What element begins 4 period. Electronic configurations of the elements of the fourth period from scandium to zinc

Concept transition element Usually used to designate any element with valence D-or F electrons. These elements occupy a transitional position between the electric s-elements and electronegative P-elements in the periodic table.

d-elements are customary called the main transition elements. Their atoms are characterized by an internal building of D-submaroes. The fact is that the S-orbital of their outer shell is usually filled before the filling of D-orbitals in the previous electron shell begins. This means that each new electron added to the electronic shell of the next D-element, in accordance with the principle of filling, does not fall on outdoor shell, and on the inner submarine preceding it. The chemical properties of these elements are determined by participation in the reactions of electrons of both specified shells.

d-elements form three transition rows - in the 4th, 5th and 6th periods, respectively. The first transition range includes 10 elements from scandium to zinc. It is characterized by an internal building of 3D orbitals. Orbital 4S is filled earlier than the 3D orbital, Because it has less energy (Clekkovsky rule).

It should, however, note the existence of two anomalies. Chrome and copper have only one electron on their 4S orbital. The fact is that the semi-filled or fully filled sublicas are greater stability than partially filled submaroes.

In the chromium atom on each of five 3D orbitals forming a 3D submarine, there is one electron. Such a submarine is half-filled. In the copper atom, each of the five 3D orbitals is located on the pair of electrons. Similar anomaly observed in silver.

All D-elements are metals.

Electronic configurations of elements of the fourth period from scandium to zinc:


Chrome is in the 4th period, in the VI group, in a side subgroup. This is a metal of medium activity. In its compounds, chromium shows the degree of oxidation +2, +3 and +6. CRO is a typical main oxide, Cr 2 O 3 - amphoteric oxide, CRO 3 - typical acidic oxide with the properties of a strong oxidant, i.e., the growth of oxidation is accompanied by an increase in acidic properties.


Iron is in the 4th period, in VIII group, in a side subgroup. Iron - metal of medium activity, in its compounds the most characteristic degrees of oxidation is +2 and +3. Also, iron compounds are also known in which it shows the degree of oxidation +6, which are strong oxidizing agents. Feo shows the main, and Fe 2 O 3 is amphoteric with the predominance of basic properties.


Copper is in the 4th period, in the I group, in a side subgroup. Its most stable degrees of oxidation +2 and +1. In a number of stresses of metals, copper is after hydrogen, its chemical activity is not very large. Copper oxides: Cu2o Cuo. The latter and hydroxide of copper Cu (OH) 2 exhibit amphoteric properties with the predominance of the main.


Zinc is in the 4th period, in the II group, in a side subgroup. Zinc refers to metals of medium activity, in its compounds shows the only degree of oxidation +2. Oxide and zinc hydroxide are amphoteric.

In long periods of the Mendeleev system, including the so-called plug-in decades, contains for ten elements, in which number of electrons in the outer shell is two (two-electrons) and which differ only in the number of -Electrons in second outside Sheath. Such elements are, for example, elements from scandium to zinc or from yttrium to cadmium.

The second outside the shell plays a smaller role in the manifestation of chemical properties than the outer shell, for the connection of the electrons of the outer shell with the nucleus is weaker than in second outside. Therefore, elements in the atoms of which the outer shells are built the same and different only the second outside the shell is different, much less different from each other by chemical propertiesthan elements with various build Outdoor shells. Thus, all the elements of the plug-in decades forming the so-called side subgroups of the main eight groups of the Mendeleev system are metals, they are all characterized by valence variable. IN sixth period mendeleev systemsIn addition to the plug-in decade, there are 14 following the lanthanum of the elements, which difference in the structure of the electronic shells is manifested only in the third outside of the electronic shell (there is a filling /-----it in the fourth shell in the presence of filled places these elements (lanthanides) on-23

As a result of experiments to determine the charges of atomic nuclei by 4 g. total number The known elements - from hydrogen (z \u003d 1) to uranium (z \u003d 92) - amounted to 86. Six elements with atomic numbers \u003d 43, 61, 72, 75, 85, 87 were missing in the system \u003d 43, 61, 72, 75, 85, 87. However, despite these gaps, It was already clear that in the first period of the Mendeleev system there should be two elements - hydrogen and helium, in the 2nd and third - on eight elements, in the fourth and fifth - to eighteen, in the sixth - thirty two elements.13

Prior to clarification of the structure of the sixth period of the Mendeleev system, element No. 72 was looking for among rare-earth elements, and even individual scientists were already declared about the opening of this element. When it turned out that sixth period of the Mendeleev system It contains 32 elements, of which 14 of them are rare-earth, then N. Bohr indicated that element No. 72 is already beyond the rare earth, in the fourth group, and is, as expected by Mendeleev, an analogue of zirconium.

Similarly, Bor pointed out that element number 75 is in the seventh group and is a predicted Mendeleeval analogue of manganese. Indeed, in 3 g. In the zirconane ores, element No. 72 was opened, called Hafnia, and it turned out that all the zirconium called the zirconium was essentially a mixture of zirconium and hafnium.

In the same 3 g, the search for element No. 75 was taken in different minerals, where, on the basis of the relationship with manganese, the presence of this element was expected. Chemical operations to highlight this element were also based on the intended intimacy by its properties to manganese. Searches were crowned in 5 g. opening a new element called Rhenium.24

But it did not exhaust all the possibilities of artificially obtaining new elements. The border of the periodic system in the field of light nuclei is set by hydrogen, for it cannot be an element with a nucleus charge less than one.

But in the area of \u200b\u200bheavy nuclei, this border is by no means as uranium. In truth, the absence of in nature is more severe than uranium, elements speaks only that the periods of the half-life of such elements are significantly less than the age of the Earth. Therefore, among the three trees of natural radioactive decay, including isotopes with bulk numbers A \u003d 4p, 4l- -2 and 4 4-3, only branches starting with long-range isotopes are preserved, and 2 and all short-period branches, figuratively spending, dried and fell off in unmame. In addition, the fourth tree of radioactive decay was completely dried and died, including isotopes with mass numbers L \u003d 4G + 1, if ever and were on Earth the isotopes of this series.
As is known, in the fourth and fifth periods of the Mendeleev system contained 18 elements, in the sixth period there are 32 elements, because between the element of the third group of Lantane (No. 57) and the element of the fourth group Hafenia (No. 72) are still fourteen similar to Lantane rare-earth elements. .

After finding out the structure of the seventh period of the D. I. Mendeleev system, it became clear that in periodic system Over the first period of the two elements, there are two periods of eight elements, then two periods of eighteen elements and two periods of thirty-two elements. In the 2nd one period, which should end the element. Tom no, while it lacks another seventeen elements of these two lacks for the completion of the actinide family, and the element number should already be located in the fourth group of the periodic system, being an analogue of Hafnia.

For p + / \u003d 5, the levels l \u003d 3, 1 \u003d 2 (m), l \u003d 4, / \u003d 1 (4p) and, finally, l \u003d 5, / \u003d o (55) are filled. If the calcium is filled with electronic levels, in order of increasing the numbers of electronic shells (15, 25, 2r, zZ, SR, 45), then after filling the fourth e-shell, instead of continuing to fill this shell / 7-electrons, the previous, third , shell -electron. In total, each shell can be, as clearly from the above, 10 -electrons. Accordingly, due to calcium in the periodic system, 10 elements are followed from scandium (3 452) to zinc (3 452), in the atoms of which are filled with a silent third shell, and only then the p-layer of the fourth shell is filled with a p-layer (3 (CHS R) Until Krypton Zychz R). In Rubidia and strontium, beginning the fifth period, 55- and 552-electrons appear.

Studies of the last fifteen years led to the artificial preparation of a number of short-period. The isotopes of the nuclei of the elements from mercury to uranium, to the resurrection of the Parents of Uranium, Prutact and Thorium that have long died in the nature of the Zauranic elements from № 93 to No. -And to the reconstruction of the fourth row of decay, including isotopes with mass numbers / 4 \u003d 4ge- -1. This series can be consecrated by a number of disintegration of neptune, because the most long-lived isotope of element No. 93 - a half-life of which is close to 2 million years old.

The sixth period begins the filling of two places for S-electrons in the sixth sheath, so that the structure of the outer shells of the atoms of the element No. 56 - barium - has the form 4S j0 D 05S2P66S2. Obviously, with a further increase in the number of electrons in the atoms of the elements following the barium, the filling of the shells or 4 / -, or Bd- or, finally, the BR-electrons. Already in the fourth and fifth period mendeleev systemscontaining 18 elements, filling the D-places second outside The shell occurred earlier than filling the rs of the outer shell. So B. sixth period Filling 6/7-places begins only with element No. 81-Tallaria. - In the atoms of twenty-four elements located between Barium and Tallium, there is a filling of the fourth shell / electorons and the fifth shell by D-electrons.

Patterns of changes in the activity of D-elements in the period


Choose a heading 1. Physico-chemical properties of oil, natural gas 3. Basics of the development of oil fields and operation 3.1. Fountain operation of oil wells 3.4. Operation of wells submersible electric centers 3.6. The concept of the development of oil and gas wells 7. Methods of influence on the bottomhole zone of the reservoir. Bedders test nodes Screw outflows Emergency and special modes of operation of electrical equipment Aggregates for repair and drilling wells Analysis of the reasons for wellbiz wellbore Analysis of high-pressure well-repairs reinforcement reinforcement reinforcement auptic asphaltosmol-paraffin deposits without Categories Headless Gas Burning Celebration Borehole Pump Settings Blogun Blocks Circulation Systems. Wrestling of hydrates Fighting paraffin in lifting pipes Drilling drilling side trunks Drilling obliquely aimed and horizontal wells Drilling well Drilling columns Automatic stationary keys Drilling units and installations for geological and exploration drilling Drilling rig drill pumps Drilling rig drilling rigs drilling rigs in multi-rigid breeds (MMP) valves. Types of inhomogeneities of the structure of oil deposits Types of wells Screw submersible pumps with a drive on the mouth Moisture content and hydrates of natural gases Composition Hydrate The influence of various factors on the characteristics of the BCO QUESTIONS OPERATION OF SYSTEM SYSTEMS SYSTEMS - WEZN CHOICE OF EQUIPMENT AND MODE OF OPERATION OF WEZN CHOICE WORK-ROOKING GROUPS GASLIFT INSTALLATION LNS Gas Lump Wells gas lift method of oil production Gaza oil and gas fields and their properties Hydrate formation in gas-condensate wells Hydrate formation in the oil collection system hydraulic protection of the submersible electric motor Hydrogenation GKSh-1500MT hydraulic pump Chapter 8. Means and methods of calibration and calibration of consideration systems Single pumps Horizontal drilling Mountain and geological conditions Drilling of oil and gas wells Granulometric (mechanical) composition of breeds of far transport oil and gas deformation pressure gauges diaphragm electric pumps diesel hydraulic agro YEGAT SAT-450 Diesel and Diesel Hydraulic Units Dynamometry DNU Settings with LPM Design OJSC Orenburgneft Production Oil Mining Oil Production In Complicated Conditions Oil Mining Using SCNU Liquid Pressure Gauge Motor Motors Downloads Acid Solutions in the well Docking fittings. Protection of oilfield equipment from corrosion protection against corrosion of oilfield equipment Changes in the wellbore course Measurement of pressure, flow rate, liquid, gas and steam Measurement of the amount of liquids and gases Measurement of fluids, gases and vapors Measuring the level of liquids measurement of low-riveted information technologies in oil and gas testing of well electric heaters Investigation Depth-pump wells Research efficiency Cable WEZN Overhaul Repair of wells Complex equipment Type of CBS and SPE1 Construction of the screw rod pump The design of the valve assembly corrosion of the cranes. Fastening of wells KTPPN Manifold Pendulum Layout Safety Measures in the preparation of acid solutions Method for calculating the drill columns The methods of anti-paraffin deposits in fountain wells The impact methods on the bottomhole zone to increase the reservoir oil recovery methods and means of measuring the level of fluids. Methods of indirect pressure measurements Methods of salts removal mechanisms of movement and leveling of drilling rigs Mechanisms of movement and alignment of mechanisms for descending-lifting operations when drilling loads acting on the installation of ground equipment Pump operation of wells Pumping-compressor pipes Inhomogeneous reservoir oil and petroleum products Portal news new technological and technical Ensuring environmental safety processes of production Gas-lifting equipment equipment Equipment for extension operations Equipment for oil and gas Equipment for simultaneous separate operations Equipment for open fountains General purpose equipment Equipment Equipment of well, finished drilling Equipment of the mouth of compressor wells. Equipment of the wellbore. Operation WEZN Equipment fountain wells Equipment of fountain wells Processing of concubine zo formation of hydrates and methods of combating the formation of crystallohydrates in oil wells General concepts about underground and overhaul General concepts about the construction of wells Restricting the influence of reservoir water Dangerous and harmful physical factors Determination of the pressure on the pump output Testing of promising horizons Optimizing the operation of the SCNU Operation Flexible traction element mastering and testing wells development and starting to work fountain wells complications in the process of recessing well Basic concepts and positions Basic concepts and provisions Basics of oil, gas and gas condensate Fundamentals of hydraulic calculations in drilling Fundamentals of oil and gas production Basics of design of directional wells for industrial safety. Cleaning Bucked well from the sludge Cleaning of passing gases Soldering and upline Packer Hydromechanical two-brand PGMD1 Packers Hydromechanical, Hydraulic and Mechanical Testing Packers Columns Packers of rubber-metal overlapping PCMM-1 Packers and Yakori Parameters and completeness of circulation systems Tale block parameters for working with ASP Primary opening of productive reservoirs Primary methods of cementing Mobile pumping installations and aggregates Processing of trapped oil (petroleum) Periodic Gazelift Prospects for use DNU Increase efficiency Efficiency of work SSNU Immersion pumps under the dynamic level Underground equipment Fountain wells Lifting a viscous fluid on the borehopnery of the well-turning tools Piston pressure loss pressure gauges when driving fluid on NKT Safety Rules during the operation of wells for maintenance of repair work in the wells of the RD 153-39-023-97 The formation of salts of the prevention of the formation of ASPO preventing the formation of ASPO with the work of SGN The advantages of the long-term preparation of solutions of acids. Preparation, cleaning of drilling fluids Application of inkjet compressors for disposal Application of WEZN in wells OJSC OJSC Orenburgneft Principle of action and features of the design bottom with LMP Causes and analysis Alarms Forecasting deposits Nose during oil production Design of the trajectory of the directed wells Design, arrangement and analysis of hydrocarbon fields Washing Wells and Drilling Solutions Fishery Studies Commercial Methods for Definition of Education Zones Nose Fishing Collection and Preparation of Oil, Gas and Water Anti-Violation Equipment Ways of Enhancement of Efficiency Operation of Wells Placement of Operational and Purchasing Wells for Miscellaneous Destruction of Mountains Distribution of Cliffs along the length of the column Ran Regulation of the properties of cement mortar and stone using reagents of mining and discharge modes. Reserves Reduction of power consumption When operating Repair on the ecological improvement of the well Foundation The role of fountain pipes Self-propelled installations with movable ... Mesh Placement of wells System for catching light hydrocarbons Well-gas seals (packers) Well centrifugal pumps for oil production Composition and some properties of oil and gas seats Special nestless rod pump Oil production methods used in deposits of OJSC Methods for assessing the state of the PZP Comparative Tests of Pump Facilities Means and Methods for Tailing Meters of the amount of gases Means and methods of verification of meters of the amount of liquids development of deposits of deposits Machine tools inkjet Pumps Inkjet Pump Meters of the amount of gases The number of liquids Tale mechanisms Temperature and Pressure in rocks and wells Theoretical basis Safety Technique Measurement Consumption Technical Physics Treatment Travel Movement Well Pipe Indications Calculation of Short Circuit Conditions Conditions of Liquid and Gas In Well Installation of Hydrogen Pumps For Oil Production Installation of Submersible Screw Electronastes Installation of Submersible Diaphragm Electronosos Education intensity ASPO Physico-mechanical properties of breed collectors Physical characteristics of gas and gas gases Filters Filter Method of oil production Cementing wells Circulating systems of drilling rigs Sliding cements Shloching cements joint grinding rods (SHN) Rod pumping installations (SCHNA) Roda pumps for lifting viscous Oil rod borehole pumps Roded borehole pumps SCN Operation of gas wells Operation of low-riveted wells Operation is low X Wells on continuous mode Operation of waterproken paraffin-containing wells Operation of wells Operation of wells WEZN electric radiant. Electrodiaphragm Pump Energy Saving Stone Electron Aggregate Yakori


Potassium - The first element of the fourth period. It is located in the first group of the main (a) subgroup of the periodic table.

Refers to elements S - family. Metal. Elements-metals included in this group are generalized alkaline name. Designation - K. Sequence number - 19. Relative atomic weight - 39,102 A.E.M.

Electronic structure of potassium atom

The potassium atom consists of a positively charged kernel (+19), within which there are 19 protons and 20 neutrons, and around the 4th orbits are moving 19 electrons.

Fig.1. Conceptual structure of potassium atom.

The distribution of electrons by orbitals is as follows:

1s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 6 3s. 2 3p. 6 4s. 1 .

The external energy level of the potassium atom contains 1 electron, which is valence. The degree of potassium oxidation is +1. The energy diagram of the main state takes the following form:

Excited state, despite the presence of vacant 3 p.- and 3. d.-Evubitals not.

Examples of solving problems

Example 1.

The task An element atom has the following electronic configuration 1 s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 6 3s. 2 3p. 6 3d. 10 4s. 2 4p. 3. Specify: a) the charge of the core; b) the number of completed energy levels in the electronic shell of this atom; c) the maximum possible degree of oxidation; d) the valence of the atom in the compound with hydrogen.
Decision In order to answer the questions set, you first need to determine the total number of electrons in the atom chemical element. This can be done by creating all electrons available in the atom without taking into account their distribution in energy levels:

2+2+6+2+6+10+2+3 = 33.

This is arsenic (AS). Now answer questions:

a) the nucleus charge is +33;

b) the atom has four levels from which three are completed;

c) We write the energy diagram for the valence electrons of arsenic atom in the main state.

Arsenic is able to go into an excited state: electrons s.-Production is sprinkled and one of them goes to vacant d.-orbital.

Five unpaired electrons indicate that the maximum possible degree of arsenic oxidation is +5;

d) arsenic valence in compound with hydrogen is equal to III (ASH 3).

Elements of the 4th period of the Periodic Table

n. E. Electronic configuration of element Kr t. pl, about with D. N. PL, KJ / Mol NV, MPa t. kip, about with D. N. kip, kj / mole
K. s. 1 OCC 63,55 2,3 - 89,4
CA. s. 2 HCC 8,4
SC s. 2 d. 1 Hex. 14,1
TI s. 2 d. 2 GPU
V. s. 2 d. 3 OCC 23,0
CR s. 1 d. 5 OCC 21,0
MN. s. 2 d. 5 OCC 12,6 -
FE. s. 2 d. 6 OCC 13,77
Co. s. 2 d. 7 Hex. 16,3
Ni. s. 2 d. 8 HCC 17,5
Cu. s. 1 d. 10 HCC 12,97
Zn. s. 2 d. 10 GPU 419,5 7,24 -
GA. s. 2 d. 10 p. 1 Rhombus. 29,75 5,59
GE. s. 2 d. 10 p. 2 PC 958,5 -
As s. 2 d. 10 p. 3 Hex. 21,8 - Subl.
SE s. 2 d. 10 p. 4 Hex. 6,7 685,3
Br. s. 2 d. 10 p. 5 -7,25 10,6 - 59,8 29,6
Kr. s. 2 d. 10 p. 6 -157 1,64 - -153 9,0
In tab. 3.4 and in Fig. 3.8 shows the data on the change in some physicochemical characteristics. simple substances Fourth period of Table D.I. Mendeleeva (the first period containing d.- elements) based on the number of external electrons. All of them are associated with the energy of the interaction between atoms in the condensed phase and in the period naturally change. The nature of the change in the characteristics on the number of electrons at the external level allows separate areas of the region of an increase (approximately 1-6), the relative constant area (6-10), the area of \u200b\u200bdecrease in values \u200b\u200b(10-13), a jump-like increase (14) and monotonous decrease ( 14-18).

Fig. 3.8. The dependence of the melting point ( t. pl) and boiling ( t. kip), enthalpy melting (D N. PL) and boiling (D N. KIR), chapel hardness of simple substances of the 4th period from the number of electrons in the external energy level (the number of electrons is over the fully filled shell of the noble gas AR)

As noted, to describe the chemical bond arising between atoms of metals, the representations of the method of valence relations can be used. The approach to the description can be illustrated by the example of potassium crystal. Potassium atom at the external energy level has one electron. In an isolated potassium atom, this electron is located on 4 s.-Ibed. At the same time, in the potassium atom, there are not much different in energy from 4 s.-Ided free orbital electrons related to 3 d., 4p.-proving. It can be assumed that in the formation of a chemical bond, the valence electron of each atom can be located not only on 4 s.-therbital, but also on one of the free orbital. One valence electro atom allows him to implement one single connection with the nearest neighbor. The presence in the electronic structure of the atom differ in the energy of free orbitals suggests that the atom can '' abscess'''''l from his neighbor to one of the free orbitals and then it will have the opportunity to form two single connections with the nearest neighbors. Due to the equality of distances to the nearest neighbors and indistinguishability of atoms, various implementation options are possible. chemical ties between neighboring atoms. If we consider the fragment of the crystal lattice of four neighboring atoms, then possible options Showing in Fig. 3.9.

Elements of the 4th period of the periodic table - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category of "elements of the 4th period of the periodic table" 2015, 2017-2018.