Schizoid personality type. Schizoid character

Each person is endowed with certain character traits, which in combination make it possible to classify him as one or another psychological type. The most difficult type of personality to diagnose and treat is the schizoid personality type, characterized by isolation and reticence. Such individuals stand out from other people because they have interests that are atypical for society.

general characteristics

A schizoid is a person who has a psychological disorder expressed in an increased need for security. He needs the most secure existence possible, and therefore seeks protection in any place and situation.

People with schizoid mental disorder are extremely rare. They are distinguished by non-standard behavior, which often frightens society. For example, they value personal space too much and are unable to let strangers into it. As a rule, these individuals are aware of their characteristics, but do not like others to mention them.

To ensure their own safety, schizoids use the method of detachment from society. They are comfortable being alone and giving in to dreams and fantasies. Despite this, such people are not alien to human experiences; they simply try with all their might to avoid negative emotions.

An individual with this personality type is rarely accepted by society; he is able to see what others do not see. This feature forces the schizoid to engage in solitary activities, for example, meditation or some kind of creativity. The detachment and isolation of the individual usually hides the desire to be significant for loved ones. But since a person does not know how to build long-term relationships and quickly gets tired of communication, intimacy does not arise. This leads to the fact that the schizoid feels more comfortable in the company of animals or small children.

Schizoid disorder is sometimes confused with autism. They are united by a dislike for increased attention. But, unlike autistic people, schizoid people are able to express feelings and can understand the emotions of other people. They are very smart and talented, but have no desire to make close and long-term contacts.

Schizoid disorder can be identified in early childhood. A child with this disorder overreacts to external stimuli, such as loud noises or bright lights. Any change in the environment can cause him discomfort, expressed in detachment and screaming. Such children do not like close contacts and try in every possible way to escape from the hands of their parents; they can even give up breastfeeding early in order to ensure their integrity and inviolability. Sometimes young mothers associate this with the baby’s sensitive skin or pain when sucking at the breast.

It is possible to identify schizoid accentuation, that is, the hypertrophied development of certain qualities against the background of others, as early as 2-3 years. To do this, you need to pay attention to the child’s behavior and identify the main features.


  • emotional detachment;
  • often being alone;
  • difficult adaptation to new conditions;
  • violation of general norms and rules;
  • ignoring the environment;
  • isolation;
  • wild fantasy;
  • inability to express warm feelings.


In adulthood, schizoid syndrome acquires increasingly clear features. Thus, men with this disorder in communication express impartiality and detachment, which many women seem to be some kind of peculiarity of nature. Such individuals may behave aggressively and strangely, but only for personal protection.

When communicating with the opposite sex, such men behave distantly, which can be interpreted as disinterest. It is easier for them to take their companion to a secluded place and spend time in silence than to waste energy on beautiful courtship and going to restaurants. From the outside, such individuals seem boring and stingy, and therefore continuation of communication usually does not occur.


When communicating with a woman of the schizoid type, you can also feel coldness and detachment. She would rather choose a secluded place than have fun with friends. Large crowds of people tire her.

You can identify such a person by appearance. As a rule, she looks extraordinary. For example, this person can calmly come to a business meeting in a light summer dress and a lacy hat, completely unaware that she looks out of place. For a schizoid woman, self-expression is much more important than norms imposed by society.

A girl with schizoid syndrome is not particularly worried about appearance. This quality is also inherent in men with this disorder. Appearance plays an insignificant role for them, and such people would rather hide a stain than try to wash it off. There is also chaos in their everyday life, in which schizoids themselves are quite comfortable.

Women of this personality type do not tolerate invasion of personal space, and therefore cannot have a love relationship. They change their mood dramatically, turning from a friendly lady into a reserved and unapproachable person. Fear of physical intimacy often makes girls leave relationships with men. If people with a schizoid type nevertheless agree to intimate relationships, they do it without any emotions. They can start families, have children, but will remain a mystery to their spouses.


In psychology, there are several classifications of accentuations, which makes it possible to classify a person with schizoid disorder as a specific subtype.

According to Leonard

Thus, the German psychologist K. Leonhard identified types of accentuations according to temperament, character and personality type as a whole. He identified demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable, hyperthymic, dysthymic, cyclothymic, exalted, anxious and emotive personalities.

  • Thus, a demonstrative personality is determined by unconscious psychological defense, expressed in the removal from memory of moments that can harm the psyche. Such a person is prone to lies, which, in his opinion, are the pure truth. This type is distinguished by an increased feeling of self-pity.
  • But a pedantic personality is characterized by excessive concern. In everything and everywhere such an individual looks for shortcomings, which causes internal tension.
  • A stuck person is not able to quickly switch from one experience to another, which forces them to return to the experienced sensations from time to time.
  • With the excitable type, intolerance is often observed, manifested by outbursts of anger and physical violence. The lower the intellectual abilities of such an individual, the more clearly the incontinence manifests itself.

  • The hyperthymic psychotype has an optimistic outlook on life and looks at serious things too frivolously. Whereas the dysthymic type is characterized by increased seriousness and pessimism, which often manifests itself in a tendency to depression.
  • A cyclothymic person is able to change his behavior depending on the situation. But an exalted individual perceives the world around him too closely, and therefore is prone to frequent mood swings.
  • The anxious type is constrained and lacks self-confidence. Such a person can be rude or rude, but only if he experiences anxiety and uncertainty.
  • An emotive person spends too much time on personal experiences. He is distinguished by his kindness and sincerity, which is easy to detect thanks to his pronounced facial expressions.

According to psychologists, there is no holistic personality type. As a rule, one psychotype is closely related to another. For example, a schizoid can combine the qualities of both a demonstrative and an excitable personality.

By Lichko

Another psychologist, A.E. Lichko, believed that accentuation determines character traits, and not the personality as a whole. In his opinion, some qualities can change under external pressure.

  1. A psychasthenic schizoid does not know how to work in a team and is not able to bear responsibility for others. He has enormous knowledge, but cannot voice his thoughts due to indecision and anxious suspiciousness. Such a person is defined by a weak nervous system and a tendency toward apathy.
  2. A sensitive schizoid is characterized by increased sensitivity and fragile internal organization. He does not know how to survive troubles and holds grudges for a very long time. The inability to forgive the offender leads to the fact that such a person constantly replays what happened in his head, which leads himself to neurasthenia. Otherwise, an individual with this disorder is modest and conscientious.
  3. A hysterical schizoid has a need for deep solitude and has absolutely no need for social connections. He makes contact only when absolutely necessary. Sometimes this type creates a small group of people around himself with whom he occasionally wants to spend time.

Schizoid disorder can manifest itself in two states.

  1. Adynamic– defined by autistic traits. In this case, patients are distinguished by excessive sensitivity and poorly expressed self-sufficiency. They overreact to negative events and cannot stand disputes and scandals.
  2. Stenichny– is expressed in increased performance in a limited type of activity. These individuals always act carefully and prudently, and are also distinguished by their despotism and lust for power. A sthenic schizoid is not able to form friendships and does not know how to work in a team.

Sometimes schizoid disorder is equated with schizotypal disorder, since they have similar symptoms. Thus, a schizoid can be identified from an early age, but a schizotype often develops in adulthood. Schizotypal disorder has severe symptoms that include obsessive fears, aggression, angry outbursts, and hallucinations.

The main difference between these two diseases is that, unlike schizoid disorder, schizothymia cannot be treated.


To date, there is not a single proven reason that could provoke the development of a schizoid psychotype. All theories are based only on assumptions.

  • Some psychologists believe that the development of this psychopathy occurs due to an unmet need for communication. They assume that such children are born into dysfunctional families where there is no love and mutual understanding. These individuals have felt parental hostility since childhood, and therefore withdraw into themselves and distance themselves from other people.
  • Other scientists suggest that this mental illness occurs against the background of the inability to create a comfortable environment around oneself. Schizoids cannot accept their own shortcomings and are unable to survive failures, and therefore lead a reclusive lifestyle.
  • There is a version associated with the cognitive directions of mental activity. They are determined by the blurriness of thoughts and the complexity of perception. Such patients cannot grasp the emotional state of people, and therefore are simply not able to respond to other people's feelings. This concept assumes the slow development of speech and motor skills in children, regardless of intellectual abilities.

Most psychologists agree that the schizoid type develops in the presence of several factors. It may be a combination of biological, genetic, social and psychological circumstances that influence the formation of personality.

Methods of therapy

Psychotherapy is usually used to treat schizoid personality accentuation. But if the patient has concomitant mental illnesses, drug therapy should be used.

The psychoanalytic approach helps best in the fight against this disease. It involves long work by a psychologist who must act as carefully as possible, constantly maintaining his distance. The doctor should not focus on the patient’s characteristics and emphasize his originality. Achieving favor and trust can only be achieved by demonstrating acceptance of the schizoid's non-standard thinking.

You need to understand that few people with such a deviation will independently accept the problem and seek help. As a rule, such people come to see a specialist under pressure from their close circle. In this case, therapy is unlikely to give the desired effect.

Patients can be helped to cope with their condition through group therapy, in which individuals can accept themselves through the study of similar people. A comfortable environment is created for treatment, aimed at feeling complete safety. Of course, not all individuals are able to relax in an unfamiliar place and trust strangers, but with constant contact it is possible to achieve participation in such therapy.

In cognitive therapy, the therapist uses methods based on the feeling of positive emotions. The patient is encouraged to explore the full range of feelings and be given the opportunity to understand each of them. In the future, the schizoid must learn to express positive emotions in pleasant life situations.

People with this personality type are not uncommon. Among them there are geniuses, who are the driving force behind the development of civilization, and types who have completely cut themselves off from the world (a form of schizophrenia).

We will leave psychiatric patients outside the scope of this article, and will give information about healthy people. We’ll also talk a little about the borderline state between normality and pathology, i.e. about schizoid personality disorder.

What is this

The main psychological characteristic of such a person is complete or partial isolation from the real world, isolation into oneself and underdevelopment of the emotional sphere.

The experiences and feelings of people of this type are multifaceted. There are too many of them, they overwhelm a person, but he does not let them out and does not show emotions. Usually people with such a mental organization are convinced that they are completely free from the conventions and traditions of society.

They try to isolate themselves from society and treat others arrogantly. Their usual position is “no one can tell me”, “I am God and the master of life”, etc.

People of this type are poor comforters and not empathetic listeners. They find it difficult to feel compassion for others or to be happy for anyone.

Often the epithets eccentric, strange, reserved are applied to a person with such a personality organization.


Often the reason for the formation of a personality of the schizoid type is mental trauma (threat to life or loss of a sense of security) received at different stages of development.

During the prenatal period

  1. Example (A). The child’s mother, his father and other relatives want to terminate the pregnancy, that is, they want this child not to be born. The energy of anger and rejection emanates from them. And the fetus perceives these flows of energy, affecting it negatively. As a result, blockages appear that interrupt the interconnection of organs.
  2. Example (B). The mother does not intend to take the child’s life, but is constantly in a stressful situation (moral and physical violence in the family). This also threatens the life of the fetus, and he, trying to preserve it, calms down and hides. Figuratively speaking, he splits himself into pieces. All of the above are prerequisites for the negative feelings that the born toddler begins to experience towards others.

Immediately after birth

If a newborn is immediately taken away from his mother, he may perceive this as a threat to his life - he is left alone in an unfamiliar world, abandoned.

With improper upbringing in the family

Conclusion: the alienation of parents or guardians from the child, as well as the unceremonious imposition of their opinion, often contributes to the fact that the personality begins to develop along a “schizoid” path.

After all, adults are obliged not only to formally take care of their sons or daughters, but also to communicate with them, giving affection and warmth, to instill in children a sense of confidence and security, and to try to understand them.

A child who does not have virtues and friends in the person of his parents begins to look for such a patron and intercessor within himself. This is how he protects individuality so that it is not swallowed up or crushed.

Stages of formation


The first traits of a schizoid character can be noticed in a child already in preschool age (at 3 or 4 years).


During school years, such a child does not change much. He does not try to establish contact with classmates and find friends. The child’s self-esteem is high and the opinions of others are of little concern to him.

Most often, he likes purely intellectual communication, the exchange of information, without any emotions. Often such students develop extraordinary abilities in mathematics or literary writing.

Sometimes it seems that the child knows a lot. There is only one thing he cannot do - the language of human relationships.

The child himself, of course, notices that it is difficult for him to establish contacts with other children. That's why he doesn't go for walks.

A child with such a personality organization is completely unemotional and does not show intense joy, sadness or anger. When communicating with him, it is difficult to understand how he perceives your impact on him. Parents often experience childhood coldness (if they themselves are not of the schizoid type).

Such children do not like to kiss and hug their parents and cannot tolerate such affection towards themselves (it is unpleasant for them).

The non-standard character traits of schizoid individuals and their inability to communicate with peers often provoke conflicts with classmates. Usually these eccentrics are destined for the position of outcasts.

Such children do not know how to defend themselves and manipulate others. The role of a leader will be alien to him and little understood in the future.


This is the most difficult period for withdrawn children. Intellectual superiority over classmates is good. Constant rejection by peers and inability to establish relationships with them is bad.

A teenager's self-esteem begins to change constantly. It can rise to delusions of grandeur or quickly fall down when the child feels worthless and engages in self-flagellation.

Attempts by parents to invade his inner world are sometimes met with violent protest.

A schizoid teenager will be irritated by many things:

  • The parents entered the room and did not knock.
  • They touched his things.
  • They control their studies.
  • They are interested in his life.

Very often, loneliness does not bother teenagers with this type of personality, but their isolation and constant isolation from their peers attracts attention.
Sports activities are not alien to such children. But they will prefer single sports rather than team ones.

What to do and how to treat a withdrawn child

Schizoid personality type


Adult individuals already have an established character. He is full of contradictions. And it is almost impossible to understand their inner world. What worries such a person, what feelings overwhelm him, what hurts him greatly?

It's hard to say, because outwardly he looks mentally indifferent and cold. It is extremely difficult to understand and imagine how a schizoid type perceives the world.

A small detail that most people wouldn't pay attention to is very significant to him. And, on the contrary, very important facts will not have any meaning for him.


A person has an ambivalent attitude towards himself. He is aware of his high intellectual potential. This instills in him feelings of pride and superiority, and sometimes even contempt for others.

However, an absolute lack of understanding of the social relationships in which other people are involved greatly reduces the self-esteem of schizoids.

Their behavior is characterized by the following features:

  • Inability to behave even in the simplest situations.
  • If people almost openly show their hostility, it is difficult for them to evaluate and understand the situation.
  • Their intuition is undeveloped and they cannot resist intrigue and ill-wishers. And if they are treated with sympathy and love, this also remains unnoticed until they are told about it directly and openly.

The art of communication for people with a schizoid character is Chinese literacy, which they are not able to master.

Antipathy to communication is manifested by them in various ways: from timidity and shyness to crude irony and cruelty (if only they would quickly leave them alone). Mutually exclusive traits coexist in a person: stubbornness with pliability, coldness and indifference with vulnerability.

They are characterized by love at first sight. However, in family life they are characterized by everyday inability and indifference to small children, and adultery. They are not easy partners.

The ideal partner for a schizoid is one who will constantly clean up after him and free him from everyday worries: paying bills, planning a budget, raising children.


People of the schizoid type are perceived by others as eccentrics and eccentrics.

Their behavior, gait, facial expressions, manners, feelings - everything looks bizarre:

Negative traits

  1. Excessive isolation.
  2. Inability to empathize and care for others (selfishness).
  3. Arrogance on display.
  4. Idealization of your ideas and desires.
  5. Inability to compromise.
  6. Thirst for personal freedom, but deny it to your loved ones.
  7. Increased suspicion.
  8. Tendency to drug addiction and alcoholism.

Positive features

  1. Curiosity, erudition, high intellectual potential.
  2. A rich inner world, in which there are many ideas and fantasies.
  3. Persistence in solving complex problems.
  4. Constant preferences.
  5. Respecting the boundaries of someone else's personal space.
  6. Commitment to the idea put forward and perseverance in implementing the planned project.


  • On a subconscious level, a schizoid feels as if he will be denied the opportunity to exist, that he will be destroyed, absorbed.
  • A lingering feeling of anxiety and the feeling that you are a stranger everywhere and to everyone.
  • These negative emotions can lead to feelings of anger, and stress can trigger a personality disorder.

Signs of the disorder

Psychoanalysts consider this disorder as a borderline state between the schizoid personality type and schizophrenia. This disorder is not classified as psychotic (the individual distinguishes between the imaginary world and the real one).

It is believed that with schizoid disorder, a person tends to go into a fantasy world and thus protect himself from the outside world. Moreover, the characteristic personality traits remain intact.

General criteria for personality disorder:

It is difficult to meet a person with an absolutely “pure” character type. As a rule, mixed types are more common. For example, schizoid-hysteroid personality type.

In this case, some features characteristic of hysteroids will be added to the expressed features:

  • suggestibility,
  • inadequate demonstration of one’s sexuality in behavior and appearance,
  • ostentatious character,
  • excessive preoccupation with one's attractiveness.

If a person has a paranoid-schizoid personality type, then features characteristic of paranoid types will be added:

  • Constant suspicion and mistrust.
  • The tendency to shift responsibility from oneself to others.
  • Contempt for everything weak and flawed.
  • Increased sensitivity to failure and rejection.
  • Overestimation of one's own importance.


Schizoids can engage in various activities that do not involve intense communication. They are found among doctors, scientists, poets, philosophers, as well as eccentric collectors and vagabonds who do not take into account life values.

Examples from history

People with such a character often achieve unprecedented success in their professional activities due to their intelligence and concentration on the tasks they set for themselves. There is a lot of historical evidence of this.

Artists Van Gogh and Salvador Dali. Philosophers Kant and Hegel. Scientists A. Einstein, Mendeleev, Newton. Composers Bach and Beethoven. Poet B. Pasternak. Psychoanalyst S. Freud.


People with schizoid disorder rarely seek medical help. And those who still decide to come to the doctor are afraid of the conversation. After all, you don’t really want to reveal your inner world to a stranger.

However, there is nothing to fear. A qualified specialist will never put pressure on you. He clearly understands that one cannot invade a person’s personal space and individual thoughts without asking. By communicating with an experienced doctor, people achieve tangible improvement in their condition.

Medicines. There are no special drugs to treat such disorders. However, your doctor may recommend medications to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression that accompany the disorder.

Psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used. It is she who helps the patient change his behavior and beliefs that caused the problem. By resorting to such therapy, a person is taught adequate ways to respond to various situations and is helped to cope with the anxiety that appears when it is necessary to communicate with people.

Group therapy. Treatment is most effective in psychotherapeutic groups. Group sessions support the patient and increase social motivation.

For those who realize that their character is close to the schizoid type, psychotherapists recommend:

  • Learn to show positive emotions.
  • Pay attention to your communication style with loved ones and relatives.
  • Remember that moderate restraint is perceived positively by people, but its excessive manifestation is perceived as detachment.
  • If you feel that it is difficult to cope with the problem yourself, then do not be afraid to seek help from specialists.

Video: Schizoid type

The schizoid personality type, as a rule, is expressed by introversion, which manifests itself in an enhanced mode. The individual creates an imaginary “dome of comfort”, being in which gives calm and measured perception of the realities of life. Interpersonal relationships are usually poor or non-existent. There is a contrast of perception in relation to other people and animals, that is, close attachment to representatives of the animal world and alienation in human relationships. Any area of ​​life is associated with loneliness and reluctance to change, compete, or ambitiously achieve anything. Even the sexual aspect of life is expressed either in the complete absence of real sexual contact, or in the presence of a short-term relationship, but exclusively in adulthood. This personality type is not susceptible to fashion trends. In work, their choice falls on backbreaking, difficult activities that an ordinary person would refuse.

Examples of “schizoids” among prominent figures

If we consider statistical data on individuals with a schizoid personality type, who are found among the entire population in 7.5% of cases, we can conclude that there is a significant proportion of mentally unstable people. There is no particular gender difference when identifying the frequency of manifestation of schizoid personalities, but, according to some data, the ratio tends to be 2:1, where the preponderance will be on the side of men.

It is amazingly common among famous figures to find those who have a schizoid personality type. Examples? A lot of them. These are outstanding scientists - Albert Einstein, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Isaac Newton, and famous philosophers - Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, and brilliant composers - Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, and the famous artist Salvador Dali, and many other.

Schizoid character type is not always a prerequisite for illness

Every person has traits that define a schizoid character type. Thanks to them, an individual can prove himself to be an innovator, a thinker or a person with creative potential. The schizoid character type as the predominant trait of a person can result in the fact that he will devote more to theory than to the emotional aspects of real life. Average people do not always understand the hobbies of schizoid individuals; sometimes these hobbies even seem bizarre to them.

The main nuance of this behavior is the ineffectiveness of theoretical ideas. Emotional satisfaction is achieved in the process of solving a problem, and not in its practical implementation. On the contrary, there is a conscious move away from transferring the idea to the commercial sphere. The schizoid personality type has an interesting feature. She expresses her unwavering attitude towards her popularity among the masses or the influence of money.

What is a schizoid like in childhood?

Every parent worries about their child from the moment he is born and, as they say, until his gray hairs. The schizoid personality type is susceptible to certain disorders. Treatment is more effective if deviations appear at an early age, starting from 3-4 years. The child unconsciously withdraws from parental affection and prefers to engage in solitary activities alone. There is an interest in everything philosophical - these can be eternal questions about life and death, and about the origin of all things, etc.

How does a schizoid position himself in adolescence?

At a later age, in people with a schizoid personality type, one can observe a tendency to complex mathematical calculations, but at the same time a complete inability to solve basic problems in everyday life. The schizoid personality type, which manifests itself at an early age, usually leads to a progressive form of autism.

As for the medicinal method of treating the disorder, one can note an ineffective result. According to statistics, schizoid individuals do not seek treatment for this disease, but undergo treatment for other diseases, in particular alcoholism. If, nevertheless, a schizoid personality type has been diagnosed, a specialist in the field of psychiatry will advise what to do in this case.

Psychotherapy as the main treatment for schizoids

An effective method of treating a patient with a schizoid personality type is psychotherapy, during which the doctor offers a list of standard emotions that the patient should become familiar with and try to experience. Role-playing games within the framework of social life can also be offered, the essence of which is to instill generally accepted social behavior that is acceptable in certain situations.

Preconditions causing disorder in schizoids

Severe personality disorder of the schizoid type manifests itself in the first years of an individual's life. The period of development of this type of disorder is very long.

There is no genetic predisposition to schizoid disorder. Even, for example, at work a patient can achieve significant success, but only in an isolated area. At the same time, those around him may not even know about his illness.

Symptoms of schizoid disorder include:

  1. Emotional indifference or weakly expressed emotion in relation to events happening around.
  2. A constant state of isolation, thoughtfulness, seriousness and aloofness.
  3. Almost complete absence of need for interpersonal relationships.
  4. No need to defend your opinion.
  5. Recognition of the truth of information only if it comes from verified sources, for example, stated in the words of distinguished scientists.
  6. Non-standard thought processes, especially in the analytical field.
  7. Helplessness in everyday life.

The most important factor on the path to relative stability of schizoid personalities throughout life is the correct choice of profession and periodic diagnosis by a psychotherapist.

The result of crossing two radical types

Along with the four dominant personality types, there are also smoothly flowing ones, namely:

I. Schizoid-hysteroid personality type.

II. Hysterical-schizoid personality type.

Despite the fact that these psychotypes come from the main categories, they are fundamentally different from them. These are independently existing personality types.

The reason for the appearance of such a combination may be the crossing of different personality types of one and the second parent in their child, but only under the condition of clearly defined initial types that are of equal strength and do not drown out each other. Most often, in this combination, the schizoid type occupies the primary position, and not the hysterical one, because it is more stable.

Summarizing the above information, we can talk about identifying the main and secondary types, but without completely suppressing the second. In particular, the individual’s need for introversion, which is understood both as isolation, from the point of view of a schizoid, and as the presence of deep contact from the point of view of necessity for society, is already a trait of a hysterical personality type.

If you are schizoid, the test will definitely show it

R. Cattell’s personality questionnaire, which is capable of both a quick diagnosis of a personality type and an in-depth study of it, has received widespread demand among psychologists. It will allow you to recognize, if present,
schizoid personality type. The test characterizes a personality with 16 factors that allow one to predict behavioral actions in projection onto the real world. This technique can be carried out both individually and in groups, covering various areas of application: personnel, professionally oriented, consulting, etc.

What is the final result of diagnostics using R. Cattell’s method?

The methodology is represented by 105 professional questions. The questionnaire allows you to accurately diagnose the individual traits of a particular person, called “constitutional factors,” according to the method of R. Cattell. A prerequisite for diagnosing a patient is limited time. The technique allows us to identify the emotional, intellectual, and communicative properties, including the ability to self-regulate, of the diagnosed individual.

Thus, the psychologist receives the final result in the form of a psychographic profile of the individual.

This professional program is used in the work of various specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors, personnel specialists, psychotherapists.

Practical significance of diagnostic results using the MMPI2 questionnaire

The second modern psychodiagnostic method, which is no less important and popular than R. Cattell’s questionnaire, is the MMPI2 questionnaire.

Its use greatly simplifies the procedure for selecting applicants based on the required personal characteristics. Further use of the technique will help track and identify employees engaged in professional activities that do not correspond to their psychographic personality profile, which will subsequently lead to increased productivity and minimization of risks. The programs allow you to establish personal characteristics, the level of intellectual and professional training, the main motivational impulses for activity, competencies, development potential, etc.

Areas of application can be various types of psychological consultation, career guidance, professional selection, harmonization of relationships in teams and much more.

People with a schizoid character type are always significantly different from those around them, and have their own special characteristics that manifest themselves in many areas of life. These eccentricities are visible in the style of clothing, manner of communication, and peculiar gait. For people with a schizoid personality type, reality does not represent the basis for perceiving the world. Being a phlegmatic person, a person mainly moves mechanically, sometimes pretentiously, jumping or shuffling. In this case, it is quite obvious that his internal attitudes are not in harmony with the demands made by the external world.

The schizoid personality type is characterized by a fragmented understanding of reality, despite the fact that various little things are given inordinately great importance, and at the same time, the key facts of certain situations are absolutely not taken into account and are regarded as secondary. Such people try to notice special meaning in those things and events that most people around them do not pay attention to. Another feature of the schizoid type is isolation. It is expressed in the fact that very often it is simply impossible to know what emotions are possessing a person, since a schizoid personality can look completely calm in a difficult situation, and internal feelings do not manifest themselves in any way, the person’s face remains impassive.

The activities of an individual with a schizoid character type are always based on their own interests, and this is a serious obstacle to various social contacts. When communicating with an interlocutor, a person with a schizoid personality type often behaves tactlessly, not taking into account the opinions of others. New acquaintances are always perceived as overly suspicious, and if we are talking about empathy or sympathy, then this is definitely not about him. The schizoid type is characterized by the manifestation of selfishness on a constant basis. As for professional activities, such people usually succeed in a narrow specialization. For example, a scientist can devote his entire life to one project, a physician persistently promotes a personally developed technique, even if it is not officially recognized.

A person with a schizoid personality type tends to defend new scientific ideas and create his own style in any direction. It is known that most collectors have a schizoid type of character, and therefore they are always obsessed with their hobby. At work, such people are valued for their unobtrusive and tactful behavior and their obligatory attitude towards their duties. Management often sets them up as an example, assessing their business acumen, which is devoid of emotion. The circle of friends of people with the schizoid type is quite stable; they maintain contact with close friends throughout their lives. But it is quite difficult for them to establish informal relationships with colleagues at a new place of work. The more those around you show persistence, the deeper the withdrawal into yourself occurs.

Schizoids are very independent individuals, and this quality forces them to independently study any project. That is, such an employee achieves everything himself, although in some cases one could simply ask. In this regard, his qualifications improve over time. In this case, it is especially important that the schizoid takes into account the opinions of other specialists. If this is achieved, the team will work very productively.

In people with a schizoid personality type, character traits appear already in childhood, at the age of three or four. Such kids like to devote their time to solitary and quiet activities; they are not interested in active communication with peers. Also, children with a schizoid character type do not experience special attachment to close people, including family members. If a child develops schizoid psychopathy, then he early begins to become interested in complex problems in the field of philosophy. During the school period, schizoids demonstrate logical thinking; sometimes such children show extraordinary abilities in mathematics. At the same time, in everyday life they have many problems, since it is difficult for them to adapt to everyday life.

One of the most important features of the schizoid type of character is the development of schizoid psychopathy in a person. It can occur if certain signs of schizoidism become extremely pronounced. In addition, in this case the person loses the ability to adapt socially. If the resulting schizoid psychopathy is moderate, then the person, even with complete social inability, often achieves significant results in the field of art and science. If a severe form of this disorder has developed, it is characterized by the desire to completely isolate oneself from communication with others and to remain alone.

For every patient who admits that his character is really close to a schizoid type of behavior, experts recommend paying attention to the manner of communication with relatives and close people. The first recommendation is to learn how to express positive emotions. You should be aware of the special line beyond which even decent personality traits, strengthened many times, are perceived as negative. For example, if people perceive ordinary restraint as good traits, then in its excessive manifestation detachment and isolation already arise. The presence of any active position in a person is recognized as an important quality, but communication skills are of particular value in the modern world.

The schizoid personality type, as a rule, is expressed by introversion, which manifests itself in an enhanced mode. The individual creates an imaginary “dome of comfort”, being in which gives calm and measured perception of the realities of life. Interpersonal relationships are usually poor or non-existent. There is a contrast of perception in relation to other people and animals, that is, close attachment to representatives of the animal world and alienation in human relationships. Any area of ​​life is associated with loneliness and reluctance to change, compete, or ambitiously achieve anything. Even the sexual aspect of life is expressed either in the complete absence of real sexual contact, or in the presence of a short-term relationship, but exclusively in adulthood. This personality type is not susceptible to fashion trends. In work, their choice falls on backbreaking, difficult activities that an ordinary person would refuse.

Examples of “schizoids” among prominent figures

If we consider statistical data on individuals with a schizoid personality type, who are found among the entire population in 7.5% of cases, we can conclude that there is a significant proportion of mentally unstable people. There is no particular gender difference when identifying the frequency of manifestation of schizoid personalities, but, according to some data, the ratio tends to be 2:1, where the preponderance will be on the side of men.

It is amazingly common among famous figures to find those who have a schizoid personality type. Examples? A lot of them. These are outstanding scientists - Albert Einstein, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Isaac Newton, and famous philosophers - Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, and brilliant composers - Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, and the famous artist Salvador Dali, and many other.

Schizoid character type is not always a prerequisite for illness

Every person has traits that define a schizoid character type. Thanks to them, an individual can prove himself to be an innovator, a thinker or a person with creative potential. The schizoid character type as the predominant trait of a person can result in the fact that he will devote more to theory than to the emotional aspects of real life. Average people do not always understand the hobbies of schizoid individuals; sometimes these hobbies even seem bizarre to them.

The main nuance of this behavior is the ineffectiveness of theoretical ideas. Emotional satisfaction is achieved in the process of solving a problem, and not in its practical implementation. On the contrary, there is a conscious move away from transferring the idea to the commercial sphere. The schizoid personality type has an interesting feature. She expresses her unwavering attitude towards her popularity among the masses or the influence of money.

What is a schizoid like in childhood?

Every parent worries about their child from the moment he is born and, as they say, until his gray hairs. The schizoid personality type is susceptible to certain disorders. Treatment is more effective if deviations appear at an early age, starting from 3-4 years. The child unconsciously withdraws from parental affection and prefers to engage in solitary activities alone. There is an interest in everything philosophical - these can be eternal questions about life and death, and about the origin of all things, etc.

How does a schizoid position himself in adolescence?

At a later age, in people with a schizoid personality type, one can observe a tendency to complex mathematical calculations, but at the same time a complete inability to solve basic problems in everyday life. The schizoid personality type, which manifests itself at an early age, usually leads to a progressive form of autism.

As for the medicinal method of treating the disorder, one can note an ineffective result. According to statistics, schizoid individuals do not seek treatment for this disease, but undergo treatment for other diseases, in particular alcoholism. If, nevertheless, a schizoid personality type has been diagnosed, a specialist in the field of psychiatry will advise what to do in this case.

Psychotherapy as the main treatment for schizoids

An effective method of treating a patient with a schizoid personality type is psychotherapy, during which the doctor offers a list of standard emotions that the patient should become familiar with and try to experience. Role-playing games within the framework of social life can also be offered, the essence of which is to instill generally accepted social behavior that is acceptable in certain situations.

Preconditions causing disorder in schizoids

Severe personality disorder of the schizoid type manifests itself in the first years of an individual's life. The period of development of this type of disorder is very long.

There is no genetic predisposition to schizoid disorder. Even, for example, at work a patient can achieve significant success, but only in an isolated area. At the same time, those around him may not even know about his illness.

Symptoms of schizoid disorder include:

  1. Emotional indifference or weakly expressed emotion in relation to events happening around.
  2. A constant state of isolation, thoughtfulness, seriousness and aloofness.
  3. Almost complete absence of need for interpersonal relationships.
  4. No need to defend your opinion.
  5. Recognition of the truth of information only if it comes from verified sources, for example, stated in the words of distinguished scientists.
  6. Non-standard thought processes, especially in the analytical field.
  7. Helplessness in everyday life.

The most important factor on the path to relative stability of schizoid personalities throughout life is the correct choice of profession and periodic diagnosis by a psychotherapist.

The result of crossing two radical types

Along with the four dominant personality types, there are also smoothly flowing ones, namely:

I. Schizoid-hysteroid personality type.

II. Hysterical-schizoid personality type.

Despite the fact that these psychotypes come from the main categories, they are fundamentally different from them. These are independently existing personality types.

The reason for the appearance of such a combination may be the crossing of different personality types of one and the second parent in their child, but only under the condition of clearly defined initial types that are of equal strength and do not drown out each other. Most often, in this combination, the schizoid type occupies the primary position, and not the hysterical one, because it is more stable.

Summarizing the above information, we can talk about identifying the main and secondary types, but without completely suppressing the second. In particular, the individual’s need for introversion, which is understood both as isolation, from the point of view of a schizoid, and as the presence of deep contact from the point of view of necessity for society, is already a trait of a hysterical personality type.

If you are schizoid, the test will definitely show it

R. Cattell’s personality questionnaire, which is capable of both a quick diagnosis of a personality type and an in-depth study of it, has received widespread demand among psychologists. It will allow you to recognize, if present,
schizoid personality type. The test characterizes a personality with 16 factors that allow one to predict behavioral actions in projection onto the real world. This technique can be carried out both individually and in groups, covering various areas of application: personnel, professionally oriented, consulting, etc.

What is the final result of diagnostics using R. Cattell’s method?

The methodology is represented by 105 professional questions. The questionnaire allows you to accurately diagnose the individual traits of a particular person, called “constitutional factors,” according to the method of R. Cattell. A prerequisite for diagnosing a patient is limited time. The technique allows us to identify the emotional, intellectual, and communicative properties, including the ability to self-regulate, of the diagnosed individual.

Thus, the psychologist receives the final result in the form of a psychographic profile of the individual.

This professional program is used in the work of various specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors, personnel specialists, psychotherapists.

Practical significance of diagnostic results using the MMPI2 questionnaire

The second modern psychodiagnostic method, which is no less important and popular than R. Cattell’s questionnaire, is the MMPI2 questionnaire.

Its use greatly simplifies the procedure for selecting applicants based on the required personal characteristics. Further use of the technique will help track and identify employees engaged in professional activities that do not correspond to their psychographic personality profile, which will subsequently lead to increased productivity and minimization of risks. The programs allow you to establish personal characteristics, the level of intellectual and professional training, the main motivational impulses for activity, competencies, development potential, etc.

Areas of application can be various types of psychological consultation, career guidance, professional selection, harmonization of relationships in teams and much more.