What trees are subject to inventory at the enterprise. Inventory at garden and park facilities

Inventory is a documentary record of all garden and park elements located at a given object. The following tasks are solved by taking an inventory of all elements on the territory of the object:

Periodic accounting of the state of all structural elements of landscaping and improvement (every three to five years);
quantitative and qualitative assessment of all structural elements of the object in connection with its reconstruction or restoration.

An inventory of elements at the facility is carried out taking into account its type (garden, park, square, etc.). The inventory reveals any changes in the original landscape and architectural concept associated with the formation of overgrowth, overconsolidation of plantings, destruction of lawns, damage to sites and road network, equipment, and MAF. All element changes that have occurred over a five-year period are recorded.

For each object must be compiled:

Inventory plan of the territory (or inventory plan), the scale of which depends on the area of ​​the object: for areas up to 5.5 ... 10 hectares, the scale is 1: 200 or 1: 500; with areas of 25 hectares and more - 1: 1000 or 1: 2000;
inventory estimates for all structural elements of landscaping and improvement of the facility.

The best time for these works is spring or early autumn. The initial data for the inventory of the object is the existing geodetic plan (geo-base) of the territory on a scale of 1: 500 or 1: 200 and executive drawings for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of the object.

Inventory of all elements of the object's territory is carried out in two stages: first - field; the second - office processing of the obtained material.

At the first stage, work is carried out to clarify the boundaries of the object in the "red" lines, clarify the planning data and existing types of spatial structure, study the availability of communications and structures and conduct a survey of plantations from nature to the plan with the corresponding entries in the work log.

At the second stage, the obtained data are summarized, the entries in the journals and statements are analyzed and put in order, the balance of the territory is developed, an inventory plan is drawn up, the corresponding act of completion of work is drawn up for acceptance and delivery of work.

Depending on the size of the object, the inventory can be carried out in different ways. On the territory of large parks and forest parks with massifs of forest-type plantations, work is carried out using landscape taxation methods in a brigade way. The work is carried out by a special taxation detachment.

At mass landscaping objects - squares, boulevards, gardens, residential areas - work is carried out by the method of shooting and evaluating each element of the layout, by clarifying or adjusting all the elements of the object on the plans: green spaces, road network, sites, MAF, gardening equipment.

To carry out field work on inventory in forest parks and large parks, a copy of the object plan is taken from the geodetic materials of the horizontal survey plans (without drawing a coordinate grid, polygonometric signs, marks, leveling benchmarks), which is checked against nature with the clarification of the boundaries ("red" lines) and the situation of the considered object.

At objects requiring detailed examination (squares, boulevards, residential areas, in parks and forest parks - entrances, edges of meadows, etc.), each element is assessed. A copy of the geodetic plan of the object is checked against nature to determine the "red" lines - the boundaries of the object. For the convenience of carrying out an inventory, the object is usually divided into conditional accounting areas - allotments bounded by a road-path network or other permanent contours of the internal situation.

In the work diary, indicate the name, purpose and area of ​​the object, its departmental affiliation. All trees, shrubs, and flower beds are drawn onto the plan using a grid. In the work diary, they record data on the types of garden and park plantings (TSPN) - on an array of groves, curtains, alleys, groups, tapeworms, hedges. The predominant composition of plant species in each type of plantation, the completeness of plantations or the number of trees per 1 hectare of area, average age, condition, plant number, species, age, trunk diameter, crown shape, and the size of their projection are noted. Trees and shrubs are “marked” in kind: a part of the trunk is painted (a strip measuring 2x2 cm), the number, type of plant, the date of observation and the assigned inventory number are written on the painted place.

The "binding" of plants is carried out by the ordinate method to permanent or laid out in nature bases (road lines, building blind areas, etc.), an outline is made with digital and graphic marks. The base line (the line of sight is laid so that the distance between the line of the sight and the tree does not exceed 25 m (the length of the tape measure). Then the line of the sight is divided into equal lengths with pegs installed at the dividing points, which should serve as a reference point (point "O" The tree is "tied" to the line of the sight when measuring three distances: from the two ends of the segment to the tree and the third reading of the distance can be a perpendicular drawn from the tree to the line of the sight. The records are fixed by conditional formulas, for example: 1D40 / y; 2Kl25 / x, etc.

In the work log, all data is recorded by the formula, for example: 1.D40 / y 0.0 / 5.5; 6.0 / 4.5; 12.0 / 5.5 where "1" is the ordinal number of the tree binding; "D" oak; 40 - trunk diameter, cm, at a height of 1.3 m; "Y" - satisfactory condition; 0.0 -5.5, 6.0 - 4.5, 12.0 - 5.5 - distances from the sight (base) of the tree. This distance is determined from the edge of the tree to the line of the sight. Shrubs and perennials in groups "tie" along the contour of their borders. Groups are numbered and described in a statement indicating the number of plants by species.

Lawns and flower beds are counted by area, and perennials, in addition, by the number of bushes on the counting site. The state of flower beds and lawns is assessed using special forms and scales.

The condition of green spaces is assessed, as a rule, on a three- or four-point system. Woody plants can be evaluated according to table. 14.1.

Table 14.1. Approximate scale for assessing the qualitative state of woody plants (trees and shrubs)
Condition score Assessment of the qualitative state of a woody plant at a landscaping object
1 (high degree state) The plant has an expressive silhouette, color and picturesqueness, proportionally developed trunk, crown, branches, shoots, color and size of leaves; their mosaic arrangement corresponds to the biological species; there are no damages, diseases, pests. The plant meets the functional purpose in TSPN
2 (the degree of condition is at a sufficiently high level) Plants have minor disturbances in appearance associated with a partial violation of the proportions "crown - trunk", the appearance of small leaves on the shoots and a change in their color, the presence of a small amount of mechanical damage. Disadvantages can be eliminated by taking appropriate measures. The plant meets the functional purpose
3 (the degree of the quality state decreases) Plants have significant changes in appearance: the appearance of dry shoots (up to 30%), violation of mosaicity, crushing of leaves and a change in their color, the presence of mechanical damage to the trunks, the appearance of insect pests. It is necessary to take urgent measures to eliminate negative phenomena (cutting dry shoots, feeding, pest control)
4 (severe impairment of vitality) Plants fall out of the composition, their proportions are completely violated, the trunk is elongated, the crown is deformed, there are many dry branches (more than 40%), the leaves are crushed, pale in color, there are mechanical damage to the trunks, the presence of pests and diseases. Plants no longer meet their functional purpose. Urgent action is needed to remove the plant and replace it.

Note. When evaluating "1", the plants bloom and bear fruit normally, have abundant flowering, are distinguished by a bright color of the fruits; when the scores are "2" and "3", the levels of flowering and fruit "wear are reduced, flowers, fruits do not possess the qualities characteristic of this biological species.

For lawns and flower beds, an approximate three-point rating system is applicable:

1 point: the lawn is a grassy cover of cereal types of grasses with a dense closed grass stand without "bald spots", which is regularly mowed. Weed broadleaf weeds are absent. The flower garden is a compact plant group with well-defined contours with healthy plants. Weeds and wilted and dying plants are absent, the soil is fertilized;

2 points: the lawn is a herbaceous cover of cereal grasses with areas with sparse grass stand (up to 40%), areas with a small amount (up to 15%) of weed broad-leaved vegetation. The flower garden is unkempt with the presence of wilted parts of plants (up to 40%), the contours are not clearly marked, the presence of pests, the loss of decorativeness. Care measures are needed;

3 points: the lawn - the grassy cover is damaged, littered with broadleaf plants, the cover is missing by 80%, there are massive “protopes” and “bald spots”. The flower beds are of an extremely unkempt look; the presence of wilted and dying plants, the contours are blurred or absent.

In individual cases, the estimated characteristics can be subject to changes and adjustments. All changes are noted in the observation log.

In addition, the assessment of tracks and sites, LFA and equipment is carried out, the attendance of the territory is taken into account.

There are other methods for assessing the quality of green spaces. When conducting a survey at the site, it is necessary to assess the plantings and all structural elements from a landscape-architectural point of view. It is very important to evaluate the object as an object of landscape architecture with its inherent attributes - the type of spatial structure and the presence of certain types of garden and park plantings ***.

*** To date, methods for such an assessment have been developed by teams of specialists from the Moscow State University of Forestry and the Academy of Public Utilities named after KD Pamfilova. When caring for green spaces, operating organizations must comply with the requirements for the formation of an object as an object of landscape architecture, maintain the type of spatial structure, the ratio of open, semi-open and closed spaces.

On the basis of the graphic material and notes of the outline and work diary, an inventory plan of the object is drawn up, which indicates:

External borders with linear dimensions;
the general situation outside the boundaries of the facility;
boundaries and numbers of counting areas and curtains;
especially valuable, unique or historical trees that are numbered throughout the property independent numbers red ink;
types of garden and park plantings: hedges, flower beds and lawns, clumps, groups of trees, shrubs, perennials.

When making an inventory of plantings on streets, squares, in lanes, on embankments, graphic plans of these objects, buildings, structures with the designation of the lines of the facades are used as a background. The inventory plan indicates the number of the accounting area, each tree, shrub and its number. Plants are applied to the plan with green ink in legend.

On the basis of the inventory plan (dendroplan), a list of trees and shrubs is drawn up in the prescribed form.

The area of ​​the object is calculated according to the inventory plan in the simplest ways: with a breakdown into figures and measurement using a planimer or a palette. The measurement accuracy on the plan should be 0.1%. The residual is proportionally distributed over each site. Information about plantings located on the even and odd sides of street highways is recorded separately in the passport.

Objects are examined once every five years in order to identify changes in the internal situation and reflect them in the inventory materials: on the inventory plan and in the object's passport. The existing situation on the drawing of the inventory plan is crossed out with red ink. All changes are done with black ink.

Site Inventory Summary should reflect:

The number of objects, their total area (separately - the length of street plantings);
allocated new plots for landscaping and landscaping, including for trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns, for paths and platforms, as well as for structures, reservoirs and stationary equipment.

They also reflect the condition of trees and shrubs in different age groups, as well as the condition of flower beds and lawns.

The summary data allow us to judge the quantitative and qualitative improvement and landscaping of the territories of the district, district, city as a whole or the village for a given period, and also provide a basis for forward planning both operating costs for planting maintenance and costs for new construction and renovation of facilities.

Based on the materials received, they begin to correct the passport for the object. Changes and all information about trees and shrubs, areas of lawns and flower beds, their condition, elimination of violations within a certain time frame are recorded in the passport.

RosBezopasnost provides services for conducting an inventory of green spaces and compiling a counting sheet with the entry of data into the AIS "Register of green spaces" of the Department of Nature Management and Protection environment the city of Moscow. In compliance with the requirements of the current legislation. You can order an Inventory of green spaces on our website.
Inventory of green spaces is a documentary record of all elements of complex improvement (green spaces, road and path network, flat structures, small architectural forms, functional support systems, systems for ensuring environmental protection and microclimatic comfort), natural communities located on the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow, with their quantitative, areal and qualitative assessment.

Conducting an inventory of green spaces includes a full-scale survey of the site and drawing up an inventory of plants located on the territory. At the same time, taking into account the peculiarities of the site (object), the methodology for conducting an inventory of green spaces may differ.

Price. Coordination. Timing

The cost of taking an inventory of green spaces and drawing up a counting sheet depends on many factors: the number of objects where inventory is required, the number of green spaces, etc. In general, the following order of prices can be distinguished:

  • up to 100 plantations - 8,000 rubles / object;
  • up to 250 plantations - 10,000 rubles / object;
  • up to 300 plantings - 12,000 rubles / object;
  • over 300 units - on an individual basis.

The final cost of the service is determined upon receipt of the initial data.

The checklist, compiled on the basis of a field survey, is subject to agreement with the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow. The approval of the counting list is carried out in electronic form using the Automated Information System "Register of Green Spaces" (hereinafter - AIS RZN). AIS RZN is a state information system of the city of Moscow, designed to collect, store, provide and analyze information on the results of an inventory of the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow. The regulations for the interaction of these systems are approved by a joint legal act of the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow, which is entrusted with the functions of maintaining the Register of green spaces.

Development period - 10 working days from the moment of providing the initial data, the approval period is 30 working days.

You can get more detailed information on these issues from our specialists, leave a request or order a call back.
You can order an inventory of green spaces directly on our website.


RosBezopasnost values ​​its customers. We have developed a flexible system of discounts for the services provided:

  • Upon repeated application (10% discount);
  • When contacting with a link to organizations that have cooperated with us before (5% discount);
  • When the number of objects is 2 or more (10% discount).

Punishment provided by law for the absence of a document

In accordance with the Administrative Code of Moscow Article 4.39. Violation of rules and requirements in the field of environmental protection Violation of the rules and requirements in the field of environmental protection established by legal acts of the city of Moscow - entails the imposition of an administrative fine for citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand rubles ; for officials - up to fifty thousand rubles; on the legal entities- up to three hundred thousand rubles.

What objects is an inventory of green spaces

All green spaces, regardless of the organizational and legal form of ownership and departmental affiliation, located within the city limits, having established boundaries and provided for use (possession, disposal) to responsible land users (institutions, organizations, enterprises or individuals) are subject to inventory.

The purpose of the inventory of green spaces

The inventory is carried out for the following purposes:

  • to establish the boundaries of a green / natural area and document them;
  • obtaining reliable data on the number of green spaces in the city, their condition for urban management at all levels of management, operation and financing, assigning them to the appropriate category of land, conservation status and maintenance regime;
  • establishing the species composition of trees and shrubs with the determination of the number, category and type of plantings, age of plants, diameter (for trees), condition, as well as areas of lawn coverings and flower beds;
  • to ensure electronic registration of landscaping objects and green spaces as a whole in the city when maintaining the Register of green spaces and monitoring green spaces, etc.

Guidance documents

The main governing documents establishing the need for green spaces and the compilation of a counting sheet:

  • Decree of the Moscow Government dated 10.09.2002 No. 743-PP "On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces and natural communities in the city of Moscow";
  • Decree of the Moscow Government dated May 13, 2008 No. 379-PP "On the progress of work on the creation of a register of green spaces in the city of Moscow and measures to improve the inventory of green areas in the city of Moscow";
  • Resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 12, 2014 No. 461-PP "On automated information system"Register of green spaces";
  • Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 2, 2014 No. 501-PP "On the development of passports for the improvement of courtyard areas, amending the legal acts of the city of Moscow and invalidating the legal acts of the city of Moscow";
  • Law of the City of Moscow dated November 21, 2007 No. 45 "Code of the City of Moscow on Administrative Offenses".

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Moscow, 1997

The methodology was compiled on the basis of the decision of the Commission of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for environmental protection and rational use natural resources No. 5 dated July 28, 1988


1. Inventory of green spaces is carried out in order to use accounting data for compiling statistical reports, developing green economy, planning new construction, restoration, reconstruction and operation of landscape and architectural objects in cities and towns, establishing a person responsible for their safety and condition, as well as satisfying other needs of the respective organizations.

2. In accordance with the specified goals, the accounting of green spaces consists in:

a) determining total area occupied by green spaces, and its distribution by categories, including trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns, paths, buildings, structures, reservoirs, etc.; calculation of the compliance of the area of ​​green spaces in general and each category with the requirements of SNiP;

b) establishing the number of trees and shrubs with the definition of the type of planting, species, age of plants, diameter at a height of 1.3 m (for trees), condition;

c) establishing the presence and ownership of stationary engineering and architectural structures and equipment of landscape and architectural objects (fountains, monuments, sculptures, etc.);

d) drawing up the necessary drawings, filling out the passport, compiling summary data on the green spaces of the settlement;

e) timely registration of the changes that have occurred.

3. According to this instruction, all landscape and architectural objects of public use (parks, gardens, streets and driveways, squares, boulevards, etc.) within the city (settlement) are subject to accounting (except for those located on lands withdrawn from the jurisdiction of local municipal authorities) features.

4. Buildings, underground and aboveground structures located on landscape and architectural objects are accounted for in accordance with the relevant instructions.

5. As a result of technical accounting for each landscape and architectural object, the following materials should be compiled:

The inventory plan, depending on the area of ​​the object (except for plantings on the streets, the plan for which is drawn up only on a scale of 1: 500) is recommended to be drawn up in one of the following scales:

a) with an area of ​​up to 5 hectares - 1: 500;

b) with an area of ​​5 to 25 hectares - 1: 1000 or 1: 2000;

c) with an area of ​​more than 25 hectares - 1: 2000 or 1: 5000.

Passport (Appendix No. 2).

6. Accounting for landscape and architectural objects is carried out in kind using available geodetic materials, projects, drawings. In the absence of these materials, the work on the survey of the objects being inventoried is carried out by the Bureau of Technical Inventory, guided by the instructions for urban surveys. In exceptional cases, geometric surveying of small objects is allowed.

The work on the inventory of green spaces is carried out by gardening specialists.

7. The local bureau (group) of technical inventory draws up and stores materials on accounting for green spaces for each object, and the organization, at the expense of which the inventory work is carried out, is issued the required number of copies.


8. To carry out field work, a copy of the object plan is made from geodetic materials (without drawing a coordination grid, polygonometric signs, marks, leveling benchmarks).

Note: For accounting green plantings on the streets, side streets, squares, embankments are used graphic materials accounting structures road-pavement farms, at this on the copy applied only front the lines, adjoining To him buildings, trees, shrubs, boundaries sidewalks, flower beds and lawns.

9. A copy of the plan is checked against nature, the conformity of the boundary marked on the plan and the situation of the object under consideration is specified, and, if necessary, additional photography is carried out.

The situation is corrected in the outline. When the situation changes, more than 35% of the area is surveyed horizontally.

10. For the convenience of accounting, the inventory object is divided into conditional accounting areas, limited by paths or other permanent contours of the internal situation. Sequential numbers are assigned to the accounting areas (put in circles).

11. Within the limits of the accounting area, biogroups and the type of green area are determined.

Note: If at examination plantings in nature will turn out, what in within accounting plot there are various biogroups, but same separate group trees and shrubs, which on to their taxation peculiarities sharp stand out, then such playgrounds taken into account in their borders separately and on the plan are designated ordinal by numbers.

In the process of examining green spaces located on the registration area, the following data are recorded in the work diary (Appendix No.) in relation to:

Trees located on the driveways - type of planting (ordinary, group planting), tree numbers, species, age, diameter, trees to be cut are marked, condition;

For trees located in squares, gardens and boulevards, the same data is recorded as on the driveways, except for numbering;

Trees located on accounting sites of parks, forest parks - type of plantings, prevailing composition of species, plant density, number of trees per 1 hectare of area, average age, condition;

Shrubs - type of plantation (alley, group planting), breed, age, number of bushes, length for ordinary (alley) planting, condition.

Lawns and flower beds are counted by area (perennial flowers, in addition, are counted by the number of bushes on the counting site).

The state of the plantings is determined by the following criteria:

one - " good»- healthy plants with a regular, well-developed crown, without significant damage; lawns without bald spots and withwell-developed grass stand - sheared or meadow, flower beds without wilted plants and their parts;

2 - " satisfactory»- plants are healthy, but with an improperly developed crown, with significant, but not life-threatening wounds or injuries, with hollows, etc .; shrub without weeds, but with overgrowth; lawn with small bald spots, poorly groomed grass; flower beds with withered parts of plants;

3 - " unsatisfactory»- a stand with an incorrectly and poorly developed crown, with significant damage and wounds, with infection with diseases or pests that threaten their lives; shrubs with overgrowth and dead parts, with weeds; lawns with sparse, dying out, full of weeds, grass stand; flower beds with large falls of flowers, wilted plants and their parts.

12. The plan shows the number of trees and shrubs in the registration area by species.

13. On the basis of the corrected graphic material with the complete situation and the entries made on the plan and in the work diary, an inventory plan of the considered object is drawn up, on which it is necessary to show:

External boundaries of a landscape-architectural object with the linear dimensions of their length;

The external situation outside the borders;

Boundaries and numbers of registration areas and biogroups.

Note: 1 . Especially valuable breeds trees (unique, historical) applied on the plan and are numbered red ink independent by numbers in within Total object.

2 . On the inventory plan green plantings streets, passages, lanes, squares, embankments is shown room accounting plot, every wood and his room in within accounting plot.

3 . On the inventory plan parka, forest park applied: country roads, glades, glades, bodies of water and dr. situation. Woody-shrub vegetation is shown in conditional notation.

4 . At accounting squares, gardens, boulevards, in-house and adjoining landings on the plan of each accounting plot applied all trees, shrubs (alley landing), alive hedges, flower beds and lawns, curtains group landing trees and shrubs.

14. The area of ​​the inventory object is calculated according to the plan in one of the following ways:

Breakdown into the simplest geometric shapes;


Palette (small contours in area);


The calculated sum of the areas of individual accounting plots should not differ from the total area by more than 0.1%. The permissible discrepancy is laid out in proportion to the area of ​​each counting area.

Filling out the passport for all indicators is carried out after the completion of graphic and computational work.

15. Section passports are filled in in the following sequence: the first to record information on trees for each counting site, then shrubs.

Information about the areas of lawns and flower beds is recorded last.

Note: Intelligence O trees and shrubs, located on the driveways, are recorded on even and odd parties separately.

16. In order to identify the changes that have occurred and reflect them in the inventory materials, landscape and architectural objects are surveyed once every 5 years.

Gardening organizations are obliged to promptly notify the bureau of technical inventory about the construction of new landscape and architectural objects and all changes to existing objects.

Changes at the facilities are reflected in the plan and in the passport.

The changed situation on the plan is crossed out with red ink (crosses) and a new one is drawn with black ink.

Outdated entries in the passport are crossed out in red ink in one line. New entries are entered in the following horizontal lines of the passport. As necessary, the passport is replenished with inserts.

17. The performed work on the inventory of green spaces is checked in kind and in office.

Defects in work discovered by the foreman, which are subject to elimination by the performer, are recorded in a correction sheet, which is stored in the file. G.

STC Konstruktor provides services for the inventory of green spaces in the city of Moscow, the creation and updating of passports for the improvement of the territory, approval in the JKKHiB, approval in the DPiOOS, entry into the AIS RZN and ACS ODS.

The list of works when creating, updating the passports of the register of green spaces 1,2,3 categories:

1. Preparatory work.
1.1. Collection of initial data.
1.2. Determination, specification of the location of the boundaries of the inventory object.
1.3. Coordination of the area of ​​the inventory object.

2. Field work.
2.1. Carrying out a dendrological examination (determination of tree and shrub vegetation in kind, numbering, drawing on the plan, measuring the diameter, height, description of the state);
2.2. Definition, description of various objects located at the inventory object (MAF, flat structures, buildings, structures, structures, road and path network, etc.).

3. Office work.
3.1. Field data processing.
3.2. Drawing up a counting sheet.

4. Cartographic works.
4.1. Preparation of an inventory plan M 1: 500 in accordance with the decree of the Government of Moscow dated 04.10.2005, No. 770-PP "O guidelines on the preparation of dendrological plans and counting lists. "
4.2. Coordination and approval of passports in the manner established by the decree of the Moscow Government dated 10.09.2002, No. 743-PP "On the approval of the rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces in the city of Moscow."

In accordance with the Rules for the Creation, Maintenance and Protection of Green Spaces and Natural Communities of the City of Moscow, Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 743-PP dated September 10, 2002, the rightholders of land plots of territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow (legal entities and individuals, in ownership, use, operational management or the economic management of which the land plots of the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow are located) are obliged to monitor their condition, to keep records of those on land plot green spaces and natural communities, to ensure the satisfactory condition and normal development of green spaces and natural communities with the subsequent introduction of relevant data into the AIS "Register of green spaces".

The document reflecting the control, the results of the inventory of the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow, is:
- for specially protected natural, specially protected green and natural areas of the city of Moscow - Inventory passport of the specially protected natural, specially protected green and natural area of ​​the city of Moscow, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 31 to the Rules. The exception is the objects of cultural institutions located in specially protected natural areas (a passport for the improvement of the territory is being produced);
- for courtyard areas - a passport for the improvement of the courtyard area, approved in accordance with the established procedure;
- for the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow, which do not belong to specially protected natural, specially protected green and natural areas, courtyards, - the passport of the territory improvement.

What is AIS "Register of green spaces"?

AIS "Register of green spaces" is a state information system of the city of Moscow, designed to collect, store, provide and analyze information on the results of an inventory of the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow.

Functions of the AIS "Register of green spaces"

Obtaining and providing reliable information on the results of the inventory of the green fund areas of the city of Moscow, including the state of green spaces, the species, age composition of trees and shrubs, the quantitative characteristics of the elements of integrated improvement, including their areas, the location of the green fund areas of the city Moscow with an indication of the rights holders of land plots of the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow (Resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 12, 2014 N 461-PP "On the automated information system" Register of green spaces).

Our company has vast experience in carrying out inventory work, updating green spaces. A staff of qualified specialists allows you to quickly and accurately enter and coordinate materials for inventory of green spaces. We are ready for fruitful cooperation.