Teaching a child with ADHD is worthwhile. How to educate and educate a hyperactive child methodological development on the topic

In the last five years, the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" has become almost fashionable, it is "put" to every fourth child "without trial or investigation." Spinning, running, not listening? So hyperactive! In this article, we will look at what ADHD is in children, how to raise such a child and how to help him while studying at school.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a minimal brain dysfunction, i.e. slight insufficiency of the brain, which is smoothed out by the age of 14. In the worst case, it remains in adulthood, but a person can already control himself.

Minimal brain dysfunction (MMD) is not a medical diagnosis, but only a statement of the fact that there are slight disturbances in the functioning of the brain. Moreover, even medical scientists themselves are divided into those who recognize and those who do not recognize this problem.

Recognizing the existence of this syndrome, doctors talk about:

  • consequences of birth trauma
  • imbalance in the blood supply to the brain
  • violations of the biochemical balance in the central nervous system.

In simple terms, the brain of a newborn received minor damage and the part of the brain area responsible for inhibition simply does not work. And since nerve cells do not recover, healthy cells take over the work of inhibition, between which these functions are completely redistributed over time.

But this process has been going on for years, so parents need to be patient and wait for that cherished teenage period. And here immediately inspiring news - hyperactive (GA) children become excellent teenagers, helpers and just smart people, you just have to wait, and while the process of waiting is going on to be as open and friendly with the child as possible, because he himself suffers a lot from the fact that he interferes with everyone, cannot sit still, that everyone constantly scolds him.

Usually, this trouble happens with boys: for 5 boys with DHD syndrome, there is only one girl.

How does hyperactivity manifest?

Hyperdynamic syndrome manifests itself in difficult concentration of attention, in excessive activity and mobility against the background of their peers. The child is very curious, but all this curiosity is too superficial. For example, a child reads a book, after two words he starts flipping through it, and after a minute he quits reading altogether and begins to add cubes, but as soon as he puts a couple of cubes, he immediately runs to draw, and so on in a circle. For children with ADHD, the task of neatly decorating, collecting mosaics, embroidering, beading is almost impossible.

Ask your child to just sit in a chair for 3 minutes. Putting your hands on your knees and not speaking. Such a task is difficult for an ordinary kid, but for a GA it is simply impossible. In just a few seconds, ADHD people will begin to dangle their legs, sort through the folds of their clothes with their fingers, turn their heads - this is the lack of attention and concentration. You even stand with a belt over it, but such a child will not be able to sit quietly on a chair, neither under fear of spanking, nor for a kilogram of sweets.

For teachers, schoolchildren's GA notebooks are just their personal pedagogical nightmare - multiple corrections, dirt, smeared ink, letters "dancing" on several lines, the notebooks themselves are crumpled, with curled corners - and this is not the whole list that can be found in the notebooks of such kids.

How to treat hyperactivity

This diagnosis can only be made by a qualified neurologist in a duet with a psychiatrist. Only after conducting all the research and analysis. Unfortunately, there are such non-medical people who, after listening to the story of a tired mother that the child cannot sit still, is constantly distracted and does not obey, they immediately write in the MMD card (ADHD, encephalopathy, hyperdynamic syndrome and other "charming" diagnoses). Only according to the results of ultrasound, EEG, ECHO-ES, tomography and sonography, a council of doctors can draw conclusions about the presence of ADHD.

As already mentioned above, this is not a medical diagnosis, so no psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers will help. No, they, of course, can be given to a child, making a “vegetable” out of him, but is it worth it to force the body of a poor baby like that? After all, these drugs work only with constant use, they make this “diagnosis” at 4 years old, it is smoothed out by the age of 14, i.e. It will take several years to “stuff” the baby with the strongest drugs.

Every day for several years, a parent can turn a child into a drug addict with his own hands. But vitamins that gently improve cerebral blood flow and a massage course conducted by a specialist will not be superfluous. Vitamins and massage, not strong sedatives.

Only the daily pedagogical efforts of adults (parents, educators, teachers) can help a child improve his quality of life. Every day. During several years. Not pills, but regimen and love.

How to calm a hyperactive child

The words "Calm down! Get a hold of yourself!" if they work, then for a couple of minutes; the student will be able to stretch the maximum lesson without being distracted, but what next? And then you need to help the nervous system. Unload it. The biggest mistake of both parents and teachers is to punish them by standing in the corner or sitting on a chair to the side. It is impossible to punish with this, it has already been said above that a GA child will not be able to sit still for even a minute, during this “punishment” the nervous system experiences overload.

Let's see how to calm a hyperactive child, the tips below will make life easier for both parents and the child himself:

  • if the baby makes noise, runs and does not react in any way to the words of adults, then you need to catch the child, hug it, and, looking into the eyes, repeat the request. Speak in a calm and demanding voice at the same time.
  • distract the baby with the question of how cows moo, how butterflies flap their wings, etc., i.e. "switch" it to something else.
  • ask the student to tell the multiplication table, the rules in Russian, or a recently learned poem.
  • however paradoxical it may sound, but physical activity will help calm a hyperactive child - let him do push-ups, squats, jump rope.

So the excess energy will go "in the right direction."
- together with the child, figure out where he has the "off" button. (on the nose, elbow, back), and as soon as the baby starts to destroy everything around, “turn off” it.
- runs and makes noise - give him paper and pencils, and ask him to draw his own fairy tale (or plasticine and let him sculpt an elephant).
- play "silence": the rules are simple - who will say the word "silence" the quietest of all.

How to help a hyperactive child?

If this is a schoolboy, then explain in simple words what is happening to him, that his brain will gradually learn to control all situations, but for now it is necessary to contribute to this as much as possible.

Every, absolutely every situation for which he was scolded by adults must be disassembled with the child. What did he do wrong, what was the right thing to do, and what to do if the situation repeats.

How to help a hyperactive child learn? Only the mode will help here. A strict regime, which, together with the child, was written on a paper hanging on the wall in the nursery. Where the whole day is scheduled by the minute. There should be no deviations, and very soon the child himself will strictly follow him. The daily routine will especially help the first-grader, for its strict implementation, usually, a month of constant control by an adult is enough.

In order to figure out how to teach a hyperactive child, one should remember about “switching”: we sorted out a new topic - played catch-up, wrote a few examples - jumped over a rope, etc. A child with ADHD is impossible on his own, especially in elementary school, it requires constant supervision by adults. The entire first grade must be done together, then it is enough just to be present in the room where the child is studying.

How to communicate with a hyperactive child?

  • the child is always interested in everything new - come up with a character similar to him, and let the child himself (but under the supervision of adults) teach his new fictional friend.
  • do not scream or hit the baby, this will make him even more excited. Always speak calmly and confidently.
  • punish with physical activity. 20 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and other loads, the implementation of which is not so pleasant, have a beneficial effect on the inhibition of the central nervous system.
  • praise and encourage your child. This is important for ordinary children, but for hyperactive children it is simply a necessity.
  • Give your child clear instructions before doing any task.

- the child simply cannot perform several tasks at the same time, so let him listen carefully, but fidget in his chair and chew on the pen, do not pay attention to this, otherwise all his attention will switch to sitting quietly, but he will no longer be able to listen carefully.

Simply, if you are “at the same time” with him, switch him from one activity to another in time, do not prohibit, but control, and strictly follow the regimen. But the most important thing in the upbringing of any child is endless parental love, trust and mutual understanding. Love your children and they will love you 10 times more!

Hyperactivity (increased, excessive activity) of children and related behavioral disorders is not at all a rare cause of not only dissatisfaction with teachers and parents, but also serious school problems that these children have from the first days of schooling. Hyperactivity is most often combined with difficulty concentrating and impulsivity. This combination gives a general, but not very clear definition - "violation of conduct". when it comes to violations of writing and reading, the following characteristic is most often given: “mistakes due to inattention”,

"inattentive reading".

The main question that both teachers and parents of “restless”, “inattentive”, “naughty” children would like to receive an answer to is: “does the child not want” or “cannot” behave as adults demand? it is on the answer to this question that most often depends on the attitude towards the child, to his "antics" and problems. Unfortunately, more than 70% of parents and 80% of teachers believe that the child must"to be obedient", must"know how to behave" must be attentive, diligent, etc. Moreover, “obedience” (which is understood as unquestioning obedience to the requirements of adults)

- the most important thing in the behavior of the child. A quiet, inactive child sitting for hours with his toys does not interfere and, as a rule, does not cause anxiety, despite the fact that he may have many problems, but a noisy, restless, talking a lot, constantly demanding attention - is tiring, often annoying adults and causes concern. It is especially difficult for these children in a team, with a clearly organized regime, in a system of fairly strict requirements. as a rule, these are the so-called “non-Sadovsky” children, since rarely is a teacher ready to literally hold the hand of a restless baby all day long, leaving no one alone and not sitting quietly for a minute. Almost insurmountable difficulties arise when such a child begins to study in a pre-school group, in a pre-school gymnasium, or to study at school.

Denis is 6 years 4 months old. Two months ago he was brought to the preparatory group of the preschool gymnasium. The teacher and psychologist who conducted the interview could not but pay attention to the fact that their questions are not very interesting for the child, but he himself tells in detail about what he knows (cars, their brands, differences, advantages, etc.). He asks about everything, jumping from one to another (the answer is not important), does not sit still for a second, tries to examine and touch everything around, including the psychologist’s glasses lying on the table: “Are these yours?”. – “Yes, please put them in their place”, “But I'm interested in looking through them,” said Denis, putting on his glasses. A minute later he left his glasses and began, asking a lot of questions, looking at the drawings of children hanging on the wall.

Denis knew the letters, already read well, counted, but he was hardly persuaded to demonstrate his skills. Mom and grandmother, who brought him, considered such behavior "pampering." The child actually lived with his grandmother, but nannies were involved in his upbringing. "Good babysitter

- complained my mother, - it is impossible to find. Two or three months - and they leave, they do not know how to deal with children. And with some Denis even refused to stay.

According to his mother, “Denis loves children very much, but they offend him, he gets angry, gets angry, sometimes fights, but he really wants to study and promised that he would behave well.” But all the promises proved difficult to fulfill. In the classroom, he constantly switched from one type of activity to another (although, as the teacher noted, he “grasped everything on the fly”), turned around, got up, walked around the classroom, could take a book, a pencil from another child, asked the teacher questions, did not pertaining neither to the task nor to the occupation,

“After 5–7 minutes, he simply could not work - he had to sit next to him in order to somehow calm him down.”

The biggest problem was writing (children were taught to write only in block letters). It turned out that Denis “does not like to draw”, he holds a pen and a pencil in his fist, holding it with three fingers. The movements are constrained, the hand is very tense, and the lines are uneven. The first few letters, even in his name, Denis wrote diligently, drawing each line, but the whole name

“beautifully” didn’t work out, and he could cross everything out, just refuse to work (“I don’t want to”) or look for an excuse to do something else.

In the breaks between classes, “he rushed about like a madman, he pulled everyone.” Two months later, Denis was asked to pick up, as the teacher seemed to have tried all the measures: "both in a good way and in a bad way." She tolerated his “antics”, and made comments, punished, shamed, complained to her parents. Parents, in turn, also took measures: they deprived me of walks and were not allowed to watch the video, they did not buy new toy cars, they demanded that I complete all the tasks at home that I did not do in class. Classes turned into screams, tears and new punishments. Denis promised to improve, but the next day everything starts

elk first. Having tried, in their opinion, everything, the adults decided to punish Denis with “silence”: they stopped talking to him, and on the second day he ran away from home. Fortunately, he was quickly found, as he ran away to one of his former nannies.

Let's try to analyze very similar situations in an inattentive, restless preschooler and a first grader.

Fedor came to school with mom and dad on the first of September. The parents were with their son on a business trip abroad, and the teacher's acquaintance with the new student took place at the first lesson. Mom's short story: “She can do everything: read, write, and count, but she doesn't like it, she's lazy. A very lively child, active, restless and touchy,” he alerted me: there are such students in every class, and it is not easy to work with them. Fedya was tall, and they put him in the fourth desk, but after a lesson they had to move him to the first, closer to the teacher, as he interfered with other children, tried to talk to them, attracted their attention in various ways. The child demanded constant attention, otherwise he did not work himself, and distracted those who were sitting nearby.

It's been 3 months. Days similar to one another turned into a “chronic struggle” with absent-mindedness, unwillingness to work carefully, complete work, do tasks correctly, bad behavior in physical education classes and at breaks (constant conflicts with peers, even fights) . After the break, he could not calm down for a long time: his hair was disheveled, his eyes were shining with excitement. The teacher's remarks - "Fedya, don't turn around", "Fedya, shut up", "Fedya, don't interfere" - the boy did not seem to hear. Class assignments performed in parts (somewhere only the beginning, somewhere there is no end). The letters are large, similar to scribbles, there are many corrections and errors (omissions, underwriting). He reads quickly, but often tries to guess the word, so he often thinks out the content. It is difficult with mathematics - you have to explain the condition of the problem several times (if you read it yourself - “everything is incomprehensible”).

Needless to say, the teacher was very patient. Fedya not only prevented her from working calmly in the classroom, but irritated her with his negligence, inaccuracy, constant “forgotten”, “did not know”. The more angry she became, the more unbearable, in her opinion, the student became - his mood changed dramatically, he could throw the book, tear the notebook, push the teacher away. At home, according to the mother, “the struggle continued,” however, all attempts to force the child not to spin, write accurately, pull himself together, etc. weren't successful. It all started with exhortations and persuasion, but ended with a scream or a belt. Conclusions of parents and teachers

almost completely coincided: "an uncontrollable child, does everything out of spite, it is impossible to work with him."

Indeed, in both the first and second cases, the situation is not simple, but quite typical for a fairly large group of children whose behavior is characterized by inattention, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. This complex of behavioral reactions is singled out by specialists as a specific mental health disorder – “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” (ADHD). It means that

The child DOES NOT WANT, but CANNOT change his behavior at the request of adults, and therefore special tactics of work, an approach to such a child, and sometimes treatment to help cope with problems are needed.

What is Hyperactivity or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Attention Deficit Disorder in the latest medical qualification is defined as a mental health disorder. This means that a child, even if he really wants to, cannot change his behavior at the request of adults. A special tactic is needed to work with such a child, and sometimes even treatment. ADHD is perhaps the most common form of conduct disorder. There are about 15–20% of children with ADHD, and this diagnosis is 3–5 times more common in boys. The causes of ADHD cannot yet be considered clear and well understood. researchers consider various causes of its occurrence, believing that, most likely, it is a compensated combination of various unfavorable factors (pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth, severe diseases and developmental disorders in the first year of life, environmental influences, etc.). Difficulty diagnosing ADHD. as a rule, special questionnaires for parents are used for this purpose, but they do not always provide objective information. In recent years, special methods for studying the functioning of the brain of children have been used to diagnose ADHD. In order for parents to have an idea of ​​what behavioral disorders the child is characterized as inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, we give a classic description of these symptoms.


ª insufficient attention to detail;

ª hardly holds attention;

ª as if not listening to the speaker;

ª cannot complete the task;

ª finds it difficult to organize one's activities;

ª avoids the task;

ª loses items;

ª is distracted by external stimuli; ª

forgets everything.


ª jerking arms or legs, spinning;

ª cannot sit still when required;

ª overly talkative;

ª being worn and climbing somewhere when it is not allowed;

ª can hardly play quietly;

ª always “started”, “as if the engine is inside”.


ª blurts out answers;

ª overly talkative, hardly waits for his turn;

ª interrupts others, intervenes in someone else's conversation.

These are the symptoms that should attract the attention of parents. It is important that the diagnosis of ADHD is made if at least eight of the listed signs appear in the child's behavior constantly, at least for six months. It should be understood that changes in behavior sometimes occur in every child: for example, after an illness, there may be a violation of attention, a strong functional stress may end in an emotional outburst, an unexpected inadequate reaction, which is taken by adults for impulsiveness. Fatigue at the initial stages, as a rule, is associated with motor restlessness, restlessness, etc., but all these are temporary manifestations of behavioral disorders. in children with ADHD, these manifestations are constant.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. He can also distinguish the form of this disorder - a combination of hyperactivity and attention deficit, the predominance of hyperactivity and impulsivity, or the predominance of attention deficit.

The main symptoms of ADHD are impaired attention, hyperacidity

Tivnost, impulsivity.

in older preschoolers - children 5-6 years old - voluntary attention is still not well developed (attention on a certain object, subject, task in accordance with the instructions), but as they grow up from 1st to 4th grade, voluntary attention becomes more stable. the child quickly and actively tunes in to the upcoming activity and is not distracted in the process of doing it. in children with ADHD, impairments are not very significant at preschool age, while the children are not systematically studying, but with the start of classes at school, attention disorders immediately appear.

Violation of concentration is the cause of difficulties in the performance of all educational tasks, including writing and reading. The initial stage of learning is especially difficult for them, requiring increased attention to writing technique, constant monitoring of the correct spelling of letters, and attention to sound-letter analysis. High distractibility, difficulty concentrating disturb this process. the child “grasps” and remembers only part of the instruction (task) and at the same time strives to complete everything quickly. Therefore, the handwriting of hyperactive children is unstable, they cannot write “calligraphically correctly” even one letter.

Very characteristic of these children (due to rapid exhaustion)

niya) a sharp deterioration in handwriting in the process of completing tasks.

“Look,” the mother of such a child shows me a notebook, “the first sentence is written normally, the second is worse, and the last one is already impossible to read.”

No less difficult for hyperactive children is the process of learning to read. they have difficulty concentrating, so they "lose words"

"lose the line" and rapid exhaustion can be so "destroying"

note that reading becomes simply impossible. It is important to note

tit: the more the child is nervous, afraid of mistakes, bad grades, the worse the result. Fear of failure further reduces a child's ability to control their actions.

In the case when hyperactivity is combined with any, even slight, unformedness of any cognitive function, the formation of writing and reading skills is even more difficult (this can be seen in the examples given). It is not difficult to imagine how the process of forming writing and reading in such children is disrupted if the teacher constantly rushes and shows his impatience and displeasure, if the parents scold the “fidget” for all the failures. In these cases, not only complex learning problems are inevitable, but also mental health disorders.

as our examples show, children with ADHD are able to maintain attention for no more than a few minutes. However, during their favorite activities and games that they manage to successfully cope with, they hold their attention and do what they love for quite a long time. this is what adults point out when they say: "Maybe when he wants." Maybe, but not only because he wants to, but also because the activity according to his strength allows you to feel success, pleasure. Such "selectivity" of attention is supported by the motivation and pleasure that the child receives from this activity. pleasure, satisfaction are an important factor in the organization of a child's mental activity and have a stimulating effect on it. Worst of all, hyperactive children perform tasks that they find boring, repetitive, difficult, unsatisfying, and unrewarding. Failure and dissatisfaction actually destroy attention.

Along with attention difficulties, children with ADHD are characterized by distractibility: they are distracted by any, even unrelated stimuli. the sound of the TV, the cat that jumped on its knees, the father who came home from work – and any tasks are immediately forgotten. The same thing happens in the classroom. Everything distracts – the teacher's remarks, the neighbor's actions, the creaking of chalk, the wind outside the window, etc. that is why hyperactive children perform poorly on control tasks, dictations.

impulsivity is observed in hyperactive children both in a variety of everyday situations and when performing educational tasks. In the classroom, it is difficult for them to wait for the teacher's attention, permission to speak - they interrupt others, inappropriately answer questions without listening to them to the end. They stretch out their hand, wanting to be asked without listening to the question and often not knowing the correct answer. because of their impulsiveness, they are prone to trauma, as they often commit dangerous actions, the consequences of which they do not think about.

Relationship problems with peers and teachers are also common in children with ADHD. They are more talkative than others, more prone to social interactions. Meanwhile, they are often inadequate, do not understand the situation, are offended and angry, believing that they do not want to be friends with them, play, hang out. The behavior of such children is unpredictable, and communication with peers is difficult due to conflict and imbalance. In our examples, both Denis and Fedor have problems communicating with their peers, despite the fact that they want to communicate, they easily make contact.

It is important to note that most children with ADHD have good intellectual abilities, but during classes and lessons they find it difficult to cope with tasks, not because they are not able to complete them, but because they experience difficulties in organizing activities.

Observations show that these children quickly turn off the process of completing the task.

Similar information.

Publication date

Hyperactive children are especially difficult for the teacher, as they constantly require his attention, interfere with other children. If the teacher understands the reasons for the misbehavior, does not consider him a conscious intruder, they are more likely to establish a friendly contact and help such a child. After all, a hyperactive child needs to be treated in the same way as all other children, while understanding his specific difficulties and creating conditions for overcoming them.

Hyperactive Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) is the main cause of behavioral disorders and learning difficulties in school age. It is manifested by motor hyperactivity that is unusual for normal age indicators, defects in concentration, distractibility, impulsiveness (rashness) of behavior, problems in relationships with others.

Remember that this child cannot behave differently. He worries that he is not like everyone else. He suffers that he is not understood. He needs attention and love. It is difficult with him, but every small step forward is your victory with him.

Training in parenting skills for children with ADHD

  • Method 1 - using a system of symbols or points to immediately reward good behavior or work
  • 2nd method - using "time out" or temporary isolation when the child becomes too naughty, misbehaves or out of control (for example, put in a chair turned to the wall)
  • Method 3 - a system of rewards and punishments - helping the child learn to control and choose the desired forms of his behavior (and encouragement and punishment can be discussed with the child)

Method 4 - Parents should learn to change everyday situations in such a way as to give the hyperactive child the opportunity to improve their behavior and achieve success.

How to change a child's behavior

  • Help your child find ways to stand out on their own strengths.
  • Help others understand your child
  • Give your child the opportunity to expend excess energy, instill in him an interest in physical education
  • Consult with experts
  • Make sure your child understands your instructions
  • Help your child organize their activities, plan and allocate their own time and energy
  • Reward for all activities that require concentration: educational games, reading, etc.
  • Limit choice, but don't impose it
  • Protect your child from overwork
  • Teach your child to set "quiet breaks"

Schoolchild to maintain planning skills

  • Instill diary skills, follow the regularity of its completion
  • Teach children how to make plans, schedule tasks for the day with the distribution of time for them, write down tasks, reminders, notes

To improve organizational skills

  • Set aside time during the school day to clean up the desk (closet) and student's briefcase
  • Carefully organize the routine for each day and each week, bring household chores into a system
  • Conduct regular self-assessments.

To improve consistency

  • Create standard rules, templates for bringing tasks to completion (it can be time: work 15 minutes, rest 5 minutes, complete the task to the end, go to play with friends ...)
  • Provide opportunities for self-correction (if you find a mistake yourself, you will be rewarded)
  • Delay completion of work
  • For partially completed work, give partial encouragement

To improve self-control

  • Prepare the student in advance for the transition from one activity to another (first we will complete the most difficult, then we will rest and move on to another task)
  • Demonstrate the rules
  • Give hints, reminders about behavior
  • Discuss outcomes clearly
  • Use activity as a reward
  • Provide more oversight

To improve ATTENTION

in case of problems with starting tasks

  • Repeat instructions
  • Improve task structuring
  • Use highlighting or color coding for directions and other important work items
  • Teach the student the skills of highlighting keywords
  • Summarize basic information
  • Take visual notes

For problems with continuing execution and

completion of tasks

Stimulate interest and activity in the process of completing the task

Divide large tasks into several easy-to-do chunks

Reduce all proposed assignments

Reach out to students more often

Tailor curriculum and instructions

  • Provide the hyperactive student with the most direct, consistent and personalized instruction
  • Get organized in every area
  • Plan lessons so that students can actively participate in them, including getting up, going to the board, moving in their places
  • Design tasks in such a way as to minimize the level of frustration when completing them
  • Argue, but don't repress
  • Vary the way you measure learning success according to your child's learning style and strengths.
  • Pair a hyperactive child with a friend or classmate who is a model student
  • Provide constant feedback, the ability to frequently seek help
  • Structure tasks
  • Constantly monitor self-execution of work
  • Provide frequent and regular breaks in your class schedule
  • Maintain regular contact with the child's family
  • Learn conflict resolution and mediation skills with the help of classmates

Remember:Not helping a person cope with his problems is the same as creating difficulties for him.

Can a hyperactive child study in a regular school, or are there specialized educational institutions for such a nimble child? In fairness, it should be noted that in terms of mental abilities, these guys are in no way inferior to their peers. Therefore, there are no special schools for fidgets. And to the question can a hyperactive child go to a normal school, you can answer with confidence, of course!

However, for such a baby, the learning process is a little difficult due to psychological characteristics. Therefore, teachers and parents are recommended to follow the instructions and recommendations of a child psychotherapist regarding some of the nuances of teaching such a student. In this article, we will try to explain what a hyperactive child is, and also give recommendations for parents of restless schoolchildren.

How does ADHD manifest itself?

Hyperactivity can be safely denoted by the prefix "over". Such children are characterized by an increased need for active movement. They are hyperactive, impulsive, have an unstable mood, talk loudly, are unable to concentrate on one action or object, and have a poor memory. They can be aggressive and whiny if they don't get what they want. All these indicators are a consequence of the malfunctioning of certain parts of the brain responsible for behavioral reactions.

How to identify a student with ADHD?

Often adults confuse banal bad manners and spoiled with ADHD. In fact, looking a little closer at the students, it will not be difficult to identify such a student:

  • Distraction from work. Even the most interesting activity of such a small person cannot be forced to concentrate. He constantly switches to something else.
  • Excessive emotionality is expressed literally in everything. May cry for no reason or laugh out loud when there is no reason for fun.
  • Loud and fast speech. Even after the remarks, the small one does not reduce the volume of his voice.
  • Such fidgets write, often making typical mistakes; they do not add endings, they forget to capitalize, even obvious punctuation marks are bypassed. Not able to correct the text even with the help of hints.
  • They are distinguished by fussiness and a mass of completely unnecessary gestures. Unable to sit in one place for more than two minutes. Constantly fidgeting and wrinkling.
  • Possess poor memory and forgetfulness. They forget to write down their homework, they may go home without a backpack or a change of shoes.
  • They constantly have something falling, broken, lost.
  • Unable to clearly explain anything or build a dialogue.
  • Fidget is constantly surrounded by disorder. Even having entered an educational institution neat, he is not able to maintain an appropriate appearance for 45 minutes.
  • In no case should a fidget be punished for being too active. Moreover, this will not save the situation, but will further aggravate it.
  • Don't let the baby move. Of course, within the framework of a school institution, beganina and standing on your head are not very welcome. But on the street, let him run, jump and frolic. After all, your "volcano" needs where to put its unstoppable energy and let it happen better outside the school walls.
  • It is advisable to enroll a fidget in any sports section or circle. It can be football, swimming, athletics, etc. In general, anything, as long as he expends inexhaustible energy reserves.
  • It is necessary to ask teachers to use egoza in active actions. This could be handing out tools in class, helping to wipe down the blackboard, etc.
  • Don't force yourself to do your homework right after you get home. Take at least an hour of active break between activities at home and at school.
  • It is recommended to introduce into the diet of small foods that require a lot of energy for digestion (various types of nuts, meat dishes, etc.).
  • Follow the recommendations of a child psychotherapist and strictly follow all instructions.
  • Make a daily routine and follow it. Moreover, every member of the family must adhere to the daily routine.

ADHD is not a sentence, but just a problem that can be easily solved by following all the recommendations and wishes of doctors and psychologists.

A hyperactive child is a schoolboy, what should parents do advice from a psychologist

Somehow you can endure the tricks of the fidget when he goes to kindergarten. But when a hyperactive child is a schoolboy, what should parents do? The advice of psychologists will help you cope with this difficult period in your baby's life. This article will tell you how a hyperactive child behaves at school, explain what parents should do, and help with the advice of a psychologist.

It must be said that elementary grades for children with attention deficit disorder are the most difficult. After all, there are new responsibilities that must be strictly fulfilled. It is not easy for fidgets to sit in one place for a long time, listen carefully to the teacher, concentrate and adhere to the norms of behavior. This often results in performance problems. But do not panic and think that now your little one does not have a bright future. There are special programs and methods of education, developed by psychologists specifically for such children.

Learning features

Unfortunately, not all educational institutions have teachers who know how to deal with difficult children. And relatives are at a loss as to how to pacify the fidget at home and force them to do their homework. But if within the walls of the school a teacher can always resort to the help of a full-time psychologist, what should the fidget relatives do? Understanding mothers and fathers know who a hyperactive child is and listen to the recommendations of psychologists to parents of difficult students.

So, the most important point of the program is to draw up a daily routine for the crumbs. The regimen should be designed in such a way that mental stress alternates with physical activity. And also in the daily routine should be prescribed special lessons aimed at developing perseverance and attentiveness. Of course, tasks can be adjusted depending on the individual qualities of a small person. But there are recommendations, the implementation of which is mandatory for all difficult students:

  1. It is advisable to give the egoza to a class with a minimum number of students;
  2. When doing homework, do active five minutes every 20 minutes;
  3. By helping to do the lessons, you provide educational material in an interesting and colorful way;
  4. Perform daily exercises to develop mindfulness, perseverance and responsibility;
  5. Learn to work in a team.

Getting rid of excess energy

Physical exercise and sports games will help get rid of excess energy. At the same time, psychologists advise giving preference to games in which you need to use only physical abilities. Remember - such kids are very impressionable and, for example, competitive types of games can cause them increased anxiety and fear.

Prohibitions and restrictions

It is impossible to prohibit something before that, without substantiating your prohibition with facts and examples. Any remark should have a basis and be explained by a calm and measured timbre of voice. It is also not necessary to introduce a taboo immediately on all the pranks of the mischievous one. Introduce your rules gradually. So, it will be easier for the baby to understand what they want from him, and he will gradually get used to the new norms of behavior.

Learning to calm down

When you begin to notice that your "volcano" is becoming uncontrollable, change the environment around it to a more calm and quiet one. Such a baby is very calmingly affected by her mother's voice, her hugs and kisses. The child needs to be hugged, pitied, caressed, reassured in a quiet, gentle voice. In the evening, you can take a relaxing bath with soothing decoctions. Massage, reading favorite fairy tales and books will also help.

Try to tune in with the child on the same wavelength. Then it will be much easier for you to understand how to behave so that he begins to listen to you and fulfill your requests. The psyche of a child with ADHD is characterized by a lack of attentiveness. Therefore, when communicating with a child, you need to speak slowly, clearly pronouncing every word. When giving a child any task, it is necessary to formulate a request in a short and understandable form. Too long wording will confuse the fidget, and in a minute he will simply forget what was discussed.

Learning to understand time

It is extremely important for such mischievous people to learn how to navigate the time frame. To teach your child to feel the time, set tasks for him to complete any assignment clearly on time. For example, we complete the task for 15 minutes, then we jump on the spot for 5 minutes. Or brush your teeth for exactly 5 minutes, eat for 20 minutes, and so on. Do not forget to remind the child how many minutes are left before the end of a particular task.


Such children are extremely sensitive to punishments. They perceive even a slight remark in their direction as a deep insult. The reproaches of mom and dad “don’t do this” or “you can’t do this” most likely will not be understood, but, on the contrary, the child will become even more uncontrollable.

But such children treat praise very well. If the mother wants the child, for example, to clean the room, you need to praise him, saying how clean, economic and responsible he is. After such epithets, the child will run to clean the room, proving to everyone that his mother's words are not an empty sound and he is actually so beautiful and economic.

The diagnosis of ADHD should not become a wall in front of a bright and happy future for a little person. And relatives, like no one else, are able to direct the energy of the crumbs in the right direction and help him become a worthy and respected representative of society.

Take the test

Who usually wakes you up in the morning?

Children with ADHD (Hyperactive) usually have normal intelligence and study in mainstream schools.

But despite the fact that these children are usually very smart, in school they can get lower grades than they know. As well as a large number of complaints about behavior.

If the child is hyperactive

  • He can not be seated for lessons
  • He is constantly distracted
  • He has trouble concentrating
  • He is bored and uninterested in learning
  • He studies worse than he can
  • He gets downgraded for inaccuracy.
  • During his answer, he jumps from topic to topic and eventually gets a bad grade, although he knows

Hyperactive children usually have very good memories. But children do not like to do what they consider superfluous, unnecessary. Why write a detailed solution if I already know the answer?

What can parents do:

First of all, pay attention to the development of the skill of concentration, for example, with the help of the game "Fly in the cube"

Be sure to help your child develop the habit of doing their homework at set times using the Anchor and Ritual techniques.

In teaching hyperactive children, everything should be extremely logical and simple. Life for parents is simplified by the rules that must not be violated under any circumstances.

In this case, the child will not "sabotage" every time because they need to do homework.

What rituals are possible and how to "anchor" to the lessons, in the video:

A very important schoolhack is the need to catch mistakes in teaching a child and increase the level of knowledge of a child.

Since hyperactive children are in a hurry, they often make mistakes. In teaching, it is very easy to increase the number of “I know” by reducing “I doubt” and “I don’t remember” - it is this item that will allow the child to improve academic performance.

See how you can remove mistakes in vocabulary words using the funnel effective learning technique.

The child does not have to write for such activities. He can simply pronounce the correct spelling of the word syllable by syllable. You will only have to fix those words where he “doubts” or “is mistaken”.

Show the areas of application in life of the knowledge gained. Teach your child to draw an “intelligence map” so that the child studies the text of the textbook with interest and sees the connection between the knowledge gained and real life

Teach your child to express his thoughts clearly, competently and succinctly, through the “Delirium Generator” technique

The most important thing in teaching hyperactive children is to understand that it is a disaster for a child to do things that are not interesting or that he considers meaningless.