Emotional dependence on male attention. Psychological dependence of a woman from a man

Love addiction is when a person is dependent on the feelings, another person, and from this we have suffering, and can not and does not know how to get out.

Also, many after the next good luck are trying to find their love again. And these two options do not pass without a trace. Many are not satisfied with calm feelings. A person needs suffering and in the severity of sensations. And when pursuit of these sensations, a person can miss this feeling.

Who is to blame for this?

Yes, we yourself are to blame.

You need to stop in time and not to torment yourself with suffering, it can simply be completed by psychological disorders. After all, you still can not renemify love without the reciprocity of the partner.

Otherwise, you fall dependent on your beloved person. Not only women, but also men fall into such a dependence, but more often women fall.
And women begin to show activity moving into obsession, fearing to stay without a loved one.

You constantly call, follow the man and this manifestation of feelings even further give away from you a man. And this leads to the fact that a man avoids meetings, does not respond to calls.

At the same time, the woman begins to feel even greater remoteness and begins to lose control over his behavior and actions. And the woman is lost and can not find solutions to independently and continues to do even more mistakes.

And if the woman still achieves the return of a man, she ultimately she hits. A woman passing this struggle for a man, begins to understand that he is not at all the perfect and anything different from many other men. The woman has the feeling of the ideality of a man and cooling.

How to get rid of love dependency?

Getting rid of love dependency can be very complex. A woman should understand that it is just a "disease", from which you need to get rid of and be sure to create as quickly as possible until you are tied up with this. You can contact the specialists, only he can tell you how to get rid of his love dependence.

1. You need to feel yourself a free person.

2. In no case do not drown in drugs and alcohol. Such relief is temporary, and if you can forget your loved one, then addiction to alcohol and drugs turns into a detrimental habit of which you can no longer get rid of.

3. Try first to get rid of all things that resemble a loved one. Do not even leave expensive things. It is a pity to throw away, give someone. All, photos, letters, gifts, all this will only cause severe pain.

4. Try to write a favorite letter with gratitude for the past years. The letter does not need to ask forgiveness, but simply thank and say goodbye.

5. Do not try to try to seek a reason for meetings and calls. Try not to meet in society acquaintances. Better under any pretext, give up them.

6. Do not lead heartzdiye conversations with girlfriends. It is unlikely that you will see help from girlfriends, then you can harm you. At least in that they transmit all your words in distorted form.

7. The best solution is a vacation.

8. Come on with an increase in self-esteem, remember the film most charming and attractive. No need to communicate, with those who always complain about life and deal only with criticism.

9. No need to pay attention to other people's opinions. Everyone is very different and you will never be able to please everyone.

10. Do not think about the past, go to the goals set. Everything is already in the past. Try to think more about yourself.

11. Effectively acts a change in appearance, look at your cabinets and try to change the wardrobe. Do not buy what your beloved like (former) likes, you need to choose what you have dreamed about for a long time.

12. Fill all your free time. Read, learn the computer if you have a passion, start studying them. Start drawing, sign up into the pool, embroider, start learning languages, do yoga, music, dancing, etc.

13. It helps well when you set all your feelings in a notebook, so you will see how you change. You can write your feelings on audio or video. You will be surprised by the result.

And everything will pass for you unnoticed. You will not even notice.

How to get rid of emotional dependence: escape from voluntary slavery

Surely, every person dreams of finding a divine gift - love and strong happy relationship with a partner. Someone for a long time, someone quickly meets their soul mate and acquires wings when his heart is striking Amur arrows. The person in love seeks to win the sympathy and respect for his chosen one, applies efforts so that the second half is happy and pleased. Loyalty, kindness, care, initiative, attention - reliable satellites of love that helps to gain and preserve joy in relationships.

However, there are separate individuals in which their feelings for the satellite acquire a pathological form, turning into the exhausting and obsessive emotional dependence. For such people, love loses true meaning: she ceases to bring joy, deprives faith in himself, kills an independent person. Emotional dependence on a man turns a woman into an accidental slave that does not have any right to vote, nor own opinions, nor personal desires.

Despite our emancipated eyelid, the problem of emotional attachments is a common situation in society. Persons in the network of abnormal passion and hypertrophyded attachment strongly distinguishes from other people an extreme look, lack of self-confidence, life passivity.

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Emotional dependencies: what is harmful to the abnormal passion for the partner

What are scary emotional dependencies? Unnatural attachment to the partner is a green-eyed monster with anomalous suspicion, a bossless jealousy, vulnerable proud. Emotional dependencies are detrimental obsessive states similar to other abnormal passions: drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling. Pathological attachment to a man deprives a sense of sound sensitory, the spiritual world is incaying and destroys the harmonious personality.

Especially with emotional dependence on a man puts forward a permanent claim to the satellite of life, demanding its location near 24 hours a day. With excessive attachment to the partner, the person dissolves in the world of another person, has no own desires and personal goals. Such a person looks at the life through the eyes of his chosen one, refuses his interests and hobbies. Emotional attachment to a man forces women to throw their studies, leave work and stop building a career.

A lady suffering from a man's emotional dependence has a limited number of social contacts. It ceases to communicate with girlfriends, does not contact with former fellow students, does not meet with colleagues and minimizes visits to relatives.

A person with emotional attachment, as a rule, has a very unattractive characteristic. Such a person is overly suspicious and suspicious, he is extremely painfully reacting to criticism in his address, deeply offended to comments from other people. The common feature of such a person is discontent with all aspects of reality. Often, he hates others around the fact that those are successful, joyful, happy.

A person with emotional dependence is extremely low self-esteem. He denies his own personality, does not notice the existing advantages, ignores the presence of positive skills and abilities. He feels his inferiority, does not believe in his own strength and believes that he is not worthy of normal human relations.

The negative consequence of emotional dependencies in the relationship is the natural loneliness of man. Often, the person, tired of spiritual pain, decides to stop close contacts and breaks relationships with his beloved person. Or a partner licensed by soldiers and jealousy, simply leaves the dependent person to a more confident lady.

Emotional dependencies: because of what a pathological passion arises

The slave attachment in relations is an alogichic and meaningless paradox. Despite the fact that emotional dependencies are based on the good motivation of a person - to give a man. Attention and love, the pathological passion distorts the whole essence of the most beautiful feeling - love. The person who fell into captivity of emotional attachment, mistakenly believes that to love to be sacrificed. It is because of this misconception, very many young ladies fall into voluntary slavery. A distorted understanding of the meaning of love leads many women to a destructive path, the final of which is the degradation of the person, depressive states, obsessive fears. Many people who suffer from emotional dependence on men are eternal patients of neurologists, psychologists and psychiatrists.

What causes pathological attachment in relationships? As a rule, emotional dependencies are launching roots in the early childhood years of a future person. The first acquaintance of a person with the surrounding world is due to his close interaction with the mother. It is because of how the relationship between the crumb and mom is being addressed, the psychological well-being of the person and its further style of communication in society depends.

If a child faces the lack of caress and the coldness of the mother on the initial period of life and the coldness of the mother, then he has a dissatisfied need for love and attention. Clearness and detachment of parents from the inner world of the baby, ignoring his problems, indifference to the emerging difficulties give the start an abnormal state - the deficitality, which further pushes a person to find a source of incoliated sensations. The person seeks to pay attention by all means, trying to "reach" before the impregnable "object".

Often, the more effort puts the crumb to attract the attention of the parents, the more irritation he causes his ancestors. Instead of maternal care, the parental addresses the negative emotion to its offspring - irritation, aggression. However, despite the negative color of such messages, for the immature personality such signs are much more pleasant than full indifference.

In the future, a person is lost "filter" between the normal manifestation of attention and demonstration of negativism. It is for this reason that many women fall into emotional dependence on a cruel man, with slave submissions to suffer humiliation, insults, mockery and beatings. That is, it becomes the norm for such persons that they feel desepass, coldness and hostility of the partner.

Psychologists have established that most of the ladies who came to emotional dependence on the man were brought up in incomplete families, they grew along with a drinking father, were witnesses from frequent family scandals. This cause of the occurrence of abnormal affection can be explained by the following features of the children's psyche. Quite often, the little girl stretches more to the father than to the mother. Feeling father's care, the young charming feels protected from adversity. At the same time, the first experience in the erotic sphere of a small female person receives from the Father. It is dad that helps girls feel feminine and beloved. However, without positive reinforcements from the parent, the child is formed by a complex of unnecessaryness. The deficit of paternal attention leads to the insecurity of the daughter, causing a sense of selflessness and worthlessness.

Emotional dependencies: how to get rid of abnormal passion

There is no doubt that emotional dependencies in relations lead to the complete disappearance of the personality and the transformation of a person in a faceless creature. However, there are proven ways to get rid of anomalous attachment once and for all. The underlying condition for termination of the slave cable is to realize that the problem exists and recognize that the established relationships went beyond the limits of love.

Since it is established that the persons who have fallen into the drone of emotional dependencies are in most cases unable to get rid of pathological affection on their own, it is extremely necessary for the assistance of a competent and experienced specialist. Psychotherapists and lading can assist the victim.

At sessions of psychotherapy, the doctor will help the patient to gain a loyal understanding of the situation and get motivation to work on improving his own personality. A person gets the opportunity to reveal the features of his individuality and believe in its own uniqueness.

How to get rid of emotional dependence once and forever? The main task on the way to overcoming the pathological passion is to establish a source, which gave impetus to the loss of adequate self-esteem and the loss of respect in itself. Since the core of the problems is often hidden from the conscious sphere of a person, it is necessary to access the depth deposits of the psyche - the subconscious, which stores all the information about the past. To work with the unconscious sphere of the psyche, the doctor immerses the client in the hypnotic trans - the state at which the control of consciousness over what is happening is temporarily turned off.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to get rid of love dependent on a man. You will learn what symptoms this condition is manifested. You will be known than it is fraught with a dependent person.

Differences between love and addiction

Love addiction is a strong passion. It is a problem of a psychological nature. Many people make addiction for real love, do not know how to overcome this feeling. In fact, there are a distinction between addiction and love.

  1. The first will cause a desire to keep a soul mate under control, characterized by a strong sense of jealousy. The second is confidence in your beloved.
  2. With love dependence, a desire arises to live not their life, and the object of adoration, needs go to the background. The main thing is the desire of a partner. After some time, the woman begins to notice the shortcomings in his beloved, but no longer capable of parting with him. This condition is often characterized by uncertainty in its abilities. The needs of both partners are preserved in love.
  3. Love leaves individuality behind people, when depending on one person demands from another to become as he sees him.
  4. If this is love, then the pair spends time together, both get pleasure from it, you miss the separation. During the dependence, suffering starts in the first clock separation.
  5. Love affects the development of a person as a person, he allows him to self-improve. If the addiction takes place, the dependent loses itself as a person becomes confused. Often, dependence is unrequited, feelings are only on the one hand.

The reasons

Let's look at what can affect the development of love dependence.

  1. Inappropriate to an adult attitude.
  2. Dislike parents in childhood.
  3. Inability to make decisions yourself.
  4. Fear to be lonely.
  5. Highly understated self-esteem.
  6. Hyperopka parents or their total control.
  7. Fear to be rejected.
  8. Zingkihood on its complexes.
  9. Readiness to obey someone.
  10. Insecurity in their forces, to underestimate their advantages.
  11. In childhood, I was attended intimate harassment, mental injury.

Main manifestations

Each addiction characterize certain signs, love is no exception.

  1. The inability to be assembled. A woman spends all his time in the hope that his beloved will call her. She forgets about the necessary affairs, the hobby does not cause pleasure, life loses all the colors.
  2. The image of the object of adoration is spinning in the head throughout all day, the woman constantly thinks about him, suffers, can't wait for the meeting. If the object of dependence appears a new passion, hysteria begins.
  3. If there are no meetings with the desired man for a long time, everything starts literally falling out of the hands, the woman is nervous for each occasion, giving all his loved ones by his behavior.
  4. It may be observed the strongest depression, in particular with unreserved feelings. A woman begins to look for shortcomings in himself, trying to fix them, even though they are often contrived.
  5. Often calls the object of adoration, asks for an ambulance. A woman does not represent how the man existed before without this. She forgets all his loved ones, wants to be near only with the object of adoration. There is a complete confidence that this man is true love. A woman tolerates, even if a man shows a disrespectful attitude towards her. Thoughts about loneliness lead to the state of fear and horror. Parting with a man is tantamount to death. There is an increased jealousity.

These symptoms suggest that it has come to think about their lives, realize that there are abnormal relationships, they harm development and existence, make unhappy, oppress.

Who is more often susceptible

Women's psychology is arranged in such a way that they are more often a men in love bondage. But among the weak half of humanity there are people who are stronger than predisposed to love dependence.

  1. Dreamy, romantic nature, which everyone and everyone idealize, live in pink glasses.
  2. Women with understated self-esteem and uncertainty in themselves, ready to give love to a person in one compliment or smile.
  3. A middle-aged woman who is no longer waiting for someone can love, will be grabbed for a suitable man, as for his last chance.

How to overcome addiction

The treatment of a person with addiction may include such methods.

  1. Logical awareness of what is waiting ahead. Understanding that the feeling of Euphoria will be changed by household problems, quarrels.
  2. Pasteur method. Try to find a person who will also seem attractive to you. Switch to it, but do not fall love.
  3. Get rid of unnecessary romanticism, chat more with people who do not believe in the truth of love feelings.
  4. Method Lope de Vega. Try to turn all the advantages of the object of adoration to his strongest shortcomings.
  5. Physical activity, serious fatigue will allow soberly look at life.
  6. Freud's method. Start express your feelings through creativity. Draw, write poems, pour out all the accumulated feelings in creativity.

If such methods do not help, seek help to a psychologist.

How to break such relationships

If an awareness of the problem has been made, it is decided to break with addiction, then it is necessary to act as follows.

  1. Get rid of everything that reminds about it.
  2. Write a man's letter in which you thank it and say goodbye.
  3. Remove its phone number to no longer call.
  4. For a while, stop communicating with shared friends.
  5. No need to pour your soul to girlfriends, sometimes they can harm.
  6. Go to your holiday.
  7. Take yourself by self-education, improving your self-esteem.
  8. Think only about the future, about what is waiting ahead, do not twist the past.

If you love married

Love dependence in women to non-free men is the worst thing that could be. Such a woman quickly spoil family relationships, it will not stop before, if the dependence is pathological, it will not stop even before violation of the law.

If a woman is aware of his problem and wants to get rid of dependence, he can do as follows.

  1. Do not allow your relationship to go too far.
  2. Remember that the man in the first place will always have a wife and children, and you will suffer from conscience remorse.
  3. Realize the malfunction of such relationships, bring all the links. Delete the phone number of your favorite, go on the trip, you can just leave the city, remove everything that reminds.
  4. If there is not enough adrenaline in life, take an extreme sport.
  5. If a man insists on the continuation of the meetings, refuse him with a solid confident voice. It's time to start a new life
  1. Getting rid of love dependence should begin with awareness that you are idealizing your partner, give him the features that, in fact, does not exist. This person is not a deity, you should not worship before him, sacrificed yourself.
  2. Dedicate all your free time to some kind of passion, and better sports. Your thoughts should be busy with some kind of business, you need less think about love dependency.
  3. If you can, try to leave the city for a while, start communicating with other people. Well suited if you go on a trip.
  4. Sign up for swimming or foreign language courses, improve your skills, abilities, engage in self-development, increase your self-esteem.
  5. Come to understand that you don't need to forget about yourself, live for another person, especially if he does not appreciate it.

Now you know how to get out of love dependency. The main thing is to have awareness of the abnormality of the current situation. Now you are able to overcome this feeling, start a new life, full dating and new impressions.

Which of us can give an accurate definition, what is love? And where does the emotional dependence on the man appear from the love instead of love, painful love for it that killing relations?

I can not live without him. Diya when it is not. I want to be near every second. Its so little in every day. Then he is at work, then tired, he has an important meeting. How he does not understand that i love him more than life? Emotional acts as a rental. I choke from love and soul his love.

And it does not matter that every evening he is near, that patiently answers calls, repeats that he loves only one of you. And it does not even matter how patience he cares about you not in words. No matter! Few…

Which of us can give an accurate definition, what is love? And where, instead of love, an emotional dependence on a man appears, painful love To him, killing relationships?

How to avoid emotional dependence on a man

The problem is not that we are not liked, but in the fact that we are confused with love and demand from another that it also become the same "addicted" as we.

We feel so much, and we have no place to do it all. It is impossible to keep inside the flame of such strength. And I want to respond from a man as much, but we receive only stingy crumbs attention, it seems so. We are bad and hurt from the inner fire, burning us.

System-vector psychology helps to see the situation from within, laying out the psyche into the components of the properties and the corresponding desires, and the emotional dependence releases.

True love or male dependence?

The psychological portrait of an emotionally dependent woman can be described in a nutshell: I'm afraid and crying. Fear, like love, is the basis.

Women with an auditorium born with a huge range of emotions. They fly from happiness euphoria and roll to hysterics and emotional blackmail. This visual women are important to understand how to get rid of emotional dependence and learn to love truly, because the most important thing in their life is love.

Correctly developing, the emotion of fear is transformed into love and fearlessness, in self-sacrifice and self-dedication for others. So the realized visual people live, saving other people's lives, helping the weak and defenseless, bringing culture and beauty to society, proclaimed by the highest value of love, good and compassion to the neighbor. The visual vector gives people the ability to love truly. Love is their highest value. No one is capable of opening it to another as people with an auditorium, create strong sensual connections in a paired relationship.

But we confused the real return of love with the requirement to get it yourself. Nothing amazing that clever and beauties with great potential of feelings and amazing figures fall into emotional dependence.

If hypersexuality is added to emotions, the level of looping on a man is shrinking. Sex with your beloved man gives a woman a feeling of security and security at an unconscious level. It belongs to a man, and therefore protected. And the visual woman has special need It relieves it from the state of fear. In many ways, precisely why the owner of this vector is incredibly sexy, especially in combination with.

Sexual dependence on a man, adding to emotional, binds a woman to a partner as a drug addict for a dose, and the dose should be raised. And the more they give, the more I want to. Otherwise, tears, hysterics, jealousy, scandals ... It becomes unbearable for a partner, he eventually leaves, leaving a woman in the hardest "breaking" - in fear for himself.

Symptoms and manifestations of emotional dependence on a man

Love addiction in a pair can be found in distinctive features, and it is far from real love.

That from nature is capable of loving and give love to others, demands it yourself Waiting and not waiting.

How to get rid of dependence on the man and become a real woman

We are arranged so that even if we cannot realize your properties, they do not go anywhere, but they begin to harm them themselves, finding not applications. Sensual visual women turn into hysterics, emotional blackmaid and emotional dependent people. Dependence on a man as a hidden dangerous. It can not be treated, it is not deadly, but the quality of life will leave to desire the best.

It begins with the fact that we begin to correctly implement what is laid in us. And then the whole world corresponds to us by reciprocity, which you do not have to demand more and smear by tears.

When I deeply feel my man when I get important what it is important to him when I feel it as myself, I cease to depend on it, I become truly one with him.

Dependence on a man leaves, thanks to the awareness obtained. This is confirmed

Only relationships in which mutual love is present can be called happy. This feeling can be compared with the feeling of wings behind his back, and he is not like that. However, it is very important to be able to not lose yourself in the Union with a man. Today, among women there are many people, whose love for representatives of strong sex is unnoticed by themselves to develop themselves into emotional dependence on the man. This sense is akin to the disease, and therefore it should be eliminated by any paths.

Hosting feelings

Emotional dependence on a man, in fact, there is nothing more than a pathological, unhealthy form of strong emotional attachment. But unlike the love, from which a woman receives most of the positive sensations, the above state brings many negative points to its owner: mental pain, tears, uncertainty in themselves, loss of taste for life, apathy.

In particularly neglected cases, it may cause the development of prolonged depression, neuroses and even somatic diseases. In other words, we are dealing with a feeling of terrible destructive strength, which in the literal sense of the word is able to complete, destroy their carrier.

Emotional dependence on a man can be characterized as a deep absorption of a specific person, to our case - a certain man, of course, to the detriment of himself. For the victim of this painful state of the soul and reason, the beloved becomes a personal god, the center of the Universe. "I can't live without him!" - Here is the phrase, the most eloquently determining the very essence of the emotional dependence. A woman becomes to do not care: only the presence of a beloved man, his eyes, voice, beliefs, interests matter. And the need for all this is strengthened in it every day.

It is not difficult about the consequences of such relations to guess: "Mr." loses respect for the "slaves dependent on him, increasingly humiliates and offends her, even manipulates it. In such unions, scandals, mutual reproaches are often often, because the victim of dependence is constantly trying to control his "God", encroaches on his personal freedom. It is clear that such an unhealthy communication cannot be a happy joint future.

Why does a woman become addicted emotionally?

Why are the representatives of beautiful sex so often even in our emancipated age become hostages of their own feelings for a man who have acquired an unhealthy trend? Causes of emotional dependence can be different.

  • The problem comes from childhood. If the girl is too strongly tied to his parents or mother, in adulthood, she is quite capable of taking the need to look at the world with strangers and act in accordance with whose beliefs. On the other hand, at the sources of emotional dependence of a woman from a man, on the contrary, stand and lack in childhood maternal caress, tenderness, care. In this case, the baby strives for any ways to draw attention to the parental, right up to sacrifice and complete submission. Accordingly, this model of behavior, already being an adult woman, she tolerates a man who liked her.
  • Distorted ideas about love and relationships. It so happened that time immemorial and to this day in our society cultivated the idea that a woman should be treated for a man. Read articles and books on psychology: the lion's share teaches beautiful ladies to show interest in male person, the point and the matter is in relationships with him for concessions, put the interests of the partner above their, etc. Most of the young lady take such information for weapons, and then they are surprised that their chosentes do not put them in the penny, they themselves are tormented from unhealthy emotional dependence.
  • Fear of loneliness as the reason for emotional dependence on a man. Obvious or subconscious, it is he who most often turns the gentle female feelings for a man in an unmanaged need to always be near the chosen one, breathe them. A woman just does not represent his life without a beloved, because without the second half he considers and feels an infallible and lonely.

How to get rid of

In order to overcome the exhausting feeling that is a unhealthy form of love for a man, you need to take the following actions.

  • Analyze the origins of your problem. Remember your own childhood; We will reflect on the relationships that have established between you and your parents. Answer the question: what exactly did you have surpassed from your mother and father in terms of feelings, emotions? Know: This is what today you are trying to purchase in alliance with a man.
  • Learn to take responsibility for your own life. Enough to seek to blame in your failures and troubles, in my bad luck. No one must love you, respect, appreciate, even though you want it insanely. Maybe you are not to blame for this, but still it is worth finding the reasons for our misses in personal behavior and actions.
  • Do not try to always justify the expectations of your loved one and be good for everyone.. It is impossible, and therefore it is much more important in any situation to remain the same. Even if you are accustomed to you to please a man, stop and ask yourself: Do you like what you do, or do you have to perform violence over yourself every time? Do you lose your self-esteem, trying only for his happiness? Answers you will probably sober.
  • Love yourself. A woman who is experiencing true love and respect will never be a victim of emotional dependence on a man. On the other hand: no one will love the one who does not like himself.
  • Take measures to improve their self-esteem. From now on, put your own, and not male interests in the head of the corner, and in decision-making, rely only on your own opinion. This will help you become more confident and independent of the subject of a detrimental passion.
  • To understand this thing: you do not have any right to control every step of your second half, you cannot remake and re-educate the chosen one to your way. All this really do only over your own person.
  • To look at yourself from the outside, especially in situations when you are humiliated before your loved one, silently "swallow" resentment, engaged in self-sacrifice in favor of the well-being of a partner. Is an attractive and decent respect for the woman you saw, in your opinion? Does she deserve sincere love and respect from the man? If you understand that there is no, then you are on the right path to liberation from emotional dependence.
  • Analyze the shortcomings of your beloved man. Record them on a piece of paper. Be extremely honest with you. In addition to the minuses, fix the unworthy actions of your chosen one. Is the entire sheet filled? Even new had to use? So, this man is not worthy of your love, and depend on it in the emotional plan at least stupid.
  • Clearly realize your needs and desires. Leaving them unsatisfied, you do not recognize yourself as an independent person who can live and act autonomously.

Do not allow pathological attachment and emotional dependency to enslave yourself! Live a full life, rejoice every day. Do not dwell only on a man - in life a lot of important and interesting, life is multifaceted.