Iotated sounds for preschoolers. Lesson topic: iotized vowels


– practice writing words with iotized vowels in three positions: at the beginning of the word, after vowels and after consonants;
– expand your vocabulary using reference books;
– learn to compare the sound of a word when pronounced with its spelling and draw conclusions that they do not always coincide;
– continue work on the development of oral and written speech;
– cultivate accuracy in work, ability to work in a group.

Equipment: individual cards for testing, “Helper Table”, “Puzzle” card, cards for group work with multi-level tasks, tape recorder (dance “Apple”).

During the classes

    1. Introduction. (4th lesson of a topic that is studied in a playful way. The class is divided into 4 crews. Each crew has a commander who organizes and directs the work of his crew, and a midshipman who sums up the work of the crew and its members).
    2. – In Russian language lessons we travel through a sea of ​​letters and sounds. Which letter island did we land on in previous lessons? (e, e, yu, i);

      - What are their names? (iotized);

      - What does it mean? (when pronouncing these letters, 2 sounds are heard [yo] [ya]…)

    3. Testing
    4. – We will repeat what we have learned about these letters through testing.

      Questions on the tables. 1 student at the additional board selects “Place for assessment” or “Place of doubts”.

      1. Which letter is not iotized?

      1. and 2. yu 3. e

      1. Yotated vowels always indicate 2 sounds.
      2. Yotated vowels can represent 1 or 2 sounds.
      3. Yotated vowels always indicate 1 sound.

      3. In which of these words does the iotated vowel mean 1 sound?

      Check: the person working at the board reads the task and explains his choice.

      If a student chooses “Assessment Place,” children evaluate his work.

    5. Calligraphy

– We continue our journey around the island of iotized letters.

– What letter greets us today?

This letter is not modest,
She wants to be the first.
Only wise alphabet
He orders me to stand last in the row.
2/3 I am 1/3 Continuous writing exercise

– Mark the most beautiful letters with dots and choose the Beauty Queen. Calligraphy and accuracy are assessed.

Physical education: exercises for the eyes.

IV. Working with words with iotated vowels.

– What interesting words did you find starting with this letter?

Words containing the letter “I” are also written on the board. Read it.

Fair painter hawthorn carpenter

– Think about how you can divide the words into 2 groups. On what basis can they be divided?

– Write each group in a separate column.

"Helper desk"

1. Find words in which “I” means [ya]

2. Find words in which “I” comes after a consonant and denotes the sound [a].

Self-esteem. The correctness of the work is assessed.

– In each of these words there was another word hidden. Which?

Yar is a steep, steep bank.

- In what column could you write it down? Why?

V. Vocabulary work.

- So, there is a piece of paper with a puzzle on the tables. The word for dictionary work is encrypted there.

-What word is this?

– Write the transcription on a common sheet of paper.

– Which group wants to put their piece of paper on the board?

– Let’s try to write down this word (1 student at the blackboard)


– How to determine “a” or “o” to write?

Children look in the textbook dictionary, in the spelling dictionary.

– You can look in the Explanatory Dictionary. Here we learn the spelling of this word and its meaning.

After reading, the word is written down in notebooks.

– Do you know that this word has multiple meanings? What meanings of this word do you know?

1) apple.
2) the center of the target “to hit the bull’s eye.” To say it very accurately, to guess.
3) sailor dance.

Physical education pause (children perform dance movements to the music “Apple”)

VI. Work in groups.

Creative work.

Our crews continue their work. Now the commanders will choose their route sheets and hit the road!

    • From each team, 1 crew member sits separately in “guard boats” and performs individual work.

1. Separate words for hyphenation:


2. How many letters and sounds are in a word:

YACHT - ....b., .... sound.

HARBOR - .... b, .... star

3. Write a transcription of the word ANCHOR

The captains at the task table take the task sheets and sit down. Tasks of varying difficulty. (The difficulty of the task is determined by the number of fish on the card).

Works for every group “Helper desk.”

Arrange words alphabetically:

Sail, Neptune, pitching, shark, sea, anchor, wind, storm, calm, cabin.

Underline words that cannot be transferred.

Helper table: alphabet.

The lines of V. Mayakovsky's poem fell apart. Think about how to position them correctly.

(The lines of the poem are cut)

Underline words in which iotized letters represent two sounds.

“Table - assistant”:

1. See which words rhyme.
2. Look carefully at the signs at the end of the sentences.

Copy by deciphering the words and dividing the text into sentences. In the second sentence, underline the main terms.

[noch"y" night there was a storm blowing strong [v'et'ir] the waves were thundering menacingly, buzzing alarmingly [may"ak] by morning the storm subsided.

“Table - assistant”:

night wind lighthouse

5 offers

Read the text.

[y'ul'a] and [y'asha] went to the sea. [y'ul'a] found a crustacean on the sand.

The waves threw him ashore. He moved his paws weakly. The girl lowered the crustacean into the water. He tumbled in the green water and swam away.

Answer questions about the content of the text.

    1. Who went to the sea?
    2. Where did Yulia find the crustacean?
    3. How did he end up on the shore?
    4. What did the girl do?

– In which words do iotated vowels designate 2 sounds?

– What words cannot be translated?
- How was the sequence of the words “storm” and “calm” determined?

– What is a “storm”?

– Reads the text

– What is “calm”?

Reads the text

What can midshipmen say about the work of their team?

Evaluation of cooperation.

VII. Reflection.

“Our ship set course for its native shore.

- On what letter island were we?

– Having remembered the features of iotized letters (test), we met the letter “I”, wrote words with it, got acquainted with a new word and did creative work in teams.

– In what mood do the crews return to their native shores?

Your mood is signaled by your flags (red flag – “I am satisfied with my job”, yellow – “I experienced some difficulties”, blue – “I am dissatisfied with my job”). Raise them above your head and decorate our ship with them.

Educational fairy tales for children

In the Land of Sounds

Lived in a magical land of sounds. This country was very tiny. And there were only 31 inhabitants. No one saw them, since they were invisible.
But it was possible to hear them. Six sounds were singers: A, U, Y, I, E, O. They were called vowels for their melodiousness and vocality. Ya, Yo, Yu, E sang along with them.
The remaining 21 were also kind, with good sounds, but they could not sing. Listen: B, V, G, D, F, Z, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch.
They were very friendly, agreed with the vowels in everything, loved to stand next to them. And they were called consonants.
You can also sing along with them, but to do this you need to be able to recognize all the sounds and pronounce them correctly.

“How sounds learned to turn into letters”

A lot of time has passed since sounds settled in one magical land. They were invisible, but they loved to sing.
One day, a wizard from another kingdom appeared in that country. He liked it there so much that he wanted to get to know its inhabitants better. And when he found out that all the residents were invisible, he was very upset. But he was still a wizard, and a very kind one at that. And he decided to give each resident a magic dress. Each sound received a dress unlike the others. As soon as you put it on, the sound immediately became visible and turned into a letter. The letter could be seen, depicted, drawn, written. The wizard was very pleased. After all, now, having read or sung it, or whispered it, he called the sound by name. That's how they met.

Always together

One day the vowels and consonants did not get along and went in different directions. The consonants huddled together, wanted to talk - but nothing...
They coughed:
Why did they call the cat:
-Puss, puss, puss!
And we got bored...
All of a sudden:
It seemed to them that someone was crying somewhere... They listened.
-Ah-ah-ah! Oh-oh-oh! - shouted the vowels.
They cried like little children:
-Wow! Wow!
-Aw! Aw!
And the consonants shouted to them (or rather, they wanted to shout, but they only managed to mutter indistinctly):
And they heard a joyful, but also inarticulate:
They made peace, stood side by side again, and said clearly:
And since then they have never been separated again.

Parade of letters

When two brothers b and b settled in the magical land of Alphabet Studies, there were exactly 33 inhabitants. Each had their own home, but could not exchange it for another. There were such strict laws there.
One day the Alphabet and Queen ABC decided to throw a party. All sounds put on dresses, turned into letters and went to the main square.
The king gave the command to the letters to line up and take each one in its place, according to the number of the dwelling. This is the order in which the letters were: A, B, C, D, D, E, E, Z, Z, I, Y, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Sh, b, Y, b, E, Yu, Ya.
Queen ABC really liked the structure of the letters. Since then, the structure of letters in this order began to be called by the name of the king - ALPHABET or the queen - ABC.
Anyone who wants to know the secrets of this magnificent country must, like a king, know the order of the letters by heart.


One day they gathered together for council and began to say how useful and significant they all were. But they forgot to invite the words to their council STRESS. And it was very offended. When the words began to emerge, the Accent suddenly jumped out and shouted:
-What do you know without me? If I want, I’ll take it and change the values ​​for you!
Of course, they didn’t believe the words. The castle came out and said:
-I’m not afraid of you, I’m so strong and heavy that I can handle some kind of IMPACT. After all, Accent is just a dash!
The stress got angry and suddenly jumped from the last syllable to the first, and the castle disappeared, and a castle appeared.
The words began to be indignant, to shame the Accent, but it continued to prove its importance. So instead of Atlas it turned out to be Atlas, instead of drops-drops, instead of road-road.
They see words that things are bad - they cannot do without Emphasis! They gave him a place of honor at their meeting and since then they have treated the Accent with great respect.

Today we have a difficult internet lesson. We will get acquainted with very unusual sounds and letters. Ready? Begin…

But let's start with a sound that is already familiar to us [th`]. What do you know about him?

Sound [th`] consonant is voiced and always SOFT . He also likes to “play hide and seek” - “hide” behind other letters. Read the word.


There is a sound at the end of this word [th`] and a special letter for it is Y (I short). Now let's change the word:

Cookies to TEA, not in the cafe TEA, treat you WE HAVE TEA.

Letters Y these words no longer exist, but the sound [th’] remained! Where is he hiding? And he hid behind the letters Yu, Ya, E, which denote two sounds at once

– In what cases are vowels e, e, yu, i consist of two sounds?

Conclusion: iotated vowels e, e, yu, i consist of two sounds, if they stand:

ь at the beginning of a word;
ь after vowels;
b after b And ъ signs.

In our speech there are words in which there is a fusion of sounds. For example, how we met today [ye] [yo]. The surprising thing is that they are designated by the same letter.

Merger [yeah] denoted by the letter E, and the merger[yo] letter Yo.

And here are the sisters - letters E And Yo.

They have one more feature. Read:

RA, RO, RE, RO...

Notice what they do with consonant sounds? That's right, they make the consonant sound [r] soft - [r`].

As soon as the consonant sounds are followed by a merger [ye], the consonant will become a soft sound. Why is that? You know that the sound [th] is ALWAYS a SOFT sound. He is so kind and gentle that he gives up his softness to the consonant, leaving only [e]. See:


1. Game “Who is attentive?”

1. Guess the boy’s name by the first sounds of the names of objects: spruce, pear, donkey, cancer.

2. What animals do you know that start with the letter? e? (Echidnas, ruffes, hedgehogs, raccoons.)

3. What male and female names do you know starting with the letter? E? (Egor, Elena, Eva, Elizaveta, Evgeniy, Elizar, Elisha, Ekaterina.)

2. Game “Guess the fairy tale”

– What is the name of the hero of the fairy tale? What is it called?

Said a word - the stove rolled

Straight from the village to the king and princess.

And why, I don’t know, the lazy guy got lucky.

Answer: Emelya from the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.”

3. Game “Say a word”

The berry tastes good

But go ahead and rip it off:

A bush with thorns is like a hedgehog,

So it's named... (blackberry).

Unwashed in mouth

He won't take it for anything.

And you be like that

How neat... (raccoon).

Well, the dress: all needles.

They wear it forever... (Christmas trees).

Washes his food in the river,

May she be cleaner.

And then he puts it in his mouth,

And that neat guy... (raccoon).

This is the story you will read

Quiet, quiet, quiet...

Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog

And him... (hedgehog).

Good-natured, businesslike,

All covered with needles.

Can you hear the patter of nimble feet?

This is our friend... (hedgehog).

Prickly, but not a hedgehog.

Who is this?.. (Ruff.)

They grew across the river,

They were brought to the holiday,

There are needles on the branches.

Who is this?.. (Christmas trees.)

4. Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

5. Find the hidden letters E And Yo.Circle them.

6. Name the crossed out letters.

7. Identify the letter in the wrong position.

8 . Add the missing letter element.

9. Color only those soap bubbles with the letter E written correctly.

10. Highlight a familiar letter.

11. Trace and color only those balls on which the letter is written. Yo. Connect them with strings with a hedgehog.

12. In the picture below, color the large letter on the left and the small letter red. Shade the middle letter as shown. Find and color the letter E on right.

13 . Connect with the letter E only those objects whose names begin with sounds E.

14 . Underline the same letter as the one below on the left side of the picture. Circle all the letters E on the right side of the picture.

15. Complete the letter E. Cross out the letter that is different from the rest.

16. Color both letters red on the left side of the picture. Shade the letter in the middle according to the pattern. Find and color the letter Yo on the right side of the picture .

17. Connect with the letter Yo only those items whose names begin with it I.

18. Underline the same letter as the one below on the left side of the picture. Circle all the letters Yo on the right side of the picture.

19. Make the squares the same on the left. How are the squares on the right different?

20. Complete the letter Yo. Cross out the letter that is different from the rest.


E came in handy in the garden -
Instead of a rake I worked hard.

Take a brown pencil and color in all parts of the drawing where the letter appears E.


E And Yo- siblings,
It's not easy to tell the sisters apart.
But the letter Yo two points,
Like nails on a ladder.

Use a gray pencil to fill in all parts of the picture with the letter. Yo.

23. Game “Syllable Lotto”. Make up words with syllables:

le, re, e, lo, se, et, li, ka, sa, la.

Answer: fox, river, spruce, village, barks.

24. Game “Magic chain”. Change one letter.

Lotto – body; chalk - sat down - sang; village - solo - salo; river - hand; canopy - sleigh; sang - floor; Lena - moon; Senya – Sonya – Tonya – Tolya – Kolya – Polya; go - groan.

25. Game “Entertaining models”. Make up words using the following models:

1. – e – (Chalk, forest, village.)

2. e – – (Food, ate, ate.)

3. e – – – (Raccoon, riding, ruffs.)

4. – e – – (Lena sat down and sang.)

26. Game “Ladder”

27. Game"Through letter"

28. Game “Shorty Babies”

Spruce – m spruce, tons spruce, vermish spruce, tires spruce, Monday spruce Nick, Bret spruce ka, in spruce vet, app spruce sin, sch spruce, shm spruce, etc. spruce, c spruce, T spruce cute, hmm spruce, b spruce oh, post spruce, With spruce d, p spruce me, gas spruce, m spruce nick, st spruce ka.

Food - demon food, Wed food, m food l, p food l, res food, pob food, thorpe food .

29. Game “The letter is lost”

Fill in the missing letters in the words:

- rsh, - zhik, - lka.

30. Game “How many hedgehogs?”

Count how many times the combination of sounds “hedgehog” appears in the poem? Keep in mind that this combination of sounds can be hidden both in the middle and at the end of words

31. Game “The word has crumbled”. All words must begin with a letter Yo.

Kizho, Sher, Chakolyo.

Answer: hedgehog, ruff, Christmas tree.

32. Game “Read the word.” Remember what an acrostic is. Read the word by adding the initial letters of the lines of the poem.

Yo lka, remember, under the grass

AND your friend is in the hole

AND walked in needles,

TO like a living Christmas tree. (Hedgehog.)

33. We write letters.

34 .

Merger [yy] denoted by the letter YU.

1. Find the hidden letters YU. Circle them.

2. Color only those flags with the letter on them. YU written correctly.

3. YU on the right side of the picture.

4. Connect with the letter YU

5. Listen to G. Yudin’s fairy tale “Little Camel Bul-Bul” and remember the words with sound [Yu].


The camel Bulbul really wanted to have everything like people do.

- Mother! I also want to sleep in a cradle.

– Is the warm sand on which you sleep worse? – asked the camel.

“No, he’s so soft...” Bulbul was happy.

“Mom, I also want to play with the top,” he said the next time.

- Is the bell on your neck worse? – asked the camel.

- No, he's so funny! – Bulbul was happy.

“Mom, I also want to eat apricots,” he said the next time.

– Are the thorns we eat worse? – asked the camel.

- No, they are so sweet! – Bulbul laughed.

“Mom, I also want to live in a yurt,” he said the next time.

– But do as many tulips grow in a yurt as in our steppe? – asked the camel.

- Of course not! – Bulbul laughed. - And it will never grow up.

6. Game “Who is attentive?”

1. Name the same sounds in words: cabin boy, south, skirt, yunnat, nimble, yurt.

2. Clap your hands when you hear a sound [Yu] in words: apple, Christmas tree, Edik, Elena, Julia, humor, street, pit.

7. Game “Who is bigger?”

Think of as many words as possible starting with the letter YU.
(Yula, skirt, youth etc.)

8. Game “Find the word”

1. Lesenka. 2. T h o w n a b u c k a.

yu – – yu – –

yu – – – yu – – –

yu – – – – yu – – – –

yu – – – – – yu – – – – –

Possible answer: Possible answer:

south, yula, cabin boy, yunnat. people, Duchess, budget,


9. Game “Transforming words - magic chain”

1. Replace one letter in the words: bite, cap, hole, onion, lettuce, scream.

Answer: beak, boat, Nyura, hatch, salute, hook.

2. Make a chain of words containing the letter “u”, in which each subsequent word begins with the last letter of the previous one.

Answer: yunnat – tulip – still life – tube – cuvette – tulle etc.

10. Game “Add sound”

– ny, – burden, – g, – beat, – rist.

11. Crossword

1. Baby cot.

2. Lighting device.

3. A wine vessel with a thin stem.

4. A stick with a curved upper end for support when walking.

Answer: cradle, chandelier, glass, stick


In the arena the tamer -
Lord of the formidable tigers.
He's like a letter YU , with ring
He boldly faced the tigers.

Parts of a drawing with a letter YU color with different colored pencils.

13. We write..


Merger [ya] denoted by the letter I !

1. Say the words by sound [ya].

2 . Find the hidden letters I. Circle them.

3. Trace and color only those apples that have the letter on them. I written correctly.

4. Color both letters red on the left side of the picture. Shade the letter according to the example. Find and color the letter I on the right side of the picture.

5 . Connect with the letter I only those items whose names begin with it.

6. Game "I" squared"

There are 16 letters in this square. Try to put them together into a sentence. And you need to read it like this: find one letter, look for another one that is nearby. The letter can be on the right, left, above, below, but not diagonally

And I advise, friends,

Start with a letter I.

Answer: I've reached the end.

7. Crossword

1. Horizontally: fruit tree.

Vertically: animal with spotted fur.

2. Bird of prey.

3. Chess piece or big boat.

4. Wooden cattle clamp.

5. The outcome of the game in which no one wins.

6. A reptile without legs, usually with poisonous teeth.

Answer: 1) (horizontal) apple tree, 1) (vertical) jaguar,2) hawk, 3) rook, 4) yoke, 5) draw, 6) snake.

8. Puzzles

Purpose: to clarify the similarities and differences between the vowels of the 1st and 2nd rows.

Introduce the sound composition of vowel letters of the 2nd row;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Develop skills in language analysis and synthesis;

Learn to draw conclusions, listen and understand others;

Develop memory, attention and thinking.



Summary of GCD for teaching literacy


The date of the:

Topic: Yotated vowels at the beginning of a word (E, Yo, Yu, Ya)

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about iotated vowels at the beginning of a word.

Organizing time:

Main part.

Educator: -One day the sound brothers Y went into the forest. We wandered and wandered and got lost.

One went out into the clearing and met the sound A, he also got lost. They held hands and went together to look for the way home.

Y+A…./children pronounce sounds in unison in chorus/.

What letter can we use to represent these two sounds? (I) /picture is displayed/

On the way to the house they picked berries.

Another brother J went out to the river and there he met the sound of E, who was fishing. He agreed to take J home. And they went together

Y+E.../children pronounce sounds in unison in chorus/.

What letter can we use to represent these two sounds? (E) /picture is displayed/

They took the ruffs they caught home.

The third brother, in the thicket of the forest, met the sound of O, who was picking mushrooms.

Together they walked along the path, met a hedgehog and he showed them the way to the house.

Y+O…./children pronounce sounds in unison in chorus/.

What letter can we use to represent these two sounds? (Yo) /picture is displayed/

And another Y went out to the stream, where the sound U was collecting water. He happily agreed to take Y out of the forest.

Y+U.../children pronounce sounds in unison in chorus/.

What letter do we use to represent these two sounds? (Yu) /picture displayed/

They met nimble mice and a squirrel that was spinning like a top.

All the sound brothers successfully reached home and were very happy to meet them. They introduced each other to new sound-friends. They told us what they saw along the way.

We picked berries.

We caught ruffs.

We met a hedgehog.

We saw nimble mice.

Let's repeat what two sounds can be denoted by the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

E Yo Yu Ya

[th] [e] [th] [o] [th] [y] [th] [a]

Now let’s remember when our letters are denoted by two sounds.

At the beginning of a word (give examples of words)

After a vowel (give examples of words)

After b and b signs (give examples of words)

Let's practice.

Find in the sentences of our brothers words in which their friends vowels will denote two sounds.

Berries, ruffs, hedgehogs, nimble ones.

  1. Children come up with words in a chain that begin with E, E, Yu, Z. They write down and arrange the letters into sounds.
    For example: apple, anchor, core, ash, Egor, raccoon, spruce, hedgehog, fir tree, container, top, youth, Jupiter, cabin boy...
  1. Analysis of vowels into sounds.

Yana and Yulia went to pick berries.

Egor eats apples and apricots.

Yasha is decorating the Christmas tree.

Elisha is traveling by bus.

The lizard is very nimble.

They bought Elena a bright skirt.

3) Laying out words from cut letters.


4) Divide the words into two columns: 1 - where our vowels will denote one sound, 2 - denote two sounds. The words can be given on cards, written on the board or dictated.

For example: pit, summer, Egor, cabin boy, buttercup, ice, hedgehog, yarn...

III. Summarizing
- What letters were you talking about?
- In what cases do they form two sounds?

CelAnd:to activate children’s knowledge about iotized vowels and the letters that represent them; improve the ability to divide words into syllables; develop the ability to construct sentences from words.

During the classes

I. Updating of basic knowledge.

! The game “Who can collect it faster?”

On the desk object pictures with one-, two- and three-syllable names of objects are displayed.

Children sitting in the first row select pictures with one-syllable names of objects, on the second row - with two-syllable names, and on the third - with three-syllable names.

Whale, axe, bridge, pencil, bus, crayfish, saw, glass, pigeons, sparrow, tiger, horse, frame, balls, drum, owl, table, chickens, parrot, elephant, swallow, poppy, doll, plane, kettle, ruler, bow, house, spoon, magpie.

II. Vocabulary work.

1. R e dude - boys and girls at an early age.

& Etymology of the word.

Word Guys came from the word child. In old times child meant "small".

Write down this word, pronouncing it syllable by syllable, highlight the spelling, divide it into syllables, and add stress.

2. X O R O w ? - as it should be.

The rain fell and passed,

The sun in the whole world.

This is very good

For both adults and children.

V. Mayakovsky

& Etymology of the word.

The origin of the word is unclear. Perhaps in ancient times it meant “pure” or “brave.”

III. Formation of new knowledge.

1. Teacher's word.

The Russian language has an interesting consonant sound Y (iot). He loves to “play hide and seek” - “hide” behind other letters. Read the word.

At the end of this word there is a sound [y’] and a special letter for it - Y (I short). Now let's change the word:

The letter Y is no longer in these words, but the sound [y’] remains! Where is he hiding? And he hid behind the letters Ya, Yu, E, Yo, which represent two sounds at once:

2. Doing exercise 30.

How many syllables are in each word?

How many letters are in the first syllable of each word?

What letters are these?

What sounds do they represent?

In what cases are vowels e, e, yu, i consist of two sounds?

Vyvo d: iotated vowels e, e, yu, i consist of two sounds if they stand:

b at the beginning of a word;

b after vowels;

bafter b And ъ signs.

Sound-letter analysis of one of the recorded words:

Yula- yu - la

yu - [th’] - consonant, soft, sonorous.

[u] - vowel, unstressed.

l - [l] - consonant, voiced, hard.

a - [a] - vowel, stressed.

Why are there fewer letters than sounds?

Physical education minute

IV. Making up a story based on a picture.

1. Doing exercise 32.

2. Work on constructing sentences.

Doing exercise 33.

V. Lesson summary .

Which vowels are called iotized? List their.

Clap your hands when you hear a word that has more sounds than letters.

Skirt, fair, raccoon, chalk, iodine, spindle, apple, tree, sailor.

Homework: exercise 34.