Difficult words with unpronounceable consonants. Rule of unpronounceable consonants at the root of words

August 26, 2016

Today the weather is stormy

And I'm so unhappy.

The rain is absolutely terrible.

It would soon become clear again

And the red sun would shine,

And it would be wonderful all around!

Nobody likes rainy weather because you can't go out and play with your friends. What to do while sitting at home when it’s raining outside? Maybe study how unpronounceable consonants at the root of words are written?


To correctly write such words, you need to learn the rule:

Let's apply it to the words from the poem:

Today the weather is inclement T ye),

And I'm so unhappy (unfortunately) T e).

The rain is falling absolutely terrible (terrible - no T).

It would soon become clear again (clear - no T),

And the sun would shine red (red - no T),

And it would be wonderful all around (wonderful - no T)!

This helps to check the unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word. It is very simple, you must learn it by heart.

Choose a test word

Let's play the test word game. For each of the examples below, select a test cognate word

  • famous, messenger, agenda (news, message, news, message);
  • sad (sadness, be sad);
  • hello (health, health, healthy);
  • starry (star, asterisk);
  • cabbage (cabbage);
  • locality (place, place);
  • inclement (inclement weather);
  • late (to be late, late);
  • joyful (joy);
  • whistle (whistle, whistle);
  • heart (heart, heart);
  • sun (sunny);
  • reed (reed);
  • participant (participation);
  • honest (honor);
  • dangerous (fear);
  • wonderful (miracles);
  • terrible (terrible);
  • interesting (interesting).

Second graders begin to study the unpronounceable consonants at the roots of words. 2nd grade should already be able to select test words.

Video on the topic

Words to remember with unpronounceable consonants

It is not always possible to apply the rule. There are words in which the unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word cannot be checked. They are called dictionary, their spelling needs to be learned:

  • staircase - a series of steps or rungs;
  • holiday - a day when a significant event is celebrated;
  • feelings - internal experience, emotional state;
  • peers - people of the same age;
  • peers is a synonym for the word "peers".

Find words that have unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word

It is necessary to develop the ability to find words with unpronounceable consonants among others. This requires training. Here are sentences, find words in them with unpronounceable consonants.

These sentences use words with different spellings, among them “Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word”, examples of such words: messenger, joyful, charming, wonderful, beautiful, starry, cabbage, agenda, late, reeds, localities.

Divide the words into two groups

Words for distribution: ne...y (heavenly), svi...y (whistle), dreve...y (woody), kol...y (wheeled), must...y (oral), inter...y (interesting), hru...ut ( crunch), zap...oh (spare), viru...y (viral), glad...y (joyful), consonant (consonant), ko...y (bone).

This task helps develop the ability to classify words according to their orthographic characteristics: whether there is an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word or not.


Let's play riddles. You need to guess and write down the last word in the sentence:

  • At dawn, _______________(sun) peeks through the window.
  • My love will open the door in your ____________(heart).
  • On a frosty night, lights burn in the _____________ (starry) sky.
  • He is a known truth-teller, he will not tolerate lies, because he is __________ (honest).

This task will be interesting to complete when studying the topic “Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.” 3rd graders will cope with this work easily and fun.

Mini dictations

Now let's write a little dictation. Choose any:

It's a beautiful morning! It just rained. The cabbage beds are washed and fresh. The sun's rays warm up, and the damp earth smells good. My heart is happy from this beautiful morning. Hello summer!

Unsuccessful hunt

The hunt was unsuccessful. It was a stormy day. The sun disappeared behind the clouds, and a sad light rain began to fall. We got out of the forest. The area was known to us. The village herd grazed on this pasture in the summer. A shepherd's hut was visible nearby. We will rest in it after an unsuccessful hunt.

Spring came

The stormy days are over and spring has arrived. The birds are singing cheerfully, the sun is warming, the streams are babbling joyfully. The area was covered with grass, lilies of the valley bloomed under the trees. The buds on the trees opened. Hello Spring!

All these dictations are intended to test knowledge on the topic “Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words.” 3rd grade should cope with such tasks.

Insert words in the text

There was a very interesting text, but the letter-eating beetle ate some of the letters in the words. What to do? It is necessary to return the original form to words that have unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.

A famous writer wrote a story about a prince who was invincible in battles. The word...the portrait speaks of the weak...character and terrible appearance of the prince. This prince took part in the campaign and was exposed to dangers. He himself was so cruel that he only spared one old man once.

One day after the victory, he arranged a festive feast. The table was bursting with delicious...i..tv. But the joyful feast was interrupted. The social...ce hid behind the clouds and there was a storm of... A strong wind blew, thunder roared, and lightning flashed. The prince felt severe pain, and then fell to the ground unconscious. Groo... but this story would have ended, but then a sorcerer appeared. He was the same age as the century. This old magician miraculously revived the prince and said: “Hello, prince! You once saved me from death, I returned the debt to you!”

Let's make sentences from words

When everyone has learned to write a dictation, you can move on to a more complex task - composing sentences. To do this, we use words that contain the studied spelling “Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.” Examples of such words: at a school holiday, joyful faces, concert participants, beautiful flowers, a beautiful area, a famous writer, an interesting story, heralds of spring, late autumn, inclement weather, a sad look.

With these words you can make, for example, the following sentences:

By creating sentences using words that have an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word, third graders remember them best.

TOPIC: Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words

PURPOSE: To introduce the presence in the Russian language of words with unpronounceable consonants d, t, l, v. In place of the sound combinations (zn), (sn), (rts), (nts), (stv). Learn to transfer known methods of checking, in particular, to checking unpronounceable consonants in the roots of words. Give examples like joyful, in which an unpronounceable consonant is at the junction of two suffixes.

Equipment: textbook, workbook, drawing of the planets, inhabitants of the planet (cards with the letters l, d, t, c), individual handouts, poster with a rebus, cards with words.

Today in the lesson we will go on a space journey to a planet where consonants live who love to play hide and seek with people. Write down the departure date of your flight. We will fly into space on this ship. To ensure a safe trip, it is necessary to check the functionality of all rocket systems. Look carefully at the letters in each column and find the extra ones (l, d, t, v).

In the first column - paired consonants, L - unpaired consonant,

In the second column - voiceless consonants, D denotes a voiced consonant sound, in the third column - unpaired voiceless consonants, T- denotes a paired consonant sound. The fourth column contains unpaired voiced consonants. Well, all the problems have been fixed.

The engine will start after we have written these letters correctly and beautifully.

Vocabulary and spelling work. Let's hit the road. The first option will be located on the left side, the second option on the right side. Port side, wink at me with your left eye, Starboard side, wave your right hand. Full speed ahead.


What do the words in each column (noun and adjective) have in common (unstressed consonants at the root of the word).

What is a noun? And an adjective? How to check an unstressed vowel in the root?

On the left side, find a word in which the letter I - denotes one sound. Starboard find the same root word (earth - earthy). What words are called cognates?

And now, let everyone find an extra word on their board (rocket, orange - dictionary).

Well done! You are real travelers: resourceful and quick-witted. There is a planet ahead. The inhabitants of this planet sent us congratulations.


What word can replace these phrases? SIGNIFICANT EVENT

SOLEMN DAY - HOLIDAY (vocabulary work).

How many letters and sounds are there in this word? What sound is not pronounced in this word? How to check the word holiday. We can't check. If a word cannot be verified, you need to remember its spelling. Write it down in your notebook.

Choose words with the same root (celebrate, festive, festive). Make up a sentence with one of the words (write in your notebook).


The flight continues. There is a planet ahead. I propose to greet the inhabitants of this planet. What word do you usually greet when meeting?


What an amazing planet. What does she look like?


How joyfully our

Cards with the words are hung on the board:


U. Say these words as we do when talking. Compare pronunciation and spelling.

U. Which consonant is not pronounced, but the letter is written (each word is analyzed separately.

U. What are the names of consonants that are written but not pronounced? D. (Unpronounceable consonants).

Write words in a notebook.

U. So we recognized the inhabitants of this planet (cards with letters on the planet are hung up). Let's highlight the root in the words. Determine which part of the word contains the unpronounceable consonants. (At the root of the word).

JOYFULLY - Sometimes unpronounceable consonants occur at the junction of two suffixes. Give a name to this planet (the topic opens on the board).


U. How to check unpronounceable consonants?

To check unpronounceable consonants, you need to choose a single-root word in which these sounds are heard clearly.

Open the textbook and read the rules.

Joy heart
Joyfully Heart
Glad Cordial

Among the words that are written on the cards, find those that will serve as test words. Write the test words in your notebook.


Let's take off. How many discoveries await us. Together, in step, we walk... We walk on our toes. We're walking on our heels. They checked my posture. We squeezed our shoulder blades together. We sat down and continued the flight.

Working with the textbook. Read the words.

Valiant, honest, knowledgeable, regional

How to check words?

Valiant - valor (message from the etymological, explanatory dictionary - student)

Honest - honor
Late - to be late

Regional – region (student’s research work, message from an etymological dictionary)


And now the unpronounceable consonants want to test what we have learned and what we have learned.

Working with cards.

Exercise. Form phrases with adjectives. Write down and underline the spelling of the unpronounceable consonant. Working with cards.

(Izvestia) person - famous person
(star) sky
(bad weather) weather
(happiness) moment

Exercise. Match the words in the left column with words from the right column that are similar in meaning.

U. What are the names of words that are similar in meaning? D. Synonyms.

Our ship headed home. Having guessed the rebus, you will find out the name of the spaceship, thanks to which our journey took place.

BUREVESTNIK(Research paper-communication).

Which consonant in the word is not pronounced?

Consonant T.

Choose a test word.

News, news.


What are the inhabitants of the planet we visited called?

Unpronounceable consonants.

U. What should you do to avoid making mistakes in spelling words with unpronounceable consonants?

D.. Choose a test word in which the sounds are heard clearly.

To know how to write, You need to change the word, And quickly look for the vowel behind the incomprehensible sound.

Homework. Write 3-4 sentences about your favorite holiday.

Verification method


1. Change the number

Tooth-tooth would, elbows-lo co t

2. Change case

Book - books or To

3. Replace the noun with an infinitive form of the verb

Error - oshi ba threshing, threshing - milk you t

4. Use diminutive suffixes

Prut-prut you ki, help - ask in chka

5. Replace short forms of adjectives with full ones, and full ones with short ones

Fresh - fresh live y, narrow - y zo To

6. Change gender for past tense verbs

Lez-le h la, carried - no With la

7. Put verbs in the indefinite form or in the imperative mood in the present or future tense

Gnaw - gry zu, cook - ready vya T

8. Replace a noun with an adjective, and an adjective with a noun

sandy – ne with k, rye - r lady Noah

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words

Verification method


To check an unpronounceable consonant at the root, it is necessary to select a related word so that this consonant appears before the vowel or before the sonorant: agency (agents), hello (health), neighborhood (crossroads), pasture (graze), whistle (whistle), furious (furious), manifest (manifest, appear)

1. Choose a verb as a test word

Late – late Yes t

2. Choose a noun as a test word

Reed - cable you

3. Choose a noun with a preposition as a test word

Ruthless - without pity you

Remember! Peer

Examples for spelling warm-up:

Blood (blood in and), frost (moro behind), bread(bread ba), threshing (milk you t), request (about si t), fairy tale (ska PS vat), wedding (swa de bny), spoon (lo or k), baby (cro shi t), plumber (water supply before m), marker (size you t), riddle (ha Yes t), joke (shu you t). Honest (honest) T b), valiant (valor t), messenger (weight you), gigantic (giant T), hello (zdra in), famous (known you e), bone (braid t), selfish (korys t), flattering (forest t), local (months That), unhappy (wait t e), lay (pos you bark), heart (gray de chny), sun (sol Not personal).

Diagnostic kit No. 1 Spelling consonants in the root of a word

Working part

Control part

Column no.1

Column No. 2

10 floats

Column No. 3

Column No. 4

7 saved_

8 hardworking_

10 se_ (age)

Column No. 5

Column No. 6

1 terrible

2 korys_ny

3 delicious

4 gigantic

5 dangerous

6 famous

7 wonderful

8 okres_ny

10 surface

1 spare

2 sad_ny

3 rare

4 whole

5 silent_howling

6 unbearable

7 honor

8 participate

9 thunderous

10 strength

Exercise No. 1. Insert the desired letter, changing the number of nouns

Exercise No. 2. Change the gender of past tense verbs

Exercise No. 3. Replace short forms of adjectives with full ones.

Exercise No. 4. Select the desired letter by checking the form of the genitive case

Exercise No. 5. Select the desired letter by checking the form of the genitive plural.

Exercise No. 8. Check with a verb

Exercise No. 9. Insert the missing letters, indicate the spelling.


For example:

For example:

For example:wonderful, my dear.

No miracle
snoh don't stopsnO,
And the snake
snoh and oopssnO
Write the letter T forward
In the words of taste
snoh, interestingsny.


In some words, the letters D, T, V, L are not pronounced, but are written.
For example:stellar, local, hello, sun.
To check an unpronounceable consonant, you need to choose a word with the same root so that this consonant is clearly heard.
For example:
stellar - star, local - place, hello - health, sun - sunshine .

Some words cannot be verified.
REMEMBER: feeling, stairs, celebration.

If a consonant is not heard in combinations of consonants when a word is changed, then there is no need to write it.
For example:wonderful, my dear.

No miracle
snoh don't stopsnO,
And the snake
snoh and oopssnO
Write the letter T forward
In the words of taste
snoh, interestingsny.

voiceless, intriguing, skillful, inert, dangerous, peer, literature, participate, honor, parade, dishes. It is written to sparkle (although shine), ladder (although ladder), splash (although splash), flask (although glass).

V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Control cheating
Winter evening

Control cheating
Winter evening

The winter day is short. The blue twilight emerged... from the forest and hung over the snowdrifts. Re….ko crunch….null dream…. under the feet.... M….ro…. cr….pch….l. In...the south we...have more...drifts under the starry sky. Pos….nim evening….rum we arrived….drove to the st….ro….ke l….snik. The fire was burning brightly in the stove. It was warm and cozy in the small hut. Gleb Ivanovich served us delicious... tea.

Control cheating
Winter evening

The winter day is short. The blue twilight emerged... from the forest and hung over the snowdrifts. Re….ko crunch….null dream…. under the feet.... M….ro…. cr….pch….l. In...the south we...have more...drifts under the starry sky. Pos….nim evening….rum we arrived….drove to the st….ro….ke l….snik. The fire was burning brightly in the stove. It was warm and cozy in the small hut. Gleb Ivanovich served us delicious... tea.

Control cheating
Winter evening

The winter day is short. The blue twilight emerged... from the forest and hung over the snowdrifts. Re….ko crunch….null dream…. under the feet.... M….ro…. cr….pch….l. In...the south we...have more...drifts under the starry sky. Pos….nim evening….rum we arrived….drove to the st….ro….ke l….snik. The fire was burning brightly in the stove. It was warm and cozy in the small hut. Gleb Ivanovich served us delicious... tea.

When pronouncing some words with combinations of consonants, loss of sounds. Consonants that drop out during pronunciation are called unpronounceable (region T noah, not us T ny).

To check the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants (usually combinations stn, stl, zdn, lnc, rdc ), it is necessary to select a related word in which this consonant is pronounced, for example: region T noy - region T oh, just a minute T livy - wait T yeah, right d nick - praz d en, sol n tse - sol n evergreen, gray d tse - ser d Echny.

You cannot insert extra letters that are not in the test word, for example: delicious(taste), verbal(words).

Remember the spelling of words: chu V goodness, bleh sn ugh(Although bleh st eat), re sn itsy, row sn ik, ver st nick, me st va(food, from the ancient verb eat), former(from the old Russian word before - earlier ).

Stunning and voicing of consonants

Voiced consonants b, V, G, d, and, h words are deafened before voiceless consonants and at the end, for example: hawk b, hawk b ki, borax V, borax V chick, liar G, warehouse d, gara and, Moro h, re h cue etc. On the contrary, voiceless consonants P, f, To, T, w, With before voiced ones they are voiced, for example: co With bah, molo T bah. As a rule, deafening and voicing of consonants is not reflected in writing.

In order not to make a mistake in writing deaf and voiced consonants at the root, the word must be changed or a related word must be chosen so that after these sounds there is a vowel (or l, m, n, R ), For example: hawk b- hawk b s; Moro h- Moro h y, moro h ny; co With ba-ko With it; mo G- mo G whether; mo To- mo To whether.

Word matchmaker d bah written with d (Although matchmaker T at), word le With tnitsa - with a letter With (Although le h t).

For some consonants it is impossible to select a test word, for example: Ryu To zach, in To hall, ane To dot, ku V tires, ka f tan. You need to remember such words.