Tasks for literacy and reading for preschoolers in pictures. Open literacy lesson "Consonants, letters f, f" Assignments with the letter f

Theme: Sound and [f], [f '] and the letter F, f

Target: acquaintance with new sounds [f], [f '] and letters F, f. Develop phonemic hearing, work on three units of speech: sound, word, sentence. Learn to hear new sounds in speech, highlight them in words. To consolidate the ability to give characteristics of sounds; develop memory, thinking, speech, imagination.

To enrich the vocabulary of students, to develop oral speech.Teach conscious, correct, fluent reading.To cultivate collectivism, a sense of mutual assistance, respect for each other.

Equipment multimedia installation, table "Sounds of speech", "sounds" not colored, cards for crossing out letters, colored thread, emoticons, signal cards, cash registers of letters and alphabet, word scheme

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.

A cheerful bell rang.

We are ready to start the lesson!

Let's listen, discuss

And help each other.

Raise the emoji (my mood)

To make our lesson interesting, we learned a lot, let the motto of our lesson be the words: “If you know how, teach another.”

(slide 2)

  1. Working on learned material.

The game "Tell me a word."

Our speech consists of .... (of sentences).

Sounds are ... (vowels and consonants).

When pronouncing a consonant sound ... (the air in the mouth meets an obstacle).

Consonant sounds are ... (voiced and voiced, hard and soft).

There are vowels .... (stressed and unstressed).

The letters e, e, u, i ... (can represent 2 sounds).

Sounds [g], [w], [c] - always ... (solid).

Sounds [th '], [h '], [u '] - always ... (soft).

Names, surnames, nicknames, cities ... (everything is always capitalized).

III. mobilization phase.

- Today our lesson will be a little unusual. If you can guess from the description who we are talking about, you will find out who will be the guest in our lesson.

(slide 3)

hat cloak smile tailcoat Magic wand


Guys, you guessed who is in a hurry to our lesson?


And now? How else can it be called? (magician, sorcerer, illusionist, wizard).

Where can you see a magician and what does he do?

IV. Introduction to a new topic. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson by students.

Our guest - a magician - did not accidentally come to our class. He knows that today we will learn a new letter and decided to help us. To do this, he brought with him various tasks.

Look at the pictures the magician brought us.

(slide 5):

Scarf flag phone lantern candy

If you determine what the same sounds are in these words, you will know the topic of our lesson.

Who guessed what sounds will be discussed in the lesson? (About sounds [f], [f '])

Try, based on the topic of the lesson and the key words, to formulate the objectives of our lesson.

Meet to …..

Learn to distinguish....

(children's guesses)

(slide 6)

That's right, we must get acquainted with the sounds [f], [f '] and the letter that denotes them. We will learn to distinguish these sounds and letters from other sounds and letters, learn to read syllables and words with a new letter.

V. Acquaintance with sounds.

1. Work on variants (research of sounds).

1 in. - Find among the given words words with the sound [f], explore them and characterize this sound ( candy, lantern).

2 in. - Explore words with the sound [f '] and give it a description.

First, they name words with the sound [f], which occurs only at the beginning of the word, and then they give a description.

Sound [f] - consonant, deaf, hard.

Similarly with the sound [f '].

Sound [f '] - consonant, deaf, soft.

3. Let's "dress" in pairs "sound" (coloring). Remember everything the guys said.

Examination. How did you color the slippers? Which hat did you choose?

Choice of three sounders you need.

Conclusion. Sounds [f], [f '] - consonants, deaf, [f], - tv., [f '] - soft.

(slide 7)

VI. Introduction to a new letter.

1. Letter recognition exercises.

- We are familiar with sounds. What do you need to know now?

Group work.

Choose from the proposed letters the letter that denotes the sounds [f], [f ']. Circle her.

Who knows what it's called? ("ef"). What word did you meet?

Let's find this letter in the alphabet.(1 student points at the blackboard, while others in pairs find their alphabets in place). Name her neighbors.

Write this letter on the sounders. (I expose a picture with the image of the letters F, f).

What does she look like? Try to lay out this letter from the threads.

- What is the capital letter F for?

What name can our magician have? (Fedya, Foma, Philip, Filka).

Listen to poems about the letter F.

(slides 8, 9)

Owl - two huge eyes -

The letter F will remind you immediately,

The pop-eyed aims the look,

Like a camera.

Fedya walks hands to hips,

So learned the lessons

Let's stand up and draw this letter.

2. An exercise in concentration.

Let's practice recognizing a new letter among other letters.

The magician has prepared a surprise for you. He hid the new letter among the other letters. Your task is to find it, cross it out and count how many times it has met, indicate this number on the back. Who will be the first to complete this task? We started.


Mutual verification.

Who didn't make mistakes? Well done, you were very attentive.

How many times did she meet? (5)

3. Determination of the place of the letter F in the city of Bukvarii.

Who guessed where we will settle a new letter in the city of Bukvaria? In what house? We pronounce these sounds in pairs.

(Opposite the letter B, since the new letter denotes a paired deaf consonant).

(slide 10)


The magician wants to test your attention. Very often children confuse sounds

[c] and [f], as they are paired in sonority and deafness. Let's play with the magician in the game "Voiced - deaf."

If the word has sounds [f], [f '], then we clap, if not, we squat.

Branch, light, Fedya, sweater, owl, bouncer, sweatshirt, factory, willow, traffic light, firm, wagon.

VII. Reading syllables and words with a new letter.

1. The magician came to us with his magic chest. He handed me the magic wand. Follow the movement of the wand. One, two, three - oh, a sign appeared.

(slide 11)

fa af raf tailcoat

foo uf fla fairy

fe ef phys focus

fi if fru driver

fo of fot finish

föf fab flag

ff ff fries factory


Reading the syllables of the 1st column aloud.

2 column joyfully, inquiringly.

3 column with tasks.

Read the syllables that fit this fusion syllable (with soft consonants).

Read the words of the 4th column on your own.

Reading in chorus of the words of the 4th column.

What words have a soft consonant sound [f ']? (fairy, driver, finish).

List two-syllable words.

List three syllable words.

What rule did you use to determine this? (chorus check)

What words does the scheme fit: (finish)

How many letters are in this word? What about sounds? Why? Prove it.

(word scheme on the board)

2. Formation of words and sentences.

Guys let's trymake a proposal for a magician.. (The magician in the circus showed interesting tricks. Etc.).

(slide 12)

Tricks with words.

(gloom - tailcoat, bowl - pussy, stick - jackdaw, candy wrapper - bow)

4. Working with the textbook (p. 196)

Let's please the magician with our reading.

Read on your own a poem by V. Berestov about a magician and his tricks.

Content conversation.

What trick did he show? (The torch turned into a bouquet)

Who will jump out of the bouquet?

So is it a trick or a miracle?

VIII. Check of knowledge.

The magician wants to test your knowledge gained in this lesson, and since he loves everything with the letter “F”, he plays the game “I believe - I don’t believe” with you (If you agree, we say believe, show green, if you don’t agree, say do not believe, show red color).

1. The letter "F" denotes a vowel sound. - Which one then? Why?

2. The sound [f] is deaf.

3. The letter "F" can denote both hard and soft sound.

4. In the word dates, the letter "f" denotes a solid sound.

5. In the word sweatshirtonly one "f".

IX. The conclusion of the lesson, reflection.

What letter are you familiar with?

What sounds does it represent?

The magician made sure that you have mastered the topic of the lesson, you can work together and acquire new knowledge.

- Well done boys! You did a good job in class. I am glad that today you have tried especially carefully to listen to each other's answers, not to repeat the answers of your comrades, and have thought and analyzed well. Did you like how we worked today? What did you especially like?

- Whoever finishes the lesson in a good mood, raise your emoticons up.

, EMC "School of Russia"

Lesson Objectives:


  • introduce students to the letter F, and the sounds that it stands for;
  • teach children to distinguish sounds [f], [f "];
  • read syllables and words with a given letter.


  • develop phonemic hearing, thinking, mental operations, motor skills, enrich students' vocabulary.

Educational tasks:

  • to instill a love for reading, for a book;
  • generate cognitive interest;
  • educate the ability to listen, take into account the opinions of others;
  • learn to work in pairs, groups, together;
  • cultivate a sense of pride in the motherland.

Lesson type: introduction to a new letter


  • Audio recording of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino";
  • Drawings with objects, sea waves, Matroskin's cat, boats;
  • Letter constructors and letter drawings;
  • Signal cards 2 colors;
  • Individual cards;
  • Individual mirrors.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

We were expecting guests today
And greeted with excitement.
Are we good at:
And read and answer?
Don't judge too harshly
After all, we learned a little !

Today we have many guests and, as hospitable hosts, we will first show them attention. Turn to the guests, greet them. And now you can sit quietly.

Psychological attitude

- Thanks guys! Let's hope that the mood of our guests has improved, and they will be happy to watch our work and rejoice at your success.

We are friendly!

We are smart!

We are careful!

We are diligent!

In 1st grade we learn

Everything will work out for us.

  • Do you recognize this hero?
  • What cartoon is he from?

Why do you think the cat has such a surname?

Our lesson will be devoted to everything related to the sea. If we are attentive, diligent, we will help Matroskin to learn something new.

III. Mobilizing stage

Frame 4

Pictures are shown that depict objects with the letter F. (Flag, fruit, owl, flamingo, briefcase, giraffe, shoes).

Name the items in the pictures. Remember them well.

I change places.

Name what came first.

Frame 6. Check .

What unites these words?

IV. Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson

State the topic and purpose of our lesson.

(The topic of the lesson is “The letter F and the sounds that it stands for”)

Lesson Objectives:

Meet to…

Cat Matroskin went on a trip on a Russian ship?

But how can you guess that the ship is Russian?

Flag image. Consider it.

What are the colors of our flag? What do they stand for?

The flag of Russia has three colors: ( White - peace, purity; Blue - faith, loyalty to the Motherland; Red - energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland.)

V. Introduction to new sounds

Say the first sound in the word flag.

Work with individual mirrors.

Describe the sound [ f]. (Consonant, deaf, hard.)

Seeing such a beautiful ship, dolphins joyfully appeared on the crest of the wave.

Divide the word dolphin into syllables. Say the second syllable. Select the first sound in the syllable.

Describe the sound [ f"].

(Consonant, deaf, soft.)

VI. Fizminutka

Together with Matroskin we will swim with you. If you hear a hard sound [ f], then you float like on a boat, rowing with oars, if you hear a soft sound [ f "], then release the oars and rest.

I name the words: telegraph, surname, cap, owl, briefcase, dates, profession, fakir, focus, violet, fleet

VII. Introduction to a new letter

Find a new letter.

(The letter is attached in the class in various places along with other letters.)

Stand up, draw the letter F.

What does the letter F look like?

Reading poems about the letter f.

With this letter on my nose
The eagle owl is hiding in the forest.

1) Task in groups.

Whoever has a yellow card, they complete the task of the 1st group, who has a green card, they perform the task of the 2nd group.

Group 1 - letter constructor. Design the letter F.

Group 2 - plucking the letter F on leaves of different colors: blue and green. Why different colors?

Where do we put our letter?

2) Work on cards in groups:

Group 1 - task 5.

Find and underline the letters f, f


Group 2 - task 6

Find words with the letter F and underline with a pencil.




3) Work in pairs

Find the letter F with your eyes closed by feeling.

Get to know the F.

VIII. Reading syllables with a new letter

Reading from top to bottom, from right to left, adding the letters K and H.

With different intonation, singing.

Why are syllables divided into 2 groups?

Frame 11 Complete the syllables to the word.

Frame 12 Check.

IX. Guess riddles, learn a new word

Flying all night
Gets mice.
And it will become light
Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl)

tail fluffy,
The fur is golden.
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

He builds a house on the rock.
He is not afraid to live in it.
Two mighty wings
At the owner (eagle)

I am mustachioed, striped
I don't like fun games.
Guess. Who am I? (Tiger)

What word came out?

Revealing the meaning of the word fleet.

X. Illustration Talk

Looking at the illustration on page 194

What do you see in the picture? (Ships, ships.)

How can you call ships, steamships in one word? (Sud.)

What can be said about them? ( Some modern, some old.)

Each ship has its own flag. The Russian fleet sails under the Andreevsky flag.

Find the Russian ships in the picture. Why do you think so?

(They feature the Russian flag.)

XI. Name the types of ships

Liner, boat, submarine, sailing ship, icebreaker, cruiser.

XII. Fizminutka. Visual gymnastics

I suggest you take an imaginary walk along the sea on a frigate.

Close your eyes (1-2-3).

Squint them (1-2-3).

Blink quickly (1-2-3).

Close your eyes (1-2-3).

Imagine yourself on the deck of a frigate. Light breeze blowing. Waves gently lap against the side of the ship. The vast expanses of the sea open before you.

We slowly open our eyes - and now we are ready for the final test.

We have read the syllables. What task can we do next?

Frame 15 Read the words on the screen.

What words are not clear?

What words can be attributed to the marine theme?
(Telegraph, photograph, flag, fleet.)

What tasks can we do with these words?

Divide into groups according to different criteria.

Find the given words in the class.

(Cards with words in different places are attached.)

Reading a poem by a well-read student.

Choral reading.

Group work.

Reading is independent.

Find words with the letter F.

Are there such words?

XIII. Reflection

Our lesson is coming to an end. Let's tell the cat Matroskin what we learned in the lesson today

Frame 17

I remembered


Frame 18. Test yourself.

You have boats on your desks. You need to place them on a high or low crest of a wave.

If you learned something new in the lesson, learned something, and the lesson was interesting for you, put your boat on a high crest of a wave.

If someone thinks that he has not mastered the material enough, let him put his boat on the low crest of the wave. The students put the boats on the board.

Frame 19. I thank you for your work. Whoever wants to do their homework, take the card that Matroskin prepared for you. (See Appendix 1)


  1. Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A. and others. Russian alphabet: Textbook for grade 1. M.: “Enlightenment” - 2007.
  2. Izvekova N.A., Suryaninova N.S. The world around. M .: “Enlightenment” - 1985
  3. Raevsky Yu.V. Fun alphabet for preschoolers. – 1994
  4. What. Who is: In 3 vols. Vol. 2 - 4th edition. M.: Pedagogy - Press, 2001

Attachment 1

Take a blue or blue pencil and paint over all parts of the drawing where the letter “F” or “f” is shown.

Today we will start our online lesson with something very, very useful and very, very tasty! And, of course, we will get acquainted with new sounds and letters. Shall we start?...

Name it in one word: pear, apple, apricot, kiwi, peach, ... That's right, these are fruits. Continue the series....

Fruit(lat. fructus - fetus) - juicy edible fruit of a tree or shrub.

Fruits are a necessary part of a healthy diet, as they contain various vitamins needed by the body.

What do you know about fruits?

And you know that….

There are 7500 varieties in the world apples. And the peel of an apple contains much more useful substances than in the pulp.

AT kiwi, it is also called "Chinese gooseberry", unlike citrus fruits, the largest amount of vitamin C.

Banana is the fruit of a herbaceous plant.

Such a sour fruit lemon contains more sugar than sweet strawberries.

pumpkin, melon and watermelon are berries.

In Japan, they learned to grow watermelons and cubic melons. Such berries are convenient to transport.

In the European Union, fruits are considered: carrots, tomatoes, rhubarb, cucumbers , sweet potato, ginger, pumpkin . They even make jams and preserves.

We are accustomed to think that strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries are berries. But according to botany (the science of plants), berries are NOT.

A berry is a fruit. And grapes, avocado, eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes scientifically, they are also berries.

Avocado sometimes referred to as the "ideal" fruit because it contains virtually all the required vitamins and minerals.

You can learn about the most unusual fruits.

Why did you decide to talk about fruits today? Because our new sound is the first sound in the word fruit. Speak the sound. What is he? Does the sound have [f] soft friend? Prove it.

1. Repeat words : "Faya", "Faina", "wrapper", "surname", "flashlight", "fountain", "myth", "telephone", "snort", "pheasant". 2. "Who is attentive?"

  • Find the same sound in the words: apron, camera, flashlight, flag.
  • Guess the boy's name by the first sounds of the words: fruit, spruce, house, apple.

Answer: Fedya. 3. "Recognize the sound"

Clap your hands if you hear a sound [f] in words: jacket, vase, scarf, Vasya, screen, farm, wagon, pheasant, fork.

4. "Hard - soft"

Show blue card/blue pencil if sound [f] solid, green - if the sound [f’] soft. (Fedya, driver, factory, sweatshirt, ficus, traffic light.)

5. "Who is more?"

Think of as many words as you can that start with a syllable F-(apron, torch, factory, pheasant, fantasy, forfeits); from a syllable fi- (physicist, owl, firm).

6."Syllabic Auction" Continue the words: flag ... (- con, jock), for… (- ma, -dot), fi… (- lin, -kus), boo… (- fet, -fer), con… (- feta, -fetty). 7. "Say a word" Thin dishes made of me, Pale white and sonorous, have been burned since ancient times. I am called... (porcelain)*** Holiday, holiday at the gate! Who will meet him? I and my faithful friend - Little Red ... (checkbox)E. Serova*** All day they stand on the street, Passers-by admire. Their service begins, When it is already getting dark, And the eyes of the night will not go out until dawn - ... (lanterns) 8. Find words that start with a sound [f] or [f`]
Here is the letter F in f urazhke waves to us f lags. 1. Find hidden letters F. Circle them.

2. Color the lanterns with only the letter F.

3. Color the big letter blue and the small letter green on the left side of the picture. Shade the letter F according to the sample. Find and color the letter F on the right side of the picture.
4. Connect with a letter F only those items whose names begin with sounds [f] , [f`].
5. "Letter Lost" Insert the missing letters: - abrika, ko - that, sho - er, - u - aika.6. "The word crumbled" From the letters t y f k y r, make a word that begins with F. Answer: fruit. 7. "Syllabic Lotto" Make words from syllables for-, far-, fla-, -fy, fi-, -tuk, -ma, -zhok, shar-, -kon, -kus. Answer: uniform, apron, bottle, flag, scarves, ficus. 8. "Find the words"

1. Lessenka. 2. With a letter

f – – – f – –

f – – – – f – –

f – – – – – f – –

f – – – – – – f – –

f – – – – – – – f – –

f – – – – – – – – f – –

Possible answer: Possible answer:

fi, fairy, headlight, form, buffet, jacket, driver,

flag, sweatshirt. muff, kefir, marshmallow.

9. "Transformation of words" Change one letter in the words: ficus ( focus), farm ( the form, firm). 10. "Entertaining models" Choose words according to the following patterns:

  • f – – – (Flag, fleet, Fedya.)
  • – – – f (Scarf, closet, skiff.)
  • – – f – – (Jacket, soufflé, waffles.)

11. "Compositor" Make new words from the letters of the word factory. Answer: headlight, fakir, reef, tag, pickaxe, acre, tank, marriage. 12. "From one word several» Pick up words that begin with the letters that make up the word torch. Answer: fruit, apricot, strawberry, blackberry, lemon. 13. Crossword

What is the boy's name?

Enter the letters in the empty cells so that the words you know are vertically obtained. These letters will make up the boy's name.

Answer: Philippok.


Everyone knows without a clue:

Letter F- like a key to a fairy tale. Karabas will never take him away from us. Take a blue or blue pencil and paint over all the parts of the picture where the letter is shown. F.
15. Reading...
16. We are writing…


  • Factory- This is an enterprise in which a large number of products and goods are produced with the help of machines, machine tools.
  • Favorite- a favorite of an influential or high-ranking person.
  • File source or receiver of information.
  • Fakir- magician.
  • Fact- truth, a real event.
  • Texture is the nature of the surface of a material.
  • false- deceit, forgery.
  • fan- a devoted admirer of someone or something.
  • Fauna is the animal kingdom.
  • Phenomenon- an unusual fact, a phenomenon.
  • Retainer- a device, a device that fixes something in the right position.
  • Finance- cash.
  • Vane- a device for measuring wind direction.
  • Folklore- folk art.

GCD for children of the preparatory group (6 - 7 years).

GCD. Literacy education. Succession Program. Section "Learning to read and write" (Preparation for school) edited by N.A. Fedosova.

Topic: Letters F, f, sounds [f] [f "].

Purpose: Introduction to a new letter of the alphabet.

Tasks: 1. Learn to distinguish from words by ear and differentiate consonantssounds [ f ] [ f " ], recognize the graphic image of letters, form the skill of reading combinations of letters, syllables, words.

2. Develop speech, attention, logical thinking, phonemic hearing.

3. Raise interest in reading, a sense of camaraderie, independence,


Equipment : S.I. Ozhegov Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, illustrations of a rooster and a bumblebee (the game is framed on the basis of the book by N.V. Novotortseva "Learning to read. Teaching reading in kindergarten. Yaroslavl," Academy of Development ", 1998) illustrations of carrots, cabbage, onions, cards - syllables for the game "Collect syllables - get a vegetable", drawing for the game "Compositor", image of a hedgehog, tits.

GCD progress.

I. Organizing time(Positive attitude to work).

II. Knowledge update.

1.Repetition of lettersa) Name only vowels (rooster) picture1.

B) Name only consonants (bumblebee) picture 2

Type the letters that make up the bumblebee(children of variant I), all the rest print the letters that make up the rooster (children of variant II).

2 Work on the tape of letters.

* Name the vowels that indicate the hardness of consonants. (A, O, U, S, E).

* Name the vowels that indicate the softness of consonants (E, E, Yu, I, I)

3. Guess the riddles:

The red maiden sits in a dungeon,

And the spit is on the street. (CARROT ) on the board illustration.

One hundred clothes - and all without fasteners. ( CABBAGE ) on the board illustration.

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat.

Whoever undresses him sheds tears ONION ) on the board illustration.

How can we call the answers in one word? Vegetables.

How are vegetables different from fruits?

4. WORKING WITH THE DICTIONARY OF S.I. Ozhegov. One of the preschoolers reads the meaning of the word.

Vegetables - root crops, bulbous, leafy and some other plants grown on beds, as well as their fruits themselves

(p. 434 Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova, M, 1995).

5. Mapping the word VEGETABLES.

Syllables will help us remember the name of other vegetables. The breeze blew and the word crumbled. Each word represents a vegetable. Collect the word(all ovals with syllables are scattered on the table).




6. Two preschoolers are invited to the board. While they are working with syllables, the teacher reads the text "Vegetables" on the card.

The hostess once came from the market,





Parsley and beets. Oh!

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table -

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:





Parsley or beets? Oh!

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife

And with this knife she began to chop:





Parsley or beets. Oh!

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:





Parsley and beets. Oh! And the vegetable soup was not bad!

7. Conversation:

Remember what the hostess brought from the market?

Why are the vegetables arguing? Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth.

What did the hostess do? The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife, and began to chop with this knife.

What did vegetables in boiling water do? Covered with a lid in a stuffy pot, they boiled, boiled in boiling water.

What was the soup like? And the vegetable soup was not bad.

What kind of soup do you like? And what can be prepared? (Milk, pickle, cabbage soup, borscht, pea, etc.)


9.-Let's play. Game "Setter".Typing the names of vegetables - a person made a mistake in syllables. Help me figure it out.






IV. The study of new material.

1. Conversation:

How does a hedgehog snort? F - f -f. (Illustration).

How does a tit sing songs? Phew - Phew - Phew! (Illustration).

What new sounds did you hear? [f], [f "]. These sounds are denoted by the letter f.


3. What does the letter look like?


4.-Get up, please, show how Fedya walks.

5. Close your eyes, type the letter in the air.

V. Fixing:

1. Reading from the board:



FU FUR ​​RUF FORM - special clothing

FE FER REF TROUT - a type of fish

FI FIR REEF MAGIC - circus profession

2. Game. If you heard a new sound in the word - CLAP, if there is no sound, then we sit quietly.

Apron, vase, fakir, screen, fountain, ficus, snow, porcelain, candy, dress coat.

Apron - clothing that protects the front of the dress from contamination (p. 837)

Vase - fruit container (p. 64).

Fakir - a magician demonstrating great physical strength (p. 835).

Screen - partition made of frames (p. 884).

The fountain - upward jet of liquid (p. 843).

ficus - tropical evergreen tree (p. 840).

Snow - atmospheric precipitation (p. 727).

Porcelain - white material obtained from clay, spar, quartz (p. 837).

Candy - sweet confection (p. 286).

tailcoat - a kind of ceremonial frock coat with a cutout in front of the floor and long narrow tails in the back (p. 845).

3. Work with cards. Reading a poem to a preschooler.

Fo - kus - nickname dressed in a tailcoat,

Fa - kel pre - turned - til into a bouquet.

Fe - I you - sko - chit from -tu - yes

Focus is it and - is it chu - up to?

4. Work on the meaning of words.

What words are not clear? Explain how you understand the meaning of the word torch?

Torch - a short stick with tarred tow wound around the end (p. 835).

Choose words close in meaning to the words: fairy, focus (Fairy - sorceress, focus - miracle - magic).

How about a male wizard? (fakir - magician).

5. Find and underline the new letter with a pencil in the text of the quatrain.

6. Print the word FAIRY in your notebooks with a pencil.

7. Circle the fairy pattern and hatch from top to bottom and left to right.


What letter are you familiar with? (with the letter F).

What sounds does it represent? [f], [f"].

6 children are invited to the board. Everyone gets the task to depict a new letter in different ways..

* Assemble a letter from the elements of the constructor.

*Cut out a letter from paper.

* Lay out the letter with pebbles.

* Write a letter by breathing on the window.

* Make a hole in the cap of a plastic bottle and write a letter on the sand in the basin with water.

*Make a chain out of paper clips and put a letter out of it.


Did you enjoy our communication? Who liked it - draw the sun with a yellow pencil in the notebook where you printed it; who did not like it - in red, who experienced difficulties in the course of work - in orange.

Which task did you like the most?

Where did you experience difficulty?

Check the graphic image of the letter F for each of the invited children.


Correction-developing tasks.

1. To teach the child to distinguish the most reduced sound complex by timbre.

2. Learn to reproduce changes in character, timbre and emotional coloring of the same sound.

3. Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sounds [Ф], [Ф "], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

4. Consolidate the skill of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

5. Expand the volume of auditory-speech memory.

6. Develop intonational expressiveness of speech.

7. Learn to analyze a short text, highlight the title, count the number of sentences.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise "Who is this?" (development of auditory attention).

Several children take part in the game. An adult invites one child to turn away and guess which of the children will say "AU".

Task 2. Didactic exercise "Say the sound [A] differently" (changing the timbre of the voice).

An adult shows and then asks the child to reproduce changes in the character, timbre and emotional coloring of the same sound

“Ah,” the girl cries;

"A" - show the throat to the doctor;

“A,” the singer sings;

"A", - swing the baby;

“Ah,” the girl pricked herself with a needle.

Task 3. Acquaintance with the sound [F].

Didactic exercise "Find out by description." An adult asks a child a descriptive riddle:

“It's a piece of furniture. People hang their clothes in it. What is it?" ( Cupboard).

Asks to name the last sound in the word closet.

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [Ф]:

The lower sponge is close to the edges of the upper teeth, in the middle there is a narrow gap for the passage of air;

The upper teeth are slightly visible;

The neck is "silent".

Sound Symbol: Air coming out of a large balloon: FFFFF....

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (sponges and teeth create an obstacle for the free passage of air), solid, deaf. Designation: blue circle.

Task 4. phonetic exercise.

The cat snorts: fff ... (pronounce abruptly after the adult).

Task 5. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [F]":

f, p, m, d, f...; fa, ma, af, oop, uf...; flag, jacket, panama, wardrobe, coat, uniform, stick...

Task 6. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

fta-fto-ftu-fty...; afta-afto-aftu-afta...

Task 7. An adult invites the child to listen and then reproduce a series of words (3-5) with the sound [Ф].

Task 8. Working with pictures:

select the drawn objects, in the name of which there is a sound [Ф];

arrange them into three piles: the sound [Ф] is at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word;

divide these words into syllables (name the longest and shortest word).

Task 9. The child is invited to come up with sentences using the subject pictures from the previous task, using the prepositions B and Y if possible.

Task 10. The adult reads a couple of sentences to the child and asks them to correct the mistakes.

I found a blouse in cherry. Masha put on a bone.

An elevator is green on the maple. A leaf lifts us up.

The caftan has ripened on the tree. In winter I will wear a chestnut.

The count sat on a tree. The rook lives in a beautiful house.

Task 11. Acquaintance with the sound [F "].

Sound symbol: air coming out of the ball: fff....

Characteristic sound: consonant sound, soft, deaf. Designation: green circle.

Task 12. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you breathe the sound [F "]":

f, m, p, f...; fya, pya, pi, fi...; Fima, Fekla, treasure, chair, Fedya, Phil, Dima.

Task 13. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

ftya-fte-ftyu-fti; Aftya-Afte-Afty-Afty...

Task 14. Didactic exercise "Make a word."

Fe-do-ra, fi-al-ka, buffet, fi-lin, February, physical culture-tu-ra, physical culture tour-ni-tsa.

Task 15. Differentiation of sounds [Ф] - [Ф "].

Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [F]":

f, f, f, f; fa, fa, af, af...

Didactic exercise "Say the opposite":

f-f,...; fufu...

Repeat a series of syllables for an adult:

fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa.

Name the extra word in the series (according to the presence of sounds [Ф] and [Ф "]) in the words.

Divide all words into syllables. What is the longest word?

Eagle owl, pheasant, camera, photographer; Phil, Foma, Fedya, Fedora.

Guess the riddle, name the first sound in the riddle.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night

Passers-by are scared. ( Owl)

Paste pictures with images of objects in the name of which there are sounds [Ф] and [Ф "], into a notebook, make sentences with these words.

Remember words with sounds [F] and [F"].

Come up with a child with short stories about Phil, Thomas and Fyodor.

Task 16. Learn tongue twisters:

Pharaoh's favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.

Feofan Mitrofanich has three sons Feofanich.

Task 17. Introduction to F.

Akimbo, dancing famously

F is a big dandy.

O. Hoffman

What does the letter F look like?

Letter F: the child is standing in a pose - "hands on the hips."

Letter games.

Task 18. Sound-syllabic analysis of words. Drawing up a diagram from circles, counting the number of syllables in a word; composing words from the letters of the split alphabet, reading, copying, writing under dictation in block letters. Fima, Pif.

Reading and analyzing a short text, highlighting the title, sentence boundaries, finding a sentence with the preposition u.FIMA Here is Fima. Fima has a house. Fima at home.

An adult introduces the child to a short text, shows the title; together with the child counts the number of sentences, finds a sentence with a preposition, reads the text.