Staging and automation of the sound l in syllables, words, sentences, articulatory gymnastics for the sound l. Sound L

Individual speech therapy lesson on sound production [L]

and automation of its isolated pronunciation in speech

"The Adventures of Squirrel Lou. Journey to the flower meadow

Target. Statement and automation of the isolated pronunciation of the sound [L].


1. Correction - training:

Clarify the articulation of the sound [L], put this sound and fix the articulation in an isolated pronunciation;

Learn to answer questions accurately and completely;

2. Correctional - developing:

Development of articulatory motility, speech breathing

Development of phonemic hearing and perception, syllabic analysis skills,

Development of logical thinking, integrity of perception of attention, memory, color discrimination;

Development of general motor skills and fine motor skills of fingers;

3. Educational:

Raise interest in the lesson through the use of entertaining exercises; activity, perseverance, the desire to overcome the defect.

Equipment: and a squirrel pear, a mirror, a computer with a presentation, pictures of large Christmas trees (for playing on the floor), a fungus with a leaf on a string (a manual for developing an air stream), a su-jok ball, pictures from a vaseami with numbers 1, 2, 3, split picture, checkbox.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

Today we have a new guest in class, with whom we will go on a long journey. Guess the riddle and try to guess who it is.

He will jump from a branch into his house, along the way he will catch a bump. (Squirrel)

This is a cheerful and kind squirrel. Her name is Lou. (Slide number 1) She loves to collect nuts and mushrooms. Today with Lou we will go to the flower meadow

II.Main part

1. Post topic

Tell me, please, what is the 1st sound in her name? [L]. Lou worries that he can't pronounce it. Let's teach her together. For this, it is necessary that the lips and tongue work well, so we will do articulation gymnastics with you and show it to our guest. (Slide #2)

2. Articulation gymnastics

1. Open the mouth-"house". Who is the master in that house? It is the owner of the Tongue. He is comfortable in the house.

2. Door-lips are flexible. They can become a smile. They can gather in a tube, then smile again.

3. I ended up on a swing. It flew up and went down.

4. Tired of transformation, licks the tongue of jam.

5. And now our Tongue Washes the palate-ceiling.

Well done, you did a great job.

3. Development of the air jet.

- Lou found a fungus in the clearing with a leaf on it. (Slide number 3) Help Lou blow off the leaf from the mushroom. (allowance) The child performs an exercise with a manual and a leaflet also “flies off” on the slide.

4. Setting the sound [L]Ask the child to perform one of the sound production exercises.

Lips in a smile, teeth with a “fence”, the wide tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth, pronounce the sound [ы] loudly. You get a new sound, say it again and listen to yourself. You learned to pronounce a new sound today. Say it again. What is this sound? How do we pronounce it? (Characteristics of sound by articulatory features)

5. Automation of isolated pronunciation of sound [L]

1) - This sound resembles the sound of an airplane that flies over our clearing. Let's hum like an airplane, arms outstretched like wings. (Slide number 4)

2) -And now we, together with the squirrel, will jump on the "Christmas trees" and will pronounce this sound.

The child walks through the pictures of Christmas trees laid out on the floor, making a sound[L]

3) Psycho-gymnastics.

Let's close our eyes. Imagine that we are in a beautiful clearing with Lou. Let's be surprised. Let's rejoice. The glade is full of colorful flowers. Let's smile and open our eyes. In front of you are flowers of different shades, name them. Let's try to make a new sound by clicking on the butterflies. If you pronounce it correctly, then the butterfly will fly. (Slide number 5)

6. Finger gymnastics with balls for su-jok therapy.

Massage with rings of each finger with pronunciation of a poem:

The squirrel collected bumps, scored as many as 10 of them. One, two, three, four, five, start counting again.

7. Development of phonemic hearing.

Isolation of the sound L among other sounds

Raise the flag if you hear a sound[L]. (Sounds are listed: T, S L, K, L and syllables: ta, su, lu, etc.)

8. The game "Feed the squirrel." The development of phonemic perception.

The squirrel walked around the clearing and found a plate of food. Lou is very hungry. Help the squirrel choose pictures with sound[L]- they will remain and the rest will disappear. (Slide number 6)

9. Physical Minute.

The squirrel is a little tired. Let's rest together.

Here is the squirrel charge. Do it in order.

Get up quickly and smile. Higher, higher stretch

Well, straighten your shoulders, raise and lower.

Turn left, turn right, touch your hands with your knees.

10. Playing with the "Collect flowers in vases" manual Formation of syllabic analysis skills

Find a letter

You learned how to pronounce the sound L correctly. He is very happy and wants to introduce you to his girlfriend with the letter L. You and I will go on a journey with them, we will perform various interesting tasks together. But where is the L?

Let's find the letters L among these letters and name them, and then circle the legs for all the letters L so that they can travel with us.

1 We remind you that the letter in the notebook is read as the sound [l], and not as the letter “el”.

Automation of the isolated sound L and fixing the graphic image of the letter L

Letters in disguise

Letter L likes to change into different clothes. She can be difficult to recognize. Let's try to recognize her in different outfits. Name all the letters L and underline them.


The letter L wants to tell you about his chatterbox girlfriends. They are talking all the time. In order to talk to them, try to remember their language.


You read three syllables to your child. The child needs to remember and repeat after the adult three syllables in a row in the same order. If the child can easily cope with this task, then invite him to memorize four syllables, as well as compose other syllables with these sounds.


Mom gave the letter L the task to write syllables with the letters A, U and E. But L mixed everything up and also wrote syllables with the letter O, that is, OL. Please help her correct her mistakes. Read all the syllables aloud and cross out all the OLs.


Automation of sound L in syllables


The letter L wants to treat you to delicious and ripe apples. But there are ripe and unripe apples on the apple tree. So that you are not mistaken, I collected only ripe apples, the letter L signed them. Read the syllables on the apples. Unripe apples are those on which the syllable AL is written. Circle them with a green pencil and add leaves to them, let them ripen. Circle the ripe apples (with the rest of the syllables) with a yellow pencil and draw arrows from them in basket.

Apples can be colored, as well as circular hatching of apples; ripe ones - from the middle to the edges, and unripe ones - from the edges to the middle, having previously discussed with the child where the edges are and where the middle is.

Automation of sound L in syllables


The letter L wants to treat you with milk. But she did not have time to wash everything glasses. I wrote the syllable LY on dirty L. The rest of the glasses are clean. Read the syllables and pour milk into clean glasses, and leave dirty glasses empty.

After the sound is obtained in words and phrases, count the glasses of milk. For example:one glass of milk, two glasses of milk etc. Explain to the child why you should not pour drinks into dirty glasses.

Automation of sound L in syllables

fix the garland

I% and Letter L decided to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. And what kind of tree I w without fairy lights? But in the garland, several light bulbs burned out. C^^e Let's help L find them. On burnt out light bulbs L at the end of a syllable. And on serviceable light bulbs L - at the beginning of the syllable. Read all the syllables. Burn out light bulbs. And light the serviceable light bulbs (color with a yellow pencil and draw rays from them).

В Light bulbs can be connected with a line to make a garland. You can talk with your child about where else, besides the Christmas tree, you can hang garlands.

Street L

L wants to build a street for his friends. On this street there can only be houses where pictures live, in the name of which there is a sound L. Name the pictures on all the houses. Circle the letter L only on those houses where pictures with the sound L live.

Show your child a real bowl, a violet and other items that he may not know. Invite the child to connect all the houses with the sound L with one line to make a street. Dictionary:ball, lily of the valley, bowl, acorns, akula, violet, bast shoes, llama, butterfly.

Automation of sound L in words

Room L

This is room L. Find objects in the room that have the sound L in their names. Name all these objects, and then color them.

Suggest to the child: look, are there such objects in our room? Dictionary:floor, ceiling, gladioli, table, chair, lamp, shelf, balls, basket, dress, tree, hanger, bicycle, apples, bowl, spatula, doll, spinning top, horse-rocking chair, saddle.

Automation of sound L in words

Riddles of sound L

In front of you rack L. First, name what is on the top shelf, then - on the bottom and at the end - on the rest. And now L will ask you questions. Try to answer them correctly.

What is between an apple and an onion?

What is to the left of the doll and above the apple?

What is under the bow and to the right of the spoon?

What is between the spatula and the hammer?

What is under the top and above the fork?

The child names the items on the shelves sequentially. Then you read the question to the child, highlighting the prepositions with intonation. Try to read slowly. The child listens attentively and names the correct object. Ask the child: how to call in one word what is on the top shelf? what's left on the shelf? The same with the rest of the shelves. Found items can be colored. Dictionary:spinning top, doll, spatula, notepad; apple, beetroot, onion, eggplant, fork,spoon, hammer, ladle; bun, sausage, milk, glass.

Automation of sound L in words

Friends of sound L

The L sound has two girlfriends. One - clean, another - dirty. At dirty all things are soiled. There is an L sound in the name of her clothes. Find her things, name them and draw spots on them so that you can find them and wash them.

The child must find all the things that have the sound L in their names, name them, draw “spots” on them. Try to explain to the child that it is not necessary to be like a dirty woman. Dictionary:tie, cap, cap, dress, bathrobe, scarf,sock, T-shirt, tights, blouse, T-shirt, skirt.

Automation of sound L in words

Game "Say the other way around"

L wants to play the game "Say the other way around" with you. L will call you pictures and tell you what they are, and you will have to say vice versa. For example: milk is hot and cold.

The wizard is good, but sometimes ... (evil). The wolf is full, but it happens ... (hungry). The horse is black, but it happens ... (white). The glass is empty, but it happens ... (full). Hair is dark, but there are ... (light). A person is elderly, but sometimes ... (young).

You read a part of the sentence to the child, highlighting its incompleteness with intonation, the child must find the picture and name the antonym. After the child names antonyms, the task needs to be changed. An adult asks a child: what is cold and hot? The child names the desired picture and paints it.

Automation of sound L in words


L's friends were visiting. The time has come to see them off, they came to railway station and forgot who was in which car. Help them sit in their seats. Put guests with the sound L at the beginning of the word in the first carriage, with the sound L in the middle of the word - in the middle carriage, with the sound L at the end of the word - in the last carriage. Draw an arrow from the passenger to the trailer in which he will ride.

Help the child name L's guests. Ask him to name the animals that L had visited, as well as insects and birds. Dictionary:donkey, swallow, flea, squirrel,bee, woodpecker, elephant, jackdaw, wolf, elk, bug, dove, horse.

Automation of sound L in words


L must help the clown get through labyrinth and collect the necessary items for a performance in the circus. Help the clown collect all the items and come to his lapdog. They will perform together. When you find an item, be sure to name it.

It is better if the children can follow with their eyes, but if this is difficult, then you can drive with a pen or finger. When the child fixes the correct pronunciation of the L sound in the phrase, talk to him again what the clown found. Answers must be in full sentences, for example: the clown found the jump rope.Dictionary:cap, balalaika, flag, globe, torch, jump rope, cracker, magnifier, dove,smile, sausage, broom.

Automation of sound L in words

Camping in the woods

L with friends in the forest. Look carefully at the left picture and name everything with the sound L. Now look at the right picture and say: what the children took with them and what they forgot in

Automation of sound L in words

The child needs to find in the left picture all the objects in the name of which there is a sound L, and name these objects. Then, looking at the right picture, you need to say which items are gone and which are left. Close the right picture with a piece of paper, ask the child to color in the left picture the items that the children left. Dictionary:bowler hat, tent, Christmas tree, elk, flame, sticks, spoon,fork, lily of the valley, burdock, saw, acorns, squirrel, woodpecker, hollow, scarf, dress.

Automation of sound L in words


Compose a letter with L to her grandmother. Pictures will help you with this. I'll start the sentence and you'll finish it.

The sorceress at the ball... what is she doing?

Crybaby in the room... what is he doing?

A raft on the water...?

Mila has a heel...?

Baby on the floor...?

Clown slyly...?

Chatterbox on the bench...?

At the ball, conjures ... who? Crying in the room...? Floating on water...? Mila broke down...? Crawling on the floor...? Slyly smiling...? Chatting on the bench...?

You read a sentence with incomplete intonation to the child, and the child completes it using words with the L sound. If the child calls the word without the L sound, the adult corrects it using words for reference. Dictionary:countblowing, crying, swimming, broken, crawling, smiling, chatting, witch, crybaby,raft, heel, kid, clown, talker.

Automation of sound L in words

Pick a picture

Name all the pictures in the boxes. Find a suitable picture, name it and place it in an empty box (draw an arrow from the picture to the box). Explain why you did it.

The child needs to name the pictures drawn in the windows, and then pick up the missing picture by analogy and draw an arrow from it into the empty window. Dictionary: elk, wolf, squirrel; shelf, table, chair; fork, ladle, spoon; martin,dove, flamingo; spinning top, doll, spatula.


L lost things. Please help me find them. Tell me where these things are, and tell me where to get them from. For example: scapula behind the doll, you need to take the shovel from behind the doll.

Invite the child to also name all the dishes, all toys; find and name the furniture in the picture. Dictionary:fork under the chair, pins in the box, ladleunder the table, a spinning top on a shelf, a spatula behind a doll, a glass on a shelf, pilaf in a bowl.

Automation of sound L in a phrase


The evil wizard stole the halves of the pictures with the sound L. Tell me, what halves of the objects did the magician steal? For example: half moon, half apple. Now draw the objects so that they become whole.

Dictionary:light bulb, Christmas tree, magnifier, spatula, bottle, apple, moon, bow, glass, whirlpool,shop.

Automation of sound L in a phrase


Guess the riddles L and color the pictures. Guess what I'm talking about?

Full... Cheerful... Broken... Silk... Warm... Ripe...

Read to your child the first word of the phrase with incomplete intonation. The child needs to choose the right word and name the whole phrase in full. Then you can change the task, ask: now remember: what kind of strawberry is? what is the bottle like? etc. Dictionary:full flacon, cheerful soldier, broken dump truck, silk blouse, warm sheepskin coat, spabarking strawberries.

Automation of sound L in a phrase

Colour pencils

L is arguing with his friends Alla and Mila about what colors to paint the pictures with. Alla has a blue pencil, and Mila has a yellow one. Reconcile them, tell them what needs to be painted yellow and what blue. Color the pencils for the girls, and then the pictures and tell us what Alla and Mila have. You need to answer like this: Alla has a blue bell.

The child names the picture and says what color this object can be, for example: These are waves, they are blue. Then - performs the task. Dictionary:tolittle bell, bee, eyes, dove, apple, waves, sun, sunflower, oil,ears.

Automation of sound L in a phrase

L has a familiar wizard. Today he did not get enough sleep and wrote a letter in which he confused everything. Help the magician correct the mistakes in the letter, and then find the right picture.


    Sky on the moon.

    Mom made beetroot from lettuce.

    Refrigerator in sausage.

    Head on the scarf.

    Kalach ate Slava.

    The apple squeezed the juice out of Mila.

    Waves float on the boat.

You read the wrong sentence to the child, the child tries to correct the mistake by ear. In case of difficulties, the child can find the picture and, relying on it, correct the mistake. For example:magician writes:"the sky on the moon"- what is the right way to say it?

Alsou(retelling of a descriptive story)

Listen to the story about Alsou - a friend of L. Remember what she is like. Color the picture and retell the story.

This is Alsu. Alsou has blue eyes, red lips and yellow hair. Alsou put on a white dress, white tights, blue beads, put on blue shoes and took a blue bag. Alsou has a ripe apple in her bag.

Read the story to your child twice in a row. First, the child needs to repeat the story in sentences, answering your questions, and then retell it.

Mila and the apple(retelling)

Listen to the story of Mila buying an apple for L.

This is Mila. She put on a scarlet dress and went to the store for an apple. Mila bought an apple. The apple was yellow, ripe and smelled delicious. Mila ate an apple. L did not get the apple, L was offended and cried.

Automation of sound L in connected speech

Salad (chain text)

L's friend got sick, she ate a cold salad. Listen to a story about this and, based on the pictures, try to retell it.

Mom made a salad. I put the salad in the fridge. Allah took him out of the refrigerator. Alla ate a cold salad. There was an empty salad bowl.

Read the story to the child. In order for him to retell the text, help him find the missing words to make a continuous chain of sentences.

Automation of sound L in connected speech

Klavina doll (chain text)

Listen to the story about Klava and her doll and, based on the pictures, try to retell it.

Clave bought a doll.

The doll was placed on the shelf.

The clown was already sitting on the shelf.

The clown smiled at Klava.

Klava admired the doll and the clown.

Automation of sound L in connected speech

Mila is visiting(chain text)

Mila went to visit village. Listen to a story about this and, based on the pictures, try to retell it.

Mila went to the village to visit Aunt Klava.

Aunt Klava had a horse.

Mila rode a horse.

For Mila, Aunt Klava bought a comfortable saddle.

1 Explain to the child the meaning of the words "village" and "saddle".

Automation of sound L in connected speech

Lazy Pavel(retelling from a series of pictures)

The sound L has a familiar boy Pavel. He is lazy. Loves sit in one's hands. Listen to the story about him and try to remember.

Pavel went outside and sat down on a bench. I sat on the bench and looked at the sun. It blew his head.

Pavel went home. Sat on a chair. Sat and looked at the ceiling. He sat on a chair, got up and sat on a rocking horse. I sat on the rocking chair and looked at the floor. I got up from the rocking chair, walked around, walked around and sat on the floor. On the floor and fell asleep.

So Paul all day long beat the buckets.

The adult expressively, slowly reads the text to the child twice, asks questions about the text. The child retells the text based on the pictures. An adult explains to the child the meaning of the phraseological units “sit back” and “beat the buckets”.

Automation of sound L in connected speech

Kitten Naughty(retelling from a series of pictures)

L visited his girlfriend Lada and drew pictures about it. Now he wants to tell you about his friends: Lada and her kitten. Try to remember this story. Be careful! L mixed up all the pictures. Please number them correctly and retell the story of L.

Lada had a cute kitten. He was white-pawed, white-fronted, white-tailed and very playful. Lada stroked the kitten and fed him milk from a blue bowl. When Lada sat down to learn the letter L, the kitten was naughty. He rolled the balls for knitting on the floor. Then the kitten got tired and went to bed on a soft warm bedding under the table.

Speech material for automating the sound "L".

Durneva Marina Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.
Target: automation of the sound "L" in the child's speech.

1. Work out the correct pronunciation of the sound "L" in speech with the help of poems and tongue twisters.
2. Improve the rhythmic-intonation side of speech.
3. Increase speech activity.
4. Optimize the emotional background, improve mood.

Description: Dear colleagues, I continue to publish a collection of tongue twisters and poems to automate sounds in a child’s speech, which I use in speech therapy work with children. This time let me present to your attention a speech material aimed at automating the sound "L". These tongue twisters can be used as an element of a thematic lesson during dynamic pauses or as a separate sound pronunciation lesson. My children with great interest and pleasure pronounce these rhymes, memorize them. And then we organize a competition "Readers" on this material. The winner is the one who recites the poem and pronounces all the sounds correctly. This work will be useful to speech therapists, educators, parents.

Automation solid sound "L"
I use these tongue twisters at 2 stages of work on sound pronunciation.
The first time I use them at the stage of automating the sound "L" in syllables. The work is carried out as follows: an adult reads the text itself, and the child pronounces only syllables (the "Echo" game).
For example: an adult - "It's warm outside", a child - "Lo-lo-lo"
Thus, in a fun way, you can pronounce syllables of various configurations for quite a long time and the child does not get bored. Also, in the process of repeatedly pronouncing a tongue twister, the child remembers it and then can tell it at a reading competition.
The second time I use the same tongue-twisters is when there is an automation of sound in speech. First, I use tongue twisters, because they are already familiar to the child. Only now the child speaks the whole tongue-twister. The second option is the competition "Readers" - 2-3 children who pronounce this sound well compete in reading tongue twisters. Even at this stage we are playing the game "Who is faster?" - 2-3 children are also taken, I call some syllable, for example, "LA", and the child must remember and say a pure tongue to this syllable. Whoever says it first will get a token. At the end of the game, the winner is determined by the number of tokens. Both in the first and in the second game, it is important not only to tell the tongue twister, but most importantly to pronounce the sound correctly.
Here is some of them.
La-la-la - Mila is crying at the table.
Lu-lu-lu - I'll take the broom.
Ly-ly-ly - washed the floors.
La-la-la - I went home.
Lo-lo-lo - how light it is outside.
Lu-lu-lu - glass fragments on the floor.
lu-lu-lu - a horse gallops through the village.
Ly-ly-ly - these shoes are small for me.
Lo-lo-lo - the ball hit the glass.
La-la-la - a cloud passed by.
Lo-lo-lo - make a blanket.
Lo-lo-lo - below the river and the village.
Il-il-il - Oleg broke the glass.
Yl-yl-yl - the broth in the boiler has cooled down.
Il-il-il - the moose bought a lamp.
Ate-ate-ate - the woodpecker flew away.
Ol-ol-ol - there is a table in the corner.
Al-al-al - I got a pencil case.
Il-il-il - Mikhail took the notebook.
Al-al-al - rides, rides a dump truck.
Ol-ol-ol - Volodya went to school.
Il-il-il - Danil swept the carpet.
Ala-ala-ala - the little one ran.
Lat-lat-lat - We will buy Anya a bathrobe.
Alka-alka-alka is the word jackdaw.
Ula-ula-ula - I say shark.
Ilka-ilka-ilka - there was a fork on the table.
Lok-lok-lok - whitewashed the ceiling.
Ela-ela-ela - the swallow sang.

And here are a few rhymes

La-la-la - here is a rock.
Lu-lu-lu - climb the rock.
Lo-lo-lo - oh, where have we come!
Ly-ly-ly - how do we get off the cliff?

Ol-ol-ol - I love football.
Al-al-al - the ball hit the window.
Il-il-il - that's how he scored a goal!
Al-al-al - my dad punished me.
Ul-ul-ul - put him in the corner on a chair.
Alka-alka-alka - I feel very sorry for myself.

Al-al-al - we will have a ball.
Ol-ol-ol - in the hall it is necessary to wash the floor.
Ol-ol-ol - we put a table in the hall.
Ul-ul-ul - put a chair at the table.
Al-al-al - here come the guests into the hall.
Al-al-al - Leonid broke the glass.
Lu-lu-lu - fragments lie on the floor.
Ly-ly-ly - you need to sweep the floors.
Al-al-al - oh, what a fun ball!

Il-il-il - a giant lived in a cave.
Yl-yl-yl - he was very big.
Al-al-al - the suit became small for him.
Ol-ol-ol - and he went to the tailor.
ate-ate-ate - the tailor managed to sew a suit.

At the stage of sound automation after tongue twisters, I use verses in which the sound "L" is often found. On this material, then the contest "Readers" is held. Here is some of them.

I took my father's saw.
I saw a stick with a saw.

Lusha did not go to school,
Lusha was half a year old.

There was a ball under the table.
The cat took out the ball with its paw.

Flycatcher catches a fly.
He is good at catching flies.

A husky barked behind a distant village,
Laika heard the kid outside the window:
- Dear husky, don't bark anymore,
Barking your baby do not scare.

The cat is a rascal, a rascal.
The cat grabbed the mouse with its paw.
It was bad in the paws of the mouse,
She ran away from the bastard.

I saw a jackdaw
Rope on the floor.
I wanted to jump
She just couldn't.

There is a full moon in the sky.
A wave follows a wave.
In catch-up under the moon
Do not catch up with the wave of the wave.

Automation soft sound "L"

Work on the automation of the soft sound "L" is carried out in the same sequence as with the hard sound. Therefore, I offer you only speech material.

Li-li-li - we found raspberries.
La-la-la is a round earth.
Le-le-le - tape on the table.
Lu-lu-lu - I'm sculpting a fox.
Li-li-li - ships were buzzing to us.
Lu-lu-lu - dumplings I salt.
Lu-lu-lu - I love raspberries.
El-el-el-el - I drink cranberry jelly.
Al-al-al - get a medal.
Ol-ol-ol - this figure is zero.
Spruce-spruce-spruce - I pour water under the spruce.
Ol-ol-ol - we buy salt with mom.
El-el-el-el - Kolya made a bed.
Spruce-spruce-spruce - striped thick bumblebee.
Ali-ali-ali - Lyuba was given a lily of the valley.
El-el-el - Pavel went to bed.
Olya-olya-la - Kolya chopped the log.
Ling-ling-ling - a peacock is coming towards us.
Either-or-or - they made a snow woman.

The lioness loves, the lion loves,
Lion cubs love snapdragons.
Like lions, flowers yawn.
They are watered from a watering can.

If you saw a moth
On your favorite shawl
Then perhaps your shawl
After the moth it will be a pity.

Ghouls-ghouls, ghouls-ghouls.
Pigeons put on shoes.
They danced on the balcony
Bread and butter were pecked.
The shoes fell off the paws.
Shu! The doves flew.

At the little Valenka
Little boots.
At the big Lesha
More boots.

blue cornflowers
Longing for summer days.
Appeared from the earth
And bloomed in July.

The heron pecked at the cranberries,
The cranberry in the beak has become sour.
- No, I don't like cranberries.
I will catch frogs.

Julia fell ill at midnight.
Mom gave her pills.
Oh, unsweetened pills
Julia did not take pills.

Green leaf on the maple.
He waved the paper to Alena.
Like a little handkerchief
There was a green leaf.

Organize audio automation in the form of play sessions. Classes in duration should take 15 - 20 minutes for children under 4.5 years old, older - 30 minutes. Don't let your baby get tired.

The sound l is pronounced for a long time and only with a motionless tongue. When the tongue breaks away from the alveoli, a vowel is produced.

Before proceeding with automation, the child must learn how to pronounce the isolated sound correctly.

Lu - ly - ly - lo

ly - lu - lo - la
la - ly - lu - lo
ly - la - lo - lu

al - ol - st - yl
yal - yul - yul - il - ate
al - yal - ol - yol

La: laz, lacquer, paw, whirligig, ash, led, affairs, lived, small, saw, shop, lamp, fist, kalach, salad, dressing gown, rock, diver, tent, pin, swallow, lily of the valley, Mila, lived, sang, washed, blew, ran, saw, offended, dressed, school, noodles, ate, avalanche, wrote, read, threw, wore, drove, drove.

Lo: forehead, crowbar, elk, boat, spoon, elbow, horse, stocking, swamp, galoshes, well, Volodya, hungry, cold, breakdown.

Lu, ly: bow, beam, puddle, Lusha, hole, yulu, ash, saw, sheepskin coat, beluga, naughty, bulb, bast, skis, oxen, tables, baby, wormwood, smile, skier, cobblestone, Luka, moon, meadow, lawn, basket, dove, acorn, deck, cabbage rolls, receive, pitchfork, scarlet, white, lethargic, cute, whole, bold, ripe, dull, bees, glasses, canals, pencil cases, collapses, stations, vacations, kids, blazes.

Al: ball, shaft, gave, sting, hall, small, jackdaw, stick, rolling pin, violet, slept, fell, tired, glass, channel, dug, wrote, pencil case, collapse, station, knocked, metal, tie, diamond, alphabet, halva, marshal, sage, balcony, gave out, fell out, fell, dripped, poured, stomped, felt, kicked out.

Ol: ox, goal, stake, floor, table, debt, wolf, hill, long, shelf, full, lightning, noon, prick, cover, goldfinch, football.

Street: hum, blew, chair, aul, bun, boom, blew, put on shoes, yawned, pulled, fell asleep, whispered, shook, pinched, pulled out, threw, stuck in, arched, blew, hit, muscle, stockings, volcano.

Yl: whined, was, howled, washed, washed, forgot, howled, ardent, bottle.

Yal: crumpled, removed, took, soldered, calmed, stood, drove, withered, occupied, changed, understood, raised, was afraid, laughed, winnowed, sowed, melted, winnower, seeder.

Yol: led, walked, silk, fir tree, heifer, bangs, bee, donkey, goat, cauldron, new settler, click, panicle.

Ate: ate, chalk, sang, sat down, dressed, knew how, buzzed, hung, managed, wanted, sat, hissed, rustled, whistled, squirrel, finely, knot, saw, brought out, went out, offended, hated, Pavel, woodpecker, ashes.

IL: beat, dear, Nil, watered, Mikhail, scored, drove, drove, mowed, bought, wore, taught, planted, visited, dragged, fork, vein, file, drinker, mower, stretcher, learned, knocked out, drank, landed, pulled out, released, jumped out.

"Difficult" words with two sounds l :
barked, swam, pricked, weeded, sent, ground, did, lapped, climbed, caressed, stroked, swam, fixed, weakened, caught, broke, swallowed, pampered, bell, pounded, threshed, reported, laid, kissed, burst, listened, served, heard, received, smiled.

Words with consonants:
give thanks, eyes, smooth, burned, cereal, Klava, class, pantry, flame, swim, record, plastic, patch, handkerchief, Glory, sweet, weak, get off, send, flag, bottle, went, came out, block, globe, shred, raft, seal, square, elephant, oar, word, complex, fleet, clap, cotton, blouse, heel, stupid, club, flower bed, ball, strawberry, plow, hearing, listen, occasion, serve, merit, lumps, angry, fangs, swim, hear, boilers, whip.

Mila ate a salad.
Lusha took the shovel.
The swallow made a nest.
Mom made milk noodles.
Mila washed her hands.
There are burdocks and wormwood around the tents.
Winter came.
Get your skis and sleds ready. Lusha weeded onions and beets.
Mila saw an elephant.
Glory goes to the pantry for oars.
The water in the deep well is cold.
There are ripe and sweet apples in the shop.
Volodya is a brave swimmer and is not afraid of the deep.
Klava put a white scarf over her head.

Pick up pictures: shovel, boat, soap, doll. Start a sentence, and the child will complete the picture, then repeat the whole sentence.

Uncle Luka is digging a flower bed (with a shovel).
Volodya and Slava are sailing on a (boat).
Klava washed her palms (with soap).
The dog took the doll (doll) to the closet.
Volodya rode (on a bicycle).
Michael looked at (globe).
Pavel was catching (dove).
Pavel sat down at (the table).

Uncle Mikhail watered the horse.
Grandpa Nile caught a swarm of bees.
Pavel caught a jackdaw.
My brother went to football.
Vova put the bottle on the shelf.
Dad bought a tree.
The chair fell to the floor and I got scared.
Pavel saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree.
Mikhail played football and scored a goal.
Uncle Neal tied his tie and went out.
Father went to the station.

The dog was barking in the yard.
A raft floated on the river.
The kitten was drinking milk.
Pavel smoothed his hair.
Neil received a letter from Michael.
Neal ironed the towel and handkerchiefs himself.
I found and put a lot of worms in a jar.
My father served in the Navy and sailed on a submarine.
The soldier reported that he had completed the task.
Petya broke, and then fixed the bike.
Volodya forgot where he put the pencil case.
In the yard the dog barked and fell silent.
The cat caught the mouse, but did not catch it - the mouse ran away.
Stake near the table, table near the stake.
Here is a cheerful bun rolled like a ball.

A white blanket covered the earth.
The sun was hot, the blanket was leaking.

Whipped on the ears, whipped on the cheeks,
he tore off his hat and ... fled.

Doll Mila.

Mom bought Lusha a doll. Lusha liked the doll. Blue eyes, blond hair, white dress, white shoes. Lusha named the doll Mila. The doll is very cute. Lusha was with Mila for whole days. She dressed and dressed her. She washed her hair and combed her hair. She put the doll to sleep and cradled it. Lusha took care of the doll. Once Lusha put the doll to sleep. Mom called Lusha to dinner, and the dog took the doll away. She carried the doll and ruined it. Lusha cried, but did not leave the doll. Then my mother bought the same doll. Secretly exchanged, and Lusha did not guess.

Our cat loves to sleep. So he entered and went under the bench. He stretched out, covered himself with his paw and fell asleep. Slept well. The cat got up, yawned and stretched. And then he began to wash.

Volodya wanted to fish. He knew the places where the roach is caught. Volodya took the boat and swam. It was sunny and warm. Volodya did not swim for long. Stopped near the pool. He took out a rod and began to fish. There were all sorts of fish, both small and large. Having caught a lot of roach, Volodya reeled in the line. Pushed the boat and swam home.

Learn the poems by heart.

Everything is white, white, white. There has been a lot of snow.
Here are the fun days! Everyone is skiing and skating!

Tin soldier lived. He sang, joked and did not grieve.
He fought, did not get tired. And he fell, and he got up.
And he always remembered his soldier family in battle.
Where he was for everyone, and everyone stood for him! (V. Aushev)

Christmas tree.
The Christmas tree was crying at first from the warmth of the house.
In the morning she stopped crying, breathed, came to life. (S. Marshak)

White color.
White snow, white chalk, white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white, it was not even white. (I. Tokmakova)

The hare is white.
White hare, white hare, where did you run after the bast?
The white hare answered: - I did not run, I jumped.

Elena Ladygina
Isolated sound automation lesson [l]

Topic: Sound [l].


automate isolated sound [l].

Main goals:

Correctional and educational:

Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the isolated sound [l];

Activate vocabulary on the topic: "Animals".


Improve phonemic processes;

Develop speech breathing;

Develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills;

Improve spatial orientation.

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate self-control during the pronunciation of a sound;

Cultivate perseverance.

Lesson type:


Stage of work:

sound automation.

Organizational form of holding:


Child's age:


individual mirror, lily of the valley flower (for example, made of colored paper, Lada doll, toy animals: squirrel, elk, elephant, horse, donkey, flamingo (or pictures with their image).

Linguistic material:

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

2) Finger gymnastics "Squirrels came out to play."

4) The game "The plane is buzzing."

4. Continuation of the main correctional and speech therapy work:

1) The game "Find the sound [l]".

5. Summary of the lesson.

6. Used literature.

The course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

There is a Lada doll in the speech pathologist's office.

Teacher speech therapist:

Look who came to visit us. This is a doll. Her name is Lada. The Lada doll has a misfortune: she cannot speak the sound [l]. She really wants to learn how to pronounce this sound correctly. How do you think why? (Because her name begins with this sound) Let's teach the Lada doll to pronounce the sound [l] correctly.

Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

2. Main correctional and speech therapy work:

1) Articulation gymnastics.

Teacher speech therapist:

To make speech beautiful and clear, you need to stretch the pronunciation organs (articulation apparatus).

Let's teach the Lada doll to perform articulation gymnastics.

Repeating previously worked out articulation exercises “Smile”, “Proboscis”, “Needle”, “Watch”, “Punish a naughty tongue” in front of a mirror.

2) Finger gymnastics “Squirrels came out to play” (development of fine motor skills).

Teacher speech therapist:

Let's teach Lada doll to do finger gymnastics.

One, two, three, four, five - We bend the fingers of the right hand, starting with the thumb.

The squirrels came out to play. Rhythmic clenching of fingers into a fist and unclenching them.

One got lost somewhere - We bend the fingers of the right hand, starting with the little finger.

Four squirrels left.

Now, take a look

There are only three of them left.

Well well! What a pity,

We only have two left.

This news is so sad

There was only one white.

Then gymnastics is performed on the left hand.

3) Breathing exercises "Lily of the valley".

Teacher speech therapist:

Guess a riddle.

white bells

In my garden

On a green stem

Hiding in the shade.

Answer: lily of the valley

Speech therapist teacher (gives a child a flower - lily of the valley):

Let's teach the Lada doll to do breathing exercises.

Take a flower in your right hand - lily of the valley. Hold it at the level of your nose - mouth. Inhale the fragrance of the flower through your nose and hold your breath for 3 seconds. Exhale through your mouth on the lily of the valley so that its bells move. Follow: so that when you inhale your shoulders do not rise, when you exhale, your cheeks do not puff out.

4) The game "The plane is buzzing" (to automate isolated sound [l]).

Teacher speech therapist:

And now let's play with the doll Lada in the game "The plane is buzzing."

The mouth is open. Pinch the tip of the tongue between the front upper and lower teeth. In this position, pronounce a continuous sound [l] (as if an airplane is buzzing): llll .... Exercise to perform several times.

3. Dynamic pause "The elephant shakes its head."

Teacher speech therapist:

Let's play with the doll Lada (performs movements and pronounces words, the child repeats after the teacher both movements and words):

One, two, three - forward tilt,

One, two, three - now back. Tilts forward, backward.

Elephant shakes its head

He is happy to do exercises. Chin to chest, then tilt your head back.

Although the charge is short,

We rested a bit. The child sits at the table.

4. Continuation of the main correctional and speech therapy work.

1) The game "Find the sound [l]".

Teacher speech therapist:

Look, the Lada doll did not come to us alone.

The speech therapist teacher puts toy animals on the table: a squirrel, an elk, an elephant, a horse, a donkey, a flamingo (or lays out pictures of these animals in front of the child).

Teacher speech therapist:

Let's play with our guests.

Task: divide the guests (animals) into three groups. In one - animals whose name begins with the sound [l] (moose, horse, in the second - animals in whose name the sound [l] is in the middle of the word (squirrel, elephant, flamingo), in the third - animals whose name ends with the sound [l] (donkey).

Well done, you correctly distributed the animals.

2) The game "Clap if you hear the sound [l]."

Teacher speech therapist:

Let's play the game "Clap if you hear the sound [l]." I will make various sounds, and you listen carefully. If you hear the sound [l], clap your hands.

- [r], [l], [r,], [l,], [m,], [n,], [l], [m], [n], [r], [l,], [l], [n,], [l], [m,], [l,].

Well done. You have completed the task.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Teacher speech therapist:

Name a sound that you often heard in class? (sound [l])

It's time for our guests to go home. Say goodbye to them. Let's hope that the Lada doll will correctly pronounce not only the sound [l], but also all other sounds.


1. Agranovich Z. E. A collection of homework for overcoming the underdevelopment of the phonemic side of speech in older preschoolers. To help speech therapists and parents. SPb., 2007.

2. Baskakina I. V., Lynskaya M. I. Adventures L. Logopedic games. – M. : Iris-press, 2013.

3. Zhukova N. S. Lessons of a speech therapist: correction of speech disorders. – M. : Eksmo, 2013.

4. Iskhanova S. V. Game therapy in speech therapy: articulation transformations. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2013.

5. Kiriy Anna. Speech therapy games for kids. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2014.

6. Konovalenko V. V., Konovalenko S. V., Kremenetskaya M. I. Individual-subgroup work on the correction of sound pronunciation. - M .: Publishing house GNOM, 2012.