Ship emerald. "Amethyst" at the post

On June 26, 2009, Russian border guards celebrated a significant event - the launch of a new Project 22460 border patrol ship (code Hunter), named Rubin. This vessel is often referred to simply as "Project 22460". The descent took place at the facilities of the Almaz shipbuilding company in the city of St. Petersburg. This vessel was ordered by the Border Guard Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. On November 13, 2009 it passed state tests and was accepted into the ranks of the Black Sea-Azov PU. Today we will get to know this ship in more detail and find out how it differs from its predecessors.


The tasks of the Project 22460 ship include:

  1. Protection of the border and territorial waters.
  2. Protection of the continental shelf.
  3. Emergency rescue operations.
  4. Environmental control.
  5. Elimination of the consequences of natural disasters.

In addition, a ship of this class can fight sea piracy and terrorism. Officially, it is classified as a second rank border patrol ships.


Thanks to high quality preparation and technical documentation, which was developed by "Severnoye PKB", high rates of ship construction were ensured. It took a little over two years to build it. This design bureau actively uses the FORAN system in its developments, which allows for three-dimensional design. The system has been actively used for surface combat ships since 1998. Previously, there were no analogues of the Project 22460 spacecraft in Russia.


The main distinctive feature of the “Rubin” vessel - availability of a landing area for a light helicopter. For him, a hangar can be equipped on the ship. It's amazing that all this can be accommodated on a ship with a displacement of up to 700 tons. For example, the Swedish vessel Visby, similar in displacement, which for a long time was considered the smallest combat ship, can only boast of having a helicopter on board, without a hangar.

The most important feature of the ship is that it has an inclined slip, on which a high-speed inflated boat can be installed. Such boats are used, for example, to deliver inspectors to a ship that has violated certain rules. 2 boats and a helicopter on board greatly expand the capabilities of the vessel.

The patrol ship of project 22460 is also distinguished by a high level of modernization resource. Thanks to the use of three-dimensional modeling technologies at all design stages, the developers managed to place mechanisms and systems in the case as efficiently as possible. This provides high maintainability and the ability to quickly upgrade. The Project 22460 vessel looks very modern. Stealth technologies are embodied in its appearance. Visibility in all ranges of radiation is minimal, as is the level of physical fields.

The designers took into account that the ship will operate in different climatic conditions. The maximum it can do is work in broken ice no more than 200 mm thick.


The ship is armed with one 30 mm AK-630 six-barreled artillery mount and two 12.7 mm Kord machine guns. If necessary (for example, in the case of military mobilization), it provides for the installation of Uran missile launchers, the firing range of which reaches 130 km.


Already at the first tests, it became clear that the ship has very good seaworthiness. The German engine of the company MTU, which is equipped with the project 22460 border ship, is considered the best in its class. Together with the successful design of the hull lines, it allows the vessel to maintain a decent speed for a long period of time. With waves of 4-5 points, it is about 25 knots. In the absence of waves, the ship can reach a speed of 30 knots. In this case, the ship's runout from full speed to "stop" is about two and a half hundred meters. And it takes only 90 seconds for the ship to go from full forward to full reverse.


The ship's handling is at a very high level. Circulation diameter on full speed is 4.5 times the length of the ship. A minute is enough for him to turn 360 degrees. When making a U-turn, a bow thruster is used. At a speed of up to 5 knots (at low speed), the vessel is controlled using a special joystick. An important parameter is the ability to keep the ship in one point. It is very convenient for rescue and security screening operations.

Another significant advantage of the Rubin ships is their automation class. Thanks to the modern TRIMS bridge system, the developers managed to bring the automation level to the A1 class. This made it possible to reduce the number of the crew on watch in the guardhouse to three people. At the same time, they will be able to control all systems and mechanisms of the vessel. Of course, each of the crew members must be a professional.

Living conditions

The patrol ship of project 22460 has very comfortable living conditions. It even has a sauna and swimming pool. The crew is accommodated in comfortable block cabins with ergonomic furniture. Each of the cabins has an individual bathroom with a shower and an air conditioning system. A desalination plant operates to supply the vessel with fresh water. Hot water served around the clock.

The video surveillance system allows you to register all actions inside the ship and carry out, for example, the approach and landing of helicopters.

Older brothers

The ships created by the "Northern PKB" have long established themselves on a positive side among the Russian border guards. Back in 1983, the first PSKR of project 11351 (code "Nereus") entered the PV of the KGB of the USSR. This series of vessels was intended to protect the economic zone 200 miles long, based on the lead ship of Project 1135. Thanks to the abandonment of the anti-submarine missile defense system, the designers were able to place a hangar on the deck, in which the Ka-27PS search and rescue helicopter was permanently based. In general, the vessels of Project 11351 turned out to be very successful: high seaworthiness, strong armament, performance in almost any conditions. The ships of the project 22460 "Okhotnik" will primarily protect the territorial waters of the Russian Federation.

origin of name

The tradition of giving border gemstones dates back to the early twentieth century and continued after World War II. In the mid-70s, a series of ships of project 1124P was built especially for the border troops. It includes such ships as "Emerald", "Pearl", "Amethyst" and others. When the question arose about the name of the new ship of the reviving border fleet, it was decided to continue the old tradition.

Service and prospects

Borderline patrol ship project 22460 (code "Hunter") since 2010 has been serving in the vastness of the Black Sea. In 2014, he took part in the waters during the Sochi Olympics. According to the latest data from the border service of the FSB of Russia, project 22460 will be implemented by at least 25 patrol vessels. Several more vessels of the project were built after the lead "Rubin". The first of them was "Brilliant". It was launched on November 25, 2011. After a series of tests and completion, the ship went to serve as part of the Caspian border department.

In May 2012, two vessels were laid down under this project - "Sapphire" and "Coral". This time the construction was organized at the Vostochnaya Verf enterprise. In the meantime, the Almaz plant had built two more ships by July 2014 - Zhemchug and Izumrud. On this moment several more ships are under construction within the framework of the state order Project 22460 Okhotnik. The designers and builders of the Rubin and subsequent ships of the project are confident that the ships will bear their names with honor.


Today we have learned what the Project 22460 patrol ship is. Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the Rubin and subsequent ships of the project are second-rank border patrol vessels that can be classified as small corvettes. They are designed to protect state borders, carry out rescue and emergency operations, environmental control and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters.

The project 22460 ship differs from its predecessors not only with updated weapons, but also with increased functionality. It maneuvers freely in rough seas of 6 and can reach speeds of 30 knots. Thanks to a slip in the stern, a high-speed boat can be launched from the ship. Well, thanks to the hangar located right on the deck, you can store and maintain a small but very useful helicopter. With all this, on a relatively small ship, very comfortable conditions for the life and work of seafarers. This is how they are, the new generation of patrol ships.



Violators of the state border, poachers, drug dealers will be opposed by speed, effective weapons, and professionalism of the crew by the new generation border patrol ship (PSKR) of project 22460, created by St. Petersburg shipbuilders.

On June 26, 2009 at 1500 at JSC "Shipbuilding company" Almaz "there were celebrations dedicated to the launching ceremony of the border patrol ship (PSKr)" Rubin "(tail number 501) of the new generation of project 22460 for the SS FSB of the Russian Federation and the laying of two border guard patrols ships of the project 10412 "Firefly" for Vietnam.
In 2006, Severnoye PKB with project 22460 (chief designer Alexey Naumov) won a tender against its competitors, including the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau, the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, for a new generation border patrol ship. One of the conditions of the competition was the low cost of building the ship, in addition, the victory was ensured by the administrative resource of the Northern PKB. The main competitor of this project was the PSKR project 22100 with two gas turbines, designed at the Almaz Central Design Bureau. It was planned to build these patrol ships for the FPS in a large series and at several shipyards.

Competitor PSKR project 22100 TsMKB "Almaz"

At the tender for the FPS there was another PSKR proposal from the Northern PKB with a Ka-226 helicopter and a 57-mm artillery mount (AU) A-220M, this is a development of a patrol ship of project 22300. The same bureau also prepared a patrol-patrol ship PK-500 based on the PS-500 missile ship, with the same armament. A model of one of the variants of this ship was demonstrated several times at the Interpolitex exhibition in Moscow and the International Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg. The basic version of the PS-500 provides for the installation of a 100-mm ship-borne gun mount A-190E, eight TPKs with Kh-35 missiles (Uranium complex) and a 30-mm AK-630M assault rifle.

Model of the PK-500 patrol ship at IMMS-2009

TsMKB "Almaz" for border guards has prepared a draft 12300P patrol ship with a helicopter and one 76-mm AK-176M cannon, machine guns. Basic variant Project 12300P ship - Project 12300 Scorpion missile and artillery ship is equipped with the Sigma-12301 combat information and control system, Ladoga-ME-12300 inertial navigation and stabilization system, Buran-type automated communication complex, product 6730-7 state recognition systems, integrated navigation system "Horizon-25". The set of these means is typical for Russian ships of small displacement. The main armament of the ship is the Yakhont missile system, the A-190 100-mm gun mount and the Kashtan anti-aircraft missile and artillery system.

Model of the Project 12303 border patrol ship at IMMS-2007

In August 2007, the Almaz Shipbuilding Company won a tender among eight construction plants announced by the FSB FSB for the construction of a new ship of project 22460. This made it possible on September 3, 2007 to carry out the groundbreaking ceremony of a new generation of project 22460 PSKR (serial number 501) at "Almaz" in a solemn atmosphere with the participation of the city administration and the Russian border service. As the head of the Border Guard Service Vladimir Pronichev noted at the time, the sea is now actively used by cross-border criminal groups, in particular for piracy and illegal migration. “Threats have become widespread, and in order to counter them, an effective coast guard system must be established,” he said.

The project 22460 ship is being built in cooperation with a large number of Western partners. In particular, Germany, Italy, France, Norway, Austria, Finland are taking part in the project. Some Western know-how will be introduced for the first time. Today, the border guards of the world work very closely together on border protection, defense, rescue, in addition, Western countries there is an opportunity to test their technologies at a lower cost.
The ship of project 22460 with a displacement of 630 tons is intended to protect the state border, natural resources internal sea ​​waters and territorial seas, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf, the fight against terrorists, poachers and pirates, rescue operations, environmental control and elimination of the consequences of natural disasters.
The ship was designed according to the requirements of the border forces of the Russian Federation with the expectation of being at sea up to 270 days per year. It has a steel hull with a double bottom and a double side to maintain buoyancy and the ability to perform combat missions even after collisions with ships, ships, and violators. The main power plant (GEM) is diesel, with diesel engines of the German company MTU installed in it. Quite recently, the maritime border units were replenished with a patrol ship of project 6457C "Sprut", on which the MTU power plant was also installed - diesel-electric (diesel with a power of 5200 kW + an electric motor with a power of 600 kW).
The ship will be based on one light helicopter of the Ka-226 type of the "Kamov" company. However, the placement of the helicopter in the hangar is not provided, for there is only a runway. The basic model Ka-226 was created in 1997, received a Russian type certificate in 2005 and is serially produced. The Ka-226 is a further development and modernization of the Ka-26 helicopter. The Ka-226 has retained the advantages of the modular design of its predecessor. It is powered by the reliable American Rolls-Royce Allison 250-C2R / 2 engines, proven over many years of operation. The use of a foreign power plant allowed the Kamovites to get around the temporary problem of lack of a similar domestic engine and significantly expanded the export capabilities of the helicopter. The use of two gas turbine engines provides increased flight safety and an expanded field of application of the helicopter (flights over the water surface, over the city, rescue operations).

Light helicopter Ka-226 at MAKS-2005

The helicopter of this model has already been in serial production since 2003; now its new modification Ka-226T with French engines is being created. Serial production of the Ka-226 is deployed at the Orenburg Production Association Strela and the Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise.
The use of an alternative power plant on the Ka-226 with more powerful French Arrius 2G1 engines from Turbomeka helped the designers to significantly improve the aircraft's flight performance, especially when operating in high mountain regions and in areas with hot and humid climates. Thanks to the new "high-altitude" engines, the modified Ka-226T is ideally suited to the conditions of the Indian competition for a light and multipurpose helicopter. The Ka-226T light multipurpose helicopter, equipped with two Turbomeca Arrius engines, will probably perform its first flight in 2009.


Max. takeoff weight, kg 3400
Engine (quantity, type, brand) 2 х GTE Allison 250-C20R / 2 or "Arrius" 2G1
Takeoff power, h.p. 2x460 or 2x670 hp
Crew 1300-1500
Max. speed, km / h 220
Cruising speed, km / h 197
Static ceiling, m 2000
Practical ceiling, m 5000
Range, km 600
Duration, h 4,5
Helicopter dimensions
Length, m 8,1
Height, m 4,19
Width, m 3,25
Main rotor diameter, m 13,0

The ship is equipped with the most modern means of navigation and communication, and has a ship control automation system. The ship's armament is one 30-mm cannon and two machine guns, which is considered sufficient for carrying out patrol missions; the ship is also responsible for rescue missions.
The ship is equipped with a rapid-firing six-barreled 30-mm automatic cannon AK-630M. It was developed at the Tula Instrument Design Bureau and is mass-produced by the Tulamashzavod enterprise. AK-630M is designed to arm ships with the main task of: destroying anti-ship missiles, aircraft, helicopters and other means of enemy air attack; the defeat of small-sized sea surface targets and the shooting of floating mines, the defeat of visible open manpower and enemy firing points on the shore. The installation used a six-barreled machine gun with a rotating block of barrels AO-18 (muzzle velocity 875 m / s). Cooling of the barrel block is autonomous liquid.
A version of the 22460 project was worked out with the placement of one A-220M cannon (developed by the Central Research Institute "Burevestnik", manufactured by the Arsenal plant) of 57 mm caliber and two machine guns, which was considered sufficient for performing patrol and rescue missions.



Artillery mount type

Caliber, mm
Firing range, km

5 (4- effective)

Height reach, km
Rate of fire, rds / min
Elevation angles, degrees

-10 to +85

-12 to +88

Horizontal guidance angle, deg.
The number of cartridges in the installation

2000 in the store (additional 1000 in the round drum)

Gun mount weight, t

In addition, the ship will carry two large-caliber 12.7-mm Kord 6P59 machine guns mounted on a 6U16 installation (dimensions: 1980 x 810 x 1625 - adjustable, weight: 80 kg). It is designed to combat lightly armored targets and fire weapons, destroy enemy manpower at ranges of up to 1500-2000 m and defeat air targets at slant ranges up to 1500 m. Degtyarev "(Kovrov, Vladimir region).


Caliber, mm 12.7
Rate of fire, shots per minute, not less than 600
Muzzle velocity m / s 820..860
Sighting range, m up to 2000
Barrel weight, kg 9.25
The mass of the equipped store, kg 11.1
Weight of the tape equipped with 50 cartridges, kg 7.7
Horizontal aiming angle of the machine gun
relative to fixed bipods ± 15 °
Accuracy of battle (R50) at a distance of 100 m, mm no more than 300
Technical resource, shots 10000
Armor penetration at 100 m, mm up to 20

An optoelectronic device is installed on the project 22460 ship, which can be used to control weapons. It can also be used autonomously as a general ship sighting sighting search (autonomously or by target designation) and target designation. Today, the Russian Navy already has a variant of such a system - it is the SP-520M optical-electronic control system (OESU) for naval artillery fire, presented by the Amethyst design bureau in two versions at the 2005-2009 International Naval Shows in St. Petersburg. This device is an upgrade of the already well-known SP-520E "Condensor-M" system.

SP-520M is designed for autonomous or target designation from other means of search, target tracking, artillery fire control and MLRS. Usually this system is part of the overall structure of a multifunctional, multichannel artillery weapon complex. OESU has four external channels for receiving information: visual channel, television day and night channels, laser rangefinder (1.06 microns). In the cooperation of the SP-520M manufacturers, KB "Ametist" (OESU), OJSC "LOMO" and NPK "Start" (optoelectronic module) are involved.

Optoelectronic control system SP-520M





Visual channel

Wide field of view, deg.
Narrow field of view, deg.
Magnification, times.

TV day channel

Field of view, deg.

TV night channel

Field of view, deg.

Laser rangefinder

Pulse energy, mJ
Measurement limits, m
Measurement frequency, Hz

Guidance limits

On the course angle, deg.
By elevation angle, deg.

- 250 to +600

Coordinate Measurement Accuracy (RMS)

At the corners, ang. min
By range, m

Guidance speed, deg. / c

When re-throwing
When tracking

Weight, kg

optoelectronic module (OEM)

Other data

Line of sight stabilization
Power consumption, kVA
Combat crew, people

1 operator

1 operator

The ship carries the TRIMS-22460 navigation and tactical complex, created by the St. Petersburg firm Transzas. At the VII KOMPAS 3D Modeling Contest. In 2009 this work took the II place in Mechanical Engineering. Authors Yu.D. Vinokurov, V.V. Kupfer, N.V. Tsvetkov and D.V. Makarov.

Navigation-tactical complex "TRIMS-22460"

There is a high degree of probability that the ship of this project will be offered abroad. For this, a special project 22460E has been prepared in the Northern PKB. It is known that back in October 2006, Rosoboronexport proposed such a ship for a tender for Greece. In addition, the Severnoye PKB based on the project 22460 ship offers the PS-600 patrol and rescue vessel without weapons, but with a light helicopter of the Ka-226 type. A model of such a variant of the ship was recently demonstrated at IMDS-2009 in St. Petersburg.

Patrol and rescue vessel PS-600

Model of the patrol and rescue vessel PS-600 on IMDS-2009

The watchdog of project 22460 differs from its predecessors not so much in weapons as in shipbuilding qualities, said in 2008 the General Director of the Northern PKB Vladimir Spiridopulo, at that time the chief engineer of the bureau. So, the ship will be able to serve in a sea state of 6 points, while freely maneuvering. At the guard new form hulls, increased seaworthiness. Speed ​​in calm water is 30 knots.

The first ship "Rubin" (serial number 501) of project 22460

According to experts, the project 22460 ship is a "ship of the 21st century." In its creation, not only nano- and picotechnologies are used. All processes on the ship are automated, and the solution of all tasks is carried out fully automatically. In 2009, the Almaz Shipbuilding Company (St. Petersburg) began its sea trials.
November 25, 2011 PSKr "Brilliant" project 22460 (serial number 502), the second in the series or the first serial ship, was launched. To date, the second serial ship "Pearl" of project 22460 (serial number 503) has already been built.
The construction of the same type PSKr "Izumrud" (production number 504) and "Amethyst" (production number 505) is underway at the SF "Almaz". In November 2013, the Almaz Shipbuilding Company signed a contract for the construction of three more border patrol ships of Project 22460 Okhotnik (serial No. 506-508) for the Coast Guard of the FSB of Russia.
The Vostochnaya Verf in Vladivostok was connected to the construction of the series ships; today the construction of the Sapfir PSKr (No 300) and Coral (No 301) is underway, another ship (No 302) started there build.
The first ship "Rubin" (serial number 501) of project 22460 is based on the Black Sea. He took part in ensuring the security of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

The first ship "Rubin" (serial No. 501) of project 22460 at the Northern Fleet "Almaz" on June 26, 2009



Project 22460

type PK-500

project 12300P (12303) "Scorpio"

project 22100

The designer

Northern PKB

Northern PKB

TsMKB "Almaz"

TsMKB "Almaz"

Plant builder

SF "Almaz"


construction in progress

project in the 2000s

project in the 2000s

the project was submitted for tender in 2006

Displacement, t
Length, m
Width, m
Draft, m
Main power plant


diesel-gas turbine

diesel-gas turbine type CODAG

diesel-gas turbine

Full speed, knots
Sailing range, miles
Autonomy, days
Crew, people



1x30 - AK-630M (1x57-A-220M - option)

1x57-A-220M (1x100-A-190 - option)

1x30 - AK-630M

Machine guns

2 x 12.7 mm "Cord"

2 large-caliber


helicopter Ka-226 (runway)

helicopter Ka-226 (runway)

helicopter Ka-226 (runway)

Birds of Novorossiysk © Torgachkin Igor Petrovich

Mediterranean Gull /

Larus michahellis /

Yellow-legged gull

Hero City Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk (Tsemesskaya) bay,

Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Krasnodar region,

Southern Federal District, Russia.

Mediterranean Gull / Larus michahellis (Naumann, JF, 1840) / Yellow-legged Gull - a large bald gull, similar in size and color to the herring gull and gull. The legs and wings are relatively long, the powerful beak is relatively short and blunt, the neck is powerful, the crown is flat. During a long cry, he first lowers his head, then raises it vertically upward, like a cough. Body length 58–68 cm, wingspan 140–158 cm, weight 800–1500 g. Adult birds have a white head in summer. The mantle is dark gray, similar to that of northern herring gulls, the wings are dark gray with an extensive black area at the end of the wing, which includes 6, sometimes 7 flight feathers (from the tenth to the fifth or fourth). The fifth primary feather has a rather wide black stripe, the outermost primary feather (tenth) has a small white preapical spot, the adjacent ninth feather is usually the same. In some birds, the tenth feather has a completely white tip, like the typical gull. The bill is bright yellow, with a bright red spot on the beak of the mandible, which often passes over to the mandible. The eyes are yellow, the eyelids are red. Legs are exceptionally bright yellow. In winter, adult birds retain a mostly white head (in contrast to the herring gull), usually with few small light gray streaks around the eyes. Young birds in nesting plumage have dark plumage, but the head and lower body quickly begin to brighten and contrast with the dark mantle and completely black beak. A dark spot is often noticeable behind the eye. The brown feathers take on a characteristic warm hue. In flying birds, a small bright field is visible on the inner primary flight feathers. In rare cases, all internal primary flight feathers are dark. The dark outer large upper wing coverts form an incomplete dark stripe. The tertiary primary feathers are dark brown, with a narrow light border. Uppertail and tail are white, with a contrasting black pre-apical stripe and white tips of tail feathers. The underwing is rather dark, with many dark streaks on the coverts, but lighter than that of the herring gull. Mediterranean gulls begin molting early in their first winter outfit and can acquire it as early as early September. During the first winter, the Mediterranean gull, in contrast to the herring gull, replaces some of the wing coverts. A year later, in the second winter plumage, she, like the gull, usually looks older than the herring gull of the same age, having numerous gray feathers on the mantle (gray “saddle”) and among the wing coverts. The head and underparts are white, there are few or no dark streaks. Underwing coverts with numerous brown streaks, less clean than those of the gull. Unlike the typical gull, the iris begins to brighten. In the third winter plumage, the Mediterranean gull acquires a more adult appearance. Coloring is changeable. The mantle and tops of the wings are dark gray, with some black coverts of the primary flight feathers. External primary feathers are black, with a small white preapical spot on the extreme, tenth, and sometimes on the adjacent ninth, but white spots may be completely absent. There is a black stripe on the fifth flight feather. The head and bottom are white. The tail is white or even with the remainder of black spots. The color of the beak is variable: yellow with a black and red spot at the end, or still mostly dark. Legs are yellowish or still pinkish. Adult birds are very similar to adult yellow-legged herring gulls and to a lesser extent to laughing gulls. It is important to pay attention to the color of the beak (it is bright yellow with a large bright red spot on the mandible, passing to the upper beak, which is rare in the herring gull and gull feather in Baltic and northern herring gulls) and in proportion (in comparison with herring gull, relatively long legs and wings; powerful, blunt beak, which sometimes resembles that of a sea gull). During a long cry, he holds his head upright, in contrast to the herring gull, which holds his head at a 45-degree angle. When identifying young birds in nesting and first winter plumage, it is advisable to have a good look at the bird on the ground and in flight. In comparison with the usually darker herring gulls, the light head and underside are striking, contrasting with the dark mantle, the patch behind the eye and the black beak. The absence of a clear bright field on the inner primary flight feathers, which is characteristic of young herring gulls, is noticeable. Another important feature is the coloration of tertiary flight feathers. In the Mediterranean gull, they are dark brown, with a narrow, uniform light border, in contrast to most herring gulls, in which tertiary flight feathers are more variegated, with a serrated border. The tail of a young Mediterranean gull is more contrasting than that of the herring gull, there are fewer dark streaks on it and the apical stripe is darker. Young Mediterranean gulls in their nesting and first winter plumage differ from the gulls in proportions (especially in the beak), in the dark underside of the wing (it is lighter or whitish in the gull), and in the dark spot behind the eye (in the gull is usually absent). In the gull, the bright field on the inner primary flight feathers is usually slightly brighter. The incomplete dark stripe extending from above along the large cover feathers differs from the more developed stripe along all large cover feathers in the gull. The appearance of new coverts during the first winter virtually excludes the herring gull and speaks in favor of the Mediterranean gull or the headed gull. The Mediterranean gull differs from young coughs and khaleis in size and proportions, lighter head and bottom, a whiter tail with a black pre-apical stripe and the presence of a faint bright field on the inner primary primary feathers (it is absent in klus and khaleis). The size, wing and tail coloration also distinguishes the Mediterranean gull from the juvenile sea gull. In other outfits, it differs from the giggle in proportions. In individuals in the second winter plumage, the underside of the wing is darker than in the gull. The eyes begin to brighten earlier than the gull's. In comparison with the herring gull, it looks cleaner and "more mature" in all non-adult outfits. Inhabits the rocky shores of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, the Atlantic coast of Morocco, Spain, Portugal and France, the Canary Islands and the Azores. As a result of the expansion of the range towards the north, it began to nest in small numbers in Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Poland and other countries of Western and Central Europe... The nearest nesting places from Russia are in the Crimea. In late summer and autumn, this gull is abundant along the entire Russian coast of the Black Sea. Perhaps, she nests there, but there is no reliable data on nesting. It is found regularly in the south of the Baltic Sea, especially in autumn. Known flights to Finland, Estonia and the Moscow region. Undoubtedly, the appearance of Mediterranean gulls can also be expected in the Kaliningrad region. Some birds stay near the colonies all year round. Most of them arrive in February. For nesting, it prefers to use rocky shores, sandy islands, river valleys, sometimes roofs of houses. The nest is a fossa with varying amounts of litter. Oviposition takes place in March or April. Clutch contains 1–3 olive-brown eggs with brown spots. Both parents incubate the clutch, but mostly females for 27–31 days. Chicks begin to fly at 35–40 days. It feeds on fish, molluscs, small mammals and birds, eggs and chicks, carrion. Willingly visits landfills. Sources of information:

On June 26, 2009, a significant event took place at the maritime border guards - in St. Petersburg, the Almaz shipbuilding company launched a new generation Rubin (Project 22460) frontier patrol ship, built specifically by order of the Russian FSB Border Service. On November 13 of the same year, its state tests were successfully completed and after the signing of the acceptance certificate, the ship on May 12, 2010 was accepted into the Black Sea-Azov border department of the FSB FSB.

PSKR "Rubin" is designed to protect the state border, territorial waters, the continental shelf, conduct emergency rescue operations, as well as environmental control and elimination of the consequences of natural disasters. A ship of this class is capable of fighting terrorism and sea piracy. Officially, it belongs to the second rank border (patrol) patrol ships of the territorial sea.

The high rates of construction of the ship (from September 2007 to November 2009) were ensured largely due to the high quality of technical documentation developed by the Severnoye PKB design organization, where the FORAN three-dimensional design system is widely used (it has been actively used in projects of surface warships since 1998 ). Until that time, there were no analogues of this new generation ship in Russia. One of the main features of the "Rubin" PSKR is the presence on board of a landing area for a light helicopter, for which a hangar can be equipped. And all this was placed on a ship with a displacement of less than 700 tons. On the Swedish corvette "Visby" of a similar displacement, which until recently was considered the smallest combat ship with a helicopter on board, there is no hangar - only a helipad.

Another one important feature- the presence of an inclined slip in the aft part, on which a high-speed, rigidly inflated boat can be installed, designed, for example, for the quick delivery of an inspection party to an intruder. Both the search helicopter and 2 boats on board greatly expand the capabilities of this relatively small ship.

The ships of this project have a high level of modernization resource, and the use of electronic 3D modeling technologies, starting from the earliest stages of design, ensured rational placement of mechanisms and systems in the hull and high maintainability. If we talk about the external appearance of the ship, then it catches the eye. modern architecture, corresponding to "stealth" technology with the maximum decrease in visibility in all radiation ranges and a decrease in the levels of physical fields.

Given the difficult climatic conditions Russia in various regions, from Kamchatka to the Caspian Sea and the Baltic, the ship is designed so that it can be operated even in broken ice up to 20 centimeters thick.

The armament consists of one six-barreled 30-mm automatic artillery mount AK-630 and two 12.7-mm machine guns. If necessary (for example, mobilization in war time) the ship provides for the placement of Uranium anti-ship missile launchers with a firing range of up to 130 km.

Sea trials have shown good seaworthiness of the ship. It is equipped with some of the best-in-class main engines from MTU (Germany). This, along with the optimal contours of the hull, allows the "Rubin" PSKR to maintain a sufficiently high speed for a long time - about 25 knots with waves up to 4-5 points. On calm water, the ship develops a speed of up to 30 knots. The ship's run-out from full speed to “stop” was about 250 meters, and the time to switch from full forward to “full reverse” was only 90 seconds.

Manageability is also fully consistent with customer requirements. The circulation diameter was 4.5 hull lengths at full speed, and the time for a full turn (360 degrees) using the thruster was no more than a minute. At low speeds (up to 5 knots), the ship is controlled by a "joystick" and allows you to keep at a given point, which is very important in inspection and rescue operations.

A very important advantage is the high class of automation. The modern bridge system TRIMS made it possible to bring the level of automation up to class A1, which made it possible to reduce the number of crew members on a permanent watch in the wheelhouse to three. At the same time, all systems and mechanisms of the ship are controlled, which requires high level professionalism of each crew member.

At PSKR "Rubin" comfortable living conditions - there is even a sauna with a swimming pool. The entire crew is accommodated in comfortable block cabins. All cabins with modern ergonomic furniture, individual bathrooms with showers, round the clock provision hot water and air conditioning system. There is a video surveillance system that allows you to record any movements both inside the ship and conduct external surveillance, including the approach and landing of a helicopter.

The ships developed at the "Severny PKB" have long been familiar to our maritime border guards. Back in 1983-1990, PSKR of project 11351 (code "Nereus"), created to protect the 200-mile economic zone on the basis of the patrol ship of project 1135, were included in the naval units of the border troops of the KGB of the USSR. with the permanent basing of the Ka-27PS search and rescue helicopter. The ships turned out to be very successful: with high seaworthiness, with strong weapons, capable of serving in almost any weather conditions... PSKR of the new generation of project 22460 will primarily protect the territorial waters of Russia.

The tradition of calling border ships "names" of precious stones, which arose in our country at the beginning of the 20th century, was continued after the Great Patriotic War... So, in the mid-1970s, a series of ships of project 1124P - "Izumrud", "Brilliant", "Pearl", "Rubin", "Amethyst", "Sapphire", were built especially for the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR. When the question arose about what to name the new ship of the reviving border fleet, it was decided to continue the glorious tradition.

Since 2010 PSKR "Rubin" has been serving in the Black Sea, took part in ensuring the security of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. According to available data, the FSB FSB plans to build up to 30 ships of this project. PSKR Brilliant (in summer 2012) and Zhemchug (in autumn 2012) have already entered service for the lead Rubin, followed by Izumrud and Amethyst, and Sapphire was launched in the fall of 2014 ", Four more ships are under construction, and orders have been placed for three new PSKR.

Both the developers and the builders of the ship are confident that the Rubin and subsequent ships of Project 22460 will bear their glorious names with honor.

Cycle of construction of ships of Project 22460


Place of construction

Factory number

Laid down



Place of service



Shipyard "Almaz"

Black Sea

In the ranks


Shipyard "Almaz"

Black Sea

In the ranks


Shipyard "Almaz"

Black Sea

In the ranks


Shipyard "Almaz"

Black Sea

In the ranks


Eastern shipyard

11.2015 (plan)




Shipyard "Almaz"

Black Sea

In the ranks

Shipyard "Almaz"

Construction in progress

Shipyard "Almaz"

Construction in progress

Shipyard "Almaz"

Construction in progress

Shipyard "Almaz"

12.2017 (plan)

Placed order

Shipyard "Almaz"

12.2018 (plan)

Placed order

Shipyard "Almaz"

12.2018 (plan)

Placed order


Eastern shipyard


Construction in progress, there was no official bookmark

Main characteristics

Standard displacement, t

Main dimensions, m:

Maximum length, m

Maximum width, m

Twin-shaft, diesel

Travel speed, knots:




Cruising range, miles / at speed, knots

Swimming autonomy, days

Crew, people



1 × 6 30 mm AU AK-630,

2 × 1 12.7-mm machine gun "Kord"

Rocket armament

Places are provided for the installation of the Uranium anti-ship missile system

1 light helicopter (Ka-226 or Ansat) or UAV, folding deck hangar shelter