Notes on mathematical development nodes. Summary of nodes for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in the preparatory group

Program content. To develop in children the ability to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place according to a given condition. Develop the ability to create a pattern by combining colors and shapes. Strengthen knowledge of ordinal numbers and ordinal counting skills. Cultivate a kind attitude towards others.

Material: a letter from the Bunny, geometric shapes, a set of numbers from 1 to 5, cut-out pictures by age.

Preliminary work: Game "Fold the pattern"

Progress of the lesson: Guys, we received a letter from the Bunny, in which he writes that he hid a game in the group and in order to find it, you need to complete the task. The children are given the task: stand with their back to the door and take three steps forward, turn to the right and take four steps, etc. When completing the task, children approach 5 chairs placed in a row.

Train game The chairs placed represent a train, the carriage numbers are indicated by figures or numbers. Children dance to the music and, when finished, get on the train - whoever makes it in time. The rest of the children answer the teacher’s questions about who is traveling in which carriage.

-Who is traveling in the fifth carriage?

-Who is traveling in the third carriage?

-Who is traveling in the fourth carriage?

Which carriage is at the beginning of the train?

— Which car is at the end of the train?

-Who is driving in front of the third carriage?

- Who is traveling after the second carriage?

Physical education minute

One - get up, pull yourself up,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - clap your hands three times

Three nods of the head

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your arms

And quietly stand in place.

Game “Fold the Pattern”

Next to the train, the teacher finds the game “Fold the Pattern.”

Children sit at tables and complete the task. First, they are given a card with the task of folding a hammer, then they are asked to fold a Christmas tree.

The teacher asks: - What is shown in the picture? How many cubes will we need? How were you able to complete the task? If the children are not tired, you can add another card with the task of folding the sun.

Lesson summary:

—What did you and I travel on today?

— How many carriages were there?

- What did we make the patterns from?

Title: Notes of GCD on mathematical development in the 2nd junior group. "Ordinal counting"

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU No. 34, Kurganinsk
Location: 352430, Krasnodar region, Kurganinsk, Matrosova st., 166

Natalia Emelianenko
Abstract of GCD on mathematical development in the senior group “Mathematical Islands”

Travel game « Mathematical Islands» .

Types of children's activities: Cognitive, communicative, gaming, motor, reading fiction.


1. Form an idea of ​​a table, row and column.

2. Train the ability to use a table, determine the color of objects, distinguish studied geometric shapes

3. Strengthen the ability to correlate numbers with quantities. Practice counting skills.

4. Contribute development mental processes: logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination, speech, communication abilities.

5. Fix the name of the parts of the day "morning", "day", "evening", "night".

6. Foster friendly relationships between children, activity and independence in the classroom.

Methods and forms of work: conversation, visualization, questions and answers, explanation, game, problem situation, situational conversation, guessing riddles

Demo material: poster with a table, geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, numbers 1-10, pictures of cartoon characters, cards with geometric shapes

Dispensing material: geometric shapes, flower fields, stripes of different lengths and colors

Progress of direct educational activities.


Guys, Ryder came to visit us. His puppy phone is broken and he cannot collect the puppies to help save Everest from captivity in the ice.

The puppies are now on various mathematical islands. You and I are setting out on a journey to give the puppies a signal for help, but for this you and I must decide different math problems.

A game “When does this happen?”


Let's check the team's readiness. Guess the riddles.

When does this happen?

Educator: The bright sun is rising, the cockerel is singing in the garden,

Our children wake up and get ready for kindergarten.

Children: in the morning

Educator:The sun is shining brightly in the sky, the children went for a walk.

Children: during the day

Educator: The day has passed, the sun is setting, dusk is slowly creeping in.

Light lamps and candles. The dark is coming

Children: evening

Educator: Bears and elephants are sleeping, a hare and a hedgehog are sleeping,

Everyone around should fall asleep.

Our children too. When is everyone sleeping?

Children:at night

Educator: The team is in perfect order. We're hitting the road!

« Island geometric shapes".

A game "Russelled figures"


Guys ahead first math island which the Racer and Marshal went to - this is island geometric shapes. But something is wrong there. I see all the figures crowded around the tall house. Let's come and find out everything. It turns out that the figures built themselves a house, but don’t know how to settle in it. Guys, in order to give the puppies a signal for help, for this we must distribute the figures on floors

Educator: In order to settle the figures, let's count the number of floors in the house.

(one floor, two, three, four).

Educator: The floors in the house are located from left to right. What figures live on the 1st floor?

Educator:What figures live on the 2nd floor?


Educator: On what floor do the triangles live?

On the third.

Educator: What about rectangles?

On the fourth floor.

Educator: Guys, there are four apartments on each floor. The apartments in this house are called columns. The columns are arranged from top to bottom. What color are the figures in the first column?

Only red pieces live in the first column.

Educator: What color are the figures in the second column?

Only blue pieces live in the second column.

Educator:And in the third column?

The third column contains yellow figures.

Educator: The red circle goes home. Where is his apartment?

All the circles live on the first floor, and the red pieces live in the first column.

The shapes are placed in the desired cell


Guys, the geometric figures understood who lives where, and thank us for our help. And the Racer and Marshall heard the call for help and went to the Rider. And in front of us is a huge sea and then our team will sail on a ship. Our journey continues

« Island of numbers» .

A game “Match the number with the house”.

Educator: Guys, before us - island lost numbers and Sky and Strong went here.

On this the island has many flowers, which residents like to count, so as not to get confused, near each flowerbed they put a number corresponding to the number of flowers in the flowerbed. But Skye and Krepysh mixed up all the numbers, we need to correct the mistakes. Let's split up into two people and go to the flower beds. Attentively count the flowers in your flower beds and find the corresponding number

. (There are 5 flowers in this flowerbed, so there should be a number 5 here (4, 7, 3, 2) .

Well done! They did everything right. Sky and Strong heard a call for help and rushed to Ryder. Look how the flowers came to life, how nice they smell, (breathing exercises) inhale the aroma, blow lightly on them.

Guys, please send us to the next math island we need plane tickets. Get everything with a ticket

A game "Plane Flight"

Educator: On the plane, we must each take our own place, but how can we determine who will sit with whom? Because the stripes of the tickets are all different. Those children whose stripes are the same color can sit together.

Children complete the task and sit at tables in twos.


Guys, but in order to take off we need to compare the strips in length

How will we compare strips by length?

You need to attach the strips to each other and align the two ends

Educator: The plane is ready to fly. Please fasten your seat belts, we're taking off. Guys, we are working on one more thing mathematical island, but the plane can't land island because of the fog and to help Rocky and Zoom hear the call for help, we must do one more thing math problem. Look attentively on a card with geometric shapes and remember them.

Remember. Now place the figures on your table exactly as they were shown on the card.

Children do the task


Well done, they completed the task correctly, and Rocky and Zuma heard the call for help and hurried to Ryder. And we are returning to kindergarten


Educator:What do you remember most about our trip? Educator:Who did you meet along the way? Who did you help?

Educator: Guys, maybe you had some difficulties on our journey?

Educator: While talking, we didn’t even notice how we returned back to our kindergarten. Thank you guys for the trip, you did great!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for mathematical development in the middle group “Counting the Bunnies” Notes on mathematical development in the middle group "Let's count the rabbits" Goal: to practice counting objects within 6. continue.

Abstract of educational activities for mathematical development in the middle group “Travel to the Country of Mathematics” Abstract of educational activities for mathematical development in the middle group “Travel to the Country of Mathematics” Developed by: teacher Narina O. A. Purpose:.

Program tasks: Educational: Understand and accept the educational task and carry it out accurately. Solve intellectual problems, demonstrate.

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Image library:


Mishina Galina Anatolevna , senior teacher Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten No. 14 “Firefly” g.o. Khimki, Moscow region

Type of lesson: intellectual and developmental.

Subject: " The game is a journey to the country of Mathematics.”

Age: 6 – 7 years old.

Location: music room

Lesson duration: 30 minutes.

Preliminary work: FEMP classes, production of attributes, manuals for didactic games, didactic games with mathematical content, learning dynamic pauses, gymnastics for the eyes.

Target: Strengthen children's understanding of elementary mathematical concepts.



  • Strengthen the ability to lay out a number series.
  • Improve forward and backward counting skills within 10.
  • Practice ordinal counting.
  • Strengthen the ability to solve mathematical riddles, write down the solution and answer to riddles using cards with numbers and signs.
  • Strengthen knowledge about the days of the week and seasons.
  • Strengthen the understanding of geometric shapes, the skill of grouping shapes according to certain characteristics.
  • Fix spatial representations: left, right, center, under above.


  • Develop logical thinking, mental operations of analysis and generalization.
  • Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.
  • Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.


  • To cultivate a culture of communication, emotional responsiveness, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently or in pairs, to act according to the teacher’s instructions.
  • Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Health saving

  • Teach children to watch their posture.
  • Continue to develop movement coordination.

Priority educational area: “Cognition”.

Integration of educational areas:“Communication”, “Socialization”, “Labor”.


  • to cultivate curiosity, mutual assistance, and self-esteem skills in children.


  • develop children's free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking
  • activate children's vocabulary.


Clean the workplace and keep it in order

Methodical techniques:





Material:Demo: Magnetic board, cards with numbers and signs, multimedia presentation, pointer, chest with coloring books. Dispensing: Geometric shapes, cards with numbers from 1 to 10, laminated sheets of white cardboard.

GCD move:

I. Organizational moment (5 min.)

II. Main part (22 min.)

III. Result (educator’s generalization) (3 min.)


Organizing time.

Guys, guests came to our lesson today to see what you have learned and how much you know. Say hello to your guests.

Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other .

Children and their teacher stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see,

All my friends stood up.

We will now go to the right 1, 2. 3.

Now let's go left 1, 2. 3.

In the center of the circle we will gather 1, 2. 3.

And we will all return to place 1, 2. 3.

Let's smile, wink,

And let's start the lesson.

Children, together with the teacher, perform exercises in accordance with the text 1 time.

Take your seats at the tables. (children take their seats)

We have a math lesson now. Mathematics is a very necessary science, Tatyana will tell us a poem about it.

Without mathematics, friends, we cannot live.

Mathematics has been given to us for many hundreds of years,

After all, even mammoths were considered by ancient man.

Without mathematics, a person will not be able to decide, measure and count. It is impossible to build a house, count the money in your pocket, measure the distance. If a person did not know mathematics, he would not have been able to invent the airplane, car, washing machine, refrigerator, television and other equipment. All over the world, children are taught mathematics.

But before we start doing math, let's remember the rules of conduct during class:

During class, sit quietly and behave....(dignified)

A chair and table are not a bed and you cannot……(lie on them)

If you want to answer, don’t make any noise, just use your hand... (pick up)

I will ask you not to forget these rules throughout the lesson.

And before you raise your hand, think carefully about your answer, don’t rush. Remember what they say about those people who are always in a hurry? (“You’ll make people laugh in a hurry”)

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (children's answer) Then listen... In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king.


And he ruled a country called Mathematics. And he decided to travel around his cities in the kingdom, to see if everything was okay with him, if everything was going well for him. He looked around, but he had no assistants. What to do?

(children express their guesses)

Father Tsar, our children can help you, although they are small, they are very smart. (the teacher addresses the king).

Guys, what do travelers need while traveling to avoid getting lost? (children's answers)

That's right, a map!


And here it is, some strange card, and one question mark. Guys, the king told me that in order to start the journey and find out the name of the first city we will get to, we need to do a mathematical warm-up called “Don’t yawn, answer questions quickly!”

1. What day of the week is it today?

2. How many days are there in a week?

3. What day comes after Tuesday?

5. What is the name of the fifth day of the week?

6. What are the days off called?

7. How many seasons are there?

8. What season comes after winter?

9. What season comes after summer?

10. Name the extra word in a series of words:

a) winter, Wednesday, Spring Summer Autumn;

b) one, two, three, circle, four five;

c) plus, minus, Friday, equals;

d) circle, square, December, polygon.


Well done, you did the warm-up! And the first city to which we will go appeared on the map. This city is called Chislograd, numbers live in this city, they have been preparing to meet you for so long that they have completely mixed up their places in the number series. Help them guys find their place.

Didactic game “Find a place in a row.”

Target: strengthen children's ability to form a number series, practice forward and backward counting.

On your tables in envelopes there are cards with numbers from one to ten. Please arrange these cards in order, starting with the card with the number one, just do not forget that the number series must be laid out from left to right. (children complete the task)

Let's count in chorus from one to ten, and now in chorus from ten to one.

Didactic game "Number Neighbors".

Purpose: to practice determining the next and previous numbers to the named number.

Each number has neighbors, a previous and a subsequent number.

Masha name the neighbors of the number 5.

Leonid, name the neighbors of the number 8.

Nastya name the neighbors of the number 3.

Didactic game “Colorful trees”.

Goal: to train children in ordinal counting, in the ability to correlate a number with the place of an object in a given row.

Guys, in Chislograd there is a park where colorful trees grow. Count and show with a number card how many trees there are in the park.

Use a card with a number to show which yellow tree is in the park, counting from left to right.

What number was the card raised? Why? (because the tree with a yellow crown is the fifth in a row if you count from left to right).

Using a card with a number, show how many blue trees there are, if you count from right to left?

What number was the card raised? Why? (because the blue tree is the seventh in a row if you count from right to left).

Using a card with a number, show how many gray trees there are if you count from left to right?

What number was the card raised? Why? (because the gray tree is the ninth in a row if you count from left to right).

Well done! Mission accomplished! Place the number cards in an envelope.

(children remove cards, teacher removes easel)



Dynamic pause “How nice it is to swim in the river!”

How nice it is to swim in the river!

Shore on the left, shore on the right.

(Tilt left and right.)

The river is a ribbon ahead.

(Stretching - arms forward.)

There's a bridge at the top - look.

(Stretching - arms up.)

To swim even faster,

We need to row faster.

We work with our hands.

Who will keep up with us?

(Swimming movements.)

And now it's time for us, brothers,

(Hands behind the neck)

Lie on the sand.

We're climbing out of the river

(Walk in place.)

And we relax on the grass.


Now we have reached the city of “Fun Problems”!

– All animals live here in peace and harmony.


They have prepared mathematical riddles for you. If you guess all the riddles correctly, the map will show which city we will go to next. -----Shall we try to solve these riddles?

Didactic game “Fun tasks”.

Goal: To consolidate the ability to solve mathematical riddles, write down the solution and answer to the problem using cards with numbers and signs. 1. Four goslings and two ducklings

They swim in the lake and scream loudly.

Well, quickly count -

How many babies are there in total?

How did you get the number 6? Maxim, using cards with numbers and signs on the easel, lay out the solution and answer to the riddle. (2+4=6)

2. Seven tiny kittens

They eat everything they give them,

And one asks for more

How many kittens are there? (8)

How did you get the number 8? Pasha, using cards with numbers and signs on the easel, lay out the solution and answer to the riddle (7+1=8)

3. A hedgehog walked through the forest,

I found mushrooms for lunch.

Two - under the birch, three - under the aspen,

How many will there be in a wicker basket? (5)

How did you get the number 5? Masha, using cards with numbers and signs on the easel, lay out the solution and answer to the riddle


- Well done, you guessed all the riddles, and look, the next city appeared on the map, to which we are now going, it’s called “Geometric Figures.” The entrance to the city is locked. In order for the lock to open, we must do eye exercises.

We've been doing it for so long. Nyour eyes are so tired

We'll give them a rest

And with their palms their eyes (children rub their palms, warm them up)We will close without haste,(cover your eyes with your palms, then follow the text)Let's sit in the dark.

Black paint everywhere.

Now let's open them

And we blink a little: one, two, three, four, five.

Don't turn your headLook to the left

Look to the right.

Eyes up, eyes down,

Work hard, don't be lazy!


The castle opened, and we are greeted by the inhabitants of this city, geometric figures, look how different they all are!

By what criteria can they be divided into groups? - How many figures will be included in the group of large geometric figures? (6) - Nastya, name these figures.

How many shapes will be included in a group of small geometric shapes (9)

How many figures will be included in a group of triangles? (3) - Yaroslav, name these figures.

How many figures will be included in the group of trapezoids? (2)

Maxim, name these figures. - How many figures will be included in the group of red figures?

Masha, name them.

Didactic game “Assemble a pattern.”

Goal: to teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below.

The guys, geometric figures, presented the king with a gift, a carpet with their image, so that the king would never forget about them. On this carpet, geometric shapes are arranged in a certain order; if you correctly arrange the shapes in your trays on the sheet that you will find under the trays, then you, too, will be able to admire the beauty of this carpet. - Shall we try? -Then put the pieces of paper in front of you and listen carefully.

Place the circle in the center of the sheet.

Square - in the upper left corner of the sheet.

The oval is in the upper right corner of the sheet.

Rectangle - in the lower right corner of the sheet.

The triangle is in the lower left corner of the carpet.

The diamond is in the middle above the circle.

A trapezoid in the middle under the circle.

SLIDE 11. - Well done, you completed this task! And look on the map, the final stop has appeared, “The Tsar’s Residence”, this is where our journey ends today, but you and I will travel more than once to the cities of the magical land of MATHEMATICS where we will meet old friends and make new ones.


Summary of the lesson.

Now let's remember what cities we visited while traveling through a magical land where everything is connected with mathematics? (children's answers) - What did you like? Which tasks were easy for you and which were difficult? (children's answers)

And now I invite you to evaluate your work. The one who thinks that he has fully completed the tasks - let him raise a yellow star, and the one who thinks that he did not succeed in everything today - let him raise a red asterisk.

Children make their choice.

The king decided to thank you for your good service and gives you a whole chest with mathematical coloring books. Now we will return to the group, and you will be able to examine and color your pictures as you wish.


  1. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in a kindergarten preparatory group. Lesson plans. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.

Summary of educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the middle group using didactic games.

"Walk with a Bunny"


- form spatial ideas: lower, higher, narrower, wider;

Strengthen ideas about geometric shapes;

Strengthen the ability to group them based on shape;

Maintain ordinal counting within five;

Develop thinking and attention.

Materials : toys Bunny and five bunnies, 3 boxes of different colors; circles, squares, triangles, 2 shapes for each child.

Progress of activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Children! Someone came to visit us. Want to know who? Then guess the riddle:

A ball of fluff,

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.

Educator: Let's say hello to the bunny and ask what's in his basket? (carrot).

Educator: Children, Bunny told me that he is bringing carrots for his little children, but he doesn’t know if there will be enough carrots for everyone. What are the baby hare called? (Little bunnies)

Educator: Correct. So, Bunny doesn’t know how to count, can we help him, guys? (Yes).

Educator: How can we find the way to the bunny’s house? Where do you think our bunny lives? (In the woods)

Educator: What type of animal is a bunny if he lives in the forest: wild or domestic? (to the wild ones)

Educator: Then we go to the forest to visit the bunnies. Children go out onto the mat...

The bunny says that we can find his house if we follow the widest path.

2. Didactic game “Choosing a road”

In front of the children, two roads are the same in length, but different in width.

Children choose the widest path by placing or applying objects.

Having chosen the right path, the children and their teacher hit the road.

3.D/i “Which tree is the leaf from”

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest, what beautiful leaves lie on the ground. Do you know what tree these leaves come from? (maple, birch, rowan, oak)

Educator: If a leaf fell from an oak tree, then it is called (oak), from a maple (maple), from a birch (birch), from a rowan (rowan).

Educator: And now each of you will complete the task. Seva will collect all the oak leaves, Vanya will collect the maple leaves, Sonya will collect the birch leaves, and Liza will collect the rowan leaves.

Educator: Let each of you count how many leaves he collected.

Educator: Well done! Let's take our leaves with us and move on.

4. Physical education lesson “Forest lawn”.

We came to the forest meadow,

Lifting your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high -

Didn't trip, didn't fall. (walking with high knees).

Educator: Look, guys, what is this? Yes, this is the hare's house. What is the name of the hare's house? (mink)

Educator: Let's look at the bunnies. What small, fluffy bunnies, let's pet them and give them our leaves.

Educator: Guys, have you forgotten why we came to the forest? (count the bunnies and find out if they have enough carrots).

5. Didactic game “Fun Counting”.

Educator: That's right, let's sit on the chairs and count. Look how I count the bunnies: One bunny, two, three, four, five, five bunnies in total. (children count).

Educator: Now let's count how many carrots the Bunny has. Sasha, go to the basket and count. (counts four carrots).

Educator: Katya, check if Sasha counted the carrots correctly? (four).

Educator: Well done, guys. So, we have five bunnies and four carrots, will all the bunnies get a carrot? (children's answers).

Educator: Let's check. Masha, take the carrot out of the basket and give each bunny one carrot. What did we get? Did everyone have enough carrots? (no) How many bunnies didn’t have enough carrots? (1)

Educator: How many carrots should you add so that there is enough for all the bunnies? (children's answers).

The teacher takes out a carrot and puts it in the basket. Now, how many carrots are there? (children count).

Educator: Well, everyone is happy and you’re great! Guys, as a sign of gratitude for your work, the bunnies are offering to play a game. Do you want to know which one?

Educator: While you and I were dividing and counting the carrots, the little bunnies turned our leaves into something with their sharp teeth. (teacher shows geometric shapes) What is this?

6. Didactic game “Collect geometric shapes.”

Educator: Only the figures are all mixed up, let's help put them in baskets.

There are 3 baskets on the table. You need to arrange the geometric shapes so that the small basket contains squares, the middle basket contains circles, and the large basket contains triangles. Did everyone understand the task?

Educator: Vadik, repeat the task.

Educator: Sasha, arrange the baskets: small, medium, large.

Educator: Are the guys ready? Begin! (children complete the task, at the end of the game the teacher and the children check the correctness of the completed task).

7. Didactic game “Lower-higher”.

Educator: Guys, Bunny wants to introduce you to his friends. (The teacher shows the poster “Floors of the Forest”)

Educator: Who is this? (squirrel)

Educator: A squirrel lives high in a hollow in a tree.

Educator: Who is this? (ant)

Educator: Where does the ant live? (in an anthill)

Educator: Who is this? (hare)

Where does the hare live? (in the mink)

Educator: Look and tell me whose house is the tallest? (proteins)

Educator: Compare the house of a hare and an ant. Which one is the tallest? (ant's house)

Educator: Which of the animals lives the lowest? (hare in the hole)

Educator: Well done! Bunnies give you this rating. (five)

Educator: Who knows what this number is? (five)

Educator: Correct. Tell me, where did we see the number 5 when counting today? (five bunnies, 5 leaves, 5 carrots)

Educator: Good, you have an excellent memory. Our little bunnies have eaten enough, played enough, and they need to go to the hole to sleep, and we need to go back to kindergarten.

8. Summing up.

Educator: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember what we did today? (children's answers).

Who did we visit?

What new have we learned?

Who did we help?

What game did we play?

Natalya Glukhova
Summary of educational activities for mathematical development in the middle group “Counting the Bunnies”

Summary of GCD on mathematical development in the middle group"Let's count the bunnies"


practice counting objects within 6.

continue to teach children to compare and correlate five objects by size.

consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.


consolidate the idea of ​​geometric shapes, the ability group them based on color and shape.

form spatial representation: lower, higher;


develop logical thinking, intelligence, attention

promote the formation of mental operations, speech development, the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.


develop interest in activities mathematics, cultivate the ability to formulate an answer grammatically correctly,

teach children to listen to the opinions of others, attentively listen to the teacher’s questions and each other’s answers.

develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and carry it out independently.

Technologies used with children:

Interactive teaching method.

Simulation of situations.

Personality-oriented technology.

Game-based learning technology.


toys - Bunny and six bunnies, boxes of different colors; circles, squares, triangles

presentation, multimedia equipment

Preliminary work:

conducting didactic games, individual work in free activities.

Methods and techniques:

gaming – character introduction, didactic games, outdoor games;

verbal – explanation, posing problematic questions;

visual – attributes

GCD move:

Slide No. 1.

Educator: Children! Look who came to visit us!

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's say hello to bunny and ask what's in his bag?

Children's answers.

Educator: Children, The bunny told me that his bag is empty and that he is going to pick apples for his little ones the bunnies will, but doesn’t know if there will be enough apples for everyone to the bunnies. Bunny can't count, let's help him, guys?

Children's answers.

Slide number 2.

Educator: Then let's go to the forest to bunnies and count them. Bunny I drew a plan and according to it we will quickly get to Zayushka’s hut. The bunny even told that you can split up and go down different roads.

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest, what beautiful leaves lie on the ground.

Physical education minute "Forest Lawn".

We came to the forest meadow,

Lifting your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high -

Didn't trip, didn't fall.

Slide number 3.

Educator: Look, guys, we’ve reached the hut Bunny. Let's move the branches aside and take a look.

Slide number 4.

Educator: Guys, have you forgotten why we came to the forest?

Children's answers.

A game "Fun account."

Educator: That's right, let's sit on the chairs and let's count. Watch me count the bunnies will: One bunny, two bunny, three bunny, four bunny, five bunnies.

Educator: Kids, we counted correctly bunnies?

Children's answers.

Educator: Now let's see what it does Bunny?

Children's answers.

Slide No. 5-6.

Educator: Well done boys. So, have Bunny a full bag of apples and everything the bunnies will get the apple.

Slide number 7 – 12.

Educator: Now, guys, look - Bunny treats forest dwellers with apples. Guys, come on Let's count and name the number.

Children's answers.

Slide number 13.

Comparisons "Lower-higher".

Educator: And now I’ll ask you to tell me which of the Forest Dwellers is the tallest?

Children's answers.

Educator: Who is shorter than the Bear?

Children's answers.

Educator:Who is the shortest?

Children's answers

Educator: What can you say about Belka and Hedgehog?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task!

Slide number 14.

Comparisons "In size".

Slide number 15.

Didactic game "Geometric shapes"

A picture of different colored geometric shapes is drawn on the monitor. You need to name the geometric shapes and their colors and count them. Did everyone understand the task? Guys, are you ready? Begin!

The children complete the task; at the end of the game, the teacher and the children check the correctness of the completed task.

Educator: Well done guys, now sit quietly in your seats

Educator: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember what we did today?

Children's answers.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of educational activities for mathematical development in the middle group “Let's help the Princess - Nesmeyan” Abstract of GCD on mathematical development in the middle group Topic: “Let's help the Princess - Nesmeyane” Purpose: To consolidate and generalize the knowledge gained.

The final event of continuous educational activities on mathematical development in the middle group Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 6 “Topolyok”, Balakovo, Saratov region Final event.

Summary of the control section on mathematical development with children of the middle group Summary of the control section on mathematical development with children of the middle group. Topic: “A fun trip to the country of “Mathematics”. Target:.

Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development (modeling) in the middle group “Snowmen for Bunnies” Educational field: artistic and aesthetic. Type of activity: directly - educational. Age group: middle preschool.

Abstract of educational activities for mathematical development in the middle group “Travel to the Country of Mathematics” Abstract of educational activities for mathematical development in the middle group “Travel to the Country of Mathematics” Developed by: teacher Narina O. A. Purpose:.

Summary of GCD in the middle group for mathematical development “Journey to the Winter Forest” Summary of GCD in the middle group for mathematical development. Prepared by Timofeeva T.N. Topic: “Journey to the winter forest” Tasks: 1. Fasten.