To tell the truth приклади.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH» in dictionaries.

  • TO TELL (YOU) THE TRUTH - I. (Informal) used when admitting sth: To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle ...
  • TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH - якщо говорити правду; кажучи відверто
    Англо-російський словник англійських ідіом
  • TELL - INDEX: tell somebody something 1. to give someone information by speaking or writing to them 2. ways of saying that ...
  • TRUTH - I In philosophy, the property of statements, thoughts, or propositions that are said, in ordinary discourse, to agree with the ...
    Англійський словник Британіка
  • TELL - (as used in expressions) Tell Mardikh Tell Asmar Amarna Tell el Tell William
    Англійська словник Британіка
  • TELL
  • TRUTH - trüth noun (plural truths -üthz also -üths) Etymology: Middle English trewthe, treuthe, from Old English trēowth, trīewth; akin to ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • TRUTH - - truthless, adj. - truthlessness, n. / Troohth /, n. , Pl. truths / troohdhz, troohths /. 1. the true ...
  • TELL - tell 1 / tel /, v. , Told, telling. v.t. 1. to give an account or narrative of; narrate; relate ...
    Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • TELL - I. tel verb (told tōld; tell · ing) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tellan; akin to Old High ...
    Merriam-Webster "s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • TRUTH - noun righteousness; true religion. 2. truth · noun fidelity; constancy; steadfastness; faithfulness. 3. truth · vt to assert as true; to declare. ...
    Webster English vocab
  • TELL - noun a hill or mound. 2. tell · noun that which is told; tale; account. 3. tell · vi to give an ...
    Webster English vocab
  • TELL - vb told; vt ...
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • TRUTH - truth BrE AmE truːθ ▷ truths truːðz truːθs truth drug BrE AmE truth ˌ table BrE ...
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • TRUTH - / truːθ; NAmE / noun (pl. Truths / truːðz; NAmE /) 1. the truth [sing. ] The true ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • TELL - / tel; NAmE / verb (told, told / təʊld; NAmE toʊld /) GIVE INFORMATION 1. tell sb (sth) | ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • TRUTH - truth S1 W2 / truːθ / BrE AmE noun [Word Family: adverb: truly, truthfully ≠ untruthfully ...
  • TELL - tell S1 W1 / tel / BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle told) / təʊld $ toʊld / [Language: ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • TELL
    Англійська основна розмовна словник
  • TRUTH - n. (Pl. Truths) 1 the quality or a state of being true or truthful (doubted the truth of the statement; ...
  • TELL - v. (Past and past part. Told) 1 tr. relate or narrate in speech or writing; give an account of (tell ...
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • TRUTH - n. (Pl. Truths) 1. the quality or a state of being true or truthful (doubted the truth of the statement; ...
    Oxford English vocab
  • TELL - 1. v. (Past and past part. Told) 1. tr. relate or narrate in speech or writing; give an account of ...
    Oxford English vocab
  • TRUTH - (truths) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The truth about something ...
  • TELL - (tells, telling, told) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • YOU
  • TRUTH - noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a kernel of truth ▪ There may be a kernel of truth in what he ...
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • TELL - verb COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES an instinct tells sb sth ▪ Every instinct told her that he was telling the ...
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • TRUTH - [U] - the quality of being trueThere would seem to be some truth in what she says.There is no ...
    Cambridge English vocab
  • TELL - (KNOW) told - to know, recognize or be certain "He" s Dutch. "" How can you tell? "[I] It" s too dark for ...
    Cambridge English vocab
  • TRUTH - n. AUM Supreme Truth truth cinema Truth Sojourner to speak the truth Four Noble Truths
  • TELL - n. Tell Mardikh Tell Asmar Amarna Tell el Tell William
    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
  • TRUTH - Synonyms and related words: a priori truth, absolute certainty, absolute credibility, absoluteness, accomplished fact, accuracy, actuality, actually, assurance, assuredness, ...
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • TRUTH - n. Function: noun 1 Synonyms: VERACITY 1, truthfulness, veraciousness, veridicality, verity Related Words: precision, rightness, trueness; authenticity, genuineness, veritableness; candor ...
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocab
  • TRUTH - noun 1 what is true ADJECTIVE ▪ absolute, gospel (informal), honest (informal), real ▪ She ...
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
  • TRUTH - See TRUE 7 ◆◆◆. be economical with the truth. be the gospel truth / be gospel. ...
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • TELL - See ADVISE 1, EFFECT / AFFECT 2, EXPLAIN 1, RECOGNIZE 1, SHOW 8, TELL 1,2,11,17 ◆◆◆ ...
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • TRUTH - n. 25B6; noun he doubted the truth of her statement: VERACITY, truthfulness, verity, sincerity, candour, honesty; accuracy, correctness, validity, ...
  • TELL - n. 25B6; verb why didn "t you tell me before?: INFORM, notify, apprise, let know, make aware, acquaint with, advise, ...
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • TRUTH - n. 1 genuineness, reality, actuality, correctness, accuracy, fact The truth of the matter is that he "s in love with you ...
  • TELL - v. 1 relate, narrate, recount, recite Tell me a story 2 Sometimes, tell of. say, mention, hint at, refer to, ...
    Oxford Thesaurus English vocab
  • TRUTH - noun BAD: We all thought he was saying the truth. GOOD: We all thought he was telling the ...
  • TELL - verb 1 BAD: The article tells about the history of Rome. GOOD: The article is about the history ...
    Longman Common Errors English vocabulary
  • TELL - A tell in poker is a detectable change in a player "s behavior or demeanor that gives clues to that player" s ...
    Poker English Dictionary
  • TRUTH - ім. 1) правда; істина, істинність to ascertain, elicit, establish, find truth ≈ дізнаватися, встановлювати правду to distort, stretch the truth ...

  • Великий Англо-російський словник
  • TELL
    Великий Англо-російський словник
  • TRUTH - truth.ogg tru: θ n 1. 1\u003e правда the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - правда, вся правда ...
  • TELL - tell.ogg _I tel v (told) 1. 1\u003e розповідати to tell a story / a tale / - розповісти історію to tell the ...
    Англо-Російсько-Англійський словник загальної лексики - Збірник з кращих словників

May refer to: * Tell the Truth, a former Australian TV game show * Tell the Truth, an album by Otis Redding * Tell the Truth, an album by Billy Squier * Tell the Truth, an album by Gary Cambra * Tell the Truth, a song on the +1978 concept ... ... Wikipedia

tell the truth and shame the Devil - Put the Devil to disgraceful defeat by boldly telling the truth Main Entry: shame ... Useful english dictionary

tell the truth - To speak truthfully, not to lie Main Entry: truth ... Useful english dictionary

tell the truth - index bare, disabuse Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 ... Law dictionary

tell the truth and shame the devil - 1 548 W. PATTEN Expedition into Scotland A5 An Epigram..the whiche I had, or rather (to saie truth and shame the deuel, for out it wool) I stale..from a frende of myne. 1576 G. GASCOIGNE Grief of Joy II. 555 I will tell trewth, the devyll hymselfe ... Proverbs new dictionary

Tell the Truth (Otis Redding album) - Infobox Album | Name \u003d Tell the Truth Type \u003d compilation Artist \u003d Otis Redding Released \u003d July 1 1970 Recorded \u003d 1 967 Genre \u003d Memphis soul Deep soul Southern soul Length \u003d 31:01 Label \u003d Atco # 33 333 Producer \u003d Steve Cropper Reviews \u003d * Allmusic ... ... Wikipedia

tell the truth - Synonyms and related words: acknowledge, admit, admit everything, allow, avow, awaken, break the spell, burst the bubble, come clean, concede, confess, cop a plea, correct, debunk, disabuse, disappoint, disenchant, disillude, disillusion, ... ... Moby Thesaurus

tell the truth - relay a true sentiment, tell a true story ... English contemporary dictionary

To Tell the Truth - infobox television show name \u003d To Tell the Truth caption \u003d Show logo, 1973 78 format \u003d Game show rating \u003d TV G runtime \u003d 30 minutes with commercials creator \u003d Bob Stewart, for Mark Goodson Bill Todman Productions starring \u003d Bud Collyer (host, ... ... Wikipedia

to tell the truth - I to tell (you) the truth used as a preface to a confession or admission of something II to tell the truth (or truth to tell or if truth be told) to be frank (used esp. When making an admission or when expressing an unwelcome or controversial ... ... Useful english dictionary

to tell the truth - to tell the truth (or truth to tell or if truth be told) to be frank. Main Entry: truth ... English terms dictionary


  • The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Bronte Anne. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is one of few nineteenth-century novels to address alcoholism, psychological abuse, violence and the inequality of women "s property rights. In a powerful ... Купити за 1568 руб
  • To tell you the truth, Merrick Leonard. Книга являє собою репринтне видання. Незважаючи на те, що була проведена серйозна робота з відновлення первісної якості видання, на деяких сторінках можуть виявитися ...

(By eric clapton and bobby whitlock)

There you sit there, looking so cool

While the whole show is passing you by.

You better come to terms with your fellow men soon, cause ...

Tell the truth. tell me whos been fooling you

Tell the truth. whos been fooling who?

It doesnt matter just who you are,

Or where youre going or been.

Open your eyes and look into your heart.

The whole world is shaking now. cant you feel it?

A new dawn is breaking now. cant you see it?

I said see it, yeah, cant you see it?

Cant you see it, yeah, cant you see it?

I can see it, yeah.

Tell the truth. tell me whos been fooling you

Tell the truth. whos been fooling who?

Hear what I say, cause every word is true.

You know I wouldnt tell you no lies.

Your times coming, gonna be soon, boy.

Переклад тексту пісні Eric Clapton - Tell The Truth

(По Ерік Клептон і Боббі Уітлок)

Там ви сидите там, дивлячись так здорово

У той час як ціле шоу проходить повз.

Ви краще змиритися з своїм побратимам найближчим часом, викликати ...

Кажи правду. скажіть мені, чий обманювала вас

Кажи правду. чий обманювала хто?

Це не має значення, хто ж ви,

Або де ви збираєтеся або вже.

Відкрийте очі і подивіться в своє серце.

Весь світ тремтить зараз. не можете ви це відчуваєте?

Новий світанок зараз. не можете ви його бачите?

Я сказав побачити його, так, не можу ви бачите його?

Не можу ви бачите його, так, не можу ви бачите його?

Я бачу це, так.

Кажи правду. скажіть мені, чий обманювала вас

Кажи правду. чий обманювала хто?

Послухайте, що я скажу, викликати кожне слово правда.

Ви знаєте, я не Не буду розповісти вам не лежить.

Ваші раз приходячи, все буде найближчим часом, хлопчик.