Introduction to the Win32 API.


Description: function _lcreat(PathName: PChar; Attribute: Integer): Integer;

Opens the specified file.


PathName: The full name of the DOS path in the file being opened.

Attribute: (0) read or write; (1) read only; (2) invisible or (3) systemic.

Return value:

A handle to the DOS file if successful; -1 - otherwise. the function is in the file kernel32.dll

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Russian guide to Win32 API From fb2 manufacturer. This book (among other things) contains tables, unfortunately not all readers can reproduce them. Let's test your reader. 1 row, 1 column 1 row, 2 column 1 row, 3 column 2 row 1 column 2 row 2

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Russian Win32 API Reference

From the manufacturer fb2.

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Let's test your reader.

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That's all.

Good luck w_cat.

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Programming based on the Win32 API in Delphi 1. Introduction Any modern program or software technology can be thought of as a collection of software "layers". Each of these layers does its own work, which is to increase the level of abstraction.

Using WinAPI, you can create various window procedures, dialog boxes, programs, and even games. This, let's say, library is basic in learning programming, MFC, because these interfaces are add-ons to this library. Having mastered it, you will easily create forms, and understand how this happens.

Let's not get into theory. Let's start with how to create this project in MVS, and a simple example will be disassembled at the end of the article.

So. First, open Visual Studio, then click on the "File" tab, then "Create Project":

Then, in the Visual C ++ drop-down list, select the Win32 item, and there will be "Win32 Project". We click on it:
Enter the name of the project, specify the path and click "OK". It will then say, "Welcome to the Win32 Application Wizard." We press next. By default, the "Empty Project" label is not checked. We need to install it and make sure that we have "Application Type" - Windows Application. If everything is correct, click “Finish”.

We should have an empty project like this:

Well, now let's start writing a simple program that will traditionally display the inscription on the screen: "Hello, World !!!".

Naturally, you need to add a file of type “name”.cpp to the project. We click on "Source code files" with the right mouse button, in the drop-down list select the tab - "Add", then "Create item ...". As a result, we should have a window like this:

Select "C++ File", enter a name, click "Add". Then open this file and paste the following code into it (details below):

#include // header file containing API functions // The main function is analogous to int main() in a console application: int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, // application instance handle HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, // LPSTR is not used in Win32 lpCmdLine, // needed for launching a window in command line mode int nCmdShow) // window display mode ( // Function for displaying a window with an "OK" button on the screen (more on parameters later) MessageBox(NULL, L"Hello world!!!", L"Window procedure ", MB_OK); return NULL; // return the value of the function )

The result should be like this:

Now let's take a closer look at the program code.

In the first line we include the windows.h header file. It contains all the necessary "apish" functions. Everything is clear here.

IN 4-7 lines we have a description of the function int WINAPI WinMain() .

The WINAPI qualifier is always needed for the WinMain function. Just remember it. WinMain is the name of the function. It has four options. The first one is HINSTANCE hInstance ( line 4). hInstance is a handle to the window instance (this is some window procedure code, an identifier by which the OS will distinguish it from other windows). Through it, you can access the window while working in other functions (more on that later), change something in the window parameters. HINSTANCE is one of the many data types defined in WinAPI, like int for example. And the HINSTANCE hInstance entry tells us that we are creating a new variable of the HINSTANCE type called hInstance.

We'll talk about data types later, so let's move on to the next parameter: HINSTANCE hPrevInstance ( line 5). As written in the comments, it is not used in Win32, since it was created for a 3.x bit system, from the previous it is clear that this is a window instance handle. Next, we have a variable of type LPSTR ( line 6) named lpCmdLine . It is used if we launch the window through the command line with parameters. A very exotic way, so we will not linger on it.

And the last parameter: integer, determines how the window is shown. Needed for the ShowWindow function, which will be described later. For example, using it we can expand the window to full screen, make it a certain height, transparent or on top of the rest.

Go to the MessageBox() function ( line 10). It has four parameters and is needed to display error messages, for example. In this case, we used it to display a message. In general, the description of the function is as follows:

Int MessageBox(HWND hWnd, // handle to parent window LPCTSTR lpText, // pointer to line with message LPCTSTR lpCaption, // pointer to line with caption text UINT uType);// flags for button display, icon style, etc.

In our case, the first parameter is set to zero. This is because we do not have parent windows (it is not launched by any program).

Next we have two LPCTSTR variables: lpText and lpCaption . The first reports the information that will be displayed in the window in text form. The second tells what will be written in the title text for the window. This is analogous to char *str , but still not. In order for the text to be displayed correctly, you need to put the letter L in front of the line ( UNICODE line).

Well, the last data type is UINT - a 32-bit unsigned integer. That is, an analogue of unsigned int . You can pass some values ​​​​to this parameter (more on them later), due to which you can change the appearance of the button. In our case, this is MB_OK - it means that the window creates a button with the inscription "OK" and the corresponding action when it is pressed (closing the application).

IN line 11 we're returning the value of the function because it's not of type void .

Thus, we now have a general idea of ​​WinAPI. Continued in the following sections.