Reading words from f and w presentation. Presentation on the topic "Comparison of sounds zh - sh."

Class: 1

Presentation for the lesson

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Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" according to the training course “Literary reading” (the period of literacy training).

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

Lesson objectives:


  • isolate a new sound from speech, characterize the new sound, designate the sound [zh] with the letters Zh, zh;
  • establish that the unvoiced sound sh can be denoted by different letters - zh and sh (observe the change in the word);
  • establish a method for determining a letter in place of a voiceless consonant sound (changing a word).


  • development of logical thinking (learn to analyze, compare, highlight the main thing);
  • development of attention;
  • speech development: enrichment and complexity of vocabulary; mastery of expressive means of language; development of the sensory sphere - development of accuracy and subtlety in distinguishing sounds [zh] and [sh], shades of speech.


  • cultivate a love for the Russian language, a desire to develop your mind, ingenuity and resourcefulness;
  • a sense of patriotism, pride in one’s homeland; interest in world events;
  • desire for a healthy lifestyle, interest in various types of winter sports.

Educational Resources:

  • ICT (presentation);
  • ABC textbook, textbook stand;
  • pictures for the board: a snowflake, a goal with a hockey player, a skier (descent from the mountain), five pictures of the Olympic rings with the signatures of the continents (separately - blue (Europe), black (Africa), red (America), yellow (Asia), green (Australia ));
  • fan with numbers (to determine the number of syllables in words);
  • three geometric shapes (circles) of yellow, green and red (for reflection).

During the classes

Lesson steps During the classes Slide

1. Organizationalmoment.

Students' readiness for the lesson is checked.

2. Updating knowledge.


– What grandiose event is expected throughout the world?

(Children's answers: Olympics).

– This world event is especially important for our country; the XXII Winter Olympic Games will be held in our country in the city of Sochi!

Slide 1

– We will welcome guests, athletes from all over the planet.

The symbol of the Olympic Games is the white flag - a symbol of peace and friendship, which depicts five multi-colored rings.

Slide 2

(the poem is read by heart by a previously prepared student)

"Five rings, five circles -
Five continents sign.
A sign that means
That sport is like a best friend
All nations are invited,
Into your global, peaceful circle."

Slide 3

Five continents: Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia

(teacher shows continents) .

Slide 4

On the map "The Earth and Its Inhabitants" you see people of different nationalities.

And you also see the diversity of the animal world on our planet.

Slide 5

– For good luck, people come up with mascots for the Olympic Games.

Usually these are animals or fictional creatures.

For the first time, three mascots were chosen by popular vote, all residents of Russia voted. The three winners included Leopard, Polar Bear and Bunny.

Our mascots are in a hurry to the city of Sochi, but on the way they decided to stop by our school for our lesson.

Slide 6

Remember the motto of the Olympics.

(Children's answers: "Faster, higher, stronger"!

Slide 7

– What do you think a person should be like to become a world champion?

(Children's answers: ...)

You must also have the strength of mind, be a developed person, literate in order to represent your country with honor!

It is at school in all lessons that we can develop all these qualities in ourselves!

It’s not enough to rely on the luck of talismans!

To achieve success, you have to work hard yourself!

And today you and I will contribute our

“a small contribution to the BIG SPORT”!

3. Message about a new topic.

– Today we will make a small discovery - we will discover a new sound in our speech and characterize the new sound.

And at the end of the lesson, the mascots Leopard, Polar Bear and Bunny will introduce us to the designation of the color of the rings, we will find out which ring by color belongs to which continent...

Slide 8

4. Repetition of learned material.

– Let’s remember what two groups sounds are divided into.

(Children's answers: "...vowels and consonants." )

Slide 9

– How do vowel sounds differ from consonants?

(Children's answers: “...vowels do not encounter an obstacle when pronounced, but consonants do; Vowels can form a syllable, but consonants cannot.” )

Slide 10

5. Physical minute No. 1.

– Let’s try to guess which sound is a vowel and which is a consonant.

As soon as you hear a vowel sound, you jump and clap your hands, and when you hear a consonant sound, you squat...

(The teacher pronounces several studied sounds: [a], [o], [p], [s], [w], [u], [z],

[y'e], [y'a] (with these sounds, students first squat and then jump)

Slide 11

- Well done!!!

Slide 12

6. Learning new material.

The mascots came to visit us with a gift. What is shown in the picture?

(Children's answers: "Snowflake". )

– Our new sound is hidden in the word “snowflake”, try to hear it.

Consult each other (work in pairs).

Slide 13

– What new sound will we study today?

(Children's answers: “... sound [zh].” )

Let's make a discovery - learn everything about the new sound [zh].

– Let’s pronounce the sound [zh] several times, think about whether this sound encounters an obstacle when pronounced...

(Children's answers: “... the sound [zh] meets an obstacle when pronounced.” )

– Draw a conclusion: vowel sound [zh] or consonant.

(Children's answers: “... the sound [zh] encounters an obstacle when pronounced and therefore it is a consonant sound.” )

– Say the sound zh again, how does it sound, hard or soft?

(Children's answers: “... the sound [zh] sounds firm. )

– Say the sound [zh] and think about whether it has a softness pair?

(Children's answers: “... the sound [zh] sounds hard and has no pair in softness. )

– Say the sound [zh] several times, covering your ears with your palms. Determine which sound is voiced or unvoiced...

(Children's answers: “... the sound [g] sonorous. )

- Think about whether it has a pair for deafness, if so, then name this sound...

(Children's answers: “... the sound [zh] has a pair for deafness - the sound [w]. )

Slide 14

(checking the characteristics of the new sound)

– Let’s check by comparing with the diagram whether our discoveries about the new sound [zh] are correct.

Slide 15

7. Physical minute No. 2.

– Meet our new sound [zh]!

We jump up and clap our hands if we hear the sound [zh] in a word.

we squat if there is no new sound in the word!

(The teacher names the words: puddle, Lusha, heat, ball, cold).

8. Working with the diagram.

– Lay out a diagram for the word “snowflake” on the board.

First determine the number of syllables in this word (clap your hands, you can put your fist under your chin, whichever way you like...).

Show on a fan the number of syllables in a word (shown on fan: 3) .

(Two students are invited to the board, they work in pairs.)

Slide 16

(Development of attention).

Hidden in our snowflake, a gift from mascots, is a letter to represent the new sound [zh].

Guess what letter this is...

(Children's answers: “...the letter “zh” was hidden in the snowflake to indicate the sound [zh]. )

Slide 17

- Compare your answer with the slide...

Slide 18

– Guess what letters are hidden in the letter “zh”?

(Children's answers: “...the letters “k” and “x” are hidden in the letter “w”). )

9. Working with a ribbon of letters (poster on the board).

– Find a place for the letter “zh” on the “letter tape.”

Consult with each other (work in pairs).

10. Working with the alphabet (poster on the board).

– Find the place of the letter “zh” in the alphabet.

– Between which letters is the letter “z” located?

(Children's answers: “...between the letters e, z. )

11. Working with the ABC textbook.

– Open the textbook to the page.

(Children's answers: “...the sound [is] hard, does not have a pair of softness. )

(Read the syllables).

12. Work with text.

– Children’s intelligence, ingenuity and resourcefulness also develop in outdoor games.

– Read the title of the text.

(Read: "Blind Man's Bluff.")

- How many of you know what kind of game this is?

(Alleged children's answers... .)

– Let’s read the text and find out about this game...

– Explain what kind of game this is.

– What can you say about these children?

– Can they be called real friends? Why?

(Alleged children's answers... .)

– I hope that you will come to the aid of each other in any game, in any life situation. And I, as your teacher, will be proud of you!

13. Relay race"Descent from the mountain".

– Let’s try to mentally go to the Winter Olympic Games, be athletes and complete the “Descent from the Mountain” relay race.

– Who wants to take part in this relay race?

(The teacher calls, at the request of one of the students participating in the relay race,

the student inserts the missing letter in the word, then calls the next participant in the relay).

On the board there is a picture “Descent from the mountain. Skier".

Children insert the letters zh or sh (prepared in advance from the magnetic alphabet) into the gap.

(The relay is accompanied by the song of the group “Fidgets” - “Anthem of the Olympic Games.”

At the end of the game there is a check, the children prove the correct spelling of the words -select test words.

Slide 19

14. Game "Hockey".

- Now let’s play hockey and kick the puck into the goal.

(The teacher calls, at the request of one of the students - a hockey player,the student inserts the missing letter in the word, then calls the next player).

On the board there is a picture “Gate with a goalkeeper.”

Under the picture the words are written in a column:

(A game accompanied by the song of the children's choir - “Hockey Players”.)

At the end of the game there is a check -children read words.

Slide 20

15. Group work - a game in three teams (work with words denoting several meanings, repetition.

– And now we will play the game, divided into three teams:

1 team called "Leopard"

2 – “Polar Bear”,

3 – “Bunny”.

Each team chooses a team captain.

First task for the teams.

Remember, all the words you have studied that have several meanings, write down these words on a piece of paper.

Second task.

Among these words, find a word that can be attributed to the Winter Olympic Games, underline this word.

(After completing the tasks, the captains read out the words, read out the word that they underlined...)

(Children's answers: "…ice rink. )

Question for all teams.

The word “skating rink” can be attributed to which Winter Olympic Games?

(Children's answers: “ and figure skating. )

Slides 21-23

16. Checking words using a presentation.

– Using slides, please explain the meaning of the words.

Slides 24-34

17. Lesson summary. (Reflection.)

– Today in class we tried to bring our own “a small contribution to a big sport”!

And first of all she helped us friendship, support for each other, intelligence and ingenuity!

– What discoveries did we make in class?

– What did you especially like about the lesson?

– What task would you like to do again?


1. show the yellow circle if everything was clear to you during the lesson;

2. show the green circle if you need help from your classmates, teacher (what exactly did you need help with - ... if necessary, explanations are given (preferably by students, in extreme cases - by the teacher);

3. show the red circle if you did not understand anything during the lesson and need help after the lesson...


1. show a yellow circle if you think you did a great job;

2. show a green circle if you think you didn’t work hard enough in this lesson;

3. show a red circle if you think that you didn’t work at all in class, maybe due to illness, maybe you were lazy...

Slide 35

– It’s time to say goodbye to our mascot friends – Leopard, Polar Bear and Bunny!

Slide 36

As a farewell, our mascots Leopard, Polar Bear and Bunny give us five Olympic rings

(each ring is signed which continent it represents:

blue – Europe

black – Africa

red – America

yellow – Asia

green – Australia)

We wish Russian athletes good luck atXXIIWinter Olympic Games!

The Olympic Anthem is playing!

Slide 37


Thank you for your attention!

Slide 38

19. Internet resources

Additional material for teachers.


summary of an open lesson on teaching literacy. topic: “comparison of the sounds “zh” and “sh”.

Sablina Larisa Yurievna

Lesson in 1st grade on the topic: "Comparison of sounds [ and] And[ w]

Lesson objectives:

Formed UUD:

1. Organizational moment.

What important event will begin in our country very soon? (Olympics in Sochi)

A long time ago in Greece there lived people and gods. One of these demigods was Hercules. (1 slide)

It was he who became the founder of the Olympic Games, defeating his 5 brothers in the race and receiving an olive wreath as a reward. Since then, the Olympic Games have been held regularly. Do you know the motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger) (2 slide)

Let's come up with a motto for the lesson. (Children make their suggestions)

I express all your proposals in the form of this motto: “Listen, think, reason.” ( 3 slide)

In honor of the opening of the Olympic Games, we will hold a lesson-competition. Toy mascots of the Olympics came to our lesson: Teddy Bear, Bunny and Leopard. A talisman is a small item that brings good luck. They will help you and support you. (4 slide)

We divide into teams. 1st row – team “Bears”, 2nd row – team “Bunny”, 3rd row – team “Leopards”.

How do you understand the expression “Be able to value time?” (Don't waste a second, do everything on time)

Then, without wasting a second, let's get to work.

2. Updating knowledge.

With the help of what, how does a person communicate? (Using speech)

What does our speech consist of? (From suggestions)

What do the proposals consist of? (From words)

What are words made of? (From syllables, sounds, letters) (5 slide)

What letter did you learn about in the last lesson? (Letter w)

What did you find out about her? (Has one consonant, hard, voiceless sound)

It is also called sizzling.

The first task is a competition. Determine the place of the sound “Ш” in the word. If he is at the beginning of the word, he raises his hand 1 row, if he is in the middle - 2 row, and if at the end of the word - 3 row.

I name the words: mouse, hat, bucket, fur coat, baby, cat, scarf, pencil, grandmother.

Well done! We completed the task.

Why is it so important to hear sounds correctly? (For competent writing)

3. Statement of the educational problem.

But today two letters came to class at once: Zh and Sh. Name them. (6 slide)

Try to determine the purpose of the lesson. (Children speak out)

We formulate the goal of the lesson: “Comparison of the sounds “Ш” and “Ф”. At the end of the lesson we will summarize and find out whether you have correctly identified the purpose of the lesson.

Compare the letters. What does the letter Sh look like?

Look at the letter Sh.

The letter is very good.

Because from her

You can do e and e.

What does the letter Z look like?

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle.

And at the same time, like a beetle,

Makes a buzzing sound.

Say these sounds. Compare how they are pronounced. What can you imagine when pronouncing? (F – fly, motor, W – snake, wind)

When pronouncing the sounds “zh” and “sh”, the speech organs work in the same way, but “zh” is pronounced with a voice, and “sh” with noise.

What can be concluded? (Zh and Sh are paired sounds according to deafness and voicedness)

Let's remember which pairs we are already familiar with: b-p, g-k, d-t, z-s.

The next task is a competition. Read the syllables with these sounds correctly. Reading with different intonations: 1st row - joyfully, and then quietly, 2nd row - sad, calm, 3rd row - questioningly, loudly. (7 slide)




Let's summarize. You did well.

What did you notice when reading syllables with vowels E and I? (read firmly)

Why is this happening?

A long time ago, these letters had soft sounds, so the vowels E, E, I were written after them. Over time, they lost their softness, but the writing remained.

4. Physical exercise.

Tired? Let `s have some rest. The warm-up is called “Running.” Jumping. It flies." I name the animal, and you depict what it does:

Sparrow, hare, fly, grasshopper, wolf, ostrich...

5. Consolidation. Independent work.

The next task is a competition. Think of as many words as possible with these syllables. The last team to say the word wins.

All words are listened to, mistakes are corrected, and results are summed up.

6. Building a way out of the difficulty.

We continue to work with words. Say the words:

Determine the number of syllables, stress. ( 8 slide)

Choose the correct sound model of these words from several suggested ones. (Students choose) ( 9 slide)

What did you notice? (They are identical)

What letter do we write at the end of each word?

What danger awaits us when writing these words?

At the end, paired consonants in terms of voicedness and deafness always sound dull. Therefore, you can make a mistake.

How to check which letter should be written? (Change the word)

But here a new danger awaits us. How are the combinations ZHI-SHI written? (With the letter I)

They did a great job. All dangers were overcome. What skills did you acquire?

7. Physical exercise.

Did you take a break or not?

To the swift-footed messenger.

And a brave fighter.

Both a gymnast and a swimmer.

Hello to all my friends.

Are you ready to go? No?

8. Consolidation.

Another task. Let's test your intelligence. Guess the riddles.

Two stripes in the snow.

I leave it on the run.

I run from them like an arrow,

And they are after me again. (skis)

They stayed there all summer.

Winter was expected.

The time has come

We rushed down the mountain. (sled)

That's a miracle - miracles.

There are two wheels under me.

I spin them with my feet

And I swing, I swing, I swing. (bike)

Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once.

What kind of horses do I have? (skates)

For each riddle there is a picture of the answer. ( 10 slide)

Well done! Of course, you guessed everything. But, in my opinion, one item is superfluous here. Which? Why? (the bicycle is not winter equipment)

What winter sports do you know with these items? Many will be in the Olympic Games program:

  • Ski race
  • Ski jumping
  • Freestyle
  • Skating
  • Luge
  • Skeleton and others.
  • We worked with letters
  • With words
  • With a proposal
    • verbal methods: explanation, encouraging and leading dialogues with students, putting forward hypotheses, free expressions;
    • visual methods: various slides - supports, animation, illustrations necessary for preparing your own statement.
    • reproductive
    • partial-search
    • methods of control, self-control and self-assessment.
      • collective (during checking previously studied material)
      • group (while gaining new knowledge)
      • individual (reading with intonation).
  • high interest in studying this subject
  • general educational skills and abilities developed at a sufficient level
  • good potential for mastering concepts (developed auditory perception, the ability to compare and generalize the phenomena being studied, developed imagination, the desire to express oneself independently, regardless of speech training)
  • quite high motivation, which was stimulated by game-based learning technology.

9. Independent work. Work in pairs.

- Now you will make up sentences with these words yourself, working in pairs.

1st row – the word “skis”, 2nd row – the word “sleigh (sledge)”, 3rd row – the word “skates”.

While students are thinking, music about sports is playing.

I'm listening to your suggestions. I write down the best sentences on the board, read them all together, name the number of words, the main idea of ​​the sentence.

Let's summarize: which series came up with the most beautiful sentences.

One of the symbols of the Olympics is the Olympic rings. They symbolize the friendship of 5 continents. During the Olympic Games, there has been a tradition since ancient times: all wars stop. Nobody is fighting. (I post a picture of the Olympic rings) (11 slide)

Today in class you worked in teams. They worked great. Talismans helped you. But I believe that friendship won the competition.

Listen to your homework: make up a story at home about winter fun, using words - skis, sleds, skates. Ask your mom, dad or grandma to help you.

10. Lesson reflection.

Remember what the purpose of the lesson was?

Did we succeed?

What was difficult?

What did you like to do?

Let's repeat:

The story is homework.

Do you hear a ringing bell?

It's time for us to finish the lesson.

We are intelligent.

We are friendly.

We are attentive.

We are diligent.

We studied well.

We did it all!

There are 3 circles of different colors on the board. Choose the color that in your opinion shows how we worked in the lesson. Bad is red, so-so is yellow, good is green.

What color do we choose? ( 12 slide)

Class: 1st

Program: “School of Russia”

Lesson: Learning to Literacy

Lesson topic: “Comparison of sounds Ж and Ш. Reading words and sentences”

Teacher: Sablina Larisa Yurievna.

2014-2015 academic year year

Self-analysis of the lesson

Lesson objectives:learn to recognize the sounds “Zh” and “Sh” and the corresponding letters; introduce the peculiarities of sounds, as always, of hard consonants, teach to recognize these sounds by their deafness and voicedness; introduce the rule for writing ZHI-SHI combinations; develop speech, intellectual abilities, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions, work in pairs, cultivate a sense of patriotism for the Motherland and love for sports using the example of the Olympic Games.

Formed UUD: recognize sounds and their corresponding letters; characterize sounds, know the correct spelling of letter combinations, read expressively, monitor classmates’ reading, work together in teams and pairs, apply acquired knowledge in life situations.

The lesson is structured in accordance with program requirements.

Today, a modern lesson is unthinkable without “cooperation tactics”: student-teacher-student. To involve children in their studies, more and more new lesson forms, where the cognitive interest of students is taken as the basis, and the teacher is only a catalyst who will bring this interest closer to the formation of cognitive activity. That is why this lesson is a lesson-game. This form of conducting a lesson significantly increases the motivation of learning, the efficiency and productivity of educational activities, ensured the work of the entire class, allowed students to reveal their abilities, and “liberate” their thinking.

To achieve the goal of the lesson I used various methods.

This lesson is based on communicative method, which best contributes to the implementation of one of the main objectives of education: the development of students’ speech skills. Used in the lesson:

Teaching methods were a development tool that contributed to equipping schoolchildren with solid knowledge, as well as the ability to transfer it to new situations. They served as a way to create the need for new knowledge and create maximum conditions for the active mental activity of students. The methods I chose corresponded to the nature and content of the educational material, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the students.

During the performance of productive tasks, the learned material was tested, on the basis of which new things were comprehended. I tried to give the tasks that are offered to children in a playful way; they quickly replace each other, are bright, and memorable. The element of entertainment and connection with life forced students to mobilize their strength and all the knowledge, skills and abilities available in their arsenal.

The creation of a problematic situation made it possible to interest students, confronting them with difficulty and convincing them of the need to acquire new knowledge.

To solve the problem situation, group work, work in pairs, and independent work were organized. While consolidating knowledge, riddles, animations, and practical tasks are used to create interest in the subject.

To organize students’ activities in the classroom, I used various forms of working with children:

Methods of interaction are thought out taking into account the individual abilities of students and their interests. When preparing for the lesson, I took into account both the age and individual characteristics of the students:

She took into account the psychological characteristics of children: visual, kinesthetic, auditory and recommendations of a psychologist.

The educational function of the lesson has been implemented - the formation of a patriotic position.

The lesson was held in a good rhythm, necessary for the optimal organization of active cognitive activity of students. The parts of the lesson are logically connected to each other and required complete evidence-based answers from students.

The homework was given creatively, taking into account the students’ leading sensory system.

The activity and efficiency of the children in the lesson is good.

The psychological atmosphere in the lesson was characterized by friendliness, optimism and equality both between students and between students and the teacher.
I assess the results of the lesson as good. The set objectives and lesson plan were successfully implemented. The students have mastered the program material of the lesson to the extent necessary for the first mastery.

Teacher: Sablina Larisa Yurievna

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Abstract for the presentation

An interesting animated presentation with cartoon characters that should attract the child’s attention and involve him in the process of learning new material, namely matching the sounds zh - sh, reading words with the syllables zhi-shi.

  • Sounds and letters
  • Comparison of the unvoiced sound w and the voiced sound
  • Reading words with syllables zhi - shi
  • Colorful characters - helpers
  • Explanatory pictures


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Molchanova L. S.






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

Slide 1

Visit the Bell and the Whisper.

(Comparison of sounds [zh]-[w]. Reading words and sentences with combinations ZHI-SHI.)


Slide 2


Slide 3

Snowflake Ski peak rosehip fluffy puddles

Slide 4

Slide 5

F F Shsh F Sh

Slide 6

Slide 7

Hedgehog honeysuckle Lilies of the valley Reeds Rose hips pears

Slide 8

conjured, pushed, fried with snakes, stirred, stewed, rummaged with ears

Slide 9

Rose hip.

There was a gum bush growing in the forest. It bloomed with so many bright flowers. It was a ___land. Nice___du__roses! Masha began to pick roses. And there ___py. Ma__ has a splinter. We need to go to the doctor.

chu shi shi shi chu shi shi

Slide 10

Slide 11

not_naya, rushes, brave_naya, mobile, beats, spins, moves, lies, snow-white

w w w w w w w w

Slide 12


Snowflakes are not always white. There have been cases when red, blue and yellow snowflakes fell on the ground. This happened due to the presence of pollen that was in the air before the snow began to fall.

Snowflakes can be used to predict the weather.

If small snowflakes fall on the ground, it will be cold. If big snowflakes fall, it will be warm.

Slide 13

The cat meowed loudly

Slowly sank onto the wooden bench

snowflake. Snowflake.

Slide 14

Hedgehogs Skis Giraffe Car Fluffy rosehip

Slide 15

next to, Sparrows, with, a man. live,

Sparrows live next to humans.

Rosehip, very, Berries, useful.

Rose hips are very useful.

Slide 16

Slide 17

Internet resources:

Gnomes (pictures) – www.; www.;

Houses (pictures) – www. bagira 0401.ya.ru04;

Rosehip (picture) –;

Honeysuckle (picture) www.;

“Rosehip” (story) –;

Flowers (animations) – SMAYLI.RU;

Gnome (coloring book) –;

Winter (picture) –;

Dwarves (clipart) –;

Fairy tale “How the hissing ones quarreled with some letters” - V. Volina “Funny Grammar”. Moscow 1995. p.53.

View all slides


Reading words and sentences

with ZHI-SHI combinations).

primary school teacher

MBOU-secondary school No. 19



UUD training

During the classes:

Organizational moment. Our bell rang.

Everyone calmly entered the classroom.

Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,

We greeted each other politely.

Sit upright, backs straight.

I see our class, no matter where

And it's time to start the lesson.

Slide 2

1) Reading letters with sounds

Glasnyh Street


Y - there is only lowercase);

The Dead End of the "Silent Ones"


Street "Consent"

Slide 3

Snowflake puddle

Ski top

Fluffy rosehip

Slide 4.

Slide 5.

A grammatical tale

Slides 6-7

b) Slide 8.

"Funny sounds." Let's help the gnomes find a rhyme.

On the tenth floor

The letters Zh and Sh lived.

Sometimes they were sad, sometimes they laughed,

They swapped apartments

Each hour.

And here's what, by the way,

This is the result.

Two crows were telling fortunes

Ten - hay (raked)

And the magpies didn’t grieve

There was a fire (being put out) by the river.

And the crane fried fish

And talked with the snakes

Hare flapping (ears).

Slide 10

"to the music.

Light fluffy

Snowflake is white.

How clean!

How brave!

Dear stormy

Easy to carry

Not to the azure heights,

Begs to go to earth.

Under the blowing wind

Shakes, flutters,

On him, cherishing,

Lightly swinging.

His swing

She's consoled

With his snowstorms

Spinning wildly.

But here it ends

The road is long,

touches the earth

Crystal star.

Fluffy lying

Snowflake is brave.

How clean!

How white!

Children: Snowflake.

Work in pairs

Slide 11.

Slide 12. Reading the text “Snowflake”.


Work in pairs

Slide 13

The cat meowed loudly…….


Individual work.

Slide 14

- a basic level of.

- increased level


Visit the Bell and the Whisper.

(Comparison of sounds [F] - [SH].

Reading words and sentences

with ZHI-SHI combinations).

primary school teacher

MBOU-secondary school No. 19


Tasks: develop students’ logical thinking, memory, attention, improve reading skills, consolidate the ability to correctly write ZHI-SHI combinations when working with text.

UUD training: ability to apply rules when solving educational problems; work in pairs; create questions based on the content of the text; characterize sounds and relate them to letters.

During the classes:

Organizational moment. Our bell rang.

Everyone calmly entered the classroom.

Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,

We greeted each other politely.

Sit upright, backs straight.

I see our class, no matter where

And it's time to start the lesson.

Updating the learned knowledge.

Guys, today in the lesson we will continue to travel around the fabulous city of Bukvograd and go to visit its inhabitants.

Slide 2

1) Reading letters with sounds

Glasnyh Street


Which letter is missing? (I - denotes the softness of consonant sounds. Can denote two sounds.

Y - there is only lowercase);

The Dead End of the "Silent Ones"


Which letter is missing? The letter ь has no sound and serves to indicate the softness of consonants.

Street "Consent"

Which letter is missing? (Ch – always means a soft sound)

Why? What rule do you know with this letter?

3. Self-determination for activity.

Slide 3

a) (On the board in words. Name a common feature. Correct the mistakes. Name the topic of our lesson)

Snowflake puddle

Ski top

Fluffy rosehip

The topic of the lesson is “Reading words and sentences with combinations ZHI - SHI.”

Slide 4.

On the street “Consents” in “Tverdy” lane live two brothers Zvonochek and Sheptun. What letters do you think they are friends with?

Slide 5.

Characteristics of sounds [F] – [SH]: (consonant, hard, hissing, paired (voiceless/voice).

What other letters do you know that represent hissing sounds? (H, Sh)

A grammatical tale

“How the hissing ones quarreled with some letters”

Once upon a time there were hissing Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch in the world, and nearby lived the vowels U, Yu, I, Y, A, Ya. They lived together. And then one day the letters decided to play hide and seek. It fell out to drive hissing, and the rest ran to hide. The letters are sitting in secret places, waiting. When will they be looked for? The hissing ones have looked into all the cracks, are searching hard, rustling around - they have already found many. But they just can’t find the three vowels Y, Y, YA. They searched and searched, lost their senses, and searched until evening. And so, stumbling, offended, tired, hungry, they decided to go home. They pass by the neighboring house and see that Y, Yu, Ya are sitting, laughing, watching TV as if nothing had happened. They drink tea with gingerbread. The hissing ones were offended, and since then they have been apart from each other. They never stand together, but only like this: ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHA!

Slides 6-7

One day the Bell and the Whisper came to a beautiful forest clearing. Name words with combinations ZHI-SHI. Which words are for the Bell, and which are closer to the Whisperer?

b) Slide 8.

Zvonochka had fewer words. To cheer up his brother, Whisperer suggested playing a game "Funny sounds." Let's help the gnomes find a rhyme.

(The underlined words are written on the board, students select a rhyme for these words and write a pair on the board. (The words are printed on cards.)

On the tenth floor

The letters Zh and Sh lived.

Sometimes they were sad, sometimes they laughed,

They swapped apartments

Each hour.

And here's what, by the way,

This is the result.

Two crows were telling fortunes

Ten - hay (raked)

And the magpies didn’t grieve

There was a fire (being put out) by the river.

And the crane fried fish

Bumblebee in fragrant flowers (Sharil)

And talked with the snakes

Hare flapping (ears).

The Whisperer has prepared a short text for you. Read it and fill in the missing combinations. How do you think. What combinations will be missed in the Whisperer's text?

How many sentences are there in the text?

What do rosehip flowers look like? What do you know about this plant?

Slide 10

And the cheerful Bell loves winter very much. And now, when the snow has covered the ground and trees in the forest with a warm white blanket, the Bell is ready to offer its tasks.

c) The teacher reads K. Balmont’s poem “Snowflake”"to the music.

(Each student has the text of the poem before his eyes)

Light fluffy

Snowflake is white.

How clean!

How brave!

Dear stormy

Easy to carry

Not to the azure heights,

Begs to go to earth.

Under the blowing wind

Shakes, flutters,

On him, cherishing,

Lightly swinging.

His swing

She's consoled

With his snowstorms

Spinning wildly.

But here it ends

The road is long,

touches the earth

Crystal star.

Fluffy lying

Snowflake is brave.

How clean!

How white!

Teacher: Who is the main character of the poem?

Children: Snowflake.

Work in pairs(underline in the text words with combinations ZHI - SHI)

Slide 11.

Words on the board. Teacher: Formulate the task:

not_naya, brave_naya, mobile, snow-white..naya

be_it. moves, moves, spins, rushes

Children: You need to insert a letter into a word.

Teacher: Which letter should we insert into each word? (Letter F).

Children: Tender, cuddles, brave, agile, runs, moves, lies down, spins, snow-white.

Read the words that represent the snowflake's actions, i.e. what is she doing?

Read the words that talk about the signs of a snowflake, i.e. what is it like?

Slide 12. Reading the text “Snowflake”.

Our snowflake is not only a beauty. This is a very interesting natural phenomenon. You can find out why snowflakes are interesting from the text. Read it.


Snowflakes are not always white. There have been cases when red, blue and yellow snowflakes fell on the ground. This happened due to the presence of pollen that was in the air before the snow began to fall.

Snowflakes can be used to predict the weather. If small snowflakes fall on the ground, it will be cold. If big snowflakes fall, it will be warm.

Work in pairs. Make up questions for this text.

Slide 13

Insert the appropriate word into the sentences. Explain your choice.

The cat meowed loudly…….

Slowly sank onto the wooden bench.....


Individual work.

Slide 14

- a basic level of. Insert combinations ZHI or SHI into words. Add two words to each column., ...povnik,, fl...shinka, ly....., ....raf.

- increased level. Make sentences from words. Write them down. In words, emphasize the combinations ZH – SHI.

Nearby, Sparrows, live, with a person.

Rosehip, very useful, Berries.

(Check against the standard. Self-assessment)

Reflection. Students color the caps of the gnomes, expressing their attitude to the lesson.

What new spelling combinations did you become familiar with?

What combinations of letters A and U have you learned to write before?

Download abstract

Federal state government educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3"

Literacy lesson in 1st grade

Subject : Comparison of sounds (g) and (w).


primary school teacher

Kolesnikova N.A



- Continue learning new letters and sounds;

Differentiate sounds (zh), (sh), consolidate concepts: voiced-voiceless paired consonants;

To promote the development of spelling skills, syllabic, expressive, conscious, fluent reading;

Develop phonemic hearing, speech, logical thinking, attention;

Cultivate curiosity.

Predicted results :

Children will learn to distinguish sounds (zh) and (sh) by ear;

They will establish their similarities and differences;

Remember that the sounds (zh) and (w) at the end of words and in the middle of a word should be clarified by selecting a group of related words until the sound is heard clearly;

They will replenish their vocabulary with new words, which will contribute to the development of logical thinking and speech development.

During the classes

1Organizational moment

The bell has rung for us

The lesson begins.

Sounds with letters have come,

To lead us into the world of knowledge!

2 Motivation for learning activities

Guys, what lesson are we starting? (literacy training).

What does the word “literacy” mean in your understanding? (slide1)

Diploma- reading and writing. This means the ability to read and write. And to learn to read and write is to learn to read and write.

Do you think the word “literacy” is unambiguous or polysemantic? What other meanings of this word do you know?

Diploma- a document issued as a reward for success in any business. (commendable, honorable) (slide 2)

Certificate - an old folk name for any document, letter.

So, what are words that have multiple meanings called? (polysemantic ) (plate)

Now, look at what Old Russian letters and business records looked like on birch bark. (slide 3)

Birch bark -Birch bark. (slide 4)

Such certificates are called “birch bark letters ».

What was depicted on the birch bark? (signs, letters)

What are letters? (written figures, icons for sounds)

Why did people come up with letter icons? (to capture the sounds they made)

Yes, indeed, each letter figure is, as it were, a frozen sound.

You, of course, know that sounds and letters live in different kingdoms:

Sounds are in the realm of what we hear, and

Letters are in the realm of what we see.

The one who writes translates sounds from the audible world into the visible world.

The one who reads, on the contrary, translates visible signs into sound words.

And today you and I will learn to translate sounds from the audible world into the visible world. (on the bridge)

To some extent, today we will be...(translators).

3 Updating knowledge th

But in order to translate sounds and letters, you need to understand. How sounds are born.

It seems that speaking is easy: sounds, words and even whole phrases seem to jump out of our mouth.

But everything is not so simple: in our body at this time there is a whole “factory” for the production of sounds.

Speech therapist Nasiba Inomdzhonovna knows best about the work of this plant.

Teacher speech therapist:

-Instead of machine tools, speech organs work at the factory. What organs of speech do you know? (teeth, lips, tongue...)

-And the sounds are “workers”. After all, in order to produce sound, the lungs, windpipe, nose, mouth, lips and tongue work. These are the organs of speech. And our ears are always on duty: if a person mispronounces a sound in a word, the ear will immediately hear it.

-Which 2 groups can we divide sounds into?

-If air manages to escape outside without encountering any obstacles, what sound is produced? (vowel)

-And, if sound has to break through the obstacles of the lips, teeth, nose, then what sounds are produced? (consonants)

-And in order for you to pronounce sounds correctly, we will perform articulatory gymnastics. Prepare a mirror.

Articulation gymnastics (Slides 5)




    Delicious jam.

- Put the mirrors aside .

4 Determining the topic of the lesson and setting goals

Well, guys, your sound production plant is now ready to go.

When a vowel sound is born in a factory, then .... (voice) works.

Where do sounds live? (in the kingdom of sounds)

Let us translators first translate vowel sounds into the realm of letters. (on the board there is an imitation of the movement of vowel sounds (clouds) from the kingdom of sounds to the kingdom of letters, substituting letters for the sounds.)

Sound(s) - denoted by letters a, i

Sound (o) -…………….letters o, e

Sound (s) - ……………letter and

Now let's translate some consonant sounds...

Sound (v) - denoted by the letter v

(g)-……………letter w

(w)-……………letter w

How many vowel sounds live in the kingdom of sounds? (6 sounds)

What about vowel letters? (10 letters)

What can vowels form? (syllables)

Show how syllables are formed and which ones (va- open, fusion syllables, av- closed, reverse)

And syllables can be collected into ..... (words).

Somehow the weather began to deteriorate. It began to rain in the kingdoms. Look what syllables are hidden under the umbrella? (open)

Du we ka no chi lo ka

(in the drop there are letters (b, p, zh, sh, l, n, d, t.)

Collect words by adding the letter in the drop.

Shower reeds but? Chi? Lo?ka

Why is it so difficult to determine from the first time by sound which letter will appear in a word?

What will you learn in class today?

What will you learn?

Determine the topic of the lesson. (“Comparison, comparison of sounds (g) and (w”) (slide 6)

5 Work on the topic of the lesson

Teacher speech therapist:

-What sound does a snake make? (drawing of a snake) (Sh-sh-sh)

-What sound does a beetle make? (picture of a beetle) (W-w-w)

-Today we have seated you in groups to make our work more interesting.

One group will be “SHIPS”, and the other will be “BUZZLES”.

For each correct answer you will receive chips, and at the end of the lesson we will count them. (slide “Similarity and difference of sounds (F, W))

-When we pronounce these sounds, what organs of speech do we use? (tongue, lips, teeth). There are obstacles, which means they... (consonant).

- “BUZZERS”, pronounce your sound (F), is our voice working? This means he is a consonant... (voiced) (slide)

- “SHIPELKI”, pronounce your sound (SH), is your voice working? This means he is consonant...(deaf). (slide)

-Who in nature can make such sounds? (slide 7)

-Let's check if your ears can hear their sound well. (BUZZERS(W), SPISHES(W),)

1) Game for auditory attention . (The speech therapist names syllables and words; children in groups raise the image of a snake and a beetle if they hear their sound.)

2 ) Game in groups “Find the extra object »

-Let's check your attention with NOISE MAKERS. (slide)

-Now your attention is BUZZERS. (slide)

3) Game “Which object corresponds to which sound” "It's going to happen."

-Sounds work together in words, as a team, and you will work as one friendly team.

-You've worked hard, now let's rest.

6 Physical education minute

7 Continued work. Formulation of the problem.

What sounds did you distinguish in words? (f,w)

What sounds are these? (paired according to deafness and voicedness)

Voiced and unvoiced, both hard sounds (Zh, Sh) are very similar to each other - real “twins” (slide 8)

And what “twins” have we already settled in the City of Letters?

HUZZHALKI call voiced paired consonants, SHIPELKI - a voiceless pair.

Why do the Alphabet contain both voiced and voiceless consonants? For what?



They help distinguish words. Those and others are “MEANING REVIEWERS”.


Say the word HEAT. What is the first sound in a word? (AND). What letter will we use to denote the sound (F)? (letter Zh)

What does the word HEAT mean? (slide 9)

(hot, very heated air, heat in summer; increased body temperature during illness)

Now change the letter Z to the letter W.

Say the given word. (BALL)

Has the meaning of the word changed? What does it mean? (slide 10)

(geometric body; type of sports equipment; balloon; globe)

What do we call words that have many meanings? (polysemantic )

What are the meanings of Zh and Sh in these words?(meaning distinguishers - help to distinguish the meaning of words, words by meaning)

Game with sentences

Sounds form into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences. (Slide 11)

What should we remember about the sentence? (all words in the sentence are related in meaning)

Collect all the words in a sentence so that they are connected and the sentences turn out clear and beautiful.

Well done, you are very attentive and vigilant guys!

Spelling vigilance

Remember who needs vigilance.

- “Sailor”. He needs to avoid collisions with another ship...

- “Hawk”. He needs to see prey from afar.

- “Hunter, sniper, border guard, scout.”

To see sharply, people invented many “tools”: glasses, binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, telescopes. (slide 12)

And we will use the tool that is always with us - our eyes.

And for our eyes to always be sharp, we need to rest. We will learn how to relax properly. Keep your eyes on moving objects.

Gymnastics for the eyes (slide 13)

What phrase was uttered by CAT LEOPOLD, who noticed and remembered? (“Take care of your eyes, guys!”)

But it turns out that not only the eyes are vigilant, but also...(UM).

It helps the eyes see difficult places in words.

How can you name a place where an error may occur??(ERROR HAZARDOUS )

Ah, to seeerror-prone places, you need to understand why they arise.

To do this, you need to learn from their soundssecret !

What sounds will we learn the secret of today? (F, W)

Revealing the secret of sounds (F, W)


Say the words and listen to how they sound. It's how they sound, not how they're written.

What is CLEARLY heard at the end of words? (sound (Ш) - voiceless, paired consonant)

Here's one "ERROR HAZARDOUS "the place where one of the pair ended up at the end of the word"TWINS" - dull sound (Ш).

When you hear a dull sound at the end of a word, be sure to ask yourself: “Or maybeit's disguised voiced? Did the sound hit a weak position?

And just by calling for help "WIZARDS "And, putting this sound in a strong position, we will write the desired letter.

Let's call "WIZARDS "and put the sound (Ш) in a strong position. (slide 14)

You can use the rule "ONE_MANY »


Does this rule apply to all words with a paired consonant at the end?

Let's check.

Working with the textbook

Turn to page 26 in your textbook. We read the columns of words.






Which pair of words with paired consonants (Zh, Sh) in this column does not fit our rule?


Why? (the letter changes, the meaning of the word changes)

In these words, the sounds (Zh, Sh) are “MEANING DIFFERENTIATES ".Why?

Explain the meaning of these words:

LIVED, existed, lived life;

SEW-connected the edges of the fabric with a needle and thread.

You have probably already noticed that sounds in weak and strong positions “LIVE” according to certain laws.

By what laws?

Now, let's take a closer look at our neighbor!


What happens when there are two consonants nearby (in the middle of a word) and neither of them “WIZARD "(not a vowel)?


And why? (PROBLEM !)

Yes, because these sounds immediately come into play when they meet each other "DO AS I DO!"

In this game the second consonant always commands, and the first one obeys it.

If the second sound is voiced, the first one also becomes voiced.

And, if the second sound is dull, the first one also becomes dull.

CHA?KA (K) is deaf, which means the sound (Ш) is also deaf

DRU?BA (B) - voiced, which means the sound (F) is also voiced

(paired voiceless in weak position, no vowel wizard nearby)

So, what needs to be done to make the doubles stand in a strong position - to start sounding? (call the vowel wizards)

Let's turnBIG into SMALL (slide 15)





(insert the desired letter after checking the paired consonant)

8 Reflection on learning activities

Let's summarize the lesson.

What sounds did we compare and contrast in class today?

Show BUZZLES, SPISHES. (children show the letters of sounds collected from chips (Zh, Sh).

What did you learn today? What have you learned?

What work do the sounds (Zh, Sh) do in words? (help distinguish words)

How to check the spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants in words? (with the help of wizards)


1.ABC author: Goretsky V. G., Kiryushkin V. A., Vinogradskaya L. A. and others. ABC. Textbook. 1 class.

Publisher: Moscow, Prosveshcheniye

3.Russian language in drawings

4. Interesting about the Russian language authors: V.A. Ivanova, Z.A. Potikha, D.Z. Rosenthal

Lesson 49 Letskikh L.A. primary school teacher MAOU Secondary School No. 21, Kungur Topic Pedagogical goal Type of lesson Planned results (subject) Personal results Universal learning activities (meta-subject) Hard consonant sound [zh], letters Zh, zh. Comparison of sounds [zh] and [w] Create conditions for consolidating students’ knowledge about the hard consonant sound [zh], the letters Zh, zh, combinations zhi and shi; development of speech, memory, logical thinking Solution of a particular problem Determine that in the syllable zhi it is always written and, in the same syllable - e; read words with a new letter, sentences and short texts with intonation and pauses in accordance with punctuation marks; make up sentences and stories Have cognitive interests and educational motives Regulatory: are able to assess the correctness of an action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment. Cognitive: general educational – consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements in oral form; formulation and problem solving – independently create ways to solve problems. Communicative: able to ask questions Hard voiced consonant sound [zh]; letters Zh, zh; spelling zhi, shi; fairy tale, tongue twister, riddle Main content of the topic, concepts and terms Educational resources “Tape of letters” Lesson script Lesson stages 1 I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Checking the readiness of the class and equipment; emotional mood for the lesson Forms, methods, teaching techniques 2 Front. Verbal. Teacher's word Teacher's activity 3 Greeting students. Attention! Check, my friend, if you are ready to start the lesson! Is everything in place? Is everything in order: Books, pens and notebooks? Students' activities Performed actions Developed skills Type and form of control 5 Show emotional responsiveness to the teacher's words 6 Frontal. Teacher's Observation 4 Greet the teacher. Organize their workplace, check the availability of individual educational supplies at

1 2 3 4 Continuation of table. 5 6 We have a motto: Everything you need is at hand! – Let’s check your readiness for the lesson – Read the tongue twisters on p. 27, 28. Pronounce words and sounds clearly. Learn one - Today we will continue to work with the letters Zh, zh, learn new things - Read the story. – Do you think this is a fairy tale or a story that actually happened? – Underline the words that contain the letter Z. – Read the story in roles – Read the pairs of words and make up the missing words by analogy. – Make up sentences II. Speech warm-up III. Statement of educational task IV. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action. 1. Working with L. Tolstoy’s story “Chizh” (textbook, p. 27) 2. Didactic exercise “Choose a word” (textbook, p. 27) 3. Didactic exercise “Who lives where?” (textbook, p. 27) Collective, individual. Verbal. Reading tongue twisters Frontal. Verbal. Teacher's explanation Collective. Verbal. Reading, conversation Frontal. Verbal, practical. Exercise Group. Practical, verbal. Exercise Read the tongue twister first slowly, then quickly Prepare the articulatory apparatus for reading Listen to the teacher Accept the learning task Read the story. They answer questions and express their opinions. They underline words with the letter Z. Read in roles Expressively read the story in roles, observing intonation. Recognize the letter Z in words. Give reasons for your opinion Collective. Clear pronunciation of words and sounds Frontal. Teacher observation Collective. Reading, oral answers Read, come up with words, make sentences Select words by analogy. Compose sentences correctly Correlate pictures, names of animals and their habitats, compose sentences Front. Group exercise. Exercise – Think about who lives where. Make up sentences Look at the pictures, read the words in the columns, make up sentences

1 Physical education lesson 4. Development of coherent speech. Working with illustrations and the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear” (textbook, p. 28) 5. Development of coherent speech. Working with a picture. “Tell a story” (textbook, p. 29) Physical education lesson 2 Collective. Practical Group, steam room. Verbal. Reading, conversation, story Group. Verbal, visual, practical. Story, work with pictures Collective. Practical 6. Didactic exercise. “Voiced - deaf” (textbook, p. 29) Frontal. Verbal. Exercise 3 We are getting higher and higher, We reach the roofs with our hands. Raised by two counts, Three, four - hands down - Read the story. Look at the picture. – Complete the tasks in the textbook. – Continue the fairy tale 4 Perform movements according to the text 5 Prevent fatigue Read the fairy tale, look at the picture. Answer questions. Telling a fairy tale - Read the beginning of the fairy tale. Look at the picture. - Continue the story. They read, look at the picture, tell the story. They stomped their feet, patted their hands, sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up. We sat down again, sat and looked around everyone - Look at the syllabic table. – Read first the syllables with a voiceless consonant, then with a voiced consonant. Perform movements according to the text. Examine the table, select syllables with voiceless and voiced consonants. Continuation of the table. 6 Collective. Correct execution of movements Collective, pairs. Reading, oral responses, Group story. Collective story. Correct execution of Frontal movements. Exercise Read the text meaningfully, observing intonation. Formulate answers to questions, express their opinions; Tell a fairy tale expressively, observing logic, thinking through its beginning and ending; Prevent fatigue. Focus on a healthy lifestyle. Distinguish consonant sounds [w] - [z] in words that are paired according to their dullness of sonority. Select the necessary syllables

1 7. Working with the “ribbon of letters” (textbook, p. 29) 2 Pair room. Verbal. Conversation 3 4 – Make up and ask each other questions on the “ribbon of letters” Ask questions to a partner and answer them V. Reflexively evaluative Frontal, individual self. Verbal. Conversation Answer the teacher’s questions - What new did you learn in the lesson? – What did you especially like? Why? – What caused the difficulty? Why? – What knowledge, abilities, skills helped us today in class? – Thanks for the lesson End of table. 6 Doubles. Oral responses Individual, frontal. Oral answers 5 Formulate questions about knowledge of letters and sounds, classify them, establish cause-and-effect relationships. Answer the final questions of the lesson. Evaluate their work in class