Self-control test guru. Individual lesson on the topic: "Self-control of behavior"

Target: study the level of self-control, the ability to assess the results of these actions and their capabilities.

Instructions: “Look at the pictures. Tell me what is painted on them? Explain why this happened. "


The first picture shows how a girl takes a watering can, wants to water the flowers, but cannot pick it up;

The second picture shows a bench over which a boy is jumping, but it can be seen that he is hooked and falls;

In the third picture, a girl is about to swing on a swing, but cannot climb on it in any way;

The fourth depicts a boy on the slope of a snowy mountain with a broken ski.

Possible answers

1. If the child explains that the reason for the failures is in the watering can, bench, swing, slide, i.e. failures occurred for reasons beyond the control of the characters, which means that he has not yet learned to evaluate himself and control his actions. Most likely, when faced with failure, he will give up what he started and do something else - 1 point.

2. If the child sees the cause of the event in the characters themselves and invites them to practice, grow up, gain strength, call for help, then he has a good ability for self-esteem and self-control - 2 points.

3. When a child sees the reason for failure both in the character and in the object, it also speaks of a good ability to analyze the situation in a comprehensive manner - 3 points.

The second and third answer options are characteristic of children who have gone through the crisis for 7 years and are able to more correctly (adequately) assess themselves and control their activities. The first option of answers - typically "preschool", is usually combined with inadequately high self-esteem, with an inability to control and evaluate oneself.

Appendix 4.

Paint a picture test

Target: to reveal whether the child understands and accepts the task set by the teacher.

The test is carried out frontally. For each child, you need to prepare the same contour drawings, paint one in non-traditional colors (for example, tree - red, sky - black, sun - green, clouds - brown, earth - blue) and place in front of the children as a sample.

Instructions:"Color your picture the same as mine." After the task is completed, the children are asked to control themselves, i.e. look at your work and say if everything is done correctly, if their picture looks like a sample.

Based on the test results, each child can be assigned to one of four groups.

I. Accepts and understands the task (wants to complete the task of an adult and understands what needs to be done). Children cope with the task completely. When they are asked if they did everything right, the guys do not just answer, but try to argue their words: "The sky is black here, and mine is black too, which means it is right."

NS. Accepts, but does not understand the task (wants to execute, but did not understand what to do). Formally, the task is being performed incorrectly. Children use colors that do not correspond to the standard, but when an adult begins to take an interest in each subject separately, the children of this group notice their mistakes: "Oh, here it was necessary to draw with a red pencil, and I with green."

III. Doesn't accept, but understands (understands what needs to be done, but does not want to do it or wants to do it in his own way). Children carefully examine the sample, when completing the assignment, they partially or completely paint the objects in the picture, but not in accordance with the standard. When assessing their results, they often talk about the advisability of coloring the picture in this way, and not otherwise, say: "The tree is not red, but green," "But this does not happen," etc.

IV. Doesn't accept or understand (does not want to complete the assigned task and does not understand the essence of the task). Children do the task incorrectly, they paint the picture in the colors that they like. When asked to compare the result with the sample, they do not notice errors. Even if they are asked about each depicted object separately (“Is the tree in your drawing the same as in mine?), They answer in the affirmative, sometimes without looking at the drawing.

Appendix 5.

Tapping test.

A sheet of paper is drawn into 6 identical squares, which are numbered as follows:

The essence of the task is that the children must, at the maximum rate, draw dots in each of the squares with a pencil ("pour the seeds for the birds") in accordance with the sequence of their numbering; the transition from square to square is carried out at the command of the educator. The duration of work in each square is 5 seconds. In general, the child works for 30 seconds. Before the test, it is necessary to give the children the opportunity to practice this task in a playful way ("rain is falling"). The results of this assignment allow us to judge the maturity nervous system child: the more points appear in the 1st square, the higher the level of maturity of the nervous system.

Indicators of the tapping test not only indicate the level of development of the nervous system, but also indicate the typological characteristics of the child. Children with a weak type of nervous system are characterized by a significant decrease in the number of points in the following squares. A strong type of the nervous system is characterized by a higher rate of work, stability of the rate in the transition from square to square, or even some of its increase in comparison with the first square.

Along with the weak and strong types of the nervous system, intermediate variants are also observed in children.

Appendix 6.

School talk (Ginzburg)

Instruction.“Now I’m going to read you a story. Boys (girls) talked about school. The first boy said: “I go to school because my mother forces me to. And if not for my mother, I would not go to school. " (External motive.)

The second boy said: “I go to school because I like studying, I like doing my homework. Even if there were no school, I would still study. " (Educational and cognitive motive.)

The third boy said, "I go to school because it's fun and there are a lot of kids to play with." (Game motive.)

The fourth boy said, “I go to school because I want to be big. When I am in school, I feel like an adult, and before school I was little. " (Positional motive.)

The fifth boy said, “I go to school because I have to learn. You can't do anything without learning, but if you learn, you can become whoever you want. " (Social motive.)

The sixth boy said, "I go to school because I get A's there." (The motive for getting a high grade.)

After reading each "statement", a schematic drawing is laid out in front of the child. The child is asked the question: "Who do you think is right?" The child chooses three answers in sequence.

Evaluation of results: the willingness to learn is evidenced by the choice of an educational and cognitive motive and a social one. The child may have a different combination of motives, it is important that they reflect the emerging focus on educational activities. If a child chooses a combination of external and play motives, this indicates that he has not formed an understanding of the meaning of learning activities, therefore, at school, the child may experience difficulties associated with unwillingness to learn.

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: In the 1960s, psychology professor Walter Michel conducted an experiment with children from Stanford kindergarten in order to find out how much they can restrain their desires. Children 4-6 years old were brought into an empty room with a table and a chair. A delicacy (marshmallow) was placed on the table. The presenter explained to the child that if he restrained himself and did not eat the delicacy before the adult returned, he would receive another one.

15-minute self-control test or how uneaten candy leads to success. Marshmallow test (or Marshmallow test).

Psychological experiment

In the 1960s, psychology professor Walter Michel conducted an experiment with children from Stanford kindergarten to find out how much they could restrain their desires.

Children 4-6 years old were brought into an empty room with a table and a chair. A delicacy (marshmallow) was placed on the table. The presenter explained to the child that if he restrained himself and did not eat the delicacy before the adult returned, he would receive another one. The presenter left, and the child was left alone with the delicacy.

When the presenter explained to the children the rules for getting the second candy, almost all the children decided to wait. The researcher then left the room for 20 minutes.

While a few four-year-olds were able to resist the temptation for a full 15 minutes, most gave up in less than one minute. When adults offered to cover a treat (according to the principle "out of sight - out of mind"), to make it easier to resist, the children, as a rule, refused.

Over the course of about a year, the children underwent dramatic changes in self-control. At the age of five or six, most preferred not to have rewards in front of them and persistently suppressed thoughts about them in accordance with a strategy of self-control.

Film "Marshmallow Test"

How long can a child wait to avoid eating a marshmallow if the researcher promises to bring another one in exchange for waiting?

Continuation of the experiment

Psychologists continued to be interested in the further development and fate of children who passed the marshmallow test.

Subsequent research showed that children who could restrain themselves from eating sweets at age 4 outpaced their peers in many areas by the time they reached the age of 18: successful SAT (standardized test for admission to higher education). educational establishments in the USA) and high rates of IQ tests.

When comparing the SAT results of children with the shortest delay time for treats (bottom third) with those of children with longest time deferral (top third), the difference was 210 points.

In 2006, after completing the research, W. Michel came to the conclusion that the respondents who failed the test in childhood had a much higher level of stress, addictions, emotional and interpersonal problems, on average, than those who successfully passed it.

Young people aged 27–32, who showed the greatest endurance during the marshmallow tests as preschoolers, had an optimal body mass index, achieved their goals more effectively and coped with stress more successfully. In middle age, those who knew how to wait stubbornly in childhood ("long delay") and those who could not ("short delay") had completely different brain scans in those areas (prefrontal cortex) that are responsible for a tendency to addiction and obesity.

Self-control plays a critical role in the long-term prediction of a person's success and quality of life.

Self-control mechanisms help to manage your emotions, fight bad habits, and endure stress more easily.

It seems that for those of us who found it difficult to keep from candy as a child, it can be difficult to keep from smoking in adulthood.

The girl, reaching out for the candy, has already grown up, now she feels the attraction to her beloved and cannot do anything about it. Divorce and separation plunges her into an abyss of negative experiences, from which she cannot get out on her own, because she cannot, she is not used to restraining herself.

Self-control is needed by a schoolboy and a student sitting over textbooks. A ballerina mastering complex dance "steps" and adhering to a strict diet. Those who want to quit smoking and lose extra pounds cannot do without self-control.

Successful studies, a career, a happy family - all this requires many times to overcome your "Want" and realize your "Must".

If you want to do the Marshmallow Test with your kids

Experimental conditions:

The age of the child is 4-7 years old.

Setting: A room with no entertainment or distractions, your child's favorite treat on the table.

Explain to your child that he can eat a treat, but if he is patient and does not eat it before you come, he will get a second. It is important that the child understands this condition and believes that he will receive the promised second treat.

How to evaluate the result?

If your child managed to resist and waited for the "deferred reward", then congratulate him on good self-control for his age and yourself for the fact that you were able to instill this valuable quality.

And if he couldn’t? If the marshmallow is bitten ?!

It will be interesting for you:

Remain calm and optimistic. You are faced with the creative task of slowly and consistently developing self-control in your child. Teach him not to succumb to his “I want”, but to do what “must” be done in a fun and energetic manner.

One of the best ways to teach another, especially a child, is by example. published

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The ability to control oneself helps a person at the right time to cope with his emotions, feelings and desires, to maintain self-control and performance. Our test will show what your level of self-control is.

1. Pursuing my goals, I am able to pretend the way they want to see me.

2. During an argument, I often interrupt the interlocutor, proving my case.

3. It is difficult for me to hide my dislike for a person if he is unpleasant to me.

4. If necessary, I can easily control the outburst of anger.

5. Sometimes I cannot get rid of a song that is attached to me and I sing it all day.

6. When I am very funny, I will laugh out loud even in an inappropriate environment.

7. I find it difficult to continue working after catching up from the authorities.

8. I can go about my business even in an uncomfortable environment.

9. Extraneous thoughts often interfere with my concentration.

10. I am very easily pissed off.

11. I am an addicted and gambling person.

12. I have been told more than once that I have excellent acting skills.

13. Often, out of sympathy for a person, I cannot refuse a request.

14. I rarely do rash things.

15. If necessary, I can stay up all night and work productively the next day.

16. I often forget where - I put different things.

17. It can be difficult for me to force myself to work if I know that "the deadlines are not yet burning."

18. I find it difficult to contain my curiosity.

19. I am rarely late.

20. For me it is not difficult - work that requires increased attention.

Count the number of points.


Low self-control may be associated with a particular sophistication in your nature. Photo:

You are characterized by excessive sensitivity, vulnerability, spontaneity. Your unpredictability and often unnecessaryness can negatively affect the opinion of employers or acquaintances about you. However, such a low level of self-control can be associated with a special sophistication of your nature.


A possible path for you to develop self-control is to build self-confidence. Photo:

You are characterized by impulsiveness and instability in intentions. However, in critical situations, you know how to pull yourself together and achieve your goals. A possible path for you to develop self-control is to build self-confidence.


You strive to accomplish your goals, know how not to be distracted by alternatives and not succumb to temptations. Photo:

You are characterized by emotional stability, good self-control in various situations. You strive to accomplish your goals, know how not to be distracted by alternatives and not succumb to temptations. At the same time, you are flexible enough and can "loosen the reins" if you feel that the situation allows it.


You know how to cope with surging emotions and not show others your feelings Photo:

You are an active, hard-working and very organized person. You know how to cope with surging emotions and not show others your feelings. However, such a high level of self-control can lead to increased internal tension and cause some (for example, cardiovascular) diseases.

Methodology "transactional analysis of COMMUNICATION"

A transaction is a unit of an act of communication, during which the interlocutors, who are in one of the three states of "I", exchange a pair of replicas. When addressing another person, we usually choose for ourselves and the interlocutor one of three possible states of our "I": the state of Parent, Adult or child.

Practical exercises and situations

From the following qualities and character traits, identify inherent in you easy acquaintances, polite, does not like people,

talkative, rude, lonely, seeks to command, overly arrogant, easily adapts to circumstances and situations, ill-mannered, uncompromising, frank, restrained, decisive, optimistic, confident, level-headed, selfish shy, calm, democratic in relationships, principled, impatient, confiding. Assess yourself objectively, trying to get rid of unwanted character traits in the future, to assert only those that are necessary for you.

Of the following qualities and character traits, ask your friends to identify your usual acquaintances easily, polite, does not like people, talkative, rude, lonely, tends to command, overly arrogant, easily adapts to circumstances and situations, ill-mannered, uncompromising, frank, restrained, decisive , optimistic, self-confident, balanced, selfish, shy, calm, democratic in relationships, principled, impatient, trusting. Compare their assessment with yours, try to get rid of unwanted traits.

Think: 3 What is your ideological credo? What's stopping you from being the best? What would you like to change in your life and why: move to another job, change your social circle, family relationships? Where do you feel better and why: with your family, with friends, at work? Who do you most often spend your free time: with family members, friends, alone? Whatever do you accept in yourself and why: constant duality, inability to communicate with others, lack of exactingness and adherence to principles? What do you value in yourself and why? What do you value in your friends and why? Or criticize your views and actions? Planning your job? Are you managing to carry out your plans?

A person, speaking the first phrase, sets the tone of the conversation by unwittingly choosing for himself and the interlocutor the appropriate state of "I".

Transactional analysis of communication will give you the opportunity to master the intricacies of business communication: to more accurately capture the hidden meaning of what is said, become the initiator of communication, and avoid tactical and strategic mistakes of contact.

These three "I" accompany us all our life. A mature man skillfully uses various forms behaviors to be appropriate. Self-control and flexibility help him to return to the "adult" state in time, and distinguish a mature person from a young person, even if at an age.

Try to evaluate how these three “I's” are combined in your behavior. To do this, evaluate the given statements in points from 0 to 10.

1. I sometimes lack self-control.

2. If my desires interfere with me, then I can suppress them.

3. Parents, as older people, should arrange the family life of their children.

4. I sometimes exaggerate my role in any events.

5. It is difficult to deceive me.

6. I would love to be an educator.

7. It happens that I want to play like a little one.

8. I think that I correctly understand all the events that are taking place.

9. Everyone must do his duty.

10. Often I do not do the right thing, but the way I want.

11. When making a decision, I try to think through its consequences.

12. The younger generation should learn from the elders how they should live.

13. Like many people, I am vulnerable.

14. I will be able to see in people more than they say about themselves.

15. Children must unconditionally follow the instructions of their parents.

16. I am a passionate person.

17. My main criterion for evaluating a person is objectivity.

18. My views are unshakable.

19. It happens that I do not yield in an argument just because I do not want to yield.

20. Rules are justified only as long as they are useful.

21. People must follow all the rules regardless of the circumstances.

Calculate separately the amount of points in the rows of the table:

Place the corresponding symbols in descending order from largest to smallest. If you get the DOR.D.B. formula, it means that you have developed a sense of responsibility, to the extent that you are impulsive and direct, not inclined to teachings. You can only wish to preserve these qualities in the future. They will help in any business related to communication, collective work, creativity.

It is worse if B. is in the first place. Categoricalness and self-confidence are contraindicated, for example, for a teacher, an organizer, in a word, for everyone who mainly deals with people, and not with machines.

Combination BD DOR. time can make life difficult for the owner of such a characteristic. "Father" with childlike spontaneity cuts the "truth-do-womb", not doubting anything and not caring about the consequences. But here, too, there is no particular reason for despondency. If you are not interested in organizational work, noisy companies, and you prefer to be alone with a book, drawing board or sketchbook, then everything is in order. If not, and you want to move your B to second or even third place, then this is quite possible. Communication training groups organized by professional psychologists in many cities will also help you.

D. at the head of the priority Formula is a perfectly acceptable option, say, for scientific work... Einstein, for example, once jokingly explained the reasons for his scientific success by the fact that he developed slowly and thought about many questions only when people usually stop thinking about them. But childlike spontaneity is good to certain limits. If she begins to interfere with business, then it’s time to take control of your emotions.


According to the concept of a person's communicative competence developed above, we offer tests for diagnosing its various manifestations.

Diagnostics general level sociability

(after V.F. Ryakhovsky)

Instruction. For each answer "yes" 2 points are awarded, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points.


1. You are expecting a routine business meeting. Or does it take you out of your usual rut?

2. Do you postpone your visit to the doctor until you have absolutely no strength to endure?

3. Do you feel displeased or embarrassed to be asked to give a presentation or a message in connection with some case?

4. You have the opportunity to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been before. Or will you do your best to avoid this trip?

5. Do you enjoy sharing your experiences with others?

6. Are you annoyed by the request of a stranger (show the way, tell the time, answer a question, etc.)?

7. Do you believe in the existence of the problem of "fathers and children" and in the TC that people of different generations find it difficult to understand each other?

8. Do you not embarrass yourself to remind your friend that he forgot to return the 10 hryvnia that you lent him a few months ago?

9. The cafe served you poor quality food. Or will you remain silent, only displeasingly pushing the plate away?

10. In a one-on-one situation with a stranger, you will not * start the conversation yourself and you will not like it if she speaks first. Is it so?

11. You are terrified by any long line (in a store, library, cinema box office, etc.). Is it easier for you to abandon your intention than to stand in the tail and languish in anticipation?

12. Are you afraid to participate in the settlement conflict situation?

13. You have your own, purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, do not accept any "other people's" thoughts on this matter. This is true?

14. Having heard somewhere in an unofficial situation ("on the sidelines") an obviously erroneous point of view on a question well-known to you, you most likely keep silent?

15. Do you feel dissatisfied with the request of acquaintances to help you understand a problem or educational topic?

16. Is it easier for you to formulate your point of view (opinion, assessment) in writing than orally?

Data Processing "Determine the total score you scored by answering the test questions.

Interpretation of results.

32-30 pains. You are uncommunicative, and this is your problem, because it is you who, first of all, suffer from this. However, it is not easy for close people either. You find it difficult to rely on activities that require group efforts. Try to be more sociable, control yourself.

29-25 pains. You are withdrawn, taciturn, prefer loneliness, and therefore you probably have few friends. New job and the need for new contacts, if it does not lead you to panic, then unbalances you for a long time. You know this feature of your character and are often dissatisfied with yourself. However, do not limit yourself to this, since it depends on you to change these character traits. Doesn't it happen that when you get carried away with something, you "suddenly" become liberated and sociable? One has only to try.

24-19 points "You are sociable to a certain degree, in a familiar environment you feel quite confident. New problems do not scare you, but you get along with new people carefully, you are reluctant to participate in arguments and disputes. There is sometimes too much sarcasm in your statements without any reason. Reasons All these shortcomings are in your power.

18-14 points. You have normal communication skills. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, are patient enough in communicating with others, defend your position without unnecessary irascibility. You go to meet new people without unpleasant feelings. At the same time, you do not like noisy companies, extravagant antics and verbosity - all this annoys you.

13-9 points. You are very sociable (sometimes, perhaps, even unnecessarily), interested, talkative, like to speak out on various issues, which sometimes annoys others. Willingly meet new people, do not refuse requests to anyone, although you cannot always fulfill them. It happens that you lose your temper, but quickly withdraw. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If you want to, however, you can force yourself not to back down.

8-4 points. Sociability "hits you with a key." You are always up to date with all matters. Love to take part in all discussions, although serious topics can make you bored. Express yourself willingly, even if your idea of ​​the problem is more than superficial. You feel at ease everywhere. Take on any business, although you cannot always successfully complete it. For this reason, people treat you with some fear and doubt. Think about it.

From a point or less. Your communication skills are painful. You are talkative, verbose, intervene in matters that have nothing to do with you, undertake to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent. Through the CA, you are often the cause of all sorts of conflicts. You need to do self-education.

Diagnosing the need for communication

(according to Yu.L. Orlov)

Instructions: Answer yes or no to the following statements.


1. I enjoy participating in various celebrations.

2. I can muffle my desires if they contradict the desires of the participants.

I am pleased to be committed to someone.

I am more focused on gaining influence than friendship.

I feel like I have more rights than responsibilities towards my friends.

When I find out about the success of my friend, for some reason my mood worsens.

To be happy with myself, I have to help someone in something.

My worries disappear when I find myself among colleagues.

9. My comrades are a little tired of me.

10. When I do a bad job, the presence of people annoys me.

Pinned to the wall, I speak only that part of the truth that, in my opinion, does not harm my friends or acquaintances.

In a difficult situation, I think not so much about myself as about a loved one.

My friends' troubles cause me such a state that I can get sick.

I am pleased to help friends, even if it causes me considerable trouble.

Out of respect for a friend, I can agree with his opinion, even if he is wrong.

I like adventure stories more than love stories.

17. Scenes of violence in films are disgusting to me.

18. In a state of loneliness, I feel anxiety and tension more, never am I among people.

I believe that the main joy in life is communication.

I feel sorry for the abandoned dogs and cats.

I prefer to have fewer friends, but closer ones.

I love to be with friends.

I have been experiencing quarrels with loved ones for a long time.

I have more people close to me than many others.

I have a greater attraction to achievement than friendship.

I trust my own intuition and imagination more in looking at people than in other people's judgment of them.

I give more importance to material well-being and prestige than the joy of communicating with people pleasant to me.

I sympathize with people who have no close friends.

As for me, people are often ungrateful.

I love stories about selfless friendship and love.

For a friend, I can sacrifice everything.

As a child, I was part of a "close" company.

If I were a journalist, I would love to write about friendship.

Processing and interpretation of results. One point is awarded for each answer corresponding to the key. Key:

Answers "yes" to approval 1, 2,7, 8, 11, 12,13, 14,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,4,26,28, 30, 31, 32, 33.

Answers “no” to approval 3,4,5,6,9,10,15,16,25,27,29.

The total amount of points is determined. The higher the score, the greater the need for communication.

Diagnosis of emotional barriers in interpersonal communication

(according to V.V. Boyko)

Instruction. Read the following judgments and answer them yes or no.


Usually at the end of a working day, my face is tired.

It happens that at the first meeting, emotions prevent me from making a more favorable effect on my partners (I get lost, embarrassed, withdrawn or, conversely, talk a lot, behave unnaturally).

In communication, I often lack emotionality, expressiveness.

Perhaps I surrender to others being overly strict.

In principle, I am opposed to demonstrating politeness if you do not want to.

I usually know how to hide outbursts of emotion from others.

Often, when communicating with others, I continue to think about my own.

It happens that I want to express emotional support to a friend (attention, sympathy, empathy), but he does not feel it, does not perceive it.

Often there is concern in my eyes or in the expression on my face.

In business communication, I try to hide my sympathy for partners.

All my unpleasant experiences are usually "painted" on my face.

If I am fond of conversation, then my facial expressions become overly eloquent, expressive.

Perhaps I am somewhat emotionally constrained.

Usually I am in a state of nervous tension.

I usually feel uncomfortable when I have to shake hands in a business setting.

Sometimes close people tell me: relax the muscles of the face, not the crooked lip, do not wrinkle the face and the like.

I use excessive gestures when I speak.

In a new situation it is difficult for me to be relaxed, natural.

Perhaps my face often expresses sums or concern, although my soul is calm.

It is difficult for me to look into the eyes when dealing with an unfamiliar person.

If I want to, I can always hide my dislike for a bad person.

For some reason I often find it funny for no reason.

It is very easy for me to portray, at my own request or at the request of others, different facial expressions: sadness, joy, fear, despair, etc.

I was told that my gaze is difficult to bear.

Something prevents me from showing warmth, sympathy for a person, even if I feel these feelings for her.

Data processing. Summarize the self-assessment using the suggested key (score 1 for each match of your answer with the key below).

Inability to manage emotions, to dose them (answers “yes” to questions 1, 11, 16 and “no” to question 6.21).

Inappropriate expression of emotions (answers “yes” to question 7, 12, 17, 22 and “no” to question 2).

Inflexibility and inexpressiveness of emotions (answers "yes" to question 3,8,13,18 and "no" to question 23).

Dominance of negative emotions (answers "yes" to question 4, 9, 14, 19, 24).

Unwillingness to bond with people on an emotional basis (answers "yes" to questions 5,10, 15,20, 25).

Interpretation of data. Calculate the total points you earned. It can fluctuate between 0-25. The higher the score, the more obvious your emotional problems in everyday communication. However, if you scored very few points (0-2), then this indicates either your insincerity in your answers, or that you know yourself too badly. If you scored no more than 5 points, then emotions, as a rule, do not prevent you from communicating with others; 6-8 points - you have some emotional problems in everyday communication; 9-12 points - evidence that your "daily" emotions to a certain extent make it difficult to interact with people; 13 points or more - emotions harm the establishment of contacts with them, perhaps you have some kind of disorganizing reactions or states.

Pay attention to whether you have any specific "hindrances" (these are the parameters for which you scored 3 or more points).

Diagnostics of typical ways of behavior in conflict situations

(using Thomas test)

Instruction. To identify the dominant styles of behavior in a conflict situation, you should fill out a questionnaire consisting of a set of alternative judgments (a and b). In each case, you should carefully read them, choose the one that is more consistent with how you usually act.


1. a) sometimes I allow others to take responsibility for resolving an issue that causes a dispute;

b) instead of discussing where our positions do not coincide, I try to draw attention to what we both agree on.

2. a) I try to find a compromise solution;

b) I try to solve the situation taking into account the interests of the other person and my own.

3.a) as a rule, I persistently achieve my goal,

b) sometimes I sacrifice my own interests for the sake of the interests of another person.

4. a) I try to find a compromise solution;

b) I try not to hurt the feelings of another person, not to offend her.

5. a) when settling a contradictory situation, I always try to find support from another person;

6. a) I want to avoid trouble for myself;

7. a) I try to postpone the solution of the controversial issue in order to resolve it finally in due time;

b) I consider it possible to concede in something in order to achieve my goal in another.

8.a) as a rule, I persistently achieve my goal,

b) first of all, I want to identify all controversial issues and interests that are raised.

9. a) I think that it is not always worth worrying about the disputes that have arisen;

b) I try to get my way.

10. a) I firmly want to achieve my goal;

b) I try to find a compromise solution.

11. a) first of all, I want to identify all controversial issues and interests raised;

b) I try to calm the other down and, above all, preserve our relationship.

12. a) I often avoid taking a position that could cause an argument;

13. a) I offer something in between;

b) I insist that everything be done my way.

14. a) I inform the other about my point of view and ask what he thinks about this;

b) I am trying to show others the logic and advantage of my position.

15. a) I try to calm down the other and, above all, preserve our relationship;

b) I try to do everything to avoid unnecessary tension in the relationship.

16.a) I try not to hurt the feelings of another person, not to offend her,

b) as a rule, I try to convince the other of the advantages of my position.

17. a) I try to achieve my goal;

b) I try to do everything to avoid unnecessary tension in the relationship.

18. a) if it is very important for another person, I will let her insist on her own;

b) I give the other person the opportunity to remain with their opinion in something, if she meets me halfway.

19. a) first of all, I want to identify all controversial issues and interests raised;

b) I try to postpone the solution of the controversial issue in order to finally resolve it in due time.

20. a) I try to immediately overcome our differences;

b) I try to find the best combination of loss and gain for both of us.

21. a) I try to be attentive to the interests and words of another;

b) I am always inclined to direct discussion of the problem.

22. a) I try to find a middle position between mine and that of the other person;

b) I defend my position.

23. a) as a rule, I try to satisfy the desires of each of us;

b) sometimes I let others take responsibility for

resolving the issue that causes the dispute.

24. a) if for another his position is very important, I try to go to meet him;

b) I try to persuade the other person to compromise.

25. a) I am trying to convince another that I am right;

b) I try to be attentive to the arguments of the other, to take into account his position.

26. a) I suggest, as a rule, the middle position;

b) I almost always try to satisfy the interests of each of

27. a) as a rule, I try to avoid disputes;

b) if for another his position is very important, I try to go to meet him.

28. a) I try to get my way;

b) when the situation is settled, I usually try to find support from another.

29. a) I suggest the middle position;

b) I think that it is not always worth worrying about disputes.

30.a) I try not to hurt the feelings of another person, not to offend her,

b) I always try to take such a position in the dispute so that we

both have succeeded.

Data processing and interpretation.

The methodology distinguishes five possible styles of personality behavior in a conflict situation, namely:

competition - when a person actively pursues his own goal and tries to satisfy his own interests at any cost, ignoring the goals and interests of another person;

cooperation - when partners seek to find a solution to a problem in which the goal will be achieved and the needs of everyone are satisfied;

compromise - when partners are trying to find a satisfactory balance of their interests and needs;

avoidance - when a person refuses to interact, seeing the futility of his efforts or postponing interaction until better times;

adaptation - when a person tries to create conditions for meeting the needs of a partner and achieving his goals.

Questionnaire key:

competitions - For, 66, 8a, 96.10a, 136, 146.166, 17a, 226.25a, ​​28a;

cooperation - 26.5, 86.11 a, 14a, 19a, 20a, 216.23a, 266.286.306;

compromise - second, 4a, 76,106,126, and for, 186, 206.22a, 246.26a, 29a;

avoidance - 1a, 56.7, 9a, 12a, 156, 176.196.21a, 236.27a, 296;

devices - 1 b, 36.46, alas, 11 b, 15a, 16a, 18a, 24a, 256.276.30a.

If the selected answer option matches the key, then the respondent gets one point. Then we find the sum of points for each of possible options behavior in a conflict situation. The obtained quantitative indicators are compared with each other to identify the dominant tendencies of human behavior in a conflict situation.

Or are you being influenced?

It is easy to convince you, it is easy for you to fall for suggestions, you are optimistic enough - to find out all this, we believe that the following test will help you:

1. After each new message about any new diet or rational lifestyle, you:

a) immediately view or even change your lifestyle, diet;

b) think about what you may need from this;

c) you never pay attention to it (in your opinion, humanity has survived because it never thought about it).

2. If you have a rash on your face or if you hurt your face while shaving, you:

a) do not leave the house until the face heals, so it seems to you that
if you leave in this form, everyone will pay attention to you;

b) you try to hide it in any way, and if you meet someone from your acquaintances, immediately explain what happened to you;

c) You will not pay attention to this, the interest of third parties does not bother you.

3. If you feel that someone is walking behind you and almost stepping on your heels, you:

a) accelerate the step;

b) You don't care, but out of curiosity you look around and see who it is.

4. You need to make a decision and you:

a) do not talk to others, because you are afraid to receive conflicting advice that will knock you down;

b) look for advice, but in the end do it in your own way;

c) listen only to yourself.

5. You are a little ill, but do not see a doctor:

a) there are many patients who will talk about their ailments, and this annoys you;

b) you simply do not have time for this. Are you sure it will go away by itself;

c) the doctor may tell you something unpleasant.

6. If at a new place of work (study) everyone suddenly begins to assert that you are a very nice person, but at the same place you had problems communicating with people, then you think that:

a) new colleagues (students) are right, in the old place you simply did not manage;

b) they are less demanding;

c) they are calmer, philosophical about everything.

7. You go to the theater, cinema as soon as you understand that the hero to whom:

a) he looks like you, he has the same problems and you are wondering how he will solve them;

b) the hero and the circumstances are not at all similar to yours, so all this is interesting for you to compare with yourself;

c) You watch films and performances with equal pleasure, not comparing the characters to yourself.

8. If they claim that recent times Your work is not getting better, then:

a) it greatly traumatizes you, you start to work even worse;

b) You yourself do not notice such a decline in your work, so you think that they want to confuse you;

c) You yourself are trying to compose the level of your work and conclude that although it is not perfect, you work with interest and no worse than others.

9. If the taxi driver looks at you with poorly concealed annoyance, then you:

a) decide that he, perhaps, the person is always unhappy with everything;

b) he may be very tired;

c) decide that he simply did not like you.

10. As soon as you remember about your grandparents, with whom you do not live together, or about your parents, then:

a) You see the location of rooms, objects in their house;

c) First of all, you remember the smell in their house, you almost "feel" it.

If your answers made up the whole group "a" and "b", then it can be noted that you are a rather calm, optimistic person, not without an appropriate level of self-criticism. You are capable of reacting to changes, but at first you carefully consider and discuss them. You are influenced primarily by those things that interest you the most.

If in your answers most of all (or even all) "v", then, probably, you are too self-righteous, often stubborn. You are too frivolous about many important things.