Heroes of Belarus and their exploits. Ratish feat of the inhabitants of Belarus at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War

Before the war, these were the most ordinary boys and girls. He studied, helped the elders, played, run-jumped, broke the noses and knees. Their names knew only relatives, classmates yes friends.
An hour came - they showed how much a small children's session could be, when sacred love of his homeland begins in him and hatred for her enemies.
Boys. Girls. On their fragile shoulders lay the burden of adversity, disasters, grief of military years. And they did not be bent under this weight, they became stronger in spirit, courageous, rushing.
Little heroes of a big war. They fought next to the elder - fathers, brothers, next to the Communists and Komsomol members.
Fought everywhere. At sea, like Boria Kuleshin. In the sky, like Arcasha Kamanin. In the partisan detachment, like Lenya Golikov. In the Brest Fortress, like Valya Zenkina. In Kerch Catacombs, like Volodya Dubinin. In the underground, like Volodya Shcherbatsevich.
And neither a moment did not flour the young hearts!
Their matured childhood was filled with such trials that, invent their even a very talented writer, it would be difficult to believe in it. But it was. It was in the history of the big country, it was the fate of her little guys - ordinary boys and girls.

Utah Bondarovskaya

Returning from the task, immediately told the red tie. And as if the strength was added! Utah supported tired fighters by ringing a pioneer song, a story about his native Leningrad ...
And how happy everyone was happy, as the partisans congratulated the Utah, when the message came to the detachment: blockade is broken! Leningrad survived, Leningrad won! That day and blue eyes Utah, and her red tie shone, as it seems, never.
But still groaned under the enemy Ignar, and the squad together with the parts of the Red Army left to help the partisans of Estonia. In one of the battles - the Estonian farm Rostov - Utah Bondarovskaya, a small heroine of a big war, a pioneer who did not break down with his red tie, fell dead by brave. Motherland awarded his heroic daughter to posthumously medal "Partizan Patriotic War" 1 degree, the Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree.

Valya cat

He was born on February 11, 1930 in the village of Khmelevka of the Shepetsky district of the Khmelnitsky region. He studied at school No. 4 of the city of Shepetovka, was a recognized leader of the pioneers, his peers.
When fascists broke into Shepetovka, Valya Kotik, together with friends, decided to fight the enemy. The guys were collected on the site of the battleship weapons, which later the partisans on Vuzu with the Sen were crossed into a detachment.
Looking at the boy, the Communists entrusted the shaft to be connected and intelligence in his underground organization. He learned the location of the enemy posts, the order of shifting Karaul.
The fascists outlined the punitive operation against the partisans, and Valya, having tripped the Hitler officer, who headed the punishers, killed him ...
When arrests began in the city, Valya, together with Mom and Brother, Victor went to the partisans. Pioneer, who just turned fourteen years, fought his shoulder to the shoulder with adults, freeing his native land. At his account - six enemy echelons blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kitty was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree, the medal "Partizana of the Patriotic War" 2 degrees.
Valya cat died as a hero, and the birthplace posthumously honored him with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In front of the school in which this brave pioneer studied, a monument was put on him. And today Pioneers give the hero of salute.

Marat Kazei

... the war fell into the Belarusian land. In the village where Marat lived with Mom, Anna Alexandrovna Kazahi, fascists broke. In the autumn, Marat had no need to go to school in the fifth grade. The School Building of Fascists turned into their barracks. The enemy leaf.
For contact with the partisans, Anna Aleksandrovna Kasery was captured, and soon Marat found out that Mom hung up in Minsk. Anger and hatred to the enemy filled the heart of the boy. Together with the sister, Komsomolsk Ada, Pioneer Marat Kazai went to the partisans in the Stankovsky Forest. He became an intelligence in the headquarters of the partisan brigade. Penetrated into enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information command. Using this data, the partisans have developed a bold operation and defeated the fascist garrison in the city of Dzerzhinsk ...
Marat participated in the battles and invariably showed courage, fearless, together with experienced demons, mined the railway.
Marat died in battle. Fucked until the last cartridge, and when he had only one pomegranate, let the enemies closer and blew them away ... and himself.
For the courage and courage, Pioneer Marat Kazay was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero is set in Minsk.

Zina Portnova

The war found the Leningrad Pioneer Zein Portnov in the village of Zoi, where she came to the holidays, is not far from the station Obol Vitebsk region. In Oboli, the Underground Komsomolsk and youth organization "Young Avengers" was created, and Zina elected a member of her committee. She participated in bold operations against the enemy, in diversions, distributed leaflets, on the task of the partisan detachment conducted intelligence.
... Standing December 1943. Zina returned from the task. In the village bridge she was given a traitor. The fascists grabbed the young partisan, tortured. The response to the enemy was silence Zina, her contempt and hatred, determined to fight to the end. During one of the interrogations, choosing a moment, Zina grabbed a gun from the table and focusing in the Gestapovka.
The officer who ran into the shot was also killed. Zina tried to run, but the fascists overtake her ...
The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute remained a rack, courageous, unreleased. And the Motherland posthumously noted her feat with the highest title - the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Lenya Golikov

Grew in the village of Lukino, on the bank of the Polo River, which flows into the legendary Ilmen Lake. When his native village captured the enemy, the boy went to the partisans.
More than once he went to intelligence, brought important information to the partisan detachment. And the enemy trains flew under the slopes, cars, bridges collapsed, enemy warehouses burned ...
There was a fight in his life, which Lenya led one on one with a fascist general. Pomegranate, abandoned by a boy, hit the car. A nickname was getting out of her with a briefcase in his hands and, shooting, rushed to run. Lenya - behind him. Almost a kilometer pursued by the enemy and finally killed him. The portfolio was very important documents. The headquarters of the partisan immediately sent them to the aircraft to Moscow.
There were a lot of fights in his short life! And never flopped the young hero, fought shoulder to the shoulder with adults. He died under the village of Outrase Luke in the winter of 1943, when the enemy felt especially lying, feeling that he was burning under his feet, he would not have mercy ...
On April 2, 1944, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was published about the assignment of the Pioneer-partisan Lena Golikov's title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Galya Komleva

When the war began, and the fascists were approaching Leningrad, for underground work in the village of Tarnovichi - in the south of the Leningrad region - Anna Petrovna Semenova was left in the south of the Leningrad Region. For communication with the partisans, she picked up the most reliable pioneers, and the first among them was Galina Comleva. Merry, bold, inquisitive girl in six of his school years was six times awarded books with signature: "For excellent studies"
The young connected brought from partisans to the task of his leader, and her reports were crossing the detachment along with bread, potatoes, products that were with great difficulty. One day, when the messenger from the partisan detachment did not come on time to the meeting place, Galya, half-marked, shed itself into a detachment, passed the report and, a little reninking, hurried back, carrying a new task to underground workers.
Together with Komsomolskaya Tasi Yakovleva Galya wrote leaflets and spread them around the village at night. The fascists stopped, grabbed young underground workers. Two months were kept in Gestapo. Having brutally beat, thrown into the chamber, and in the morning again displayed for interrogation. Nothing said to the enemy Galya, did not give anyone. Young patriot was shot.
The feat of the Gali Comlena Motherland noted the Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree.

Kostya Kravchuk

On June 11, 1944, parts taken to the front were built on the central square of Kiev. And before this combat system was read by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding the pioneer of Kravchuk, the Order of the Red Banner for the fact that Savior and retained two combat rifle of rifle regiments during the occupation of the city of Kiev ...
Departing from Kiev, two wounded fighters trusted the coste of banners. And Kostya promised to keep them.
At first I buried in the garden under the pear: I thought, our soon will come back. But the war was delayed, and, doubting the banner, Kostya kept them in Saraj, until he remembered about the old, abandoned well beyond the city, at the Dnieper itself. Having wrapped his invaluable treasure in the burlap, having embraced straw, he got out of the house at dawn and with a canvas bag over his shoulder led to the distant forest cow. And there, looking back, hid a bundle in the well, poured with branches, dry grass, turder ...
And the entire long occupation is not a pioneer of his hard guard at the banner, although he fell into the cloud, and even fled from Echelon, in which Kievans hi up to Germany.
When Kiev was freed, Kostya, in a white shirt with a red tie, came to the military commandant of the city and unfolded the banners before the seeming views and yet amazed fighters.
June 11, 1944 newly formed parts that went to the front were presented by saved bones replacement.

Lara Micheenko

For the operation on the intelligence and explosion of the w / d. The Bridge across the Driss River for the Government award was presented with Leningrad Schoolgirl Larisa Mikheenko. But to give his brave daughter the reward of the homeland did not have time ...
The war cut off the girl from his hometown: in the summer she left for the holidays in the Pustoshkinsky district, and the Nazis was taken to return to the village. Dreamed pioneer to escape from the Hitler's slavery, get to her. And once at night with two senior girlfriends left the village.
In the headquarters of the 6th Kalinin brigade, the commander Major P. V. Zhardin first turned out to be "such small": well, what of them are partisans! But how many people can do a lot to their homeland! The girls were under the power of what was not able to strong men. Dressing into rags, Lara walked around the villages, revealing, where and how the guns are located, placed the hour, which German cars are moving along the Bolshak, which is behind the train and with which cargo come to the station's empty.
She also participated in combat operations ...
Young guerrilla, issued by the traitor in the village of Ignatovo, the fascists shot. In decree on awarding Larisa Mikheenko, the Order of the Patriotic War 1 degree is a bitter word: "posthumously."

Vasya Koroko

Chernihiv region. The front came close to the village of Pogoretsev. On the outskirts, covering the waste of our parts, the defense held the company. Cartridges fighters made a boy. His named Vasya Korosko.
Night. To the building of the school, occupied by the fascists, sneaks by Vasya.
He makes his ways to the pioneer room, puts the pioneer banner and securely hides it.
Column village. Under the bridge - Vasya. He pulls out the iron brackets, squeezes piles, and at dawn out of shelter observes how the bridge is collapsed under the weight of the fascist trial. The partisans were convinced that you could be trusted, and instructed him a serious thing: to become an intelligence in the enemy's lair. In the headquarters of the fascists, he trams the oven, rings of firewood, and he watches himself, remembers, transfers information to the partisans. Punkers who have conceived destroying partisans forced the boy to lead them into the forest. But Vasya brought the Nazis to the ambush of Politsaev. Hitlerians, in the dark, having accepted them for the partisans, opened the rabid fire, interpret all the policemen and they themselves suffered large losses.
Together with the guerrillas, Vasya destroyed nine echelons, hundreds of Nazis. In one of the battles, he was fighting enemy bullet. His little hero who lived short, but such a bright life, the Motherland awarded the orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, Patriotic War of 1 degree, the medal "Partizana of the Patriotic War" 1 degree.

Sasha Borodulin

War went. Above the village where Sasha lived, the enemy bombers were burst. Native land fatched enemy boots. Sasha Borodulin, a pioneer with the hot heart of the young Leninets could not put up with it. He decided to fight the fascists. Received a rifle. Killing the fascist motorcyclist, took the first combat trophy - a real German automatic. Day after day he led to reconnaissance. More than once went to the most dangerous tasks. Many destroyed cars and soldiers were on his account. For the performance of dangerous tasks, for the manifestation of courage, the resourcefulness and courage of Sasha Borodulin in the winter of 1941 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
Punliars traveled partisans. Three days left them a detachment, twice escaped from the environment, but again the enemy ring was embroidered. Then the commander called volunteers - cover down the detachment of the detachment. Sasha first stepped forward. Five accepted the fight. One after another they died. Sasha remained alone. You could still move away - the forest is near, but the detachment is so the road every minute, which will delay the enemy, and Sasha led the fight to the end. By allowing the fascists to closely around him, snatched a grenade and blew them out and himself. Sasha Borodulin died, but the memory of him is alive. The memory of the heroes is eternal!

Vitya Khomenko

His heroic way to combat fascists Pioneer Vitya Khomenko was held in the underground organization "Nikolaev Center".
... In the school in German, Viti was "excellent," and the underground workers instructed Pionera to suit the officer's dining room. He soap dishes happened, served officers in the hall and listened to their conversations. In drunken disputes, the fascists have chosen the information that was very interested in the Nikolaev Center.
A quick, intelligent boy officers began to send with orders, and soon they made a messenger at the headquarters. They could not come to mind that the most secret packages were first read the underground workers on the appearance ...
Together with the shura Kobher Vitya received a task Go to the Front line to establish a connection with Moscow. In Moscow, in the headquarters of the partisan movement, they reported to the situation and told about what was observed on the road.
Returning to Nikolaev, the guys delivered a radio transmitter, explosive, weapons to underground workers. And again the struggle without fear and oscillations. December 5, 1942 were captured by the fascists and executed ten underground workers. Among them are two boys - Shura Cober and Vitya Khomenko. They lived the heroes and died as heroes.
The Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree - posthumously awarded the birthplace of his fearless son. The name Viti Khomenko is wearing a school in which he studied.

Volodya Treaschaev

1941 ... in the spring finished the fifth grade. In the fall joined the partisan detachment.
When, together with the sister Anne, he came to the partisans in Kletnyansky forests, that in the Bryansk region, in the detachment they said: "Well, replenishment! .." True, having learned that they are from Solovyanovka, children of Elena Kondratyevna Treasurer, the fact that baked bread for partisans , stopped joking (Elena Kondratyevna was killed by the fascists).
The detachment was the "partisan school". There were future miners, demolitions. Volodya "perfectly" learned this science and, together with the senior comrades, let eight echelons dusted. I had to cover the group's departure, stopping the pursuers ...
He was connected; I walked often in Clait, delivering the most valuable information; Having waited darkness, put the leaflets. From the operation to the operation became more experienced, more artistic.
For the head of the guerrilla Zzancheev, the fascists appointed a reward, without even suspecting that their brave opponent is completely another boy. He fought next to adults until the day until his native land was dismissed from fascist uncleani, and on the right divided the glory of the hero - the liberator of his native land with adults. Volodya Treaschayov was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Medal "Partizan of the Patriotic War" 1 degree.

Valya Zenkina

The Brest fortress was the first to hit the enemy. Bombs, shells, the walls were collapsed, and in the fortress, and in the city of Brest. From the first minutes, Valin Father went into battle. I left and did not return, he died with a hero, as many defenders of the Brest Fortress.
And the marks fascists made under the fire to wade into the fortress to transfer it to the defenders the requirement to surrender. Valya sniffed to the fortress, told about the atrocities of the fascists, explained what tools they had, pointed out their location and remained to help our fighters. She bandaged the wounded, collected the cartridges and brought them to fighters.
In the fortress lacked water, it was divided by a throat. I wanted to drink painfully, but Valya again and again refused his throat: the water is needed wounded. When the command of the Brest Fortress decided to bring children and women from under fire to the other coast of the Mukhaver River - there was no other opportunity to save their lives, "Senkina's little Sanitary Sanitary asked her to leave her with fighters. But the order is an order, and then she swore to continue the fight against the enemy to full victory.
And Valya oath kept. Different tests fell on its share. But she stood. Stressed. And his struggle continued in the partisan detachment. Fought boldly, along with adults. For the courage and courage, the Order of the Red Star awarded his young daughter's homeland.

Nina Kukoverova

Every summer Nina and her younger brother and sister Mom exported a nepherty from Leningrad to the village where pure air, soft grass, where honey and pair milk ... roar, explosions, flames and smoke fell on this quiet edge in the fourteenth summer Pioneer Nina Covering . War! From the first days of the arrival of fascists Nina became a partisan intelligence officer. All that saw around, remembered, reported to the squad.
In the village of Mountain, the punitive detachment is located, all the approaches are blocked, not even the most experienced scouts. Run to go Nina. One and a half dozen kilometers went on a snow-covered plain, a field. Fascists did not pay attention to the extended, tired girl with a tube, and nothing covered from her attention - neither headquarters, nor a combustible warehouse nor the location of the sentries. And when at night, the partisan detachment made a campaign, Nina went near the commander as a scout, as a conductor. The fascist warehouses flew to the air into the air, the headquarters broke out, the punishers bathed, fought by furious fire.
More than once she went to the combat missions Nina - a pioneer, awarded the medal "Partiz of the Patriotic War" 1 degree.
Young heroine died. But the memory of the daughter of Russia is alive. It is posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree. Nina Kukovärova is forever enrolled in his pioneer squad.

Arkady Kamanan.

He dreamed of heaven when he was still quite a boys. Arkady Father, Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin, pilot, participated in the salvation of Chelyuskintsev, for which he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. And always near the friend of the Father, Mikhail Vasilyevich Vodopyanov. It was why to challenge the heart of the boy. But in the air it was not allowed, they said: to grow up.
When the war began, he went to work on the aviation plant, then at the airfield was used by any case to climb the sky. Experienced pilots, let just a few minutes, have happened, trusted him to lead the aircraft. Once an enemy bullet was broken with a glass of cabin. The pilot was blinded. Losing consciousness, he managed to convey Arkady Management, and the boy planted the plane to his airfield.
After that, Arkady was allowed to seriously study with a flying case, and soon he began to fly independently.
Once from height, the young pilot saw our aircraft shoven by the fascists. Under the strongest mortar fire, Arkady landed, transferring a pilot into his plane, rose into the air and returned to his. At his chest, the Order of the Red Star was shone. For participation in the battles with the enemy of Arkady was awarded the second Order of the Red Star. By that time he became an experienced pilot, although he was fifteen years old.
Before the victory, Arkady Kamanin fascinated with the fascists. Young hero about the sky dreamed and conquered the sky!

Lida Vashkevich

The ordinary black bag would not attract the attention of visitors to the Museum of Local Lore, if it were not lying next to her red tie. Flood the unwittingly boy or girl, adult will stop, and read the yellowed certificate issued by the Commissioner
Partisan detachment. The fact that the young host of these relics Pioneer Lida Vashkevich risks life, helped fight against the fascists. There is another reason for staying near these exhibits: Lida is awarded the medal "Partiz of the Patriotic War" 1 degree.
... In the city of Grodno, occupied by the fascists, the Communist underground operated. One of the groups was led by the father of Lida. Sleepy underground workers came to him, partisans, and each time the house was on duty, the daughter of the commander. From the side to look - playing. And she vividly peered, listened, was not approaching the police, patrol,
And, if necessary, served a sign of the Father. Dangerous? Highly. But compared to other tasks, it was almost a game. Lida mined paper for leaflets, buying in a pair of leaves in different stores, often with the help of their friends. A bundle will be scored, the girl will stubborn her girl on the bottom of the black bag and deliver it into ancase place. And the other day the whole city reads the words of the truth about the victories of the Red Army near Moscow, Stalingrad.
On the climbing, bypassing the folk apartments, warned folk avengers girl. By train from the station to the station traveled to transfer an important message to partisans, underground workers. Explosive past the fascist posts carried everything in the same black bag, falling asleep to the coal and trying not to bend, so as not to cause suspicion - the carbon explosives easier ...
That's what a bag was in the Grodno Museum. And the tie, which Lida then wore a sinus: could not, did not want to part with him.

Wherever the Siegyglase girl of Utah, her red tie invariably was with her ... in the summer of 1941 she came from Leningrad to the holidays in the village near Pskov. Here Nastigala Utu Grozny News: War! She saw her enemy. Utah began to help partisans. At first it was connected, then the intelligence. Changed by the boy-beggar, collected on the villages: where the headquarters of the fascists, as is guarded, how many machine guns.

There was no such war in history, in which the fearful goals of the aggressor would be so large-scale and inhuman, and the enemy repulsted such a nationwide character as in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The ideological basis of the policy of German fascism was the Nazis anti-theory about the racial superiority of the German nation over other peoples. The implementation of this ideology provided not only violence, the seizure of the territories and the material values \u200b\u200bof other states, but also the creation of the mass destruction of people. It is quite natural that from the very first days of the German-fascist aggression, the people of Belarus, like the entire Soviet people, rose to the defense of the Fatherland from Hitler's invaders.

The first to fight with the fascists joined border guards. Musually and selflessly fought with the enemy border guards headbands under the command of officers M. K. Ishkova, A. M. Kizhevatova, who was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, I. G. Tikhonov, V. M. Usova and many others.

Heroic Protection of the Brest Fortress. The heroic defense of the legendary Brest Fortress is known to the whole world. The durability and courage of her defenders surprised even enemies. Surrounding the fortress, Hitlerians all the time fired it from guns and mortars, fascist airplanes were discharged on the forts of a bomb weighing up to two tons, barrels with gasoline. The defenders of the fortress lacked ammunition, water, food, medicines, but nothing could break their durability. Almost a month, the garrison was courageously fought with the enemy. Even when the fortress was captured, individual groups of its defenders, sowing in the basements, did not stop the struggle. Their heroism and dedication are evidenced by the inscriptions, preserved on the walls of the fortress: "die, but I will not leave the fortress", "We were three, we were hard, but we didn't fall in spirit and die as heroes," dying, but not surrender ! Goodbye, homeland! " Most of the defenders of the fortress, among which were representatives of 30 nationalities, fell dead by brave, some, breaking through the ring of the environments, became partisans.

Defense of the Brest Fortress (fragment). Artist E. Zaitsev

For exceptional persistence, courage and heroism, manifested with the protection of the Brest Fortress, 68 people were awarded government awards, and the commander of the 44th rifle regiment P. M. Gavrilov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. The Brest Fortress was awarded the title "Fortress hero".

The feat of the crew of the aircraft N. Gastello. On the fourth day of war, June 26, 1941, made a heroic feat with his crew Nikolai Frantseich Gastello. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Captain Gastello was the commander of the bombarding squadron of the 207th airmaker. The squadron inflicted a powerful bomb strike on the fascists on the way Molodechno - Radoshkovichi. But when bombers left the goal, the enemy shell struck the gas tank of the commander machine. The fire covered the whole plane, knocked down the flame could not be able to. It was possible to leave the aircraft and land on the parachutes, but this meant captivity. The commander and its crew in the composition of the navigator A. A. Burdenyuk, the arrow of N. Skorobogoye and Radytist's shooter A. A. Kalinin chose death. The burning plane commander was directed to the column of tanks, cars and benzocystun. An explosion of the bombard of the enemy was inflicted a significant damage in alive strength and technique. The monument to the memorial, and in the city of Radoshkovichi, a monument to Radoshkovichi, a monument was established at the place of the feat of the feats committed by a courageous crew. Radoshkovichi Hero of the Soviet Union N. F. Gastello was established.

Major General Dovator. Short, but bright was the path of the famous son of the Belarusian people, the legendary commander and brave cavalryist Lion Mikhailovich Dovator. In 1941, his cavalry group broke through the rear of the enemy. The fascists urgently reported that the 100,000th Cossack army operates in their rear (there were actually 3 thousand cavalrymen). In the same year, the Fearless Commander General Major Dovator headed the 3rd Cavalry Corps, which for courage and heroism was transformed into the 2nd Guards Corps. The brave and talented commander led to the attacks of the cavalryists, a personal example showed the fighters of the courage and heroism, flame love for their homeland. With a small group of scouts on December 19, 1941, the Dovator was walking with a head division, from where he led the corps. By knocking down the grippers, the cavalrymen came to the Ruza River opposite the village of Palaneskino in the Moscow region. But here they fell a squall of fire of the fascists. The critical moment has come. Then the dovator snatched a gun with his left hand (on the eve he wounded into the right hand), rose to the whole height and with the exclamation "for the Motherland!" He led fighters on the storm strengthening of the enemy. The machine-runway struggled to death to the beloved commander of the cavalrymen. At the grave and on the site of the death of the hero, monuments were established, the streets are named after the streets in many Belarusian cities.

Decament Sniper Smolyachkov. The native of the Mogilev region of Theodosius of Smolyachkov already in the first months of the war was famous for the root cases not only to the entire Leningrad Front, but also for the entire army, to the whole country. The eighteen-year-old intelligence officer of individual reconnaissance became the initiator of the sniper movement to destroy the fascist invaders. By the beginning of 1942, he had 125 fascist destroyed on his military account, which spent 126 ammunition. The Master of the Masters Shot, despite his youth age, a whole school appeared. He prepared 10 snipers that destroyed several hundreds of Nazis. In total, skillful snipers - students and combat friends of River Smolyachkov, among them and the brave Belarusian Sniper Girl V. I. Lukashenko, destroyed more than 5 thousand fascists. Theodosius Artemyevich Smolyachkov died in battle on January 15, 1942. He is posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The feat of crochevts tanker brothers. Konstantin, Mina and Elisha Krychevtsov - Tanker Brothers from Gomelshchina. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, they fought at the front in one tank carriage. In the battle of the paws under the Biastok, their tank was shot down. Then the brothers sent their burning machine to the fascist tank. By destroying it at the price of his lives, they blocked the path of the enemy tanks on a narrow passage of a wetland. The name of the brothers of the Krichevtsovovs is called the street in the village of Borki Gomel district.

Heroic feat of Kovalev. Gregory Semenovich Kovalev is another native of Gomelshchina. In 1939, he participated in the liberation of Western Belarus, during the Great Patriotic War initially fought in the partisan brigade, and from July 1944 - in the Rifle Brigade of the 3rd Belorussian Front. In the fight against the German fascist invaders, Sergeant Kovalev showed fearlessness and heroism. When Lithuanian fascists are released on August 18, 1944 in battle for the height of the west of the city of Shauliai, he rushed with a bundle of a grenade under the caterpillars of the enemy tank. Inspired by his feat, the fighters destroyed a few more tanks and beat the enemy's attack. G. S. Kovalev posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. His name is called Street in Rogachev, and in the village of the big water lily, in the Hero's homeland, his name is assigned to high school.

Nice feats of Belarusian pilots. Belarusian patriots were heroically fought in the air. The first in history of the air high-rise taran was carried out in the Moscow Sky pilot of the 12th Fighter Regiment A. N. Katrich. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was also awarded his countrymen - Minchanin I. I. Kozlovsky and Vitebchanin P. F. Sychenko. In the battles under the Kursk-fighter pilot A. K. Gorovets covered terrestrial troops from the air. Returning to his airfield on July 6, 1943, he entered into battle with 20 enemy bombers and, possessing the highest life skills, hit 9 opponent aircraft. A. K. Gorovets is the only pilot in the world, which in one air battle knocked as many enemy aircraft. In Polotsk and at home, the Hero of the Soviet Union, Alexander Konstantinovich, the monuments were established. His name is called streets in Vitebsk, Minsk, Polotsk, Senno, G. P. Bogushevsk.

The only pilot in the world, which made four air Tarana, - Belorus B. I. Kovzan. He is called a man from the legend. During the Great Patriotic War, his name, which became a symbol of fearlessness, courage and resistance, prevented fear of fascists. During the war years, he made 360 \u200b\u200bcombat departures, held 127 air bonds, in which he knocked down 28 and tagged 4 enemy aircraft. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Ivanovich Kovan was assigned after the fight under the old Russa. In a continuous battle with 13 fascist vultures, B. I. Czzan, a fascist aircraft tall his already grumbled. And, as always, a pilot from the legend stayed alive and continued to make horror on the enemy.

Brave Belarusian sailors. Vice-Admiral V. P. Drozd, a native of Buda-Koshelov, became famous for the maritime expanses of the Baltic. Under his command, in the fall of 1941, the Baltic Fleet ships carried out a brave breakthrough from Tallinn to Kronstadt and sent the defenders of the Khanka Peninsula to the Leningrad Front. The brave admiral died in January 1943 at the Ice Highway under Kronstadt.

During the war, the Underwater boat "Sh-310" under the command of Vitebchanina S. N. Bograde was hunted behind enemy ships. And no matter how strong the anti-caravans of the enemy, the brave commander always boldly led his submarine into a decisive attack. Only in two campaigns, the crew of the boat sank 7 enemy ships. Underwater boat "Sh-310" was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and her commander was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. On another submarine, the legendary "C-13" under the command of A. I. Marriesku, floated and participated in the sinking of three enemy vessels, the native of Vitebshchina Starin of the 2nd article P. S. Fighters, awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Mushroom nurse. After graduating the courses of the nurse, I left the volunteer to the front of the young Vitebchanka Zina Tusnolobov. For 8 months, the foreman of the Tusnolobov Medical Service carried 128 wounded soldiers and officers from the battlefield. In the waters of 1943 in the territory of the Kursk region, Patriot was seriously injured, frosting hands and feet, which had to amputate. But Zina did not fail fascism's fascism: she spoke on the radio, in print, called countrymen to fight the enemy to full victory. At the front there were tanks, airplanes, guns and mortars with inscriptions "For Zina Tusnolobov!" In a letter to his beloved, fought at the front of Lieutenant Joseph Marchenko, she wrote: "I lost my arms and legs. Gorky and insulting to stay at 23 years old with disabilities ... I do not want to burden you with any concerns. Get your life as if I never had. Farewell ... "After the victory, Joseph returned to Polotsk to his beloved girl. For 40 all over the years, they retained mutual love and loyalty, the son of Vladimir and the daughter of Nina were raised. The name of the Hero of the Soviet Union Zinaida Mikhailovna Tusnolobovaya-Marchenko is named Street in Polotsk. The International Committee of the Red Cross awarded Z. M. Tusnolobov-Marchenko Medal Florence Plantgel.

Fucking on the eve of Victory. Thousands of four hundred tenth day of war. Among the many Belarusians who participate in the Rahstag storming was and the younger sergeant Peter Pyatnitsky. The commander of the battalion of nestower recalls: "How no longer had a banner. Somewhere I took a piece of red matter. I gave it a canvas younger Sergeant Peter Pyatnitsky and said: "People lie on the square. Reichstag is close. Everyone was filtered - both our neighbors from the Davydov battalion. How to get to the chain, give my order to the attack! Raise people ... "Peter jumped out of the window to the funnel, crap into the chain. Then he rose, snatched a cloth. Near him already ten, fifteen, twenty people ... He dropped the scarlet cloth in front of the steps - killed. " The victory banner was empty over the dome of Reichstag Mikhail Egorov and Meliton Cantaria. Eight days remained before the victory.

Mass courage and heroism. For courage, valor and heroism, manifested in the fight against fascist invaders, more than 300 thousand soldiers and officers - natives of Belarus - were awarded orders and medals, 446 of them were awarded the Hero Hero of the Soviet Union, 71 people became a complete cavalier of the Order of Glory. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned twice: the pilot of P. Ya. Golovachev, Commanders of the Tank Union, I. I. Gusakovsky, S. F. Shutov, I. I. Yakubovsky.

  1. Why the war of the Soviet people with the German fascists of 1941-1945. Named domestic?
  2. Name the well-known Belarusian warriors - the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Tell us about their exploits.
  3. What confirms the massage courage and the heroism of Belarusian warriors in the Great Patriotic War?
  4. How does Belarus honor the memory of warriors who defended their homeland from the fascist invaders? Name the names of heroes, in honor of which the streets, schools are named, installed memorials, monuments in your local location, district, city.
  5. How do you honor the memory of the warriors who died in the Great Patriotic War? How do you celebrate and help now living war veterans?

Great Patriotic War

From the very first days of the German-fascist aggression, the people of Belarus, as well as the entire Soviet people, rose to a fair Patriotic War against the Hitler's invaders.

Heroic Protection of the Brest Fortress. The heroic defense of the legendary Brest Fortress is known to the whole world. The resistance and courage of her defenders surprised even enemies. Surrounding the fortress, Hitlerians all the time fired her from guns and mortars, fascist airplanes were discharged to the forts of a bomb, a barrel with gasoline. The defenders of the fortress lacked ammunition, water, food, medicines, but nothing could break their durability. Their heroism and dedication testify to the inscriptions, preserved on the walls of the fortress: "I will die, but from the fortress we will not leave", "we were three, we were hard, but we did not fell in spirit and die as heroes", "dying, but not surrender! Goodbye homeland! " Almost a month, the garrison was courageously fought with the enemy. Most defenders of the fortress fell dead by brave, some, breaking through the ring of the environment, became partisans. For exceptional resistance, courage and heroism, shown in the protection of the Brest Fortress, 68 people were awarded government awards, and the commander of the 44th rifle regiment P.M. Gavrilov Awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. The Brest Fortress was awarded the title "Fortress hero".

Suit of the crew of the aircraft N. Gastello. On the fourth day of war, June 26, 1941, made a heroic feat with his crew Nikolai Franventovich Gastello. Squadron under the command of Captain Gastello inflicted a powerful bomb strike on the enemy on the way Molodechno - Radoshkovichi. But when bombers left the goal, the enemy shell struck the gas tank of the commander machine. The fire covered the entire plane, knocked down the flame could not. It was possible to leave the plane and land on parachutes, but this meant captivity. Commander and his crew in the row of navigator A.A.Burdenyuk , arrows G. Skorobogoy and Radier's Arrow A.A.Kalinina Preferred death. The burning plane commander was directed to the tank column, cars and benzocystun. An explosion of the bombard of the enemy was inflicted significant damage in alive and technique. At the place of the feat, performed by a courageous crew, a monument-memorial was built, and in G.P. Radoshkovichi Hero of the Soviet Union N.F. Gastello was established a monument.

The feat of crochevts tanker brothers. Konstantin, Mina and Elisha Krychevtsov - Tanker Brothers from Gomelshchina. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, they fought at the front in one tank carriage. In the battle of the paws under the Biastok, their tank was shot down. Then the brothers sent their burning machine to the fascist tank. By destroying it at the price of his lives, they blocked the path of the enemy tanks on a narrow passage of a wetland. The name of the brothers of the Krichevtsovovs is called the street in the village of Borki Gomel district.

Heroic feat of Kovalev. Another native of Gomelchins Grigory Semenovich Kovalev during the Great Patriotic War initially fought in a partisan brigade, and from July 1944 - in the Rifle Brigade of the 3rd Belorussian Front. In the fight against the German-fascist invaders, Sergeant Kovalev showed fearlessness and heroism. When Lithuanian fascists are released on August 18, 1944 in battle for the height of the west of the city of Shauliai, he rushed with a bundle of a grenade under the caterpillars of the enemy tank. Inspired by his feat, the fighters destroyed a few more tanks and beat the attack of the enemy. G.S. Kovlev is posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Nice affairs of Belarusian pilots. Desperately fought Belarusian patriots in the air. The first in the history of the air high-rise Taran carried out in the Moscow sky the pilot of the 12th Fighter Regiment A.N.Katrich . The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union also awarded his countrymen - Minsk I.I. Kozlovsky And Vitebchanin P.F.Sychenko .

July 6, 1943 pilot fighter A.K.Gorovets Returning to his airfield, entered into battle with 20 enemy bombers and, having the highest flight skills, hit 9 enemy aircraft. A.K.Gorovets is the only pilot in the world, which in one air battle knocked as many enemy aircraft. In Polotsk and at the homeland, the Hero of the Soviet Union, Alexander Konstantinovich, the Gorovets were established monuments, his name was named streets in Vitebsk, Minsk, Polotsk, Seno, G.P. Bogushevsk.

The only pilot in the world who has committed four air Tarana, - Belarusian B.I. Kozan . He is called a man from the legend. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, he made 360 \u200b\u200bcombat departures, conducted 127 air fighting, in which he hit 28 and tagged 4 enemy aircraft. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Ivanovich Kovan was assigned after the fight under the old Russa. In a continuous battle with 13 fascist vultures of B.I. Kozan, a fascist aircraft tagged with his already burning plane. And, as always, the pilot from the legend stayed alive and continued to make horror on the enemy.

Brave Belarusian sailors. Vice-Admiral became famous for the maritime expanses of the Baltic VP Odrozd , Native Buda-Koshelieva. Under his command, in the fall of 1941, the ships of the Baltic fleet carried out a brave breakthrough from Tallinn to Kronstadt, saved and crossed the defenders of the Khanka peninsula to Leningrad Front. The brave admiral died in January 1943 at the Ice Highway under Kronstadt.

During the war, Underwater boat "Sh-310" under the command of Vitebchanina S.N.Bogorad Hunt for enemy ships. And no matter how much the enemy marine caravans are hosted, the brave commander always safely led his submarine into a decisive attack. Only in two campaigns, the crew of the boat sank 7 enemy ships. The submarine "Sh-310" was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and its commander was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Belarusian partisans and underground workers. In the occupied territory of Belarus, a wide network of underground organizations was created, a partisan movement unfolded.

In the Orsha Railway Kind, a group was effectively operated Konstantin Charnelova . The barrels made mines, externally who were on pieces of coal, and threw them on coal warehouses, in the tenders of the locomotives. Briquette-coal mines, getting into the furnace, disabled to 200 steam locomotives, part of which exploded at the station.

Boldly and resolutely acted underground workers at the Osipovichi railway station. One of the leaders of the underground Fedor Krylovich Plugged two magnetic mines under the echelon with flammable. The fire from the explosion shifted to other echelons, loaded with military equipment and ammunition. As a result of this operation, 4 echelon were completely destroyed, including one with tiger tanks, 31 tanks with flammable, 63 cars with projectiles, airbabs, mines.

Family Vasily Demyanovich Goyashik "He himself, his wife Olga Andreevna and the 13-year-old son of Kolya - led an active struggle with the fascists in the Ivatsevichi Brest region. Vasily Demyanovich, having fallen into the hands of the executioner, was tortured, without giving up underground workers and underground appeals. Kohl left her mother to partisans, where he became a brave connected and skillful demolition. On March 23, 1944, the partisans became aware that the fascist echelon should pass through the station of Ivatsevichi in the direction of Minsk. To blow up the train caused Kolya and his combat friend Lenya Savashchik. The Germans securely guarded the way, imperceptibly underwent and establish an explosive device failed. Then Kolya with Mina in his hands rushed under the locomotive. The terrible explosion shocked air, the cars with enemy tanks, guns, ammunition flew passengers. It was the eighth, the last exploded echelon if Goyushik. In Ivatsevich, Gantsevich, Minsk there are streets of Koly Goyushik. His name is named one of the schools of the Ivatsevic District.

In the German rear, in Vitebsk, the bold underground workers sent important information to the Red Army. Fascists attacked their trail. In the Gestapian ducts died Vera Khoruzhaya and her comrades under the underground Sophia Pankov , Evdokia Suranova, Claudia Boldacheva, Maria, Vasily and Agafya Vorobyev .

Marat Kazei He was the scout of the headquarters of the partisan brigade, at the age of 12 he accepted the partisan oath. The fascists hung his mother for arson arsenal and the destruction of the barracks with fascist soldiers. Already in the first battle at the native village, Marat showed courage and courage: was injured, but, despite this, he went to the attack several times. The young intelligence officer penetrated the garrisons of the fascists and mined for the command of the partisan valuable information. On May 11, 1944, near the village of Horomitsky Uzdensky district of the Minsk region, Marat was surrounded by punishers. The young partisan was shooting to the last cartridge. Then, taking a grenade, he went to enemies. Marat was heroically, but a grenade destroyed surrounding his fascists. The Hero of the Soviet Union Marat Casey in Minsk is a monument.

Minai Filippovich Schomrev In 1941 he headed the partisan detachment, and then the partisan brigade. Folk avengers called him respectful, fatherly - Batka Minai. The guerrillas of the brigades of Batki Mina were allowed to succeed 10 enemy echelons, the 21 railway bridge blew up, destroyed 116 cars and hundreds of Nazis. Folk Avengers restored Soviet power in the territory of 15 rural councils. Between the Veliby and the Combate, they created the so-called sourage gates, through which weapons received, ammunition, sent thousands of Soviet patriots into the ranks of the Red Army. Against the guerrilla brigade, the Nazis threatened great strength, but they could not eliminate the partisan zone. Fascist punishers took hostages to the children of the partisan commander and shot them. In October 1943, the partisans of Batki Mina united with Soviet troops and took part in the liberation of Belarus from the Hitler's occupiers. The Hero of the Soviet Union M.F. Shumyrev in Vitebsk installed a bust and a memorial museum was established.

War interrupted teacher labor Peter Mironovich Masherov. Already in the first military days, the teacher-Patriot was headed by the Moscow State University, in which his disciples and teachers entered. In 1942, 24-year-old Peter Masherov became the commander of the partisan detachment, and in 1943 - the commissioner of the partisan brigade. For fighters, partisans and underground workers, Masherov Commissioner was an example of courage and courage. In September 1943, the young patriot was headed by the Vileyan Cover of the Komsomol. In 1944, for heroism, manifested in the fight against the German-fascist invaders, P.M. Masherov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After the liberation of Belarus from the fascist occupation, Peter Mironovich was actively involved in practical activities to restore the destroyed war of the Republic of the Republic. In 1965, he was elected first secretary of the Communist Party of Belarus. The Belarusian people holy honors the memory of their glorious son, a courageous partisan, a patriot, a hero of the Soviet Union and the Hero of Socialist Labor Peter Mironovich Masherov.

In the center of the village of Mugovichi Kirovsky district of the Mogilev region, a monument to the courageous Belarusian patriot, partisan, the hero of the Soviet Union and the Hero of Socialist Labor will be erected Cyril Prokofievich Orlovsky. The foot of the monument is cast from metal rifle and plow - symbols of military and peaceful labor of the brave warrior and tireless worker. In 1942 - 1943, Orlovsky headed the special charge "Sokoli", which acted in the Minsk and Brest regions. The fighters of the detachment were allowed under the slopes of 16 echelons, 41 cars were undermined, 4 industrial enterprises, 2 bridges, defeated 2 enemy garrisons. In one of the battles with the fascists, the commander was seriously wounded. Later, when Gangrena began, the surgeon V.A. Maletsev began an Oryol "Operation": with the help of an approved and boiled conventional plumbing saws, the right hand and three fingers on the left were amputated. At the same time, the courageous commander never groaned. In 1944, Kirill Prokofievich was headed by the Kolkhoz "Dawn" of the Mogilev region and remained his permanent chair to the end of his difficult, but bright life.

On the territory of Belarus at different times of the Great Patriotic War, 213 partisan brigades were operating, which united 997 detachments, and 258 separate detachments. In armed struggle against the German fascist invaders, 374 thousand partisans and 70 thousand underground workers participated.

Mass of courage and heroism. For courage, prowess and heroism, manifested in the fight against fascist invaders, more than 300 thousand soldiers and officers - natives of Belarus - were awarded orders and medals, 446 of them were awarded a high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 67 people became complete cavaliers of the Order of Glory. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded twice: P.Golovachev, I.I. Gusakovsky, S.F. Shutov, I.I. Yakubovsky. More than 120 thousand partisans and underground workers of Belarus were awarded orders and medals, 88 of them were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union .

1. What are the most famous to you by the Belarusian warriors - the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Tell us about their exploits. 2. Tell us about the activities of Belarusian underground workers during the years of the fascist occupation and the exploits of the heroes partisans. 3. Name the names of the heroes, in honor of which the streets, schools are named, memorials, monuments in your settlement, district, city, are established. 4. How do you honor the memory of the warriors who died in the Great Patriotic War, honor and help now living war veterans?

Each country should know its heroes. Such people have always met and, most likely, will continue to be found among the population of each state. Belarus is a big country with severe past. During the Great Patriotic War, this power has gained 448 heroes of the Soviet Union.

In addition, there are 7 people who were awarded twice with this honorary title. All of them by nationality of Belarusians. Four got a medal during the Great Patriotic War. Two more - during the development of space. And one twice was awarded for and fighting on Chalchin-goal.

But the heroes of Belarus of the Great Patriotic War are not the only one who received a reward from the state. There were those who in peacetime contributed to one or another scope of activity.


For each Belarusian, it is a great honor to get the highest title, which is assigned to the merit and feats in front of their country. The heroes of Belarus began to receive awards since 1996. Although a year earlier this title was introduced. It is worth saying that it was possible to distinguish the state medal from the star "Hero of the USSR" according to the relevant actions.

The title of "Hero of Belarus" was assigned not only for feats during World War II. But for progress in different areas: social, economic, cultural, etc. Although the military man became the first one who won the title of "Hero of the War of Belarus".

Recognized but not awarded

In all the time the existence of this gratitude has already been awarded 11 titles. But there is another person who was likened by the heroes of Belarus, but was not awarded. They were Divorzhsky Vasily Alexandrovich. He was a colonel of the Soviet army. Born in Ukraine, but in 1995 he received the title of "Hero of the Russian Federation".

In 1986 he was the leader of the operational group in the Chernobyl district. The maximum permissible number of days that pilots could be carried out on this territory was 15. But the diving spent three months here. Of course, it affected his health.

Vasily Alexandrovich was treated for a long time in Moscow. But in 1992 he died. He was buried in the Minsk region in Korolev Stan. Thanks to courage and strength, he received the title of the hero of the Russian Federation, and was forever entered in the Belarusian military unit.


The first hero of Belarus - Carvat Vladimir Nikolayevich. He died in six months before the state introduced this title. A military pilot in 1994 fell in two years later he had to take part in training flight. The conditions for this operation should have been extreme.

12 minutes after the start of the flight, warning signals appeared in the cockpit. He was ordered to return to the base. Literally after half a minute, the message disappeared, but new ones appeared. Later it became clear that the control system was refused. The leadership ordered Karvat to erase. But the pilot remarked that the village is in front.

He independently decided to stay on the plane in order to most successfully take it away from residential buildings. All these events lasted only 10 minutes. The plane fell a plafhmy with a huge speed next to the village of small gathet. Residents tried to save the pilot on their own, but he died in a fall.

Later it turned out that the reason for this tragedy was a fire in one of the compartments, which was not equipped with sensors. The fire was injured first alarm, and after the control system. Carvat gave his life for the sake of rescue people and was awarded the title of "Hero of Belarus". Also in honor of him were named streets in the capital of the state and the city of Brest. There is a Name Square, a museum, as well as a school in the hometown of the pilot.


The second who came to the heroic list became Pavel Lukyanovich Mariet. At the moment he is 78 years old. He is the director of the Scientific and Technical Center. In the past, he began with the profession of technician technologist at the Belarusian automotive factory. Career growth led him to the post of Director General.

Pavel Lukyanovich is also a doctor of technical sciences. He worked not only in practice, but also wrote a large number of scientific articles. The title was received in 2001 for success in the country's automotive industry.


In this area, the heroes of Belarus are most often found. In 2001, it was awarded as much as 3 people, one more received award in 2006. The first to achieve success in this area was Dubko Alexander Yosifovich. He only after death received the title of the Hero of the country.

Karchmith Mikhail Alexandrovich also became an outstanding personality in agriculture of Belarus, for which he was noted in 2001. He is also a well-deserved employee. For almost 30 years, he has been held the position of head of the board of the agro-chombrix "Dreams".

Kremoto Vitaly Ilich was also included in the "Heroes of Belarus" in the agricultural sphere. Also considered a deserved employee in this area. He was the head of the collective farm "October". It was Under his rule, SEC "October-Grodno" published a high level in the agribusiness.

In 2006, another honored worker was allocated in this industry - Vasily Afanasyevich Vasily. He is a candidate of agricultural sciences. I gave this case for more than 35 years. Replenished the list of heroes of Belarus due to the active work in the socio-economic development of the country.

Teaching - light

Mikhail Stepanovich Vysotsky also became one of the awarded. He is not just a public figure and the founder of the cargo automotive industry in Belarus, as well as scientists. Created a School of Designing and Research Trucks.

Born in 1928 and after the war immediately began climbing the career ladder. First, he worked on the Minsk Automobile Plaminary as a collector. After the conveyor was offered in his thesis work, became the designer. Of the 50 years of work on MAZ, 35 worked as the main designer. The title received not only thanks to the "contribution" to the development of automotive industry, but also for the basis of a scientific school, research and training scientific personnel.

From Proba to President Assistant

The names of the heroes of Belarus did not end. Peter Petrovich Prokopovich became the next outstanding personality. He graduated from Tomashovo high school. In the Luhansk region he worked as a mason, later graduated in Kazakhstan began his career first from the builder's master and later became the head of the Office.

Returning to the Motherland, he was the Deputy Head, and the Chief Engineer, and the Deputy of the Supreme Council. In 1998, the National Bank became. In 2011, he suffered a heart surgery, after which he was sent to resign, and then retire. In 2012 he was an assistant to the president, and since 2014 he was the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sberbank.

The title was received for reforming the banking system.


In 2006, Mikhail Andreevich Savitsky was awarded. He became the first cultural figure who was awarded the title and replenished the list of "Heroes of Belarus" due to the active development of painting in the state. Also posthumously received the Order of Francis Skaryna.

Spiritual development

Kirill Vaphalomeevich Vakhromeev, he also Metropolitan Philaret, was born in Kiev, at the moment it is the Primate of the Belarusian Orthodox Church. Since childhood, it was clear who the future hero of Belarus will become. He led political and social activities. Looking at all the merits of Metropolitan Filaret, it is not surprising that he received the title from the state for many years of contribution to the spiritual development of the people.


Of course, it is impossible to forget the contribution that the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of Belarus. But the time goes, and people who gave a lot of time and strength of other areas of life in peacetime appear in the country. In 2014, finally reached the sport. Daria Vladimirovna Domracheva received the title of Hero of Belarus as the first woman athlete.

To its 30th anniversary, biathlete has a huge number of rewards and ranks. At the moment it is considered one of the best sports. The title from the state of Daria received after the 2014 Olympic Games earned the third gold medal.

Each country is obliged to have such heroes. And not always these people should be associated with military affairs. It is very important to develop the state in all directions. Therefore, the government should encourage people who make contribution to science, art, sports, social sphere. It is thanks to the recognition of such heroes, the society can find their idols and to fight for improving not only his life, but also the life of the state as a whole.

In addition, such people are an example for other states. Looking at their achievements, you can see the country's face, as well as the level of development of society.

The utility feat of the inhabitants of Belarus on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. On the eve of June 22 ...

1,300 thousand inhabitants of Belarus were mobilized to the operating army, about 374 thousand fought with the enemy as part of partisan detachments and compounds. Hundreds of thousands of Belarusians worked in the Soviet rear. And wherever the immigrants from Belarus are located - in the front turn, behind the aircraft helm and the levers of the tank or near the machine, they showed an excerpt, courage, hard work.

Often it was sent to the front with whole families. In the family of Stepan, the beach, the resident of the village of Lakes of the Tolochinsky district, four sons were fighting against the invaders - Dmitry, Leonid, Mikhail, Ivan and two daughtershow - Raisa and Rufima. They all served in aviation. During the period of the war, 2,640 combat flights were made, were awarded 50 orders and medals, and Raisa and Rufim became the heroes of the Soviet Union. The remaining members of this family took part in the partisan movement.

A resident of the urban village of Belynichi Todor Khrabia sent to the front of six sons. As many sons sent to the Red Army and Bykhovsky Kolkhozik Akim Krasovsky. Two of them fell dead by brave near Moscow, and the eldest, Stepan, who flew on the attack aircraft, became later by the Marshal of Aviation. Anastasia Fominichna Kuprisanov from Zhodino to the front sent five sons, one of them - Peter became famous for the elimination of the surrounded grouping of the enemy in Latvia, repeating the feat of A. Matrosov. In Zhodino, a monument to Mother Patriotka and the five of her dead sons, and in the house where she lived, a museum was created.

In the battle of Moscow, the equestrian building was famous, which was commanded by a native of the Beshenkovichsky district L. Dovator. Mushroom connants under his leadership penetrated deep rear and appeared where the enemy did not wait for them. They threatened the headquarters and garrisons of the enemy, undermined the bridges, destroyed the lines of communication, contributed to the liberation of many settlements of the Moscow region. Brave Comkor fell by the death of brave in December 1941 under the city of Ruza.

In the snow-covered fields of the Moscow region, the Gomel-Chane Brothers Alexander and Peter Liezyukov were also famous. Colonel A. Liezyukov first participated in the June fights in 1941 at the borders of the r. Berezina, then there was a painful retreat, fighting near Moscow, in which he commanded the first Guards motorized rifle division. Later he became at the head of the Tank Army. For courage and heroism, the skilled leadership of the troops in extremely difficult conditions was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. The talented military leader, the author of books and articles in a military case died on July 25, 1942 in battle near the village of Bear of the Voronezh region. Alexander's brother, Colonel P. Liezukov, fought heroically. In 1945 he was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Tankist G. Full, a native of Slutsky district, commanded a special tank battalion who became famous for the liberation of the Kalinin region, for which the Kombat was the hero of the Soviet Union. Another native of Minsk region, D. Glitsevich, became famous for Moscow, commanding the rifle regiment.

The immigrants from Belarus are heroically fought not only on Earth, but also in the air. The first in history of the altitude air ram made in heaven over Moscow Belarusian A. Katrich, the pilot of the 12th Fighter Aviamar. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union also received his countrymen - Minskhanin I. Kozlovsky and Vitebchanin P. Schchenko.

The native of the Bobruisk district R. Bulatsky war met in the Far East. Together with his friends, he acquired a bomber aircraft and after persistent requirements was directed to the front. Our countryman courageously threw the invaders in Ukraine, Romania, Czechoslovakia, participated in the storm of Berlin. During the war years, more than 180 combat departures made, was awarded many combat orders and medals.

The vice-admiral V. Drozd, a native of Buda-Koshelev, became famous for the maritime expanses of the Baltic. Under his command, in the fall of 1941, the ships of the Baltic fleet committed a brave breakthrough from Tallinn to Kronstadt, saved and crossed the defenders of Hanko Peninsula on the Leningrad Front. The brave admiral died in January 1943 at the Ice Highway under Kronstadt.

A native of the Vitebshchina Captain of the 3rd rank of S. Bogurad, the submarine commander, which was flooded with seven enemy ships during the war, was famous for the Baltik. The foreman of the 2nd article P. Fighters, originally from Mogilev region, floated on the legendary submarine "C-13", participated in the sump of three enemy transports, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In the battles near Stalingrad, the 40th Guards Division was famous, which was commanded by a native of the Mogilev region A. Pastrevich. Thousands of warriors from Belarus took part in the battles under Kurk. The son of the peasant from the village of Moshkana Sennensky district of the Vitebsk region A. Gorovets from the air covered terrestrial troops in the region Vladimirovka - Alkovatka. On July 6, 1943, returning to his airfield, he entered into battle with 20 enemy bombers, hit nine opponent aircraft. Gorovets is the only pilot in the world, who in one air battle knocked as many enemy aircraft. The brave pilot died in the same battle, he was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Its name is the streets in Vitebsk, Minsk, Polotsk, Seno, Bogushevsk.

The courage and courage showed not only the warriors men, but also women are natives of Belarus. Under Leningrad in the ranks of snipers, V. Lukashenko destroyed in the ranks, in the passing of Volga and Don - Bobruychanka A. Stampkovskaya, in the Crimean Peninsula - the lipolo-Tsy-Gomelchanka Dakutovich and P. Gelman. The latter during the war performed 850 combat departures, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and many other awards.

The name of the native of the farm Shevtsovo Rossonsky district 3. Tusnolobova is well known. At the front, she fell in April 1942, for 8 months of war personally carried 128 wounded from the battlefield. In February 1943, he was hard on the territory of the Kursk region, frustrated hands and feet, which had to amputate. But Tusnolobova did not leave the ranks of the fighters: in the speeches on the radio, in print, she called on to fight the enemy to complete victory. On the front there were planes, tanks, guns, mortars with inscriptions "for Zin Tusnolobov". She awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, was awarded the Medal of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

When eliminating the Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya grouping, the enemy showed a tank brigade under the command of Brestanina Colonel M. Khotimsky. For exceptional "loyalty and merits, manifested in the conduct of combat operations", US President F. Roosevelt awarded him the Order of the Officers Honor. When forceing p. Zhin, the tributaries of the rod, became famous for Klimov-Chanin D. Zhmurovsky: When his machine gun was dismissed, the brave arrows suppressed the feasibility of the enemy and the captured machine gun ensured the success of his company, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Suitations from the Mogilev region Tankists Colonels S. Shutov, E. Gusakovsky and I. Yakubovsky for the manifestation of courage and courage, the skillful leadership of the combat actions of his parts were twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Twice this award was received by the former joiner of the Gomel Woodworking Combine Pilot L. Golovachev.

Outside of the Fatherland at the final stage of the war, the warriors - Belarusians A. Zhuk, A. Duleba - Rod from Minsk region, A. Lipunov and D. Pinjazkov - from Gomelshchina, A. Minin - from a rod, 3. Lychesta - from Lyubanovna, A. Schmeigun - from Bobruisk. When forceing p. Neux, Sprey, Berlin's storming and liberation of Prague became famous for Tankists of the company Rota of senior lieutenant A. Filimonov, a native of the village of Kuchin of the Kormansky District, who was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Many Belarusians participated in the Rahstag Sturm. The junior Sergeant Peter Pyatnitsky broke through the main doors to Reichstag, from Mazyr, however, he was killed by an enemy bullet. Among the first in Reichstag, Senior Sergeant L. Podzhizh, a former worker from Bogushevsk burst. In the building he destroyed eight enemy soldiers. Connectors of the 756th Rifle Regiment Private K. Kugach, originally from the Pruzhansky district, and F. Yersh, a native of the Berezovsky district of the Brest region, quickly established the connection of the storming group with the command of the regiment, which helped the attacker. They were awarded the orders of Patriotic War II.

The front of the struggle of the inhabitants of Belarus with the enemy passed and outside the USSR. The shoulder to the shoulder with foreign anti-fascists fought 40 thousand Soviet people who fled from concentration camps and other fascist shy. Among them were the inhabitants of Belarus - military personnel, partisans and underground workers who were captured, as well as peaceful citizens forcibly exported to the fascist university.

There were also the fighters of the invisible front. Far outside of Belarus is known the name L. Manevich, the native of the town of the Mogilev region. He did a lot for victory. After arrest, he headed after the legendary A. Carbyshev underground organization in the Hitler's death camp of Mauthausen.

The general D. Tsuma-Marka, a native of the village of Tyaytin of the Belyniki district turned out to be seriously wounded in the enemy captivity. The fascists sent him to the concentration camp, where he joined the underground struggle. For the organization of shoots and agitation, this courageous warrior in the spring of 1944 was shot.

The sons of Belarus fought with the enemy in the ranks of Italian partisans. In the province of Alexandria, one of the best assistants of the commander of the 16th Garibaldian Division "Vagano" was a 19-year-old student from Minsk Alexander. Only his name remains in the memorial memory. Alexander died in December 1944, A. Kiselev, a native of the Old Stan of Klimovichsky District, who fought in the Garibaldian partisan brigade "Maturei" was also killed in the Italian land.

The 16-year-old young men was sent to the forced work M. Frolov ed. Sidorovichi Mogilevsky district. Once in Italy, he went to the partisans. After the liberation of this country received "Certificate of Patriot". Engineer from Dzerzhinsk A. Voronkov, escaped in 1943 from the fascist concentration camp, was the head of the headquarters of the partisan squad, and then the brigades that acted in the territory of Belgium. After the expulsion of the fascist invaders, he among the 30 other Soviet partisans was awarded the Higher Military Belgian Order.

Many Belarusians participated in Polish, Czech, French resistance movement. Wife tires played a special role. In May 1944, the women created the partisan detachment "Rodina", who were led by Minskanka N. Li-Soving, from the Camp "Eruvil". The detachment took part in various combat operations. Later the commander of the detachment, as well as R. Semenova-Friddz was awarded the title of Lieutenant of the French Army.

In Czechoslovakia, the Brigade named after K. Gotulad, which was headed by a native of the Lepiel district V. Kvitinsky. Only in September 1944, a brigade carried out 158 \u200b\u200bcombat operations. The Soviet government assigned its commander the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Many Belarusian officers, generals and admirals became famous military leaders: A. Antonov - Head of the General Staff of the Red Army, F. Kuznetsov, V. Sokolovsky - Commander of Fronts, V. Vashkevich, K. Kovalenko, S. Lubarsky, B. Pigore - HIV - Heads of headquarters of Fronts, D. Bartnovsky - Head of the headquarters of the Air Force of the Navy. Belarusians were the head of the headquarters of the military air defense system of the country, General N. Nagorny, Chief of the headquarters of the armored troops of the Red Army General P. Makarov, Head of the Military Chemical Management of the Red Army General P. Melnikov. During the war years, more than 20 Belarusian generals commanded the armies, about 40 headquartered army headquarters, more than 50 were commanded by corps. Three General-Belarusians during the Great Patriotic War were members of the military councils of fronts and districts: D. Gap-Novich, T. Shtykov, F. Yakovlev, two Admiral Belorus were chiefs of political recommendations: N. Norik - on the Northern Fleet, P. Bond -New - on the Black Sea Fleet.

Many Belarusians worked in the office of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, in military schools and in other positions in the existing army.

For heroism and courage shown during the war years, more than 300 thousand natives of Belarus were awarded orders and medals, more than 440 of them became the heroes of the Soviet Union, 65 - full cavaliers of the Order of Glory. Tens of Belarusians were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for participating in the partisan struggle.

The Belarusian people remember those who gave life for the liberation of the Fatherland. As the symbols of eternal glory, the soldiers of the Soviet Army and partisans are towering in Minsk, as well as in other cities and towns of Belarus, majestic obeliski monuments. Active works are carried out on the reconstruction of the Brest Hero Fortress. At the 21st kilometer of the Moscow highway, the symbol of eternal gratitude to the warriors of fame as follows.