How many seas and oceans are there in Russia? Seas of Russia 13 seas that

Russia, with an area of ​​17.12 million km², is washed by the waters of one internal Caspian Sea and 14 external seas, of which 7 seas belong to the Arctic basin, 4 to the Pacific Ocean, and 3 to the Atlantic.

Seas washing Russia

The Caspian Sea (area - 371 thousand km²) is located at the junction of Europe and Asia; the waters of the Russian Federation include the Middle and Northern Caspian Sea, the coastline stretches for 695 km. Most of the river flow (up to 80%) belongs to the Volga; the Ural, Terek, Sulak, and Samur rivers also flow here. The internal closed sea-lake Caspian is the largest closed reservoir in the world; on the Russian coast there are Lagan, Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Izberbash, Dagestan Lights and the southernmost city of Russia Derbent...

Seas of the Atlantic Ocean

The seas of the Atlantic Ocean that wash the territory of Russia include the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov.

The Baltic Sea is an inland sea, deeply cut into the northwestern part of the Eurasian continent and washing the northwestern part of Russia, its area is 415 thousand km². The Russian waters of the Baltic Sea are some areas in its eastern part: the Kaliningrad Bay, separated from the sea by the Baltic Spit, part of the Curonian Lagoon (Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation), the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland in the territory of the Leningrad Region and its capital St. Petersburg. The Neva River, flowing from Lake Ladoga, flows into the sea, bringing most of the flow during the year. The largest port is Kronstadt on the island of Kotlin in the Gulf of Finland...

The Black Sea, with an area of ​​422 thousand km², is an inland sea located in the depths of the Eurasian continent, washing the coast of the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation, located in the south of the European part of Russia (the coastline from the Kerch Strait between the Black and Azov Seas to the mouth of the Psou River is 400 km) and the Crimean Peninsula (coastline length - 750 km). The Krasnodar line of the Black Sea coast is divided into the Kerechen-Taman and Western Caucasus regions. In the northwestern part of the Black Sea on the territory of Crimea there are large bays - Karkinitsky, Kalamitsky, Feodosiysky. One of the large rivers that flows into the Black Sea is the Dnieper, major seaports are Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, Anapa, Tuapse...

The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest and smallest inland sea in the world with an area of ​​37.8 thousand km², located in the southern part of the Russian Plain, washing the south-eastern part of the Rostov region and the Krasnodar Territory. Such large rivers as the Don and Kuban flow into it, and small ones - the Mius and Eya. Large bays are Taganrogsky, Miussky in the northeast, in the east - Yasensky Bay, Beysugsky Estuary, Akhtarsky Estuary, in the south - Temryuksky. Large seaports are Taganrog (Rostov region, Taganrog Bay), Yeysk (Krasnodar Territory). The coasts of the southern seas are important areas for recreation, industrial fishing and sea routes...

Seas of the Arctic Ocean

The seas of the Arctic Ocean are the Barents, Pechora, White, Kara, Laptev Sea, East Siberian and Chukotka.

The Barents Sea (S - 1405 thousand km²) washes the northern coast of the Russian Federation, the Spitsbergen archipelago, the islands of Frank Joseph Land and Novaya Zemlya. A port city of great strategic importance for Russia is Murmansk. The largest bays are Varyazhsky, Motovsky and Kola, smaller ones are Cheshskaya Bay, Pechora Bay, Khaypudyrskaya Bay. The Pechora and Indiga rivers flow into...

The Pechora Sea is the southwestern part of the Barents Sea with an area of ​​81.2 thousand km², located between the islands of Kolguev and Vaygach (Nenets Autonomous Okrug). Its borders run along a line from Cape Kostin Nos on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, further along the eastern part of Kolguev Island, further along Cape Svyatoy Nos along the Timan coast of continental Russia to the Yugorsky Peninsula and Vaigaya Island. The sea is named after the Pechora, the deepest river flowing into it. The largest bays (or lips) in its area are Pechora and Khaypudyrskaya...

The White Sea washes the north of the Russian Federation, its area is small - 90 thousand km² (this is 1/16 of the area of ​​the Barents Sea), it stretches from west to east at a distance of 600 km. The following rivers flow into the sea: Onega, Kem, Northern Dvina, the port cities of the White Sea - Arkhangelsk, Belomorsk, Onega, Severodvinsk...

The marginal Kara Sea, with an area of ​​880 thousand km², lies between the islands of Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach and Heiberg, and the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago. This is the coldest sea in Russia, positive indicators occur only at the mouths of inflowing rivers (these are the Yenisei, Ob), most of the year the surface of the sea is covered with ice. The largest bays are the Gulf of Ob, the Yenisei Gulf...

The Laptev Sea is a marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, from the south it is limited by the northern coast of Siberia and the Taimyr Peninsula, from the west by the island of Novaya Zemlya, from the east by the New Siberian Islands. Area - 700 thousand km², the sea is covered with ice, the largest flowing rivers are Lena, Yana, Khatanga, Anabar, Olenek. There are many bays and bays, a large port city - Tiksi...

The East Siberian Sea is located between the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island, mostly covered with ice, area - 944.6 thousand km², flowing rivers - Indigirka, Kolyma, Alazeya. The Chaunskaya Bay, Omulyakhskaya Bay, Khromskaya Bay, Kolyma Bay, and Kolyma Bay cut into the mainland. The largest port is Pevek, a city in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation...

The marginal Chukchi Sea, located between Chukotka and Alaska, is connected by the Long Strait to the East Siberian Sea, Cape Barrow to the Beaufort Sea, and the Bering Strait to the Pacific Ocean. The area is 585 thousand km², almost always covered with ice. Very few rivers flow in, the largest being Amguema and Noatak. The largest islands are Wrangel, Kolyuchin and Herald, the largest settlement is Uelen, 632 people live here, engaged in reindeer herding, fishing and sea-hunting...

Pacific Seas

The Pacific seas washing the northeast of Russia include the Bering, Okhotsk, Shantar and Japanese.

The northern part of the Pacific Ocean is occupied by the Bering Sea (area 2292 thousand km2), separated from it by the Aleutian and Commander Islands. In its northwest lie the shores of Northern Kamchatka, the Koryak Highlands and the Chukotka Peninsula, in the northeast are the shores of Western Alaska. The coast is heavily indented, there are many bays and bays: Anadyrsky, Karaginsky, Korfa, Kresta. Russian island territories washed by the Bering Sea are the Diomede Islands (Chukchi Autonomous Okrug), the Commander Islands and Karaginsky Island (Kamchatka). The largest river flowing into this sea is Anadyr...

The Inland Sea of ​​Okhotsk (its area is 1,603 thousand km²) is located in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, its borders are outlined by the Kuril Islands and the Kamchatka Peninsula. The largest flowing rivers are the Amur, Okhota and Kukhtui; most of the year the sea is covered with ice. The western part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk washes the shores of the Russian Far East (Khabarovsk Territory, Magadan Region), the coast of Sakhalin Island, the northern - the coast of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, the eastern - the shores of the Kamchatka region and the chain of the Kuril Islands. The main port is Magadan, the mainland coast is Okhotsk, the Sakhalin Islands are Korsakov, the Kuril Islands are North Kuril...

The Shantar Sea is an inland sea on the eastern coast of Russia; it represents the northwestern waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The north and east of the sea are separated from the main waters of Okhotsk by the Shantar Islands (Big and Small), the south by the Tugur Bay, the west by the Uda Bay...

The Sea of ​​Japan (S - 1062 thousand km²) is a marginal sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean, located between Eurasia and the Korean Peninsula, it is limited by the Japanese islands and Sakhalin. The Russian coast of the Sea of ​​Japan is the Primorsky Territory, the southeast of the Khabarovsk Territory and the southwest of Sakhalin. The coastline stretches from west to east at a distance of 3900 m. Large Russian ports are Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vostochny, Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Sovetskaya Gavan, Vanino...

Economist, mathematician. 30 years of experience in government statistics. Date: November 21, 2019. Reading time 6 min.

Vladimir Egorov / flickr

The number of seas washing modern Russia has remained numerically the same as it was under the USSR, exactly 13. 12 of them belong to the basins of three oceans (Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific). The Caspian is not directly connected to the World Ocean, only through the Volga-Don Canal

Russia, the largest country on the planet, is surrounded by three oceans - the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic. It is connected to them by 12 seas. There is another one, drainless, in no way connected with the World Ocean. So, a total of 13 seas wash Russia. Each of them is of different origin and age. They also differ in relief and depth, as well as in the inhabitants inhabiting the water area.

All 13

Reference ! A sea is a part of the World Basin that is separated by land or elevated terrain. In addition, it differs from the ocean in climate, changes in water due to natural factors, and weather conditions.

Among the seas washing the Russian Federation:

  • Caspian, not related to the World;
  • Beringovo, Japanese and Okhotsk (Quiet region);
  • Azov, Black and Baltic (Atlantic region);
  • Barents, White, Kara, East Siberian, Chukchi and Laptev Sea (Northern Arctic region).

Atlantic group

Baltic. Max. depth - 470 m. Russia, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Germany, Poland consider it theirs. Located in the north-west of the Russian Federation. Inland. Quite small. The waters are desalted due to precipitation. So the plankton numbers are not growing. Herring, smelt, sprat are among the most popular fish.

Black. Depth - 2,210 m. It washes Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Abkhazia. At the southwestern borders of the Russian Federation. So many rivers flow into it that the coastline is pushed back. At shallow depths, freshwater and Mediterranean fish species (pike perch, tuna, ram, anchovy, stingray and bream) are found.

Azovskoe. According to the world classification, it is classified as the smallest - only 13.5 m at the deepest point. It washes Ukraine and Russia. It is even sometimes called the Black Sea Bay. It freezes in winter, but warms up perfectly in summer. There are about 80 species of fish in the water area, many commercially.

Arctic Ocean Group

White. Max. depth – 343 m, located in the north of Russia. As you approach the surface, the water becomes fresher. It is not rich in fish, no more than 50, but there are many valuable commercial varieties.

Barentsevo. Deep - 600 m. The coastline runs through Russian and Norwegian territory. The ice here never melts. Extreme conditions are not an obstacle for a huge amount of plankton; there are at least 100 species of fish, the vast majority of them commercial. The coastline is home to seals, beluga whales, bears, and more than 20 species of birds on the rocks.

Laptev. Max. depth – 3,385 m. Outlying reservoir of Russia. Temperature - no more than +1℃ even in summer. Siberian rivers and melting ice fill it with fresh water. There is no fishing.

Karskoe. Depth – 620 m. It is washed by the Russian Federation. Its surface is almost always covered with ice and does not warm up above 0℃. In the coastal zone it is fresh. And the bounty of flora and fauna can be the envy of the southern seas - an abundance of algae, chinook salmon, flounder, navaga, smelt, trowel, even cetaceans - sei whale and fin whale. Oil and gas have been discovered on its shelves.

Chukotka. At the deepest point - 1,256 m. A marginal reservoir in the north of the country, covered with eternal ice, and at the same time washes Alaska.

East Siberian. Max. depth – 915 m. Ice water – from – 28℃ in winter and up to +2℃ in summer. The fauna is sparse, and there is no diversity of fish species.

Pacific group

Okhotsk. Max. depth – 3,916 m. A semi-enclosed body of water on the south-eastern coast of the Russian Federation. On the other side of the coast of Japan. Rich in delicious varieties: crabs, starfish, mussels, coho salmon, pink salmon and flounder.

Beringovo. The deepest in the country is 4,151 m. The coastline runs in Russia and the States. In the Russian Federation, its length is 13,340 km with many islands. The water surface is under an ice crust, its temperature ranges from -28℃ to +10℃. Even in such conditions, salmon and flounder of various species live.

Japanese. At a depth of 3,742 m. It washes, in addition to Russia, Japan, South Korea, and the DPRK. In the east of the Russian Federation. The aquatic fauna is rich in commercial varieties.

Without connection with the World

The only closed sea is the Caspian. Max. depth – 1025 m. Its waters are in Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. It is connected to the World Ocean only by the Volga-Don Canal. They even call it a lake, even though the water in it is salty. More than 100 rivers flow into it, including the Volga.

Reference! A lake is a closed depression in the continental crust that is filled with water. The inland sea is a structural unit of the World Ocean, cutting deeply into the land. The exception is the Caspian. It is a lake, but not part of the World Ocean. But it is called the sea because of its salty water and large size.

What in the world

There is no other state with so much sea water washing its shores. The Russian Federation owns a water area of ​​8.6 million km2. Try to imagine the size of this wealth. This is larger than the area of ​​all European countries combined.

In addition, it is larger in size than any country, except for such “giants” as Canada, the USA and China:

  1. The United States of America is washed by the seas: Chukchi, Beaufort and Bering.
  2. Canada - Labrador, Baffin, Beaufort and Lincoln.

The territory of the Russian Federation is washed by three oceans. All the seas of Russia, the list of which is given in the text of the article, are interesting and special in their own way. All of them are unique and original.

Seas of Russia: list

The largest country on the planet is connected to three oceans through 12 seas, both internal and peripheral. One sea in Russia does not have a direct connection with the World Ocean (except for the connection through it - this is the Caspian Sea, which is drainless.

Alphabetical list of seas washing Russia
Sea Belonging to the ocean
Azovskoeto the Atlantic Ocean
Barentsevoto the Arctic Ocean
Balticto the Atlantic Ocean
Whiteto the Arctic Ocean
Beringovoto the Pacific Ocean
East Siberianto the Arctic Ocean
Karskoeto the Arctic Ocean
Laptevto the Arctic Ocean
Okhotskto the Pacific Ocean
Blackto the Atlantic Ocean
Chukotkato the Arctic Ocean
Japaneseto the Pacific Ocean

Total - 13 seas.

Atlantic seas

The seas from the Atlantic basin beat against the western shores of Russia. In the north it is the Baltic Sea, in the south it is the Azov and Black Sea.

They are united by the following features:

  • they are all internal, that is, deeply continental;
  • all of them are the final seas of the Atlantic, that is, to the east of them there are either waters of another ocean or land.

The Russian coastline along the Atlantic seas is about 900 km. The Baltic Sea touches the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions. The Black and Azov seas wash the shores of the Rostov region, Krasnodar region and Crimea.

Seas of the Arctic Ocean

Some seas of Russia (the list is given above) belong to the Arctic Ocean basin. There are six of them: five of them are outlying (Chukotskoye, Karaskoye, Laptev, East Siberian, Barentsevo) and one is internal (Beloye).

Almost all of them are covered with ice all year round. Thanks to the Atlantic Current, the southwest of the Barents Sea. The waters of the Arctic Ocean reach the territory of such Russian regions as the Murmansk region, the Arkhangelsk region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Sakha, and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Pacific Seas

The list of seas washing the coast of Russia from the east and belonging to the Pacific Ocean is given below:

  • Beringovo;
  • Japanese;
  • Okhotsk.

These seas are adjacent to the territories of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Magadan Region, the Kamchatka Region, the Khabarovsk Territory, the Sakhalin Region, and the Primorsky Territory.

Warm seas

Half of the Russian seas are covered with ice all year round. There are seas that are partially covered with ice for a certain period of time. The warm seas of Russia, the list of which is given below, do not freeze throughout the year. So, the warm seas of Russia include:

Seas of Russia: list of unique seas

All geographical objects of the Earth are special and interesting in their own way. There are objects that are unique and inimitable. Of course, this is Lake Baikal, the Volga, Kamchatka geysers, the Kuril Islands and much more. The seas of Russia are also exceptional, a list of which is given below. The table shows the characteristics of some Russian seas from the point of view of their uniqueness.

List of seas washing Russia
SeaCharacteristics in terms of uniqueness
AzovskoeIt is considered the most inland sea on the planet. Communication with the waters of the World Ocean occurs through four straits and four seas. Having a depth of no more than 13.5 m, it is recognized as the shallowest sea on the planet.

It is one of the most unsalted seas in the world.

Approximately 80% of the world's amber is mined here, which is why the sea was called Amber in ancient times.


This is the westernmost sea of ​​Russia among those located beyond the Arctic Circle. It is considered the cleanest sea of ​​all that washes the shores of Europe.

WhiteThe sea, which has a small area, is the second small sea in Russia after the Azov Sea. It washes the lands of the historical and cultural monument of Russia -

The southernmost, but not the hottest sea in Russia. Of all the seas in Russia, this one has the richest underwater world.

We hope that the article was interesting and useful.

    Russia is the biggest country in the world. It is washed by three oceans. Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. The seas that wash Russia most of all are in the north of the country. There are seas that are located only near our borders and in our zone of influence. In total, Russia is washed by 13 seas.

    The territory of Russia is washed thirteen seas (together with the Caspian Sea-lake), and the total marine area is 7 million square kilometers. All seas belong to the basins of the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, with most of them belonging to the latter.

    List of seas that wash the Russian Federation can be viewed below.

    Our country, Russia, the largest on planet Earth, is accordingly washed by many seas, belonging to three of the four world oceans. These oceans are the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic. There are 12 such seas in total and there is one more, closed, Caspian. This means there are 13 seas in total. Here is the complete list:

    Russia is washed by thirteen seas of three oceans. The six seas of the Arctic Ocean are Kara, Barents, Laptev, East Siberian, White and Chukotka. Three seas of the Pacific Ocean - Bering, Japanese, Okhotsk. Three seas of the Atlantic Ocean - Baltic, Black, Azov. And another sea-Lake Caspian, it does not belong to any of the oceans.

    Russia turns out to be a country washed by the waters of three oceans at once, two of them directly, and the Atlantic Ocean through internal seas.

    In the south, these are the Black and Azov Seas, a health resort and the location of resorts. To the north is the Baltic Sea with the Gulf of Finland, where St. Petersburg is located.

    From the Arctic Ocean we are washed from left to right by the White, Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas. These are six more seas, very cold, but very important for the country’s economy.

    From the Pacific Ocean, Russia is washed by the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese Seas, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is essentially an internal sea of ​​Russia.

    And finally, the Caspian Sea, which is essentially an endorheic lake, is considered to be a sea.

    Total 13 seas.

    The waves of thirteen seas splash off the coast of Russia. All of them belong to the oceans: Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific. The largest number of seas is part of the waters of the Arctic Ocean - there are six in total, one of which, the Barents Sea, occupies the largest area compared to other seas of this ocean.

    It should be noted that Wikipedia claims that there are a total of 14 (fourteen) seas that wash Russia and one more plus the internal one.

    Therefore, it turns out that there are only 15 - fifteen seas.

    The country of Russia, the Russian Federation is the largest country on the Eurasian continent. It is washed by 13 seas.

    Here is a photograph of the Black Sea washing Russia -

    Here is a photograph of the Barents Sea washing Russia (the cities of Arkhangelsk, Murmansk) -

    Here is a photograph of the Laptev Sea washing Russia -

    Here is a photo of the East Siberian Sea washing Russia (Chukotka)

    Here are photographs of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk washing Russia (Sakhalin and Kamchatka) -

    Here are photographs of the Baltic Sea washing Russia (my hometown: Kaliningrad) -

    Here are photographs of the beautiful Sea of ​​Azov, which washes Ukraine and Russia (Rostov),

    Here are photographs of the Kara Sea washing Russia (Novaya Zemlya, on the other side the island is washed by the Barents Sea) -

    Here is a photograph of the Sea of ​​Japan washing the Russian Federation - Vladivostok -

    Here are photographs of the Chukchi Sea washing the Russian Federation -

    Here are photographs of the Bering Sea washing the Russian Federation -

    Here are photographs of the White Sea washing the Russian Federation -

    And the Caspian Sea - a lake washing the Russian Federation - Astrakhan -

    All answers say that Russia is washed by 13 seas, but this is the wrong answer, since Russia is being washed 14 seas. The fact is that all the seas washing Russia are divided into two categories - closed and external, which belong to the oceans. The Caspian Sea is considered closed. And the remaining 13 seas are divided between the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans:

    It turns out that there are only 14 seas that wash Russia.

  • The Russian Federation is washed by 13 seas

    1. Black Sea
    2. Barencevo sea
    3. Laptev sea
    4. East-Siberian Sea
    5. Sea of ​​Okhotsk
    6. Baltic Sea
    7. Sea of ​​Azov
    8. Kara Sea
    9. Japanese Sea
    10. Chukchi Sea
    11. Berengov Sea
    12. White Sea
    13. Caspian Sea

Despite the large area of ​​Russia, it is washed by only 13 seas, 12 of which belong to three oceans (Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic) and one sea-lake belonging to the internal endorheic basin of Eurasia. The seas are located on four lithospheric plates (Eurasian, North American, Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Amur).

All seas are distinguished by a number of natural characteristics, such as: origin, geological structure, topography and bottom shape, depth of sea basins, temperature, etc.

Seas of the Arctic Ocean

The largest group of seas that wash Russia belongs to the Arctic Ocean. This group includes the seas: Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Barents, Chukchi and White.

They wash Russia from the north. It is noteworthy that only the White Sea is inland, all other seas are continental-marginal. Between the seas of the Arctic Ocean, the boundaries are marked by islands and archipelagos (Franz Josef Land, Severnaya Zemlya, Novaya Zemlya, Spitsbergen, etc.), and where the border is not clearly visible, it is drawn mentally. The total area of ​​these seas reaches 4.5 million km^2, and the average depth is only 185 meters.

Since all these seas are on the continental shelf, they are all shallow. The deepest sea is the Laptev Sea. Its northern part occupies the edge of the deep-sea Nansen Basin. The depth of the sea in this place reaches 3385 meters. Thanks to this, the average depth of the Laptev Sea reaches 533 meters.

In winter, its temperature ranges from -0.8°C to +1.7°C, and in summer from +0.8°C to +10°C. The second place of honor is occupied by the Barents Sea, the maximum depth of which reaches 600 meters, and the average depth is only 222 meters. The Kara Sea took third place.

Although its maximum depth is greater than the Barents Sea and reaches 620 meters, its average depth barely reaches 111 meters, which is 2 times less than that of the Barents Sea. The last 3 places in depth are occupied by: Beloe (maximum depth - 350 meters, average depth - 67 meters), Chukotskoye (maximum depth - 160 meters, average - 71 meters) and East Siberian (maximum depth - 155 meters, average - 54 meters ) seas.

Pacific Seas

The three seas of the Pacific Ocean, which wash Russia from the east, are the largest and deepest. Their average depth reaches 1354 meters, which is 7 times greater than the average depth of the seas of the Arctic Ocean. This group includes the seas: Bering, Okhotsk and Japan.

These seas are separated from each other by the Kamchatka Peninsula and Sakhalin Island. The eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula is washed directly by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. It can also be noted that these seas are the boundary between the largest continent and the ocean of the planet.

The deepest sea of ​​the entire group is the Bering Sea. Its maximum depth reaches 4151 meters, and the average depth is 1640 meters. In winter, its temperature ranges from -1.5°C to +3°C, and in summer - from +4°C to +11°C. This sea is mixed, continental-marginal type.

The Sea of ​​Japan is in the middle, with a maximum depth of 3699 meters and an average depth of 1535 meters. In winter, the temperature of this sea ranges from 0 to +4°C, in summer - from +18 to +25°C. In last place is the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Its maximum depth is 3521 meters, and the average is only 821 meters. In winter its temperature ranges from -1.5 to +1.8°C, and in summer 6-7°C.

Seas of the Atlantic Ocean

This group includes three seas: the Black, Baltic and Azov. They reach deep into the continent and wash small areas of it, and their connection with the ocean passes through numerous straits. All these seas are inland.

The Black Sea is the warmest of the seas washing the shores of our Motherland. Its temperature in winter is from 0 to 7°C, and in summer 25-26°C, its maximum depth reaches 2210 meters, and the average depth is 1315 meters. It lies in a tectonic depression, which is bordered by the continental slope. Communication with the ocean is through the seas: Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean and the straits: Bosphorus, Dardanelles, Gibraltar.

The Baltic Sea is the westernmost of the seas bordering Russia. Its maximum depth is very small and reaches only 470 meters, and its average depth is 51 meters. In winter, its temperature fluctuates around -1°C, and in summer - from +17 to +17°C. The Baltic Sea is located in a tectonic trough at the junction of the Baltic shield with the Russian plate. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the shallow Danish Straits and the North Sea.

The Sea of ​​Azov is the smallest and shallowest sea on the planet. Its maximum depth is only 13 meters, and the average is 7 meters. An inland shelf sea, the connection with the ocean is carried out through the Black Sea, into which it flows through the shallow Kerch Strait. Its depth increases slowly and smoothly as it moves away from the coast. In winter, the temperature fluctuates around 0°C, and in summer it reaches +23-24°C.

Caspian sea-lake

A sea that has repeatedly lost and restored its connection with the World Ocean. The most recent transformation of the Caspian Sea ended with the fact that, as a result of uplifts in the area of ​​the Kuma-Mychin depression, it was finally isolated and became completely part of the drainless Eurasian basin.

Its area reaches 371 thousand km^2, and its depth reaches 1025 meters. At the moment, the Caspian Sea is the largest closed sea. Sea temperature in winter ranges from 0 to +10°C, and in summer - +24 - +28°C. Its hydrological regime and organic world depend on nature and its changes within the sea basin itself, in particular the Volga basin, located entirely within our Motherland.

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