sends a scout on the flight, but he falls silent very quickly, and Poloskov flies on a boat to look for him.
Seleznyov sees Alice following the talker to the forest and suddenly a croc bird grabs her.
He calls for help and Poloskov hurries to him. They fly on a boat to the mountains where the croc bird nest is located.
There they see many nests and in one of them they notice Alice. The bird tries to feed the girl with fish, she takes Alice for her chick.
Seleznev and Poloskov take Alice away, and she shows them a plaque found in the nest with the inscription "Blue Seagull".
Chapter 16. Mirror Flowers
Seleznev and Alisa walk for a long time through the forest after Govorun. And now they find themselves in a clearing overgrown with flowers-mirrors. Alice looks at her reflection. Then Poloskov checks the clearing with a metal detector, but finds no trace of the Blue Gull.
Astronauts pick flowers and carry a bouquet to the Pegasus.
Green looks like a flower, but it reflects not him, but Alice.
At this time, the Talker knocks outside with its beak. They launch him and he says in the voice of the second captain: "There is no more strength to hold on. Will help come soon?"
Chapter 17. We look into the past
Travelers look into flowers and see that everything in them is moving the other way around. They realize that they are seeing a record of events that happened in the past.
Suddenly they see Verkhovtsev and Veselchak. Those are arguing about something, and behind them is the silhouette of a spaceship.
Seleznyov and Alice fly to the clearing, but the search will not be crowned with success. They return and Zeleny suggests cutting off the mirror layer from the flower to see what happened in the past. Gradually cutting off layer by layer, they notice that a huge hatch occupies the entire clearing.
At this time, the indicator pushes Zeleny under the arm and the mirror breaks.
The astronauts go to the wardroom to take another flower and see that all the flowers are broken, and the Talker bird has disappeared.

Chapter 18. Spy
Poloskov flew around the planet at that time and did not find anything. Seleznyov checked the ship's hatch and found it open. He notices a talker pushing a diamond turtle on the ground.
Seleznyov takes the turtle in his arms and returns it to the ship. He and Green do not understand who could have opened the hatch, but then Zeleny sees the key to the hatch in the turtle's beak.
He takes the turtle and examines it. Then he pries off the shell and it opens. The turtle turns out to be a cunning robot. The turtle turned out to be a spy and the astronauts understand that Verkhovtsev and Veselchak wanted to get the key to the ship in order to capture it.
Chapter 19. Where is the girl?
Poloskov decides to overtake the Pegasus to the mirrored meadow. Here another ship sits down and Verkhovtsev runs out of it, he waves his hand to the astronauts. Poloskov starts rapidly.
Alice says that Verkhovtsev was hatless.
"Pegasus" sits down on a mirrored glade, where there are broken mirrors everywhere, and suddenly falls through.
During the emergency landing, no one was hurt and the travelers decide to find out where they fell. They exit the ship and explore the cave. Around the stone and darkness. But in the beams of flashlights, they see the silhouette of a spaceship nearby. This is the Blue Gull.
Suddenly, a bright light flashes and the command sounds to drop the weapon and not move. Four pirates are approaching from two sides, among them Verkhovtsev in a hat and Veselchak.
Travelers find themselves surrounded.
The pirates put handcuffs on the astronauts, but suddenly notice that Alice is not around. The girl disappeared.
Chapter 20. In captivity.
Alice is nowhere to be found, and the black man finds the Blabberyap in the ship and goes down the ladder. Verkhovtsev orders to break the Talker's neck, but the black man suddenly falls and releases the bird. The talker flies away swiftly.
Veselchak turns to the Second Captain and demands that he leave the ship. He threatens to kill the professor and his companions.
The captain addresses Professor Seleznev.
He says that the Third Captain, who flew to another galaxy, returned from there with the formula for the galaxy, universal fuel, and asked the Second Captain to meet him here. The third captain was very ill.
But the pirates intercepted this message and set a trap. They also hunted the galaxy. The pirates captured the Third Captain and must have killed him.
The pirates are about to kill Professor Seleznev and the Second Captain is about to leave.
He jumps out of the ship and fires his blaster, but the pirates surround him, and Veselchak raises a knife over Seleznev's throat.
And suddenly the command to drop the weapon sounds. Doctor Verkhovtseff without a hat, the First Captain and even Alice are walking on both sides.
Chapter 21. And at this time ..
Alice, while still on the Pegasus, discovered that the invisible hat really existed, and when pirates attacked them, she decided to use it. She put on her hat and disappeared.
She tripped the pirate and he released Blabberyap. Then Alice ran down the corridors after the Talker, and in some cell heard a faint groan. Then Blabberyap brought her to the surface.
And there she sees spaceship and Doctor Verkhovtsev. But next to the doctor, the First Captain and Blabberyap happily sit on his shoulder.
Alice tries to warn the Captain that Verkhovtsev is a traitor, but the Captain dismisses these accusations. Verkhovtsev was with him all the time, and in the underground there was someone else who only pretended to be Verkhovtsev.
Then Alice takes off her invisibility cap and meets the First Captain.
They rush to help their comrades in trouble.
Chapter 22. The Fat Man Lies
The pirates surrender and Verkhovtsev steps on his double. He tugs at the zipper and reveals a terrible insect under the person's appearance. The merry fellow shouts that this is the main pirate, the Rat. The rat pierces itself with its own sting and pretends to be dead.
But Veselchak says that the Rat is simply unconscious. Then they decide to put him in a cage.
Veselchak says that he is an honest pirate and is bargaining to discover the secret of the trap. But the captains do not conduct any negotiations with him.
The first captain tells how he and Verkhovtsev were looking for both the Pegasus and the Second Captain.
Finally Veselchak opens the trap and everyone is going to leave. And then Alice remembers the groan she heard.
Chapter 23. Prisoner in the dungeon
In the cage, the astronauts find the slightly alive Third Captain. He is completely bad, but he is happy with his friends. And at that moment he dies. Seleznyov cuts his chest and begins to directly massage his heart. Finally my heart began to beat.
The third captain is given reinforcing injections and taken out into the fresh air. His life is out of danger. Everyone is happy that the three captains are together again and again soon will surf the vastness of space.
Chapter 24. End of the journey.
When the Third Captain has recovered a little, everyone begins to prepare for the return trip. And at this moment another ship appears.
The pilot of the ship refuses to help and the First Captain recognizes his wife Ella by his voice. It turns out that she still caught her living nebula and now the main thing is not to lower it.
Together, the nebula is planted on the ground and Veselchak immediately hides in it.
While Ella and Seva, as the name of the First Captain turns out, are sorting out the relationship, Veselchak suddenly rushes to run. But the bird Croc catches him and carries him away.
However, Veselchak turns so that the bird drops him, and Veselchak falls somewhere behind the stones.
And the nebula escapes safely and is caught a second time only near the planet Shelezyak.
Then the nebula is taken to Earth, where it is placed on the Moon in a crater.
All say goodbye and wish each other the best.
The captains promise Alice to take her to another galaxy when the girl grows up, and she promises to take her dad with her.

Drawings and illustrations for the story "Alice's Journey"

The great travelers Zoshchenko: analysis, heroes, essay

Mini Essay based on the story "Great Travelers"

The story "Great Travelers" is humorous.
It tells how three guys: Styopka, the narrator Minka and his older sister Lyolya - went on a trip around the world. And they also took their dog Tuzik with them.
Stepka, as the eldest, started all this, and persuaded his younger friends to go with him. Of course, they did not manage to get far. But a lot of funny adventures happened to them. And I think that the story is written to amuse the reader. For example, I laughed heartily. What do I remember the most in this story? First, the way Styopka made everyone carry a heavy bag. In the end, Minka, like the smallest, fell into the ditch with the sack. And when the guys wanted to adapt Tuzik for carrying, he "gnawed through the bag and in an instant ate all the bacon." The travelers had to eat bread sprinkled with sugar. But then wasps swooped in, and one of them stung Minka on the cheek. "The cheek was swollen like pie." But the most ridiculous episode seemed to me the episode in which the sleeping Stepka was turned by his friends in the opposite direction in order to return home as soon as possible. And he was very surprised to see his village. And then he decided that they circled the earth, that is, they made a round-the-world trip.
When the children returned home safely, Minka's dad said: “It is not enough to know geography and the mind table. To go on a journey, you need to have a higher education. " And of course he's right. In order to make sense of the journey, you need to prepare for it. To accumulate knowledge and experience of hiking trips. Otherwise, you can get into the same comic situation in which the heroes of Zoshchenko's story find themselves.

Zoshchenko, "Great Travelers": A Brief Analysis

The story, which amuses its readers with good humor, is comically called "Great Travelers". The author called his little heroes “great” with good humor. They are kids, who imagined themselves to be adults and smart, wanted to go on a long journey around the earth and see unknown places. Their leader, Styopka, picked up some information from simple books and generously shares it with friends. Well, for example, he offers to light a fire with a magnifying glass, fry the meat of slaughtered small animals on it. Guys do not represent real life and in everything they agree with the great inventor. Children have no idea how serious the task is before them, and therefore, when you read this story, you laugh at their training and further adventures... The conclusion to be drawn from this story: all children should learn to laugh at themselves and more often ask their parents how correct their actions are.

The main characters of Zoshchenko's story Great travelers

The main characters of Zoshchenko's story "The Great Travelers" are the boys Styopka and Minka, as well as the girl Lelya.

Stepka is the master's son and leader in this company. Obviously, the boy read a lot about adventure, and reading books inspired him with the idea of ​​going on a trip around the world.

Minka is Stepka's comrade. In age, he is a little younger than his friend, has a more timid character and obeys his friend in everything, so as not to appear a coward in front of Stepka.

Lelya is Minka's sister. Like any girl, she is a little capricious on the hike. However, soon Lelya realizes that the idea of ​​going on a hike was unsuccessful, and at night she and her brother turn Styopka's legs in the opposite direction in order to quickly get home.

If we compare the characters of the boys Styopka and Minka, we will see that they are completely opposite.

Stepka is a leader and had children in the company. He is brave, not afraid to leave home, convincing his friends of this. Minka is younger in age, he is afraid of everything in the forest, even a cone that has fallen from a tree. The boy unconditionally recognizes Styopka's leadership, timidly agreeing with all his ideas, so as not to look weak and frail in the company of friends. However, the writer in his story does not mock Minka, calling him cowardly, he kindly teases a boy who is still small for such a trip.

Summary and Review of the story "Great Travelers"

The main characters of Mikhail Zoshchenko's story "The Great Travelers" are children who decided to travel around the world. It all started when six-year-old Minka, whose parents rented a dacha in the village, learned from Stepka, the son of the dacha owners, that the earth was round.

Styopka said that if you go straight all the time, you will definitely return to the starting point. On a trip around the world, Styopka agreed to take Minka and his sister Lelia. The children carefully prepared for the campaign: Lelya took her pocket money, and Styopka collected a large bag in which he put bread, sugar, some bacon, dishes, a couple of blankets and a pillow.

The next day, the children waited until the adults were not at home and set off along the forest road. The dog Tuzik followed the young travelers. The bag turned out to be heavy and the guys carried it in turns. When the bag was carrying Mink, he managed to fall. As a result, all the dishes were broken. And then Tuzik gnawed the sack and ate bacon.

During the halt, wasps attacked the guys who were eating bread with sugar, and one of them bit Minka. After the halt, Styopka threw out a lot of things from the bag and then the guys went light.

The travelers walked until nightfall and were very tired. To Minka and Lele, Stepka’s idea didn’t seem so interesting anymore. But Styopka did not even allow the thought of turning back. When they settled down for the night, Styopka went to bed so that his legs were stretched out where the guys had been going all day.

At night, Lelya woke up Minka and offered to turn Styopka around so that she could go back in the morning. Minka did not object, and they turned Styopka, who did not even wake up.

In the morning, unsuspecting Stepka led his detachment in the opposite direction. Soon a man riding a cart caught up with them. He agreed to give the guys a ride. An hour later, the travelers drove straight to their village, which was called Peski.

Stunned, Styopka decided that they had already rounded the Earth and returned to their starting point. The cart drove right up to the pier where Minka and Lelya's parents and their grandmother, who had just arrived from the city, were standing. The nanny was excitedly explaining something to them.

It turned out that she was just talking about the missing children. Hearing about the trip around the world, grandmother suggested punishing the children, but dad said that the children already understood that they had done something stupid. He also said that you need to know a lot and be able to do a lot to travel around the world.

Then everyone went home to dinner, and his mother locked Styopka in the barn for the whole day.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Zoshchenko's story "The Great Travelers" lies in the fact that for any serious business it is important to have the appropriate knowledge and experience. Children went on a trip around the world without basic geographical knowledge and experience in hiking, and only by chance did not get into trouble.

The story teaches you to live your own mind and not get involved in adventures. Minka and Lelya were impressed by Stepka's idea of ​​traveling around the world, but then they regretted that they had agreed to this adventure.

Proverbs to Zoshchenko's story "Great Travelers"

A bad head does not give rest to the legs.
When the foolish order is fulfilled, a hundred people suffer.
He who travels knows.

You read a mini essay on Zoshchenko: for a lesson in literature for different classes of the school. The text of the essay can be used as a message, report, short abstract or for a reader's diary.

Once the ringleader Styopka suggested that Lele and Minka go on a trip around the world. At first he did not want to take Minka with him, but after he gave him a penknife, he took it. Stupka has collected things, both necessary and not very good. They went on a journey when the parents left for the city, and Stepkina's mother went to the river to rinse the clothes. On the way, Minka and Lyolya quickly got tired and began to ask to go home. Styopka told them that whoever wanted to return home would be tied to a tree and left to be devoured by the ants. After Tuzik ate all the bacon, the guys had to eat bread and sugar. And then the wasps swooped in and bit Minka, completely discouraging him from going further. After walking a little more, they stopped for the night. Laying down to sleep in a forest clearing, Styopka stretched out his legs in the direction of movement so as not to go astray, but the cunning Lyolya suggested that his brother turn Styopka with his feet towards the house, so that when he woke up, they would go back. The guys did just that. Waking up in the morning, they went back to their village of Peski, where their parents were waiting. And Stepka was still amazed on the way and said that the trip around the world differs from others, that everything repeats itself, since the Earth is round.

A very funny story! I think that it was written to amuse the reader. For example, I laughed heartily. What do I remember most in this story? First, the way Styopka made everyone carry a heavy bag. In the end, Minka, like the smallest, fell into the ditch with the sack. And when the guys wanted to adapt Tuzik for carrying, he "gnawed through the bag and in an instant ate all the bacon." The travelers had to eat bread sprinkled with sugar. But then wasps swooped in, and one of them stung Minka right on the cheek. But the most ridiculous episode seemed to me, in which the sleeping Stipka was turned by his friends in the opposite direction. Well done guys, they were not taken aback, they found a way to return from around the world in one day !!!

Attention questions:
1. Who explained to Minka that the Earth is round?
a) dad;
b) Lyolya;
c) Stitch;
d) nanny.

2. Where did Styopka Lele and Minke suggest to go?
a) to the lake;
b) walk;
c) to the resort;
d) on a trip.

3. Why did the children need money during the trip? How did Styopka explain this?
a) buy food;
b) buy seeds and sweets;
c) buy clothes;
d) just in case.

4. Who went on a trip with the guys?
a) mom;
b) Murka the cat;
c) the dog Tuzik;
d) dad.

5. What desire did Minka and Lyolya have on the trip?
a) return home;
b) continue the journey;
c) go to the forest;
d) steal Tuzik.

6. Where did mom lock Stepka when the guys returned home?
a) in the house;
b) in a barn;
c) in the bath;
d) in a barrel.

A bit of history ...
What is travel?
TRAVEL is a wandering. walking or driving in other people's places (from Dahl's dictionary).

It is known that even in antiquity, people traveled, visited different parts of the Earth. Portuguese sailors were the first to start searching for new sea routes to Asia. Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India. The discovery of America is associated with the name of Christopher Columbus. As a result of the voyage of Magellan, the idea of ​​the sphericity of the Earth was confirmed, it was proved that between Asia and America lies a huge body of water - Pacific Ocean... In 1768, the English navigator James Cook explored the shores of Oceania and Australia. In 1648, Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev left the Kolyma and bypassed the Chukotka Peninsula, proving that the Asian continent was separated from America by a strait. This is how they are - GREAT TRAVELERS !