Make an invitation card in English. Postcard English Examples

Below you can find several samples of English invitations. These examples can serve as a model for writing their own invitations.

An example of invitations in English №1


I'd Like to Invite You to My Birthday Party
in My Garden. The GardenParty Starts AT 8PM.
The Party Will Be in Gothic Style.
You can't Miss It!
I Hope to See You There.

An example of invitations in English №2

Invitation to the birthday party


I Would Like to Invite You to My Birthday Party That Will Take Place On March 20th. The Party Starts AT 6 P.M. At My Home. An Awesome Dj Will Take Care Of Music to Eat and Drink. You can't Miss It! Let Me Know in Advance If You Are Be Able to Come. I Hope To See You There!

An example of invitations in English №3

Invitation to the birthday party


I Would Like To Invite You to My Birthday Party, Which Starts AT 7PM, October 9th In The Local Club. There Will Be a Great Dj and Something to Eat and Drink. IT's Going to Be a Great Party. I Hope to See You There.

Mike Tylor.

An example of invitations in English №4

Invitation to the Wedding Party


Tom and Sophie Johnson Request The Pleasure of Your Company In The Occasion of their Wedding At Saint Michael's Church Near Long Street 51 On Saturday July 10th.aT 6PM.

An example of invitations in English №5

Invitation to the birthday party


Please Come to a Party to Celebrate My 18th Birthday.
The Party Will Start AT 8 P.M. ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd..
You are Welcome to Bring A Friend.
The Party Will Take Place at the Golden Rose Restaurant, At The Corner of Edelberry Avenue and Rose Road.
To Get There, take bus 112 from the high street and get off at the fifth stop.

See you there!

An example of invitations in English №6

Invitation to the birthday party


I'm Planning A Party to Celebrate The End of the School Year. We're Having A Barbecue on the Beach on Thursday Evening. IT starts at 8 p.m and Finishes AT 1 A.M. DON'T MISS IT! Can You Bring Some Food for the Barbecue, E.G Some Burgers or Sausages?
Please Reply So I Know Who Comes.
Best Wishes

If you know any interesting invitations in English, you can write them in the comments, and we will put them on our website 🙂

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Attention! Preview slides is used exclusively for informational purposes and may not provide ideas about all presentation capabilities. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • Activation and consolidation in the oral and written speech of students of vocabulary on the topic "Birthday".
  • Fixing the grammatical material on the topic "ordinal numeral".

Tasks lesson:

  • Realization of the vocabulary stock of students.
  • Development of dialogical speech skills.
  • The use of sequence numerals in oral and written speech.

Equipment of the lesson:

  • Multimedia board
  • A computer
  • Tutorials and working notebook students
  • Handout

1. Greeting. Message Topics lesson and objectives.

Good Morning! I'm glad to see you. Please, Turn to Our Guests and Say "Good Morning!". Please, Sit Down.

Today We Are Going To Say About the Birthday (Presentation). Every year The Birthday IS The Happiest Holiday for All of US. Look At The Board -There's A Theme of Our Lesson (Slide 1). WE'LL WRITE AN INVITATION TO THE BIRTHDAY PARTY, READ THE TEXT, SING THE SONG AND PLAY AT THE LESSON.

2. Phonetic exercises

Let US Start. AT The Beginning Let's Do The Phonetic Exercise (Slide 2).

3. Repetition of the names of months (slide 3).

Read After Me. Answer My Questions:

  • What Monh Is IT Now?
  • Who CAN Tell Me The Names of the Winter (Summer) Months?

But Remember We Use The Preposition in When We Are Only Giving The Month.

4. Repetition of sequence numbers (slide 4).

  • Let's Revise The Ordinals.

Answer My Question:


But Remember: We Use the Prepo ON WE GIVE THE DAY AND THE MONTH.

5. Writing an invitation for a birthday (slide 5).

When Going to Have a Birthday Party, We Send Invitations to Our Relative and Friends.


Open Your Activity Books, Please: Page 21 EX.7

Let's Do This Exercise In Your Cards (Appendix 2) . Please, Write Down Your Surname at the Top and Write Your Own Invitation To Your Birthday Party.

If You are Ready, Give That To Me.

Let "S Sing Your Favourite Song" Happy Birthday "(Slide 6)

6. Reading text. Answers to questions (slide 7).

Your Homework for Today Was To Read and Translate The Text "" BILLY "S BIRTHDAY '' (Attachment 1) . Have you any questions? Is Everything Clear for You?

Let's read the text. Then Answer The Questions (slides 8.9).

7. Repetition of vocabulary on "Presents" (Slide 10).

Please, Look At The Board and Answer My Questions:

  • Do You Like to Get Presents?
  • What Presents Do You Like to Get?
  • What Presents Did You Get Last Year?
  • What present Did You Give To Your Friend Last Year?
  • Is IT Pleasant to You to Buy and Give Presents to Your Friends?

8. Let "S Speak About Your Favourite Food. Answer The Question:

  • What "s Your Favorite Food? (Slide 11).

9. Fizkultminutka (slide 12).

Put 4 Chairs for 5 Children Back to Back. When The Music Starts, The Children Run Around The Chairs. When The Music Stops, They Should Try to Sit Down. One Child Is Out! Take One Chair Away and Start Again. Who Is the Best Player?

10. Crossword solution (slides 13-25).

Look At The Board and Solve The Crossword Puzzle. These Are Some Words from the Pictures. What Is the First Word? You Should Spell The Word.

11. End of lesson (slide 26).

Open Your Record-Books, Write Down Your Home Task:

Ex. I P 19 (AB) - Look AT This Exercise. You Should Write The Words Next To the Pictures.

Thank You for Your Work (Slide 27).

Installing estimates for the lesson.


An invitation letter in English can be compiled on the occasion of a birthday, wedding or any other holiday where you want to see the person you invited. So, let's see which expressions can be used in an invitation letter.

Useful phrases

- We Would be Delighted if You Could Attend ...
- We will be very nice if you could visit ...

- Please Come to Our Party ON ...
- Please come to our party ...

- CAN You make a meeting at 8 pm?
- Can you meet at 8 pm?

- Would You Like To Come to Dinner ON ...
- I would not want to come for lunch in ...


Often in letters you can meet abbreviations and abbreviations of established phrases that inviting does not want to repeat every time again.

R.S.V.P means that you want to get a response, this reduction came from French (Repondez S'il Vous Plait) and means "please answer." For the owner of the party can be important how much exactly the person should be expected, and who will not be able to come.

Asap (or a.s.p.) serves as an AS SOON AS POSSIBLE abbreviation and translates "as soon as possible." Such a reduction can be found in business correspondence.

Also, any invitation may contain a date and time. In order to accurately specify the time, the Latin cuts of AM and PM are used, the first is the time from 12 nights to noon, and the second is from 12 days before midnight.

Invitation Letter - invitation letter

Sample invitations

Read some examples of invitations, pay attention to the difference in language style.

"Mr. and mrs. Stone

Request The Pleasure of Your Company On The Wedding Of Their Daughter Jennifer with Mark.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stone

They ask for pleasure to give them to your presence at the wedding of their daughter Jennifer with Mark.


Here is another invitation on the occasion of the parties, pay attention to the simple conversational speech, which is used when contacting a friend.

"Hello, Jerry!

I am Going to Throw A Party on Sunday, August 7, to Celebrate My 16 Th Birthday! Don't Forget Your Swimsuits! I'm Planning A Poolside Party! Come to My Place by 7 PM. Please RSVP, Regrets Only by August 4, So I Can Plan Accordingly. I Hope to See You.

"Hello, Jerry!

I'm going to arrange a party on Saturday on August 7 for my 16th anniversary! Do not forget to swim! I am planning a pool party! Come to me for 7 pm. Please refuse with regrets only until August 4, so that I can plan everything accordingly. Hope to see you.

All the best,

You are invited - You are invited

Look at how much an invitation letter may differ in English on the occasion of the same holiday.


We Cordially Invite You to Attend A Party to Celebrate Mike Gellar's 16 Th Birthday. The Occasion Will Be Celebrated AT HIS Home AT 7 PM. Please dress casually. Please, No Gifts - We Request Only Your Company.

"Dear Jane and Steve,

We carefully invite you to visit the party about the celebration of the 16th anniversary of Mike Gellar. The event will be celebrated at home at 7 pm, August 7th. Please dare everyday clothes. Please no gifts, we ask only your presence.

You can also add your vocabulary with expressions from this video, which will demonstrate various wedding invitations:

In the XXI century, it became very fashionable to send special written written invitations Special celebrations, such as a wedding, anniversary or a holiday in honor of the birth of a child, an exhibition, or for visas.

As well as today's world is very dynamic, and many of us we have friends abroad (abroad), including in English-speaking countries, there are foreigners working in Russia. So it would not be bad to learn some rules to help write invitation in English.

How to arrange invitations in English

To do this, remember several rules:

1. Start invitation In English from handling: " Dear Friend.«, « Dear Michael«, « Dear Partners." etc. Depending on the status of the person to which you appeal. The appeal must be in the center of the line. If you know a person very close, you can start with greetings: " Hello, Ann.«, « Hey, Tom.«.

For example,
I'd Like to Invite You to Dinner This Monday. - I would like to invite you to dinner on this Monday.

Do not forget to write where and what time you are invite friend or partner. If a invitation more official, then you can use one of the following invitations.

For example,
Next Week, On Moday, I'm Having a Party At Home. - On the next week, on Monday, I invite to a party home.
Our Company Would Like To Invite You Vising ... - Our company would like to invite you ...
We Request You Presence To An Intimate Gathering In Honour Of ... - We ask you to visit the meeting in a close circle in honor of ...
We Request An Honour Of Your Presence AT ... - We ask for your presence on ...
We Request The Pleasure of Your Company AT ... - We ask you to make a company ...
WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU AT ... - We invite you from the pure heart ...
THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WELCOMES YOU TO ... - The education department invites you ...
The Our Club Cordially Invites You to Attend ... - Our club from all soul invites you to visit ...

If a invitation The unofficial or organizer is not indicated or so clearly, invitation can begin so for example

You are Cordially Invited to a Party / a Picnic ... - We carefully invite you to a party / picnic ...
We Welcome You ... - Welcome / We invite you to ...
Please Join US for ... - Join us…
Please Be Our Guest At ... - Be our guest to ...

3. You can tell some details about the upcoming event, for example, what the number of guests is expected, which is included in his program, etc.

4. Give your recommendations as to which the visitor of the specified event should be prepared. For example, you can use how much additional guests can be taken with you, you need to have in your hands invitationwhether there are any contributions, dress code, etc.

5. At the end of the letter, you must express your appreciation for the attention shown to the letter: " Thank You for Your Attention«.

6. Not much time to tell the issue of your participation in the event and ask you to contact you in one way or another. Say goodbye to the interlocutor and wish him a good day.

7. In the final part of the invitation usually put the RSVP abbreviation, which is decrypted as "answer, please" ( from French Répondez S'il Vous Plaît). The rules of good tone suggest a mandatory answer in the presence of this abbreviation. After the contact person and his phone or e-mail is indicated.

Below you can find examples of postcards in English. We hope that the presented samples will help you in writing your own postcards.

Example of postcard in English №1

Postcard from a trip to Spain

We're in Spain and It's Hot Here. We Arrived in Barcelona 2 Days Ago. Then We Travelled to Madrit and Stayed in a Hotel. The Food Isn't AS GOOD AS in Poland, But It's Ok. We Are Having Much Fun Here.
See You Soon

Example of postcard in English №2

Postcard from vacation in Italy

How Are you you?
I'm on Holiday In Italy with Two of Two Sisters. The Weather's Wonderful So We're Spending The Time Swimming and Sunbathing.
Yesterday We Went On a Fantastic Trip to Rome. IT Was a Bit Hot, But We enjoyed It. I Loved the Beautiful Architecture of the City and Its Atmosphere.
Hope You're Having A Great Time in the Mountains.

Wish You Were Here.


Example of postcard in English №3

Card with vacation in Brazil

Hi Josh,
I'm on Holiday in Brazil. I'm Having A.
and the sun's shining. At the moment
I'm Staying on the Beach and Reading.
a Magazine. We Arrived in Brazil Yesterday
morning. The Hotel Is Cool and The
food is Brilliant! I am coming back in a week.

Example of postcard in English №4

Postcard from vacation in Africa

Hi Ada,
I'm Having a Great Time in Africa.
I'm in a hotel now.
I Travelled Here by Plane.
I'm Traveling with My Family and We're Staying Here for Two Weeks.
We're Going to the Beach Next.
The Weather Is Wonderful. IT's Sunny and Hot.
I Hope You're Having a Great Time Too.
See you Soon.

Example of postcard in English №5

Postcard from weekends in Russia

Hi Sonia!
I am on Holiday in Russia with My Family. We Have Stayed in A Hotel for Two Days. The Area Is Amazing And There Is Some Beautiful Architecture in Here. We Are Spending Time Taking Photo and Eating In Traditional Russian Restaurants. Yesterday We Visited The Red Square. I Loved The Atmosphere of this City and the beautiful monuments.

See you Soon.

Example of postcard in English №6

Postcard from a trip to France

Hi Lisa and Mathew
I'm on Holiday in France and I'm Having a Great Time. I Have Been To Paris for a Week Now. I'm Going Shopping and I'm Eating In Traditional Frenc Restaurants. Yesterday I Saw The Eiffel Tower and Took A Lot of Photos. I'm Leaving Paris Tomorrow.
Kisses, xyz.

Example of postcard in English №7

Postcard from a trip to London

Hi Ola!
I'm Writing to You from London. I Stayed in a Big, Five-Star Hotel 2 Days Ago. Yesterday, I Took A Ride In The London Eye. IT's Amazing! IT Was A Nice Day, Because It Was Sunny and Cool.
Tomorrow, I'm Visiting The Tower Bridge. I really want to see it. The Food Isn't AS GOOD AS in Poland, But It's Ok.
I'm Having a Good Time Here. I Wish You Were Here.
Give My Love to Your Parents.
See You Soon

Example of postcard in English №8

Postcard from weekends in Poland

Hi Amy!
I'm on Holiday in Poland. I'm Having a Great Time. Last Week I WAS IN WARSAW. Tommorow I Am Visiting My Friend. The Weather Is Rainy. Every Day. I Go to the Cinema or Go Shopping. I'm Back in Three Days.
See You Soon

Example of postcard in English №9

Postcard from weekends in Greece

Hi Jared.
I'm on Holiday In Greece and I'm Having a Great Time. I Was To Athenes Two Days Ago, And Tomorrow I'm Going to Crete Island. The Weather Is Beautiful, We Swim Every Day in Warm, Clean Water, and Take Sunbaths. I'm back in 2 Weeks.

Example of postcard in English №10

Postcard from the sea

How Are you you?
I'm Fine. I'm at the seaside with My friend.
We Go to the Beach, The City Center and To the Restaurant Every Day.
The Weather IS Sunny, Hot and Really Beautiful.
Tell Me About Your Holiday.
Write Back Soon!
Take Care

Example of postcard in English №11

Postcard from vacation in the tropics

Hi Kaja!
I'm on Holiday On the Tropical Island with My Family. We're Staying In A Hotel With a Swimming Pool. Today IT is Hot Here. I'm Going to Sunbathe Soon. Yesterday I Went Shopping. IT's Great. I'm back in a month.
See you,
Majka 🙂

You can write your postcard in the comments, and we will put it on our website by adding your name near her 😉