Regulation 6 p. Time management: simple ways to manage time

Convenient for use versions of instructions P-6 "On the order of acceptance by quantity" and P-7 "On the order of acceptance by quality"

Visitors to this site have repeatedly asked me a question, approximately of the following content: "Instructions P-6 and P-7 are printed on 11 pages each. There is a lot of" water. "Apparently their bureaucratic origin left its mark. possible options actions, and the result was an unnecessarily cumbersome and difficult to understand document. And, of course, difficult to execute. Not everyone, even a specialist, will have the patience and attention to read these instructions to the end, let alone implement their use. Is it possible to creatively rework it and place on this site light versions of these instructions, setting out the main ideas and provisions? "I tried to outline the main important provisions of these instructions in an easy-to-use form. acceptance by quantity "and P-7" On acceptance of goods by quality ".

It should be noted right away that the instructions are not binding on the participants. economic process... All the procedures described in them are applied in the relationship between the participants in the process, only in the case of references to following these instructions in the agreements between organizations. And working according to these instructions is very convenient, since the instructions set certain process standards that clearly define the areas of responsibility and the procedure for dealing with problem situations.

Instruction P-6. On the procedure for accepting products by quantity

The instruction obliges the sender to pack, seal and mark each package in such a way as to ensure safety during transportation and simplicity and ease of acceptance of a particular cargo. Also, the sender is obliged to supply the cargo with all the necessary accompanying documents, in accordance with the standards and current legislation. It is necessary that according to the accompanying documents it was possible to simply determine the number of places, the number of products in each of the places, the cost of products, the point of departure, the point of destination, all the necessary volumetric and weight characteristics of the cargo, as well as other characteristics that the recipient and transport organizations need to know about specific cargo.

When accepting cargo from a transport organization, the recipient is obliged to check the sealing or the absence of signs of opening the cargo packages. If these are found, or (and) the seal is missing, then an act of detection must be drawn up this fact the recipient and the representative of the transport organization.
The recipient is obliged to check the conformity of the marking of the cargo and the number of packages and (or) their weight with what is indicated in the accompanying documents. If discrepancies are found, an appropriate act must be drawn up with the signature of the recipient and the representative of the transport company (driver).
The recipient is obliged to check the safety of the packaging of each package. If problems with safety are found, an appropriate act must also be drawn up.

When accepting the goods from a representative of the transport organization, if the packaging is not damaged, the actual number of pieces and the weight correspond to those indicated in the accompanying documents, the verification of in-package investments is not performed. Otherwise, such a check must be carried out and, based on its results, an appropriate act must be drawn up, signed by the representatives of the recipient and the representative of the transport company (driver).

A full check of internal investments must be carried out at the consignee's warehouse by the consignee. The recipient can and should invite the sender (his representative) to participate in the verification. If the sender refuses to participate in the acceptance, the recipient makes the acceptance independently. The term for a full inspection is 24 hours from the date of receipt of perishable goods, 10 days from the date of receipt of all other types of goods. For areas with early delivery - the Far North, etc., their acceptance time is 30 days for industrial and technical goods, 60 days for consumer goods, 40 days for food products (not perishable), 48 hours for perishable food products.

If there is not enough information in the accompanying documents to describe the parameters of the received products, then upon acceptance, an act is drawn up in which the actually detected values ​​of these parameters are indicated (FOR EXAMPLE: the assortment and the number of boxes are indicated in the accompanying documents, but the number of units for each article of the assortment is not indicated. and an act is drawn up - a specification indicating the actual number of units for each article).

In the place, at the consignee's warehouse, where the product is received, its safety must be ensured. There should be no access to persons not involved in the acceptance.

If during acceptance a shortage or any other discrepancy in quantity or weight is found, then acceptance must be stopped. The recipient must send a message to the sender (the receipt of which the sender must acknowledge) describing the problem and requesting that a representative of the recipient be sent to continue acceptance. If the sender allows the acceptance to continue without his representative, then he must send the recipient an official letter confirming this. In either case, based on the results of full acceptance (including in-house investments), the recipient signs a copy of the accompanying document, which is sent to the sender as confirmation that the cargo has been received in full compliance with the accompanying documents. If there are any inconsistencies, then an act of the established form is drawn up, which is signed by the representative of the sender and (or) the authorized persons of the recipient. A copy of the act is transferred (sent) to the sender.

If there are grounds for blaming the transport organization for the problems found during the acceptance of the goods, the one who hired this transport organization to provide delivery and forwarding services (sender or consignee) is obliged to present these claims. (My comments: in original text the instructions say that the recipient must do it. I believe that the instruction was created at the time state economy... Therefore, each link in the supply chain - the sender, the transport organization, the recipient, was not coordinated with each other, they were not united by anything, and each performed its function, obeying its own leadership. And this responsibility had to be assigned to someone. And it was entrusted to the recipient, as a link that accepts the cargo and detects problems that have arisen with the goods during transportation).

Instruction P-7. On the procedure for accepting products in terms of quality and completeness

The instruction obliges the sender to ensure packing, marking and sealing of each package in such a way as to ensure the safety of the quality and completeness of the supplied products during transportation.
Products that have not been tested for quality and completeness by the manufacturer and (or) the sender should not be shipped.

The sender is obliged to ensure that the actual quality and completeness of the supplied products comply with what is indicated in the accompanying documents - certificates, veterinary certificates, technical passports, etc.
The quality of the supplied products must correspond to the quality of the sample (standard) approved by the parties.

In the application for transportation to the transport organization, all the rules and conditions for the transportation and securing of cargo in the body must be detailed. This must be done exactly by the transport organization in order to preserve the quality of the transported cargo.
When the consignee accepts the cargo from the transport company (when the driver transfers the cargo to the consignee), the consignee must check the compliance with the stated transportation conditions and the condition of the received cargo for external damage to the packaging. If inconsistencies and damages are found, an act of the established form is drawn up. The act is signed by a representative of the transport company (or driver) and a representative of the recipient.
If the representative of the transport organization refuses to cooperate (the cargo is handed over by the driver - forwarder without checking any conformity), the consignee must be marked on the accompanying transport documents.

Products received without damage to the container are accepted at the warehouse of the final recipient by the forces of the recipient.

Terms of acceptance of products in terms of quality and completeness:

    for perishable products - up to 24 hours from the moment of receiving the goods;

    for all other products - up to 20 days - when delivered from another city, up to 10 days - when delivered from a supplier to a recipient in the same city;

    for hard-to-reach areas with early delivery - industrial and technical products are accepted within up to 30 days, consumer goods - up to 60 days, food products (not perishable) - within up to 40 days, perishable food products - within 48 hours from the moment of receiving the goods.

Retail trade organizations can activate production deficiencies discovered during the preparation of products for sale within 4 months from the date of receipt of the goods. An act on the detection of manufacturing defects must be drawn up and sent to the sender and (or) the manufacturer within 5 days from the date of discovery of manufacturing defects.

If latent flaws are discovered in the process of processing, which is carried out sequentially by two or more enterprises, the actuation must be carried out within four months from the date of receipt of the product by the given enterprise, which discovered the flaws.

The act for products with guaranteed storage and operation periods must be drawn up no more than five days from the date of detection of defects, but no later than the end of the warranty periods. If the arrival of the manufacturer (sender) is required to draw up the act, then the time required for his arrival is added to 5 days.

The activation of goods, the warranty period of which is calculated from the moment of sale in retail outlets, may occur during the period of their storage before sale, regardless of the time of their receipt.

Hidden flaws are the flaws of a product that cannot be detected only during processing, preparation for installation and installation, testing, use and storage.

Acceptance in terms of quality and completeness should be accepted only by persons with the appropriate competencies and training. The admission of persons not engaged in acceptance into the reception area must be closed.

In the absence of documents or information in the documents about some quality parameters of the received products, an act is drawn up, in which the actually detected values ​​of the missing quality parameters, or data on completeness, are entered.

If there is a corresponding agreement between the supplier and the recipient (reflected in the contract), then the recipient can carry out a random check for quality and completeness, the results of which can be extended to the entire batch of the received product.

If, during the acceptance process, a discrepancy between the quality level declared by the supplier in the relevant documents and obligations is revealed, then the acceptance is suspended and a representative of the supplier is called to continue acceptance in his presence. If the supplier authorizes in writing to carry out the acceptance further without his representative, then the acceptance continues until the end with the drawing up of an act in which all identified inconsistencies are entered. A copy of the act is sent to the supplier, or the supplier's representative. If the supplier is located in the same city, and the products are perishable, then the supplier's representative must appear no more than 4 hours after receiving information about the identified deficiencies from the recipient of the products.

If the terms of delivery provide for the selection of samples (samples) for quality control, then it must be carried out by persons authorized to make quality acceptance. Samples are selected as follows: one copy - to the supplier, one copy - to the recipient, one copy (if necessary, or if it is provided by agreements) - to the expert organization. All samples are marked with:

    the number and date of the document for which the consignment of goods was received, from which the samples were taken,

    members of the commission for the selection of samples and samples,

    time and place of drawing up the act on the selection of samples and samples,

    manufacturer (sender) of products,

    numbers of packages in the incoming consignment of goods, from which samples and samples were taken,

    other necessary information.

If the inadequate quality of the goods is discovered by the end buyer after purchasing the goods in the store, then the recipient provides the supplier with the following documents:

    the buyer's statement about the exchange of goods;

    standard documents from the store confirming the inadequate quality of the goods,

    the buyer's receipt for the exchange of goods, or for the receipt of its value.

The manufacturer (supplier) has the right to double-check the quality of the products rejected and returned by the recipient and to protest the fact of rejection if there is a sufficient evidence base or revealed facts for this.

If there is an agreement between the supplier and the recipient, then the losses incurred by the recipient due to the sale of products with discovered defects at a reduced price are covered by the supplier.

New warehouse logistics 2001-2019

« Six P"Is the rule for professional and personal success. Here is its wording: "The pre-planning process predetermines a productive approach."

There are 7 advantages to planning ahead.

1. In the planning process, you will certainly think through everything to the smallest detail, which will certainly help to achieve success.

2. careful consideration of future actions contributes to their effective planning, while saving time, effort and money.

3. A well-calibrated and thoughtful plan will help you find some omissions and shortcomings that can then harm your business. Ask yourself "what if ...?" For example: "What bad thing can happen if I act in one way or another?"

4. Thanks to preliminary planning, you can identify the weak link in the plan in advance and hedge. You will find a fatal mistake that could go unnoticed and ruin your whole venture. That's what planning is for.

5. The planning identifies potential prospects and strengths that can be used in the future. Sometimes you may not even guess about strengths until thorough planning is done.

6. Planning can accurately allocate time, finances, and resources to several major goals. Without a clear focus, it is hardly possible to avoid the scattering and wasting of energy with unimpressive results.

7. Planning can save you many hours, months and sometimes years of failed attempts, frustration and wasted energy.

Planning is skill, discipline, ability and habit. Therefore, it can be learned and developed to the highest degree through repeated exercise and practice. Moreover, learning this skill is quite easy than you think.
If we talk simple language, then the plan is just a list of all the actions necessary to get the result. Write on a piece of paper whatever you think will help you achieve your goal. Whenever you have a new thought, immediately write it down on the list. Review it regularly, add something new and, if necessary, correct it. Let this list become a blueprint for building your dream home - achieving a great result.

Even the very fact of planning can improve the quality of the entire process of achieving the desired goals. Do you want to reach a successful and bright finish? Then do your best and make a plan as carefully and in detail as possible. The better your work is, the more opportunities and ideas you can achieve.

Remember, the ability to clearly define and articulate your desires, write them down, make a plan and work on it is the key to personal effectiveness, growth, and a higher rate of progress.

"Time management".

Effective time management system.


Moscow, 2010

Test Philip Zimbardo.

1. What is time?

1.1. What is a sense of timing?

1.2. Why do you need a sense of time?

1.3. Methods for developing a sense of time.

1.4. Distortion of the sense of time.

2. What is Time Management?

3. Goal-setting is the basis of time management.

3.1. The VODKA principle.

3.2. TOTE is a model.

4. Prioritization.

4.1. ABC method.

4.2. Eisenhower Matrix.

5. Time management.

5.1. Rule 6 "R".

5.2. Franklin's method.

5.3. Alps method.

5.4. Simple ways to manage time.

6. The time thieves.

You say time is passing?

This is mistake. Time is worth it. You come through.

Folk wisdom

Choose the "Time zone" closest to you:

Zone 1: I prefer a quiet life, free from undue stress. I like to work at my own pace and take a relaxed attitude towards deadlines. I believe that if something is not done on time, then it does not really matter. I am not particularly well organized and rarely come to meetings on time.

Zone 2: Communication with friends gives me the greatest pleasure. I like to have dinner with companies and go to parties. I often act impulsively and do not always think carefully about the consequences of my actions. I would rather act spontaneously than try to plan every detail of my life. I prefer a job that is very diverse and one where you can quickly see the results of your work.

Zone 3: I try to organize my life carefully and prefer routine over variety. I am attentive to my diet, exercise regularly, have health insurance and have my life insured. I think carefully about my actions.

Zone 4: I love working with tight deadlines and pride myself on my punctuality. I am usually well organized and work best in stressful conditions. I agree that it is difficult for me to relax. I enjoy solving challenges that are challenging. As a rule, I come to meetings on time and at the last minute.

What did your choice show:


1. What is time?

Each person understands time differently, therefore the concept of "time" has many definitions.

Task number 1:Give a definition of the concept of time, on behalf of the characters presented below:


color: black "> Time _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

color: black "> Time ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

color: black "> Time ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

color: black "> Time ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1.1. What is a sense of timing?

Indeed, what is the sense of time?

This is an inner voice that can give answers to the following questions: "How long will it take to complete certain tasks?", "How long does it take to get from home to work?", "What time is it now?" Actually, for many, this voice is known by the term "internal clock".

Sense of timing is:


Interesting fact:

… You can only feel the time with your body, practically at a reflex level. The center of the sense of time is located most often in the chest area. Some - in the vicinity of the heart, others closer to the stomach ...

1.2. Why do you need a sense of time?

A sense of time is of great importance for successful work and in general a person's life. Let's see where it is specifically applicable, what position it occupies in relation to other components of time management:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1.3. Methods for developing a sense of time

So, we have seen that a sense of time is an important part of everyday life. But the question is: it’s important, it’s important, but how can I make this component work for me? Are there exercises, techniques to improve the accuracy of my internal clock? Exercises are not only there - they are easy to perform, and quickly bring real results.

Consider the exercises available in our arsenal and available to everyone to develop a sense of time.

The simplest exercise is calibration.

It is done as follows:

Before the event starts, we look at the clock and say to ourselves: "I will complete it in N minutes." At the same time, remember that laying an hour for a ten-minute business is deliberately deceiving yourself. Set real deadlines for execution!

Task number 2:

font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: "times new roman> Draw in a rectangle what your internal clock looks like. Think about how long you need to do this. Write the time you set for yourself in the upper right corner. Try to keep within at that time.


Five minutes of error per hour of work is 12% of your time capital. More than 1000 hours a year !!! Is such a luxury permissible? It's up to you, but 1000 hours is still a lot. As an exercise, calibration can be practiced anytime, anywhere. For this, only two things are needed: hours and some kind of activity. The first calibration results appear as early as 3-4 days.

The next exercise, which ranks first in terms of effectiveness, is timing.

What it is? You take a form on which a table of several fields is lined: start time, end time, case. Then, during the day, put everything you do there. Fix the start - end time, and briefly - the name of the case.

For example:

Start time

End time

A business



Road to work



Preparing for the meeting

Why are we fixing this on paper? After all, you can memorize in your head. However, you must admit that you are unlikely to remember exactly to the minute what you did during the day before yesterday. A week ago? Secondly, by putting this data on paper, we unload our memory. She has absolutely no need to keep all these records. Let the paper do it.

Our goal is to develop a sense of time, not remember what we did and when. And the most important thing is that the process of recording itself shifts the focus of our attention to time - which is exactly what we need.

The timing results are as follows:

In 4-6 weeks, a person achieves 80% of the accuracy of his watch. This is quite enough to get good results in time planning. It should be noted that a person whose life was strictly regulated even before classes may take only 1-2 weeks. And for creative people who have never paid attention to watches, 8 weeks will not be enough.

Task number 3:

Describe in detail your yesterday's working day using timekeeping.

Start time

End time

A business

Now count how much time out of 8 hours you wasted.

1.4. Distortion of the perception of the sense of time.

Our consciousness can be in different states... In each state, time is perceived separately. And most importantly, there is a contrast between the perception of time when we are emotionally aroused (positively or negatively), working with concentration, sleeping, or immersed in thought (thinking).

An interesting phenomenon:

... If a person was in a trance for about an hour, and after leaving him to ask how much time has passed, then the answer is located in the interval of 5-10 minutes ...


Thus, each of us has a sense of time. Whether it is well developed or weakly depends on the type of activity. Anyone can easily and easily improve the accuracy of their internal clock. It takes a little effort and a little time, just like practicing any other skill. Add a drop to that common sense and a little courage in making decisions - and you can fully delight yourself and those around you with the results of using your internal clock. And the last thing: in your work you need to take into account the distortion of the perception of time. By doing this, you will add yourself a chance of success.

Sense of timing is a very important part of managing your own life. Start developing it, put in a little effort - and pretty soon you will get a decent result. Agree, the best thing that motivates us in our work is the positive results of our work. All the more so if these results are adequate to the costs.

2. What is Time Management?

Time management is the art of managing your own time. This is the ability to determine what is main and what is secondary, what is worth the effort in the first place, and what can wait. If a person knows how to manage his time, he does not need to rush - he can calmly deal with key tasks.


3. Goal setting is the basis of time management!

When I don't know which harbor to head for

no wind will be fair for me.
Lucius Annay Seneca

To achieve something, we first need to know exactly what we desire. Only having a clear goal makes it possible to achieve a lot. A man without a goal, diligently doing something, like a ship on the high seas, going to full speed without knowing the course.

All people who have achieved significant success in life had a goal. Moreover, there was a dream. Bright, big and impossible.

Young Bill Gates at the dawn of Microsoft said: "Our software will be installed on every computer in the world." Whose software installed now on your computer? Don't be in a rush to tackle the big thing - start by identifying your top four goals for this year. Keep them in sight, remember them, and try to do something every day to achieve them. Set goals! This is the surest path to success.

3.1. The VODKA principle:

"Let's be realistic and do the impossible" .

Che Guevara

If you want your goals to be realized, formulate them so that they are:

· V_______________________________________________________________

· O_______________________________________________________________

· D_______________________________________________________________

· TO_______________________________________________________________

· AND_______________________________________________________________

If you do not set yourself daring, seemingly unattainable goals, and try to achieve them, you will never know what you are capable of.

By striving to achieve daring goals, you grow. As you grow, new opportunities open up in front of you, just as if you were climbing a mountain and new horizons opened up in front of you. As you discover these new opportunities, you set yourself new daring goals. Thus, having started a daring movement, you set in motion a powerful mechanism of your own non-stop and inspired growth, revealing the limitless possibilities hidden in you.

The same effect can be seen in business by setting ambitious goals for the company and mobilizing people to achieve them.


Sequence of operations abbreviation:

Check (trial) - Action - Check (trial) - Exit (Test - Operate - Test - Exit), which describes the classic feedback loop, the leading factor of any behavior.

The TOTE model has the following stages:







Task number 4:

Set two goals for yourself using one of the goal setting methods.

VODKA method


Model -TOTE


4. Prioritization

Prioritization has two aspects:

Importance. Urgency.

1. Importance.Consider the different groups of tasks one at a time and relate them to your original goal - to increase profits, increase customer satisfaction, or whatever. Ask yourself if completing this activity will directly contribute to your goal. Label each group of work orders with the letters A, B, or C, where “A” means that the case has great importance to achieve the goal, and "B" indicates that it is weakly associated with your main goal.

2. Urgency.Urgent issues are those that need to be addressed as quickly as possible. When prioritizing, you must separate urgency from importance... Some things only deserve a B level of significance, because they are not directly related to your goal, but you also know that they need to be paid attention, and soon.

4.1. ABC method

You can arrange all groups of tasks in order of priority... First of all, you will need to get down to business for real urgent even if they are not that important. Then all other cases follow in order of importance:

Urgent and important. Urgent. Important (A). Important (B). Important (B).

Even the smallest issues will have to be addressed in due time, because eventually they will become urgent and therefore move to the top of the list - if you do not deal with them right away.

Every week rank all current affairs for this week in order of importance... Such a system will not only remind you of which tasks are key for you and require special attention, but it will also guarantee that you will promptly draw your attention to those insignificant matters that can no longer be postponed for later.

We get down to business.

With any business, you can do only one of four ways:

Ignore them. Give it to someone else. Transfer it to a later date. Make it a reality.

Which option should you choose?

1. Disregard. If you are in doubt about the need to do this, just do not do it now.Most likely, no negative consequences it won't cause. Learn at a glance to recognize negligible cases, emails and memos.

2. Instruct someone else. Do you personally have to deal with this issue? If not, it means that the task, regardless of the urgency, can be delegated.

3. Transfer to a later date. The bottom line is this: if you personally have to do the work, but not necessarily urgently, you can postpone it. The only remark is, again, the correlation of time frames: it makes no sense, for example, to postpone ten-day work at the end of this week in the light of the emergency next week.

4. Make it a reality. Anything that cannot be deleted, entrusted to someone else, or postponed for a while, you will have to do yourself. However, by the time you get to the end of this sorting process, the pile of tasks that you need to carry out in person will be significantly reduced.

4.2. Eisenhower Matrix

The American General Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed a simple aid to determine which task to give preference to. According to this rule, priorities are set according to criteria such as urgency and importance of the case.




Resolving crises
Urgent tasks
Projects with due dates

Planning new projects
Evaluation of the results
Preventive measures
Building relationships
Defining new perspectives, alternative projects


Interruptions, breaks
Some tel. calls
Some meetings
Consideration of urgent materials
Social activity

Routine work
Some letters
Some tel. calls
Time eaters

A. Important and urgent... You need to do it immediately, if you have such things to do. Although it was about them that one of the greats said: “You need to live so that important matters do not turn into urgent ones”

B. Important and non-urgent... The most “offended”, the most infringed cases related to their own development, training of employees, etc. Often type A cases appear due to neglect of type B cases. Look closely at your cases. causes? Not wasting a lot of time on meetings, but working hard to introduce the correct principles of their organization into the corporate culture? Invest time in training a subordinate, but save yourself from emergencies associated with his mistakes?

B. Unimportant and Urgent. It is these cases that “pretend to be important”, disguising themselves as the affairs of A. It is natural for a person to confuse urgency and importance: he automatically considers everything urgent to be important. Basically, it is the affairs of B that create in firms an atmosphere of continuous crisis management, crunch time, turmoil. Even the classic of the scientific organization of labor noticed that in a well-organized enterprise everything is done slowly, no one runs anywhere and does not fuss. Unfortunately, the opposite picture in our country is often considered a sign of active and effective activity.

D. Unimportant and Non-Urgent, or Waste Bin... These cases need to be “financed on a leftover basis”. But they are often enjoyable and interesting, so they start the working day with them, killing the best working hours with them.

5. Time management

… From 11.00 to 12.00 - to accomplish the feat.
From the to-do list for the day of Baron Munchausen

Those who are successful in their lives devote a lot of their time to planning. Daily planning is essential for increased productivity and effective time management.

5.1. Rule 6 "R"

Rule "6P" states: good pre-planning prevents bad performance.

You should always plan and think on paper. If there is no goal on paper, then it does not exist. A to-do list is a kind of map that will keep you on track towards your goal.

Working with the to-do list on the first day increases productivity by 25%. In the evening, prepare a list of tasks to be done tomorrow. When you come to work, you will always know where to start your day.

Continue to work on your list throughout the day: when a new task appears, put it on the list, taking into account the priority in relation to the previously scheduled tasks. After completing the next task from the list, be sure to cross it out. It will give you a sense of satisfaction with your job, add enthusiasm and energize.

Plan from more to less, from long-term to short-term, from life goals to plan for the day. Set a fixed deadline for each task.

Always divide a difficult task into small subtasks. Here, a decision tree helps a lot, where the key task is a tree, and the subtasks for its implementation are branches. Continue branching until the process for completing the entire task is simple and transparent.

Before you start doing anything, remember the 10/90 rule: 10% of the time spent planning before starting the task will save 90% of the time solving it.

5.2. Franklin's method

Franklin is one of America's most prominent political figures. He was one of the authors of the US Declaration of Independence and is under his signature. During the years of America's struggle for independence, Franklin was an envoy to Europe and concluded an alliance with France, and then a peace treaty with England. And this is far from a complete list of what this amazing person became famous for.

How did he manage to do all these things at once? He developed his own timekeeping system that helped him use his time efficiently.

Franklin's model:

For records:


Each day has its own page with a table for the list of tasks for the day (6th floor).



Description of the task

There are two special columns in the table - to indicate the priority of the task ("Ex.") And to indicate the status. These columns should be completed as you work and be sure to check at the end of the day. What are they needed for?

Since tasks are listed in no particular order, the priority column serves to ensure that when you finish planning, you can clearly see which task you should take on first. In order not to confuse the priority of the task with its serial number, it is recommended to designate the priority tasks with the letter “ A", Minor - with the letter" B"And unimportant ones - with the letter" C».



Description of the task

Add an article

Pick up the jacket from the dry cleaning

Reply to letters from friends

The status column serves to show you what is happening with each task, whether it has been completed or canceled or postponed. Completed cases are recommended to be marked with an icon (birdie). Canceled - for one reason or another - with the icon x (with a cross), it is advisable to also enter the reason why the task was canceled. For postponed tasks, the entry is copied to the plan of another day (most often the next), and the icon " "(arrow) and the date in the day plan of which this task is entered is entered. It is also possible to highlight different statuses with color.

For example, at the end of the day, my sign might look like this:



Description of the task

Finish making changes to the program


Add an article

Happy birthday to your friend

Get information about driving courses

x (wife took)

Pick up the jacket from the dry cleaning

x (wife bought)

Buy washing powder and toothpaste


Reply to letters from friends

This means that the first, third and fourth tasks were completed, the fifth and sixth tasks were canceled, since they were solved without me, and, finally, the second and seventh tasks were not completed during the day, so I rescheduled them to the day after tomorrow ( and corresponding entries appeared on the page for 03/18/1999).

Task number 5:

Make a list of tasks the day after training.



Description of the task

5.3. Alps method

How to start planning with the Alps method?

The first stage is the preparation of assignments. To do this, write down everything you want or need to do the next day under the appropriate headings of the “Day plan” form:

    tasks from a to-do list or from a weekly (monthly) plan; unfulfilled the day before; added cases; deadlines to be met; recurring tasks.

When doing so, use acronyms that correspond to the type of activity or headings in the Plan of the Day form, for example:

V- visits, meetings;

D -delegation of affairs;

TO- control;

NS- in the process, in action;

PC- trips, business trips;

NS- paperwork, business letters, dictation;

T- telephone conversations;

H -reading process (reports, circulars, newspapers, etc.).

A little practice, and you can make a list of tasks in such a way that:

    in the first approximation, distribute them by priority; subdivide them into protracted and short, short; recheck tasks related to personal contact for the possibility of performing them in a more rational way (using the phone, etc.).

What to do after determining the list of tasks for the day?

Remember that a realistic plan for the day should always be limited to what you can actually do. After determining the list of tasks for the day, you need to estimate the approximate duration of the planned actions, for example:


P - market research project;

B - Ivanov (expert assessment)

PC - new object

H - a special magazine for managers

K - Sidorov (sales statistics)

OL - Vasiliev (letter)

T - Shishkin (computer program)

T - Koshkin (lack of staff)

T - Sergey (evening game of billiards)



Obviously, the duration of individual cases cannot be estimated with absolute precision. However, after gaining some experience, you will learn to plan your time more accurately. Also keep in mind that work often takes as long as you have at your disposal. So, setting a specific period of time for individual cases, you are forcing yourself to fit in at this particular time. You work much more focused and more consistently get rid of interference if you allocate a certain amount of time for a specific task.

Task number 6:

Come up with your own abbreviations that will be convenient to use in your work.


5.4. Simple ways to manage your time!

Interesting information

... Psychological research shows that the maximum number of items that can be retained in memory is seven (plus or minus two) ...

In addition, consider this fact: if you are interrupted at the moment when you are trying to remember something, then, as a result, you completely forget it. Therefore, do not be lazy to write down your plans. That's why:

1. Making a to-do list


2. Coping with the paperwork


3. Making personal notes


6. The time thieves.

The time stealers are not at all hatching evil and insidious plans aimed at you. Rather, the opposite is true. They make great use of your kind relationship. Here are their usual excuses.

"I'm sorry I was late." He's lying. If he really regretted, he would have come on time. Or I would have found a way to warn of being late and reschedule the appointment.

"I really wanted to meet you." I would like - I would meet. Rest assured, your meeting on his priority list is somewhere between shoe cleaning and last year's snow. Is it worth wasting time with someone who values ​​you so low?

"I'll recall now". What for? Why can't everything be decided now? If he needed time to think, why didn't he use it BEFORE the call? By the way, after the encouraging phrase "I'll call you back", some people never call back.

"I hope I'm not too late?" This assumption is usually heard when it is already so late that it is simply impossible not to note it in a conversation.

"I'll just a minute." A person who says "I will for a minute", most likely, does not know how to really perceive time and measures it with his own personal units. So "a couple of minutes" means half an hour, and "ten" easily turns into an hour.

"I've been awfully busy." Perhaps. But what does your agreement have to do with it? Either keep your promises, or give up on commitments.

How to deal with them?


Task number 6

Divide into groups. Highlight 4 Time Snatchers who are constantly bothering you. Tell us how you can neutralize them.


The rhythm in which most of us live can hardly be called calm and measured. Lack of time, rush work and tough time trouble are challenges that not everyone can cope with. Constantly being in a state of “I don’t know what to grab onto” is hardly appropriate when it comes about personal effectiveness.

Emotional stress blocks performance, leads to rapid fatigue and apathy. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of stress or, even worse, chronic fatigue syndrome, let's do time management or time management.

Everything successful people do it

All successful people are very productive. They work a lot and do a lot, and this is not the same thing. Productivity is primarily about the result, not the process. If you intend to increase your productivity, you are determined to do so. People are wasting time because they never decided to improve their productivity.

And if you have made up your mind, then don't back down and repeat what all successful people do until it becomes second nature to you. The main secret of personal effectiveness lies in the correct allocation of time. Time management helps to avoid the unenviable fate of being held hostage to your own business or career.

Planning frees up time

Those who are successful in their lives devote a lot of their time to planning. Daily planning is essential to improve productivity and manage your time efficiently.

Rule 6 "R" says: good advance planning prevents bad performance.

You should always plan and think on paper. If there is no goal on paper, then it does not exist. The to-do list is a kind of map that will keep you on track towards your goal. Peter F. Drucker, in The Effective Manager, provides a good analogy for getting things done on paper:

“People in a dark room quickly lose their sense of time. But even in complete darkness, most people retain a sense of space. Being in a lighted but closed room, after a few hours you will no longer feel the movement of time. And if you want to calculate how long you have been in such a room, you will be greatly mistaken in your calculations. Therefore, if we rely on our memory, we do not notice what our time is spent on ... "

Working with the to-do list on the first day increases productivity by 25%. In the evening, prepare a list of tasks to be done tomorrow. When you come to work, you will always know where to start your day.

Continue to work on your list throughout the day: when a new task appears, put it on the list, taking into account the priority in relation to the previously scheduled tasks. After completing the next task from the list, be sure to cross it out. It will give you a sense of satisfaction with your job, add enthusiasm and energize.

Plan from more to less, from long-term to short-term, from life goals to plan for the day. Set a fixed deadline for each task.

Always divide a difficult task into small subtasks. Here, a decision tree helps a lot, where the key task is a tree, and the subtasks for its implementation are branches. Continue branching until the process of completing the entire task is simple and transparent.