Robinson Cruzo every second. Daniel Deforobinzon Crusoe

Our ship did not have time to get out of the mouth of Hamber, as the cold wind from the north. The sky was covered with clouds. The strongest pitching began.

I have never been to the sea, and I was thin. My head was spinning, my legs shoved, but I was chosen, I almost fell. Whenever a big wave flew on the ship, it seemed to me that we were drowning at a minute. Whenever the ship fell from a high crest of the wave, I was sure that he was never climbed.

A thousand times I swear that if I stay alive, if my leg again stands on a hard earth, I will immediately return home to my father and never go out for the deck of the ship for all my life.

I had enough prudent thoughts for me only at that time while the storm was raging.

But the wind verse, the excitement was easier, and it became much easier for me. I gradually began to get used to the sea. True, I have not completely got completely got away from the seaside disease, but by the end of the day the weather cleared up, the wind is completely bite, a delightful evening came.

All night I slept strong sleep. The other day the sky was as clear. The quiet sea with full of streets, all illuminated by the sun, represented such a beautiful picture, which I have never seen. From my marine disease there is no trace. I immediately calmed down, and I became fun. With surprise, I looked around the sea, which yesterday it seemed to be riveted, cruel and formidable, and today it was a meek, affectionate.

Here, as for the purpose, my friend comes to me, who seduced me to go along with him, claps on the shoulder and says:

- Well, how do you feel, Bob? I bet that you were scared. Feed: After all, have you been very frightened yesterday when the breeze blew?

- breeze? Good breeze! It was a mad flurry. I could not imagine such a terrible storm!

- Storm? Oh, you, a fool! Do you think this is a storm? Well, yes, you are still new to the sea: it's not wonderful that I was frightened ... Let's go better yes, we order a punch, drink a glass and boold about the Burea. Look, what a clear day! Wonderful weather, isn't it?

To reduce this sorting part of my story, I will only say that the case went like seafarers: I got drunk and drowned all my promises and oaths, all my commendable thoughts about the immediate return home. As soon as the calm came and I stopped being afraid that the waves swallow me, I immediately forgotten all my good intentions.

For the sixth day we saw away the city of Yarmut. The wind after the storm was a counter, so we very slowly moved forward. In Yarmut, we had to quit an anchor. We stood waiting for the passing wind seven or eight days.

During this time, there were many ships from Newcastle. We, however, would not have exercised so long and entered the river along with the tide, but the wind became all fresh, and after five, he pointed out of all his might. Since on our ship anchor and anchor ropes were strong, our sailors did not show the slightest anxiety. They were sure that the ship is in full security, and, according to the custom of sailors, they gave all his free time Cheerful entertainment and fun.

However, for the ninth day by the morning, the wind still smashed, and soon a terrible storm was played. Even tested sailors were very frightened. I heard several times as our captain, passing by me, then in the cabin, then from the cabin, muttered in a low voice: "We disappeared! We disappeared! The end!"

Nevertheless, he did not lose his head, Zorko watched the work of the sailors and accepted all measures to save his ship.

Until now, I have not experienced fear: I was sure that this storm will also safely pass as the first. But when the captain himself stated that all of us came the end, I was scared and ran out of the cabin on the deck. Never in life did not have to see such a terrible sight. By sea, like high mountains, huge waves went, and every three or four minutes such a mountain was collapsed.

At first, I chopped from fright and could not look around. When finally I dared to look back, I realized how disaster broke out over us. On two hard loaded vessels, which stood immediately near the anchor, the sailors cut the mast so that the ships would be a little freed from gravity.

Two more vessels fell apart with anchors, the storm took them to the open sea. What did they expect them there? All their masts were shot down by hurricane.

Small vessels were kept better, but some of them had to suffer from some of them: two or three boats carried by our sides right into the open sea.

In the evening, the navigator and boots came to the captain and declared him that to save the vessel, it was necessary to cut the fog mast.

- I can not slow a minute! - they said. - Order, and we grab it.

"Let's wait a little more," the captain objected. - Maybe the storm will take place.

He really did not want to cut the mast, but Bottchesman began to prove that if the mast was left, the ship would go to the bottom, - and the captain of the attack agreed.

And when they cut down a fock mast, the grotto Mast began to swing so much and rock the ship, which had to cut down and her.

The night came, and suddenly one of the sailors, descended in the hold, shouted that the ship gave flow. In Tel sent another sailor, and he reported that the water had already risen four feet.

Then the captain commanded:

- roll out the water! All to the pumps!

When I heard this team, my heart froze from horror: it seemed to me that I was dying, my feet were sinking, and I fell back on the bed. But the sailors plunged me and demanded that I would not learn from work.

- Pretty you idleled, it's time and worry! - they said.

There is nothing to do, I approached the pump and began to diligently pump water.

At this time, small cargo ships that could not resist the wind, raised anchors and went out into the open sea.

Seeing them, our captain ordered to pour out the gun to give them to know that we were in mortal danger. Hearing a cannonal volley and not understanding what's the matter, I imagined that our ship was broken. I got so scary that I lost feelings and fell. But at that time everyone took care of the salvation of his own life, and did not pay attention to me. No one asked to find out what happened to me. One of the sailors began to pump on my place, moving me to the nurse. Everyone was sure that I was already dead. So I knew very long. Waking up, I took up the work again. We worked not to twist the hands, but the water in the trum was climed all above.

It was obvious that the ship should sink. True, the storm began to be sick, but for us did not foresee the slightest opportunity to hold out on the water until we enter the harbor. Therefore, the captain did not cease to fill out of the guns, hoping that someone would save us from death.

Finally, the small ship nearest to us risked to launch a boat to file help us. The boat could tip over every minute, but she nevertheless approached us. Alas, we could not get into it, because there was no opportunity to adjust to our ship, although people rowing with all his might risking their lives to save our life. We threw them the rope. They did not manage to catch him for a long time, since the storm attributed him to side. But, fortunately, one of the brains was illuminated and after many unsuccessful attempts grabbed the rope for the very end. Then we pulled the boat under our feed and all went down to one. We wanted to get to their ship, but could not resist the waves, and the waves carried us to the shore. It turned out that only in this direction and you can row. A quarter of an hour has not passed, as our ship began to dive into the water. Waves, who walked our boat, were so high that because of them we did not see the shore. Only in the shortest moment, when our boat threw up the crest of the waves, we could see that a big crowd was gathered on the shore: people ran back and forth, getting ready to give us help when we approach closer. But we moved to the shore very slowly. Only in the evening they managed to get to the land, and even then with the greatest difficulties.

In Yarmut we had to go on foot. There we were awaited by a welcoming meeting: the inhabitants of the city, who already knew about our misfortune, took us good dwellings, treated with a great dinner and provided us with money so that we could get to where I would like to go to London or to Gully.

Not far from Gulla was York, where my parents lived, and, of course, I should have come back to them. They would forgave me a self-fighting escape, and we all would be so happy!

But the insane dream of marine adventures did not leave me and now. Although the sober voice of the reason told me that in the sea I am waiting for new dangers and troubles, I again began to think about how I would get on the ship and cross around the seas and oceans all the world.

My buddy (the one, whose father belonged to the deceased ship) was now a sullen and sad. The happening disaster was oppressed. He introduced me to his father, who also did not cease to grieve about the drowned ship. Having learned from the Son about my passion for sea travel, the old man harshly looked at me and said:

- A young man, you will never be launched in the sea. I heard that you are cowardly, spoiled and fall in spirit at the slightest danger. Such people are not suitable in the sailors. Return home soon and reconcile with your relatives. You yourself experienced how dangerous to travel around the sea.

I felt he was right, and could not object anything. But still I did not return home, because I was ashamed to seem to my loved ones. I could feel that all our neighbors would mock me; I was sure that my failures will make me a quiet of all friends and acquaintances. Subsequently, I often noticed that people, especially in youth, consider not the wrong acts for which we call them fools, and those good and noble things that they are committed in minutes of repentance, although only for these things can be called them reasonable . So I was at that time. Memories of disasters tested by me during the shipwreck, little little asked, and I, living in the farm for two or three weeks, did not go to Gull, but in London.

Robinson Cruzo is a man with difficult fate. All his life was attracted by the sea, and in his youth he runs out of the house to go to his first swimming. He is then experiencing shipwreck, and later - he is captured, from which only after 2 years is released. But his main life test begins in 1659, when he goes to the flight behind African slaves and enters the storm.

Once on the uninhabited island, Robinson Crusoe rejoices that he managed to survive, then flows into despair, because all his partners died and he stayed alone in God forgotten, but quickly understands that if he wants to survive, you need to stock up and build yourself Shelter. At first, he saves the surviving food, clothing and tools from the wreckage of the ship, plans a tent with a bed on a hillside, but so that wild animals could not get there, and that the sea could be seen, because only from there you can wait for salvation. To provide himself with food, Robinson plant rice seeds and barley mined from the ship, and later begins to get meat through the hunting of wild goats, hares and turtles.

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Soon, the hero begins to breed goats on his own, receiving meat and milk from them, from which even makes cheese. Being an uninhabited island, a lonely person can quickly be wild, and Robinson, so as not to forget human speech, communicates with the dog and cats saved from the ship, and later tames the parrot, which teaches to speak English. In order not to lose the account of the time, he builds a calendar to himself, in which he makes scubons every day, and also until paper and ink from the ship did, leads a diary. Suddenly, the obedient earthquake forces him to build a new home, and unexpectedly coming fever makes him start reading prayers. One day, Robinson Cruzo notices the trailing of the naked human leg and the remnants of the meal, and understands that there are dicari-cannibals on his island. He is attended by the thought of salvation intended for food, which would be a companion to him and helped build a ship at which they will get to the mainland. It is possible to fulfill him, and he gets himself in the assistants of the faithful and good savage, who gives his nicknamed Friday. Robinson is withdrawing him to eat human meat, helps to master English, tears wearing clothes and manage with weapons. And once the day comes when, together with Friday, Robinson saves from the cannibals of the captain of the ship, who in gratitude will take them away from the island.

June 11, 1686 Robinson Cruzo and Friday arrive in England. Revised Contrary to all expectations did not break the hero. The hero was able to cope with fear and loneliness, he did not go crazy, but, on the contrary, he learned to be in harmony with nature and managed to keep everything human in himself that he saved him from the focus of the formation of a speaker and made it possible to return to her previous life .

Updated: 2019-04-27

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Once in the early morning we threw an anchor from some high cape. Already started tide. Suddenly, Xours, who had eyes, apparently, whispered:

I looked at the side where Xours showed, and really saw a terrible beast. It was a huge lion. He lay under the brand of the mountain.

"Listen, Xours," I said, "go ashore and kill this lion." The boy was frightened.

- I kill him! - he exclaimed. - Yes, because the lion swallows me like a fly!

I asked him not to move and, without telling him anything else, brought all our guns from the cabin (there were three of them). One, the biggest and cumbersome, I charged two slices of lead, sprouting pre-in the blood of a good charge; To another rolled two large bullets, and in the third - five smaller bullets.

Taking the first rifle and aiming thoroughly, I fired in the beast. I met him in my head, but he lay in such a pose (covering his head with a paw at the level of the eyes), that the charge fell into the paw and crushed the bone. Les buried and jumped up, but, feeling pain, fell, then rose on three paws and slapped away from the shore, the emitting so desperate Röv, which I have never heard.

I was a little embarrassed by the fact that I didn't hit him; However, not a minute not a minute, took the second gun and fired the beast after. This time my charge got straight into the goal. The lion fell, making barely audible hoarse sounds.

When Xours saw the wounded beast, all his fears were held, and he began to ask me to let me go ashore.

- Okay, go! - I said.

The boy jumped into the water and swam to the shore, working with one hand, because in his other he had a gun. Going close to the fallen beast, he put a blowing gun to his ear and killed out.

It was, of course, it was nice to shoot on the hunt of a lion, but the meat was not fit in food, and I very much regretted that we spent three charges on such a nicchable game. However, Xours said that he would try to get started with some of the dead lion, and when we returned to the boat, I asked me an ax.

- What for? - I asked.

- cut off his head, "he answered.

However, he could not cut off his head, he did not have enough strength: he cut off only the paw, which he brought into our boat. Paw was extraordinary sizes.

It happened to me that the skin of this lion could, perhaps, come in handy, and I decided to try to remove the skin from him. We went ashore again, but I did not know how to take up this work. Xours turned out to be more agile than me.

We worked all day. The ski was removed only in the evening. We stretched it on the roof of our little cabin. Two days later, she perfectly dried into the sun and then served me a bed.

Despair from this shore, we swam straight to the south and days ten and twelve in a row did not change their destination.

Our provisional approached the end, so we tried it is possible to save our reserves economically. We went to the shore only for fresh water.

I wanted to get to the mouth of the Gambia river or Senegal, that is, until those places that fit to the green cavity, as it was hoping to meet some European ship here. I knew that if I did not meet the ship in these places, I would stay or go out into the open sea in search of the islands, or dare among the blacks - I did not have another choice.

I also knew that all ships, who come from Europe, wherever they go to - to the shores of Lee Guinea, in Brazil or in East India, they pass past the green cape, and therefore it seemed to me that all my happiness depends only on Togo, whether I will meet some European ship at the green cape.

"If I do not meet," I said to myself, "I face a faithful death."

Chapter 4.

Meeting with dicks

She passed ten days. We steadily continued to move south. At first the coast was deserted; Then in two or three places we saw naked black people who stood on the shore and looked at us.

I somehow decided to go ashore and talk with them, but Xours, my wise adviser, said:

- Do not go! Do not go! Do not!

Still, I began to keep closer to the shore to be able to start a conversation with these people. Savages obviously understood what I want, and the debt fled to us along the shore.

I noticed that they were unarmed only at one of them was a long thin stick in her hand. Xours told me that this is a spear and that savages throw their spears very far and amazingly aptly. Therefore, I kept in some distance from them and talked to them with the help of signs, trying to give them to understand that we were hungry and need food. They understood and became, in turn, make me signs so that I stopped my boat, as they intend to bring us food.

I descended the sail, the boat stopped. Two savages ran somewhere and after half an hour brought two large pieces of dried meat and two bags with a grain of some grain cereal, growing in those places. We did not know what meat it was and what grain, but expressed complete readiness to take both.

But how to get the proposed gift? We could not go ashore: we were afraid of savages, and they are us. And so, in order for both sides to feel safe, the savages folded all the provisions on the shore, and they themselves went away. Only after we crossed it on the boat, they have grown to the previous place.

The kindness of the savages sent us, we thanked them signs, as no gifts could offer them in return.

However, at the same moment we had a wonderful case to provide them with a big service.

We did not have time to dilute from the shore, as suddenly saw that two strong and terrible beasts would run away from behind the mountains. They rushed with all the legs straight to the sea. It seemed to us that one of them was chasing another. Former people on the shore, especially women, scared frightened. Started turmoil, many crushed, we cried. Only that savage, who had a spear, remained on the spot, all the other was set off to run the gossip. But the beasts rushed straight to the sea and no one of the blacks was touched. Here only I saw what they were huge. They rushed into the water and began to dive and swim, so it could, perhaps, think that they came running here the only for the sake of marine bathing.

Suddenly one of them swam enough close to our boat. I did not expect this, but nevertheless I was not caught by the surprise: I soaring a rifle, I prepared to meet the enemy. As soon as he approached us at the distance of a rifle shot, I descended the trigger and shot his head. In the same moment, he plunged into the water, then he snapped and swam back to the shore, then disappearing in the water, then appearing again on the surface. He fought with death, dying with water and bleeding. Without going to the shore, he is a hearth and went to the bottom.

No words can be conveyed as dicks were stunned when they heard the roar and saw the fire of my shot: Ohah almost died her fear and fell to the ground as dead.

But seeing that the beast was killed and that I do it signs to come closer to the shore, they osmellies and crowded at the water itself: Apparently, they really wanted to find under the water of the murdered beast. In the place where he drowned, the water was painted with blood, and therefore I easily found it. Having hooked his rope, I threw her end to the savages and they pulled the murdered beast to the shore. It was a big leopard with an unusually beautiful spotted skin. Dikari, standing above him, from amazement and joy raised hands upwards; They could not understand what I killed him.

Another beast, frightened by my shot, swam to the shore and rushed back to the mountains.

I noticed that the savages really want to enjoy meat the dead leopard, and it occurred to me that it would be good if they would receive him from me as a gift.

I showed them signs that they can take the beast to themselves.

They warmly thanked me and at the same moment began to work. They didn't have knives, but, acting a sharp chips, they removed the skin from the dead beast so fast and cleverly, as we would not remove it and a knife.

They offered me meat, but I refused, making a sign that I give it to them. I asked them the skin, which they gave me very eagerly. In addition, they brought for me a new supply of provisions, and I gladly accepted their gift. Then I asked them to be water: I took one of our jugs and overturned it up the bottom to show that it was empty and that I ask him to fill it. Then they shouted something. Some weather appeared two women and brought a large vessel from burned clay (must be, savages burn clay in the sun). This vessel of the woman was put on the shore, and they themselves retired, as before. I sent Xours to the shore with all three jugs, and he filled them to the top.

Thus, having received water, meat and bread grains, I broke up with friendly savages and for eleven days continued the path in the same direction, without turning to the shore.

Every night during the calm, we carved fire and lit in the lantern a homemade candle, hoping that some ship would notice our tiny flame, but not a single ship and did not meet us along the way.

Finally, the miles of fifteen in front of them, I saw the lane of the earth far speaking at sea. The weather was windless, and I turned into the open sea to get drunk this braid. At that moment, when we were tired with her tip, I clearly saw miles in six from the shore from the ocean's side another land and concluded it is quite right that a narrow braid is a green cape, and that land that looms away, one of the islands of the green cape . But the islands were very far away, and I did not dare to go to them.

Suddenly I heard a boy's cry:

- Mr.! Mr.! Ship and sail!

Naive Xours were so frightened that the reason was not lost: he imagined, as if it was one of the ships of his owner, sent for us to the chase. But I knew how far we left from the Maurians, and I was sure that they were not scary to us.

I jumped out of the cabin and now I saw the ship. I even managed to see that the ship is Portuguese. "It should be, he goes to the shores of Guinea," I thought. But after watching more attentively, I made sure that the ship goes in another direction and does not intend to turn to the shore. Then I raised all the sails and endured in the open sea, drafted by anything to come into negotiations with the ship.

Soon I became clear that, even going full swingI will not have time to come so close so that my signals can disassemble on the ship. But just at that moment, when I started to despair, we saw us from the deck - it should be in the pylon tube. As I learned later, we decided on the ship that this is a boat with some drowned European ship. The ship led to the drift to give me the opportunity to get closer, and I approached an hour after three hours.

I was asked who I am, first in Portuguese, then in Spanish, then in French, but I did not know any of these languages.

Finally, one sailor, Scotland, spoke in English with me, and I told him that I was an Englishman who ran out of captivity. Then me and my companion was very kindly invited to the ship. Soon we found themselves on the deck with our boat.

It is impossible to express in words, what I experienced delight when I felt at freedom. I was saved and from slavery and from my death threatened! My happiness was infinitely. At the joy, I suggested all the property, which was with me, to my Savior, Captain, as a reward for my deliverance. But the captain refused.

"I won't take anything with you," he said. - All your things will be returned to you, as soon as we arrive in Brazil. I saved you life, as it is well aware that I myself could find yourself in the same misfortune. And how I would be happy then, if you gave me the same help! Do not forget that we are going to Brazil, and Brazil is far from England, and there you can die with hunger without these things. Not for the same, I saved you, then to destroy! No, no, Senor, I will take you to Brazil for nothing, and things will give you the opportunity to secure yourself and pay for travel to your homeland.

Chapter 5.

Robinson is set in Brazil. - He goes back to the sea. - the ship will crash him

The captain was generous and generous not only in words, but also in practice. He completed all his promises in good faith. He ordered none of the sailors to touch at my property, then compiled a detailed list of things that belong to me, ordered them to fold them together with her own things, and the list presented me to make it all right on arrival in Brazil.

He wanted to buy my boat. The boat was really good. Captain said he would buy it for his ship, and asked how much I want for her.

"You," I replied, "made me so much good that I did not consider myself right to assign the price for the boat. How much will give, so much and take.

Then he said that he would give me a written obligation to pay for my boat Eighty Chervonians immediately at the arrival in Brazil, but if I had another buyer, who will offer me more, the captain will pay me as much.

Our moving to Brazil was completely safely accomplished. In the way we helped the sailors, and they made friends with us. After twenty-lumany swimming, we entered the bay of all saints. Here I finally felt that my distress was behind that I was already a free person, not a slave and that my life begins Syznov.

I will never forget that the captain of the Portuguese ship is generously taken to me.

He did not take me a penny for travel; He returned all my things in full preservation, up to three clay jugs; He gave me forty gold for the lion's skin and twenty - behind the skin of the leopard and generally bought everything that I had too much and what I was convenient to sell, including a box with wines, two guns and the remaining wax (part of which went with us on Candles). In a word, when I sold him most of my property and went to the shore of Brazil, in my pocket I had two hundred twenty gold.

I did not want to part with my satellite Xursi: he was so faithful and reliable companion, he helped me get freedom. But I had nothing to do; In addition, I was not sure that I would succeed in feeding it. Therefore, I was very happy when the captain told me that he liked this boy that he would willingly take him to his ship and would make the sailor.

Soon, by arrival in Brazil, my friend Captain introduced me into the house of one of his friends. That was the owner of plantation of sugar cane and sugar factory. I lived with him quite a long time and thanks to this could learn sugar production.

Seeing how it is well living with these plantatives and how quickly they are richer, I decided to settle in Brazil and also to make the production of sugar. I leased the plot of land for all my cash and began to make a plan for my future plantation and manor.

I had a neighbor of a plantation, who came here from Lisbon. The name was HELLS. He came to the Englishman, but long ago he had long moved to Portuguese citizenship. We soon agreed and were in the most friendly relations. For the first two years, we both could easily feed our crops. But as the Earth was developed, we became richer.

Having lived four of the Brazil of the Year and gradually expanding our work, I, myself, of course, not only studied spanish languageBut I met all the neighbors, but also with merchants from San Salvador, the closest to us of the Primorsky city. Many of them became my friends. We often met, and, of course, I often told them about the two of my trips to the Guinea shore, about how trading with the local blacks is being done and how easily there is for any baubles - for beads, knives, scissors, axes or a mirror - Purchase golden sand and elephant bone.

They always listened to me with great interest and for a long time discussed what I told them.

Once the three of them came to me and, taking the word from me that all of our conversation would remain in secret, they said:

- You say that where you were, you can easily reach the whole piles of golden sand and other jewels. We want to equip the ship in Guinea for gold. Do you agree to go to Guinea? You will not have to invest in this enterprise not a penny: we will give you everything you need for exchange. For your work, you will receive your share of profit, the same as each of us.

I should refuse and stay in fertile Brazil for a long time, but I repeat, I was always a culprit of my own misfortunes. I passionately wanted to experience new nautical adventures, and my head was skidded from joy.

In my youth, I was unable to overcome my love for traveling and did not obey the good Soviets of the Father. So now I could not resist the seductive offer of my Brazilian friends.

I answered them that I wouldingly go to Guinea, however, the condition that during my journey they looked at my possessions and ordered them according to my instructions in case I do not return.

They solemnly promised to fulfill my wishes and brought our contract with a written commitment. I, for my part, made a testament in case of death: I won all my movable and immovable property, I won the Portuguese captain, who saved my life. But at the same time I made a reservation so that part of the capital he sent to England to my elderly parents.

The ship was equipped, and my companions, according to the condition, loaded his goods.

And now again - in an unkind hour! - On September 1, 1659, I stepped on the deck of the ship. It was the very day, in which eight years ago, I ran away from my father's house and so madly ruined my youth.

On the twelfth day of our swimming, we crossed the equator and were under seven degrees twenty-two minutes of northern latitude, when a mad flurry unexpectedly flew. He flew from the south-east, then began to blow in the opposite direction and, finally, bang from the northeast - the blows continuously with such a terrifying force that during the twelve days we had to move into the power of the hurricane, sailing where the waves drove us. There is nothing to say that all these twelve days I quickly waited for death every minute, and none of us did not think that he would stay alive.

One day in the early morning (the wind was still blowing with the former force) one of the sailors shouted:

But we did not have time to run out of the cabin to find out, our unfortunate vessel, as they felt that it was stranded. At the same moment, from a sudden stop, all our deck was given to such a frantic and mighty wave that we were forced to hide the cabins immediately.

The ship so deeply sat down in the sand that there was nothing and thinking to pull him out of the mel. We had one thing: take care of saving my own life. We had two boats. One hung behind the feed; During the storm, it was broken and took it into the sea. Other remained, but no one knew whether it would be possible to pull it into the water. Meanwhile, it was no time to think: the ship could split in every minute.

The assistant captain rushed to the boat and with the help of sailors threw it through the board. We all, eleven people, entered the boat and surrendered to the will of the raging waves, because, although the storm was already afraid, all the same, huge waves and the sea came to the shore, and the sea could be called mad.

Our position has become even more terrible: we saw it clear that the boat now overwhelms and that we cannot be saved. We did not have sails, and if it was, he would be completely useless for us. We rowed to the shore with despair in the heart, like people who lead to the execution. We all understood that, barely only the boat would fit closer to the ground, the surf immediately divides it into sins. Were customized by the wind, we left on the vest, imagining our death.

So the four miles were born, and suddenly the furious shaft, high, like a mountain, riding from the stern on our boat. It was the last, fatal blow. The boat turned over. In the same moment we found them under water. A storm in one second cried us in different directions.

It is impossible to describe the confusion of feelings and thoughts that I experienced when the wave covered me. I swim very well, but I didn't have the strength to immediately snap from this puchin to translate my breath, and I almost suffocate. The wave picked me up, dragged me towards Earth, crashed and fluttered away, leaving me half-arms, since I turned the water. I turned the spirit and came into myself a little. Seeing that the land is so close (much closer than I expected), I jumped to my feet and went to the shore with an emergency hasty. I was hoping to achieve it before I ran down and pick me up another wave, but soon I realized that I could not leave it: the sea went on me like a big mountain; It has hung up as a fierce enemy, with which it is impossible to fight. I did not resist the waves that carried me to the shore; But just overlooking the earth, they went back, I flured in every way and fought them to do not take me back to the sea.

The next wave was huge: at least twenty or thirty feet of the embroidery. She buried me deeply under his way. Then I picked up and with extraordinary speed marked to the ground. For a long time, I sailed downstream, helping him of all my might, and almost suffocated in the water, as suddenly felt that I was carrying me somewhere. Soon, to my greatest happiness, my hands and head turned out to be over the surface of the water, and although another wave flew on two hours, but still this brief respite gave me strength and vigor.

The new wave again covered me with her head, but this time I stayed under water not so long. When the wave crashed and fled down, I did not succumb to her onion, and swam to the shore and soon felt that I had the land under my feet.

I confused two or three seconds, sighed with all the breast and from the last strength rushed to run to the shore.

But now I did not leave the enraged sea: it was again launched after me. Two times the waves overtook me and carried me to the shore, which in this place was very detached.

The last wave with such force threw me about the rock that I lost consciousness.

For some time I was completely helpless, and if at that moment the sea again had to fall at me, I would certainly chollow in the water. Fortunately, consciousness returned to me. Seeing that now the wave will cover me again, I firmly clung to the protrusion of the clutch and, delaying my breath, tried to wait until she smokes.

Here, closer to Earth, the waves were not so huge. When the water hit, I ran forward again and found it so close to the shore that the next wave, though he retired me, with my head, but could no longer be carried in the sea.

I ran a few more steps and felt happily that I was standing on hard earth. I began to climb on the coastal rocks and, having reached a high boogue, fell on the grass. Here I was safe: the water could not stop to me.

I think there are no such words that could be depicting the joyful feelings of a person who rebelted, so to speak, from the coffin! I began to run and jump, I swung my hands, I even sang and danced. All my being, if you can put it, it was covered by thoughts about my happy salvation.

But here I suddenly thought about my drowned comrades. I became sorry for me, because during the swim, I managed to attach to many of them. I remembered their faces, names. Alas, I no longer saw any of them; From them and traces left, except for three hats belonged to them, one cap and two unpaired shoes, thrown by the sea on the land.

Looking there, where our ship was standing, I barely looked at him for the Grocery of High Waves - so he was far away! And I said to myself: "What is the happiness, great happiness that I got to such a storm to this distant shore!" I express our hot joy on the occasion of getting rid of the deadly danger, I remembered that the Earth can be as terrible as the sea that I do not know where I got, and that I need to carefully examine the unfamiliar area in a short time.

As soon as I thought about it, my delights immediately cooled: I realized that at least I saved my life, but did not save from misfortunes, deprivation and horror. All the clothes are my wet through, but not to change clothes. I had no food, no fresh water to back up my strength. What future expected me? Either I will die from hunger, or I am confused by a laid beasts. And that just sadder, I could not hunt for a game, I could not defend yourself from the beasts, since I had no weapons. In general, when I did not turn out to be anything, except for a knife, a taper with tobacco.

This led me to such despair that I began to run along the shore and forward as crazy.

Night approached, and I asked myself with melancholy: "What awaits me, if the predatory animals are found in this area? After all, they always go hunting at night. "

Nearby stood a wide, branched tree. I decided to climb him and sit among his branches until the morning. I could not think of anything else to escape from the beasts. "And when the morning comes," I said to myself, "I have time to think about how death is destined to die, because it is impossible to live in these desert places."

I was tormented by thirst. I went to see if there was no closeness of fresh water, and, by going to a quarter of a mile from the coast, to the great joy, I found a river.

Wrapped and putting yourself in my mouth tobacco to drown out hunger, I turned to the tree, got to him and settled in his branches in such a way as not to fall in a dream. Then cut off the unallone bitter and, making himself a battle in the case of attacking enemies, he sat down comfortably and fell asleep from terrible fatigue.

I slept sweetly, as not many would sleep on such an uncomfortable bed, and hardly anyone after such a night woke up so fresh and vigorous.

Daniel Defoe

Further adventures of Robinson Cruise,

the components of the second and the last part of his life, and the exciting presentation of his travels in three parts of the world written by them.

Folk proverb: what to the cradle, this and the grave I found myself a complete justification in the history of my life. If you take into account my thirty-year-old tests, many experienced by me a variety of adversaries, which fall out for a lot, probably, only very few, seven years of life spent by me in calm and contentment finally, my old age - if you remember that I got the life of the average class in all her species and found out that of them everything can be easier to deliver complete happiness to man, - it seemed to think that a natural tendency to vagrancy, as I said, from the very appearance of my in the light that I met me, should It would be to weaken, its volatile elements to evaporate or, at least, thicken, and that in 61 I had to have a desire for a settled life and keep me from the prettier threatening the danger of my life and my state.

Moreover, it did not exist for me that motive, which encourages usually go to distant disaster: I have nothing to seek wealth, there was nothing to look for. If I gave another ten thousand pounds of sterling, I would not be richer, since I already had enough for myself and for those whom I needed to provide. With the same, my capital apparently increased, because, without having a large family, I could not even spend the whole income, - unless we would spend money on the content of the set of servants, crews, entertainment and the like things I did not There was no idea and to which he did not feel the slightest propensity. Thus, I only had to sit in calmly, use I acquired and observe a constant increase in my wealth.

However, all this did not have any influence on me and could not suppress the desire for the wanders, which developed in me positively into chronic disease. It was especially strong in me the desire to take a look again on my plantations on the island and the colony I left on it. Every night I saw my island in a dream and dreamed of him for all day. This thought was poured over all the others, and my imagination was so diligently and hardly developed her that I talked about it even in a dream. In short, nothing could knock out the intention to go to the island from my head; It so often broke out in my speeches, that it became boring to talk to me; I could not talk about anything: all the conversations were reduced to the same thing; I'm tired of everyone and noticed it myself.

I was often able to hear from reasonable people that all sorts of rusks and ghosts and spirits arise due to the ferventness of imagination and strengthened fantasy work that no spirits and ghosts exist, etc. According to them, people remember their former conversations with dead friends, So vividly represent them that in some exceptional cases are able to imagine, as if they see them, talk to them and receive answers from them, whereas there is nothing like that, and all this is only fading.

I myself will not ask if there are ghosts, are there people others after their death and whether such stories have a more serious basis than the nerves, nonsense of the free mind and upset imagination, but I know that my imagination often tried me before That it seemed to me as if I was again on the island near my castle, as if the old man was standing in front of me, Friday's father and rebelled sailors, which I left on the island. I could feel that I was talking to them and I see them as clear as if they actually were in my eyes. Often I myself became terribly - so vividly painted my imagination all these pictures. Once I dreamed with the striking brightness that the first Spaniard and Father Friday tell me about the vile actions of the three pirates, about how these pirates tried to barbaric to kill all the Spaniards and how they set fire to the entire stock of the province, pending Spaniards to temper them. I did not hear anything like that, while all this was actually true. In a dream, it introduced me to me with such a clarity and the likelihood that until the moment when I saw my colony in fact, I could not have convinced that all this was not true. And how did I indulge in a dream and outraged, listening to the complaints of the Spaniard, what kind of harsh court I learned on the guilty, we subjected them to interrogation and told everyone three to hang. How many truth was in all this - it turns out in a timely manner. I will only say that, although I don't know how I got to it in a dream and that such assumptions inspired to me, there was much true in them. I can not say that my sleep was correct in all details, but in general it was so much truth, the vile and low behavior of these three bastards was that the resemblance to reality was striking, and I actually had to be strictly punished. Even if I had hung them, I would have come true and would be right before the law of the Divine and Human. But I come back to my story. So I lived for several years. There were no other pleasures for me, no pleasant time to transmitting time, no entertainment, except dreaming about the island; My wife, seeing that my thought is busy with them, told me once in the evening, which, in her opinion, in my soul there is a voice over, who commands me to go back to the island. The only obstacle to this was, according to her, my responsibilities to his wife and children. She said that she could not allow the thoughts about separation from me, but since she was sure that she would die, I would first go to the island and that it was already decided there at the top, then she does not want to be a hindrance. And therefore, if I really think it is necessary and already decided to go ... - here she noticed that I carefully listen to her words and intently look at her; What embarrassed her, and she stopped. I asked her, why she did not tell, and asked to continue. But I noticed that she was too excited and that in the eyes of her tears stood. "Tell me, dear," I started, "do you want me to go?" "No," she answered gently, "I am far from wanting to wish it. But if you decide to go, then I'll go better with you than I will hindle it. Although I think that in your years and in your position it is too risky to think about it, "she continued with tears in her eyes," but once already destined, I will not leave you. If such is the will of the sky, it is meaningless. And if the sky is pleased, so that you go to the island, it also points to me that my duty ride with you or to arrange so that I do not serve for you an obstacle. "

Tenderness of the wife somewhat sled me; I reflected about your image of actions, I curbed my passion for traveling and began to reason with myself, what's sense had for a sixty-year-old man, followed by life, full of so many deprivation and adversity and ending so happily, - what's the point I say, I could have For such a person, go back to the search for adventures and to give out to the will of accidents, towards which only young people and poor people go to meet?

I also thought about new commitments made by me on myself, - that I have a wife and child and that my wife is wearing under the heart of another child - that I have everything that I could give me life, and what I do not need to risk themselves for money. I told myself that I was already on the slope of years and I decently think about that I would soon have to part with everything I purchased, and not about increasing my wealth. I thought about the words of my wife, that such the will of the sky and that therefore I should Go to the island, but personally I was not at all confident. Therefore, after a long thought, I began to fight my imagination and cumshots designed himself, as it can do, probably, and each in such cases, if only wants. In a word, I suppressed my desires; I overwhel them with the help of the arguments of reason, which, in my then position, it was possible to bring a lot. Especially I tried to send my thoughts to other items and decided to start some kind of dealing, which could distract me from dreaming about a trip to the island, since I noticed that they mastered me mainly when I looked at the idleness when I had There was no reason at all or at least an urgent business.

But even in this journey, I had to undergo a lot of adversity, and most importantly, I was shouted all the time, grabbing the strongest tropical fever due to the too hot climate, because the coast, where we traded most of all, lies between the fifteenth degree of northern latitude and the equator.

So, I became a merchant and led trading with Guinea. My misfortune, my friend Captain soon died on arrival, and I decided to go to Guinea again. I sailed from England on the same ship, whose command has passed now to the assistant to the deceased captain. It was the most ill-fated journey ever dropped out of a person. True, I took less than one hundred pounds from the feasible capital, and the remaining two of the pounds to store the widow of my deceased friend, who ordered them very conscientiously; But then I was comprehended while terrible misfortunes. It began with the fact that once, at dawn, our vessel holding a course to the Canary Islands or, or rather, between the Canary Islands and the African Mainland, it was caught by the Turkish Pirate from the Sale, who saddled us on all the sails. We also raised all the sails, what could we withstand and masts, but seeing that the pirate overtakes us and inevitably catch up in a few hours, we prepared for battle (we had twelve guns, and he had eighteen). About three afternoon, he caught up with us, but by mistake, instead of approaching us from the stern, as he intended, came from the board. We brought to a pirate ship eight guns and gave a volley on it; Then it moved a little away, pre-responding to our fire not only a cannon, but also a rifle volley from two hundred guns, as there was a man of two hundred. However, no one has suffered: all our people kept together. Then the pirate prepared for a new attack, and we are to the new defense. Approaching this time from another side, he took us on boarding: a person sixty burst into our deck, and all the first things rushed to chop tackle. We met their rifle with a rifle of a rifle, threw the darts, adjusted with gunpowder and twice expelled them from our deck. Nevertheless, our ship was put into disrepair, three of our people were killed, and eight injured, and in the end (I cut this sad part of my story) We were forced to surrender, and we were taken as prisoners in Sale, sea \u200b\u200bportMasters belonging.

Applying not so bad, as I expected at first. I did not take me as the rest, in the depths of the country, to the court of Sultan: the captain of the robbery ship kept me as a slave, since I was young, prominent and could come in handy. This striking turn of fate, which turned me out of the merchant in a miserable slave, was completely storm; I was remembered for me to remember the prophetic words of my Father that the time would come when there was no one to help me out of trouble, the words that I thought came true when the Dandy of God had shook me and I was killed irretrievably. But alas! It was only a pale shadow of heavy tests, through which I had to go through, as the continuation of my story would show.

Since my new owner, or, more precisely, Mr., took me to my house, I hoped that he would capture me with him and the next sailing. I was sure that sooner or later he will overtake some Spanish or Portuguese ship, and then Freedom will be returned to me. But my hope soon was dissipated, for, after going to the sea, he left me to look after his garden and to fulfill the whole black work left to slaves; Upon returning from the campaign, he ordered me to live in a cabin and look after the vessel.

From that day I did not think about anything, besides escape, but any way I was tolerating, none of them promised even the slightest hope of success. Yes, it was difficult to assume the likelihood of success in such an enterprise, for it had no one to trust, without anyone to seek help - there was not a single unwattle of the English, Irish or Scottish, I was completely alone; So as many as two years (although during this time I often treated dreams about freedom) I did not have the shadow of hope for my plan.

But after two years, one extraordinary case was introduced, revived in my soul a long-standing thought of escape, and I again decided to try to break out to the will. Somehow my owner longer than ordinary was at home and did not prepare his ship to sailing (he, as I heard, lacked money). Constantly, once or two a week, and in good weather and more often, he went out on the ship bugger on the seaside to catch the fish. In each such trip, he took the rings of me and a young marav, and we enjoyed him as much. And since I also turned out to be very sakeful fisherman, sometimes he sent me to the fish with a boy - Maresko, as they called him, - under the supervision of one adult marav, his relative.

Once we went to catch in a quiet, clear morning, but, floating mile one and a half, we found themselves in such a thick fog that lost sight of the shore and began to row at random; Having worked on the oars all day and all night, we saw the open sea around the morning, for, instead of keeping closer to the shore, we moved away from it at least six miles. In the end, with great difficulty and not without risk got home, because in the morning there was a rather strong wind, and besides, we were exhausted from hunger.

Scientific with this adventure, my owner decided to continue to be more careful and announced that it would never come to fish without a compass and without provisioning. After the capture of our English ship, he left Barkas and now ordered his ship carpenter, too, the English slave, to build a small slaughter on this barcase, or a cabin, like on a barge. Behind the roaster, the owner ordered to leave a place for one person who would rule the steering wheel and manage the grotto, and ahead - for two to edit and remove the rest of the sail, from which the Cleaver was over the roof of the kateke. The courtyard turned out to be low, very cozy and so spacious that it was possible to sleep three times and put the table and lockers for storing bread, rice, coffee and bottles with the drinks, which he considered the most suitable for marine travel.

We often walked for fish on this barcase, and since I became a glorious fisherman, then the owner never traveled without me. Once he conceived to go out into the sea (for fish or just ride - I can't say) with two three Moors, it is necessary to assume important person, for whom he especially tried, prepared provisions more than usual and from the evening sent her to Barcas. In addition, he ordered me to take three guns on his ship with the necessary number of powder and charges, since, in addition to fishing, they wanted to hunt the birds.

I did everything, as he ordered, and on the other day in the morning I was waiting for him on the barcase, purely washed and absolutely ready for reception of guests, with raised pennies and flag. However, the owner came alone and said that his guests postponed the trip because of some unforeseen business. Then he ordered us Troim - I, the boy and Maur - go, as always, at the seaside for fish, since his friends will have to dinner from him, and therefore, as soon as we catch fish, I have to bring her home to him. I obeyed.

This is where my long-standing thought flashed again. Now in my disposal there was a small ship, and as soon as the owner left, I began to prepare, but not for fishing, but at the long road, although not only did not know, but didn't even think about where I am aiming my way: every The road was good for me, just to leave the capture.

My first tricks were inspired by Mavru, that we need to stock meal, as we did not pass the supplies for the host guests. He replied that this is true, and dragged a large basket with breadcrumbs to the Barcas and three jugs of fresh water. I knew where the owner holds the owner with wines (judging by the form - mining from some English ship), and as long as Mavr was on the shore, I crossed the burver for Barcas, as if he was still prepared for the owner. In addition, I brought a big piece of wax, pounds fifty weighing, but grabmed the Motok of the Armor, the ax, saw and a hammer. All this was very useful for us later, especially the wax from which we did candles. I also went into the course of another trick for which the Maur also got along the simplicity of spiritual. His name was Izmoil, but all his name was Mali or Mouli. So I told him:

- Mali, we have shopping rifles on the barcas. What if you got a little gunpowder and fractions? Maybe we would have managed to shoot themselves for lunch somewhat alkali (a bird like our Kulik). The owner holds gunpowder and fraction on the ship, I know.

"Well, I will bring," he said, and dragged a large leather bag with gunpowder (pound in a half weight, if not more) Yes, another with a fraction, pounds in five or six. He also captured a bullet. All this we took to Barcas. In addition, there was a little more gunpowder in the master cabin, which I walked into one of the almost empty bottle in the box, overflowing the remains of wine to another from it. Thus, we stored everything necessary for travel and left the harbor on fishing. IN watchtowerWhat stands at the entrance to the harbor, knew who we were, and our vessel did not attract attention. Going away from the shore is no more as a mile, we removed the sail and began to prepare for fishing. The wind was northeast, which did not answer my plans, because, he from the south, I could probably get to the Spanish coast, at least to Cadix; But wherever he had a blow, I firmly decided one thing: to go away from this terrible place, and then be it.

Having won some time and not catching anything, I didn't finish the fishing rods, when I had a fisher, so that the Mavr saw nothing, - I said:

- Tutu does not work us; The owner does not thank us for such a catch. We must move away.

I did not suspect a trick, the MAVR agreed and put the sail, since he was on the nose of Barcas. I got behind the steering wheel and when Barcas was still a mile on three in the open sea, lay down in a drift as if it was then to start fishing. Then, having passed the steering wheel, I approached Maur from behind, looked down, as if looking at something under my feet, suddenly grabbed him, raised and threw it overboard. The Maurus instantly snapped, because I was floating like a traffic jam, and began to begging for me to take it to Barcas, I swear that I would go with me even on the edge of the world. He sailed so quickly that it would catch up the boat very soon, especially since the wind was almost not. Then I rushed to the cabin, grabbed the hunting gun and, sending a blow to him, shouted that I didn't want him evil and I won't make him anything wrong if he would leave me alone.

"You swim well," I continued, "the sea quietly, and you should not get anything to the shore; I will not throne you; But only try to swim close to Barcasi, and I am a mig face a skull, because firmly decided to regain your freedom.

Then he turned to the shore and, undoubtedly, fell to him without much difficulty - the swimmer he was excellent.

Of course, I could throw a boy in the sea, and to make a mavava with him, but it would be dangerous to trust it. When he sailed far enough, I turned to the boy - his name was Xours - and said:

- Xours! If you are faithful to me, I will make you a big man, but if you do not stroke your face as a sign that you will not change me, that is, you will not swear a beard of Mahomet and his father, I will bother you in the sea.

The boy smiled, looking straight into my eyes, and answered so often that I could not help him. He swore what would be faithful to me and go to the edge of the world.

While the swimming Mauro did not disappear from the view, I kept straight into the open sea, having guards against the wind. I did it on purpose to show, as if we were going to Gibraltar Strait (as obviously, every sensible person would have thought). In fact, it was possible to assume that we intend to go south, to those truly barbarian shores, where the whole hordes of blacks with their shutouts were surrounded and killed us; Where, it was worth only to step on the ground, would we be confused by the predatory animals or even more bloodthirsty wild creatures in the human image?

But as soon as it began to fool, I changed the course and began to rule south, shyling slightly to the east, so as not to remove it too much from the shores. Thanks to a pretty fresh breeze and calm at sea, we walked such a good move that the next day at three o'clock in the afternoon, when the earth appeared ahead, we were at least a mile south of the South Sale, far beyond the ownership of Moroccan Sultan, yes And any other from the Masters, because people were not visible at all.

However, I got such a fear of Mavrov and so I was afraid to get into my hands again, that, using the favorable wind, I didn't stop at all five days, without sticking to the shore and not throwing anchors. Five days later, the wind changed to the southern, and, according to my reasons, if for us was the chase, then by this time the pursuers had to abandon it, so I decided to go to the shore and became anchored at the mouth of some little river . What a river was and where she leaks in which country, from which people and under what latitude, I did not have a concept. I did not see people on the shore, and I did not want to see; The main thing for me was - stock fresh water. We entered this river in the evening and decided when it is dark, get to the shore and inspect the area. But as soon as it was dark, we heard from the shore such terrible sounds, such a frantic roar, Lai and howl of unknown wild animals, that the poor boy almost died with fear and prayed me not to go ashore before the day.

"Good, Xours," I said, "but, perhaps, in the afternoon we will see people there, which for us is perhaps more dangerous than these lions.

"And we are Buch-down from a gun," he said with laughter, "they run away."

From the University of British Xours learned to speak Loman english language. I was glad that the boy was so cheerful, and to support this vigor of the spirit in it, gave him a sip of wine from the master's reserves. His advice, in essence, was not afraid, and I followed him. We threw anchor and stood over the whole night. I say - trough, because we did not sleep for a minute. An hour after two or three, after we threw anchor, we saw on the banks of the huge animals (which we did not know anything else); They approached the shore itself, rushed into the water, splashed and floundered, obviously to refresh me, and at the same time disgusting squeezed, roaring and rushed; I did not hear anything like that in my life.

Xours were scared scared, yes, the truth is to say, and I, too. But we were even more afraid of both when he was heard that one of these sorrowing floats to our Barcas; We have not seen it, but by how it was fade and snorted, could conclude that it was a fierce animal of monstrous sizes. Xours decided that this is the lion (perhaps it was, at least I'm not sure of it), and shouted that it was necessary to raise anchor and get away from here.

- No, xour, - I answered, - no need to raise anchor; We will only breed the rope is authentic and go out into the sea; There they will not drive for us. "But I did not have time to say that, as I saw an unknown beast at a distance of some two fun from Barcas." I confess, I fucked a little, but now I grabbed a gun in the cabin, and as soon as I shot, the animal turned back and sailed to the shore.

It is impossible to describe what the hell's roar, screaming and howls rose on the shore and further, in the depths of the mainland, when my shot was heard. This gave me some reason to assume that the local animals never heard such a sound. I finally made sure that we had nothing to think about landing on the shore at night, but it is hardly possible to land and in the afternoon: to get into the hands of some savory is no better than to get into the claws of a lion or tiger; At least this danger scared us at all.

Nevertheless, here or in another place, but we needed to go ashore, for we did not have any water pints. But again the snag was in where and how to land. Xours announced that if I put it on the shore with a jug, he would try to find and bring fresh water. And when I asked him, why to go to him, and not me and why he could not stay in a boat, in the answer of the boy was so much deep feeling that he bribed me forever.

"If there are wild people there," he said, "they emit me, and you float."

"Then that's what, Xours," I said, "Let's go together, and if there are wild people, we will kill them, and they will not eat you nor me.

I gave the boy to eat crackers and drink a sip of wine from the master's reserve, which I have already spoken; Then we pulled a closer to the ground and, jumping into the water, headed towards the shore of Vbod, without taking with them nothing but weapons and two jugs for water.

I did not want to remove from the shore, so as not to lose sight of Barcas, fearing, how to down the river did not go down the savages in their pies; But xour, noticing a low-length mile at a distance of one mile from the coast, walked there with a jug. Soon I saw that he runs back. Thinking that the Dickarians are chased or he was afraid of a predatory beast, I rushed to help him, but, ran up closer, I saw something on his shoulders lies. It turned out, he killed some kind of animal like our hare, but other coloring and with longer legs. We both rejoiced such luck, and the meat of the dead animal turned out to be very tasty; But even more I was delighted, hearing from Xours, that he found good fresh water and did not meet wild people.

Then it turned out that our excessive troubles about the water were in vain: in the very river, where we stood, only a little higher, where did not reach the tide, the water was completely fresh, and we, filled the jugs, arranged a feast from the killed hare and prepared to continue the way and not finding any trace of man in this area.

I have already visited once in these places, and I was well known that the Canary Islands and the Islands of the Green Cape subscribe not far from the mainland. But now I had no appliances for observation with me, and, therefore, I could not determine what latitude we are; In addition, I did not know exactly or, in any case, I did not remember what latitude these islands lie, so it was unknown where to seek them and when to turn to the open sea to sail to them; Know I, I would not have to get to some of the islands. But I was hoping that if I stay along the coast, I would never reach the part of the country where the British are guarding the coastal trade, then I, in all likelihood, meeting some English merchant vessel who makes his usual flight, and it will pick us up .

For all its calculations, we were now against the coastal strip, which stretches between the possessions of the Moroccan Sultan and the lands of the blacks. This is a desert, deserted area, where one only lives wild animals: Negros, afraid of the Moors, left her and went further to the south, and Mauri found unprofitable to settle these fruitless land; Rather, those or others have scared tigers, lions, leopards and other predators who are found here in a reasonable amount. Thus, for the Moors, this area is used by the place of hunting, which they are sent with whole armies, two, three thousand people. It is not surprising, therefore, that for almost a hundred miles we saw only a desert desert during the day, and at night did not hear anything except the war and the Rela of wild animals.

Twice the daytime it seemed to me that I see the Tenerife Peak - the highest top of the Mount Tenerife, which is on the Canary Islands. I even tried to turn into the sea in the hope of getting there, but both times the opposite wind and strong excitement, dangerous for my dull booty, forced me to turn back, so in the end I decided not to retreat more than my original plan and hold on along the shores.

After we left the mouth of the river, we had to pester to the shore to replenish fresh water replenishment. Once in the early morning we were anchored under the protection of a rather high mission; The tide just began, and we waited for full of his strength to come closer to the shore. Suddenly, Xouri, who can see, the eyes were of my eyes, quietly called me and said that we would be better to move away from the coast.

- Look, what a sorry won on the hillock is sleeping tightly.

I looked where he showed, and really saw a horrorist. It was a huge lion magnitude, lying on the bank of the shore in the shadow of the hanging cliff.

"Xours," I said, "go ashore and kill him."

The boy was frightened.

- I kill him? - he said. - He will eat me with one throat. - He wanted to say - in one sip.

I did not mind, we only ordered not to move, and, taking the biggest rifle, almost equal to the musket in caliber, charged it with two slices of lead and a decent porch powder; I ringed two big bullets to another, and in the third (we had three guns) - five smaller bullets. Taking the first shotgun and a pretty aiming the beast in the head, I fired; But he lay, sticking the face of the paw, and the charge fell into the front paw and interrupted the bone above the knee. The beast with a growl jumped up, but, feeling pain, now fell away, then it rose again on three paws and I won such a terrible roar, which I did not hear in my life. I was a little surprised by the fact that I didn't hit the head, however, not a minute not a minute, I took the second gun and fired the beast after, because he slapped quickly away from the coast; This time it fell right in the target. I gladly saw the Lion fell and, publishing some weak sounds, began to deeper in the fight against death. Here Xours got a courage and began to ask for a shore.

"Okay, go," I said.

The boy jumped into the water and swam to the shore, working by one hand and holding in another rifle. Going close to the prostrate beast, he put the gun down the gun to his ear and shot, finishing the beast.

The game was notable, but inedible, and I very much regretted that we were spent the gift of three charges. But xour announced that he would be reached by something from the dead lion, and when we returned to Barcas, I asked me an ax.

- Why do you need an ax? - I asked.

"Cut off his head," Xouri replied. However, he could not cut off his heads, but cut off only the paw, which she caught with him. She was monstrous sizes.

It happened to me that, maybe we will use the skin of the lion, and I decided to try to take it off. My xy and I approached Lerl, but I did not know how to take the case. Xours turned out to be much delicious me. This work took us all day. Finally, the skin was removed; We stretched it on the roof of our cuisine; Day Two Sun as he kept her, and subsequently she served me a bed.

After this stop, we are still ten days - the twelve continued to keep the course of the south, trying to spend our reserves as cooling as possible, which started to calm quickly, and went ashore only for fresh water. I wanted to walk to the mouths of Gambia or Senegal, in other words, to get closer to the green cape, where I was hoping to meet any European ship: I knew that if this would not happen, I would remain or wander in search of the islands, or to die here among blacks. It was known that all European courts, wherever they go to - to the shores of Lee Guinea, in Brazil or to East India, pass by the Green Cape or Islands of the same name; In a word, I put all my fate on this card, realizing that either I would meet a European ship or perished.

So, more than ten days I continued to strive for this only goal. Gradually, I began to notice that the coast of the inhabitants: in two or three places, sailing past, we saw on the shore of people who were glad to us. We could also distinguish that they were black as Smin and completely naked. Once I wanted to go to the shore, but Xours, my wise adviser, said: "Do not go, don't go." Nevertheless, I began to keep closer to the shore, so that you could enter with them in a conversation. They must have understood my intention and fled along the coast for a long time behind our Barcas. I noticed that they were not armed, except for one who held a long thin stick in her hand. Xours told me that this is a spear and that savage swarpets are very far and remarkably aptive; Therefore, I kept in some distance from them and, as I knew how to explain with them signs, trying to mainly give them to understand that we need food. They showed me signs to stop the boat and that they would bring me the meat. As soon as I descended the sail and lay down in a drift, two blacks ran somewhere and after half an hour or then there were two pieces of dried meat and a little grain of some local cereal. We did not know what it was for meat and what kind of grain, but they expressed complete readiness to take both. But here we became a dead end: how to get it all? We were not solved to go ashore, fearing the savages, and they, in turn, were afraid of us at all. Finally, they came up with a way out of this difficulty, equally safe for both sides: folding the grain and meat on the shore, they moved away and stood still until we crossed all this on Barcas, and then grumbled at the same place.

We thanked them signs, because we have nothing more thanks. But at the same moment we had the case to provide them with a big service. We still stood at the shore, how suddenly the sides of the mountains ran out two huge beasts and rushed to the sea. One of them seemed to us, chased after another: Was it a male pursuing a female, whether they played between them or gnawed, we could not disassemble how it could not say whether it was a common phenomenon in those places or exceptional case; I think, however, that the latter was rather, because, first, predatory animals are rarely shown in the afternoon, and secondly, we noticed that people on the shore, especially women, strongly frightened ... Only a person who kept a spear or a dart, stayed in place; The rest have broken running. But the animals rushed straight to the sea and did not intend to attack the blacks. They rushed into the water and began to swim, as if bathing was the sole purpose of their appearance. Suddenly one of them walked pretty close to Barkas. I did not expect this; Nevertheless, having charged the rifle and ordering a xour to charge both others, I prepared to meet a predator. As soon as he approached the distance of a rifle shot, I descended the trigger, and the bullet hit him right in the head; He instantly plunged into the water, then snapped and swam back to the shore, then disappearing under water, then appearing on the surface again. Apparently, he was in agony - he chuckled with water and blood from the deadly wound and, without surplus a little to the shore, chalk.

It is impossible to convey, how bad were the poor savages, when they heard a crackle and saw a fire shot of a rifle shot; Some of them almost died with fear and fell to the ground, definitely dead. But, seeing that the beast went to the bottom and that I do it signs to come closer, they encouraged and entered into the water to pull the killed beast. I found it on the bloody stains on the water and, throwing a rope on him, threw the end of her blacks, and they pulled it to the shore. The animal turned out to be a leopard of a rare breed with a spotted skin of extraordinary beauty. Negros, standing above him, rose up hands in amazement; They could not understand what I killed him.

The second beast, frightened by fire and cream of my shot, jumped ashore and ran into the mountains; For a distance of distance, I could not disassemble that it was for the beast. Meanwhile, I realized that the blacks would like to eat meat of the dead leopard; I willingly left him as a gift and showed signs that they can take him. They strongly expressed their gratitude and, without losing time, began to work. Although they didn't have knives, however, acting by pointed pieces of wood, they removed the skin from the dead beast so fast and cleverly, as we did not make it and a knife. They offered me meat, but I refused, explaining the signs that I give him, and asked only the skin, which they gave me quite extremely. In addition, they brought for me a new supply of provisions, much more than the former, and I took it, though I did not know what kinds it was. Then I asked the signs from them, stretching one of our jugs, I tipped it upside down to show that it was empty and that it should be filled. They shouted something their own now. Some weather appeared two women with a large vessel of water from the burnt (must be in the sun) clay and left him on the shore, like provision. I sent Xours with all our jugs, and he filled all three water. Women were completely naked, like men.

Strike in this way with water, roots and grain, I broke up with hospitable blacks and for another eleven days continued the path in the same direction, not approaching the shore. Finally mily in fifteen ahead I saw narrow stripe Earth far speaking in the sea. The weather was quiet, and I turned into the open sea to go down this braid. At that moment, when we were filled with her tip, I clearly distinguished miles in two from the shore from the ocean's side another lane of the earth and concluded quite thoroughly that a narrow braid is a green cape, and the lane of the Earth is the islands of the same name. But they were very far away, and without deciding to go to them, I did not know what to do. I understood that if the fresh wind cares me, then I, perhaps, do not put it to the island, nor to Cape.

Breaking my head over this dilemma, I sat down for a minute in the cabin, giving a dust to edit the steering wheel, as suddenly I heard his cry: "Master! Master! Sail! Ship!" A silly boy was strained to death, imagining that this was certainly one of the ships of his host sent for us in the pursuit; But I knew how far we left from Mavrov, and was sure that this danger could not threaten us. I jumped out of the cabin and immediately not only saw the ship, but even determined that he was Portuguese and headed, as I initially decided, to the shores of Guinea behind the blacks. But, looking attentively, I made sure that the ship goes in another direction and does not think to turn to the ground. Then I raised all the sails and turned into the open sea, deciding to do everything possible to enter into negotiations with him.

I, however, soon made sure that, even walking in a complete move, we would not have time to approach him close and that it would pass by, before we have time to submit a signal; We knocked out of the forces; But when I was almost desperate, we were obviously wondering from the ship to the pylon tube and accepted some deceased European ship for the boat. The ship ran sail to give us the opportunity to approach. I joined the Spirit. We had a forage flag on the barcase from our ship former ownerAnd I began to wave this flag as a sign that we tolerate disaster, and, moreover, shot from a gun. On the ship saw the flag and smoke from the shot (they did not hear themselves); The ship lay down in a drift, waiting for our approach, and three hours later we moored to it.