Happy birthday in Vietnamese. Comic happy birthday greetings from the Vietnamese

Unfortunately, Vietnam is not the most popular destination for tourists, and it is not deserved at all. Vietnam is an incredibly beautiful country. It has everything for both active recreation and relaxation. Mysterious jungle, warm sea, mountains - this is all Vietnam. except natural beauties, Vietnam is rich in ancient buildings, which are more than one millennium old. If you still decide to make a trip to this truly wonderful country, you cannot do without a Russian-Vietnamese phrasebook, because this is a country that is very different from Russia, both in language and mentality. Therefore, in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you must know how to answer some questions and how to ask them in Vietnamese.

On our site you can find a very convenient and thoughtful phrasebook, which contains the most important and necessary words for traveling through the lands of Vietnam. This phrasebook is divided into sections, so that in any situation, you can easily find the word or phrase you need.

Standard phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
YesCo, Vang, Datso, wang, yes
ThanksCam onkam he
PleaseKhong co chihong tso chi
Sorryhin loihin loy
Do you speak-…Anh (m) / Chi (f) co noi tieng khong? ankh (m) / chi (f) tsnoi tieng hong?
frenchPhap, Thaifap, thai
WeChung toichung toy
YouOng (m), Ba (f)ong (m), ba (w)
They arehoHo
Badlyhau, Khong tothow, hong to
So-sotam tamThere there
Daughtercon gaitsong gai
A soncontraitsong tai
MotherMe, mame, ma
FatherCha, bo, bacha, bo, ba
What is your name?Anh chị tên là gì?an tein la zi?
My name is…Tôi tên là …toy tein la
My surname…Họ của tôi là …ho kua toi la
Very glad to meet you!Tôi rất sung sướng được làm quen với qúi ông!toy zat sung syong diok lam kuen wow om!
Let me introduce myself, I...Xin tự giới thiệu, tôi là…sin you zoi thiu, toy la
Where are you from (what country)?Anh là người nước nào?an la ngy nyek nao?
From Russia.Tôi là người Nga.toy la ngy nga
I do not understand).Xin lỗi, tôi không hiêủ.sin loi, toi hong hiu
I understoodToi hiêủtoy hiu
How old are you?Anh bao nhiêu tuôi?an bao niu tuoi?
I'm 25 years old.tôi 25 tôitoy hi myoy lam tuoi
Where do you live now?Hiện anh trú ngụ ở đâu?hien an chu ngu ah dow?
Are you married?Anh có gia đình chưa?an ko zya ding tya?
I'm already marriedCo rồigoat
I am still single (unmarried).Không, tôi vẫn độc thân.hong, toy van dok than
Do you have a fiance (bride)?Anh có người yêu chưa?an ko ngy iu tya?
I have a fiancé (bride).Tôi có người yêu rồi.toy ko ngyoy iu zoy
Do you have children?Anh co con chưa?an ko con tya?
Yes, I haveCo rồi.goat
You have a big family?Gia đình của anh có đông đông người không?ja ding qua an ko dong ngyoy?
In our family ... a person.Gia đình của tôi có … người.ja ding kua toi ko ... ngyoy
What is your profession?Anh làm nghề gì?an lam nge zi?
Where do you work?Anh lam việc ở đâu?an lam wiek o dow?
I work... in an institution.Tôi làm việc ở cơ quantoy lam wiek o ke kuan
How much do you earn?Lương của anh là bao nhiêu ?luong qua an la bao nieu?
I earn ... rubles (dollars) per month.tôi nhận … rúp (đo-la) một tháng.toy nyan... rup (dola) mot thang

In hotel

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Where is the hotel?Làm ơn cho tôi biết, khách sạn ở đâu?lam he, those toy beats, hat san o dow?
I would like a room …Toi cần phòng …toy kang fong.
~ for one (two) personmột (hai) giườngmot, hai duong
~ moreto hơnthen hon
~ smallernhỏ hơnnyo hon
~ cheaperrẻ hơnze hon
~ with air conditioningcó máy điều hòa không khíkoh mai dieu hoa hong chi
~ with TVco tiviko tiwi
~ with phoneco điện thoạkoh dien thoai
A room is booked for mephòng đã đặt trước cho tôifong da dat chook te toy
Here's my passportHộ chiếu của tôi đâyho tieu kua toy day
How much is the room per night?một đêm phòng gía bao nhiêu?Mot dame fong za bao nieu?
Give me the key, please.Lam ơn cho tôi chìa khóa phòng.lam he te toy thia hoa fong
Toilet paperGiấy vệ sinhzei we xin
This number doesn't suit me.Phòng này không hợp với tôi.fong nai hong hop howl toy
Is there a room…Xin lỗi có phòng …sin loi ko fong...
~ cheaperrẻ hơnze hon
~ bettertốt hơnthat hon
~ quieteryen hơnyen hon
How long will you stay with us?Anh chị sẽở đây bao lâu?an, ti se oh yes\hey bao lau?
I'm thinking of staying at...Toi sẽở đây …toy se o day…
~ one daymột ngaymot ngai
~ one weekmột tuầnmot tuan
~ two weekshai tuầnhai tuan
Where is the elevator located?Thang máy ở đâu?Thang mai oh dhow?
Show me my number.Làm ơn, cho tôi xem phòng của tôi.lam on cho toy sem fong kua toy
Can you leave it in a safe?xin lỗi, tôi có thể ở lại trong két sắt không?sin loi, toi ko the o lai chong ket sat hong?
~ moneytiềnthien
~ valuablesđồ đạc có gía trido dak ko zya chi
Where is the currency exchange office?nơi đổi tiềnở đâunei doi tien o dow?
Please wake me up at...Xin đánh thức tôi lúc … giờshin tribute tuk toi bow... ze
Replace light bulb.Xin lắp bóng đèn.sin lap bong den
I ask you to …xi…syn…
~ take it to the dry cleanersđưa … đi thẩy hấpyea...dee thay hap
When will it be ready?Khi nao xong?hee nao song
Who's there?Aiđấy?Hey day?
Sign in!Xin vao!xing wao
Are there any messages for me?Có cái gì cho tôi không?ko kai zi cho toi hong
Didn't they ask me?Có ai hỏi tôi không?Ko ai hoi toi hong?
If they ask me, I...Nếu có ai hỏi tôi, tôi ở …neu ko ah hoi toy, toy oh…
~ at the restaurantở nha hàngoh nya hang
~ in the roomtrong phòngcheong fong
~ I will after ...hours tôi về sau …giờ that weight ay … ze
In which room did Mr.... stay?Làm ơn cho tôi biết ông … ở phòng số bao nhiêu?lam on cho toi beet ong… oh fong so bao nieu?
Does the hotel have...?Khách sạn có … không?hat san ko… hong?
~ billiard roomphòng chơi bi-afong tei bia
~ saunanha tắm hơiya there hoi
~ tennis courtsân tê-nítsan tenit
I'm leaving …toi đitoy di
~ todayhom nayhom nai
~ tomorrowngay maingai mai
~ at … hoursluc…giờhatch ... ze
Prepare the bill pleaseXin chuẩn bị thanh toánchuan bi thanh thoan
I will pay now.Tôi trả tiền ngay.toy chat yen ngai
call a taxi pleaseXin gọi taxi.Xing Goi Taxi

At the station

At customs

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Here is my…
~ passporthộ chiếu của tôi đâyho tieu kua toy day
~ diplomatichộ chiếu ngoại giaoho chieu ngoai zyao
Here's my visaThị thực của tôi đâythi thuk kua toy day
~ entrancethị thực nhập cảnhthi thuk nyap kan
~ visitingxuất cảnhsuat kan
~ transitqúa cảnhkua canh
Here is my declarationTờ khai hải quan của tôi đâythen hai hai quan qua toy day
Traveling with me...Cùng với tôi đi …kung howl toy di
~ wifevợin
~ daughtercongaicon guy
~ soncontraicon tea
I would like to extend my visa.Tôi muốn gia hạn thị thực.toy muon za han thi thuk
How to get to the embassy?Đại sứ quán của ở đâu?give su quan qua oh daw?
Where is customs control?Kiểm tra hải quan ở đâu?kiem cha hai kuan o daw?
These are my things.Đây là hành lí của tôi.day la han lee kua toy


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Hello!Xin chao!xing tiao!
Hello, dear (dear)!Chào quý ông (bà)!tiao kui om (ba)!
Hello gentlemen!Chao các ông!tiao like om!
Dear Sir and Madam!Thưa quý ông bàthya kui om ba!
Dear Hung!Thưa anh Hùng!thia an hung
Dear friends!Các bạn thân mến…like bang than mein
Goodbye!Hẹn gạp lại nhehyung gap lay nya
See you!Tạm biệtbeats there
When will we meet?Bao giờ chúng ta gặp nhau?bao z yung ta gap nyau?
Where are we gonna meet?Chúng ta gặp nhau ở đâu?tyung ta gap nyow o dow?
Say hello…Xin gửi lời thăm (̣chị, anh)…blue gyi loy tham (ti, an) ...
I wish you success!Xin chúc anh đạt nhiều thành tích mới!Sin tuk an dat nieu than tit my!
good morning/afternoon/eveninghin chaohin chao
GoodnightChuc ngu ngonchuts ngu ngong
ByeDdi nheddi nhe

City walks

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
How to get
Long awayhaHa
MapBan ddo`ban ddo'
MuseumBao tangbao tang
BankNgan hang, nha bangngan hang, nha bang
Policedo'n tsankh satdo'n tsankh sat
HospitalBenh vien, nha thuongbenh vien, nha tuong
PharmacyHieu thuochieu tuoc
ShopCua hangtsua hang
RestaurantNha hang, quan annha hang, kuan an
The outsideDuong, phoduong, pho
AreaQuang Truongkuang truong
What's the address here? Dea chii laa zi?
Where is the bank ngan_han[g] o:dow?

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Bushe busheh bass
A carxxheh
Motorcyclexe gắn mayhae gang mai
Trainhe luaheh lua
The airportsan baysan bai
Railway stationga he luaha he lua
Departuredi, kho hanhdi ho hanh
UndergroundTau ddien nga`mtau ddien nga'm
Bus stationBen he busben hye bass
How much does the ticket cost?Gia ve la bao nhieugia ve la bao nhieu?
DepartureDi, kho hanhdi ho hanh


Dates and times

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What time is it now?May gio ro'i nhi?mau gio ro'i nhi?
A weekTua`ntua'n
MondayThu Haitou hai
TuesdayThu Batou ba
WednesdayThu Tutu tu
ThursdayThu Namthat to us
FridayThu Sautou sau
SaturdayThu Bayto buy
SundayChu Nhatchu nhat
SpringMua huanmua huan
SummerMua He (Ha)muah he (ha)
AutumnMua Thumua tu
WinterMua-Dongmua dong


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 khonghong
1 motMot
2 haihai
3 Baba
4 bonBon
5 naOn the
6 sausai
7 Baybai
8 tamThere
9 chinChin
10 muoimuoi
11 muoi motMuoi mot
20 hai muoihai muoi
21 muoimuoi
30 ba muoiBa muoy
40 bon muoiBon muoi
50 na(m muoion muoi
100 mot trammot tram
1 000 mot nganmot ngan

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Where can I buy…?Tôi có thể mua… Ở đâu?toy ko te moa…oh dhow?
When does the shop open/close...?Cửa hàng mở (đóng) cửa lúc mấy giờ?kya hang mo(dong) kya luk mei ze?
Where clothes are sold...Quần aó bán ở đâu…kuan ao bang o daw...
~ men'squần aónamkuan ao nam
~ femalequần aó nữkuan ao us
~ children'squần aó trẻ conkuan ao che con
I want to buy…Toi muốn mua…toy muon mua
Selling here...Ở đây có bán… Không?oh day ko bang… hong?
How much does it cost…?Cái này gía bao nhiêu?Kai Nai Zia Bao Nieu?
I do not like it.Tôi không thích cái này.toi hong thich kai nai
It is expensive.Cái này rất đấtkai nai zat dat
I take this.Tôi mua cái này.toi muah kai nai
ShopCửa hangkya hang
Open from … Until …Mở cửa từ … Đến… Giờmo kya you… dan… ze
To payTrảtiềncha tien
ProductHang hóahang hoa
What is the price …Gía bao nhiêu tiền …zya bao nieu tien
~ BottleMột chaimot tai
~ Pack of cigarettesMột bao thuốc lamot bao thuoc la
I'm looking for gloves (scarf)Tôi cần găng tay (khăn quàng cổ)toy kang gang thai (han kuang ko)
Show me something...Cho tôi xem cái gì (nào đó)…cho to sem kai zi (nao do)
~ Cheaperrẻ hơnze hon
~ Bettertốt hơnthat hon
~ other stylekiểu kháckiu hack
~ other colorsmau khacmau hack
~ another patternhọa tiết khachoa tiet hak
No, I do not like.Không, tôi không thích.hong, toy hong thit

At the restaurant

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
BreakfastA(n sanga n sang
DinnerA(n truea n trois
DinnerA(ntoiand n that
BreadBanh mibanh mi
DrinkDo`uongdo' jung
CoffeeCafea cafe
JuiceNuoc tray caynuoz tri tsau
FruitTrai caytri tsau
Ice creamKemBy whom
I would like shin cho doi
Beef thit bo
pork thyit heyo
Chicken thit ha
A fish kaa
nuts dow fong
A spoon kai thia
Knife gon zao
Fork kai nya
Where is the nearest bar?Quán rượu gần nhất ở đâu?kuan ziu gan nyat o dow?
Is it free here?Ở đây có ai ngồi không?oh day ko ai ngoy hong?
What will you drink?Anh có muốn uống gì không?an ko muon wong zi hong?
Be kind…Làm ơn cho tôi…lama he tyo toy…
coffeemột cốc cà phêmot coc cafe fe
juicemột cốc sinh tomot kok blue to
mug of beermột cốc biamot li bia
Bon Appetit!Chúc ăn ngon miệngbale an ngon mieng
Waiter!Em ơiuh oh
Please bring...Lam ơn cho tôilam he cho toy
~ one bottlemột chaimot tai
~ one servingmột suấtmot suat
~ one glassmột cốcmot cook
~ one cupmột tachmot thief
ThanksCamơnkam he
Delicious!Rất ngon!zat ngon
Check!Tinh tiền nhe!Tin tien nya

The Russian-Vietnamese phrasebook, which is presented on our website, has the following sections:

Basic words is a collection of the most common words and phrases to help you on your journey. With their help, you can say hello to the locals in their language, ask how your interlocutor is doing, explain where you are from and why you came, as well as many other things that will give you the opportunity to become part of this country.

Numbers– without numbers while traveling nowhere. You must know how much this or that thing costs, what is the price of travel in public transport, what are the prices for products, and, of course, you must be able to bargain. For this, this section has been created, which indicates how to pronounce and write numbers in Vietnamese correctly.

Shops and restaurants- here are the words that will allow you to make purchases, since Vietnamese cuisine is unique, like the products, it will be interesting for you to ask what kind of products are on the counter, the words presented in this topic will also help you with this. You can also find out by the sign whether the store is closed, open or there is a lunch break.

Tourism- this topic contains the words that will be most useful to you during your trip. You can ask passers-by where the nearest stop is, how to get to the airport, which hotel is better to rent a room, how much this room costs, how much it costs to travel by public transport, and so on.

How to get- also a very important selection of words that will help you navigate the city. Thanks to these words and phrases, you can find out where it is better to go on a tour, where the pharmacy, hospital, museum, and the like are located.

Public areas and attractions are words and phrases that will help you get to the most interesting places Vietnam, taste all kinds of sights, find out where the nearest toilet or shower is, bank, post office and much more.

date and time– if you forgot the clock in your room and don’t know if you will catch the last bus that goes to your hotel, you will need to ask passers-by what time it is. Just this question is answered by the words found in this topic. Also, when checking into a hotel, you will have to indicate the date of departure, suitable words for such a conversation are also present here.

I want to sing today, laugh,
Have a noisy party
The soul rejoices, the body dances
Everyone, let's cover the clearing!

In the morning I see joy everywhere
I walk with a grin on my face
After all, a person's birthday
Which is the most precious to me!

I want car keys
So that you never be sad!
And all that a man wants
Beauties with forms always

More cold beer
Salted fish under it
So that everything always lasts longer,
Nothing annoyed!

Happy Birthday
And I wish in life that
All problems and worries
They were like a microbe!

And more laughter in life
To the size of an elephant
There were joys, successes,
And love to know in full!

I want to be, I want to sing
I want to develop
Be friends with people and not get sick,
Don't give in to fate!
I want to be lifted up
With support, insurance,
Be the master of male wrestling
And the Kama Sutras are clever!

Dear friend! On your birthday, catch a huge hello and a lot of best wishes! May you have more good finds in your life! So that you find a beautiful wife, so that no idea is just a treasure, so that all purchases are discounted, and so that you are always lucky for bonuses - both in stores and in fate!

I wish you a birthday
Elite clothes and cars,
Always pleasant excitement
And there is no release from men,
So that a manicure is always in order,
And appearance is pure ideal,
In love, so that it is only sweet,
So that everyone stands on you!

So that with a smile, with a positive,
No association with beer
Life is like a ripe raspberry
Silver car!

Let the house be like in a fairy tale!
To work not in scrap!
What is in abundance and in excess
Money was counted in bullion!

For good health:
Eat onions, carrots and turnips!
So that luck and love
Were with you again and again!

One bottle, two bottles!
Happy birthday Friend!
Let it not be a hole in life
Your full pocket!

Three bottle and four
We are already sailing with you
To tomorrow in our world
It was a very long break!

Five bottles and a sixth
What else do you want?
May your whole life be in sartir
It will be easy, your mother

Seven along the way and the eighth
Something I don't see you
Where are you? Well traitor
Fucked up, I hate it!

With all my heart I wish personally,
So that, like a domestic cat,
You always had a great life
Both at work and at home!

Hay d? ngayl? h?i d?p va t?t c? tr? thanhs? th?t, v? gi?c mo Hay ti?p theo s? ch? du?c ngu?i b?n th?t s? va cu?c s?ng s? tran d?y tinh yeu va h?nh phuc!

To have more love in life
Preferably several times a day!
For all women to love you
And warmed the soul and bed!

What is a birthday?
Cake, candles, congratulations!
The guests are drunk at the end
All with lipstick on!

Oh, what a pity, today I
I can't be with you
But congratulations sms
Be beautiful and charming!

I wish you red girls
To drive blood in the veins,
Wines, vodkas and various sherbets,
What an empty stomach love!

And let everyone understand the joke
I will not build eyes here,
Good luck in life awaits you!

Let the vodka overflow
And tables break!
Celebrate your birthday
Like the best balls!

Let the girls always come to you
They fly to the light
We wish you happiness and good
So that everything in the world can!

May "ELSE" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
To want and be able,
So that happiness does not end,
About good to dream
To make things work,
So that everything always comes true.

On your birthday for sure
We need to tell the universe
That's ready for anything
To the impossible
What have you been thinking about all year?
And now you're lucky!

Need to jump with a parachute,
Sailing along the river,
Scream at the white light
That you are not happier!

Well, what if this self-assembly
Will be limited to potatoes and "half a can",
We are wonderful and with this "estimate"
Let's celebrate a birthday:

We'll have a bite and a potato.
We do not moan from poverty and do not coward.
If there is money, we walk and chic,
If not, then we don't panic.
Let's not be offended by fate.
The main thing is that we all get together again!

For me, you are half -
I am a strawberry, you are a raspberry.
Together we are fruit juice -
I am a banana, you are a cottage cheese.

We are peaches
Let's celebrate the holiday.
Together, old age is not terrible
Let's forget the names.

But I remember in my dreams
About a beautiful wife.
Together with her we are halves
Bright yellow orange!

Congratulations: cool | funny | playful | humorous | humorous | hilarious | carbon monoxide | funny | funny | vulgar | erotic | obscene

Shame on you, friend?
You are a birthday today!
And the knock of a glass is not heard
Or the clink of marvelous glasses.

It's not the case. Pour it!
Let's celebrate this holiday!
Let the neighbors knock on us -
They will be penalized for this!

I wish immodest profit
Huge Swiss bank account
Outside the city a big cottage
Good health in addition

Big victories in amorous affairs
Canaries and Côte d'Azur
Success in all kinds of life
And most importantly, reliable friends!

I wish you more bright days in your life,
Yes, more is better!
So that the count's castle is somewhere in Poland,
So that the sun, the sea in December.

I want the key to a new car
A hefty pack of money
Cold beer in a glass
And so that friends do not forget!

Friend, you are older today.
A year has passed, how many years
In the head is no longer porridge,
A good vinaigrette!

Walk hand in hand with luck
In the car, in the apartment and in the country
good days, good ladies
And now a hundred grams of joyful!

Today is a weird day
The sound of the waves and birds singing
What am I getting at, my friend?
Yes, just happy birthday!

I wish you health, success, prosperity!
And money to stick to the palms and heels!
I wish you good luck and true friends
Great happiness and sunny days!

Let the birthday invigorate
Neighbor behind the wall mother
Let them sound throughout the district “Hurrah! » friends and toast girlfriends
And splashing hops in your apartment.

I wish you live
Pleasant and relaxed!
And to have your wallet
Full of money!
I wish beer oceans
And in them rams and shrimps
You would be the best captain
Did not get out of the round the world!

So that you live beautifully
I want a lot of beer!
In mugs, jars and bottles!
A case of beer in the freezer!
And for you to deal with it
We are already running to you!

Catch like an airplane
Flutter your hands
From happiness get a flight,
And tremble with rays!

More sex parties
Resort those novels.
Go with Martini without hesitation!
And money from pockets.

Those oligarchs and monsieur
Nishtyak, all without deceit,
Bathe in chic and lingerie.
And bags of caimans.

All this is just for you
I wish you a birthday
Fate gifts and me
For you to enjoy!

Buddy, I wish you cool parties
Merry beautiful Ol, Mash and Irinok
Boring winter, flying summer
I wish to be fashionably and stylishly dressed
Tickets happy always and everywhere
And so that friends help out in trouble!

Congratulations to you at home today
Animals, birds, fences, leaves,
Forest fires, spring and winter,
Words and eyes, poetic lines,

Pillars and boulevards, rains, wires,
Traffic jams, domestic cats,
Water, beard, nonsense and a star,
Bridges, pavements, boulevards, windows,

Doctors, president, Santa Claus,
Alexey, Volodya, Oleska Rozhnova,
Alisa Kipelova, Sanka Bazarov,
Yevsey Samoilov, Valerka Motygin and Lisa!

We wish you dresses, skirts, stockings,
Pantyhose, shirts, shoes, chains,
Ring, earrings, living corner,
Words and eyes, poetic lines!

You are loved by bikers, hackers, we,
Khabensky, Volodya, Oleska, Aliska,
Flowers, shops, lakes, hills,
Valerka, Yevsey, Sanka, Lyoshka and Lizka!

Be white and pink, warm, big,
Tiny, round, green, smart,
Mushroom, flower, nut, soul,
Azure, glaze, beloved Alena!

I wish you more rest
Swim in the sea and sunbathe.
Celebrate with dignity this dashing holiday,
To wake up with a headache!

But before these, after the banquet
Have a fun night until dawn!
Fabulous days and fun nights
Good friends to you and friends!

I want to wish everything to be fine
In the wallet an excellent amount of cash
Great colleagues at great jobs
At "five" take a break from work on Saturday

Different questions, great solutions
Have a great relationship with your family,
Excellent health, and in personal life
Let everything be just perfect for you!

I wish you great health,
So that the chest does not hang with a rag.
And cunnilingus once a week
Someone would do it for you.

And in the early morning at dawn,
When there is no strength to wake up,

And wild sex woke you up.

I want to wish you a birthday
Great to be your mood
In work hours and in minutes of idleness
On weekdays, in the morning, and in the midst of fun

With my beloved in a cafe, in the boss's office
With a thin wallet, with a thick wallet
And if you still start to lose heart
Without delay, best friends need to be called!

Basket of success, a bag of luck,
A bag of fun for your birthday
Health backpack - on fragile shoulders,
A tight wallet with a pack of bucks - at a meeting!

Happy birthday congratulations!
Good luck at work, nice weather
Love pure, tender and repeated
Children of different sexes

Coat according to the figure of the neighbors in the compartment,
What do not drink and do not smoke
Hair silky
white teeth

wealthy husbands
Sponsors of tender
Smart lovers
Spouses in law

Mothers-in-law living in another region
Submissive daughters-in-law
Washed plates
Husbands who don't snore

And shaved for the night
Colleagues not obsessed only with grandmas
Enemies of the weak
Enemies very weak

Lunches in bed
polar impressions
And these. Well, in general, togoregular.

May luck always follow you
In the apartment, in the car, at work, in the country
Good luck shopping, good luck selling
In suits at the meeting and swimming trunks on the beach
And also to everyone we support.
Good luck will come soon!

Girlfriend, I want to wish you
Give smiles and shine with happiness
Good luck wagon and luck bag

I wish your wallet is full
Good boss and friendly colleagues
Health to you and all your loved ones forever!

Be cheerful, be happy
Fresh, groovy, beautiful
Be desired, be blooming

Be dancing, singing
Soaring in the sky without worries
And a true friend!

I didn't have time to wash
I didn't have time to shave!
Didn't have time to get dressed!
Finish a bunch of different things!

Didn't buy a gift
To the feast on time to arrive!
Accept that - what I am,
I will drink, I will eat.

I'm really sorry -
I didn't buy a present.
I was in such a hurry, I flew so
That didn't even make it.

Be who you are:
For friends - a good friend,
Home - loving spouse
And a caring father
And in bed - well done!

So that the seas are all knee-deep
So that life flows like a full river
I want to meet the record holder
With a record for the size of the wallet!

Conception Childbirth Sleep baby
Our rest. Weasels and diseases
Life from start to finish
She is with us everywhere.

And by the way, maybe inopportunely
For the first time I want to raise
A toast to the family bed!
So that in a hundred years

I wish you happy love stories
Gifts, flowers, compliments more often
And also more real friends!

Be beautiful like Malvina
To fall in love with Pinocchio
Artemon took me to the cinema
And Pierrot wrote poetry.

Let the money, huddled in flocks of birds,
flying towards you like a hurricane.
Let them surround, attack and climb
with audacity in your pocket.

I wish everyone to love, fall in love,
Get married, have sex.
Then be fruitful, multiply,
And also have sex.

Give yourself up to work with passion,
And then have sex.
Enjoy the blessings of life
And have sex zealously.

All that I dreamed about, wait,
And still have sex.
And don't give up when you get older! -
Get old, but have sex!

Don't drink water if you can drink wine!
Don't drink wine if you can drink good wine!
Don't drink good wine when you can drink very good wine!
And most importantly, do not forget to drink to
so that you always have money for something that is better!

We wish you happiness pure as crystal,
Good luck greyhound like a roman rebel
Good health, like an old oak,
Being young is like a milk tooth.

So that all good things come true
To make a lot of money
And so that instead of masters and servants
Always there was an old, true friend!

We wish you red girls,
To drive blood in the veins,
Wines, vodkas and various sorbets,
What an empty stomach love!

Let the fun of a fairy tale splash
And let everyone understand the joke
I will not build eyes here,
Luck will always find you!

We wish you happiness and a little sadness,
We wish that friends do not upset
So that pain and grief do not meet,
So that joys and jokes do not end,
So that there were springs in the middle of winter and summer,
To have a lot of light.
And let all your plans come true
After all, it was worth being born for!

Happy birthday, my dear
I congratulate you!
There are many congratulations
Do not count them now:

radiant sun,
Coffee in the morning.
shouldered man,
To cook myself.

To love and delight
He brought money
Kissed and pampered
And idolized!

Children so as not to upset
To take care of you
Mom's heart was warmed
And grow up healthy!

Your birthday has come
Your dream came true
This holiday is for fun
He is only for you.
You are a wonderful woman
Men's award
To fall in love with you
There are many reasons.
Beautiful like a goddess
Pretty like spring
Congratulations to our miracle
Happy Birthday.

All so businesslike
Elegant, cool.
Happy birthday beauty
Always be such a sweetie!
Laugh more, smile more
Never know.
Rest always with taste,
Restrictions are all gone.
Styling combed with mousse -
And have fun all night long!

You are so humble
But smart at the same time.
Why are you sitting so quietly
Sweet co-worker?

After all, today is your personal
Holiday, birthday!
Come on, smile brightly
We want fun!

Our entire friendly team
He loves to celebrate!
Plug in your positivity
And let's play pranks!

Sparkling with diamonds in the ears,
And with a crocodile clutch
Sweet darling please
whose name is Luck.

And tell you, "Honey,
Take it all from me.
I know about your birthday
And congratulations!

Still take the Maserati
Chance helped me with this.
Open the trunk carefully
There's a fiance for you."

Let there be fewer critical days
And more - cloudless, passionate!
Let the money be in full in your bag,
And less dangerous connections!

Hope, health, good luck and strength,
Love - without problem flights,
And so that Abramovich asked for his hand,
And joyful ups and downs of life!

May they give you a piece of gold on your birthday,
From the USA - money, and from Holland - flowers,
From cashmere - a coveted coat,
Champagne - one of the most expensive varieties!

Shine, sparkle and smile radiantly,
Be the first, best, fashionable, young!
Go ahead and enjoy life
And may love always be with you!

Years go by, as they say
And do not hide from aging.
But you, girlfriend, do not be sad,
You still bloom, bloom!

Let others worry
And resort to surgery.
I will not tire of repeating -
You will be in a hundred, as in twenty-five!

All friends gathered to come
They want to please you.
So forget about your age
And finally set the table.

Let the house be filled with laughter
There will be a million jokes
The table is breaking from food,
Every birthday will be remembered.

And not just the part before the toast,
And when the guests arrived
Accept gifts soon
Be on your toes today.

I wish you great health,
So that the chest does not hang with a rag.
And cunnilingus once a week
Someone would do it for you.
And in the early morning at dawn,
When there is no strength to wake up,
Whatever the alarm clock be damned,
And wild sex woke you up.

Cheerful birthday -
In our rules, my friend.
Open doors soon
We'll give you a lesson.

Let's dance and cry
Let's sing songs in chorus
Let the neighbors know ours -
We won't let you down!

I wish to buy tomorrow
A fashionable gadget, and a case for it.
To live without illusions
Relaxing in the jacuzzi
So that a marble fireplace
In a three-story house,
To true friends
They did not envy in vain.

I wish you all the most beautiful
The happiest
Health - chocolate,
Fun - grape,
Life is endless
Youth is eternal
Smiles - strawberry!
And life will be easier.

We wish you health, a cheerful walk,
More herring, port wine and vodka,
And life and youth in a hot heart,
And we want a sultry chick in addition.

I wish you great joy
And a whole ocean of happiness
So that you are always happy with everything.
Not offended by trifles.

I wish you a birthday,
Dive into the fairy world
Be a real hero in life
And do not find reasons to squirm.

Today is your birthday
And how many knocked - no matter.
So be forever young
After all, life is given to us only once!
We wish you a life full to the brim,
So that there is no bad weather in the soul,
In short, without further ado -
Great human happiness!

Interpreter: The Prime Minister regrets that he could not come personally. Japanese: Kyurono hawadzimi two boorish Japanese mother. Translator: But he sent us - the two best representatives of the Japanese people. Japanese: Shikenawa ikebana shuka sex.

Translator: We wish you much happiness and love!
Japanese: Thank you, my chest of drawers!
Translator: Thank you! Fireman
Severe fire inspector captain
Podzhigalkin (or the owner of another "flammable" surname) will come to the anniversary on duty.

If he takes out a pie with meat - it means he will go hunting, with fish - fishing, with jam - love adventures await the hero of the day. Two heroes
Two bogatyrs in helmets, capes, with swords enter the hall where the anniversary is celebrated, riding on wooden horses.

Invite guests to the table, and their wisdom can be enjoyed all evening. The first performance of the highlanders can be completed with an incendiary lezginka.

And the sounds of music are loud. Never know problems
Decide all things yourself
Don't rely on friends.

Don't run away from work
In vain do not scold the children,
Don't get lost in the round dance
Who messed up confess.

On your birthday, I wish
More dresses and cars.
To be in a wonderful mood
And surrounded by men!

Let there be parties, parties, fun,
And a champagne bath in the coolest hotel.
I also wish for the Miss World crown
And happiness to come to you more often!

On the road to go straight
Don't stumble, don't fall
And without money you can't get lost
We wish the birthday man at this hour.

And also a wagon of well-being,
Having fun from time to time
Conquer everyone with a smile
Seeing obstacles do not disappear.

Happy birthday to you
And we wish you to always be cheerful,
To our jokes smile from the heart,
You do not rush to scold gifts. But he did not waste time in vain! Even the luckiest people,
To bathe in careless happiness
And dance with Fortune!

Two guests perform a dressing scene, portray Vietnamese men (even if the role is played by women). on the heads - Vietnamese "braids" (can be made of paper), on the legs - flip flops and short pants.
The text is read in turn or together, each calls the other "by name" and shows his hand in his direction.
They bring as a gift "flip flops" - slippers and a pot of dry rice and a bag of grass (seasoning is possible).

From Vietnam to you here
We've arrived, friends.
This is Hu and this is Lee
If together, then Hu ... Lee.

Both are quite happy
After all, we have a wife.
Ha - one, the other - Na,
If together, then Ha ... Na.

We will make you all happy
What kids we have!
Daughter He, son Nya,
If together, then He…Nya.

We are funny Hu ... Lee!
You, (name of the birthday man), do not blaspheme us.
We brought as a gift
Vietnamese fruits for you.

In a pot of rice and grass.
To not have a headache.
Take your rice
Give us the pot.

HU: We are funny HU...LI
LEE: Don't fuck us (name of the birthday boy),
HU: We brought as a gift
LEE: 2 Vietnamese shoes.
HU: Shoes (name of the birthday boy) take,
LEE: Put them on your legs,
HU: And wear do not trample!

"Vietnamese suffering" -

1. Twenty of our brothers in one room zivut

There they eat and sleep and "Adidas" suite

If one Vietnamese is arrested

The squad will not notice the loss of a boy.


It's hard for Vietnamese to know these Russians

Puskin sitali - no one understood

Maybe it's all because of our narrow eyes

2. "Adidas" was asked - they did not find anything.

There was no Adidas.

Tomorrow they will be delivered

Just draw me a logo


Maybe it's all because of our narrow eyes?

And what do we do? Sto? Sto?

3. I called buyers with a word,

The one he asked for on the fence.

Musician explained to me with a left hook in the selyust

Great mighty Russian language.


It's hard for the Vietnamese to know these Russians,

Puskin sitali - no one understood!

I wanted to say her one thousand two hundred -

And he said a hundred, a hundred, a hundred.

From Vietnam Hu and Lee
We drove for a long time.
Stop singing songs
It is necessary to pour Hu Li!!!