How many will be 1 2 calculator. Simple calculator - fast, accurate

The percentage in mathematics is called the hundredth of the number. For example 5% of 100 equals 5.
This calculator will make it possible to accurately calculate the percentage of the specified number. There are various calculation modes. You can produce various calculations using interest.

  • The first calculator is needed when you want to calculate the percentage of the amount. Those. You know the value of interest and amount
  • The second - if you need to count how many percent is x from Y. x and y, these are numbers, and you are looking for the percentage of the first in the second
  • The third mode is adding percent from the specified number to this number. For example, Vasi 50 apples. Misha brought you another 20% of the apples. How many apples are Vasi?
  • The fourth calculator is opposite to the third. Vasi has 50 apples, and Misha took 30% of apples. How many apples have Vasi left?

Frequent tasks

Task 1. An individual editor receives 100 thousand rubles each month. It works on simplified and pays taxes 6% per month. How many PP should pay taxes per month?

Decision: Use the first calculator. Introduce in the first field rate 6, in the second 100000
We get 6000 rubles. - the amount of tax.

Task 2. Misha has 30 apples. 6 He gave the Kate. How many percent of the total number of apples Misha gave Kate?

Decision: We use the second calculator - in the first field we enter 6, on the second 30. We get 20%.

Task 3. At Tinkoff Bank for replenishing the deposit from another bank, the depositor receives 1% from above from the amount of replenishment. Kohl replenished the contribution to the translation from another bank in the amount of 30,000. What a final amount of the contribution of Kolya will be replenished.

Decision: We use a 3M calculator. We introduce 1 in the first field, 10,000 second. We click the calculation to get the amount of 10100 rubles.

Calculator online - It is so necessary, always available in your browser tool for a wide range of people who need to quickly make calculations without referring to any application programs. This online calculator, which we offer to use directly on our website, is deprived of the shortcomings of many such services and application applications, such as incorrect results of calculations or insufficient mathematical functionality. Our one of the best and most powerful calculators is intended for any, simple and complex calculations: interest, trigonometric functions, logarithms, root extraction and much more from the region of higher mathematics.

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One of the main features of our calculator is the ability to build graphs, this rare function is useful to schoolchildren and students and people engaged in scientific activities. Our service is designed not only to students and researchers, it can be useful and representatives of business, accountants, financiers and many other people whose professional activities are associated with frequent mathematical computing. Now you do not need to search on a computer program for computing, or carry a certified typewriter, just go to this site and use the Calculator online

Free calculator - This is our new online service, based on the idea of \u200b\u200bproviding all visitors to the site unlimited access to the calculator for free from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Around the clock, anywhere where there is an Internet! The site offers to take advantage of this free calculator with the widest possible features without registering the user.

This free calculator is simple enough and easy to learn, but not everyone can use all the functionality of the calculator without special instructions that we have prepared for you. The instruction will inform you in detail about the correct designations of mathematical actions and about all the functions of the calculator on specific examples. All this in order for you to easily and conveniently enjoy our calculator.

Depending on your requirements and the level of computing complexity, the calculator can be used as a conventional calculator - to perform the main arithmetic operations, or as an engineering calculator - for mathematical calculations of increased complexity with the involvement of additional functions. For all types of operations with a free calculator there are examples in the instructions.

To use the calculator - you need to enter numbers and signs using a manipulator (mouse) by pressing the button panel of the calculator itself. The sequence of entered mathematical expressions will be displayed on the virtual display, and after pressing the "Equality" button, the calculator instantly makes calculations and give the required result without deleting the sequence itself from the display. You can make calculations and from the keyboard, for this, first of all, click once left mouse button on the data entry field. After that, start entering data from the keyboard digital panel. Pressing the "Enter" key is equivalent to the "equal" buttons. For details on the management of a mathematical calculator, see

Mathematical Calculator-Online V.1.0

Calculator performs the following operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, work with decimal, root extraction, exercise to the degree, calculation of interest, etc. operations.


How to work with a mathematical calculator

Key Designation Explanation
5 Figures 0-9 Arabic numerals. Enter natural integers, zero. To obtain a negative integer, you must press the +/- key
. semicolon) Separator to designate decimal fractions. In the absence of a number before the point (semicol, the calculator will automatically substitute zero before the point. For example: .5 - will be recorded 0.5
+ Plus sign Addition of numbers (whole, decimal fractions)
- minus sign Subtract numbers (whole, decimal fractions)
÷ division sign Division of numbers (whole, decimal fractions)
H. Multiplication sign Multiplication of numbers (whole, decimal fractions)
root Removing the root from among. When you press the root button again, the root is calculated from the result. For example: root out of 16 \u003d 4; root of 4 \u003d 2
x 2 Construction in the square The erection of the number in the square. When you press the "Erection to Square" button again, it is built into the square of the result, for example: Square 2 \u003d 4; Square 4 \u003d 16
1 / X. fraction Conclusion in decimal fractions. In Numerator 1, in the denominator, the number entered
% percent Getting a percentage of numbers. To work, you must enter: the number of which will be addressed by the percentage, sign (plus, minus, divide, multiply), how many percent is numerically, the "%" button
( Open bracket Open brace for setting the priority of calculation. Be sure to have a closed bracket. Example: (2 + 3) * 2 \u003d 10
) Closed bracket Closed bracket for setting the priority of calculation. Necessarily the existence of an open bracket
± Plus minus Changes the sign to the opposite
= equally Displays the result of the solution. Also over the calculator in the "Solution" field displays intermediate calculations and the result.
Deleting a symbol Removes the last symbol
FROM Reset Reset button. Fully resets the calculator to the "0" position

Algorithm of work online calculator on examples


Addition of whole natural numbers (5 + 7 \u003d 12)

Addition of whole natural and negative numbers (5 + (-2) \u003d 3)

Addition of decimal fractional numbers (0.3 + 5.2 \u003d 5.5)


Subtraction of whole natural numbers (7 - 5 \u003d 2)

Subtracting whole natural and negative numbers (5 - (-2) \u003d 7)

Subtraction of decimal fractional numbers (6.5 - 1.2 \u003d 4.3)


Production of whole natural numbers (3 * 7 \u003d 21)

Production of integral and negative numbers (5 * (-3) \u003d -15)

Production of decimal fractional numbers (0.5 * 0.6 \u003d 0.3)


Division of whole natural numbers (27/3 \u003d 9)

Division of whole natural and negative numbers (15 / (-3) \u003d -5)

Decision decimal fractional numbers (6.2 / 2 \u003d 3.1)

Removing the root from among.

Removing the root of an integer (root (9) \u003d 3)

Removing the root of decimal fractions (root (2.5) \u003d 1.58)

Removing the root of the number of numbers (root (56 + 25) \u003d 9)

Removing the root from the difference of numbers (root (32 - 7) \u003d 5)

The erection of the number in the square.

Construction of an integer ((3) 2 \u003d 9)

Construction of decimal fractions ((2.2) 2 \u003d 4.84)

Translation into decimal fractions.

Calculating interest from the number

ENLARGE by 15% Number 230 (230 + 230 * 0.15 \u003d 264.5)

Reduce by 35% Number 510 (510 - 510 * 0.35 \u003d 331.5)

18% of the number 140 is (140 * 0.18 \u003d 25,2)

Compared to other online calculators, our solution makes calculations with an accuracy of 20 decimal places. Conventional services are up to 10 characters. This is due to the need to have large computing resources. To display up to 30 characters, equipment with tremendous performance is required. Our service has the following advantages:

  • the ability to scale the calculator under convenient dimensions;
  • adaptation for any display dimensions;
  • calculations are manufactured according to the rules of mathematics, taking into account the priority of operations of various types (addition, multiplication, etc.);
  • the most accurate calculations;
  • calculation of the entire expression immediately, not in parts.

The mathematical calculator makes it possible to accurately calculate any values \u200b\u200bon the canons of mathematical laws. Does not create the subordants after entering each action, making the calculation, taking into account the entire mathematical expression, and not all operations separately.

Example of calculation

If you try to determine the result of calculations of the following example 3 + 3x3, then the system will give the result 12. Other calculators, as a rule, will be given the result in 18. This is due to the fact that after each action is determined by the subite. Our program takes into account the hierarchy of mathematical signs, initiating the operation of multiplication, and then only addition.

How to count on a simple calculator

A simple calculator produces uncomplicated calculations: to firm the amount or difference, perform fission and multiplication operations. When entering values, use the mouse or keyboard keys. The most convenient for calculations will be a digital block, but you can also use those keyboard buttons that are between functional near and alphabet. All digital values \u200b\u200bon the keyboard correspond to the online calculator buttons.

The following keys on the PC keyboard are used to embed and multiplying, dividing and subtracting.

[*] - multiply;

[/] - divide;

[-] - take away;

[+] - add;

- equal;

[.] - Decimal separator.

To find out the result of a mathematical action, you must click on the keyboard or sign [\u003d] in the calculator interface. To reset the values \u200b\u200busing the keyboard, you can press one of the keys - or. By pressing the key, you can remove the last entered value.

What operations can be carried out on a simple calculator?

  • (x) - multiplication;
  • (÷) - division;
  • (-) - subtraction;
  • (+) - addition;
  • (C) - Reset values.
  • (→) - Delete the last introduced sign.

The history of the development of calculators includes many centuries. In the Soviet era, enthusiasts are called the most advanced model MK-52. The device had a powerful stuffing at that time and was used for programming, some experts managed to write games and programs on it. The legendary series survived the dawn of mobile technologies and to this day is released called MK-152.

This is a small, easy-to-use program created to facilitate everyday routine calculations, which do not need anything other than your browser.

You need to make calculations, carry out a number of mathematical actions, and at the moment the usual electronic calculator or the corresponding program was not at hand? In this case, the indispensable for you will be this simple and convenient to use the Calculator online. You have the ability to enter data using visual interface buttons, or directly using the keyboard. The calculator performs all the basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). The presented mathematical calculator online allows you to calculate complex expressions, for example: (21-45) / (1.5 * 2) * (8 + 2 * 2) \u003d - 96. At your disposal.

Calculator online This is not a novelty. But most of the existing things are made a few years ago, and have a primitive set of functions. The calculator submitted on our website, is not inferior to the usual calculators, and something even exceeds them.

Calculator device for mathematical computing. Many people on earth for simple computing uses a calculator. Calculators are very different from each other: there are simple calculators among the functions that have only multiplication, division, subtraction and addition. There are more "tricky" calculators that can among other things to raise into a degree, etc. There are online calculators. For example, on this site in the lower right corner there is an online calculator. An online calculator can save a lot of time on solving various mathematical tasks. When calculating any non-trivial engineering task, the presence of a good calculator (even the online calculator is suitable) is simply necessary. Imagine what will happen, fir you make an arithmetic error when designing a building. The calculator also helps to prepare various financial reports. A rather not simple task is to take a loan in a commercial bank. Many bankers, traders when working with documents resort to the use of the Calculator online.

Calculator (Lat. Calculātor "Counter"):

  1. Electronic computing device for performing operations over numbers or algebraic formulas;
  2. Computer program, emulating calculator functions.
  3. Specialized program, automatically conducting some kind of calculation (deposit calculator, contact pad calculator, and the like)
  4. Profession (man, calculation).

In the Soviet Union, the term "microcalculator" was used to designate a small-sized computing device, first used in 1973 for the microcalculator "Electronics B3-04". Just "Calculators" called large desktop computing devices. And desktop and microcalculators were officially called "ECMM - electronic keyboard computing machines".

Currently, due to the fact that in English only the term "calculator" (calculator) is used, the term "microcalculator" has come out of circulation.