What was the extent of the exaggeration? Historic libez. Who is a fist? (1 photo) revolution fist

Russian history knew many historical events related to various class phenomena. One of these has become a foul - this is a village bourgeoisie. Class division in the Soviet Union was a sharp issue. Attitude towards fists changed in accordance with the course of history and a course of ruling power. But in the end, everything came to such a process as the degradation and elimination of fouls as a class. Let's take a look at the story page.

Kulamistry is what? And who is such a fist?

Fists before the revolution 1917 were considered successful merchant merchants. A different meaning color is attached to this term after the revolution of 1917. At a certain point, when the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks changed the focus of its political course, the value of fouls was changed. Sometimes it approached the middle class, occupying the position of the farm class - the transition phenomenon of postcalism, or to the elite of agriculture, which plays the role of the exploiters who used the labor of hired workers.

Legislation regarding fouls also did not give an unequivocal assessment. The terms adopted at the Plenums of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks were distinguished from the terms used by the individual historical leaders of the RSFSR. Soviet power changed its policy several times - initially a decoupling rate was elected, then the thawed decelerate elected the "Course on a fist" and the most severe course on the elimination of fist. Next, we will look at the prerequisites, the causes and other features of these historical events. The final attitude in the end: foolhood is a class enemy and an opponent.

Terminology to the 1917 Revolution

In the very first sense, the word "fist" had only a negative meaning. In the future, this was used in Soviet propaganda against representatives of this class. In the consciousness of peasant people, the idea was strengthened that the only honest source of income is physical and hard work. And those people who received profits by another person were considered dishonest (here referred to the Roshovists, buyers and merchants). Partly, we can say that the interpretation is as: fouls are not economic status, but more psychological features or professional occupation.

Russian Marxism and the concept of foul

The theory and practice of Russian Marxism shared all peasants into three large main categories:

  1. Kulaki.. These were wealthy peasants who use the work of hired, bourgeoisie of the countryside. On the one hand, there was a negative attitude towards such peasants, and on the other hand, it was fair to argue that there is no official concept of "foolhood". Even during the elimination of his representatives, clear signs were not formulated, according to which a citizen was treated or did not relate to this class.
  2. Rustic poor. This group included first of all the employees of the fists, they are bars.
  3. Middle peasants. After conducting an analogy with our time, we can say that this is a modern middle class in the peasantry. In economic situation, they were between the two first specified groups.

However, in the existence of such a classification, there still remained a lot of contradictions in the definition of the terms "middle pea" and "fist". These concepts often met in the works of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who for many years determined the ideologies of power. But he himself did not completely delimit the indicated terms, indicating only one distinctive feature - the use of hired labor.


Although not everyone agrees with the statement that the delegation is political repression, but it is. It was applied according to administrative order, measures to eliminate fouls as a class were performed by local executive authorities, guided by political and social characteristics listed in the decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks, published on January 30, 1930.

Beginning of delapiece: 1917-1923

The first fighting events began in 1917, after the revolution. June 1918 was marked by the creation of the Poor Committees. They played not a latter role in determining the Soviet policy of cudience. Committees performed redistributing field functions. They decided what to do with what the fists were withdrawn. Those, in turn, every day make up more and more, that simply the Soviet power would not leave them alone.

In the same year, on November 8, at the meeting of delegates of the Poker Committees, V. I. Lenin made a statement that it was necessary to develop a decisive course on the elimination of fouls as a class. He must be defeated. Otherwise, thanks to him, capitalism will appear. In other words, fouls -

Preparation for administrative decoupling

On February 15, 1928, the publication of materials that flawed fists are published in the Pravda newspaper. It has been reported on a severe and depressing rural setting, about the dangerous growth of the number of rich peasants. It was also said that fists create a threat not only in the village, but also in the most communist party, driving a certain number of cells.

There are reports that the fists did not allow representatives of the poor and battags to the branches of the parties in the field, regularly shot on the pages of the newspaper. The rich peasants have forcibly seized bread and a variety of available stocks. And it led to the fact that they cut the crops and reduced the personal farm. This, in turn, influenced the employment of the poor. They lured jobs. This all was positioned as temporary measures due to the emergency in the village.

But in the end, the transition to the liquidation policy was performed. Due to the fact that more poor peasants began to suffer from the delamination, attempts to maintain certain layers of the population were carried out. But they did not led anything good. In villages and villages, hunger and growth of poverty is gradually beginning. People began to doubt: whether it was a good solution to eliminate fouls as a class.

Implementation of mass repressions

1928-1932 Steel collectivization and delamination time. How did it happen? For the dealer of the fists were divided into 3 main groups:

  1. "Terrorists". Here were the fists who constituted the counter-revolutionary asset and organized uprisings and terrorist acts, the most active participants.
  2. There were less active participants in counter-revolutionary processes.
  3. All other representatives of fouls.

The arrest of representatives of the first category was the most serious. Such cases were transmitted to the prosecutor's office, the regional committee and the city of the party. The fists belonging to the second group were evicted in the distant places of the USSR or remote areas. The third category was posted in specially allocated areas outside collective farms.

The first group of fists received the most stringent measures. They were sent to concentration camps due to the fact that they were a threat to the security of society and Soviet power. In addition, they could arrange terrorist acts and uprisings. In general terms, the decoupling measures assumed the immediate elimination of fists in the form of references and mass relocations, property confiscation.

For the second category, mass shoots from the resettlement areas were characterized, since it was often a harsh climate in which it was not easy to live. The Komsomol members who spent the sprawling were often cruel and could easily arrange unauthorized shootings of fists.

Number of victims

The decision to eliminate fouls as a class led to great social shocks. According to the available data, almost 4 million people were subject to repression for the entire period. From this amount of 60% (2.5 million people) were sent to a cam link. Almost 600 thousand people died from this number, and the largest mortality rate was in 1930-1933. These indicators exceeded fertility rates almost 40 times.

According to one investigation of the journalist A. Kechchenikov, in 1934 there was a secret certificate of the OGPU department, according to which 90 thousand fists died in the way of following the reference point and another 300 thousand died from malnutrition and diseases that reign in places of reference.

Politics soften

In 1932, the process of mass degradation was officially suspended. But almost completely stopped the running machine turned out to be more difficult due to the resulting resistance from the bottom.

In July 1931, a decision was published on the transition from mass degradation to individual, as well as instructions on what is the inflection in the process and how to deal with the incontinence of deragusion. At the same time, the idea was promoted that the mitigation of policies in relation to representatives of this class does not mean the weakening of the class struggle on the village. On the contrary, it will only gain strength. In the post-war period began liberation from the "Kulack link". People massively started returning home. In 1954, according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the last fists of immigrants received freedom and rights.

Bread - not from fists

Separately, it is worth considering such a moment associated with the limitation of fisting as a class - production of bread. In 1927, with the help of this population, 9.78 million tons were produced, while the collective farms were given only 1.3 million tons, of which only half (0.57 million tons) were received to the market. In 1929, thanks to such processes, as collectivization and decking, the collective farms produced 6.52 million tons.

The government encouraged the transition of poor peasants to collective farms and thus planned to destroy the fisting faster, which was previously the only bread maker. But it was forbidden to take into collective farms of persons recognized by representatives of this class. The ban on the rental of land plots, on hiring a private workforce as a result, caused a sharp decline in agriculture, which was more or less suspended only in 1937.

Rehabilitation and afterword

The victims of the repressions are rehabilitated in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Rehabilitation of Political Repression Surveys" of October 18, 1991. According to this law, the rehabilitation of persons undergoing the refraction process, and their family members. The judicial practice of the Russian Federation considers such a persecution as an action within political repression. The peculiarity of Russian legislation is that it is necessary to establish the fact of applying the extinguishing. When rehabilitation, the family returned all the property or its value expression, of course, if this property was not nationalized during the Great Patriotic War, as well as if there are no other obstacles.

Fist - The name of the folk, the word was still in the 19th century, there is in the dictionaries of the Russian Empire. It means really a wealthy peasant, but is not determined by prosperity.

History of Calassia

In the period before collectivization, the land was landlord, the peasant, and the one who bought fists.

Peasant land - This is the land of the community. Usually lands were lacked with peasants, so gradually the hayflowers swapped under the grain.

Food peasants, respectively, poorly. At the counting of the 1905 military department: 40% of recruits, and they almost walked from the village, the meat first tried in the army. Undochemed conscripts were fed to military condits.

The land of the peasant was not in the private ownership of the peasants, which is why it was constantly divided. The land was community (peace), hence most often the fist received the title " mirohed ", that is, who lived at the expense of the world.

Fists were called those peasants who engaged in usury activities, That is, they gave grain, money under the percentage, rent a horse for big money, and then all this "squeezed" back by the methods that gave the name to this subclass of the peasants.

Secondly, the fists were engaged - used hired work. Part of the land they bought from the broken landowners, and part, in fact, "squeezed" for debts at the community. If he was impregnated and taken too much, then the peasants could to gather at one's, Take a fist and drown in the nearest pond - which was always called Samosud. After that, gendarmes came to identify criminals, but as a rule did not find - the village did not give anyone and after the county of the gendarmes fell on the village grace without a fist.

Fist himself in submission to "hold" the village could not, therefore, assistants began to be used ( bribers) - immigrants from the peasants who were allowed from the part of the Pie for the fact that they would perform punitive orders for debtors.

The most important thing in usual activity is not the availability of cash and the ability to give a debt, and the ability to pick up money and preferably with your percentages.

That is, in fact fist - Head of the village HCG (organized criminal group), briber - accommodation and fighter of the organization. Brushrooms someone beat someone rape, someone cripples and hold the county in fear. At the same time, all Orthodox, go to church and everything is so unemployed.

Usually bribers were not the most hardworking peasants, but with an impressive (awesome) appearance.

From the part of the process of the origin of fouls in Russia in the middle and at the end of the 19th century, it was economically justified - to mechanize agriculture, to make it more commodity, it was necessary to enlarge rural land. The peasantry was male earth, that is, you can proceed in the morning and until the evening, sow, but figuratively, even though you are crazy, from 6 acres a ton of potatoes do not collect.

In this regard, as it were, the peasant did not work hard, he could not become rich, because they would not grow a lot from such a piece of land, they need to pay a lot of grant - and remained only for food. Those who worked not quite well could not even buy payments to pay for exemption from serfdom, which were canceled only after the 1905 revolution.

When they say that " fists worked well, and therefore became wealthy"- does not correspond to the truth, for the simple reason that the lands were small, only for his own proximation.

Therefore, the foolhood economically it seems to be profitable, because when the reform of Stolypin was conducted, then it was focusing fist. That is, you need to break the community, the people are evicted on the erased, on the farms, so that community communications are broken, part of sending settlers to Siberia to just passed the process paruperization (impoverishment).

In this case, the impoverished peasants became either a barracks, or squeezed out to the city (those who were lucky enough to die from hunger), and those who were wealthy - they will already raise the profitability of agricultural goods: to buy the cams, seeders in order to grow profit. The rate was on such a capitalist development, but he did not accept his peasantry. Most of the sent peasants sent for the settlements for the Ural returned back strongly embittered, therefore Stolypin in the village hated heavily.

Next, World War II, revolution and Decree on land Bolsheviks. Decree on Earth solved the problem of partly the poorness of the peasantry, because a quarter of the whole land by the time of the revolution belonged to the landowners. They took this land and divided into the number of consumers, that is, they tied to the community.

Since then, all the agricultural land has been given to the peasants by the Bolsheviks, as was promised by them.

But at the same time, the Earth was not given to private ownership, but is given to use. The land was supposed to be divided into consumers, it was impossible to sell and buy it. But the peasants over time did not live better and that's why.

Since the time of the royal regime, the fists and bribers were left and began again by usurious activity, and for a short period of time, the Earth began to belong to fists again, and some of the peasants began again with bathers. The Earth began to belong to the fists completely illegally, even thanks to the selection of debts.

Man exploitation by man was banned in the Soviet state - the use of the labor of the battles contradicted this. In addition, the usual activity of individuals in the USSR in the 20s was, again, prohibited, and then she is in full support. Anyway - fists broke all laws available to them Soviet Union.

When the issue of collectivization got up - the custodians were the main opponents, because the kolkhoz fist does not fit in any way, he loses everything on the collective farm. The main resistance to collectivization was fists, as people are rich, they have a serious influence on the minds in their village, and the bribers helped them in this. They formed public opinion and armed groups who kill the police, collective farm chairmen often together with families.

When the question arose, but the liberation of peasants from his fist, then the government did not take anything from his fists and did not have it, as was customary in liberal circles.

Categories Kulakov

1 category - The counter-revolutionary asset, the organizers of terrorist acts and the uprisings, the most dangerous enemies of Soviet power are armed, killed collective farm countries, policemen, brought people to the uprising against Soviet power.

2 category - Traditional asset from rich fists and semi-veteridians who "crushed" the whole village. This part of the counter-revolutionary asset of the uprising was not satisfied, the police did not kill, but the sternly robbed peasants.

Interesting moment. Judging by the movies and books, they begin to say: they came to our grandfather, he had only 5 horses and for it they smoked ...

The fact is that 5 horses, it is not 5 pigs that are needed for food, at that time a horse is a means of treating the Earth, as well as a vehicle. For an extra horse, no peasant will hold, it needs to be fed and maintained, and the working peasant is more than 1 horses for the management of the economy.

The presence of several horses in the peasant meant that he uses hired work. And if he uses it, it means he is clearly not only his land, but also illegal.

Accordingly, the question arises of the delamination and if there are no other testimony, then the peasant was determined by the 3rd category.

What did you do with each category of fists

Favorite Myth of Liberals: hung, shot and sent to Siberia to the right death!

  • 1st category "The fists themselves and their families were sent, but those who were involved in the murder of government representatives were shot, but did not touch the family. In the first category, the fists were subject to expulsion for the Urals, Kazakhstan (as under Stolypin). Sent out with families.
  • 2nd category - The richest fists and semi-veteridians who have not provided the direct resistance of the Soviet authorities - the expulsion of the fists themselves without a family.
  • 3rd category - The expulsion were subject to fists with families, but within their county. That is, sent out of the village itself in the neighboring to break the fist with bribers.

How many evictions were subjected

According to the doubtful data of the writer solely artistic words of Solzhenitsyn - 15 million men expelled in distant edges.

In total, according to OGPU (a clear accounting of the resettlement costs was conducted) - all the degradation was subjected 1 million 800 thousand people (with families). Men themselves - 450-500 thousand

For comparison, settlements in the Soviet Union there were about 500 thousand, that is, it turns out that it was smoked a little less than 1 family on 1 village, it means that even everywhere fists found.

Falsification: situations when they referred to the whole village was not, since on the system it ran out that 1 fist on the village.

Sometimes for especially serious crimes, they could additionally punish bribers, in such cases 2-3 families could suffer in the village.

The peasants at that time were 120 million, about 1/70 of them were smoked.

At the frequent opinion that the derailization occurred unfairly, you can answer that there were those who were unfairly condemned, slandered, reduced sciences, but these were units.

By the way about the Soviet, and then the liberal myth is the famous Pavlik of Morozov in p. Gerasimovka was not a fist's son, there were no fists there, there were only exile.

Collapse statistics:

By order of the OGPU, it is noted that, according to the head of Sibghaga, the OGPU, from the echelon of the arrivals of immigrants from the North Caucasus to Novosibirsk in 10185 people, 341 people died on the way (3.3%), including a significant amount from exhaustion.

There was a proceedings due to a large percentage of mortality (this is a multiple excess of the norm), the results of which were formed on the Berry table (the predecessor of the John,), in this case, the guilty mortality was severely punished, right up to execution.

Therefore, the myth that a significant part of the fists died in the way not consistent.

It should be noted that they died mostly old men and patients, that is, those categories of people who had health problems. They died from depletion.

After that, there was a separate order of the berry, which says that children under 10 years old to leave relatives and do not transport those families of Kulakov, where there are no able-bodied men and older people who cannot withstand long-term transportation.

We almost all the population considers themselves the descendants of the nobles and fists who have undergone terrible deprivation, but for some reason their genus continued.

Falsification: thrown out fists with families in a naked steppe. In fact, only fists of the category were exported to labor settlements.

There were special decisions speaking that they were not prevented by the children of fists who were not involved in any crimes, in obtaining a passport at the achievement of 16 years and leaving the place of settlements to study or work (even in Kulakov 1i category).

Interesting fact! Famous personality from Kulakov - Someone Nikolay Yeltsin! Nikolay Yeltsin was expanded and he sent him as a measure of punishment to Sverdlovsk, where he participated in the construction of an enterprise, which later worked as a brigadier. His son Boris Yeltsin He became the head of the Sverdlovsk City Council of the Communist Party, later becoming president of the Russian Federation. That is, Nikolai Yeltsin worked as a leader, despite the fact that he was smoked.

About 200 thousand kulaks eventually fled from the places of compulsory evictions, many returned to their edges, where nobody tried them.

Response results

Of course, there were people who ruined pain and grief, but those who received fair social benefits from this were ten times more, therefore it is not objective in extremely negative light.

The degradation contributed to the construction of a system of effective collective farms, helped feed the hungry country and gave the lives of "food" for the industrialization of the state.

In fact, collectivization made it possible, in contrast to the paspherization, launched on the fists, to preserve what he made a decree on Earth - the land to the peasants. If the land belongs to cams, then the overwhelming majority of the peasants will never have it. The collective farms were the same peasants, but the land remained behind the collective farms, that is, the collective farms in the same way as the rights of the use of land owned and could not buy and sell the land. No one on the land of the collective farm built cottages, did not grow agricultural crops.

That is, the land belonged to peasants, only in the variant of collective use according to the law on the activities of agricultural artel.

At the same time, the version is actively promoted that collectivization and delegation is when it took the land from the peasants. Make conclusions yourself.

Prepared based on the materials of the historian Boris Julina and the publicist Dmitry Puchkov.

Fist - Before the revolution of 1917 - a discoversion, Maclak, Prasol, a summers, especially in bread trading, in the bazaars and marins, the money itself, lives in a deception, a business, measured; Lighthouse Eagle. Eagle, Tarkhan Tamb. Varyag Mosk. Torgash with small money, rides in the villages, buying canvas, yarn, luna, hemp, earthenware, bristles, butter, etc. Prasol, dust, money drip, a rooftop, a bidder and a livestock; Performer, Corobeinist.

After the revolution of 1917, this term acquired a different semantic color, the meaning of the concept of "foulness" changes depending on the direction of the CBP course (b), in fact, either approaching the foul to the class semousnyakov, positioning the fisthy as a separate post-capitalist transitional phenomenon - the class of farmers, or limiting it with a separate category of the rural elite, the class of exploiters, which is widely used by work, which will be considered in detail in the relevant sections of this article.

An ambiguous evaluation of the fist and in the legislative base of the Soviet state, various terminology adopted at the Plenums of the CPSU Central Committee (B) and used by individual leaders of the RSFSR. It is also characteristic of ambiguity in relation to the Soviet power to Russian Kulacia: the initial course for delamination, then the thaw - "Course on a fist" and the most rigid course on the elimination of fouls as a class, where "Kulak" finally becomes a class enemy and an opponent of Soviet power.

History of Calassia

In the period before collectivization, the land was landlord, the peasant, and the one who bought fists. Peasant land - This is the land of the community. Usually lands were lacked with peasants, so gradually the hayflowers swapped under the grain.

Food peasants, respectively, poorly. At the counting of the 1905 military department: 40% of recruits, and they almost walked from the village, the meat first tried in the army. Undochemed conscripts were fed to military condits. The land of the peasant was not in the private ownership of the peasants, which is why it was constantly divided. The land was community (peace), hence most often the fist received the title " mirohed ", that is, who lived at the expense of the world.

Fists were called those peasants who engaged in usury activities, That is, they gave grain, money under the percentage, rent a horse for big money, and then all this "squeezed" back by the methods that gave the name to this subclass of the peasants.

From the part of the process of the origin of fouls in Russia in the middle and at the end of the 19th century, it was economically justified - to mechanize agriculture, to make it more commodity, it was necessary to enlarge rural land. The peasantry was male earth, that is, you can proceed in the morning and until the evening, sow, but figuratively, even though you are crazy, from 6 acres a ton of potatoes do not collect.

In this regard, as it were, the peasant did not work hard, he could not become rich, because they would not grow a lot from such a piece of land, they need to pay a lot of grant - and remained only for food. Those who worked not quite well could not even buy payments to pay for exemption from serfdom, which were canceled only after the 1905 revolution.

Next, World War II, revolution and Decree on land Bolsheviks. Decree on Earth solved the problem of partly the poorness of the peasantry, because a quarter of the whole land by the time of the revolution belonged to the landowners. They took this land and divided into the number of consumers, that is, they tied to the community.

Since then, all the agricultural land has been given to the peasants by the Bolsheviks, as was promised by them. But at the same time, the Earth was not given to private ownership, but is given to use. The land was supposed to be divided into consumers, it was impossible to sell and buy it.

Man exploitation by man was banned in the Soviet state - the use of the labor of the battles contradicted this. In addition, the usury activities in the USSR in the 20s were, again, prohibited. These reasons, first of all, the Bolsheviks referred during the delegation.

Collapse policy

In the ideological relation "Decrapping" - the concept of scholastic, in the post-Soviet historiography also applies the term "launching", as in the sooner of time, any peasant could get under the definition of the "fool", for one reason or another is an objectionable power. He strongly proved the number of victims also the sadly famous "law on spikes" (August 7, 1932), as well as mass hunger in the Volga region, in Ukraine and in Kazakhstan, 1932-1933.

The period of "solid collectivization" (1930-1932) committed to the "fist" both in the terminological and literally. Power in the USSR destroyed the traditional peasant structure along with his carriers. By the end of 1931, about 2.5 million people were resettled into the northern regions of the USSR (including members of the "Kulakov" families, convicted at the first point of the Decree "On Elimination of Craist Class", i.e. Shot). New agriculture in the country of socialism should have been exclusively collective farm.

"The elimination of foolishness as a class" not only became the prototype of future ethnic cleansing of the regime, but also reflected the deep essence of the Bolshevik understanding of Marxism. Dissident V. Bukukovsky gives an example from the field of psychiatry: "I remember, there was such a test on the identification of idiocyism on a psychiatric examination. Subsequently asked a task: "Imagine a train crash. It is known that during such a crash, the last car suffers. What needs to be done so that he does not suffer? " It is expected that the normal idiot proposes to depart the last car. It seems funny, but think much is smarter than the idea and practice of socialism? Socialists say, there are rich and poor. Rich rich, and poor poor - what to do? Fit the last car - destroy the richest, deprive their wealth and hand out the poor. And they begin to catch the wagons. But whenever it turns out that there is still the last car. "

When did the extinguishing start?

On November 8, 1918, at a meeting of delegates of the committees of the poor, Lenin declared a decisive line to eliminate fouls: "... If the fist remains untouched if the Mirohedov we will not win, it will be inevitably the king and capitalist will be inevitably." Decree of June 11, 1918, the misfortunes of the poor were created, who played a big role in the fight against Culpage, managed the process of redistributing confiscated lands on the ground and the distribution of confiscated inventory, food exaltons seized from fists.

Already noted his beginning "The Great Crusade Against Speculants Bread, Kulakov, Mirohedov, ... The last and decisive battle all the fists - exploiters. 50 million hectares of the Kulatsky Earth, which passed the poor and middle peasants, was confiscated for foul in favor of the poor.

Thus, the decoupling mechanism stopped the development of individual farms and put on question the prospect of their existence. Soon, temporary emergency measures turned into a line of "elimination of fouls, like a class."

What was the extent of the exaggeration?

Of course, there were a lot of peasants. In total, more than 2 million people were degraded - it is almost half a million families. At the same time, the degradation went on three categories: the first category is those who have resisted the Soviet power with weapons in their hands, that is, organizers and participants in uprisings, terrorist acts. The second category is the other Kulatsky asset, that is, people who opposed Soviet power, fought against her, but passively, that is, without using weapons. And finally, the third category is just fists.

What was the difference between categories?

The fists belonging to the first category were engaged in the Troika OGPU, that is, some of these fists were shot, some of these fists was sent to the camps. The second category is the family of fists of the first category, fists and their families by the second category. They were exposed to remote places of the Soviet Union. The third category was also expelled, but expulsion within the region where they lived. This is how to admit to the Moscow region, evict the area from the vicinity of Moscow. All these three categories gained more than 2 million people with family members.

Is there a lot or a little? In fact, statistically, it turns out somewhere one kulatskaya family on one village, that is, one village is one fist. In some villages, of course, they were evaluated by several families of the fists, but it only means that in other villages the fists did not turn out at all, they were not.

Where did they evicted them? There is an opinion that he was evicted to Siberia, threw out almost in the snow, without property, without food, without anything, to the faithful destruction. More often, it happened, but it also happened in a different way, for example, in Siberia fists were used as so-called workmers - they built new cities. For example, when it comes to the heroic builder of Magnitis and we are talking about the extended sent to Siberia, it is often about the same people.


According to Soviet textbooks, the purpose of collectivization was the rise of agricultural production by moving to the rails of large engineering. In reality, a catastrophic decline occurred in the agrarian sector, especially in animal husbandry. The livestock of cows from 1928 under 1934 decreased from 29 million to 19 million, horses - from 36 million to 14 million, pigs - twice, goats and sheep - three times. Even the war did not affect such damage.

"Decralation" in itself also turned out to be unprofitable. The average value of the property received in the treasury amounted to an average of 564 rubles per family, and the cost of deportation of the same family is about a thousand rubles. In 1937, about 350 thousand special selers worked in the national economy, the rest were engaged in self-sufficiency.

However, logic in the actions of the Bolsheviks was. First, they ideologically did not like independent owners who did not fit into their plans to transform the country into a single factory. Marx wrote about "proprietary lead" and "idiochem of rustic life." Lenin publicly promised to "lie by bones", but prevent free trade in bread, and called the wealthy peasants with "bloodsuckers", "spiders", "leeches" and "vampires".

Secondly, the state that has begun forced industrialization, or rather, the militarization of the economy was required to receive bread for the supply of cities and the army at extremely low prices, or in general for nothing. Stalin believed that the peasants are obliged to pay forever with the Soviet government for the land transferred to them, do not hesitate to use the medieval word "tribute."

Shortly before death, October 16, 1952, he spoke at the plenum of the Central Committee: "The man is our debtor. We fastened for collective farms forever. They must give the proposed duty to the state. "

The final refusal to declineal policies is fixed by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 13, 1954 No. 1738-789SS "On the withdrawal of restrictions on special settlement with former fists", thanks to which many of the special-settlement campaigns received freedom.

The law of the Russian Federation "On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression" of October 18, 1991 recognized the illegal flaw. Article 16.1 of the Law provides for victims and their descendants the right to property compensation, but such cases are not described in the literature.

At the end of December 1929, Joseph Stalin declared that the foul would be eradicated as a class. We know the history of Father Pavlik Morozov and other cases of "derainking", but what "fist" differed from a neighbor?

To seventh sweat

The peasant consciousness was based on a simple concept: it is possible to make good luck only by honest labor. And the difficulty is not ababy, but physically very heavy. It was on such a work that the work was treated on Earth: Pahoota, hay, harvest assembly. But trading, on the conviction of the peasants, was not very honest, it was not quite honest, no wonder the people said "not deceive - you can't sell." The nickname "Kulak" was obtained by those peasants who, according to the majority, had an easy income, that is, they had been acquired by the wealth of buying and roving. By the way, the offenses also called the dealers of dealers in fists.

Strong owner

A little later, the fists began to call grip and tricky people whom God awarded the cold and calculating mind. Perhaps these people were not too pleasant, but not absolute bellows - this is certain. Many of them worked on their land no less, but sometimes, and more than hired workers. Yes, and work on the fist allowed some battags simply survive. The causes of poverty could be different: unpleasivity, illness, debts, but in any case it was the abyss from which it was almost impossible to get out. And the sharp mind and the business grip helped the cams adapt to the new rules of the game that suggested, for example, NEP. About these said: "Strong owner!"


The life of the community, the "whole world" instilled in the peasants confidence in the future. The fellow villagers will not give up, what happens to what trouble, relying on the overall feeling of collectivism: Today I am, tomorrow you are. Those who tried to break the usual order were called "fists" or "Miroedy". Vladimir Dal indicates a few meanings of the word "Mirohed": it is "Tunesez, staggering without a matter living at the expense of peace, society," then it is a "dealers of the passage, a petitioner for peace, bumping peasants and constantly inciting them to various litags."

Public Enemies

Another "destroyer" of the Bolsheviks became the order installed on the village. The exversman and "struggle for bread" were to solve not only the food problem, but also to destroy the old connections and the foundations - to fulfill the propaganda, "educational" task. Fists, middle peasants and poor decret on the destruction of classes and civilian officials of 1917 were divided into two categories: those who had the right, and powerless devoid (the latter, by the way, completely lost civil rights). The Lishevsky category fell those that resorted to the hired work for profit, including the peasants who hired at least one person.


The Bolsheviks in the field and their chief "assistant" - the poor - the "fist" was evaluated more practical: everyone who shelters bread. The words of Lenin became a message to the formation of such an assessment. The leader "turned" into a fist, exploiter and speculator "of any peasant who hides bread," even if we collected by your work, without the use of hired work. At the same time, Lenin himself later, trying to separate the fist from Hellian, he first writes that Hellian - not exploiter, and the peasant living in his work, and then admits the operation of labor and the accumulation of capital. It is not surprising that on the ground, performers "lost in guess" and "diligently" tried not to miss.


Under the conditions of Napa, all "rich man" turns into a fist. The concept of "owner-farmer" does not take root, wealthy peasants continue to call the fists. The poor finally receive an advantage: they are exempt from the selling, receive privileges when entering an educational institution or to work, they have more chances to enter the Komsomol or a party, to be selected for senior positions in rural councils. As contemporaries noticed, "today it is not profitable to climb the wealthy. All climb the poor. " Perfectly realizing his position, the wealthy peasants were trying to protect the fist with all their forces, which confidently reported to everyone about the unreliability of his owner.

We will destroy the fist as a class!

In 1924, the newspaper "Poor" conducted the social support, which was proposed to determine the criteria for the detection of a fist. The problem was that many former fists have lost their condition, the poor, on the contrary, became relatively wealthy. As a result, respondents with a general negative attitude towards Kulacia, they agreed that the deprived fist is more dangerous for the revolution, rather than bourgeois, who gave good and enjoys them now. Avoiding "folk dislike" fists failed. In 1929, signs of kulats farms are formulated: a systematic application of a bit of labor, the presence of a mill (oil loss, drying and dr.), Delivery to the hiring of agricultural machinery (with a mechanical engine) and premises, as well as trade, usual, mediation, availability of non-educated income (here She went on chickens).
During the collectivization conducted in 1928-1930, a course was taken to "eliminate fouls like a class." Without the trial and the consequences of wealthy peasants using hired work, they smoked, deprived the land, property and all civil rights, and then either evicted to remote regions, or shot.