Officer Hero Dmitry Komarov Evlampievich. The immortal feat of the Tankist Hero of the Soviet Union Dmitry Komarov

Rin 1922, in the village of Sincilia, now the Shahunsky district of the Gorky region. Russian. Hero of the Soviet Union (26.9.1944). He was awarded the orders of Lenin and the Red Star.

Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Lieutenant D. E. Komarov forever enrolled in the lists of the personnel of the Annunciation of the Higher Tank Team School named after Marshal Soviet Union K. A. Metskova. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, he committed one of its kind feat.

It happened in the Belarusian land in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Bobruisk on June 25, 1944. The 15th Guards Tank Brigade of the 1st Guards Tank Corps of the 65th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, which included the T-34 T-34 crew under the command of the guard of Lieutenant Komarov, received a combat challenge: to go into the deep rear of the enemy, capture the black station Brody of the Oktyabrsky district of the Gomel region and cut the Luninets-Bobruisk railway, in order to not give the fascists to introduce reserves into battle.

June 25, 1944 at dawn without ordinary artillery training Soviet tanks at the limiting speed attacked the enemy and dropped black brods to the station. By destroying the enemy's firepoints, the tanks approached the station. On the main route from the station slowly moved to the weekend Semafora of the Fascist armor. On the go, he led artillery fire on the advancing Soviet troops. The Tank Guard Lieutenant Komarov found himself almost next to the armored train and served for the fascists a good target. One of the enemy shells pleased the tank tank. From the direct hit of the projectile, the car shuddered and caught fire.

Flames covered armor. And the armored train was slowly removed from the station. The tank commander decided to brag the fascist armored train. At the limit speed, the "thirty-tall" crashed into the armor blindness of the armored train and overturned it from the rails. Having lost armored train, the enemy fled. This crank taran occurred before the brigade tankers. Inspired by an unprecedented feat, they moved forward and completely freed from the Nazis station Black Brody.

When Taran died, the mechanic driver of the tank was killed, and the guard lieutenant was injured. For some time he was in the hospital, then returned to his native tank brigade and participated in the liberation of Belarus and fraternal Poland. On September 4, 1944, in one of the fierce fighting, the enemy shell struck the armor of the tank in which the guard lieutenant D. E. Komarov, and the brave tanker died. I buried the hero in the village of congestion - the southeast of the Polish city of Pultusk.

For many years now, countrymen of the Hero of the Soviet Union D. E. Komarova arrive in the tickets of the Shaunk district of Komsomol of the Gorky region in the Blagoveshchensky school. Komarovtsy, as they are called in the school, seek to justify high confidence and be worthy heirs of the Hero's glory.

In the military unit, where Dmitry Komarov served, the crew of the name of the hero was formed. At all exercises and classes, he is invariably the best in the part.


Tulika L. K., Basovich Ya. I. Heroes of the Soviet Union - Gorkovchan. Gorky, 1981. S. 125.

Forever in the ranks. M., 1985. KN. 8. P. 167-184.

Forever in the heart of the people. Minsk, 1984. P. 250.

Komarov Dmitry Evlampievich (November 8, 1922 - September 5, 1944) - Tank commander of the 15th Guards Tank Rechitskaya Brigade, Guard Lieutenant. Hero of the Soviet Union (08.22.1944). Made the first in the history of wars a tank rag of armored train.


Dmitry Komarov was born on November 8, 1922 in the village of Sinciluzh Shahunsky district of the Gorky region. Russian. He was trained in the Petukhov initial and mining part-time secondary schools. At the end of the school he worked as an accountant on the railway in Shahunya.

Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov in 1941 was called up to the existing army. In 1943, Dmitry Komarov - cadet of the 2nd Gorky Tank School. At the end of the school, Lieutenant D. Komarov was aimed at the front to the post of commander T-34 T-34.

Participation in hostilities

The Tank Commander Lieutenant Komarov took part in the battles under an eagle, in the liberation of the city of Rechitsa, forced Dnipro, participated in the liberation of Minsk and Poland.

In November 1943, a direct hit of the projectile Tank Komarova was set fire. Lieutenant was wounded in his leg. After treatment at the hospital, in January 1944, returned to the 15th Guards Tank Brigade.

In the summer of 1944, the Operation "Bagration" began. Overcoming marsh rods, the tank workers of the 15th Guards Tank Brigade went to a breakthrough the south of Parichy village, and by the end of June 24 they reached the village of Slobodki and Romanishche.


On June 25, 1944, during the fighting for the liberation of Belarus in front of the 15th Guards Tank Brigade, a task was made - to cut the Luninets Railway - Bobruisk and release the Black Brody's Station from the opponent. Despite the active fire resistance of the enemy, the tank under the command of Lieutenant Dmitry Komarov was one of the first to break through to the station. On the approaches to the station, the tank breakthrough of our troops was greeted with fire from the guns of the German armor. Having hit the enemy projectile from the armored train Tank Lieutenant Komarova was imposed, and the commander himself was injured.

Commander Tank Dmitry Komarov and Mechanic-driver Tank Mikhail Buhteuyev adopted a single decision. At the maximum possible speed, the T-34 flames rammed the German armored train. Two armor blinds, while moving from the rails, overturned. Armored train was stopped.

The inspired by the feat of the comrades, the tank workers of the 15th Guards Tank Brigade rushed forward, and at 15.00, Black Brody were released.

In the taran of the armored train, the heroic was killed a mechanic-driver M. Byteuyev. Lieutenant mosquito, shooting from the enemy from the gun, disappeared into the forest located near the station, and there he lost consciousness from the loss of blood. The tank commander on the seventh days found and picked up Soviet scouts in the forest.

After the treatment of mosquitoes returned to the native part.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 26, 1944 for the exemplary fulfillment of military assignments of the command at the front of the fight against German invaders and the courage and heroism, Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov, was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

By order of the USSR Defense Minister, he was forever enrolled in the list of personnel of the Annunciation Tank School.

September 5, 1944, in a nightly fierce battle for a springboard on the West Bank of Narev, Dmitry Komarov died.

He was buried in the village of congestion (southeast of the Polish city of Pultusk).

Awards and titles

  • The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union:.
    • The order of Lenin.
    • Medal "Golden Star".
  • Order of the Red Star.


External images
Monument to Buhteuyev and Komarov in p. Black Brody.
Monument to D.E. Komarov in Shahunya.
  • The name of the hero is named one of the streets in Shahunya. Also in the city there is a monument to the hero.
  • School number 1 In Shahujuna, the name of the hero, a memorial plaque was installed at the school, a bust of the hero was installed near the school. (Here he studied)
  • By order of the USSR Minister of Defense Guard Lieutenant Dmitry Evlamoupievich Komarov forever enrolled in the lists of the 1st company of the Annunciation of the Higher Tank Command Red School School named after Marshal Soviet Union K. A. Meretkov.
  • At the station, black brods in honor of the female of fearless tank workers erected by Obelisk.

Tank commander of the 15th Guards Tank Brigade of the 1st Guards Tank Don Corps of the 1st Belorussian Front,guard lieutenant.

Born on November 8, 1922 in the village of Sincilia, the Shahunsky district of the Gorky region. Russian. He studied in Petukhovsk primary and Chernovsky incomplete secondary schools. After the ninth grade of Shahuki school No. 1, he worked as an accountant of the railway track site in Shahunya.

In 1041, it is called up to the current army. Since the beginning of the war in April 1943, Dmitry Komarov was a cadet of the Gorky Tank School. After graduation, the school was sent to the front to the post of commander T-34 tank.

Participated in summer battles under an eagle. In the fall of 1943, Komarov took part in the liberation of the city of speech, forced Dnipro. At the end of 1943, the tank was directly hit by the projectile. Komarov was wounded in his leg. After cure in January 1944, he returned to the native part.

In the summer of 1944, the Operation "Bagration" began. Overcoming marsh joints, tankers entered the breakthrough of the south of Parichi village and, being ahead of other parts, by the end of the day, the forest was reached by Slobodki and Romanishche. On June 24, 1944, a task was tasked with a Luninets railway road - Bobruisk and release the Black Brody's station. Despite the fire of 10-self-propelled artillery attitudes "Artshturm" located on the outskirts, Komarov Tank one of the first broke through to the station. But here the cars opened a fascist armored train from the guns. Shells of tankers did not harm him. The entrance of the enemy projectile Tank Komarova was set fire, and the commander himself was wounded. But the tank was on the go! And then the tank commander Dmitry Komarov and the driver-driver of Tank Mikhail Bukhteuyev adopted the only decision. At the limiting speed, the tank embraced by a flame crashed into an armored train. Two armor blinds, while moving from the rails, overturned. Armor Train Measurement. It was the first and only in the history of the wars tank rag of armored train.

Inspired by the feud of comrades, the tankers of the 15th Guards Tank Brigade rushed forward, and at 15.00 blacks were freed.

Under the Taran, the heroic death was killed by the driver of Tank Mikhail Byteuyev. The commander of Tank Dmitry Komarov was delayed from the Nazis from the pistol, managed to hide in the forest and there from loss of blood lost consciousness. Its on the seventh days picked up intelligence officers in the forest.

After treatment in the front hospital, he participated in the liberation of Minsk and Poland.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 26, 1944 for the exemplary implementation of the combat missions of the command at the front of the fight against the German invaders and the title of Ovag and heroism, Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

But the brave tanker did not live before that day. On September 5, 1944, in a nightly fierce battle for a bridgehead on the West Bank of Narev, Dmitry Komarov died. He was buried in the Polish village congestion.

Many glorious feats committed Soviet tankers in the days of the Great Patriotic War. But the Commander T-34 Commander T-34 Lieutenant Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov and Mechanic-driver Mikhail Artemyevich Byteuyev, when they entered the battle with a whole armored train.

The fate of the tank workers in 1944. Already a valid fighter, Lieutenant Mosarov returned to the 15th Guards Tank Brigade, having decided after severe injured in his leg. Sergeant Bukhteuyev, after studying in the Chelyabinsk tank school, sent a mechanic to the driver in the same part.
In the summer of 1944, the troops of the 1st Belorussian front fell on the enemy. With the support of aviation and artillery, the 65th Army broke through the defense of the enemy. The 1st tank corps participated in brutal battles and including the 15th tank brigade, which served as Lieutenant Komarov and Sergeant Bentuev.

On the morning of June 25, 1944, the Soviet tanks came to the Black Brody stations, but still on the approaches to the railway node on the Red Army team opened a dense artillery fire enemy armored train. Nevertheless, the tankers did not step down, gradually move forward and responding with enemy cannon-fire.
One of the shells released by armored trades hit the tower of thirty parts under the command of Komarov and heavily injured the gunner, as well as charging. By unloading and conveying the comrades, the lieutenant and the mechanic driver continued to fight their blood.
At the approaches to the Buhteuyev station, driving a tank, crushed several guns and machine-guns of the enemy. Komarov shot from the gun and spent almost entire ammunition. The crew destroyed the whole platoon of the infant infantry. Running to the station, T-34 received another hit, the tank caught fire, and the lieutenant was injured by fragments. The German armored train moved from the place, going to retreat to a more convenient position and continue the shelling.
The Tank Commander Lieutenant Dmitry Komarov decided to stop the enemy and gave the order to the driver to turn the armored train.
The burning machine hit the heavy railway train, completely dropped two platforms from the rails and damaged the wheel axis in the third. Armored train was immobilized, the fascists threw it.
Guards 15th tank brigade captured black brods.
When Taran died, the driver was killed Sergeant Mikhail Artemyevich Byteuyev. He was buried near the place where he accomplished his immortal feat. Two months later, on August 22, 1944, Buchteuyev posthumously assigned the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
The Tank Commander Lieutenant Komarov managed to leave the fascinated car, crashed to the forest belt and lost consciousness, there was a comrades of fellow soldiers. After recovering from the Russian Academy of Sciences, he returned to his part, and on September 26, 1944, for courage and heroism when taking a station, black Brody Fighters was presented to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Unfortunately, Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov never found out about the honor provided to him, he died on September 5, 1944 in a cruel battle for the Narevian bridgehead, without surviving three weeks before his award.

Komarov Dmitry Evlampievich

(08.11.1922 - 05.09.1944)

Born on November 8, 1922 in the village of Sincilia, the Shahunsky district of the Gorky region. Russian. He studied at the Petukhov initial and Chernov incomplete secondary schools. After the ninth grade of the Shahunskaya school, he worked as an accountant of the railway track site in Shahunya.

Participated in summer battles under an eagle. In the autumn of 1943, Komarov took part in the liberation of the city of Rechitsa, forced the Dnieper. At the end of November 1943, the tank was directly hit by the tank. Komarov was wounded in his leg. After cure in January 1944, he returned to the native part.

In the summer of 1944, the Operation "Bagration" began. Overcoming marsh rods, tankers entered the breakthrough of the south of Parichi village and, being ahead of other parts, by the end of the day on June 24 reached the forest near the village of Slobodki and Romanishche.

On June 25, 1944, the task was tasked to cut the Luninets Railway - Bobruisk and free the Station Black Brody. Despite the fire of 10-self-propelled artillery plants "Artsturm" located on the outskirts, Komarov Tank one of the first broke through to the station. But then the cars opened fire from the guns of the fascist armored train. Shells of tankers did not harm him. The entrance of the enemy projectile Tank Komarova was set fire, and the commander himself was injured. But the tank was on the go! And then the tank commander Dmitry Komarov and the driver-driver of Tank Mikhail Bukhteuyev adopted the only decision. At the limiting speed, the tank embraced by a flame crashed into an armored train. Two armor blinds, while moving from the rails, overturned. Armor Train Measurement. It was the first and only in the history of the War Tank Waran Armored Train .

Inspired by the feat of the comrades, the tankers of the 15th Guards Brigade rushed forward, and at 15.00, Black Brody were released.

When Taran, the heroic death was killed by the driver M. Bukhtuyev. Comers, shooting from the Nazis from the pistol, managed to hide in the forest and there was a consciousness from losing blood. Its on the seventh days picked up intelligence officers in the forest.

After treatment in the front hospital, he participated in the liberation of Minsk, Poland.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 26, 1944 for the exemplary execution of combat missions of the command at the front of the fight against German invaders and the courage and heroism Dmitry Evlampievich Komarova It was assigned hero Hero of the Soviet Union .

But the brave tanker did not live before that day. On September 5, 1944, in a nightly fierce battle for a springboard in the West Bank of Narev, Dmitry Komarov died. He was buried in the Polish village congestion.

The name of the hero is one of the streets in Shahujuna, Chernovskaya school, in which he studied, and the pioneer squad of the school number 98 of the Canvinsky district of Gorky (now the city of Nizhny Novgorod). At school number 1 in Shahujuna installed a memorial plaque.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR Guard Lieutenant Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov forever enrolled in the lists of the 1st company of the Annunciation of the Higher Tank Command Red Banner School named after Marshal Soviet Union K.A. Metskova.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the orders of the Red Star and the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

Archival documents for the assignment of GW. Lieutenant Komarov Dmitry Evlampievich the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Obelisk was installed on the spot of fire taran at the station Black Brody in memory of the feat of brave tankers.

Tank monument at the platform O.P. Black Brody.

Corner of the hero of the Soviet Union of GW. Lieutenant Komarov Dmitry Evlampievich, forever enrolled in the lists of the 1st company of cadets BVTKKU.

Operation "Bagration". Part I. Liberation of Vitebsk. Fate and feats. Taran of armored train