Minecraft team to create ender dragon. How to Summon an Ender Dragon

The Ender Dragon or Ender Dragon is a Boss mob.

Lives in the Edge dimension. There is only one of him in the game and he spawns in the Land. However, you can spawn it yourself using End crystals. The Ender Dragon can appear even in peaceful difficulty (the level of difficulty of the game when there should not be any hostile mobs).

What does the Ender Dragon look like?

His appearance is terrifying - he is huge, black, his eyes burn with purple fire. Because it is so large, it can be seen from all points of the End or Ender.

Characteristics of the Ender Dragon.

Health – 100

Experience - 12000

What does the Ender Dragon do?

Destroys almost all blocks in its path, but cannot destroy Obsidian.

The Ender Dragon has a couple more names, it is also called Ender dragon, Boss dragon or Dragon of Paradise. There are also other Bosses - the Wither and the Ancient Guardian.

How to kill the Ender Dragon?

In one of the places of the Edge or Enedra there are obsidian pillars. They contain Ender Crystals, which heal the Ender Dragon when it flies past them. Therefore, in order to kill the Ender Dragon, it is better to destroy these crystals first, otherwise he will constantly be treated from them. After destroying the Ender Crystals, the Ender Dragon can be killed. To destroy crystals, you can throw arrows at them from a bow, or climb onto a pillar and destroy them (be careful: when hit with a pickaxe, the crystals explode and you can die from this, or fall from the blast wave). The Ender Dragon is not immortal; like any other mob, it has a certain amount of health.

Be careful, if the dragon starts attacking you, it can throw the player very, very far. Hit it with your sword when the dragon flies close, and when it flies in the distance, shoot it. The Ender Dragon has a high flight speed - aim ahead. Don't stand still, move. The dragon throws projectiles. To avoid running out of arrows, enchant the bow for infinity. Use your strongest armor. Use the regeneration potion. The dragon is not afraid of fire or lava, and spells have no effect on it. Throw snowballs at him - the damage is not great, only half a heart, but it will do as a backup option.

And one more note, when you fight the Ender Dragon, there will be Endermen or Endwalkers nearby. There is no need to fight with them, there will be no benefit from it. Dodge and avoid them. Don't look at them, don't attract their attention, then the Enderman won't attack.

After the Ender Dragon is killed, a portal to the normal world will appear, and on it will be an Ender Dragon Egg (from which a baby dragon can hatch if certain conditions are met, for example, if you place the Egg in a warm place: next to lava) - this is a drop Ender Dragon. Also, his drop will be a huge amount of experience, with which you can level up from 0 to 78 levels.

How to care for a little dragon?

When the baby dragon hatches from the egg, it needs to be fed raw fish. He will protect his master. A baby dragon has many lives. When he grows up, he will be accustomed. You can fly on a dragon, you will need a saddle for this. It can be trained to carry out various commands using bones. The dragon is treated with raw meat and fish.

How to control the Dragon?

The dragon can be controlled with the following keys: space - take off, shift - land, w - forward, s - back, a - left, d - right.

How to summon or create or make an Ender Dragon?

Minecraft has several game modes, one of them is Creative mode. If you play in this mode, you will have access to spawn eggs with which you can summon the Ender Dragon. Or you can create it yourself. There is a command for this: /summon EnderDragon. How to use this command? You need to open the command panel by pressing t. Then type the command /summon EnderDragon and press Enter.

The Dragon Mounts mod will allow you to train the Ender Dragon; this cannot be done in any other way.

Which versions of Minecraft have the Ender Dragon?

Ender Dragon exists in Minecraft versions: 1.8.2, 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.5, 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

How to find a Portal to the End or a Portal to the Ender World?

In order to find the Portal to the End or the Portal to the Ender World you need the Eye of Ender. It can be crafted. (Place a crafting picture here) After this, release the Eye with the right mouse button, and it rises to a certain height, showing the direction in which the Portal is located.

In Minecraft, starting with version 1.0.0, a world called “End” was introduced; this world was supposedly the end of the game. In minecraft you can only get there through a portal. And this world is protected by a terrifying boss - a dragon. It is also called the “Edge of the World” and the “World of Enders”, and the monster is called the “Edge Dragon”. Before you go to the other world of Minecraft, we advise you to watch a couple of educational videos and prepare yourself well.

The edge dragon is a hefty black winged creature with large square (not surprising, right? :)))) violet glowing eyes. This is the largest mob in the game (of course, if you do not take into account plugins, mods and cheats). Its wings are dark gray in places. Just like the spider and the Ender, his “all-seeing eyes” are visible everywhere, so you can see them from anywhere in the Minecraft world. The question arises - why the hell would we need to raise such a monster? But that’s okay, the main thing is how to get out of the Land?

But you can make everything simpler - kill a couple of dozen Enders, and get the Eye of Ender, launch them by right-clicking. In which direction the eye flies, that’s where it will need to go. To fight a dragon, you need to prepare in advance. There is also a video about ways and tactics of defeating a dragon.

To “make” a scoundrel, you will need to stock up on a lot of food, a lot of arrows, and also take yourself good armor and, of course, a diamond sword. It's best if you enchant it all. So, we remember - in order to get back to our world, we will need to “make” a dragon, that is, kill it/

The portal to the "World of Edge" looks like this:

How to kill a dragon and get an egg

After you enter the portal, you will find yourself in the world of "Enders", where the first thing that catches your eye is a bunch of "Enders" and everything consists of "Endernyak". It’s immediately clear that the ordinary world of Minecraft and the “World of Enders” are very different.

So, how to actually kill a dragon. The main thing is to destroy its sources of life. They are on poles at different heights. When he flies near such a pillar, he restores his vital energy. Therefore, before killing him, we first demolish all the pillars. After this, he will no longer be able to regenerate life.

Well, now it’s just a matter of small things - we shoot at him with our powerful (preferably enchanted) arrows and that’s it, the trick is in the bag. When it falls you will receive:

  • a lot of experience
  • an egg that needs to be picked up and from which we will raise our little dragon
  • a portal will open under the murder site to return home

How to raise a dragon

Now we will tell you how to raise a dragon in minecraft. When we received the egg and got home to make ourselves a dragon, firstly we need a warm place. After finding a suitable place, you need to take the egg and press RMB. It will take some time for it to hatch. The warmer the place, the faster his birth will be. You can, for example, place lava around it. It hatches quite quickly.

After the appearance of this miracle, we will need to feed him raw fish. The pet will run after you everywhere, protect you and please the eye. Taming it is quite simple; you can give commands with the help of a bone. When it gets bigger, you will be able to use it as a mount - you will fly on it. It's a thrill. By the way, it is better to do this in the saddle.

But in regular Minecraft, it is impossible to tame a dragon. To do this we will need a mod called Dragon Mount. You can download it on our website. Also, to fully study this mod, you can watch the video so that unnecessary questions do not arise.

Have you seen a dragon? Have you fought him? If yes, then you know how hard it is to get to it, and how hard it is to deal with it! After the death of the dragon, a portal leading to the ordinary world and an egg appear. In fact, the dragon egg is just a decoration, and without using command blocks you cannot get a dragon from it. But it's still possible! No modifications!

So, let's transgress. First, let's define the necessary conditions:

  1. When playing single player, you must have Allow Cheats enabled and play in Creative mode;
  2. When playing on a server, you must be the server administrator;
  3. To use this method on the server, in the server.properties file you need to change the value of the enable-command-block parameter from false to true.

/give [Character nickname] command_block [Number of blocks]

Their meaning is that they carry out a certain command when the red stone gives a signal. You probably know that there is a command that can spawn any mob for you, including the Ender Dragon. This is exactly what you will use. Here you need to describe certain conditions under which the Ender Dragon will appear, and here you can get creative.

If you want to raise a dragon, then you need to start by “hatching” the egg. Where does the egg grow well? Stay warm! For example, this design would work.

Below are 3 blocks of lava, Ifrit floats in them, the 4th block from the bottom is a hellish stone. It needs to be set on fire. The fire should be surrounded by any 4 blocks. Place half blocks of cobblestones on them. Place a boiler in them and fill it with water. Attention! The commands below require exactly this construction! And don't forget Ifrit. So, the design is ready. But for everything to work, these conditions must be used in whatever way.

Therefore, we build such a structure from command blocks.

In blocks 1 and 2 you need to enter commands depending on which direction of the world your structure is directed. The commands are entered into the “Console command” field.

If, as in the case of the example, the structure faces north (determined by compass or using F3)

Then in block 1 enter:

/setblock ~ ~ ~-1 minecraft:redstone_block

And enter block 2:

/setblock ~ ~ ~1 minecraft:stone

Place a lever between the blocks and turn it on. A block of redstone should appear, which will reappear when destroyed. If that's the case. Let's continue.

In block 3 enter:

/execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~6 ~ dragon_egg 0 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ lava 0 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~4 ~ fire -1 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~5 ~ minecraft:cauldron 3 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~1 ~5 ~ minecraft:stone_slab 3 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~-1 ~5 ~ minecraft:stone_slab 3 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~5 ~1 minecraft:stone_slab 3 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~5 ~-1 minecraft:stone_slab 3 weather clear 99999

In short, this team checks for the presence of an egg above Blaze, whether he is floating in lava, whether the fire is burning on the hellstone, and in general, whether the design matches the one described above. If everything is so, then the comparator sends the signal further.

In block 4 write:

/execute @e ~ ~ ~ summon PrimedTnt ~ ~6 ~

In block 5 enter:

/execute @e ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~5 ~ minecraft:cauldron 0

In block 6 you enter:

/execute @e ~ ~ ~ summon EnderDragon ~ ~4 ~

The 6th block is the most important, it is the one that creates a dragon from an egg.

That's all, you can check it!

A new world has appeared in Minecraft 1.0.0, which is called “The End”. Let us immediately note that you can only find yourself in this world using a portal. Well, a real monster stands guard here - a dragon.

How to survive a fight with a monster?

In order to find the monster and win the battle, you need to do a lot. First of all, you need to find a portal that leads to this world. There is another way - kill several dozen Enders and get the Eye of Ender for it.

You need to carefully prepare for the battle with the monster. Don't forget to take a lot of food, a lot of arrows, strong armor and a diamond sword. The last type of weapon is mandatory, because without it it is almost impossible to defeat the dragon. Please note that you cannot get back to your world without killing the dragon.

In the battle with this monster, the most important thing is to destroy its sources of life. They can be seen on pillars of different heights. At the time when the dragon finds itself next to such a pillar, it restores its strength and energy. Therefore, first you need not to kill him, but to demolish the pillars. Thus, you will deprive him of the ability to regenerate life.

Now all that remains is to hit it several times with the help of our powerful arrows and that’s it, the dragon has fallen. After his death you will be able to receive:

  • A huge amount of experience;
  • An egg with which we will make a dragon;
  • Portal for returning home.

So now we have a dragon egg. Now let's figure out how to make our own dragon. First of all, you need to find a warm place. Now take the egg out of inventory and right-click. Of course, a certain amount of time must pass for the dragon to hatch. Please note that the warmer the place you find, the faster your monster will hatch.

After your pet has arrived, we begin to feed it with raw fish. The little dragon will follow you everywhere, protect you and make you happy. It is not very difficult to tame such an animal - you can give almost any command using an ordinary bone. After he grows up, you can use him as a mount. This animal can also be saddled - it’s safer to fly.

The most important thing is that in regular Minecraft there is no way to tame a dragon. To do this you need to use the Dragon Mount mod.

How to properly summon a dragon?

If you are the kind of person who wants to have everything at once, then you can get a dragon without making any effort. However, for this you need to have your own server. Now we just call the dragon using a special mod or plugin. We enter a command into the chat and get our own dragon - an adult animal that you can immediately start flying.

Minecraft is home to many amazing creatures, but the dragon is of particular interest to players. This is a rather dangerous mob that can cause damage to the character, but it is quite possible to make it your ally. Below you can find out how to create a dragon in Minecraft.

How to create a dragon in Minecraft without mods

First of all, you should know that the dragon is a creature that lives in the Land. He cannot be tamed, he is so evil. However, even in this situation you can find a way out.

First, the player must build a portal to the End (Ender) and fight the dragon. After that, he will receive a dragon egg as a prize. You will need to hatch it, and you will have your own dragon. First, you will need to place the egg in a warm place and right-click on it. Wait a little while for the dragon to appear. Immediately after your pet is born, feed him fish. After this you can play with him. The dragon will protect you from evil mobs and play with you.

It is impossible to create a dragon egg yourself in Minecraft. More information about the dragon egg can be found in our article -.

How to create a dragon in Minecraft using a mod

You can create a dragon in Minecraft using the Animal Bikes mod. You can download it here - minecraft-book.ru. After installing it in the root folder of the game, you can launch Minecraft and start creating a dragon. Moreover, this mod allows you to create many other types of animals - dinosaurs, bats, deer, hafts, cows.

To create an edge dragon with this mod, you will need:

  • 8 End Sand blocks,
  • 1 saddle (crafted from 3 pieces of rawhide, 1 web, 1 iron ingot).

If you want to fly your new pet, you will need to press the Spacebar. It is important to know that animals created with the Animal Bikes mod are capable of reproducing and can be painted in different shades. If you want your dragon to breathe fire, then during the flight, take a lighter in your hand and press the right mouse button.

You can also create a Chinese dragon in Minecraft that will shoot fireworks. To craft it you will need the following components:

  • 8 missiles;
  • 1 saddle.

To make the dragon shoot fireworks, you need to pick up gunpowder and right-click. Happy crafting!