Where did the phrase "and the Larkor just opened. And Lark just opened with what fairy tale an expression and a lark

Were borrowed from literary works. Some of them came to us from the famous Basen Ivan Andreevich Krylov. For example, the phraseology "And Larkor simply opened".

In this article, we will look at this quote from Krylov's Basni, we will define its importance and morality.

The value of the phraseology "And the Lark just opened"

To determine the expression, we turn to different dictionaries. I. S. Ozhegova gives the following interpretation of this stable phrase: "About what seemed difficult, but in fact it was completely simple." Linguist noted that the expression is used in a conversational style.

Consider how the definition of the dictionary of I. A. Bunin edited by A. I. Vasilyeva gives a stable phrase "and Larkor simply opened." The value of the phraseologism in it the following. "It is used when they talk about any matter, the question, with the resolution of which there was nothing to wise."

The phraseological dictionary of Rosa T.V. Contains such an interpretation: "A simple way out of seemingly predicary position."

As we see, all definitions are expressed in various words, but have a general meaning.

History of origin

As already noted, it came to us from the Basni 1808 "Larchik" Krylova I. A. She begins with the author's main thought. Then the story follows how one mechanic is trying to unravel the secret of Larz without a castle: how it opens.

He turns him and so, and Syak, breaks his head, presses at different places. But the Larkor does not give in, and the audience laugh. The mechanic tried, sweated, tired and surrendered. And the casket opened simply, he was not locked.

Moral stable phrase

There is such a "break into the open door". It perfectly transmits the value of the phraseology "A Larkor simply opened". The author of the quotes in question, the quotes from Basni transmits readers the idea that often complex in the opinion of the situation have a completely simple way out.

The phrase from this work instantly became a winged. It is popular with writers and journalists. The first often use it in the dialogues, and the second - in the headlines. They use this expression in order to show that everything is actually easier and clearer than it seems.

The value of the bass is relevant for all of us. After all, it often seems to us difficult that sometimes actually has a simple solution. In such cases, it is worth remembering the fastening of the Krylov "Lark". She shows great to us how people complicate what has a simple way out.

A truly winged phrase "A Larkor simply opened" is one of the few who did not lose its initial value - the task whose solution was seen very difficult, the verification turned out to be a simple, not requiring great effort.

What fable phrase "and Larkor just opened"

It so happened that there are few people who love the literary genre of Basni, whether the works of domestic or foreign writers, but almost any child study them back at school, and some of them he even teaches by heart, and it would seem necessary to remember at least approximately What are they, if he does not remember the author. However, often does not remember. A happy exception in this sense was the works of the Russian author I. A. Krylov. Basni about Fox and Crow, Marty and Points, Demyanov's ear not only was not forgotten, but also gave us a lot of expressions of expressions.

Written in 1807, the fables "Larchchik" talks about the Larz made by the master with a secret, to solve which the sage tried unsuccessfully. The final line of this instructive story in verses and is the phrase "And Larchchik simply opened." Although the plot of the Basni itself will be able to restore not everything in memory, but here's a clear formulation of morality, without which the fable is not a fable, it has been firmly entered our life and continues to be relevant even now.

One of the meanings invested in this phraseologist is also a call not to try to solve a simple problem in complex ways that can only aggravate it. The most consonant in the expression of the analogues can be considered an equally well-known phraseological turnover "break into the open door" and the unforgettable "on every sage is pretty simplicity."

Marina Serov.

And the Lark just opened

Tarasov - the usual provincial town with a million inhabitants. Not better and no worse than others. It has everything in other Russian cities: cinemas and shopping centers, stadiums and universities, restaurants, casinos, nightclubs. And there are airports, museums, theaters, large squares and beautiful cathedrals. In general, there is everything.

Yes, and life in Tarasov flows the same way as everywhere, there is both good and bad. There are snowstorms and floods, landslides and hurricanes, inflation and privatization. Elections and re-elections, exposing unclean politicians and registered killings.

By the way, in terms of registered killings of Tarasov does not lag behind the capital. First, kill some criminal authority in your own office, and with him - still God knows how many people. Then explode with the car of the entrepreneur, etching local politics, kill the president from the pistol of some society at the entrance of the house. Then the former mayor is dying to mysterious death, or under strange circumstances commit suicide large industrialist ... This list can continue and continue.

But besides the negative, which is rich in modern life, Tarasovtsy have a whole heap of sights - several theaters, a Sobinovskaya Conservatory, founded by the grandson of the Radishchev Museum ... There were Chernyshevsky, Sobinov, Konstantin Fedin, Lion Cassille and many other famous people of the past. Tarasov's city was lucky and celebrities with current, such as tobacco, yankovsky, or pop star Alena Apina, Bari Alibasov and others on-nitcy.

Tarasov always famous for their love for art. There is no other city on the map, which would be so appreciated touring musicians and actors. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the incident described below occurred here, in Tarasov ...

* * *

The long-awaited event was accomplished in all the favorite Museum named after Radishchev - an exhibition of a unique collection of ancient icons. Tarasovtsy, passionate fans and connoisseurs of "traditions of antiquity of deep", looking forward to her discoveries. The Museum Director several months led negotiations with the owner of the Collection of Sergei Viktorovich Lejnishchev.

The collector of rarities did not object against the exhibition and agreed to show her collection, but ... unexpectedly happened: at the last moment, when there was only a contract left to sign, urgent cases demanded the presence of Godishchev in Moscow, and the treaty remained unsigned. The director of the Museum of Alexei Petrovich Belov, very distressed, of course, in this circumstance, literally precipitated journalists from television and from local newspapers, and since he did not doubt it at all that the contract would be signed, reported reporters about the exhibition as a matter of decisive. And suddenly once ... such an offensive problem.

In the meantime, Alexey Petrovich decided to do the repair and prevention of the museum's security system, so that when finally the icons would take their places, everything was in Openwork and was not to complain about what.

The alarm system in the museum, of course, was rather old and left much to be desired. The director with excitement thought that she would not be able to provide a full, reliable protection of the valuable collection of icons during the exhibition, which was held negotiations. But quite recently, this miracle happened: one company suggested a museum to establish an ultra-modern security system with video cameras and other wise quantities in exchange for the Assubsidian Museum. Belov first refused, but then judged like this: he will rain money from the state no earlier than six months, and then still will have to seriously engage in alarm. Therefore, with a clear conscience, agreed to accept the proposal, which seemed quite acceptable to him. Relevant documents were signed, and the firm pledged to establish all the necessary devices on the first request.

And now, since the exhibition was postponed, the Director decided to use the services of the company. On the same day, when it turned out that the Godishchev urgently should go to Moscow, Belov called the brigade of installers. They came soon and began to upload equipment. Alexey Petrovich followed them with undisguised admiration, they worked so easily and cooled. The museum threshold gradually grown the mountain of boxes, boxes and wire bays. Ladders lay, rope lifts and a lot of all incomprehensible equipment. Belov opened the museum's door before the brigade, and the mountain from the porch also swiftly moved inside. Installers, everything as one in orange overalls, as quickly and noddedly led their equipment into a working condition. Alexey Petrovich did not hesitate everywhere, work was carried out immediately in several places of the building, every ten minutes the brigadier came to him and clarified some details. In a word, the museum turned into an anthill.

It ended everything exactly in a day as suddenly, as it began. Alexey Petrovich passed on a museum with inspection. He expected to see any garbage, scraps of wires, for example, but in the halls it was perfectly clean. The signaling, as the old man, called the security system of white, was established, and the traces of any activity remained and in risen. The director walked around the building twice, inspected the doors, windows, from which the ugly wires from the old alarm disappeared. In general, everything was in order.

Then he went to the former technician, where the entire museum trash was selected earlier. Now there is a security control panel. The room was forced monitors, devices and other boxes of incomprehensible destination. Alexey Petrovich gently sat down on the chair before the main console, looking at this miracle of technology. Suddenly they knocked on the door, and without waiting for an answer, a young high guy in a gray suit entered the room. Okuloving everything quickly, he appealed to Alexei Petrovich:

Hello, you director?

Yes, I, Alexey Petrovich Belov, director of the museum.

Excellent! I am Maxim Romanenko, sent me from the company that set the system here. For a month I will work with her operator. During this time, you can find me a replacement from your staff or hire a person, and I am His Around Training.

Wonderful! "Smiling, said Alexey Petrovich. "I just now thought that we would now do with all this, and, frankly, I wanted to call you."

Well, since I myself am here, let me explain to you how the system works so that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat got. "The guy put a small leather case on the table and, by clicking the locks, extracting a huge thick book, sealed to polyethylene. - Here is the instruction manual, but only the one who can handle the system can actually use it.

It happens often to us
Where it is just guessed
For a business just take.

Someone brought a casket from Master.
Finished, the purity of the casket was thrown into the eyes;
Well, all sorts of stacker admired.
Here is a sage into the mechanics room.
Looking at the Lark, he said: "The casket with a secret,
So; He and without a castle;
And I will take open; Yes, yes, sure about it;
Do not laugh so much!
I will find a secret and caster I will open:
In the mechanics and I still stand something. "
Here for the casket he began:
Turns it from all sides
And his head breaks his head;
That carnation, then the other, the bracket shakes.
Here, looking at him, other
Shakes his head;
Those whisper, and they laugh at each other.
In the ears only given:
"Not here, not so, not there!" Mechanic is rushing.
Sweat, sweated; But finally, tired,
From Larkor behind
And how to open it, I did not guessed:
And the Lark just opened.

It happens often to us
And work and wisdom to see there
Where it is just guessed
For a business just take.

It happens often to us
And work and wisdom to see there
Where it is just guessed
For a business just take.

Someone brought a casket from Master.
Finished, the purity of the casket was thrown into the eyes;
Well, all sorts of stacker admired.
Here is a sage into the mechanics room.
Looking at the Lark, he said: "The casket with a secret,
So; He and without a castle;
And I will take open; Yes, yes, sure about it;
Do not laugh so much!
I will find a secret and caster I will open:
In the mechanics and I still stand something. "
Here for the casket he began:
Turns it from all sides
And his head breaks his head;
That carnation, then the other, the bracket shakes.
Here, looking at him, other
Shakes his head;
Those whisper, and they laugh at each other.
In the ears only given:
"Not here, not so, not there!" Mechanic is rushing.
Sweat, sweated; But finally, tired,
From Larkor behind
And how to open it, I did not guessed:
And the Lark just opened.



Once the mechanic was in the workshop. There he had a chance to see a beautiful and skillfully performed strik. There was no lock on this string. The hero argued that he would definitely solve the secret of the mechanism and open the casket. The mechanic tried to open a casket with various methods. However, all attempts remained unsuccessful. Near him crowded the people and laughed at him. As a result, the mechanic tired and retreated. And as it turned out, the casket was simply opened.


A person is often trying to find complex ways to solve the problem when it can actually be solved quite easily.

Analysis of Basny

History of creation

Basna "Larchchik" was first read by I. A. Krylov at Prince Shakhovsky in May 1807. The work was published in the journal "Dramatic Bulletin" for 1808

Meaning of the name

Larchik (or casket) - an outdated name of a small box, a chest, who often had some cunning castle with a secret.

Main theme

The main topic of the work is a mockery over unnecessary physical and mental efforts in the easiest thing.

Before the appearance of a sage, no one comes to the head that the casket can have some secret. People just admire the wonderful work of the master.

The sage is far from understanding the beautiful, he does not fail to demonstrate his deep knowledge in the mechanics. The lack of a castle at Lartz only strengthens his suspicions about the secret. However, all the knowledge and skills of the sage do not bring him any success. The hero can not open the casket in any way and recognizes his defeat.

In the final, which later included in the saying, the phrase ("and Larkor simply opened") contains a caustic irony about overly praising his mind of people falling into a dead end in everyday situations.


The main problem, laid down in Basna, is intent to complicate obvious things and concepts. The author gives the most visual example, but this problem is found in almost all areas of human activity.

Showing his "melting", people strive to rise, artificially raise their authority and achieve respect from others. That's just often their mental swells are not only useless, but also frankly stupid.