Burn the holy sun. Alexander Pushkin - Bacchic song: Verse

Entertaining philosophy [ Tutorial] Balashov Lev Evdokimovich

Long live the muses, long live the mind!


That the voice of gladness has ceased?

Distribute, bacchanal choruses!

Long live gentle virgins

And young wives who loved us!

Pour the glass more fully!

To the resounding bottom

Into the thick wine

Throw the cherished rings!

Let's raise the glasses, move them together at once!

Long live the muses, long live the mind!

You, holy sun, burn!

How this lamp turns pale

Before the clear sunrise

So false wisdom flickers and smolders

Before the sun of the immortal mind.

Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!

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Diligently and persistently during the years of Soviet atheism (of course, on a "scientific" basis) we were taught that the "Bacchic Song" by A.S. Pushkin is a hymn to the human mind, free from the "darkness of religion." But sinful bacchanalia great poet contrasts the Divine Vineyard - Christ. The Lord Himself, under the guise of wine, gives Himself to people in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Not wine is a sin (on the contrary, wine gladdens the heart!), But its incongruous use. It is not for nothing that Pushkin writes: "Keep faithful hearts for the legitimate and bashful ones."

Pushkin's "Bacchic Song" is a life-affirming, optimistic song of the great poet to Divine Being and the glorification of the Sun of Truth - Christ! There should be no despondency when God is with us! Innocent joys make hearts happy and unite people so that the muses and the mind may live, and not lies, recklessness and darkness

That the voice of gladness has ceased?

Distribute, bacchanal choruses!

Long live gentle virgins

And young wives who loved us!

Pour the glass more fully!

To the resounding bottom

Into the thick wine

Throw the cherished rings!

Let's raise the glasses, move them together at once!

Long live the muses, long live the mind!

You, Holy Sun, burn!

How this lamp turns pale

Before the clear sunrise

So false wisdom flickers and smolders

Before the sun of the immortal mind.

Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!

Why is there so little simple human fun in the world today, let alone spiritual fun? Therefore, it happens that we do not sing to God, do not love. After all, the natural sun in the sky is difficult to recognize as holy, for it is matter and is silent. This means that Pushkin means something completely different, namely: the Sun of Holiness - Christ, Who is the Light of the world. And the indication of the church lamp is very characteristic! The Lesser Light is diminished before the Uncreated Light of Fovorsk. Moreover, everything posing as "truth" in this quiet Light only "flickers and smolders." Christ is our True God and is the Immortal Sun of the mind. It will never go out, unlike natural luminaries. Therefore, "LET THE SUN HELLO, LET THE DARKNESS HIDE!" Our poetry did not know such a life affirmation in Christ before Pushkin! If we believe in Christ, we will never darken and be saved!

So, the Lord gives Himself in the Divine Eucharist under the guise of the most essential things - including wine, so that we may not be filled with despondency and sorrow before the evil of the world, but with Joy, which no one can take away from us. And this Joy is Christ! Therefore, the song of Pushkin is called Bacchic, associated with the worthy Communion of Eternal Life and Eternal Light. Pushkin for spiritual intoxication, which does not allow the soul and heart to petrify!

The genius of Pushkin lies precisely in the fact that to show the obvious from an incredible side, to tell about the main salvation not directly, but in the wisest, parable form, sparing our consciousness and raising it to the level of the throne of God.

We will exclaim: "Long live Pushkin - the sun of Russian poetry, like Christ shining equally to everyone, both good and evil!"

Pushkin is not afraid to write an ode about ... wine! Wine is a gift from God. Another thing is how this gift is used by a person: “What's dry in the bottom of the bowl? / Pour me, frisky boy, / Only drunk wine / Dissolve with sober water. / We are not Scythians, I don’t like it, / Friends, drunk wildly: / No, over a bowl I sing / Or I talk innocently. " In fact, Pushkin preferred to drink to the bottom of the cup of sorrow and suffering, than to drink from the cup of earthly pleasures and glory. Therefore, whoever envies the glory of Pushkin must understand that the glory of the people's poet is achieved by considerable torment and shedding of blood in order to remain faithful to Christ.

“They loved Pushkin for his direct and noble character, for his liveliness, sharpness and accuracy of mind. Honor, one might say, knightly, was the basis of his actions - and he did not deviate from his concepts about her not once in his life, despite all the temptations and changes in his fate. Not spoiled in childhood by either luxury or pleasures, he was able to endure any deprivation and feel happy in the most constrained circumstances of life. Nature, in addition to poetic talent, awarded him with an amazing memory and insight ”( P.A. Pletnev). So for what qualities of the soul and selflessness God gave Pushkin great grace in writing unsurpassed poetic masterpieces!

The poet Zhukovsky wrote about Pushkin: “Genius is common good; in the worship of genius, all peoples are relatives! .. Pushkin, by his genius, was the property of not only Russia, but the whole of Europe. " Zhukovsky was deeply engrossed in the memory of the dying Pushkin's words to his wife: "Well, well, nothing: thank God, everything is fine." And we will remember them! After all, we, too, will die in body, and what will become of our immortal soul? Pushkin hopes that, despite the approaching death, everything will be fine - God is merciful, his duty is fulfilled ... Every believing Christian thinks in the same way - God's love is stronger than death, which was trampled by God on the Cross. Pushkin writes himself an epitaph: “I didn’t do good, but I was a soul, by God, good person". All jokes, but Pushkin considers kindness to be the main quality of the human soul - only a soul kind to God is capable of performing miracles of love! Such a soul wishes for others the extraordinary - God's help!

God help you, my friends,

In storms, and in everyday grief,

In a strange land, in a deserted sea,

And in the dark abysses of the earth!

Without God, life "in the dark abysses of the earth" is meaningless and unbearable. A poet from God, Pushkin prays for us even now, so that we do not rely on our weak forces, but strengthen ourselves in love and faith. Pushkin directly states: "There is no truth where there is no love." God is Love, Way, Truth and Life. Where there is no love, there is no God.

The poem "Desert Fathers and Blameless Wives" does honor to the great poet. Pushkin not only attends church, confesses and receives communion, he is constantly in the grip of the church's perception of life, therefore his poetry is divinely inspired, contains deep and strong thoughts, supports others. Pushkin boldly relies on the Holy Fathers, risking to be accused of "insufficient transmission of prayers already once and for all imprinted", in particular, the repentant prayer of the Monk Ephraim the Syrian "Lord and Master of my life." Great is the poet's repentance if, considering himself "fallen," he is touched by the Lenten prayer! According to Pushkin, only prayer can strengthen the soul with Divine power.

Desert fathers and women are blameless,

To fly with my heart in the field by correspondence,

To strengthen it amidst the valley storms and battles,

Piled up many divine prayers;

But none of them touch me

Like the one that the priest repeats

In the sad days of Great Lent;

More often than not, she comes to my lips

And he strengthens the fallen one with an unknown force:

Master of my days! The spirit of dull idleness,

Lust of power, this hidden snake,

And do not let idle talk to my soul.

But let me see my sins, oh God,

And the spirit of humility, patience, love

And revive chastity in my heart

Is it possible to imagine that "events" and worldly bacchanalia were held at the altar of Holy Poetry? Of course not! This is why Pushkin is especially valuable and dear to us! Everything pitiful, insignificant flies off from one name - Pushkin. And that which in himself during his lifetime had not yet acquired perfection, either flew away from the poet, or ascended along with his soul to a place where there is only one continuous spiritual perfection.

The poet in "The Wanderer" considers himself a "spiritual worker", dragging "his chains." Pushkin outlines the spiritual path of a Christian on the earth of lamentation, lamentation and suffering, which consists in the fact that if a person does not renounce the corruptible and transient in this world, he will not be able to acquire spirituality and the ability to walk towards the Light - Christ, he will not be able to become like the Creator and wish others from the bottom of my heart: "God grant that in the whole universe / Resurrect peace and silence." Only a genius, that is, a Christian person, can wish for such a thing and do a lot for this with good, bright verses. Pushkin does not hide the fact that he is a mortal man - "a slave of rumor, doubts and passions", but for the immortal poems and penitential disposition Pushkin can be forgiven for everything, especially since we do not know behind him (and we don’t want to know !!) any sins , and we hear about them only from his enemies and foes. After all, they do not have an all-forgiving love, like Pushkin, who bequeathed to us: "TO ALL HONOR, DEAD AND LIVING, WITHOUT REMEMBERING EVIL, WE WILL REWARD FOR GOOD."

"The secret of Pushkin's" appearance "lies in the fact that the great Pushkin is the personal embodiment of the greatness of the soul of Russia" (A. Kartashev). The great Russian poet of the twentieth century N.M. Rubtsov wrote about Pushkin: "He reflected the whole soul of Russia and died, reflecting it."

Pushkin writes

Infant breathing sweet hope,

Whenever I believed that there was once a soul,

Escaping from decay, carries away thoughts eternal,

Both memory and love in the depths are endless, -

I swear! Long ago I would have left this world;

I would crush life, ugly idol,

And flew away to the land of freedom, pleasure,

To a country where there is no death, where there is no prejudice,

Where thought alone floats in heavenly purity ...

Truly, the Heavenly Kingdom is the “land of freedom, delights” for those who in the earthly world have been subjected to slander and vicious persecution for the Truth of God! But entry into this country is achieved by considerable spiritual labors, tears, illnesses, sorrows, so that after being cleansed, our soul is ready for one Heavenly one.

“For a long time, a tired slave, I have conceived an escape / To the abode of distant labors and pure negatives” - for some reason these words of the poet comment on as Pushkin's desire to move away from life or even ... to leave life. But we know from the words of the Optina elder Barsanuphius that Pushkin wished to renounce the world in monasticism. Yes, and the desire for the Kingdom of Heaven does not at all mean the search for death, but, on the contrary, the thirst for Life in all its Divine fullness: on earth, in spite of the inevitable sorrows and sufferings, and in Heaven, where there are no more sorrows and sorrows.

Silvio Pellico, having spent ten years of imprisonment in different dungeons, was released and wrote notes, against the expectation, filled with "touching reflection, clear calmness, love and goodwill" (A. Pushkin). Pushkin writes a very remarkable and completely consistent with the spirit of Orthodox Christianity: “And not in vain, going to say a few words about the book of the meek sufferer, we dared to mention the Divine Gospel: there were few elect (even among the original pastors of the Church) who in their creations approached meekness spirit, sweetness of eloquence and infantile simplicity of heart to the preaching of the Heavenly Teacher. " And Pushkin further writes that the sufferer Pellico "belongs to these elect, whom the Angel of the Lord greeted in the name of men of benevolence." But if Silvio Pellico was a son of benevolence, then our adored Pushkin remains a thousand times more a man of benevolence! Wouldn't his poems “shame us and solve the mystery of a beautiful soul, the mystery of a Christian man,” as Pushkin writes about Pellico? Pushkin called atheism "disgusting", leading to death.

Christianity for Pushkin is not morality, nor teaching, not philosophy, but Life itself, on which the world of God is based, visible and invisible. Fans of Pushkin's poems about nature should know that Pushkin considered nature "indifferent." In natural phenomena, the great poet clearly sees Divine Providence: "A storm covers the sky with darkness, / Whirling snow whirlwinds; / How a beast she will scream, / That will cry like a child ..." Pushkin humanizes nature, indifferent to good and evil, that is, attracts her for disclosure of the secrets of God and man. So, under the storm, the poet understands life's sorrows and hardships, which close the sky from a person and plunge him into complex experiences. But we must endure and take courage to the end, knowing that the storms will pass and only God and His Eternal Kingdom will remain.

Those who love Pushkin's poetry only for its descriptions of earthly life and earthly nature, in fact ... they do not like and do not understand Pushkin. Their gaze slides helplessly over the surface of deep spiritual waters and leaves them with ease. Unlike them, Pushkin seeks good in everything with a "wayward dream" and finds it! So the poet compares late autumn with a "consumptive maiden" who, being condemned to death, nevertheless tends to the inevitable end "without murmur, without anger." The quiet, meekly shining beauty is subjected to the inevitable law of changing everything earthly "she is still alive today, not tomorrow." Pushkin writes freely and easily about higher religious meanings. Autumn is dying, a man is dying - well, it must be so, God knows better what is more useful for what. Therefore, it becomes clear why Pushkin exclaims at first “ Sad time! ", And then immediately" Charm of the eyes! " He says goodbye to autumn and thanks her for the fact that God gave us such beauty, even though it is short-lived on earth. And this beauty does not die at all! She will return to us resurrected again to repeat the holiday. Pushkin notices how the ray of the evening star, silvering "withered plains, and dormant bay, and black rocks of the summit" and loves her "faint light in the heavenly heights: he awakened thoughts, sleeping" inside the poet and memories. Nature plunges Pushkin into the deepest Divine reflections and experiences in order to come to the Truth through them.

In the poem "I survived my desires ..." Pushkin compares himself to a naked leaf fluttering alone on a branch. “I live sad, lonely”, “I have only suffering”, “I stopped loving my dreams” ... But Pushkin is only 22 years old !? Why is it so? A good genius in this world is always lonely and persecuted. Nothing earthly seduces him. New suffering lies ahead and, most likely, a painful end. After all, the righteous in this world are always persecuted, and the wicked triumph. The indication to the leaf, on the one hand, is sad - we are not indifferent to the fate of the genius, but, on the other hand, Pushkin makes it clear that all people on earth have the same outcome and should not be very sad about the leaf falling down. We all need to learn the science of love and appreciate any person during life, because while a person is alive, it is still possible to change something for the better and improve. The Lord gave Pushkin the cross that he could bear in order to overcome all hardships and hardships, to purify himself in them and become ready for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Pushkin clearly understood the difference between peoples and their peculiar culture, which contributes not to merging in mass sin, but to maintaining a diverse unity in the spirit. "The nationality in a writer is a dignity that may well be appreciated by fellow countrymen alone," he writes. Elsewhere, the poet generally notes that "a good society can exist wherever there are honest, intelligent and educated people" ("On the Newest Guardians of Morality"). In other words, a true people is where spiritual good is exalted, and this good is strictly fulfilled by the majority, but not where anyone is much in need. In this sense, the remark of the cleverest Pushkin that one must beware of "abolishing slavery, especially in a monarchical state" is very true. In a broad sense, all people seem to constitute two categories of involuntary people or slaves: the first are, first of all, the servants of God, and the second are the slaves of their unbelief and lack of faith. The first, the servants of God, are the inhabitants of heaven, obedient to the good will of Christ. The second are the unfortunate henchmen of their own or, even worse, someone else's whim. To heighten the cover for the slavery of some to others, many myths have been erected among people, for example, "human rights", "equal partners", "equal opportunities", etc.

Pushkin writes about a significant dream!

God sent me a wonderful dream.

In a white robe in front of me

A certain old man was coming

With a long white beard

And he blessed me.

He told me: “Be calm,

Soon, soon honored

You will be the Kingdom of Heaven.

Soon earthly wandering

Your end will come. "

I fear eternal executions,

Mercy hope

Rest me, Creator,

But Thy will be done

Not mine ... Who goes there?

What is the end of a person's spiritual path? Let's face it - it doesn't end at all! Unspirituality is cut off by the grave, since it cannot be resurrected for heavenly life, like human flesh and blood. For every word he says, a person will either accept condemnation or be justified.

When we have a hard time in life, when we do not know what to do, we turn to the life feat of the great poet and his life-affirming verses, and we will receive considerable consolation: “If life deceives you, / Do not be sad, do not be angry! / On a day of despondency, humble yourself: / The day of fun, believe me, will come. / The heart lives in the future; / The present is sad: / Everything instantly, everything will pass; / What passes will be nice. "

Poetry is not a search for the most successful cohesion of thoughts and feelings expressed by a word. Poetry is the soul of all service to God. Take away the holy inspiration and inspiration (Pushkin considered inspiration to be "a sign of God") from any person, and he will become a mediocre philistine. The temple can become an extension of the street, but the temple of Holy Poetry cannot be desecrated and turned into a kind of barn.

But here I have a mysterious shield

Holy providence dawned

Poetry, like a comforter angel,

She saved me and I was resurrected in soul ...

And this means that POETRY FROM GOD CONSOLES AND SAVES EVERYONE! It is not enough to love Pushkin - we stand before Pushkin as “before communion” (poet S. Yesenin). This means that comprehending the feat of the great poet, his thoughts and deeds, primarily in poetry, we become partakers of the sacred, which can save us from the power of evil. "Great and HOLY was your lot!" - the great Russian poet F. Tyutchev admires Pushkin. Dostoevsky writes: "Not to understand the Russian Pushkin means not to have the right to be called Russian ... He understood the Russian people and grasped its purpose in such depth and in such vastness as no one has ever ... Pushkin himself suddenly turned out to be a people" ... He was able to distinguish great essence spirit of the people and took this essence of the people into his soul as his ideal ... Pushkin loved everything that this people loved, honored everything that he honored. " Dostoevsky also warns against such belittling of Pushkin when it is argued that the poet is allegedly devoted to the people more historically than in practice. In all manifestations of his genius, “there is such love and such an assessment of the people, which belongs to the people forever, always, and now and in the future”. “Our people love their history, the main thing for the fact that in it they meet the same shrine in which he preserved his faith and now, despite all his sufferings and ordeals,” Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky concludes with inner triumph and concludes - "THE RUSSIAN SPIRIT IS SPILLED IN THE WORKS OF PUSHKIN, THE RUSSIAN VIN THRESTS EVERYWHERE." And then Dostoevsky says what is no less important today: Pushkin's "Word" is still a new word for us. And not only new, but also unrecognized, unselected, considered the oldest rubbish ... Pushkin, in terms of the vastness and depth of his Russian genius, is still like the sun over all our Russian intellectual worldview. He is a GREAT AND STILL MISSING PRESENTATOR "(" Diary. 1877 "). “... In my opinion, we have not yet begun to recognize Pushkin,” Dostoevsky wrote sadly in the same “Diary of a Writer,” “this is a genius who has outstripped the Russian consciousness for too long. It was already Russian, a real Russian, himself, by the power of his genius, transformed into a Russian, and now we are still learning from the lame bochard. He was one of the first Russians who fully sensed the Russian person in himself, raised him in himself and showed himself how a Russian person should look - both at his people, and at the Russian family, and at Europe, and at the lame bochard, and on the brothers of the Slavs. There is no more humane, higher and more sober look, and none of the Russians have ever had. "

Let us repeat after Pushkin what was strenuously hushed up during the years of Soviet atheism and experience spiritual pleasure from his deepest religious thoughts:

Father of people, Father in Heaven,

Thy eternal name

It shines on our lips

Thy Kingdom come ...

Particularly touching is Pushkin's line, in which one can feel genuine childlike trust and feeling: "So we, insignificant before You, / Forgive, Father, Your children."

The death of Pushkin was truly Christian, the poet Zhukovsky recalled: “Karamzin? is Karamzin here? " - he asked (Pushkin - ed.) a little later. She was not there; they immediately sent for her, and she came soon. Their meeting lasted only a minute, but when Katerina Andreevna left the bed, he called her and said: "Cross me!" Then he kissed her hand. At this time, Dr. Arendt arrived. “I am waiting for the king's word to die in peace,” Pushkin told him. This was an indication for me, and I decided at the same moment to go to the Emperor to inform His Majesty of what I had heard. You should know that, having said goodbye to Pushkin, I again returned to his bed and said to him: “Perhaps I will see the Emperor; what can I tell Him from you. " “Tell Him,” he answered, “that I am sorry to die; would be all of Him. "

Pushkin endured everything to the end and died with last words"Lord Jesus Christ", having made the sign of the cross.

Rest, Lord, the soul of the servant of God, who is ever remembered by us, forgive him all his sins and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen

Andrey Bashkirov

"Bacchic song" Alexander Pushkin

That the voice of gladness has ceased?
Distribute, bacchanal choruses!
Long live gentle virgins
And young wives who loved us!
Pour the glass more fully!
To the resounding bottom
Into the thick wine
Throw the cherished rings!
Let's raise the glasses, move them together at once!
Long live the muses, long live the mind!
You, holy sun, burn!
How this lamp turns pale
Before the clear sunrise
So false wisdom flickers and smolders
Before the sun of the immortal mind.
Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "Bacchic Song"

It is no secret that Alexander Pushkin loved noisy companies and often arranged real feasts to which his friends-lyceum students were invited. It was the Thracian god Bacchus, who patronizes winemaking, that the poet dedicated a huge number of his works. However, sitting with a glass of good wine for Pushkin is not only a pleasant pastime. This is a special ritual that is designed to rally friendship, provide food for reason and help find inspiration.

In 1825, while in the Mikhailovskoye family estate, Pushkin wrote the poem "Bacchic Song", which is filled with optimism and hope for a brighter future. It is worth noting that the poet is not experiencing the most simple times... He is actually exiled to the wilderness, and is under the unofficial supervision of his own father. Therefore, guests and feasts simply cannot be discussed. But it is a warm friendly company at this moment that the 26-year-old poet lacks, who exclaims with nostalgia: "Distribute, the bacchanal choruses!"

The author understands that his stay in Mikhailovskoye will not last forever, and the day will come when he will be able to see his friends-lyceum students. Some of them still secretly visit Pushkin, and on such days the poet feels most happy person... Nevertheless, he dreams of a real holiday and, addressing his friends, encourages them to pour their glasses more fully. "Let's raise the glasses, push them together at once!" - Pushkin dreams, recalling his carefree and serene youth. The poet believes that the best years of his life are not in the past, and many amazing discoveries await him.

Despite his rather light and festive attitude to life, Pushkin is still a philosopher at heart. Therefore, the process of drinking in itself does not captivate him. The common phrase that the truth is worth looking for in wine is not an empty phrase for the poet. After all, the most daring ideas and the best poems are born in Pushkin precisely during feasts, and his life motto is formulated in the line: "Long live the muses, long live the mind!"

For some, a feast with friends is entertainment. The poet sees the highest meaning in such a pastime. Indeed, it is during such meetings that "false wisdom gleams and smolders before the sun of the immortal mind." And such holidays of heart and soul to Pushkin, who is forced to lead a secluded life of a person rejected by society, is especially lacking at this moment. Of course, in such meetings, all the components are important - both "thick wine", into which, according to tradition, friends threw rings received from beautiful ladies, and conversations on themes of love and friendship, and poetic improvisations. Therefore, Pushkin expresses the hope that very soon everything will return to normal, and such feasts will again become an integral part of his life. In the meantime, he is forced to be content with memories and the happiest years, when he could often meet with friends, read poetry to them and raise toasts to "young wives who loved us."

However, the poet dreams not only of feasts. The last line in the poem clearly indicates that Pushkin wants to change this world. "Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!" The author dreams of Russia getting rid of the autocracy, although he does not dare to speak openly about it. The poet does not yet know that many of his friends are involved in a conspiracy and will soon become famous throughout the world as the Decembrists. But he feels that the country is on the verge of serious changes, and welcomes them, believing that the destruction of the previous foundations of society is inevitable.

That the voice of gladness has ceased?
Distribute, bacchanal choruses!
Long live gentle virgins
And young wives who loved us!
Pour the glass more fully!
To the resounding bottom
Into the thick wine
Throw the cherished rings!
Let's raise the glasses, move them together at once!
Long live the muses, long live the mind!
You, holy sun, burn!
How this lamp turns pale
Before the clear sunrise
So false wisdom flickers and smolders
Before the sun of the immortal mind.
Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!

Analysis of the poem "Bacchic Song" by Pushkin

From 1824 A.S. Pushkin was in "village" exile in his father's family estate. He was very upset during the time of forced seclusion, which was brightened up only by the stories of Arina Rodionovna and rare visits from close friends. But melancholy could not completely capture the poet's soul. Pushkin hoped for his early release and the long-awaited meeting with all his comrades. The poet's optimism is clearly manifested in the work "Bacchic Song" (1825).

Pushkin's love for noisy feasts is widely known. Many accuse the great poet of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. But this view is based on modern ideas about a drunken company. In the era of Pushkin, they drank mostly light wines or champagne. Highly intellectual conversations about the highest human ideals and literature did not stop at the table. They rarely got drunk. According to contemporaries, Pushkin generally adhered to the measure very strictly.

Therefore, the poet's peculiar hymn to the god of winemaking cannot be reproached with him. In a friendly feast, Pushkin appreciated not a drink, but the opportunity for close and open communication. The great poet can sooner be accused of excessive enthusiasm for the female sex ("long live the gentle virgins") than of drunkenness. In addition, the author suffered from a long loneliness. Quite naturally, noisy friendships were the brightest memories for him.

Pushkin's call to throw "cherished rings" into glasses (with applied conventional signs that indicated belonging to a certain society) symbolizes the unity of a friendly circle. At that time, people who were unfamiliar or disliked with each other would never have sat at the same table.

Pushkin's toast (“Long live the muses, long live the mind!”) Once again emphasizes that the audience is not at all going to sleep in a salad or lie under the table, as is customary now. All of Pushkin's comrades were highly educated people for whom the best home entertainment was a friendly conversation at various topics... They disdained those who allowed themselves to lose their minds during the feast. Pushkin, developing his thought, does not accidentally speak of "false wisdom" and "immortal mind", ending his toast with the words "Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!"

In general, the poem "Bacchic Song" is a playful trick of Pushkin, bored in the wilderness of the countryside.

To read the verse "Bacchic Song" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin online, you just need to enter our website and open the text. The work immediately catches the reader with its major mood, infects good mood... This is why learning the Bacchus Song is a pleasure for anyone.

The poem was written in 1825. The author at this time was young, cheerful and fervent. He wanted to live, and he put this thirst for life in every line of the "song." The very title of the poem already helps the reader to understand the essence of the work: the ancient Roman god Bacchus was a creature personifying a fun feast. The poet shares with the reader the joy of a feast with like-minded friends, the happiness of creativity. In a literature lesson, the study of the "Bacchic Song" can be done with a short story about mythology Ancient Rome concerning creativity. Such explanations are especially important for elementary school students.

The full text of Pushkin's poem "Bacchic Song" can also be downloaded from us: in this case, you will not need to go online to read the work.

That the voice of gladness has ceased?
Distribute, bacchanal choruses!
Long live gentle virgins
And young wives who loved us!
Pour the glass more fully!
To the resounding bottom
Into the thick wine
Throw the cherished rings!
Let's raise the glasses, move them together at once!
Long live the muses, long live the mind!
You, holy sun, burn!
How this lamp turns pale
Before the clear sunrise
So false wisdom flickers and smolders
Before the sun of the immortal mind.
Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!