Biology test on the basis of breeding. Biology test "Fundamentals of breeding

Control testing on the topic "Selection"

1. Interlinear hybridization of cultivated plants leads to:

1) maintaining the same productivity;

2) the splitting of new traits;

3) increasing productivity;

4) consolidation of signs.

2. Outbreeding is:

1) crossing between unrelated individuals of the same species;

2) crossing of various species;

3) closely related crossing;

4) there is no right answer.

3. Hybrids arising from the crossing of various species:

1) are sterile;

2) are distinguished by increased fertility;

3) give fertile offspring when crossed with their own kind;

4) are always female.

4. The doctrine of the source material in breeding was developed by:

1) Ch. Darwin; 2) N.I. Vavilov;

3) V.I. Vernadsky; 4) K.A. Timiryazev.

5. The center of origin of cultivated plants is considered to be areas where:

1) the largest number of varieties of this species was found;

2) the highest density of growth of this species was found;

3) this species was first grown by humans;

4) there is no right answer.

6. Outbreeding is a cross between:

1) unrelated individuals of the same species; 2) brothers and sisters;

3) parents and children; 4) there is no right answer.

7. Closely related crossing is used for the purpose of:

1) maintaining useful properties organism;

2) enhancing vitality;

3) obtaining polyploid organisms;

4) fixing valuable features.

8. Heterosis is observed when:

1) closely related crossing;

2) crossing of distant lines;

3) vegetative reproduction;

4) artificial insemination.

9. Biologically distant hybridization includes crossing of representatives:

1) contrasting natural areas; 3) different genera;

2) geographically remote areas of the Earth; 4) all answers are correct.

10. In cell engineering, the following cells are used for hybridization:

1) genital; 2) somatic;

3) undifferentiated embryonic; 4) all of the above.

11. Cloning is impossible from cells:

1) leaf epidermis 2) carrot root

3) cow zygotes 4) human erythrocyte

12. In biotechnological processes, the following are most often used:

1) vertebrates 2) bacteria and fungi

13. The center of origin of plants such as grapes, olive, cabbage, lentils is located in:

1) East Asia 2) Central America

3) South America 4) Mediterranean

14. Inbreeding is:

1) crossing of various species

2) crossing of closely related organisms

3) crossing different clean lines

4) an increase in the number of chromosomes in a hybrid individual

15. Corn origin center:

1) Abyssinian 2) Central American

3) South Asian 4) East Asian

16. The variety of cucumbers is:

1) genus 2) species

3) natural population 4) artificial population

17. Prominent Russian scientist and breeder engaged in the development of new varieties of fruit trees:

1) N.I. Vavilov; 2) I.V. Michurin;

3) G. D. Karpechenko; 4) B.C. Pustovoit

18. Treatment of potatoes with colchicine leads to:

1) polyploidy 3) hybridization

2) gene mutations 4) heterosis

19. One of the effects accompanying obtaining clean lines in breeding is:

1) heterosis 2) infertility of offspring

3) diversity of offspring 4) reduced viability

20. For the first time, it was possible to develop ways to overcome the infertility of interspecific hybrids:

1) K.A. Timiryazev; 2) I.V. Michurin;

3) G. D. Karpechenko 4) N.I. Vavilov

21. A homogeneous group of animals with economically valuable characteristics, created by man, is called:

1) species 2) breed;

3) variety; 4) strain

22. "Evolution guided by the will of man", in the words of N. Vavilov, can be called:

1) receiving modification changes

2) breeding new breeds and varieties

3) natural selection

23. Potato origin center:

1) South American; 2) South Asian tropical;

3) Mediterranean; 4) Middle American

24. The variety of cat breeds is the result of:

1) natural selection 2) artificial selection

3) mutational process 4) modification variability

25. When pure lines are obtained in plants, the viability of individuals decreases, since

1) recessive mutations become heterozygous

2) the number of dominant mutations increases

3) recessive mutations become dominant

4) recessive mutations become homozygous

26. He is engaged in obtaining hybrids based on combining cells of different organisms using special methods

1) cell engineering 2) microbiology

3) taxonomy 4) physiology

27. A branch of the economy that produces various substances based on the use of microorganisms, cells and tissues of other organisms -

1) bionics 2) biotechnology

3) cytology 4) microbiology

28. Isolation of a certain gene or a group of genes from the DNA of an organism, its inclusion in the DNA of a virus capable of penetrating a bacterial cell so that it synthesizes the desired enzyme or other substance is engaged in

1) cell engineering 2) genetic engineering

3) plant breeding 4) animal breeding

29. A clean line is:

2) a group of genetically homogeneous organisms

4) individuals obtained under the influence of mutagenic factors

30. Interlinear hybridization in plant breeding leads to:

1) the manifestation of the effect of heterosis in hybrids

2) decreased vitality

3) obtaining new clean lines for further crossing

4) the emergence of homozygous hybrids used for mass selection

Answers to tests:

Job number - answer option


Option 1


Breeding is the science of:
Test on the topic: "Plant and Animal Breeding"
Option 2
Choose one correct answer

A variety, breed, strain is called:
A) the origin of species by natural selection
B) creation of new strains of microorganisms, plant varieties and animal breeds;
C) mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis and living systems;
D) heredity and variability.
2. Inbreeding is:
A) crossing of unrelated organisms;
B) the type of asexual reproduction;
C) a method for obtaining polyploid organisms;
D) closely related crossing.
3. Clean lines are:
A) hybrids from crossing genetically dissimilar organisms;
B) interline hybrids;
C) a population of homozygous individuals;
D) natural populations and species.
4. The Abbisin center of origin of cultivated plants is:
A) citrus fruits, grapes and sugarcane;
B) coffee tree, barley and durum wheat;
C) sugar cane, tobacco and pineapple;
D) rice, peas and lentils.
5. The main methods of plant breeding:

B) induced mutagenesis;

D) hybridization and artificial selection.

6. Features of animals as objects of selection:
A) late puberty;
B) reproduce asexually;
C) reproduce only sexually;
D) few descendants;
D) many descendants.
7. Find the correspondence between the types of hybridization used in breeding and their
A) crossing of unrelated organisms 1) distant
B) closely related crossing 2) inbreeding
C) crossing of organisms of two different pure
lines 3) outbreeding
D) crossing of individuals of different species 4) interlinear
the origin of cultivated plants is home to:
A) a set of organisms of one biotope;
B) a set of organisms of the biocenosis;
C) a population of organisms artificially created by man;
D) natural populations of wild animals or plants.
2. When outbreeding:
A) most harmful mutations become heterozygous;
B) all useful mutations become homozygous;
C) most genes become homozygous;
D) cross closely related organisms.
3. Interlinear hybridization is:
A) crossing of organisms of different breeds and varieties;
B) crossing of organisms of the same breed or variety;
C) crossing of organisms of different types;
D) crossing of organisms of different pure lines;
4. South American Center

A) tobacco, pineapple, potatoes and sunflower;
B) sleep, corn, lentils and durum wheat;
B) sugar cane, coffee tree and tobacco;
D) rice, olives and beets.
5. The main methods of animal breeding:
A) exposure to environmental factors;
B) selection of parental pairs, hybridization and individual selection;
C) the use of natural selection;
D) induced mutagenesis.
Choose a few correct answers:
6. The main breeding methods used in the microbiological industry:
A) outbreeding and artificial selection;
B) artificial and natural selection;
C) inbreeding and artificial selection;
D) induced mutagenesis;
D) artificial selection.
7. Find the correspondence between the types of hybridization and the characteristics of the obtained
A) increasing vitality and fertility 1) inbreeding
descendants in the first generation;
B) allows you to combine valuable in one organism 2) outbreeding
signs of different types;
C) decrease in vitality and yield; 3) interlinear
D) most genes are translated into heterozygous 4) distant.

Control testing on the topic "Selection"

1. Interlinear hybridization of cultivated plants leads to:

1) maintaining the same productivity;

2) the splitting of new traits;

3) increasing productivity;

4) consolidation of signs.

2. Outbreeding is:

1) crossing between unrelated individuals of the same species;

2) crossing of various species;

3) closely related crossing;

4) there is no right answer.

3. Hybrids arising from the crossing of various species:

1) are sterile;

2) are distinguished by increased fertility;

3) give fertile offspring when crossed with their own kind;

4) are always female.

4. The doctrine of the source material in breeding was developed by:

1) Ch. Darwin; 2) N.I. Vavilov;

3) V.I. Vernadsky; 4) K.A. Timiryazev.

5. The center of origin of cultivated plants is considered to be areas where:

1) the largest number of varieties of this species was found;

2) the highest density of growth of this species was found;

3) this species was first grown by humans;

4) there is no right answer.

6. Outbreeding is a cross between:

1) unrelated individuals of the same species; 2) brothers and sisters;

3) parents and children; 4) there is no right answer.

7. Closely related crossing is used for the purpose of:

1) maintaining the beneficial properties of the body;

2) enhancing vitality;

3) obtaining polyploid organisms;

4) fixing valuable features.

8. Heterosis is observed when:

1) closely related crossing;

2) crossing of distant lines;

3) vegetative reproduction;

4) artificial insemination.

9. Biologically distant hybridization includes crossing of representatives:

1) contrasting natural areas; 3) different genera;

2) geographically remote areas of the Earth; 4) all answers are correct.

10. In cell engineering, the following cells are used for hybridization:

1) genital; 2) somatic;

3) undifferentiated embryonic; 4) all of the above.

11. Cloning is impossible from cells:

1) leaf epidermis 2) carrot root

3) cow zygotes 4) human erythrocyte

12. In biotechnological processes, the following are most often used:

1) vertebrates 2) bacteria and fungi

13. The center of origin of plants such as grapes, olive, cabbage, lentils is located in:

1) East Asia 2) Central America

3) South America 4) Mediterranean

14. Inbreeding is:

1) crossing of various species

2) crossing of closely related organisms

3) crossing different clean lines

4) an increase in the number of chromosomes in a hybrid individual

15. Corn origin center:

1) Abyssinian 2) Central American

3) South Asian 4) East Asian

16. The variety of cucumbers is:

1) genus 2) species

3) natural population 4) artificial population

17. Prominent Russian scientist and breeder engaged in the development of new varieties of fruit trees:

1) N.I. Vavilov; 2) I.V. Michurin;

3) G. D. Karpechenko; 4) B.C. Pustovoit

18. Treatment of potatoes with colchicine leads to:

1) polyploidy 3) hybridization

2) gene mutations 4) heterosis

19. One of the effects accompanying obtaining clean lines in breeding is:

1) heterosis 2) infertility of offspring

3) diversity of offspring 4) reduced viability

20. For the first time, it was possible to develop ways to overcome the infertility of interspecific hybrids:

1) K.A. Timiryazev; 2) I.V. Michurin;

3) G. D. Karpechenko 4) N.I. Vavilov

21. A homogeneous group of animals with economically valuable characteristics, created by man, is called:

1) species 2) breed;

3) variety; 4) strain

22. "Evolution guided by the will of man", in the words of N. Vavilov, can be called:

1) receiving modification changes

2) breeding new breeds and varieties

3) natural selection

23. Potato origin center:

1) South American; 2) South Asian tropical;

3) Mediterranean; 4) Middle American

24. The variety of cat breeds is the result of:

1) natural selection 2) artificial selection

3) mutational process 4) modification variability

25. When pure lines are obtained in plants, the viability of individuals decreases, since

1) recessive mutations become heterozygous

2) the number of dominant mutations increases

3) recessive mutations become dominant

4) recessive mutations become homozygous

26. He is engaged in obtaining hybrids based on combining cells of different organisms using special methods

1) cell engineering 2) microbiology

3) taxonomy 4) physiology

27. A branch of the economy that produces various substances based on the use of microorganisms, cells and tissues of other organisms -

1) bionics 2) biotechnology

3) cytology 4) microbiology

28. Isolation of a certain gene or a group of genes from the DNA of an organism, its inclusion in the DNA of a virus capable of penetrating a bacterial cell so that it synthesizes the desired enzyme or other substance is engaged in

1) cell engineering 2) genetic engineering

3) plant breeding 4) animal breeding

29. A clean line is:

2) a group of genetically homogeneous organisms

4) individuals obtained under the influence of mutagenic factors

30. Interlinear hybridization in plant breeding leads to:

1) the manifestation of the effect of heterosis in hybrids

2) decreased vitality

3) obtaining new clean lines for further crossing

4) the emergence of homozygous hybrids used for mass selection

Answers to tests:

Job number - answer option


Option 1.

A1... The science of breeding new varieties of plants, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms:

a) cytology b) genetics c) selection d) microbiology

A2. Choose a scientist who created opened centers of origin of cultivated plants:

a) N. I. Vavilov b) G. D. Karpechenko. c) I. V. Michurin d) C. Darwin

A 3. What is the name of the phenomenon of "hybrid power"?

a) mutagenesis b) heterosis c) inbreeding d) outbreeding

A 4. What kind of selection is used in the breeding of cross-pollinated plants?

a) individual b) mass c) unconscious d) natural

A 5. Closely related crossing is carried out for:

a) increasing the viability b) obtaining heterozygous organisms

c) obtaining clean lines d) improving the properties of hybrids

A 6. Outbreeding is

a) mass selection of producers b) crossing of individuals of different breeds

c) crossing of close relatives d) crossing of different species

A 7. A method based on the introduction of genes from one organism into another:

a) cell engineering b) genetic engineering c) cloning d) chromosome engineering

Part B. Choose three correct answers out of six.

IN 1. Select the methods that chromosome engineering applies.

1) polyploidy methods

2) growing cell cultures on a nutrient medium

3) the method of substituted lines

4) augmented line method

5) cloning

IN 2. Establish a correspondence between cultures and their centers of origin

Part C. Insert the missing words into the text:

The cabbage-rare hybrid was obtained by the scientist _____________. It turned out to be __________, since the chromosomes and radishes could not conjugate. The ability to form gametes was restored by the _________ method

Test on the topic "Basics of selection".

Option 2.

Part A. Choose one correct answer out of 4 suggested.

A1. A group of plants artificially created by man with hereditarily fixed economic characteristics:

a) breed b) variety c) strain d) population

A 2. Choose a scientist who has overcome the infertility of distant hybrids.

a) N. I. Vavilov b) Ivanov c) I. V. Michurin d) G. D. Karpechenko.

A 3. Heterosis is observed when:

a) distant hybridization b) crossing of different pure lines

c) splicing of different varieties d) artificial insemination

A 4. The infertility of interspecific hybrids is overcome with the help of:

a) heterosis b) inbreeding c) distant hybridization d) polyploidy

A 5. Inbreeding -

a) Closely related crossing b) unrelated crossing

c) crossing of different genera, species d) obtaining mutations

A 6. What kind of selection is used in the selection of self-pollinated plants?

a) unconscious b) mass c) artificial d) individual

A 7. Cellular engineering is based on:

a) obtaining genetically modified organisms

b) growing cells on a nutrient medium

c) the introduction of kernels somatic cells into the ovum

d) a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes

Part B. Choose three correct answers from the proposed ones.

IN 1. Select the methods used by IV Michurin.

1) selection method 3) artificial mutagenesis

2) mentor method 5) hybridization

4) polyploidy

В 2. Establish a correspondence between the methods and directions of selection:

Part C. Insert the missing words into the text using the picture.


organisms with a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes are called _________. This phenomenon can be obtained with the help of plant poison __________. The resulting plants have ____________ vitality.

Instructions for performing the work.

You are given 20 minutes to complete the work. The work consists of 3 parts, including 10 tasks.

Part A includes 7 tasks. Each task is given 4 answers, one of which is correct.

Part B contains 2 tasks with a choice of several correct answers.

Part C contains 1 task with the insertion of the necessary words into the text.

For a correctly completed task of Part A, 1 point is awarded.

Correct performance of the tasks of part B is estimated with two points.

Tasks with a free detailed answer of Part C are evaluated from zero to three points. For the correct complete answer containing all the necessary elements (3), the student receives 3 points. 2 points - 2 correct answers, 1 balaa - 1 answer and 0 points - guessing was done incorrectly.

Criteria for evaluation:

Evaluation system for option No. 1

Part A



Part B



Part C

C1. Insert the right words into the text.

The cabbage-rare hybrid was obtained by the scientist _____________. It turned out to be __________, since the chromosomes and radishes could not conjugate. The ability to form gametes was restored by the _________ method

Part A

For each correct answer - 1 point. If two or more answers are indicated (including the correct one), the wrong answer or the answer is missing - 0 points.



Part B

For the correct execution of tasks B is given 2 points. If the answer contains one mistake, then the student gets one point. For an incorrect answer or an answer containing 2 or more errors, 0 points are awarded.



Part C

C1. Insert the missing words into the text. O Organisms that have a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes are called _________. This phenomenon can be obtained with the help of herbal poison __________. The resulting plants have ____________ vitality.

Sources used.

1. Biology. General biology... 10-11 grade. A basic level of... Sivoglazov V.I. et al. 2013.

2. Lesson plans. Biology. Grade 10. To the textbook of Belyaev. Part 2. Publishing house "Teacher", 2006.

3. Kirilenko AA Thematic tasks for preparing for the exam. Publisher: Legion, 2014

Test on the topic: "Selection".

Option 1.

1. Scientific and Practical activities man to improve old and develop new breeds, varieties and strains of microorganisms.

a) genetics; b) evolution; c) selection.

2. What form of artificial selection is used in animal breeding?

a) massive; b) individual.

3. At what hybridization does inbred depression occur?

a) closely related; b) not related.

4. Why is inbreeding done?

a) obtaining heterotic hybrids; b) getting clean lines;

c) strengthening the dominance of the trait.

5. How is the effect of heterosis expressed?

a) decrease in vitality and productivity;

b) increasing vitality and productivity;

c) increased fertility.

6. Does the effect of heterosis persist with further propagation of hybrids?

a) yes; b) no; c) sometimes.

7. In what organisms is polyploidy found?

a) plants; b) animals; c) microbes.

8. A set of cultivated plants of one species, artificially created by man and characterized by hereditarily stable features of structure and productivity.

a) breed; b) grade; c) strain.

9. The use of living organisms and biological processes in production.

10. Changing the genotype by inserting the gene of one organism into the genome of another organism.

a) biotechnology; b) genetic engineering; c) cloning.

Test on the topic: "Selection"

Option number 3.

    What methods of reproduction are characteristic of animals?

    What methods of reproduction are characteristic of plants?

a) sexual, b) asexual, c) vegetative.

    What forms of artificial selection are used in animal breeding?

a) massive, b) individual.

    What crosses cause inbred depression?

a) closely related, b) unrelated.

    For what purposes is closely related crossing carried out?

a) an increase in vitality, b) an increase in the dominance of a trait, c) obtaining a clean line.

    How is heterosis expressed?

a) increasing the productivity of the hybrid, b) increasing the fertility of the hybrid,

c) obtaining a new breed or variety.

    How do heterotic hybrids reproduce in plants?

    How do heterotic hybrids reproduce in animals?

a) vegetatively, b) sexually, c) do not reproduce.

    In what organisms is polyploidy found?

a) plants, b) animals, c) man.

    Is the mentor's method used in animal breeding?

a) yes, b) no.

Test on the topic: "Selection"

Option number 4.

    The birthplace of many tuberous plants, including potatoes, is the center ...

A. South Asian B. South American tropical.

B. Mediterranean. G. Central American.

    The use of biotechnology methods in breeding allows ...

A. Accelerate the multiplication of a new variety. B. Create a hybrid of a plant and an animal.

B. Accelerate the multiplication of new breeds. D. Identify hereditary diseases in humans.

    The method of isolating individual individuals among agricultural crops and obtaining offspring from them is called ...

A. Mass selection. B. Interlinear hybridization.

B. Remote hybridization. D. Individual selection.

    In breeding work with microorganisms, they use ...

A. Closely related breeding. B. Methods for obtaining heterosis.

B. Remote hybridization. D. Experimental production of mutations.

    About 90 species of cultivated plants, including corn,

come from the center ...

A. East Asian. V. Central American.

B. South Asian G. Tropical Abyssinian.

    Infertility of interspecific plant hybrids is possible

overcome with ...

A. Heterosis. B. Individual selection.

B. Mass selection. D. Polyploidy.

    In breeding work with plants they do not use ...

A. Remote hybridization. B. Mass selection.

B. Testing of sires by offspring. D. Individual selection.

    In breeding work with animals they do not use ...

A. Related crossbreeding. B. Polyploidy.

B. Interlinear hybridization. D. Unrelated crossing.

    Artificial transfer of the necessary genes from one species of living organisms to another species, often distant in origin, refers to methods ...

A. Cellular Engineering. B. Chromosomal Engineering.

B. Remote hybridization. G. Genetic engineering.

    The first stage in animal breeding is….

A. Unconscious selection. B. Hybridization.

B. Domestication. D. Methodical selection.

