Story about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars. Deportation of the Crimean Tatars

The deportation of the Crimean Tatars in the last year of the Great Patriotic War was a mass eviction of the local residents of the Crimea in a row of areas of the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR, the Mari ASSR and other republics of the Soviet Union.

It happened immediately after the release of the peninsula from the Hitler's invaders. The official cause of the action was called the criminal assistance of many thousands of Tatars with invaders.

Collaborators of Crimea

The eviction was carried out under the control of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in May 1944. The order of the deportation of Tatars, allegedly included in the collaborationist groups during the occupation of the Crimean ASSR, Stalin signed shortly before that, on May 11th. Beria substantiated reasons:

Desertion of 20 thousand Tatars from the army for the period 1941-1944;
- the unreliability of the Crimean population, especially pronounced in border areas;
- the threat to the security of the Soviet Union because of the collaborationist actions and the anti-Soviet moods of the Tatar of Crimea;
- Hyon 50,000 civilians in Germany with the assistance of the Crimean Tatar Committees.

In May 1944, the Government of the Soviet Union has not yet had all the figures relating to the real position in the Crimea. After the defeat of Hitler and the counting of losses, it became known that 85.5 thousand new "slaves" of the Third Reich was actually stolen in Germany only from among the civilian population of Crimea.

Almost 72 thousand executed with the direct participation of the so-called "noise". Schuma - auxiliary police, and in fact - punitive Crimean-Tatar battalions submitted by the fascists. Of these 72 thousand 15 thousand communists were brutally tortured in the largest concentration camp of Crimea, the former collective farm "Red".

Basic accusations

Part of the collaborators after the retreat of Nazis took with them to Germany. Subsequently, a special regiment of the SS was formed from their number. Another part (5,381 people) were arrested by security officers after the release of the peninsula. During arrests seized a lot of weapons. The government feared the armed rebellion of the Tatars because of their proximity to Turkey (the last Hitler was calculated to draw into the war with the Communists).

According to Russian scientist research, Professor of the history of Oleg Romanceko, during the war, 35 thousand Tatars of Crimea could somehow help the fascists: served in the German police, participated in the shootings, issued communists, etc. For this, even distant relatives of traitors rely on reference and confiscation of property.

The main argument in favor of the rehabilitation of the Crimean-Tatar population and his return to the historical homeland was the fact that the deportation was actually not carried out on the actual acts of specific people, but on the national basis.

Even those who did not contribute to the fascists went to the link. At the same time, 15% of men-Tatars fought together with other Soviet citizens in the Red Army. In the partisan detachments, 16% were the Tatars. Their families were also deported. In this mass, the concerns of Stalin were reflected in this, that the Crimean Tatars can succumb to the protests, raise the rebellion and be on the side of the enemy.

The government wanted to quickly eliminate the threat from the south. The eviction was carried out urgently, in commodity wagons. On the road, many gibbles because of the cramped, lack of food and drinking water. In total, about 190 thousand Tatars were sent out of Crimea during the war years. 191 Tatar died during transportation. Another 16 thousand died in new places of residence from mass hunger in 1946-1947.

Right holder illustration Getty. Image Caption. Every year, Tatars celebrate the anniversary of the deportation. This year, the Russian authorities were forbidden to carry out a share in Simferopol

On May 18-20, 1944, the Fighters of the NKVD on orders from Moscow were driven to railway cars almost all of the Tatar population of Crimea and sent to Uzbekistan 70s by the 70th echelons.

This is a compulsory eviction of the Tatars, whom the Soviet government accused cooperation with the Nazis, has become one of the most rapid deportations in world history.

How did the Tatars live in the Crimea to deportation?

After the creation of the USSR in 1922, Moscow recognized the Crimean Tatars with the indigenous population of the Crimean ASSR as part of the correction policy.

In the 1920s, Tatars allowed to develop their culture. Crimean newspapers, magazines, educational institutions, museums, libraries and theaters have been published in Crimea.

Crimean Tatar, together with the Russian, was the official language of autonomy. They used more than 140 rural councils.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Tatars amounted to 25-30% of the total population of the Crimea.

However, in the 1930s, the Soviet policy regarding the Tatars, as well as other nationalities of the USSR, became repressive.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Crimean Tatar State Ensemble "Heightarma". Moscow, 1935.

First, the degradation and eviction of the Tatars on the North of Russia and the Ural began. Then the violent collectivization occurred, the holodomor of 1932-33 and the cleaning of the intelligentsia in 1937-1938.

This set up many Crimean Tatars against Soviet power.

When did the deportation occurred?

The main phase of violent resettlement occurred during the incomplete three days, starting at dawn on May 18, 1944 and ended at 16:00 on May 20.

A total of 238.5 thousand people deported from the Crimea - almost all of the Crimean Tatar population.

For this, the NKVD attracted more than 32 thousand fighters.

What caused deportation?

The official cause of violent resettlement was the accusation of the entire Crimean Tatar people in state treason, the "mass destruction of Soviet people" and collaborationism - cooperation with the Nazi occupiers.

Such arguments were kept in solving the State Committee for Defense on Deportation, which appeared a week before the start of evictions.

However, historians call others, informal reasons for resettlement. Among them are the fact that the Crimean Tatars historically had close ties with Turkey, which the USSR at that time considered as a potential opponent.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Spouses in the Urals, 1953

The plans of the USSR Crimea was a strategic bridgehead in case of a possible conflict with Turkey, and Stalin wanted to be reinforced from possible "sabotes and traitors", which he considered Tatars.

In favor of this theory, the fact that the Caucasian regions adjacent to Turkey have been moved by other Muslim ethnic groups: Chechens, Ingush, Karachayvtsev and Balkarians.

Tatars supported the Nazis?

In the anti-Soviet combat detachments formed by the German authorities, served from nine to 20 thousand Crimean Tatars, writes historian Jonathan Otto floor.

Some of them sought to protect their villages from the Soviet partisans, who, according to the testimony of the Tatar themselves, often pursued them on a national basis.

Other Tatars joined the German detachments due to the fact that they were captured to the Nazis and wanted to facilitate the difficult conditions of staying in camps for prisoners of war in Simferopol and Nikolaev.

At the same time, 15% of the adult male Crimean Tatar population fought on the side of the Red Army. During the deportation, they were demobilized and sent to the Labor camps of Siberia and the Urals.

In May 1944, most of those who served in German detachments retreated to Germany. Under the deportation fell mainly wives and children left on the peninsula.

How did the violent relocation occurred?

The NKVD employees came to the Tatar dwellings and declared the owners that because of the treason, their homeland was evicted from the Crimea.

To collect things, they gave 15-20 minutes. Officially, every family had the right to take up to 500 kg of baggage, but really allowed to pick up significantly less, and sometimes nothing.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Mari Assr. Brigade on the forestworker. 1950.

People with cargo cars drove to railway stations. From there, almost 70 echelons were sent to the east with tightly closed commodity wagons, crowded people.

During the move, about eight thousand people died, most of whom are children and older people. The most common causes of death are thirst and typhus.

Some people, not withstanding suffering, went crazy. All property remaining in the Crimea after the Tatars, the state has appropriated.

Where did the Tatar deported?

Most Tatars were sent to Uzbekistan and neighboring areas of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Small groups of people came to the Mari ASSR, to the Urals and to the Kostroma region of Russia.

What were the consequences of deportation for the Tatars?

In the first three years after resettlement from hunger, depletion and diseases, they died, according to different estimates, from 20 to 46% of all deported.

Among the dead for the first year almost half are children under 16.

Due to the lack of pure water, bad hygiene and the lack of medical care among deportes spread malaria, yellow fever, dysentery and other diseases.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Alim Ilyasova (right) with a girlfriend, whose name is unknown. Beginning of the 1940s

The newcomers did not have natural immunity against many local ailments.

What status did they have in Uzbekistan?

The overwhelming majority of the Crimean Tatars were transported to the so-called special settlements - surrounded by armed guards, blocks and fenced barbed wires rather reminded labor camps than settlements of peaceful people.

The visitors were cheap working strength, they were used to work in collective farms, state farms and industrial enterprises.

In Uzbekistan, they treated cotton fields, worked in mines, at construction sites, factories and factories. Among heavy work was the construction of Farhadskaya HPP.

In 1948, Moscow recognized the Crimean Tatars with lifelong migrants. Those who, without the permission of the NKVD, went beyond their special settlements, for example, to visit relatives, were hazardous than 20 years of conclusion. Such cases were.

Even before the propaganda is deported, hatred of the Crimean Tatars, the branding of them as traitors and enemies of the people.

As the historian Greta Lynn writes, Uzbeks were told that "cyclops" and "cannibals" ride them, and advised to stay away from the aliens.

After the deportation, some local residents feel their heads come to check that horns do not grow on them.

Later, learning that the Crimean Tatars with them faith, Uzbeks were surprised.

Children of immigrants could get an education in Russian or Uzbek, but not in Crimean Tatar.

By 1957, any publications on Crimean Tatar were prohibited. From the Big Soviet Encyclopedia seized an article about the Crimean Tatars.

This nationality was also banned from entering the passport.

What has changed in the Crimea without the Tatars?

After evicting from the Tatars Peninsula, as well as the Greeks, Bulgarians and Germans, in June 1945, Crimea stopped being an autonomous republic and became the area as part of the RSFSR.

The southern regions of the Crimea, where they used to live predominantly the Crimean Tatars were empty.

For example, according to official data, only 2600 inhabitants remained in the Alushta district, and in Balaklava - 2200. Subsequently, people from Ukraine and Russia began to relocate here.

On the peninsula, there were "toponymic repression" - most cities, villages, mountains and rivers who had Crimean Tatar, Greek or German names received new Russian names. Among exceptions - Bakhchisarai, Dzhanka, Ishun, Saki and Sudak.

Soviet power destroyed Tatar monuments, burned manuscripts and books, including Lenin and Marx Tom, translated into Crimean Tatar.

In mosques opened cinemas and shops.

When was the Tatars allowed to return to the Crimea?

The mode of special settlements for the Tatars existed to the era of Khrushchev detonation - the second half of the 1950s. Then the Soviet government softened the living conditions for them, but did not make accusations of state treason.

In the 1950-1960s, Tatars fought for their right to return to the historical homeland, including through demonstrations in Uzbek cities.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Osman Ibris with his wife Alima. Settlement Kibray, Uzbekistan, 1971

In 1968, the reason for one of these shares was Lenin's birthday. The authorities dispersed the rally.

Gradually, the Crimean Tatars managed to achieve expansion of their rights, but informal, but this is no less strict ban on their return to Crimea, acted until 1989.

In the four next year, half of all Crimean Tatars who lived in the USSR - 250 thousand people returned to the peninsula.

The return to the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe indigenous population was complex and accompanied by land conflicts with local residents who managed to be mastered on the new land. Large confrontations still managed to avoid.

Annexia of Crimea Russia in March 2014 was a new challenge for the Crimean Tatars. Some of them left the peninsula due to persecution.

Another Russian authorities themselves banned entry into the Crimea, including the leaders of the Crimean Tatar Mustafa Gemilev and Refat Chubarov.

Does deportation signs of genocide?

Some researchers and dissidents believe that the Tatar deportation corresponds to the definition of the genocide adopted by the UN.

They argue that the Soviet government intended to destroy the Crimean Tatars as an ethnic group and purposefully to this goal.

In 2006, Kurultay Krymskotatar people appealed to the Verkhovna Rada with a request to recognize the deportation by genocide.

Despite this, in most historical work and diplomatic documents, the compulsory relocation of the Crimean Tatars is now called deportation, and not a genocide.

In the Soviet Union used the term "resettlement".

I have a neighbor. Crimean partisan. In the mountains, he left in 1943, when he was 16 years old. This will tell about it better than this document than me.

From the stories Grigory Vasilyevich:
"In 1942, Tatars wanted to cut all the Russian population of Yalta. Then the Russians went to bow to the Germans, so that they defend them. The Germans gave the team - not touch ..."
"I don't know a single Tatar, who would be in the partisans ..."
"On May 18, I was told that I would export Tatars in Simferopol. I would have done this today ...."
"Tatars began to attack after evictions along the forests in the forests. Soldiers will fall out in the bushes, and the next day it is suspended for his feet, and member in his mouth .... they took the troops from near Sevastopol and they were held through All the forests of the Crimea. Whom they found - they were shooting. The conversation was short. And a lot of ... "

In general, everything happened like this:

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the Crimean Tatars amounted to less than one fifth population of the peninsula. Here are the correspondence data in 1939:
Russians 558481 - 49.6%
Ukrainians 154120 - 13.7%
Tatars 218179 - 19.4%

Nevertheless, the Tatar minority was not indulging in their rights towards the Russian-speaking population. Rather, the opposite. The state languages \u200b\u200bof the Crimean ASSR were Russian and Tatar. The basis of the administrative division of the Autonomous Republic was the national principle. In 1930, national settlements were created: Russians - 207, Tatar - 144, German - 37, Jewish - 14, Bulgarian - 9, Greek - 8, Ukrainian - 3, Armenian and Estonian - by 2. In addition, national regions were organized . In all schools, the children of national minorities were trained in their native language.

After the start of the Great Patriotic War, many Crimean Tatars were called to the Red Army. However, the service was short. It was worth the front to get closer to the Crimea, like desertion and passing among them took a massive character. It became obvious that the Crimean Tatars are waiting for the arrival of the German army and do not want to fight. The Germans, using the established situation, scattered from the planes of the leaflets with promises to "decide, finally, the question of their independence" - of course, in the form of a protectorate as part of the German Empire.

From the number of Tatars, who surrendered to Ukraine and other fronts, prepared frames of agents, which were thrown into the Crimea to strengthen the anti-Soviet, affected and protashist agitation. As a result of the part of the Red Army, equipped with the Crimean Tatars, turned out to be non-visible and after the entry of the Germans into the territory of the peninsula, the overwhelming majority of their personnel deserted. This is what the statement of the Deputy Commissar of the USSR B.S. Kobulov and the Deputy Commissar of the Internal Affairs of the USSR, Dated April 22, 1944, dated April 22, 1944:

"... everyone designed to the Red Army amounted to 90 thousand people, including 20 thousand Crimean Tatars ... 20 thousand Crimean Tatars deserted in 1941 from the 51st Army during the retreat of her from the Crimea ..." .

Those., The desertion of the Crimean Tatars was practically virtual. This is confirmed by data on individual settlements. Thus, in the village of Couche from 132 designed in 1941 120 people were deserted into the Red Army.

Then began serving the invaders.

Crimean Tatars in the auxiliary troops of the Wehrmacht. February 1942

Eloquent testimony of German Feldmarshal Erich von Manstein: "... Most of the Tatar population of Crimea was configured very friendly towards us. We managed to even form armed company's self-defense from the Tatars, the task of which was to protect their villages from the attacks of the rods hiding in the mountains .... Tatars immediately stood on our side. They saw our liberators from the Bolshevik yoke in us, especially since we respected their religious customs. Tatar deputation arrived to me, brought fruit and beautiful handmade fabrics for the liberator of Tatar "Adolf Effendi". "

On November 11, 1941, the so-called "Muslim committees" were created in Simferopol and a number of other cities and settlements of Crimea. The organization of these committees and their activities took place under the direct leadership of the SS. Subsequently, the leadership of the committees passed to the headquarters of the SD. On the basis of Muslim committees, the Tatar Committee was created with centralized submission to the Crimean Center in Simferopol with widely developed activities throughout the Crimea.

On January 3, 1942, the first official solemn meeting of the Tatar Committee in Simferopol took place. He welcomed the Committee and said that the Führer accepted the proposal of the Tatars to perform in his hands to protect their homeland from Bolsheviks. Tatars, ready to take a weapon, will be enrolled in German Wehrmacht, will be provided to everyone and receive a salary on a par with German soldiers.

After the approval of the general events, Tatars asked permission to complete this first solemn meeting - the beginning of the struggle against the boots - by their custom, prayer, and repeated the following three prayers for their torch:
1st Prayer: For the achievement of early victory and a common goal, as well as for the health and long years of Adolf Hitler's Fuhrer.
2nd prayer: for the German people and his valiant army.
3rd prayer: For the soldiers of the German Wehrmacht fallen in battles.

Crimean-Tatar legions in Crimea (1942): Battalions 147-154.

Many Tatars were used as conductors punitive detachments. Separate Tatar units were sent to the Kerch Front and partially on the Sevastopol section of the front, where they participated in the battles against the Red Army.

As a rule, local "volunteers" were used in one of the following structures:
1. Crimean-Tatar compounds in the German army.
2. Crimean-Tatar punitive and security battalions of SD.
3. Police apparatus and field gendarmerie.
4. Apparatus of prisons and CD camps.

The German Unter-Officer leads the Crimean Tatars, most likely, from the "self-defense police" detachment (under the jurisdiction of the Wehrmacht)

The faces of Tatar nationality that served in the punitive organs and the military units of the enemy were uniform in the German form and were provided with weapons. Persons who distinguished in their treacherous activities were appointed by the Germans for team posts.

Help of the chief command of the German land forces of March 20, 1942:
"The mood of the Tatar is good. The German authorities are subject to obedience and are proud if they are recognized in the service or out. The biggest pride for them is to have the right to wear a German uniform. "

A poster calling the population to join the SS troops. Crimea, 1942

It is also necessary to bring quantitative data about the Crimean Tatars turned out to be among the partisans. On June 1, 1943, 262 people were 262 of the Crimean partisan detachments, of which 145 Russians, 67 Ukrainians and 6 Tatars.

After the defeat of the 6th German Army of Paulus near Stalingrad, Theodosia Muslim Committee collected among the Tatars to help the German army one million rubles. Members of the Muslim Committees in their work were guided by the slogan "Crimea only for Tatars" and spread rumors about the accession of the Crimea to Turkey.
In 1943, the Turkish emissary Amil-Pasha came to Feodosia, who called on the Tatar population to support the events of the German command.

In Berlin, the Tatar National Center was created, representatives of which in June 1943 came to the Crimea to familiarize themselves with the work of Muslim committees.

Parade of the Crimean Tatar police battalion "Schuma". Crimea. Autumn 1942.

In April-May 1944, the Crimean Tatar battalions fought against the Soviet troops liberating the Crimea. Thus, on April 13, there were three Crimean-Tatar battalions in the East of the Crimean Peninsula Station in the East of the Crimean Peninsula against parts of the 11th Guards Building, which lost 800 people. The 149th battalion stubbornly fought in battles for Bakhchisarai.

The remains of the Crimean Tatar battalions were evacuated by the sea. In July 1944, the Tatar Gorn-Yegensky regiment of the SS was formed in Hungary, which was soon deployed in the 1st Tatar mining brigade. A certain number of Crimean Tatars was transferred to France and included in the spare battalion of the Volga-Tatar Legion. Others, mostly untreated young people, were enrolled in the auxiliary air defense service.

Detachment of Tatar "self-defense." Winter 1941 - 1942. Crimea.

After the liberation of Crimea, the hour of payback came by Soviet troops.

"By April 25, 1944, 4206 people of the anti-Soviet element were arrested by the NKVD-NKGB and Smeroid authorities, 430 spies were exposed. In addition, the NKVD troops on the protection of the rear from April 10 to 27, 5.115 people were arrested, including 55 Agents of German intelligence and counterintelligent bodies, 266 traitors of the Motherland and Traitors, 363 accomplices and enemy's deposits, as well as participants in punitive detachments.

48 members of the Muslim committees were arrested, including Izmailov Apas - Chairman of the Karasubazar District Muslim Committee, Batalov Balat - Chairman of the Muslim Committee of the Balaklava District, Belial, Chairman of the Muslim Committee of the Simeiz district, Aliyev Moussa - Chairman of the Muslim Committee of the Zui district.

A significant number of persons from the opponent's agent, gender and accomplices of the German-fascist occupiers were revealed and arrested.

In Sudak, the Chairman of the District Muslim Committee died by Century, who admitted that on the instructions of the Germans organized a volunteer detachment from the Kutatsko-criminal element and led the active struggle against partisans.

In 1942, during the landing of our landing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Feodosia, the detachment of died 12 redarmeys-paratroopers delayed and burned them alive. 30 people were arrested.

In the city of Bakhchisaray, the traitor Abibulaev Jafar was arrested, who voluntarily entered in 1942 in the punitive battalion created by the Germans. For an active struggle with the Soviet patriots, Abibulaev was appointed commander of the punitive platoon and made a shot of civilians suspected of them in connection with the partisans.
The military field court of Abibulaev sentenced to the death penalty.

In the Janka district, a group was arrested among the three Tatars, which, on the task of German intelligence in March 1942, poisoned in the ruins of 200 Gypsies.

As of May 7, this year. 5381 persons of the opponent's agent, traitors of the Motherland, the accomplices of the German fascist occupiers and another anti-Soviet element.

Withdrawn illegally stored weapon-stained weapons 5395 rifles, 337 machine guns, 250 automata, 31 mortars and a large number of garnet and rifle cartridges ...

From the portions of the Red Army by 1944, over 20 thousand Tatars were deserted, which changed their homeland, went to the service to the Germans and the arms fought against the Red Army ...

The fighter of the Tatar "self-defense". Winter 1941 - 1942. Crimea.

Given the treacherous actions of the Crimean Tatars against the Soviet people and on the undestereridation of the further residence of the Crimean Tatars on the border outskirts of the Soviet Union, the NKVD of the USSR introduces the draft decision of the State Defense Committee on evicting all the Tatars from the territory of Crimea.
We consider it expedient to condemn the Crimean Tatars as special settlers in the areas of the Uzbek SSR for use in both agriculture - collective farms, state farms and in industry and construction. The question of the settlement of the Tatars in the Uzbek SSR is agreed with the secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Uzbekistan, t. Yusupov.

People's Commissar of the Interior of the Union of SSR L.Beria 10.05.44.

The next day, on May 11, 1944, the State Defense Committee adopted Resolution No. 5859 on "On Crimean Tatars":

"In the period of the Patriotic War, many Crimean Tatars have changed their homeland, deserted from the portions of the Red Army, defending the Crimea, and moved to the side of the enemy, the volunteer Tatar military units were joined by the Germans, fought against the Red Army; During the occupation of Crimea, the German fascist troops, participating in the German punitive detachments, the Crimean Tatars were particularly different from their brutal sprapers towards the Soviet partisans, and also helped German invaders in organizing the violent hijacking of Soviet citizens to German slavery and the mass extermination of Soviet people.

The Crimean Tatars actively collaborated with the German occupying authorities, participating in the so-called "Tatar national committees" organized by the German intelligence and were widely used by the Germans for the purpose of throwing into the rear of the Red Army of Spies and Diversants. The Tatar National Committees, in which, the main role was played by the White Guard-Tatar emigrants, with the support of the Crimean Tatars directed their activities for the prosecution and the oppression of the Netariological population of the Crimea and conducted work on the preparation of the enforced rejection of the Crimea from the Soviet Union with the help of German armed forces.

Crimean Tatars in the German service. Form Romanian. Crimea, 1943. Most likely, these are police from the Schuma battalion

Considering the foregoing, the State Defense Committee decides:

1. All the Tatars from the territory of the Crimea and settle them for permanent residence as special settlers in the areas of the Uzbek SSR. Eviction shall be entrusted to the NKVD of the USSR. Observe the NKVD of the USSR (Tov. Beria) Evaluation of the Crimean Tatars to finish by June 1, 1944

2. Set the following procedure and conditions for eviction:
a) Allow special belongings to bring personal belongings, clothing, household equipment, dishes and food in the amount of up to 500 kilograms per family.

The remaining property, buildings, surviving buildings, furniture and household lands are accepted by local authorities; All productive and dairy cattle, as well as poultry accepted by NCOMMOMASOLPROM, all agricultural products - Narkomzag of the USSR, Horses and other working cattle - drug addict of the USSR, tribal cattle - drug addicts of the USSR.

Reception of livestock, grain, vegetables and other types of agricultural products to produce from the emergency exchange receipts to each settlement and each economy.

Instruct the NKVD of the USSR, Nicrome, NarkomMyasomolprom, People's Commissaries and Nicknames of the USSR by July 1, S.G. submit to the USSR SNK proposals on the procedure for returning on exchange receipts to the Special Fleets received from them livestock, poultry, agricultural products;

b) To organize a reception from special belongs left in places of eviction of property, livestock, grain and agricultural products to be sent to the place of the SNK Commission.

To oblige the USSR addict, Narkomzag of the USSR, NKMIMP of the USSR, drug addicts of the USSR to ensure reception from special vehicles of livestock, grain and agricultural products to send the required number of employees in the Crimea;

c) Commit the NKPS to organize the transportation of special fleets from the Crimea to the Uzbek SSR specially formed echelons on schedule compiled in conjunction with the NKVD of the USSR. The number of echelons, loading station and destination station on the application of the NKVD of the USSR. Calculations for transportation to produce prisoners at the fare;

d) drug addresses of the USSR to allocate for each echelon with special advantages, in terms of agreement with the NKVD of the USSR, one doctor and two nurses with the appropriate reserve of medicines and provide medical and sanitary services of special advantages on the road; People's Commissariat of the USSR provide all echelons with special footholds daily hot nutrition and boiling water.

For the organization of food specialists in the way to allocate drug users in quantity, according to Appendix No. 1.

3. To oblige secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Uzbekistan, t. Yusupova, Chairman of the SNKS UZSSR T. Abdurakhmanova and the People's Commissar of the Interior of the Uzbek SSR T. Kobulova before June 1, this year To conduct the following activities on the reception and resettlement of special trains:

a) to accept and settle within the Uzbek SSR 140-160 thousand people of the Special Counsel - Tatars directed by the NKVD of the USSR from the Crimean ASSR.

The resettlement of specialists to produce in the state-owned villages, existing collective farms, utility farms of enterprises and factory embracing for use in agriculture and industry;

b) in the regions of the settlement of the Special Flemies, to create commissions in the chairman of the regional executive committee, secretary of the regional committee and the head of the UNKVD, putting on these commissions to carry out all the activities related to the reception and the placement of arriving specialists;

c) in each area of \u200b\u200bthe University of Special Flems to organize regional three as part of the Chairman of the Rain Executive Committee, Secretary of the district office and the head of the RO NKVD, putting preparations for them to accommodate and organizing the reception of arriving specialists;

d) prepare a friendly transportation for transportation of specialists, mobilizing transportation of any enterprises and institutions for this;

e) provide the empowerment of those who arrived by the Special Councils and assist in the construction of houses by local building materials;

e) to organize in the areas of settlement of special specialists of the NKVD special committee, taken by the content of them due to the estimates of the NKVD of the USSR;

g) Central Committee and SNK UZSSR by May 20, this year. Present in the NKVD of the USSR t. Beria the project of the settlement of special trains by regions and areas indicating the station unloading of echelons.

4 To oblige Agriculturalbank to issue special advocate directed to the Uzbek SSR, in the places of their settlement, loans for the construction of houses and on the economic entry to 5,000 rubles per family, with installments under 7 years.

5. To oblige a drug commercial USSR to allocate the SNK of the Uzbek SSR flour, cereals and vegetables for the issuance of special trains during June-August, S.G. Monthly equal number, according to Appendix No. 2.

Issue to special fleets flour, cereals and vegetables during June-August S.G. produced free of charge, perhaps agricultural products and livestocks accepted in places of eviction.

6. To oblige NPO to transfer during May-June of this year. To strengthen the vehicles of the NKVD troops placed by garrisons in the areas of resettlement of special trains - in the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR and the Kyrgyz SSR, cars "Willis" - 100 pieces and freight - 250 pieces that came out of repair.

7. To oblige the Glavnefesnab to allocate and ship up to May 20, 1944 to the points to indicate the NKVD of the USSR of Authenthess 400 tons, at the disposal of the SNK of the Uzbek SSR - 200 tons.

Delivery of Autobannya to produce uniform reduction in supply to all other consumers.

8. Observe the Harnersnablis at the USSR SCC at the expense of any resources to put the NKPS 75,000 carriages of 2.75 m each, with the supply of them until May 15 s.; Transportation of the NKPS boards to produce with their own means.

9. People's Commissariat of the USSR let go of the USSR NKVD in May S.G. From the USSR SCA Reserve Fund for Special Events 30 million rubles.

Chairman of the State Committee for Defense I.STalin. "

Note: Norma per person per month: flour - 8 kg, vegetables - 8 kg and cereals 2 kg

The operation was carried out quickly and decisively. The eviction began on May 18, 1944, and on May 20, the Deputy Commissar of the Internal Affairs of the USSR I.A. SEROV and the Deputy People's Commissar of the State Security of the USSR B.Z. Kobulov reported in the telegram addressed to the People's Commissar of the Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P.Baryia:

"We present that begun in accordance with your instructions on May 18, this year. The eviction operation of the Crimean Tatars is completed today, May 20, at 16 hours. A total of 180,014 people were evicted, submersed in 67 echelons, of which 63 echelon number 173,287 people. Sent to destination, the remaining 4 echelon will also be sent today.

In addition, the Railoenkoms of Crimea mobilized the 6,000 Tatars of the draft age, which, according to the outfits, the primordial form of the Red Army are directed to the city of Guryev, Rybinsk and Kuibyshev.

From among the directed to your instructions to the Trest "MOVOGOL" 8000 people of specialkontinger 5000 people. Also make up the Tatars.

Thus, 191,044 people of Tatar nationality were exported from the Crimean ASSR.

During the eviction of the Tatars, anti-Soviet elements of 1137 people were arrested, and in total during the operation - 5989 people.
Separated weapons during eviction: mortars - 10, machine guns - 173, automata - 192, rifles - 2650, ammunition - 46 603 pcs.

In total, during operation, seized: mortars - 49, machine guns - 622, automata - 724, rifles - 9888 and ammunition - 326,887 pcs.

When carrying out operation, no excesses had a place. "

Of the 151,720 Crimean Tatars, directed in May 1944 to the Uzbek SSR, 191 people died on the way.
From the moment of deportation of October 1, 1948, 44,887 people died from among the ranked from Crimea (Tatars, Bulgarians, Greeks, Armenians and others).

As for the few Crimean Tatars, which really honestly fought in the Red Army or in partisan detachments, then contrary to generally accepted opinion, they did not expose eviction. About 1500 Crimean Tatars left in Crimea

"Secret Field Police No. 647
№ 875/41 Translation of His Highness Mr. Hitler!

Allow me to convey to you our hearty hello and our great thanks for the liberation of the Crimean Tatars (Muslims), who languished under the bloodthirsty Jewish-Communist Igi. We wish you a long life, success and victory of the German Army around the world.

The Crimea Tatars are ready to deal with the German People's Army on any front. Currently, the Woods of the Crimea are partisans, Jewish commissars, communists and commanders who did not have time to escape from the Crimea.

For the speedy elimination of partisan groups in the Crimea, we convincingly ask you to allow us as good experts of the roads and the paths of the Crimean forests, to organize from former "fists", allowed for 20 years under the oppression of the Jewish-Communist domination, armed groups, led by the German command .

We assure you that in the shortest term, the partisans in the forests of the Crimea will be destroyed until the last person.

We remain the devotees to you, and also once again we wish you success in your business and long life.

Long live his Highness, Mr. Adolf Hitler!

Long live a heroic, invincible German folk army!

The son of the manufacturer and grandson of the former urban
bakhchisaray's head head - A.M. Ablayev

Simferopol, Sufi 44.

True: Pridefür - Shumani

Foundation R-9401 Oops 2 cases 100 sheet 390 "


Noticed Osh BKU Highlight the text and click Ctrl + Enter.

So, friends - today there will be a post about fairly tragic events - is performed exactly 75 years from the day of the Stalin Genocide of the Crimean Tatars. On May 18, 1944, the Crimean Tatars were deported in commodity cars from the Crimea to the remote areas of the USSR - in particular, in the incomplete districts of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Deportation was carried out by the punitive bodies of the NKVD, and the order of deportation was signed personally.

"And But Stalin won the war!" - Assist in comments lovers of the USSR - "If Stalin did not send people to the concentration camps - then it would make Hitler!" - Immain neostalinists and conspiraists. However, the truth is that there can be no excuse for this genocide - as there is no justification and other crimes of Stalin - like deportation and.

So, in today's post, I will tell you about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars - what you can not forget today, so that it does not happen again under the screeching "We can repeat!" In general, be sure to go under the cat, write your opinion in the comments, and add to friends Do not forget)

Why did the deportation begun?

It was established in 1922, and in the same year Moscow recognized the Crimean Tatars with the indigenous population of the Crimea. In the interwar period, in the 1920s and 30s, Tatars amounted to almost a third of the Crimea's population - about 25-30%. In the thirties, after the arrival of Stalin, mass repressions against the Tatar population of Crimea began - the decking and eviction of the Tatars, repression, mass "cleaning" of the intelligentsia of 1937-38.

All this set up many Tatars against Soviet power - During the war, several thousand Tatars fought against the USSR with weapons in their hands - actually, I did the NEM's issue in the post with - how and why people fought against the USSR. In the postwar years, it was supposedly the "official reason" of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars - although on the same logic it was possible to deport all Russians from Russia - which only in the army of Vlasov (not counting other compounds) fought at least 120-140 thousand people.

In fact, the Tatars deported at all other reasons - the Crimean Tatars were historically strongly connected with Turkey and were Muslims - and Stalin decided to deport them for this reason - as they did not fit in his head in the picture of the "ideal USSR" and were "Extra People". In favor of this version, it is also said that together with the Tatars from the areas adjacent to Turkey, other Muslim ethnic groups - Chechens, Ingush, Karachayvtsev and Balkarians are evicted.

How exactly was the deportation?

NKVD soldiers broke into Tatar homes and declared people "enemies of the people" - allegedly, because of the "betrayal of the Motherland", they are evicted forever from the Crimea. According to official documents - each family could take with them up to 500 kilograms of baggage - however, people managed to pick up much less, and most often they went to the commercial wagons just in what were dressed - at home and left things were plundered by military and NKVD soldiers.

The trucks of people were overlooking railway stations - later by sending about 70 echelons to the east with tightly closed and closed nails by the doors of cargo cars overcrowded by people. Only during the very movement of people to the east, more than 8,000 people died - most often people died from typhoid or thirst. Many, not withstanding suffering, went crazy.

For the first two years, about half (up to 46%) of all deported people died - so failing to adapt to the harsh conditions of the land, where they were sent. Almost half of these 46% were children under the age of 16 - they were the most difficult. People died from a shortage of pure water, from bad hygiene - due to which malaria, dysentery, yellow fever and other diseases were distributed among deportes.

Soviet concentration camps and stared memory.

In all this, the tragedy is another very important point - which is silent Russian sources. The settlements themselves, where people sent - were not some kind of villages or cities. Most of all were like real concentration camps - These were fenced barbed wire of special settlements, around which blocking posts with armed guard.

Clausing Tatars were used on slave work in the form of almost free workforce - worked for food in collective farms, state farms and industrial enterprises - the most heavy and dirty work, such as manual cleaning of cotton treated or the construction of Farhadian hydroelectric hydroelectric power plants.

In 1948, Soviet Moscow stated that it would always be - Tatars were recognized as life-lifted prisoners and had no right to leave the territory of the special settlements. Another Soviet government was constantly focused on the hatred of the Crimean Tatar - the local stories told the terrible stories that the terrible "traitors of the Motherland, Cyclops and Cannibals were going to them - from which they need to be held away. According to eyewitnesses - many local Uzbeks were sophisticated by the Crimean Tatars, to find out - do not grow by those horns?

In 1957, all the publications were banned in the USSR in the USSR for this year, all publications in the Crimean Tatar were prohibited, and from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia about the Crimean Tatars - as if there were never.

Crimes without limitation. Instead of epiloga.

All the time that happened from the moment of deportation - the Crimean Tatars fought for their right to return to their homeland - constantly reminding the Soviet power that such people are, and not to delete the memory of it. Tatars held rallies and fought for their rights - and finally, in 1989, they achieved the restoration of their rights, and the Soviet Council of the USSR in November 1989 recognized the deportation of the Crimean Tatars illegal and criminal.

As for me, these crimes of Soviet power do not have the statute of limitations and do not differ from the Hitler's Holocaust - he also chose a "disadvantageous people" and tried to destroy him, and all the memory of him.

Well, the fact that the USSR himself recognized these actions with crimes. It's bad that now there has been a turn back - many of Russia are now looking at the Stalinist divids and smoke "Krymnash!" And "We can repeat" - apparently, these are descendants of those who once built a concentration camp for the Crimean Tatars and stood on the checkpoints with machine guns ...

Write in the comments that you think about this.

Myths of the Great War. "Deportation" of the Crimean Tatars: the facts of history against the facts of consciousness
Myths of the Great War. "Deportation" of the Crimean Tatars: the logic of war and the price of punishment

The Soviet leadership did this because in the context of the continuation of war on its territory I.V. Stalin did not consider the necessary and possible to pursue and destroy thousands of Tatar "Otchenets"; chasing them in the mountains and forests; Catching and deal with each, losing its people, condemning the new suffering of local residents, spending resources, time, efforts to the tedious, exhausting the country, which could be delayed for many years. The decision was made otherwise. It provided for a non-deportation, which would mean expulsion outside the USSR, and the violent resettlement of the Tatars in those areas where their adaptation will be held as quickly and gentle as possible, without provoking a new religious and national retail, and will not threaten the security of the country.

In fact, this relocation in Crimea was removed inevitable clashes between the Tatars and the rest of the Crimeans (including with the home returned from the front), whose close were destroyed by them during the occupation period. As far as it was serious, we can judge the events of 1943-1944 in Southeast Poland and Western Ukraine (Polesie, Kholmchina, Eastern Galicin), where about 100 thousand people died in collisions between Ukrainians and Poles on both sides, And hundreds of villages and villages were burned. Then to avoid further bloodshed in the government of Poland and the Soviet Union, the "exchange" of the population, during which 810 thousand Poles were resettled in Poland and 483 thousand Ukrainians in the Ukrainian SSR, as well as about 40 thousand Chekhov and Slovaks in Czechoslovakia. So the Tatars actually saved from physical extermination and gave the opportunity to redeem their guilt.

In pursuance of this, on May 11, 1944, GKO adopted a resolution "On the Crimean Tatars", which announced a decision on their relocation to Central Asia. In particular, it was said: "In the period of the Patriotic War, many Crimean Tatars changed their homeland, deserted from the units of the Red Army, defending the Crimea, and moved to the side of the enemy, entering into the units formed by the Germans of the Volunteer Tatar military units, fought against the Red Army; During the occupation of the Crimea, the German-fascist troops, participating in German punitive detachments, the Crimean Tatars especially distinguished themselves with their brutal sprapers towards the Soviet partisans ... ". As far as it is true, everyone can judge now.

In addition to the definition of the general task of the GCO, the order and conditions of resettlement in detail painted. In accordance with this, the Special Flemners were allowed to take with them personal belongings, clothes, household equipment, dishes Food in the amount of up to 500 kg per family. " The remaining property was described with the preparation of the relevant document (so-called "exchange receipts") for subsequent compensation. A physician and nurses were allocated for each echelon "with the appropriate reserve of medicines for health care services in the way. To provide people with hot nutrition and boiling water on the way, the products should be distinguished ... at the rate of the daily rate per person: bread 500 g, meat and fish 70 g, cereals 60 g, fat 10 g. " In places of settlement, the issuance of a loan in the amount of up to 5,000 rubles per family for the construction of housing and the management of the economy with installments for 7 years. Immediately upon arrival, adult specialists were provided with work in the state farms and industrial enterprises. In addition, during June-August 1944, everyone received assistance to products (norm per month per person: flour and vegetables - 8 kg, cereals - 2 kg).

It is worth noting that not all the Crimean Tatars have undergone a violent eviction ... Participants of the Crimean underground, the Crimean Tatars who act in the enemy's rear in the interests of the Red Army and members of their families were released from the "Mosset Status". Often, the requests were satisfied to return to Crimea and Tatars Frontovikov. The women of Tatarka did not marry the Russians. Proposals about this were set out in the report on the name of the People's Commissar of the internal affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria from 1.08.1944 Signat V. Chernyshova and M. Kuznetsova. "
Upon completion of the relocation in the telegram I.V. Stalina People's Commissar of Internal Affairs L.P. Beria reported that "all the Tatars to the places of resettlement of profit and settled in the regions of the Uzbek SSR - 15,1604 people, in the areas of the RSFSR - 31551 people. In the telegram of the Commissar of the Interior of the Uzbek SSR Babjanov, in the name of Beria, it was reported that 191 people died with Tatars to Uzbekistan.

Was this a solution from a series of outgoing? Hardly. This is evidenced by the already mentioned "Exchange" by citizens between Poland and the USSR in 1944, as well as the Operation "Vistula", held in Poland in April-August 1947. After a number of terrorist shares implemented by the Fighters of the UPA (Bandera) on its territory. As a result of this operation, local Ukrainians residents who lived in the southeastern part of Poland (Western Galica, etc. Holmchinchin and Slaughter) were resettled to the areas of Wisla, where the Germans had previously lived. In addition, 14 million Germans were deported to Germany from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland in 1945-1949. And the expulsion occurred in such monstrous conditions that two million Germans died, including old people, women, children, in "death marches", when their columns were driven to Germany.

Now representatives of the Crimean Tatars say that in the way and in the first months after the resettlement they died to 46%. As if they were not in the warm Central Asia, but in winter in the blockade Leningrad. As if they had to live in the winter cold in the dilapidated unheated houses, receiving the oskmushka t. N. "Bread" (125) per day. Of course, the conditions in which the Crimean Tatars were severe. At first there was no place to live. We had to build at first a show, but only then permanent housing. The tragedy of the position of the Tatars was aggravated by the loss of the Motherland, the internal state of the "Exodus", Exile. But otherwise the conditions for their life were no worse than those of those million Soviet people who at the beginning of the war after evacuation were behind the Urals without housing, and in return to their native villages and the city after the war were forced to completely restore them.

Primary, but everything is coming in comparison. And we need to compare the position of the Tatars not with today, and with what could be seen throughout the country during and immediately after the war. However, there is an example and 90s: refugees from Chechnya, who lived in tents not one year. It is very difficult to live in such conditions, but we did not observe any data on the mass death of people in the refugee camps. Did not observe because such a percentage of mortality is called the representatives of the Crimean Tatars, it is possible only in the case of organized physical destruction of people or a mass epidemic.

So, we think: who in this war is more pronounced? Who was hard? Who tolerated the larger tragedy and gave more lives? And then it will have to admit that the description of the resettlement conditions of the Crimean Tatars, of course, is unlikely, it is unlikely to be compared with those deprivations that survived the Soviet people who were subjected to in 1941 forced evacuation for the Urals, escaped from the rapidly coming German troops. Then all their property felt in one or two suitcases or several storms. Echelons, which were east, were constantly bombed. Water and food, fuel catastrophically lacked. And then there were difficult weekdays of rear. It was necessary to live and work, and in the rain, and in the firing frost, in unheated premises, or simply in tents, where the machines and equipment were evacuated in the rear factories. Work, releasing products for the front, adults and children, without days off 12 hours a day. Work, despite the hunger, chronic lack of sleep and the molded cold. And people not only withstand, but also won. We won because they believed their country and, in spite of everything, remained by people, without giving spilling up hatred for other nations.

A lot of this contributed to the socio-political structure of the Soviet Union, which represented, according to S.G. Kara-Murza "The system with negative feedback towards conflicts ...", where "the economic, ideological and even repressive mechanisms were automatically included with the exacerbation of contradictions, which were allowed or suppressed conflict," soothing "system" and not allowing one peoples to exterminate others.

Is it possible to count after this policy of resettlement of the Crimean Tatar genocide, if in reality the genocide means a course on the destruction of the people, on a systematic reduction in its number and social degradation? Is it possible to consider the genocide the action of power, if they were the most gentle for the participants of the war, an extremely tense problem for participants? Apparently no. But now everything looks like otherwise. And "miraculous people", returning to their homeland in order to establish their lives here, considers the violent eviction from the Crimea as a historical offense, who governed the advantages not to the "true owners of Crimea" - the Crimean Tatars, and his "apartments", as often called the Crimean Tatars Russian The population of the Crimea.

Something in this story was forgotten, something was not so remembered. And again the story is used as an argument in today's struggle for power, territory and resources. In it, the Soviet Union continues to look at the "Evil Empire", and violence applied by the Soviet government is initially "criminal even in the most critical periods when state bodies have been forced to solve urgent and emergency tasks for the rescue of many lives of citizens." Why are these arguments with many citizens of Ukraine and Russia and are not perceived now? Apparently, this is due to the dominance of certain mythologies, the purpose of the occurrence and functioning of which is not yet completed.

So, even on the example of only one episode of the Great War, it is clear that the history of the twentieth century is not written yet, since very many questions turned out to be much more complicated than previously presented official historiography. And one of the most interesting and urgent issues of this period concerns the understanding of the role of "Muslim legions" of the Crimean Tatars in the Great Patriotic War, as well as the policies of the Soviet power during the Great War in the context of both the logic of the system itself and the logic of war. Its modern analysis, in particular, shows how simplified and one-sided, and, consequently, the extremely mythologized, there was a submission of information during the period of restructuring, which included in history under the slogans of demiatologization and return to the historical truth. Then it was not very clear that it lies behind all this, and who stands behind it. The secret springs of these processes then have not yet fascinated, the mechanism of their deployment was not quite clear. But in all their power in the last decade of the twentieth century after the US victory in the "Cold War" contours of globalization, force us to perceive these processes as a small but very important component of a new big game. Games in which the peoples will again be a policy and means, and their historical resentments will be used in the struggle for world resources for their separation, maximum weakening and submission to new winners who are counting on that it will always be.

Bibliographic list
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See: Chikin A.M. Achilles' heel. Number 3.
Gryriac P. Tatars Crimea: Three problems of the repatriation paradigm.
See: S. Called and killed [Electronic Mode] / C. Called. - Access mode:
See: Kara-Murza S. G. Anti-Soviet project. M.: Publishing House Eksmo, 2003. P. 226-227.
See: Senchenko N.I. Society of extermination is the strategic perspective of "democratic reforms". To: Maup, 2004. 224 p.
See: Panarin A.S. People without elite. M.: Publishing House Algorithm, Publishing House Eksmo, 2006. P. 255-256.
The protracted return // Slava Sevastopol, 1991. July 18.
Kara-Murza S. G. Anti-Soviet project. P. 215.
See: Panarin A.S. People without elite. P. 260-276.