"Always wake up with a smile": How the legendary Killer Lesha Soldier lives behind bars. Blogger, writer, enviable fiance

The famous hired killer gave an interview with "MK" in St. Petersburg "from the colony

"Killer No. 1" - so called Alexey Schestobitov nicknamed Lesha-soldiers. His targets were major businessmen, politicians, the leaders of the OCG: Otari Kwatrishvili, Joseph Glotser, Grigory Gusyatinsky ... For more than ten years he was invulnerable. But in 2008, the Sherstobitov arrested - for 12 proven murders, the jury court sentenced him by 23 years of imprisonment. Professionally killing people and being many years on an illegal position, today he is a public figure. According to his "adventures", the series "Gangs" came out. And the wife himself wrote the autobiographical book "Liquidator". On the Internet there was a fan club of the Lesha-soldier. Now the wools are serving their time in the colony of strict regime in Lipetsk. From there he answered the questions "MK" in St. Petersburg. " Interview has undergone prison censorship.

"I already kept Berezovsky in the sight"

- Your image of mythologizes, you have a lot of fans. How do you feel about this unexpected publicity?

- What was your first "order"?

"It was an attempt on the life of the former by the time retired by the employee who took the crime and the passage of Silvestra (leader of the Orekhovsky criminal group arising in Moscow in 1988. - Ed.). Thank God, he was alive.

- You were instructed by the murders of the most protected persons. Which one was the most difficult in terms of technical execution?

- Attempt on the head of "Russian gold" Alexander Taratseva. I thought over and calculated, it would seem, all, but the attached thrust was at a millimeter above the set tag on the trigger, as a result, the shots sounded later. A stranger died.

Killer built a remote controlled device with the Kalashnikov machine to the VAZ-2104. The car was installed right at the exit from the office of "Russian Gold". Lesha soldier aimed into the head of a businessman and pressed the remote control button. The automata ranked only after 2 hours, the guards of the Russian Gold died, two random passers-by was injured. Taranians stayed alive.

But the murder of an authoritative businessman Otari Kwatrishvili became the most loud. He was shot dead on April 5, 1994 near the Krasnopresnen Bath in Moscow. Syrstobitov released three bullets from Caraborn "Anchutz" with an optical sight. For the murder of Quantrishvili, Leshu-soldier awarded the VAZ-2107. It is noteworthy that there were no separate payments for the work for the Sherobitov in grouping. He had a monthly salary of 2.5 thousand dollars.

- Why was the order for the elimination of Boris Berezovsky broke?

- I was stopped in a few seconds before the shot, I already squeezed the "free move" of the trigger. The "Festival" team received from Sergey Ananevsky, who, in turn, called, should be noted, very in time, Sylvester. Subsequently, it turned out that he called from the cabinet on Lubyanka - draw conclusions themselves. It was a period when I was still tightly controlled. Sylvester, Gussyati, Ananevsky, and the main slaughter just began.

- Do you believe that Berezovsky died by his death?

- Such people rarely leave their death. Or their life ends in painful diseases.

- Could ever eliminate you?

- The man who fell into the criminal world should understand that the norms of morality and morality there are practically no, the concepts of mercy are almost absent, and the death of a person is often accepted by the only way out of it seemingly simple and eggs outstanding. Therefore, in fact, I concluded a personal contract with death, as the default service, to be polar to any suitable time for it.

- Is it true that the detectives came to you through your favorite girl?

- Partially. Because everywhere and always there is a whole range of reasons. I would not like to touch it today, as it affects the fate of the people dear to me.

In the early 2000s, Moore employees detained almost all the remaining participants and leaders of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya OGS. Private militants spoke on interrogations about a certain Lady Soldier, but no one knew her last name nor as he looked. In 2005, one of the members of the Kurgan OGS, who served a long time, suddenly caused investigators to himself and said that a kind of killer was offended by his girlfriend. Through her, the detectives and came to the Schestobitov.

- Your family member guess what you do?

- Of course, close and friends did not know much, besides, I first created legends, and then carefully and carefully supported them. Perhaps, they guessed some kind of connection with the crime, but it was stacked in a told by me - they say, ensure the safety of all sorts of structures. After the arrest, the relationship did not interrupted with anyone, although at first someone had a completely understandable fright. You know, my friends are childhood friends, and we are customary to support each other in a difficult moment.

Stayed a person in the "Devil Skur"

- Is there a difference between the concepts of "Killer" and "killer"?

- I do not share them. I will not disharge, if you call the gloom, the mugger, the mock ... Now it is important for me to continue to feel like a person. In the "Devil Skur", this is incredibly difficult, especially in the "skull", dressed not in their will, it is also difficult to remove the rules of the criminal community.

At the trial of the woeshitis fully recognized his guilt, but asked for a condesception, stating that he refused to explode 30 participants of the Izmailov group, saved the life of one businesswoman, without becoming eliminated. "I could not refuse to kill, I saved my life like that," said the coarse wrestobitis.

- Have you been familiar with other killers? How was their fate?

- I knew no less than two dozen. True, our methods vary greatly. Intellect, abilities, characters, the desires were all different. Most shoot less than and were the arrows below the average level. Including Alexander Solonik. It also states on the facts of execution, and according to the results of the shooting in ties. Especially terrible when such a "execute" someone in the crowd of the people. Now there are already more than half of the killers, which I knew dead. One disappeared, one in the run, the rest - who are with gigantic terms, who with life. Units are free, but also they see their neck in the loop.

- What did you justify your "work" to eliminate people?

- first justified hopelessness. Then the hopelessness and the fact that each of them chose his way himself, like me, knowing that death is a fellow traveler, who stood on this road. Sometimes he cheat himself, hoping that she punished evil. Standing at the head of our Orekhovo-Medvedkovsky Brigade Gussyatinsky (subsequently shells will shoot her chief in Kiev from sniper rifle, when he approaches the window of the hotel room. - Ed.) And dust put death to the flow. Over time, I became part of the mechanism of this guillotine, but nevertheless continued, already understanding what to run! But where to go from ourselves, how to wash your hands, which are on the elbow in the blood, especially with an admixture of a nursery, albeit on a wild crossing of the circumstances, an innocent victim.

We are talking about a little girl who accidentally died when attempted to the thief in the law of Andrei Isaev named painted. Soft wools installed a car stupid by explosives at his house on the autumn boulevard in Moscow. When the thief came out, the killer pressed the remote control button. Isaev himself was injured, but survived, the girl died.

But the real abyss opened on the introduced cemetery in Moscow, where I had to initiate an explosive device (the horns did not fulfill the order to eliminate several people. - Ed.). This happens - there would be no refund! But if before that day I tried to delay, postpone the order, nevertheless, sometimes I fulfilled the commissioned, then after I realized that it was no longer able to reclaim through myself.

- You say that they repent in perfect murders. When did repentance come?

- repentance does not happen suddenly, and come, it does not always stay! This is a permanent process - this is the struggle with yourself, with the part of yourself, which seeks to justify, fall on someone part of the guilt, condemn the other to look lighter. It is necessary to rise to repentance constantly, this process is wrong, and every step is increasingly harder.

"I am preparing for God's judgment"

- What is your life now? What is the routine of the day in the colony?

- a lot of time and effort goes to stay at least in the former intellectual and physical level. Work on books, scenarios, articles are permitted by law, and since today I do not break it, I meet an understanding by the administration. And, of course, there is a church, without which my life is unthinkable. With a prayer, everything is simple - this is the answer to any question. The complexity is only one: do not cease to hope to the will of God.

- How often do you see with relatives?

- Dates are relying to me, like any other convicted person, three times a year, three more incentive dates are possible. Everyone should answer for things to answer, and let it be better here than after - on a terrible court.

- Are you afraid of death?

"Death is an inevitable need, I don't want to normally, but it is funny to fear." And then, I believe that she is just a "transition from the alleged in the obvious." If we really talk about fears, then I worry about my relatives and people who can suffer from my shadow.

- When to freedom?

The Moscow investigators interrogate the hired killers from the "Orekhovskaya" OGG - former Special Forces Alexander Pleashov (Sasha Soldier) and Alexey Schestobitova (Lesha Soldier). Previously, they have already received a long term of concluding, but the detectives are calculated with their help to reveal other resonant crimes.

On the active investigative work, in which the "Orekhovsky" killers participate, a source in law enforcement agencies reported "Interfax".

According to him, about a year ago in the Sailor Silence Insulator Special Blocks, 41-year-old Alexander Pleumovalov was translated from the colony. Also in Moscow from the colony was delivered by Alexei Schestobites.

"Both convicts are steady in the capital for investigative actions, during which new episodes of the criminal activity of Orekhovsky and, in particular, the leaders of the OGG Sergey" Axis "Butorin and Dmitry" Proteka "Belkin, convicted of life imprisonment", - Announced a source in law enforcement agencies.

According to him, the testimony of Sherebitov and emptying "can help reveal a number of resonant killings of past years."

According to the results of the investigation, Sergey Butorin will be charged with new accusations of murders, it is already stupid.

Another source of Interfax said that in order for the personors to be in the metropolitan SIZO, Moscow courts issued sanctions on their conclusion. For example, Alexander Pleshovalov is extended until July 18, 2015.

According to TASS, investigators were interested in an episode with the murder of a member of the "Bauman" criminal group, from which "Orekhovsky" competed.

"This episode of criminal activities of the organized criminal group, as far as I know," took over the "former regular killer" Orekhovsky "Alexander Pleaskov," said the lawyer of one of the former participants of the ODG Mikhail Fomin.

However, according to him, the investigation into the new episode is associated with a number of objective difficulties. "There was no body of the victim of the crime, his name and surname are unknown. And here it is trying to investigate it in this form," he said.

Fomin also denied the information that emptying and wools are going to testify to the protein.

We add that Mikhail Fomin presents the interests of Oleg Pronno, convicted by 24 years in prison for killing the investigator Yuri Kerezia. "On this episode, the Protection Party is now preparing an appeal," the lawyer noted.

Sasha Soldier

According to law enforcement agencies, no later than 1991, a resident of Odintsovo Dmitry Belkin created a criminal group, the backbone of which was made up of its coming friends - Sergey Filatov (Athlete), Vladimir Kremenetsky (pilot), Dashkevich (head), Polesov (quiet). Later, former fighters of special forces Alexander Pleasovalov (Sasha Soldier) and Oleg Pronne (Al Kapone) joined them.

Before becoming a bandit, Alexander Pleasovalov served in the Special Forces Special Forces. On the "Citizer" he tried to get a job in a special quiet response (samp) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but he was not taken. One day, a conflict with "Orekhovsky" Gangster, Dmitry Bugakov, arose in Cafe Sasha Soldier. In Dmitry, Dmitry rated the fighting qualities of the opponent and introduced him to his boss - Dmitry Belkin. Since then, emptivals have become not only the most important killings for "Orekhovsky", but also answered the personal safety of Belkin. If the boss was in the departure, Sasha soldiers led the militants in the Odintsovo district.

By the time the gang appeared, most commercial structures in the Odintsovo district were under the control of the "Golian" grouping. She conflicted with the "Orekhovskaya" OGG, whose leader was Sergey Timofeev, named Sylvester. Belkin and his accomplices joined the "Orekhov" gangsters.

Sylvester was at the disposal of Medvedkovsky and "Orekhovsky" killers. They obeyed Sergey Butorin by nickname. The shooting of Golianovsky competitors was almost a year, and random passersby often suffered from this. So, one day, Al Capone was sent to the "action", which was put on a wig, overhead mustache and beard. Together with the two accomplices, Killer came to the Odintsian cafe "Dream", where they opened a squall fire. As a result, not only bandits-competitors were killed, but also guarded Cafe Militizer and an employee of Chop.

When Golianovsky refused their claims to the Odintsovsky district, they continued to kill from revenge. According to operatives, the "clearing" the territory, the protein began to appoint meetings to local merchants. He was talking to them only once, denoting the amount of Dani. No "auction" and negotiations "authority" did not recognize. If at the agreed time, the merchant did not bring the specified amount, it was killed. Gradually, Belkin Brigade joined the "Orekhovskaya" grouping. The combined HPG became one of the largest and powerful in the criminal world.

In 1994, Sylvester was blown up in the center of Moscow, after which the struggle for leadership began inside the "Orekhovskaya" grouping. The winners of it came the axis and protein, consistently eliminated competitors - "authorities" of cultics, dragon and vitohi. Next "Orekhovsky" began to exterminate the leaders of other groups. One day a gangster "Kuntsevskaya" OHG Kaligin with his fighters drove several cars to repair cars in a car service, controlled protein. Bandits did not like the service, and then they beat the locks. In response, Belkin from the axes immediately gave the order to eliminate the entire top of Kuntsevsky.

Former Special Forces Sasha Soldier, together with the accomplice, the cake decided to arrange an ambush near the cafe where the bandits gathered. For several days, killers, dressed in specialists, depicted road workers who drink vodka in anticipation of the necessary materials. And when Kaligin and his retinue arrived in the cafe, "workers" shot them. After that, the emptivities left by car, and Bugakov headed for the metro station, where he was waiting for another gangster. In the subway, two policemen decided to check the documents from suspicious men, but the cake opened fire on them. One policeman was killed, and the other received severe injured.

Further followed the gap over the leaders of the "Masutkin" grouping, with which the protein and the axis did not share several outlets. Also killers of "Orekhovsky" eliminated the leaders of the "Assyrian" grouping - they were shot in a cafe directly opposite the Moscow City Hall.

In 1996, the axis and protein had a conflict with the leader of the "Greek" grouping Külimbyakov. For several years he helped the "Orekhovsky" to receive citizenship of Greece, and then took a prepayment of 100 thousand dollars, but did not fulfill the work and began to hide. One day, the axis having resting in the capital's restaurant "Santa Fe", saw Culbiakova there. Butorin immediately called Sasha Soldier, who went to podkrabu the victim at the exit from the institution. When the leader of the "Greek" group sat down into the car, the emptyers shot him together with the guards.

Crawing with most competitors, the axis and protein began stripping in their own ranks. And for the "counterintelligence" answered by Belkin. He organized a surveillance of the ordinary members of the "Orekhovskaya" grouping, "wiretapping" of their phones, in the OGS began to flourish the influence. A constant search for enemies led to the fact that the bandits began to kill their own for the slightest suspicions: the reason was the reason for the use of drugs, relations with law enforcement agencies, as well as in the desire to leave the organized criminal group. Behind the disrespectful statements about the leaders of the group also followed the disgrace.

To eliminate "their" protein developed a whole ritual. Members of the group were collected in the bath to shake or in the forest for a picnic. Everyone knew that such a party would end with the death of one of the gang participants, but they were afraid to refuse. At the scene, colleagues were thrown on the sacrifice, who either choking her or scored to death. Then the body was dismembered in front of all those who gathered, and the remains burned or buried in the forest. To eliminate the disagreeable protein, he always chose his nearest buddies in the organized criminal group. "Friends must kill friends," - cynically stated the loyal.

In 1998, the senior investigator of the 2nd office of the Special Arms of the Odintsovo district Yuri Kerose, who was investigated by a number of extortion and killings of businessmen in the closed town of Vlashek, was released on the trail of the protein brigade. With the support of Moore employees, he found out that the Criminal Crimination is a Belkin Brigade. For the first time in Russian history, the case was initiated under Article 210 of the Criminal Code (Organization of the Crime Community). Moreover, Kerezu managed to arrest one of the killers, Sergey Syrov, who began to give confessions.

Having learned about it, the squirrel came to the investigator and offered that one million dollars, demanding to close the case and transfer the traitor to the "britches". An honest investigator refused to offer, and then Belkin gave an order to eliminate him. Sasha Soldier re-played a whole performance. For a few days, the former special forces was lying around at one of the amusements in Vlasikha in torn clothes, depicting a homeless. And on October 21, 1998, "Broadcasting" suddenly snatched a gun and fed four times to the investigator.

Only after the murder of the detective in law enforcement agencies seriously drew attention to Dmitry Belkin. Criminal authority had to hide, and he was wanted.

Over the next 13 years, law enforcement agencies of Russia and other countries managed to practically be roasted "Orekhovskaya" grouping. Alexander Pleasovalov, Sergey Butorin, Andrei and Oleg Dusty and others were arrested. Belkin was the last major "Orekhovsky authority", which remained free and was listed in the international wanted list for more than 10 years.

One day, the protein was tracked in France, but the operation of his catch failed. To delay Russian mafiosis managed only on April 30, 2011 in one of the Madrid hotels. At the same time, Belkin was seized a fake Bulgarian passport.

As stressed in the RF IC, from August 1995 to October 1998, Belkin and his minions made more than 20 murders on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as a few attempts.

Alexander Pleasovalov was also seized back in November 1999. In 2005, he was sentenced to 23 years in prison for 18 murders and banditry. However, the investigation could not prove the involvement of emptying for another 17 killings.

On October 23, 2014, Dmitry Belkin was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was considered by the direct customer of 14 murders, as well as a few attempts at the deputy of the Odintsovo municipal assembly of Sergey Zhumba.

Lesha Soldier

In the biographies of Alexei Schestobitov and Alexander Pleashov, obvious parallels are viewed. Both were security forces, which were later disappointed in his career.

Alexey Schestobites was born in the family of personnel military and dreamed of serving all his life. From an early age, I knew how to handle weapons, and at the end of the school he entered the military railway school. During his studies, he even detained a dangerous criminal, for which he was awarded the Order.

Then Lesha Soldier served in the Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, providing special supports. As the scars told on interrogations, the root fracture in his life occurred in the days of the 1993 coup. He returned home when his manifestations beaten, believing that he, being a military, represents a threat to democracy. Then Lesha Soldier realized that the person in the army form no longer had respect in compatriots. Soon after that he resigned in the rank of senior lieutenant.

In the future, Alexey Schestobites, the past hot spots and awarded the Order "For Personal Courage", met one of the "authorities" "Orekhovsky" - the former officer of the KGB Gregory Gusyatinsky (Grisha North). In 1995, the woolobits on the task of the Oleg and Andrei Dusty brothers, who headed the group after the murder of Sylvester, killed Gusyatinsky himself.

The ex-employee of the special services arranged Sherstobitov to work in a private security company "Consent". There, the newcomer came out with the former employees of BRA Alexander Cheplygin and Sergey Pogorelov, who were specialists in electronic intelligence and explosive business.

Initially, Gusyatinsky instructed the Schestobite to ensure the safety of several trading tents, but then he was offered a new position - regular killer.

Later, a brigade, which came to the wools, was translated into an illegal position and subordinate directly to the leader of the "Orekhovsky" Andrei Dustu.

Lesha Soldier was a master of conspiracy and reincarnation: going into business, he always used wigs, fake beards or mustache. There were no fingerprints at the scene of the crime of the horns, there were no witnesses.

One of the first tasks of Lesha Soldier was the murder from the "authoritative" rifle of the Foundation of the Social Protection of Athletes Otari Kwatrishvili. Businessman was shot dead on April 5, 1994 near the Presnennian bath.

In 1997, Killer killed the owner of the Dolls Night Club Joseph Glozer. According to Schestobitov, the murder occurred spontaneously. He drove up to the club to look around and choose the most comfortable place for shooting. His car stopped on the other side of the street Krasnaya Presnya, opposite the entrance to the club. Suddenly saw the Glotser seemed from the door, and decided not to pull the time, especially since he was "just in case" he grabbed the revolver with an optical sight. Lesha soldier shot with 47 meters and got the owner of the club in the temple.

On June 22, 1999, he also organized an attempt on the head of the company "Russian Gold" Alexander Taratseva. Syrstobitov decided to kill a businessman from a machine with remote control at the entrance to the office.

The original way to kill killer borrowed from the film "Shakal": an automatic, placed in the "VAZ-2104", was installed an optical sight and a portable camcorder, transmitting the image to the operator. When the Tarantsev car passed by the "four", the homemade electronic system did not work. After half an hour, the system spontaneously turned on, and the machine shot passersby: as a result of a random shooting, one person died, and two more injured.

In addition, Lesha Soldier is involved in the murder of Alexander Solonika in Greece, which in the press called "Killer number one".

The event was to go to Sherobitov - in 2005 there was a conflict between the shareholders of the metropolitan NGO "Physics". From its agent, the operatives of the Moscow criminal investigation department learned that the former participants of the "Orekhov" grouping also participate in the conflict, by that time already defeated. Fearing that participation in the contrast of bandits will lead to the killings of co-owners of "Physics", in February 2006, the dewings conducted detention. Among the detainees were the 39-year-old Alexei Schestobites, who himself began to testify to the investigation, since he said, over the past years, "tired of running" from justice.

In 2008, Alexey Schestobites was convicted for 23 years of imprisonment for 12 murders and assassination attempts. At the same time, it was not possible to prove his involvement of many more crimes. It is assumed that there are dozens of killed criminal authorities and businessmen on the scrolstobist account.

Killer's guilt recognized only partially. At interrogations in the Moir of Schestobites, he stated that he did not regret anything, since all his victims were unworthy of living.

In the chersters prison, writes books and trys on the role of an expert in the ability to kill. He believes that after his capture, resonant murders in Moscow began to perform "amateurs and feasible".

In 2013, Lesha Soldier commented on the murder of the King of Russian Mafia, Grandfather Hassan. Then he reminded that he was shooting six times. "And from all the shots one hit! The wounded woman (if this is not a ricochet) - an unacceptable oversight. They say that they worked from the Rifle complex" Shaft ". From such a device, from such a distance the work is ugly," the scars of the helpers.

And recently, the wools in the same vein commented on the killing of the oppositionist politician Boris Nemtsov. According to the convicted person, his followers in a killerian case chose almost the most unsuccessful place for the attempt, imposing themselves.

In addition, from six bullets from a distance of several meters only four fell into the target "three times more than a target with a standard exercise for shooting, in which any self-respecting military or policeman does not smear", led the "Moscow Komsomolets" of the reasoning of Sherstobitov .

Alexey Sherstobitov

[Lesha Soldier]


Confession legendary killer

Epoch in an optical sight

"Killer Number One" - that was exactly the investigators of Alexey Schestobitov on the nicknamed "Soldier". Ten years of his crime shook news ribbons. Everyone knew about his murders, but no one knew about his existence. He was a phantom, the genius of reincarnation: dozens of passports, names, images ... His atrocities were attributed to others, including Alexander Solonikov, who fled from the Special Sailor Silence, and then killed in Greece "brothers" on arms killed in Greece. The soldier hunted all the special services of the country, which could not even assume that they deal with a single.

He was taken when he moved away from the affairs, devoting himself to a family and a little daughter. For twelve proven murders, the court sentenced the soldier to 23 years of conclusion. Killer's targets were large businessmen, politicians, leaders of the ODG: Otari Kwantrishvili, Joseph Glotser, Gregory Gusyatinsky, Alexander Tarantsev ... had an order Alexey Schestobitov and to eliminate Boris Berezovsky, but in seconds before the shot followed the "Fub" team.

This is extremely frank, genuine story about the gangster wars, in which the special services actively participated, about the fate of the leaders of the most powerful organized criminal groups. The author does not hide the methods of collecting information, blackmail, conspiracy, preparation of liquidation ... Scenes are amazed by cruelty, achieved not by savoring the physiological specifics of murders, but a deep psychologist opposition to the victim and the executioner. Murders are not for the sake of money and power, and even more so no murder for murder. Each regular crime of the soldier is an attempt to save from the massacre of his loved ones, to preserve the love, which leads it to the dock.

"Liquidator" is not fiction, not a detective, not literary "soap", not a tedious memoirism. Reading not for sleep and not from boredom. We never heard and did not read anything like that. From the first pages of the "confession of the legendary killer" before us unfolds the epoch in the mesh optical sight. Until now, such a genre was a fantasy of writers and screenwriters trying on the role of killers and executioners: sad caricatures or bloody comics. This book will overthrow psychologists who studied the consciousness of the murderers and who daring to build their conclusions into scientific truths.

Any glass has a critical point of its destroying, finding which it is impossible, you can only randomly stumble upon. In criminal literature and psychology, this book, erasing the usual idea of \u200b\u200blife and death, murderer and victim, fate and fatalism, love and morality, became such a wedding point. This is not a snuby repentance with an overlap of self-adhesiveness and longing, it is not a cynical bravade sniper virtuosity and elusiveness, these are not lovers, which are noticed by the bloody traces of the author's life path. Alexey Sherstobitis with a cold reason, but with the uncomfortable feelings and passionate syllable displays his own destiny, in the turbulent mirror of which the fields of battle of the civil war for socialist inheritance were reflected. "Do not cry, do not laugh, do not curse, but to understand" - this philosophical aphorism extremely reflects the author's promise "liquidator" to his reader.

With a lash soldier, we met five years ago in prison ducts, where I was kept on suspicion of attempted Anatoly Chubais. I wrote about it in detail in the book "Stamped. Chronicles of the Kremlin Central ". In one chamber, we sat for two weeks - not long, but it is enough to understand each other. Spiritis, in good intelligent, calm and discreet. Outwardly, he looked more like a vacationer than a prisoner, over which he had a guillotine of criminal cases with a long listing of victims who fell from his hands. In prison, Alexey read a lot: world history, philosophical treatises, popular psychology, revelation of holy fathers. Reading for him was more than just leisure. Soft wools as if tried to pick up the keys capable of opening the meaning of his own being, the keys to righteous repentance.

And now, in my hands, a thick manuscript turned out to be a thick manuscript, the price of which human lives, torn love, the years of the search and the lack of prison corridors. The author does not exhaust for forgiveness from the reader, although the instinct of salvation sometimes sounds of justification. It seems that he submracts punishment, contempt and hatred, which generously pays society with him, happily seeing atonement in front of people and God.

Ivan Mironov,

candidate of Historical Sciences,

member of the Union of Writers of Russia

Book of terrible life

Started on the first day of the week about the terrible court of 27.02.2011

"I dedicate to that by a million, who did not live to read this book, the way by his lives to those who wanted to live" better gods ", and those of us who survived, but dreams of freedom and family - finally informed real values. remember".

Each person, from birth, their own way is their own way, resting in the unknown. My such - through the fate of my loved ones, through other people's lives, misfortunes and tears. Pain, causing me, to redeem nothing, but, in most cases, and not to whom ... But in such cases, there is a way out for each person - to start your anabasis to repentance.

Is the loneliness of man, the will of the case (in chance, however, I have long been able to dispense with a professional killer, with the loneliness of an ordinary person? How much can you dilute it or, getting used to not desire anyone in my society?

I will say, judging by myself and because I read or heard: only a book (but no fiction, but a book that makes thinking) can replace the interlocutor, although sometimes, and here it does not work out without lies, and you get used to which from loved ones, and From outsiders, never could.

From books that created humanity, the most wonderful, in my opinion, works about history (especially written by its participant). Many who do not recognize this science have never been involved in her and heard about it only the edge of the ear. The hobby that swept me, of course, on the household level, for the languages \u200b\u200bof the original sources I do not own and communicate with the luminos and artifacts. Even in such an angle there is a point of view, thanks to which anyone can enter into a controversy with scientists, at least in the form of a dialogue "to ourselves." Over time, as one of the beneficial consequences, some regularities in the lives of states, fields of policies, nations, political figures, leaders, warriors, and just persons distinguished from the general human historical mass are beginning to be traced. But each of us plays its own role, even if the screw or wren, and the case is not at all in relationships, not in unity and the fibony, and not even in God's fishery, but in understanding this by the person himself, and the understanding of every minute! And in combining the worldview and perception of a person of that time with the worldview and the perception of a person of today's today, about what we rarely think about it, just stopping on facts and emotions.

The legendary killer Alexei Schestobits, being imprisoned in the Lipetsk colony, writes books, composes songs, once again married and leads an active network life.

Convicted for 23 years for those performed in the 90s, the killer of the famous Medvedkovskaya grouping Alexei Schestobitov does not lose his body's cheerfulness and regularly shares its photos from the colony, complementing them with philosophical quotes. The conclusion was in no way affected his love for life, but only made it a prolific writer and a poet.

The 51-year-old Alexei Schestobites is serving a 23-year term in the Lipetsk colony for those performed in the 90s 12 custom murders.

Fame came to the woolobite in the middle of zero, after he successfully hidden from justice for many years. Interestingly, for a long time, Shotobitov considered a fictional character, and his pseudonym - Lesha Soldier - was a collective image of a group of hired killers.

Soft woes in 2002, 4 years before arrest and court.

His life has changed cool after arrest in 2006. Then he made a sensational recognition of 12 customer killings of criminal authorities and businessmen, and as a result he received 23 years in strictly regime. But in the colony, he found an occupation, starting writing poems and prose. The starting point of his creative path behind bars was his autobiography "Liquidator". After her release, Alexey continues to try himself in new genres, and only a few days ago, his new book "Demon on the nan" saw the light.

But on these achievements, the famous killer stopped. Now he comprehends the "New Craft" - became directly from the Lipetsk Colony of active networking: Scratchite accounts were found in almost all social networks. A pinnamed prisoner causes great interest of users. On the Web, he shares some features of his stay in prison and advises readers to start every day with a smile.

Photo from an instagram account that has already been removed from the network.

The pictures of the famous prisoner supplied with philosophical quotes like this:

It is said that the story cannot be changed. But it is not. It is impossible to return the past day, but it is possible to fix yesterday's errors today. And then "it was bad" will turn into "It was bad, but since then everything has changed." The story of your life is on the fact that you and only you yourself were her Creator and rewrite it myself if necessary. "

Lesha Soldier has an official website, a group in Vkontakte, dedicated to his life, and a rather popular channel on YouTube. However, the most interesting news about the woolobite until recently it was possible to learn from Istagram. An account, which, with publicity in the media, was removed the other day, led the current wife of Killer, Marina. By the way, the story of their love surprised the world back in June 2016, when they registered their marriage.

Manina's scars and his bride, a psychiatrist, who worked as a forenswhelter in the past.

With his future wife, a 33-year-old psychiatrist psychiatrist from St. Petersburg Marina Soskenko, masking genius met the correspondence. Earlier, a spectacular brunette was married with a famous actor Sergey friendly. Letter for the letter Alexey and Marina, even better recognized each other and eventually decided to get married. The ceremony itself, carefully coordinated with the administration of the colony, lasted only about 15 minutes. And from the photo gallery of the official website of the criminal writer, it became known that young people also consecrated the wedding bonds.

Marriage registration procedure was conducted in the deputy head. Head of ITC. For this purpose, the registry office was specifically invited. Among the few invited were only the next relatives and friends of newlyweds - sisters Lesha Soldier, childhood friends of both spouses and lawyer Killer. After marriage, the young, as legitimate spouses, received permission for a long date. Also on the occasion of marriage, the prison guide was allowed to spend a photo session. Newlyweds posed in the costumes of American gangsters of the dry law period.

Despite the fact that many of the events from his personal life became public domain, Alexey continues to be a mystery man. In many ways, its past life contributes, many situations from which have not yet been voiced. Only sometimes wool cars open this curtain of mystery, talking about the 90s of the 90s.

One of the most high-profile statements was recognized in the murder of Otari Kvarnrichvili in 1994. It was this resonant matter that caused a storm of emotions from others and forced Lesha Soldier to resent that how slippery was his way Killer after this order.

Boris Berezovsky after the attempt in 1994

But the most difficult target, according to Schestobitov, was Boris Berezovsky. Oligarch visited him on the sight in the same 1994. The reason for the "this meeting" was controversial 100 thousand dollars between the famous criminal authority and businessman. After Berezovsky survived during the explosion of his car, Alexey ordered him to finish him. But just a few seconds before you fulfill the task, Killer learned that the decision to liquidation was canceled.

Alexei was detained in early 2006, at the time when he had already moved away from affairs. In law enforcement agencies, the existence of Sherebitov found out only in 2003, when the leaders of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovsky OGS were arrested. One of them wrote a comprehensive confession, where he had "merged" his killer. Private militants spoke on interrogations about a certain "Lie-soldier", but no one knew her surname, nor as he looks like. Investigators believed that "Lesha-soldier" is a certain mythical collective image. The wools itself was extremely careful: he did not communicate with ordinary gangsters, did not participate in their assessment. He was a master of conspiracy and reincarnation: going to work, always used wigs, fake beards or mustache. There were no fingerprints on the crime scene, there were no witnesses.

Surprise in court in 2006.

In 2005, one of the leaders of the Kurgan HPG Andrei Koligov (it was associated with the Orekhovskaya and Medvedkovskaya OGG), who served a long time, suddenly caused the investigators to himself and said that a girlfriend had lost his girk at his time (it was Irina). Through her detectives and came to Sherstobitov, who was detained in early 2006, when he came to the Botkin hospital to visit his father. When searching on a removable apartment of Schestobitov in Mytishchi, the detectives found several pistols and automata.

Recall that by serving the punishment, the wool cars wrote 11 books of criminal theme. The controversial literary value of works does not interfere with the popularity of the writer. Readers celebrate the usefulness of books in the informative plan. After all, the events of those years are still fresh in memory. In anticipation of the sentence, Alexey Sherstores wrote a cycle of poems dedicated to the topics of repentance and death.

All that I want to tell today to the world around today, the ex-killer pours through creativity. He tries as much as possible to remember his "past sins" and looks at the future with optimism.

Alexey Sherstobitov - Lesha Soldier

Murder Joseph Glocera

In early 1997, one of the entrepreneurs, whose firm "Lochevali" dust, there was a conflict with a businessman Joseph Glotser, the co-founder of the Rostiks network, the founder of the Dolls Strip Club. Then the bodyguards were entered into battle on both sides, as a result, the victory remained behind the Bodigards of Glozer. The merchant rummaged by the lesion was rushed for retribution to his patrons, and they decided: the best output from the current situation will be the elimination of the offender.

The last day of his life Joseph spent in the company Brother Yuri. On January 19, men were shaped in Sandunovsky baths, have been submitted, after which Yuri went home to watch TV, and Joseph decided to drop into his club.

Arriving on the Red Presnya, where Dolls is located to this day, Glotzer did not pay attention to the VOLKSWAGEN minibus parked near the club. And he was already sitting by Alexei Svarstobites in the company of the Orekhovsky militant and the driver. It is noteworthy that the liquidator did not plan to fire with Glotser on this day: he came to study the place, taking a small-caliber revolver with him. The idea of \u200b\u200b"executing" came to the head of the Soldier suddenly.

There was no opportunity to approach the sacrifice, and the scarses decided to shoot from a distance of 47 meters. Feeling on the back of the front seating and ordering the driver to do, the killer pressed the trigger. The bullet hit the glocer in the temple, he died instantly. Syrstobitov and the company managed to leave the crime scene unnoticed.

Hunt for "Russian Gold"

In the summer of 1999, the leadership of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovsky OPS decided to eliminate the President of the Russian Gold. What was the cause of the conflict between him and the gangsters, is not known. Meanwhile, the first attempt on the banker was made back in 1992. Miraculously avoiding death, Tarantians significantly increased the protection and got an armored car. It was not easy to get to this goal, and then Alexei Schestobites came up with a "horse's move."

Killer remembered how in the Hollywood Militant "Shakaal" Hero Bruce Willis was disappeared with disagreeable with the help of a self-awake installed in the car, and decided to use this method to eliminate Tarantsev. In ordinary toned "Zhiguli", he installed Kalashnikov automaton, shooting the team from the control panel, and a video camera, with which from the remote place could be observed for the course of events.

Constructed Soft "Death-Machine"

For the movements of Tarantseva, a killer has followed for several months. Syrstobitov decided: the best point for the "execution" of the businessman will be a porch of the building where his company is located. A car with a device for shooting Killer parked on June 22 opposite the entrance to the office of "Russian Gold", and he was located in another car on the next street.

As soon as the monitor appeared the figure of Tarantsev, the helpricks pressed the button, and ... nothing happened. The businessman calmly disappeared behind the entrance doors, and the Lesha Soldier, who had a wax, whipped in the car was still some time, went home. The mechanism "woke up" only after a couple of hours. A suddenly broken automaton killed a random passerby and wounded the office security guard.

Traitor from the Kurgan HPG

After the failure with a tarantine killer, it was charged to the bottom. Operatives all this time doubted the existence of the figure of Sherebitov, believing that they deal with a collective image of a killer named "Soldier". Detained in the first half of the "zero" leaders of the Nutrition-Medvedkovskaya OSS Brothers Dusty said: Yes, they say, there was such a killer, but he had long killed.

The light on the existence of a mysterious person was spilled colleague Sherstobitov - Killer (Bullman). In the rustling of repentance and hope for a small sentence, he told the operatives all that he knew about Lesha Soldiers. And although the guardians of the order thanks to the stories of Gribkov were convinced that the liquidator exists in the only and live instance, it was not possible to go to his trace.

Andrei Koligov - the leader of the Kurgan HPG. It was he who passed the soldier to investigators

A neighbor Alexey Sherstobitov Rock Passion for Woman named Irina. Lesha Soldier who was already married, literally lost his head from 17-year-old beauty. Their secret attitudes continued until 1995, when Killer decided: to continue the meetings - it means to jeopardize the life of your beloved. And simply disappeared.

He appeared, the charter to fight his feelings, two years later. Then, after the murder of Glozer, the woolobits were planned to be afraid of the voyage and decided to take with me Irina. What was his amazement when he learned that the beloved gathered under the crown, and even with - one of the leaders of the warring with Orekhovsky. True, the wedding did not take place: the girl of the wool woes in the end took away the fake passport to the Canaras. The rigging quagi swore to revenge, killing both. But he did not have time - during the Grand Stripping, Kurgansky began to be imprisoned.

Since that time, eight years have passed. Returning from the journey, Alexey and Irina began to live a civil marriage, they had a daughter. Irina got a job in a modeling agency and once even got on the cover of a fashion magazine. This magazine of the will of fate was in the hands of an abandoned groom, spoiling days at the zone.

The happy view of the traitor again awakened in him the thirst for revenge, and he, knowing that the hunt for Nuto-Medvedkovsky was going on, told operatives about the personality of his opponent on a love front. Further was the case of technology: Guards of the order found Irina, who did not know what her cohabitant was engaged, and having received all the necessary information, began to prepare for detention.

23 years for 12 murders

In the hands of operatives, Lesha Soldier was in early 2006. On this day, he came to visit his father who fell into the Botkin hospital. When he closed the car and saw the police running to him from different sides, I immediately understood: this time there is no chance. At interrogations, Alexey Scycm did not grow involved in the liquidation case and told everything as it is: Yes, killed, but forced, and has long been departed from affairs. He lived a peaceful life and even found himself in the plastering craft.

The consequence was able to prove the involvement of the Schestobitov to 12 registered killings and attempts. On February 22, 2008, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison, and in September, the term increased to 23 years. It is noteworthy that all the titles and rewards received by a killer in his past, premininal life, left him. Ironically, the courage remained with Alexei, who he received in the distant 1990 for their help in capturing a particularly dangerous criminal.

Schustobitov sent to serve as a strict regime colony located in the Lipetsk region. With Irina, they still parted, and Alexei's 31-year-old native of St. Petersburg named Marina became the new chief of Alexei. With her, Lesha Soldier was combined with a marriage on June 9, 2016. Now the wools tries themselves in writing skill: from under his feather there are several books.

1 comment.

  1. I have repeatedly refuted PR articles about this mock and liars! Leshu Shersobitova, I knew from the moment of the appearance of the grouping and I will say that this character is not the one for whom he gives himself. This is an artificially created TV and the press of the people of people who were allegedly forced and forced to kill, but in fact all this excuse for cops of the jury court to avoid life imprisonment, which he is proud that he fascinated the jury grandmothers - housewives, and even the victim Glozer killed brother. Half of the fact that he writes this lies of pure water. The episode of the assassination attempt on Berezovsky was fought by them from beginning to end to give the weight of their person and avoid reprisals in the SIZO. Due to the court did not consider this episode seriously. The girl killed during an attempted painting, not a random sacrifice and this murder is deliberate since Lesha lit up and these girls became involuntary witnesses of the attempt, Lesha, without regret, was actuated by an explosive device. The fact that no one knew him and did not see in the face too a lie, on the Internet there is a full video with a fraternity and photos on all picnics and other events. When attempting to Otari, he knew perfectly for whom she was attempted, and now it is completely afraid that the "Torpeda" will arrive for the murder of Otari and he does not live. This excuse for those who are not bothering on facts, because killer on such serious persons charges in full and the missing should not happen, and otherwise the object of the attempt will take counter measures, will approve itself, and the return will arrive in response. Lesha issued himself when describing this attempt on Otari, it turns out a hundred bodyguard Mikhail he knew, and the sick himself in which he shot the first and in whose body he released three bullets, did not know! But who can believe in this nonsense? At the expense of conspiracy, I would not claim with such confidence of the press writes the press, Lesha burned three apartments with a weapon, so there were also hostages on one, and this is his conspiracy?! Another myth and excitement for the court that Lesha lived a peace profession plaster and tied up with the past. It was not that it was taken so to speak with polishing on working out the next object to eliminate the director and founder of one secret research institute on the Warsaw highway in Moscow. Then in 2006, A. Trushkin gave an order to the seizure group when the hazard was hazarded. The result of all this a lie that the Sherebitet believed everything except the court itself, which did not take into account even his lime award and his repentance, and if it were not for the jury and speech of the victim Glozer with a request to relax that this mobby would be delicious! This is such a "legendary" and the elusive Indian "Lesha Soldier".