Download presentation Peru, a city in South America. Andean countries

Republic of Peru The name of the country comes from the Piru River, which means “river” in the language of the local Indians. Capital - Lima, Area sq. km., Population - 30.38 million people.

Republic of Peru Administrative division: the state is divided into 25 departments. Large cities: Callao, Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo. Official language: Spanish. Religion: 90% Catholics.Catholics Ethnic composition: 50% Peruvians (Hispanic, mestizos, creoles), 49% Indians.Hispanic Currency: new sol = 100 centimos.

Climate The average temperature on the coast of Peru ranges from + 14°C to + 27°C, with precipitation falling up to 3000 mm per year, while the highlands or sierra are usually cool, sunny and dry for most of the year. From December to May in the Sierra there is a rainy season, precipitation falls from 700 to 1000 mm per year. The jungle is hot and humid, °C. In the jungle, Lima suffers from a garua of dense, humid fog that engulfs the entire city even in winter.

Flora Rare shrubs and cacti grow on the western slopes of the Andes, on the interior plateaus, high-mountain tropical steppes in the east and north, and semi-deserts in the southeast. On the eastern slopes of the Andes and on the plains of the jungle, tropical rainforests with valuable tree species (rubber, cinchona, etc.) grow. Andepe semi-desert plains tropical forests

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This presentation gives you the opportunity to travel to Peru, and great photographs will help you with this.

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reveal the unique nature, population and economy of the country.

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Lesson plan:

1.General information about Peru. 2.Geographical location. 3. Natural conditions: relief, climate. 4. Population of the country. 5.The country's economy.

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General information

Capital: Lima The population of Peru is 27.4 million people. The official languages ​​are Spanish and Quechua; Aymara and other Indian languages ​​are common. The head of state is the president. The legislative body of Peru is the Democratic Constituent Congress.

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Geographical position

The area of ​​the country is 1.28 million square meters. km. State in western South America. In the north it borders with Ecuador and Colombia, in the east with Brazil and Bolivia, in the south with Chile.

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The Andes mountain ranges stretch from north to south across the country, an area prone to earthquakes. In the west along the Pacific coast, there is a narrow strip of coastal plains. In the east there is the Amazonian lowland, which turns into the foothill plain (Montagna) in the south.

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Natural conditions

In the west of Peru the tropical desert type of climate predominates, in the east it is subequatorial. The cold Peruvian Current runs off the western coast of the country, causing the climate on the coast to be arid. During the year, only 10 to 50 mm of precipitation falls here. The driest and hottest time is from December to April. Atacama Desert

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The climate in the east is humid, with high rainfall. The average annual temperature is +26 - 28 C. From November to March is the rainy season.

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Ethno-racial composition: Indians 45%, mestizos 37%, whites 15%, blacks, Japanese, Chinese and others 3%. Indians

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Lake Titicaca

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Peru is an agrarian-industrial country

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The leading industry is mining: tungsten, gold, platinum, indium, cadmium, copper, molybdenum, tin, mercury, lead, selenium, silver, tellurium, zinc Platinum mining

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Oil is produced in the north of the country, on the west coast and east of the Andes. Gas production

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The main agricultural crops of the coastal areas are rice, cotton and sugar cane, tobacco and fruits: guava, mango, papaya. guava mango papaya cotton

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In the mountains, the main crops are potatoes, corn, barley, cassava and yams. potatoes corn cassava

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Peru has developed fishing, meat and dairy farming, poultry farming, and breeding of llamas and guinea pigs.

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  • Slide 20 flag of Peru GP countries physical map of Peru Peru /peru/photos/lima/2330/ Peru selva Indians http: // local residents Lake Titicaca world?page=111 gas production platinum production potatoes http://www. cassava guava mango http :// papaya llama =News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=10&cntnt01returnid=90 guinea pig fishing /?rid=483 Lima Lima Lima http://my.foto.mail.ruwww.curanderos .ru/lima_08.htm Lima

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    Peru, or as the Republic of Peru is officially called, is one of the largest countries on the South American continent (second only to Argentina and Brazil in terms of area).

    Despite the fact that the first mention of Peru dates back to 1525, civilization on the territory of this state began to develop in the 10th millennium BC, when the ancient people of Norte Chico lived here. They christened these lands “Peru”, which literally means “river”.

    Geographical characteristics

    The territory of the Latin American republic ranks 19th in the world rankings. The total area of ​​the country is slightly less than 1,300 thousand m2. Peru is located practically on the coastline of the continent, which ensures its proximity to five countries (Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile) and the entire Pacific Ocean.

    The population density in the country is quite high - 23 people live here per square meter. The total population is almost 31 million, with a third of the total population concentrated in the main city of Lima.


    Peru is located in a very mountainous area. Despite the fact that along the coastline there is a plain, large mountains already rise a little to the east. There are about thirty peaks in total, the height of which exceeds 6000 meters. The highest point in Peru is considered to be Mount Huascaran in the Andes, which is part of the Cordillera Blanca massif (6768 m).

    Particularly noteworthy are the rainbow mountains “Vanikunka”, whose name from the Quechua Indian language literally translates as “rainbow-colored mountains”. Many centuries ago, the red sandstone covering the peaks began to change color under the influence of wind and groundwater and began to turn green, yellow, brown, blue and other colors. This natural wonder is located in the province of Quispicanchis, 100 km from Cusco at an altitude of 5,200 meters. It’s not easy to conquer such a peak, but the editors of the National Geographic channel strongly advise you to at least try, and highlight the place on the list of those that you must see in your lifetime...

    In this category, Peru can also be called a record holder. There are about twenty rivers and five large lakes in the country. Almost everyone knows the Amazon River and Lake Titicaca. Both of these aquatic ecosystems are among the most polluted, despite their size, and are increasingly in need of cleansing every year.

    The Amazon is the largest river in the world after the Nile; it crosses the territory of five Latin American countries and is included in the list of seven natural wonders of the world...

    Peru's aquatic ecosystem also includes the Pacific Ocean. The ocean area is not so important for Peru, but every year about 2 million tourists admire the ocean from the shores of this particular republic. Mining of minerals has been opened here: ferromanganese nodules, as well as gas hydrates. In addition, fishing is quite well developed here, which works for the benefit of the food industry and medicine...

    Most of the territory of Peru does not have permanent vegetation cover, which is explained by excessive aridity. The area near the Andes is famous for its dense subtropical forests and jungles. Here you can find very rare species of red and vanilla trees, as well as sarsaparilla and evergreen cacti.

    The animal world is much richer. Peru is home to about 800 species of birds, 250 species of mammals and more than 1,000 species of insects. Approximately 50 species (mysterious dart frog, yellow-faced parakeet, Incan toad, etc.) are considered endemic and are of particular interest to zoologists and travelers...

    The west and east of the country are dominated by tropical desert and subequatorial climates, respectively. As you rise to altitude, the indicators may change. In general, the entire territory is characterized by aridity due to the proximity of the cold Peruvian Current, which is especially difficult for local residents from December to April, then the amount of precipitation increases slightly.

    Peru is characterized by sharp temperature changes; during the day the air warms up to about 40 degrees, and at night up to 13...


    Industry in Peru operates in two directions: mining and manufacturing. There is constant mining of minerals here: zinc, gold, natural gas, oil, lead, silver and more. The manufacturing industry operates in the areas of automobiles, metals, textiles and food.

    Agriculture here provides about 8.5% of total GDP. Moreover, the emphasis is on growing grain crops, such as potatoes, barley, corn. Industrial crops include cotton and sugar cane. In addition, Peru, which is traditional for Latin America, is actively involved in the cultivation of coffee and cocoa beans. Many continue to illegally harvest the coca bush...


    As for the ethnic composition of Peru, only half of the modern population here are Peruvians (Creoles, mestizos), the remaining 50% are classified as Indians. And to this day, the culture of the ancient Incas lives here, which thousands of years ago were considered the ruling class. The fortress of Machu Picchu testifies to the primacy of this tribe in Peru. Nowadays, rare excursions and mysterious rituals are held in the “lost city of the Sun”.

    In total, four tribes live in Peru, which continue to honor the traditions of their ancestors. The most numerous is the Quechua tribe (almost 12 million). Today they are engaged in agriculture and profess Catholicism, although they often use shamanism and engage in sacrifice during field work...

    , Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

    Class: 7

    Presentation for the lesson

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    Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

    Goals and objectives:

    • educational: to reveal the uniqueness of nature, population and economy of the country;
    • developmental: continue to develop geographical skills to analyze atlas maps;
    • educational: to awaken interest in the country being studied.

    Equipment: political map of the world, atlases, projector.

    Lesson type: learning new material

    Technologies used: formation of methods of educational activities.

    Shapes: individual.

    Methods: educational, practical.

    During the classes

    I. Orientation of students to the lesson.

    II. New material.

    1. General information about Peru (slide 5)

    2.Geographical location (slide 6)

    The area of ​​the country is 1.28 million square meters. km.

    State in western South America.

    In the north it borders with Ecuador and Colombia, in the east with Brazil and Bolivia, in the south with Chile.

    3. Natural conditions: relief, climate (slide 7.8)


    The Andes mountain ranges stretch from north to south across the country, an area prone to earthquakes.

    In the west along the Pacific coast, there is a narrow strip of coastal plains. In the east there is the Amazonian lowland, which turns into the foothill plain (Montagna) in the south.

    Climate. (slide 9,10)

    In the west of Peru the tropical desert type of climate predominates, in the east it is subequatorial.

    The cold Peruvian Current runs off the western coast of the country, causing the climate on the coast to be arid.

    During the year, only 10 to 50 mm of precipitation falls here. The driest and hottest time is from December to April.

    The climate in the east is humid, with high rainfall. The average annual temperature is +26 - 28 C. From November to March is the rainy season.

    4. Population of the country.(slide 10,11,12)

    Ethno-racial composition: Indians 45%, mestizos 37%, whites 15%, blacks, Japanese, Chinese and others 3%. Determine the population density of the country from the map.

    5. The country's economy.(slide 13,14,15)

    Peru is an agrarian-industrial country


    The leading industry is mining: tungsten, gold, platinum, indium, cadmium, copper, molybdenum, tin, mercury, lead, selenium, silver, tellurium, zinc

    Oil is produced in the north of the country, on the west coast and east of the Andes.

    Agriculture. (slide 16,17,18)

    Plant growing.

    The main agricultural crops of the coastal areas are rice, cotton and sugar cane, tobacco and fruits: guava, mango, papaya. In the mountains, the main crops are potatoes, corn, barley, cassava and yams.

    Animal husbandry.

    Peru has developed fishing, meat and dairy farming, poultry farming, and breeding of llamas and guinea pigs.

    III. Lesson summary.

    Reflection: In what mood did you study this material compared to the material from other lessons (it was interesting; not very interesting; not at all interesting)

    IV. D.z. Prepare a report about interesting facts from the life of the country.