Who is Sergei Shoigu's wife? Biography, personal life, children, wives and women of Sergei Shoigu. the richest families of the Russian leadership

To become a general's wife, you don't always need to hang around with a lieutenant in distant garrisons.

Ever since tsarist times, from the time when the blessed autocrat of All Russia Alexander I ordered the creation of a cabinet of ministers and handed ministerial portfolios to his dignitaries, there was a legend that not a single tsarist minister, and then even the Soviet People's Commissar, would remain in his position for more than ten years. It is incredibly troublesome to be close to the first person of the state and not once provoke his anger by the fact that in the vastness of vast Russia, somewhere in the department entrusted to you, an incredible mess happened. The minister's chair was always shaky, some fell out of it with noise and a crash, while others slid quietly, without attracting much attention.

The ministers of the new Russia, neither in the 90s nor later, violated this ancient pattern. All except one. For the third decade, Sergei Kuzhegetovich Shoigu has been in the cabinet of ministers, holding the position of Minister of Emergency Situations since 1993, and since November 2012 he has been serving as Minister of Defense. Presidents changed, eras changed, the internal and external political course of the state changed. Some of his fellow ministers left their posts to retire, to take positions as ambassadors in distant countries, and some even went to lead street marches of the opposition, leaving their vacant positions to new faces. Only his face remained unchanged in the first cohort of senior federal officials.

The future unsinkable minister was born in 1955 in the small village of Chadan, located among the endless expanses of the Tuvan taiga, numbering at that time no more than four thousand inhabitants. Here he went to the local high school, where he graduated from the tenth grade in 1972.

About his father Kuzhuget Sereevich Shoigu in official late Soviet biographies they wrote this: “He went from an illiterate shepherd to the secretary of the Tuvan regional committee of the CPSU and the deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.” At the time of the birth of his son, Kuzhuget Sereevich held the position of editor of the district newspaper, combining it with the leadership of the district party committee. Moreover, at birth he was called Kuzhuget Shoigu Seree Oglu, but when issuing a Soviet passport, either the passport officer mixed up his first and last names, or the NKVD officers did this on purpose so as not to confuse the local Kuzhugets, of whom there were many, but such bad luck turned out. In Russian it would sound like this: there is Ivan Kuznetsov, he has a son Stepan. So, his son will not be Stepan Ivanovich Kuznetsov, but Stepan Kuznetsovich Ivan. Accordingly, according to the rules, he should have been called Sergei Shoiguevich Kuzhuget.

The second version is more likely, since the specifics of Tuva, a region included in Russia later than others, should be taken into account. Until 1914, this rugged and sparsely populated forest region belonged to China. In 1914, having formally separated, it is listed as the independent Tuvan People's Republic, which served as a buffer between the USSR and China, and in 1944 became part of the USSR. The indigenous population, who were at the stage of decomposition of the tribal system, lived by hunting and nomadic cattle breeding, were distinguished by a stern disposition and did not strive to make contact with the visiting Russians, who had begun the industrial development of the region. It was on the verge of a direct national uprising of the Tuvans, so loyal and authority-loving aborigines among their relatives were valued by the central government as worth their weight in gold. Therefore, one should not be surprised why a shepherd from among the family nobility later became the editor of the republican newspaper Pravda and a freelance employee of Izvestia. Well, he then reached the highest positions in Tuva.

In order to make the local population loyal to the central authorities, marriages of the local nobility with representatives of the leading nomenklatura clans were also practiced. In particular, the daughter of a prominent figure in the BUND, and then the RSDLP (b), a participant in the revolutionary movement of 1905 and the civil war in Siberia, Yakov Rivlin, Alexandra Rivlin, married Kuzhuget Shoigu. The current Minister of War was born into this marriage.

After graduating from school in 1972, Sergei Kuzhegetovich Shoigu decided to become a civil engineer. The specialty at that time was necessary and honorable, in some ways even heroic, construction projects on an all-Union scale were booming all over Siberia, the Soviet press wrote about engineers and drummer builders with delight and pathos, there was no reason to worry about where to put your energy.
Since Sergei showed himself to be a capable student at school, he decided to receive higher education at the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute. Studying required saying goodbye to my native village, as it turned out, for good. Soon his father received a promotion, and his parents moved to the republican center of Kyzyl.

Life in the taiga village turned out to be a passed stage. Sergei was waiting after Chadan, where everyone knew each other by sight, the capital of Eastern Siberia. Krasnoyarsk seemed truly a metropolis. It was necessary to get used to the customs and life of the big city, but Sergei quickly got used to it and successfully integrated into student life.

A scholarship plus generous parcels from his parents, filled with the deficit that his father received through the party line, did not allow student Sergei Shoigu to remain hungry. On the contrary, life was very generous to him. While studying in his third year, he meets a spectacular brunette Irina. Usually Slavic girls in those days did not pay attention to Tuvans. Because of their temper and violent temperament, they were feared and tried to be avoided. Stabbing with or without cause was the norm in their circle back then. Sergei differed favorably from his fellow tribesmen, he did not touch alcohol, he was courteous and polite. Her heart melted a year later; in 1977, a couple of fifth-year civil engineering students got married. In the same year, their daughter Julia is born.

The young wife Irina is not afraid of her husband’s graduation from university in 1978. The prospect of going to trample his boots for two years in compulsory military service does not threaten him, fortunately there was a military department at the polytechnic, after which Sergei received the rank of reserve lieutenant.

From the moment he received his diploma until 1986, there was nothing remarkable in Sergei’s career and his family life with Irina. This is the time of life and life of just one of many thousands of families of an ordinary foreman at Siberian construction sites.

Suddenly, in three years, Sergei’s career makes several sharp leaps at once. In 1986, he became the manager of the Abakanvagonstroy trust, two years later - the second secretary of the Abakan city committee, a year later - an inspector of the Krasnoyarsk regional committee, and in 1990 he rose to the rank of deputy chairman of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the RSFSR.

He owed such dizzying success to his father, who by that time had become the second person in Tuva to have a strong friendship with the leader of the neighboring Krasnoyarsk Territory, Oleg Shein; they often visited hunting lodges together in the Tuvan taiga.

The Abakanvagonstroy trust was created especially for Sergei. Kuzheget Shoigu hoped that with proper patronage, his son could grow into the new leader of Tuva.
However, fortune smiled broadly on his Krasnoyarsk colleague - in 1990, Shein received the post of Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, formally becoming the third person in the republic. He also brought Sergei Shoigu with him to the capital.

In the capital, while in the corridors of the Ministry of Construction of the RSFSR, yesterday's foreman Shoigu found himself involved in the apparatus struggle between the republican and all-Union authorities. At the head of this confrontation on the part of the republican line was Boris Yeltsin, who recruited his personnel primarily from “construction” personnel.

The whole of 1990 passed in the most complex intrigues and behind-the-scenes disputes on the issue of creating a republican rescue corps in the RSFSR. This initiative, which came from Yeltsin, was actually intended to transfer civil defense troops from the Union jurisdiction into the hands of the leadership of the RSFSR, that is, into his hands. And this was a large security agency, control over which made it possible to argue with Gorbachev, who was rapidly losing popularity, on an equal footing.

Civil defense troops were partially transferred under the leadership of the Committee for Emergency Situations under the Presidium of the RSFSR, which was headed by Sergei Shoigu in December 1990.
This structure played a decisive role in the confrontation between the republican and union authorities, which reached its culmination during the speech of the State Emergency Committee.

According to the recollections of active participants in the August 1991 events:
“During the days of the State Emergency Committee, his rescuers defended the Yeltsin White House, and when the democratic masses went to seize the buildings of the Central Committee and the KGB and tear down the monument to Dzerzhinsky, Shoigu’s rescuers showed ingenuity and occupied the building of the Doguzhiev Commission - after the earthquake in Armenia, this state commission for emergency situations was created on Okhotny row near the Morflot building. Doguzhiev’s commission had not only this magnificent building in the center of Moscow, but also unique communication systems that covered the entire country, as well as very powerful strategic reserves throughout the country, reserves that were created in case of emergency situations.”

Most likely, then, rescuers loyal to Yeltsin under the leadership of Shoigu, in the conditions of confusion in the capital, took possession of the government communications center, thereby blocking the transmission to the army columns brought into the capital, ordering the State Emergency Committee to open fire on the rebellious leadership of the RSFSR and its supporters.

After standing on the capital's streets and squares without further instructions for about two days, the army units returned to their permanent locations. This meant Yeltsin's triumph. In gratitude for his support, Sergei Shoigu received the “Defender of Free Russia” medal and the position of head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, no longer of the union RSFSR, but of a separate independent state - Russia. At the beginning of 1993, he received the rank of major general, despite the fact that his previous military rank was lieutenant. There is only one more example in the history of our country when a military rank was awarded in a jump through several positions. Gagarin flew into space in 1961 as a lieutenant, and landed as a major.

But Sergei Shoigu made twice as many leaps in ranks as Gagarin. Largely because it was his actions that allowed Yeltsin to gain power in the country and chart a course for market reforms and forced privatization. It was these steps that created the modern model of the social structure of Russia. It is logical that any beneficiary within this system understands whose decisive actions in August 1991 he owes his current privileged position. Therefore, after a quarter of a century, the activities of Shoigu and the departments he heads have never been covered by any major media outlet in a negative light. On the contrary, coverage of his activities has always been conducted in an emphatically positive manner.

Sergei Kuzhegetovich himself rightly reaped his laurels after 1991; it was this year that in September he transported his wife and daughter to Moscow.
It must be said that on the wave of success in his family life, a second youth begins, the year ends with an addition to the family, the Shoigu couple give birth to their youngest daughter, Ksenia. The family moves to a luxurious country residence, where they live to this day.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations under the leadership of Shoigu has always stood out favorably against the background of other law enforcement agencies, the army smeared itself with mud after the defeat in Chechnya, and the ineffectiveness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has generally become a byword, against this background the work of rescuers, if not delighting the average person, was certainly annoying.

The wife remained in the shadow of her husband’s figure, but this circumstance did not prevent her from becoming one of the richest women in Russia, managing the largest construction holding company. Fortunately, her specialized education allowed her to be not just a hand to sign, but to truly take on the management of the largest assets in the construction industry. The few reviews about her business style speak of her as a woman with a grip of steel.

Sergei and Irina Shoigu met the mid-nineties in the status of celestial beings: he as a venerable official occupying one of the key positions in the government, she as a successful business owner with billions of dollars in turnover.

In addition to all the tangible advantages, such a status also required constant activity in moving around the country and the world, for her at investment forums and social events, for him at ministerial briefings and meetings. It was simply impossible to spend every evening together as before due to constant flights.

At the same time, rumors appeared about Sergei’s young mistress; it was rumored that the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations could not resist the charms of a young flight attendant on the personal flight of the head of the department. Allegedly, returning in 2000 from an emergency meeting on putting out forest fires in the Far East, during a long flight from Vladivostok to Moscow, he succumbed to temptation. Is it true or just speculation, but a few years later the media burst out with reports about Shoigu’s illegitimate son; the little boy smiling from newspaper photographs looked like two peas in a pod to his alleged father.

If Irina felt something, she certainly didn’t show it. The wisdom of her past years told her that creating a loud scandal, and even more so starting a divorce from her husband in the conditions of their exclusive status, means casting a shadow on her reputation. The costs of this step will be too great. The husband's rating has always been high; it would be unjustified to undermine it.
Therefore, even now, the Shoigu spouses always demonstrate the warmth of their relationship at infrequent meetings with the press as a family. Those who attended receptions at their mansion also speak of relaxed, open communication between the couple. And who knows, maybe in the next few years we will be able to see Sergei Shoigu as the head of state, and Irina Shoigu as the first lady.

Sergei Shoigu is a prominent statesman and Russian military man, army general, Hero of the Russian Federation, holding the post of Minister of Defense of Russia. One of the few political long-livers, whom Russians still consider “the main savior of the country” today, because Shoigu set an absolute record for his tenure as head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: he led the department in all parts of the government from 1991 to 2012.

Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu was born on May 21, 1955 in the town of Chadan, Tuva region. His entire childhood was spent in Tuva. Father Kuzhuget Sereeevich is a Tuvan by nationality, worked as an editor in the regional newspaper “Shyn”, and then served as deputy chairman of the Tuvan Council of Ministers. Sergei’s mother, Alexandra Yakovlevna Kudryavtseva, Russian (born in the village of Yakovlevo near Orel), was a livestock specialist, then for a long time she headed the planning department of the agricultural department of the republic. Sergei Shoigu’s family surname is Kuzhuget, but when re-registering his father’s documentation, a mistake was made, and in his passport the first and last names were accidentally swapped.

Sergei Shoigu with his parents and sister

During his school years, Sergei was an ordinary boy and did not stand out in any way in the children's group. In 1972, he graduated from a local school with honors and went to Krasnoyarsk, where he received a higher education, entering the Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

In 1996, Sergei Shoigu defended his dissertation on the topic of organizing public administration in forecasting emergency situations, for which he received the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In his youth, Sergei Kuzhugetovich worked in the construction industry for almost 15 years: he worked on large construction sites in Siberia, where he held mainly management positions.

At the very end of the 1980s, the future minister tried his hand at party positions: from 1988 to 1989, he worked as the second secretary of the Abakan Committee of the CPSU, and for another year he worked as an inspector of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee of the CPSU.

In 1990, the Moscow period of Sergei Shoigu’s biography began: he was appointed deputy chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction. But he did not stay in this position for long - only a year.

Politics and civil service

A few months later, Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu initiated the creation of the Russian Rescue Corps, which he headed. Later, this department was transformed into the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief. Shoigu worked at the head of this department as chairman from 1991 to 1994.

Thanks to the initiative and developments of Sergei Kuzhugetovich, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations currently includes several areas, in particular, it has search and rescue services in all regions of Russia, staffed civil defense troops, the Academy of Civil Protection, specialized centers for training Russian rescuers and monitoring and forecasting emergencies situations, as well as a research institute. This department became one of Shoigu’s most important achievements.

Sergei Shoigu began to manifest himself in politics in 1995 as part of the “Our Home is Russia” association, headed by Viktor Chernomyrdin. In 2000, Sergei Kuzhugetovich became the chairman of the Unity political party, which after some time was transformed into the United Russia party, which also included the parties of Mintimer Shaimiev “All Russia” and Yuri Luzhkov “Fatherland”.

The authority of the Minister of Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is unquestionable, and he won it not in the capital offices of the ministry, but in hot spots of disaster zones throughout the world, where Sergei Shoigu flew together with his subordinates. For his active rescue work, he was repeatedly awarded not only in Russia, but also in foreign countries where Russian rescuers worked. In 1999, Sergei Shoigu received the highest award - the title of Hero of Russia.

In 2012, Shoigu was nominated by United Russia for the post of governor of the Moscow region, where he was unanimously supported by all members of the Moscow Regional Duma. This year became significant in the biography of Sergei Shoigu - on the recommendation of Dmitry Medvedev, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, replacing ex-minister Anatoly Serdyukov, who was dismissed amid the Oboronservis scandal.

In his new position of responsibility, Sergei Shoigu noted a number of reforms. On his initiative, the Arctic Troops were created, the construction of the largest and only one of its kind military-patriotic park “Patriot” began, and the development of army sports received a powerful impetus.

In November 2012, the Minister of Defense appointed as his adviser former TV presenter Maria Kitayeva, who, when Sergei Shoigu was governor, worked as his adviser on information policy.

The reforms, headed by the new minister, made the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation invulnerable to external threats. The whole world saw the increased combat effectiveness of the Russian Armed Forces during the events of 2014 on the Crimean Peninsula. Russian President Vladimir Putin highly praised the actions of the Ministry of Defense, which, under the guise of strengthening the security of Russian military facilities in Crimea, managed to quickly transfer GRU special forces and marines to the peninsula, which ensured the disarmament of the Ukrainian military stationed on the peninsula.

It was possible to prove the power of the Russian army again in 2015-16 during a military operation in Syria. By 2015, the Russian army became the second most powerful in the world.

Public opinion polls have shown that Army General Sergei Shoigu has been the leader in performance assessment among Russian Government ministers since 2013.

In addition to his main activities, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation has headed the Russian Geographical Society since 2009, occupies the chair of the head of the International Sports Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers, and also manages the website of the forum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Unprecedented attention has been focused on the undoubtedly bright and charismatic minister, which is why his statements and speeches are often parsed into quotes. For example, speaking to members of the Federation Council in March 2010, Sergei Shoigu spoke so floridly about the production of fire extinguishers that his quote was savored for a long time in various media.

But sometimes Shoigu is credited with other people’s statements. For example, in 2015, the minister was condemned for a Twitter post in which he allegedly called for Russian tanks to enter Poland. As it turned out, Sergei Shoigu never wrote anything like this.

The situation in Ukraine

In July 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine opened a criminal case against Sergei Shoigu, in which the Russian Defense Minister was accused of financing the militia in the Donbass. The defendants in this criminal case, along with Shoigu, are Gennady Zyuganov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Sergei Mironov and Konstantin Malofeev. According to the Kyiv authorities, Sergei Shoigu and a number of Russian politicians are involved in organizing the participation of unidentified persons in illegal armed groups in the territory of south-eastern Ukraine.

The criminal prosecution of Sergei Shoigu in Ukraine is not the only case of Russian politicians and businessmen being accused by the Ukrainian authorities. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine opened criminal cases against the adviser to the Russian President Sergei Glazyev and the head of the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kulishov. They are accused of publicly calling for a military conflict and illegally supplying weapons to southeast Ukraine.

According to politicians, the opening of criminal cases against Russian politicians is a response of the Ukrainian authorities to the criminal prosecution of some Ukrainian businessmen and politicians in Russia. In particular, criminal cases in Russia have been opened against the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov and the ex-governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region, oligarch Igor Kolomoisky.

Personal life

In contrast to his open political and social activities, Sergei Shoigu’s personal life is in the shadows. It is known that the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation met his future wife during his student years, and already in the fifth year of university they legalized their relationship. Sergei Shoigu’s wife, Irina Antipina, is a self-sufficient person who is active in business.

Sergei Shoigu’s wife heads the Expo-EM travel agency, whose clients are not only individuals, but also rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition, Irina Shoigu holds the position of dean of the faculty of the Higher School of Sports Industry of the Russian University of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov, and is also a member of the board of trustees of the children's social fund "Republic of Sport" and the public organization "International Humanitarian Dimension", where she takes a special interest in the creation and implementation of youth programs.

The family of the Russian Defense Minister has two daughters - Yulia and Ksenia. Sergei Shoigu’s daughter Yulia currently heads the psychological assistance service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and Shoigu’s youngest daughter received a diploma from the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO. It is noteworthy that Ksenia starred in an episode of Nikita Mikhalkov’s drama “Burnt by the Sun-2”, playing a nurse.

Yuli Shoigu, eldest daughter of Sergei Kuzhugetovich

Several years ago, rumors appeared that the minister had a second wife, an unofficial one, whom he was hiding from society. Her name is Elena, and she previously worked as a flight attendant on a Ministry of Emergency Situations plane. According to unverified information, the woman allegedly gave birth to a son, Daniil, from Sergei Shoigu, who is very similar to his father. There is no confirmation of these rumors; Shoigu’s entourage believes that such gossip is being spread with the aim of discrediting the minister, whose trust rating is very high today.

Sergei Shoigu fishing

As for Shoigu’s habits and preferences, he says that a healthy lifestyle is not for him. The head of the Russian Ministry of Defense loves good cuisine, tasty meat, fresh fish and red wine. Sergei Shoigu is also a heavy smoker, and the minister is not going to give up his addiction, explaining his position by his reluctance to lose pleasure. Sergei Kuzhugetovich is in excellent athletic shape and is actively involved in football and horse riding.

It is known that Sergei Shoigu is interested in studying the history of Russia during the times of Peter the Great and hockey. He is an old fan of the CSKA team, but he also loves football and supports Spartak.

Sergei Kuzhugetovich collects sabers, daggers, and Japanese samurai swords. He plays the guitar very well and paints with watercolors.


Many citizens are interested in the minister’s income, and the opposition is watching this especially closely. It is known that Sergei Shoigu, having worked as Minister of Defense during 2012, earned over 15 million rubles, which is more than 4 times the income of his predecessor in 2011.

According to Forbes, the total income of the family of the Minister of Defense in 2012 was 83.02 million rubles.

  • In April 1993, after recertification, Sergei Shoigu (at that time the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations held the rank of senior lieutenant in the reserve) received the rank of major general. It is noteworthy that the order in which officer ranks were assigned was violated.
  • In October 1993, Shoigu responded to Yegor Gaidar's request, allocating him 1,000 machine guns with ammunition. True, it didn’t come to the point of distributing machine guns.
  • Sergei Kuzhugetovich's son-in-law, Alexey Kuzovkov, won in 2005 a competition announced by the Moscow government to fill vacancies for state notaries. The competition was later declared illegal.

  • Thanks to the efforts of Sergei Shoigu, the medieval Tuvan fortress of Por-Bazhyn acquired the status of a monument of federal significance.
  • In 2009, the minister proposed introducing criminal liability for those who deny the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.
  • In the spring of 2012, the minister’s opinion that it would be nice to move the capital of Russia to Siberia caused a great stir.

Minister Sergei Shoigu
  • In October 2012, the Federal Antimonopoly Service imposed a ban on placing the name of Sergei Shoigu on Viktor Petrik’s water filters.
  • On May 9, 2015, the minister, leaving the gates of the Spasskaya Tower before the start of the Victory Parade, crossed himself, because an Orthodox icon rises above the arch of the gate. Before the start of the parade in 2016, Sergei Kuzhugetovich did the same.

Sergei Shoigu today

On March 18, 2018, the Russian presidential elections took place, in which Vladimir Putin again won. Immediately after the inauguration of the elected president of the Russian Federation, the government headed by the chairman resigned.

Immediately after taking office, Vladimir Putin again offered the position of prime minister to Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, the new composition of the Russian government was announced to journalists. Sergei Shoigu retained his position as head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Minister Sergei Shoigu: brief biography and information about his family

Sergei Kuzhegetovich Shoigu is one of the most popular politicians in Russia, along with Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov. This professional does his job efficiently; He has been working for the benefit of the state in the rank of minister for more than 20 years. How he achieved such success, who his wife is - we will touch on the answers to these questions in this article.

Biography of a respected Russian politician

The future manager was born in Tuva on May 21, 1955, that is, in May 2017 he will turn 62 years old. His father, Shoigu Kuzhuget, worked as a secretary in the regional committee of the CPSU, and for five years was an editor in one of the local newspapers. Alexander Kudryavtsev’s mother is a livestock specialist and also worked in the Supreme Council of Tuva as a deputy.

My father’s name is Shoigu, and his last name is Kuzhuget. Government workers mixed up the information when filling out the documents, so Sergei received the “wrong” last name.

Sergei also has sisters: the eldest Larisa is now a member of the United Russia party and the youngest is Irina, who has become a psychiatrist.

The first serious post of Sergei Kuzhegetovich - Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

The parents gave their son a good upbringing and taught him to work hard and hard. He did well at school; Having completed ten years of school, he entered the Polytechnic University of Krasnoyarsk, where he studied as an engineer. Sergei even received a scientific degree in his profession. He was involved in construction for about fifteen years, coordinating various construction projects in Siberia. He worked successfully and held high positions in construction trusts.

In 1990, he went to the capital of the USSR to improve his qualifications, where the young manager was offered to work in the government. At first he was burdened with paperwork related to construction and architecture, but this was not interesting to Sergei; when he began to think about returning to Siberia, he was offered a position as the head of the future Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM). This position implied high activity - this just suited the young man, and he agreed.

Then this service was called the Rescue Corps, which with the collapse of the USSR became the Committee for Emergency Situations, and then the Ministry, to which the rescue and search function throughout the country was delegated.

Sergei Shoigu was involved in the development of the service, and he did it successfully; under his leadership, one of the best rescue organizations in the whole world was created. Educational centers for training specialists were annexed to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and civil defense (civil defense) troops were included in the ministry. Like-minded people gathered around the young leader, Sergei’s authority was absolute, his subordinates respected and loved him.

Shoigu was always at the forefront of events, personally visiting rescuers at the place of work, regardless of where it was, during exercises or in real disaster zones. In 1999 he received the Hero of Russia

Later, Sergei joined the team of President Vladimir Putin and joined the United Russia party. In 2003 he became an army general. At one time, he headed the Russian Geographical Society, was the governor of the Moscow region, and in 2012 he was appointed Minister of Defense, continuing the renewal of the army, and now the Russian military machine has again become one of the strongest in the world.

Sergey generally monitors his health, keeps himself in good shape even at his age, playing football, hockey and horse riding. He listens to classics and spends his holidays only in Russia. He has many awards, even a knight's cross from the Order of Hospitallers on the island of Malta.

Personal life of the minister: who is Shoigu’s wife?

Sergei Shoigu prefers to hide information about his family. It is known that he met his wife Irina at the Polytechnic Institute, and the wedding took place in the last year of study.

Irina Shoigu (nee Antipina) was engaged in business in the field of tourism and construction, now she is the dean of the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov and is involved in a children's fund.

The couple have two daughters – Ksenia and Yulia. Diligent girls:

  • Yulia already has a scientific degree, worked in a management position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and helps her father in many matters. The girl is married to a notary and has two children – Kirill and Daria.
  • Ksenia is successfully studying at MGIMO, it is known that she played a cameo role in one of Nikita Mikhalkov’s films.

Sergei Shoigu serves Russia and repays his debt in full. The talented manager does everything he does well. He has a happy and strong family, a loving wife and children.

14 February 2015, 21:30

Inspired by a post about help from sharfik. I just thought that somehow we had left the main warrior unattended. Let's correct the situation.


Sergei Shoigu was born on May 21, 1955 in the small town of Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Okrug, in the family of the editor of the regional newspaper Kuzhuget Sereeevich Shoigu and livestock specialist Alexandra Yakovlevna Shoigu (nee Kudryavtseva).

About the surname

And a little about childhood and in general was said in the Posner program:


V. POSNER: It’s true that little Shoigu had the nickname “Shaitan”, that he swam across the seething Yenisei on a dare, crossed the river during ice drift, jumping from ice floe to ice floe, and once jumped from a 10-meter bridge into the middle of the chamber of the Belarus tractor ", tied to a support. Is it true?


V. POSNER: Is it true that the teenager Shoigu took part in mass fights wall to wall?

S. SHOIGU: Yes. But where do such details come from?

V. POSNER: So, look. If we proceed from the fact that a person’s character, as psychologists tell us, is formed in childhood, it turns out that, firstly, you do not like to study, secondly, you take terrible risks and, thirdly, you are a rather aggressive person. Is this suitable for heading such a colossus as the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

S. SHOIGU: If we follow your assessments and conclusions, then, of course, it’s not suitable. I didn’t really like to study - I think because I was a freedom-loving person. And yet, he devoted more time to sports. And having started studying, including at a music school, he did not finish it, because the desire to play sports and lead a more active lifestyle overcame all hobbies.

V. POSNER: Okay, let's continue. Is it true that you dreamed of working as a truck driver?

S. SHOIGU: Yes, it was like that.

V. POSNER: Is it true that you don’t like to vacation abroad, preferring to spend your holidays in the Sayan Mountains, for example?


V. POSNER: True. Is it true that your hobby is collecting weird roots and making sculptures out of them?


V. POSNER: Is it true that you were baptized, in your words, by force? Here you can answer in a little more detail.

S. SHOIGU: No. I can't say that it was violent, because it was at the age of 5. Now this is abroad, this is the city of Stakhanov in Ukraine. My grandparents on my mother’s side are there. And my grandmother baptized me. I visited this church after that, I wanted to find entries in the books...

V. POSNER: And perhaps the last question from the blitz. You are a witness to all sorts of terrible things - disasters, misfortunes, suffering, which are generally difficult to explain or do not fit into any logic at all. Do you believe in God?

S. SHOIGU: You know, most likely yes. I can say that I remember faith in God not when I feel the urge to have it or not. And there are times when you really want to turn to something that you can’t turn to directly, in particular, to you. And then you realize that you believe

A few quick facts:

Sergei Shoigu was born in the small town of Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Okrug. At the age of 22, he graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute, after which he worked in various trusts until 1988. In one of the interviews, his father’s position was also mentioned: “My father was deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of Tuva.”

In the late 80s, Shoigu took the position of second secretary of the Abakan GC of the CPSU and just a couple of years later he already took the post of deputy chairman of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction.

In 1991, Sergei Shoigu became chairman of the Russian Rescue Corps and chairman of the State Committee for Emergency Situations - from that moment the stage of his career associated with the Ministry of Emergency Situations began.

Later, Sergei Shoigu was appointed Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief - EMERCOM of Russia. After some time, Shoigu also became a member of the Russian Security Council.

Among other things, Sergei Shoigu is the president of the International Sports Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers. And the president of the Russian Geographical Society.

Shoigu left the post of head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2012, then he set a record for the duration of his tenure in a ministerial position in the post-Soviet period.

In April 2012, Shoigu’s candidacy was unanimously supported by the Moscow Regional Duma for the post of governor of the Moscow region, but a few months later Sergei Kuzhugetovich left this post for the post of Minister of Defense, in which he replaced Anatoly Serdyukov.

In power

He has a very trusting relationship with President Putin. They often spend holidays together. Fishing video.

He was also recognized several times as “The most effective minister in the country.” Always takes leading places in the rating of trust in politicians. Very friendly with Yuri Vorobyov.


Wife - Irina Aleksandrovna Shoigu (nee Antipina), president of the Expo-EM company, engaged in business tourism (among the main clients is the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations)

Two daughters:

Yulia Sergeevna Shoigu (born in 1977) - Director of the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (since 2002).

Ksenia Sergeevna Shoigu (born in 1991) - student

With my youngest daughter (new photos)

Eldest daughter


In 2006, material appeared about Shoigu’s allegedly illegitimate son. I copy.

"According to the words of a venerable old man, a neighbor of a noble family in an elite cottage village, Alexander Ivanovich, a certain Elena Sh-va worked as a flight attendant on a plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and accompanied the best minister of Russia on all his difficult official business trips. And once, during his return from the most difficult, filled "The bravery and heroism of the expedition, dead tired Shoigu (after all, he plows like a red people's commissar) could not resist the charms of the beautiful blonde. Soon a charming baby was born, whom Sergei Kuzhugetovich and Elena named the beautiful name Daniil."

"MOSCOW, November 19. /ITAR-TASS/. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu appointed Maria Kitaeva as his adviser. The minister's press secretary, Daria Zatulina, told ITAR-TASS today.
“An adviser to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has been appointed, Maria Kitaeva,” Zatulina said.
Previously, Kitaeva worked as a presenter on the Rossiya 24 TV channel, and this summer she was appointed advisor to the governor of the Moscow region on information policy.
Kitaeva herself told ITAR-TASS that her responsibilities do not include issues of information policy of the Ministry of Defense, but she did not specify the range of issues for which she would be responsible."

Indeed, Ms. Kitaeva is somewhat out of the ranks of employees of the Ministry of Defense.

There is also a video on the Internet where Kitaeva, when she was an assistant to the then Governor of the Moscow Region, arrived with Shoigu at some facility and casually accompanied him cheerfully flashing her Chanel handbag.

Watch from 13:43 (Maria walks ahead)

And here Mary can be seen starting at 4:18.

But everything seems harmless; who would refuse just a beautiful assistant?!

There is also TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina, who is very proud of her friendship with the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and will not miss an opportunity to emphasize this. But this also doesn’t say much, since according to Nastya, she has long been in a relationship with a certain architect, and she is connected with Sergei Kuzhegetovich by the Russian Geographical Society (RGS).

Country house

Alexei Navalny once took up the investigation of the houses of Vorobyov and Shoigu. I copy.

“According to the oppositionist, both statesmen have huge plots of land registered on them: 19 thousand square meters each. The plots are located near Moscow near Gorki and Novo-Ogarevo on expensive, prestigious land: according to Navalny, such a plot costs at least 200 million rubles, not to mention houses, extensions and other beauties of landscape design."

Shall we discuss it, ladies?

SHOIGU Sergey Kuzhugetovich - (b. 1955), state. and military figure of the Russian Federation, general Army (2003), Hero of the Russian Federation (1999). Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu - The request "Shoigu" is redirected here. See also other meanings.

Political career of Sergei Shoigu

Sergei’s professional career was greatly facilitated by his father-in-law, the manager of a large construction trust in Krasnoyarsk. Over the course of 11 years of his biography, Shoigu went from a master to the head of a trust. Meeting the first secretary of the Achinsk City Committee Oleg Shenin turned Shoigu’s whole life upside down. The party functionary liked the young, energetic manager, and he took him to the Abakan City Committee. Over the years, prime ministers and presidents have changed in Russia, but Shoigu and his Ministry of Emergency Situations have remained in favor with both the authorities and the people. The movement later turned into the United Russia party, and Shoigu became its co-chairman. In the end, setting a record of work in the ministry - 18 years! — Shoigu changed the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to the suit of the governor of the Moscow region.

Sergei Shoigu, among other things, has an impressive career as a politician. Sergei Kuzhugetovich began his journey as a politician in 1995, when he joined the “Russia is Our Home” association. At that time, this organization was headed by Viktor Chernomyrdin. In the State Duma elections, Shoigu’s name appeared three times among the party’s top three, due to the politician’s enormous popularity. The President, together with the Moscow City Duma, supported and approved the candidate Sergei Shoigu. On May 12, 2012, Sergei Kuzhugetovich officially became the head of the Moscow region.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu is in decent shape, which is why some people think that he might have resorted to plastic surgery. This is where topics for discussion on the Internet come from, such as “Photos of Sergei Shoigu before and after plastic surgery.”

Russian Defense Minister, a worthy man, Sergei Shoigu was born on May 21, 1955 in Chadan, Tuva, into a family of provincial intellectuals - his father was a newspaper editor, his mother was a livestock specialist. The parents were prominent figures, Sergei Shoigu has someone to be one of them. Shoigu is a Hero of Russia, the pride of not only his native land of Tuva, Russia, but of all of Russia. Sergei is married to Irina Aleksandrovna Shoigu (president of the Expo-EM company, which deals with business tourism). Sixty-year-old Sergei Shoigu spent his childhood and youth in the regional town of Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Okrug. There are three people in power who can be respected: Putin. V.V., Lavrov. S. and Shoigu. S.K.

Although Sergei Shoigu is a political and serious personality, this is not an obstacle to his popularity. Today, Sergei Shoigu is successfully engaged in political activities.

From 1990 to 1991, Sergei Shoigu served as deputy chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction in Moscow. Sergei Shoigu is a laureate of many public awards. Sergei Shoigu is an Honorary Citizen of the city of Krasnoyarsk (2000), the Republic of Yakutia (2001) and the Kemerovo region (2005). Yulia Shoigu is the director of the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. What it is, it dazzles in the eyes - the head of Shoigu’s department, the head of Shoigu’s department, etc.

Being a communist, in 1989 Sergei Shoigu began working in party bodies. In 1991, on the initiative of Sergei Shoigu, the Russian Rescue Corps was formed. In the rebellious year of 1991, Sergei Shoigu, as Wikipedia reports, sided with Boris Yeltsin. According to Wikipedia, Russian citizens have repeatedly called Sergei Shoigu the most popular minister, along with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The elder sister is Larisa Kuzhugetovna Shoigu, deputy of the State Duma of the 5th and 6th convocations from the United Russia party. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu during a gala match of the Night Hockey League at the Bolshoi Ice Palace.

In 2009, Sergei Shoigu’s wife worked as dean of the faculty. Irina Shoigu raised two beautiful girls.

Encouragements from the President and Government of Russia

In 1991, he headed the Russian Rescue Corps in Moscow. Until the end of June 2011, he headed the board of directors of NIS GLONASS.

Minister-record holder for tenure (from 1991 to 2012 he headed the Ministry of Emergency Situations). Journalists often ask Shoigu what is the reason for his longevity. She made a career up to deputy. Minister of Health in his native Tuva, then worked as deputy. Head of the EMERCOM clinic in Moscow. On the night of October 3-4, 1993, at the request of Yegor Gaidar, he allocated 1000 machine guns with ammunition from the civil defense system under his jurisdiction. In 1996 - curator of the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. On October 14, 2010, it was reported that the Federal Antimonopoly Service prohibited placing the name of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu, on Viktor Petrik’s water filters. Alexey Kuzovkov, the son-in-law of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu, in 2005 won the notorious “thieves” competition of the Moscow government to fill vacancies of state notaries.

In his new position of responsibility, Sergei Shoigu noted a number of reforms. But sometimes Shoigu is credited with other people’s statements. For example, in 2015, the minister was condemned for a Twitter post in which he allegedly called for Russian tanks to enter Poland.

Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems of the Russian Federation, the International Academy of Sciences for Environmental Safety, the Russian and International Engineering Academies.

In May 1991 he put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a rescue corps, and in the same year he became chairman of the Russian Rescue Corps. In July 1992, he headed the Russian state commission to study the situation in North and South Ossetia. In September 1996, he was elected president of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO). In September 1999, preparations began for the creation of a new electoral bloc, initiated by 39 Russian governors. In October 1999, he headed the federal list of the electoral bloc “BEAR” (No. 1 in the central part of the list) to participate in the elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation. On November 15, 2003, the chairman of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party, B. Gryzlov, disavowed S. Shoigu’s statement (“Our citizens have a constitutional right to participate or not to participate in elections.” Laureate of the Peter the Great National Public Prize in 1999 “for effective management and development of the national civil security systems of Russia."

As Minister of Emergency Situations, he led many rescue and humanitarian operations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. He was repeatedly named by Russian citizens as the most popular minister, whose activities are approved by the majority of Russians. Since October 2010 - Member of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia.

As Marat Musin writes in his book, The President’s Revenge, when the detachment was formed by Yeltsin, Gaidar, etc. Maybe for this feat he received the Defender of Free Russia award? So Shoigu protected the people from financial disaster and received a well-deserved reward for this? The user undertakes not to violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation by his actions.

His wife is Irina Aleksandrovna Shoigu. She works in tourism and business. In addition to profitable businesses, the wife of the Minister of Defense also participates in various events and funds to help and support citizens. Moreover, Sergei Kuzhugetovich believes that the main goal of such rumors is to undermine his authority among Russian citizens.

Fund employees noted that the purchase of plots at the time of Ksenia Shoigu’s eighteenth birthday allowed her father to no longer indicate her in his own income statement. The head of the public relations department of the organizing committee of the “Race of Heroes” sports event, Igor Yurtaev, whose development is being carried out by Ksenia Shoigu, stated that the data does not correspond to reality. When asked whether Elena Antipina is Ksenia Shoigu’s aunt, the representative replied: “I don’t have such information.”

Criminal prosecution in Ukraine (2014)

Surrounded by everyone, respected President Putin, only true patriots of their Motherland work; he does not keep bad ones! Everyone has a walrus, (PASHA-Mercedes), and SHOIGU always has NORM in all structures. S. Shoigu in his homeland! Shoigu. I want to congratulate you and all military personnel, no matter where in the world they are, on the great holiday of defenders of the fatherland. And by the way, since when did the surname Shoigu become Russian? In my opinion, the most stupid thing to accuse Shoigu of is that he “changed his surname to Russian.” In our family, the father is a military man, the husband is a military man, the son is a military man - they are personnel, a hard life, and when they are discharged they are thrown out onto the street, into apartments where everything leaks, with a pension that is enough for medicine.

The defendants in this criminal case, along with Shoigu, are Gennady Zyuganov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Sergei Mironov and Konstantin Malofeev. The criminal prosecution of Sergei Shoigu in Ukraine is not the only case of Russian politicians and businessmen being accused by the Ukrainian authorities. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine opened criminal cases against the adviser to the Russian President Sergei Glazyev and the head of the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kulishov.

For recreation, Shoigu considers Russia preferable to Europe. Sergei Kuzhugetovich has an interest in history. In February 2009, Shoigu proposed that denial of the USSR victory in the Great Patriotic War be considered a crime. There’s nothing you can do about it—you must agree, he’s a distinguished man. Even in civilian clothes. I have no confidence in such a military organization.. The general is a mummer..

When the coup was carried out, Sergei Shoigu supported Yeltsin. As for the situation in the neighboring state (Ukraine), Shoigu has his own opinion here. The same participation has overtaken a number of Russian officials who are accused of supplying weapons to the conflict zone, as well as publicly calling for military action. The Russian Federation views this situation as revenge for the fact that similar criminal cases were previously opened against Ukrainian businessmen and politicians.

In 1990 he moved to a new place of work in Moscow. Shoigu is reproached for the fact that within the framework of the Ministry of Emergency Situations he created a virtually paramilitary structure, while security operations are not within his competence. In 2014, Shoigu officially denied the presence of the Russian military in the operation to annex Crimea to Russia, and then V.V. Putin acknowledged the presence of Russian troops on the peninsula. On August 5, 2010, S. Shoigu told reporters: “I already spoke once about tenders and competitions for extinguishing fires. Representatives of the nomenklatura, who in the previous three convocations failed to gain a majority in the Duma, this time united into the United Russia party and seriously fought for victory.

The competition was later declared illegal. In the spring of 2012, the minister’s opinion that it would be nice to move the capital of Russia to Siberia caused a great stir.

Graduated from the Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. On April 10, 2005, while discussing the events of August 1991 in the program “School of Scandal” (issue 27), Sergei Shoigu said: “No, we won’t leave so easily.”

Ksenia Shoigu is the favorite of the famous dad, who has repeatedly appeared with his daughter at various events. Ksenia Shoigu spoke out about Navalny’s accusations of concealing income, which immediately attracted the attention of the press and public.

Irina Shoigu's appearance has changed a lot. The Shoigu couple have been happily married for many years, despite rumors about Sergei Kuzhugetovich’s secret mistress, which he has repeatedly denied.

Yulia Shoigu is a PhD candidate in psychology (extreme situations).

Several years ago, rumors appeared that the minister had a second wife, an unofficial one, whom he was hiding from society.

Shoigu has been smoking for a long time, and despite the harm, he has no plans to quit. Many are curious about Shoigu’s nationality. He is Tuvan. Her plans for the future are not known to the press. Ksenia Shoigu took part in the filming of the film by the famous director Mikhalkov.

His career growth does not stop there, but on the contrary, it rapidly grows upward. In 1986, Shoigu was appointed manager of construction associations in Abakan. After working for 2 years, Shoigu got a job as secretary of the CPSU Civil Code of the city of Abakan. Sergei Kuzhugetovich was able to make the Ministry of Emergency Situations an influential body.

Son-in-law - Konstantin Yakubovich Flamenbaum (born 1948), his father moved to the USSR from Poland after the war. Nephew - Alexander Konstantinovich Flamenbaum (born 1975), graduated from the Faculty of Law of Tyvin State University in 1998. Shoigu; genus. 1960), after graduating from the Tomsk Medical Institute, she got married. Lived in Sayanogorsk, Abakan.

The first session of the People's Assembly of Dagestan after the summer holidays has begun. Contrary to expectations, the issue of the interim head of the republic was not raised. In the Voronezh region, an electrified two-track railway was put into operation, which also runs through the territory of the Rostov region, skirting Ukraine.

Needless to say, such an outstanding person owns many awards and regalia. Shoigu is in excellent physical condition, often plays football and loves to ride horses. Looking at the list of his awards, we can say with confidence that Sergei Shoigu is a great man.

In his youth, Sergei Kuzhugetovich worked in the construction industry for almost 15 years: he worked on large construction sites in Siberia, where he held mainly management positions.

She was the daughter of a famous person, the chief engineer of one of the organizations in Krasnoyarsk. In addition, Irina succeeded in education.

True, then Sergei Shoigu stopped dreaming about heaven and chose the road. Shoigu devoted most of his free time to sports, which saved him from falling into unfavorable company. Sergei studied well and graduated from school without any problems.
