Puzzles on an autumn theme for children. The best puzzles about autumn


  • remember and repeat the signs of autumn in an entertaining way;
  • develop students' imagination and creativity.

Homework: Divide into teams of 5 people.

  • Come up with a team name and a corresponding riddle.
  • Encrypt the word “Autumn” in the rebus (1 rebus per team).
  • Make up riddles about natural phenomena (2 riddles per team).
  • Repeat riddles about vegetables.

Hall decoration:

  • the name of the competition “Visiting Autumn”;
  • painted basket;
  • drawings of vegetables;
  • painted leaves of birch, aspen, maple and rowan with riddles;
  • blank sheets of paper and pencils for each table;
  • wicker basket with apples;
  • tokens.

Progress of the competition

A student reads a poem about autumn.

Lingonberries are ripening,
The days have become colder,
And from the bird's cry
My heart became sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress.
The sun laughs less often
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And he will cry sleepily.
K. Balmont

Teacher: What time of year is this work about? And today's riddle competition is dedicated to this time of year. But before we start the competition, answer the question - what is a riddle? (Answer options).

RIDDLE is a tricky question. The main purpose of a riddle is that it develops intuition and intelligence in a person.

Teacher: Who knows when and how the riddles appeared? (Answer options).

According to the conviction of the primitive hunter, cattle breeder, plowman, in the field, in the forest, on the water, in the home - everywhere and everywhere, a person constantly encounters a hostile conscious force that sends failure, fire, disease. This force must be outwitted, and this requires secret, conditional speech. Without knowledge of this conventional speech, the young man could not become an equal member of his clan. Along with others, tests were arranged for the young men in his wisdom

Later, peasant customs prescribed riddles to be made at certain times and under certain circumstances. In folk wedding customs, until the 19th century, telling riddles was a mandatory part of the wedding ceremony.

In fairy tales, the princess marries the one who managed to guess her riddles. It was forbidden to make riddles at the wrong time - in the summer and during the day. This caused trouble. Among the ancient Greeks and Germans, as legends say, asking riddles was equated with martial arts. According to legends and traditions, those who did not guess the riddle paid with their lives.

And with the help of riddles, man tried to understand the nature around him. It turns out that the riddle has an interesting story - plunge headlong into this world - and it will not let you get bored.

Teacher: We have 4 teams in the hall, each with its own name. Guess them. (The team asks a riddle, and others guess the name of this team.)

1st Competition. Puzzles.

Teacher: At home, each team encrypted a word in the rebus. Decipher it. (Each team shows its own puzzle). What words did you come up with? Why?

I have also prepared some puzzles for you. Decipher them and you will learn the signs of autumn.

The teacher gives each team two more puzzles.

(Migration of birds)

(Wilting of plants)

(Decreasing temperature)

(lingering rains)

Teacher: What other signs of autumn do you know? (Students' answers)

2nd Competition. Carousel of mysteries.

Teacher: The guys from each team came up with riddles about autumn themselves. Let's arrange a carousel of these riddles.

Each team asks each other their riddles in a circle.

Teacher: I also want to give each team one riddle.

Autumn in the garden
She came to us
Red torch
I lit it.
There are blackbirds here
Starlings scurry about
And, noisily, they peck at him. (Rowan)

Nobody's scared
And everything is shaking. (Aspen)

They scattered along the edge of the forest
Girlfriends in white dresses. (Birches)

It's not even a mystery
Let's say right away
If only someone would say -
There are acorns on it! (Oak)

Teacher: Now, guys, find the leaves of those trees whose names you guessed. (Leaves with riddles are hung around the classroom). Look what's on the other side of the sheet. Solve these riddles.

Flying, growling,
Breaks branches
Dust rises
Can you hear him
But you don’t see him. (Wind)

They often call me
And I will come - from me
They take cover. (Rain)

Gray-haired grandfather at the gate
Everyone's eyes were covered. (Fog)

So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy. (Freezing)

The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm. (Snowflake)

Transparent like glass
You can't put it in the window.
Not snow and not ice,
And with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

Above me, above you
A bag of water flew by
Ran into a distant forest,
He lost weight and disappeared. (Cloud)

Fluffy cotton wool
Floating somewhere.
The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes. (Clouds)

Wanders alone
Fiery eye.
Everywhere it happens
The look warms you. (Sun)

In the morning the beads sparkled,
They covered the grass everywhere.
And we went to look for them during the day,
We search and search, but we won’t find it. (Dew)

There's a commotion in the yard:
Peas are falling from the sky.
Nina ate six peas
She now has a sore throat. (hail)

The cold garden is empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us? (September)

3rd Competition. Auction of mysteries.

Teacher: Autumn comes to us not empty-handed, but with a rich harvest. Let's see what she brought us in the basket.

From the drawn basket, the teacher takes out pictures of fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms. Whoever tells a riddle about them takes the drawing.


For each correctly completed task, students receive tokens. The team that collects the most tokens wins.


All participants receive apples from a large wicker basket.

You can solve fascinating puzzles with your children puzzles about autumn. Each rebus contains encrypted names of objects and various natural phenomena using letters, pictures, numbers and symbols. Their main feature is that they can only be observed in the autumn months. You just have to look out the window, go outside for a walk, and you will definitely see these encrypted words with your own eyes.

Puzzles about autumn with answers- these are simple riddles, puzzles, because they are aimed at children under 8-9 years old, who will be interested in remembering what changes occur in nature with the arrival of the first autumn month.

For example, you see a rebus with an “8” drawn on it, preceded by one comma. Under “8” it says “M=N”. This means that the course of your thoughts should go as follows: “8” is the word “eight”, the comma indicates that the first letter of the word should not be taken into account, that is, you are left with the word “eight”. M=N indicates that in the word you need to replace the letter “M” with the letter “N”, therefore, you get the correct answer to the rebus - “autumn”. Also in this rebus, 5=H could be indicated, that is, the fifth letter in the word “eight” should be replaced with “H”.

Since it often rains in the fall, a rainy theme will be relevant for children's puzzles. For example, the following puzzles: the picture shows the “moon”, under it it says “N=F”. So, you get the word “puddle”. Keep in mind that if the moon is not full, then the word may be encrypted behind the picture “month”.

If you like funny riddles about an umbrella, then pay attention to this rebus - it is quite unusual in its image. The picture at the beginning shows the letter “Z”, followed by the image of a “nose”, under which there are two numbers “2, 1”, which means that first you need to take the second letter, and then the first: you will get “he” " The letter “C” from the word “nose” is dropped, as the comma at the end of the image tells you. Next in the picture there is a “whale”, under it there is a number sequence “3, 2, 1” - which means the word “tick” is obtained. And the whole word is “umbrella”.

Everyone knows that autumn is mushroom time, so you can not only learn, but also solve puzzles about autumn for schoolchildren about mushrooms. In the picture at the beginning there is a large letter “G”, then a “fish” is depicted, under the picture there is a clarification that “Y=I”, that is, the letter “Y” in the word “fish” is replaced by the letter “I”. After the picture there is a comma, which means that you should not take into account the last letter in the word “fish” when solving the rebus. Thus, the word “fish” is transformed into the word “rib”, a capital “G” is added to this part and the word “mushroom” is obtained, which is the answer to the rebus.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Tolstikova, teacher, Nenets Sanatorium Boarding School, Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention author’s puzzles about autumn for holding competitions, extracurricular activities, designing wall newspapers and stands. The material may be useful for primary school teachers, boarding school teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities and parents. Designed for students in grades 3-4. The competition is held between three teams of 3-5 people (6 teams can be formed). The duration of the competition is 30-40 minutes.
Target: organization of extracurricular activities for junior schoolchildren in the form of a puzzle competition
Tasks: Strengthen children's knowledge about the autumn months and autumn holidays
Introduce proverbs about autumn
To develop interest in the works of classical poets
Expand children's horizons
Develop logical thinking and imagination.
On one card the modern names of the autumn months are encrypted, on the other - the ancient ones. The guys need to guess them, combine the modern name with the ancient one and put the months in the correct order.

For correct connection – 1 point for each month,
For the correct order of months - 1 point.
Maximum number of points – 10

September got its name gloomy due to its weather differences from others - the sky often begins to frown, it rains.
October is known to our ancestors as leaf fall, from the autumn fall of leaves.
In the old days, November was called chest November, from the piles of frozen earth with snow. Each team receives its own card. You need to decipher the names of the holidays and guess which month they belong to.
For each correctly guessed rebus - 1 point,

Maximum number of points – 4

Each team receives its own card. We need to decipher the proverb and guess what month we are talking about, and try to explain the meaning of this proverb.
For a proverb – up to 5 points
For a correctly guessed month - 1 point
For correctly revealed meaning of a proverb – up to 2 points
Maximum number of points – 8

Each team receives its own card, on which 2 lines of a poem are encrypted, which they must guess. Also, from the proposed poets, you must choose the author of this poem.
For a correctly deciphered rebus - up to 6 points
For the correctly named author - 1 point
Maximum amount – 7 points

To a stream, pockmarked and motley,
A leaf flies after a leaf,

The mournful wind drives
The clouds are flocking to the edge of heaven.

Twilight falls over everything,
Hitting from all sides,
Before the rain
The mournful wind drives
The clouds are flocking to the edge of heaven.
The broken spruce groans,
The dark forest whispers dully.
To a stream, pockmarked and motley,
A leaf flies after a leaf,
And a stream, dry and sharp;
It's getting cold.
Twilight falls over everything,
Hitting from all sides,
Spinning in the air screaming
A flock of jackdaws and crows...
(N. Nekrasov)
